How to make free energy generator, a flywheel generator | Self running generators Homemade Invention

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • How to make free energy generators with the help of bearing home invention

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @juliopetit4824
    @juliopetit4824 6 років тому +32

    exelente video

  • @voltixD
    @voltixD 4 роки тому +5

    In essence all you got to do is spin the fly wheel, then connect the blue wires to have it running. Also you can connect two diodes from the output of the 2 motors to the main motor to avoid back emf.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  3 роки тому +1

      A great comment for show me your idea, Great thanks

    • @gato-de-schroringer
      @gato-de-schroringer 2 роки тому

      You stolled my ideia guy! I thinked in this too

    • @gato-de-schroringer
      @gato-de-schroringer 2 роки тому

      @@creativeplus2315 you can use amperimeter , voltimeters and overcharge the output ultil its limit mesuring corrent and votage . Put a ocilloscope to show us the waves shape and its frequency of cc pulses .

  • @mikebottrall9685
    @mikebottrall9685 3 роки тому +2

    In my industry we call that set dynamic breaking, the opposite to free power, the fact that the flywheel has not come to a screaming stop indicates to me you could not even get that right or its just a scam. Please don't piss down by back and tell me its raining.

  • @E4S65
    @E4S65 5 років тому +15

    This is just a way to store energy, like a battery or a capacitor. It's not "free energy", sorry

    • @abhaypratapverma5812
      @abhaypratapverma5812 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah bro, the energy gets stored in capacitors present in the motors, No energy self produced bro.

    • @technologymakeeasy
      @technologymakeeasy 4 роки тому

      its really

    • @jasontarby7309
      @jasontarby7309 4 роки тому

      Yea, would have been cooler if he got the flywheel up to speed by hand, using the power of his lunch as the "free energy" than the battery he used in the beginning to spin it up.

    • @abhaypratapverma5812
      @abhaypratapverma5812 4 роки тому

      @@jasontarby7309 yeah true then only we could actually say "Free Energy" 😂😂

    • @miopera40
      @miopera40 4 роки тому +1

      What about when you put a satelite in orbit? This is similar in some way. You need the initial energy to start it up but once moving it will keep going because you only need a bit of the energy generated by the movement to keep the wheel going.

  • @markg7963
    @markg7963 3 роки тому +1

    Wow. All the environmentalists are gonna need one or 7 of these to run their homes. Perfect solution to the power problem and will save the environment. Using the gyroceprital force of the sun earth spin parallax.

  • @itzlikethatforsure9130
    @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +66

    What many people fail to recognize is the factor that the flywheel plays in the process. A battery supplies the initial power to the larger motor which then provides the torque necessary to turn the flywheel (bearings), once the flywheel is spun up to speed it is an energy source in itself and while due to friction (it will in time spin down). It takes only a fraction of the energy to keep it going compared to (the amount of energy to start it and to the amount of energy it now possess). The two smaller motor's are wired in parallel which does not increase the total voltage but does increase the amperage (current)by double the amount produced separately. The current is the important aspect here because the current is the amount (volume, size) of electricity being input into the driving motor. The two smaller motors are of a higher efficiency than regular motors and have their own capacitors to help them maintain their efficiency. The drive motor is wired to receive electrical input and in this case the electrical input is supplied by the elecrical output of the two smaller motors. The smaller motors are receiving their input kinetically (mechanically) from the flywheel and not from any electrical input which leaves their terminals free to output electricity. With the larger torque provided by the supply motor coupled with the energy contributed by the flywheel (once up to speed) and the doubled current provided by the two smaller motors it is practical without breaking the laws of physics for this to work as it is presented (without any hidden power source or any deception).

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +7

      You can arrive mathematically at a conclusion that will reveal how this works with a simplified method starting with, Ek = 1/2 Iw2 where Ek is the stored kinetic energy of the flywheel, w is the angular velocity and I is the moment of inertia. By inputting 3 figures, the following link will do this calculation for you. With this factor known then you need the actual torque (torque minus friction) of the three motor's, their individual voltages, (input for the large and output's for the small) including the rpm's of each and you will have a really good idea of the probability of this actually working. The other thing to consider, (this is not in text books but is a real factor none the less) which is, the static radiant energy that exists all around us which are charged nano particles that we breath in every breath and supply our bodies with the needed electrical current to survive. Our bodies use this in conjunction with the water and electrolytes in our system to animate our self. These charged particles exist in the quantity of 110 volts every 6 ft. of elevation and are cumulative at every stage meaning that at 12 ft. you have 220 volts and at 18 ft. you have 330 volts etc... Tesla routinely made use of this energy and it when oscillated can easily equal the power of lightening approx, 10,000,000 volts. Electrical appariti frequently tap into this little known factor and operate at what is commonly referred to as the sweet spot and what unilaterally accounts for that which is referred to as over unity which appears to be more energy out than what is put into. The failure to account for this radiant static electricity is the cause for the misunderstanding of the whole over unity movement. There is not more out than in, there is the utilization of charged nano particles that are unknown to the vast majority of the population and this fact causes the over unity community to make claim's that are incomplete and in their present state false, but with the inclusion of charged nano particles and the proper mathematical accounting for same, are then correct and accurate and understandable. This same situation exists and is the cause for the anti over unity community to shout down the pro over unity community with accusations of impossibility, deception and out and out lie's. Most people who happen upon a mechanism like this are unaware of how and why this has happened but it none the less has and is happening and I believe this person to be sincere and forthright and that he has constructed one that is optimum and utilizes the charged nano particles and the sweet spots if you will. To scale something like this up is just a matter of quantifying each element and making it large to scale. A larger one of this example might be and most likely would be quite different at an increased size and output. But what he demonstrates is possible and quite probable and deserves more research into what I have just described and the exact duplication is very important because deviation from his model in the terms of output friction (torque) size and type of flywheel will not produce the same results because if what he has does in fact perform as he demonstrates is an optimized piece of work that operates in the sweet spot for sure and must be replicated precisely to achieve the same result..

    • @ntzndbltz
      @ntzndbltz 6 років тому +5

      Excellent explanation.I did an experiment 2 years ago similar in nature except there was no flywheel and battery powered 12v motor.I had 3 small motors exactly like the 2 in this demonstration.2 were wired in parallel and powered by the third.I used a reduction gearbox with the 3rd motor attached to it and powered with a hand crank.With very few rpms, It powered both motors and when I stopped cranking, the contraption continued to run on it's own,very slowly.At this point, I could keep the 2 motors running with minimal effort on the hand almost felt like a power assist.I figured this was due to the capacitors on the motors and very little emf.I never pursued it at that point.This flywheel business makes a lot of sense and I am actively trying to recreate what what was demonstrated.

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +10

      Very nice! You are right there, the capacitors and motors are creating an RLC circuit with the R being the natural resistance created by the motor/generators (instead of actual resistors) L being the coil's of the motor/generators C being the capacitor's. When the oscillation is correct you get a sustained state of operation that (without friction etc... would continue forever) however even with friction it is set in automatic motion for an amazing time. That's where your power assist was coming from. The RLC circuit is an additional element that is available and I believe that Creative Plus has that same thing happening also. Then coupled with the flywheel yield's even more efficiency to the cause. The flywheel is an actual battery, the literal meaning of battery is something that stores energy not just electrical energy.
      The flywheel stores its energy in the form of mechanical energy and can be used to generate electricity by converting it's mechanical energy into electrical energy by turning an armature of a generator or with magnets on it and placed in close proximity to pick up coil's it can generate electricity itself. However it is used, once spun up to speed it takes very little energy to keep it moving at a decent rate and the torque it provides is much more than a motor can provide with the same amount of supply voltage and current. When you use several flywheels and different size pulleys (in a gear like configuration) you can gain impressive amounts of rpm's, torque and the subsequent output's from the generator's they are attached to. For several reasons, I prefer to run everything with direct friction coupling rather than belts and the friction coupling I prefer is only periodic and not continuous. Magnetic coupling is also very useful and can be done from a distance. Just look into the works of Tesla and you will become aware of truth's that are real and have been previously unavailable. People only know what they know and some fail to realize that they don't know everything and even though they are ignorant of fact's choose to scoff at and ridicule thing's they haven't previously been aware of and if that information while true comes from a source other than their preferred and accepted source they will reject it as false and in valid. The wise man know's that he does not know and is open to new and different information and will consider same followed by his own investigation into and his own testing of and even if he fails to replicate such continue's to consider that he may still not know and or understand that which has been presented and will continue to observe and inquire due to the possibility that it is not the information that is deficient but that it is his own understanding and ability to implement same that are still lacking.

    • @millionthmonkeymusic
      @millionthmonkeymusic 6 років тому +3

      ItzLikeThat ForSure, I was going to comment on the slowing down of the flywheel, but are you saying it can be kept moving perpetually via the two secondary motors? Just curious. Thanks for not being like the rest of the wankers commenting. Both "sides" are full of fools.

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +9

      I submit that
      The two smaller d/c permanent magnet motors
      (driven by the flywheel) with
      The flywheel being (driven by the larger d/c permanent magnet
      motor) and
      The two smaller d/c permanent magnet motors are acting as
      generator's which are wired in parallel which causes their
      voltage to stay the same but their amperage to be doubled.
      with current being, (the total volume of electricity delivered
      represented in the form of coulomb's)
      This factor coupled with the significant kinetic energy being present and stored in the flywheel, even with taking into account the loss in efficiency due to drag (friction) and the subsequent thermal conversion (heat generation) that their electrical output can be enough to continue to drive the large motor and sustain the flywheel that has already been initially spun up to an optimum speed and in this case the large motor is functioning as a d/c motor (not a generator) in that it's output is mechanical and not electrical.
      I also submit that there are two additional powers present yet unaccounted for by the majority that contribute enough additional force so as to enable this machine to function in a self sustaining condition.
      The first is that with the activation of and subsequent operation that an oscillation has been set forth throughout the whole of the machine and that it is functioning overall as an RLC circuit.
      The second is the utilization of nano particles, in this case charged particles which in their native state are static yet their potential being ambient.
      Under the right circumstances they can become excited and animated.
      When a purposeful design is properly implemented a flow can be established and it's activity employed to a productive means. In other words, there is an abundant and relatively infinite amount of usable energy all around us and someone with the proper knowledge and skill is able to tap into.
      Also at times with all condition's being right, someone with absolutely zero knowledge can also tap into same.
      When either scenario exists, those without any knowledge or understanding of it's existence and or the principles that it is governed by, they arrive at all manner of explanation's as to why but most just say can't and are unable to replicate it and therefore assert in an authoritative manner (with no basis of fact) that it is fake and or impossible or both.

  • @jhebertdelacruz5437
    @jhebertdelacruz5437 3 роки тому +3

    Working principle: When the motors are connected, the smaller motors keep the flywheel rotating, which the larger motor constantly supplies enough electricity to keep it going.

    • @callback4all
      @callback4all 2 роки тому

      You forget to explain what the two orange capacitores are for ;)

  • @foamaxmore
    @foamaxmore 6 років тому +12

    The flywheel has greater momentum along with enertial rotational force energizing the motors for the extra push or pull as pulleys are known for looped together with all the motors working in why it really performs well!!! for letgth of time....... good to build one on larger scale...

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +3

      Yeah, it works for real man, thanks for watching my video, pls keep watching my channel !!!

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +5

      I will make a large one soon , pls feel free and keep watching my videos

      @KHUDATBESAAZ 2 роки тому

      @@creativeplus2315 did you make it bro?

    • @rayahhaniya
      @rayahhaniya 2 роки тому

      @@KHUDATBESAAZ I am not from science background and that's why I am confuse weather its working in real or not ?

    • @callback4all
      @callback4all 2 роки тому

      @@rayahhaniya If this and many other kind of "free energy" would realy work wouldn't there be a "energy crisis"? :) ohh.. i think some guys now meant russia causes such and call it "Corona" or "war of energy" :)

  • @ratacojona
    @ratacojona 6 років тому +1

    Si es un truco está de la ostia , si no deberías de hacer otro vídeo con los motores desmontados y sin cortes en el vídeo , tienes mi like.

  • @halinamartyniak
    @halinamartyniak 5 років тому +3

    You use Red/blue wires, that is why no working.
    You must use Red/green wire, then it produces 20MW of free electricity.
    Of course, using 3 sticks od glue will give you more power, this is Ohmes law of fizyks.
    I have a degree PHD, (Plumbing, Heating, Drain), I'm world known specialist.

  • @IwanMulyana
    @IwanMulyana 6 років тому +2

    Is freewheel energy generator, good job brother. Runing to long time make two freewheel energy.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Iwan Mulyana
      Yeah thanks much for watching!!! Pls good luck 👍

  • @peterbethsaida5243
    @peterbethsaida5243 4 роки тому +8

    How many minutes the flywheel will end. Interesting Video. Thank you. I think this not free but free power for 30 minutes.

  • @carsten.hamburg8771
    @carsten.hamburg8771 2 роки тому +2

    What if the second tiny motor on the right is just an empty shell with a battery in it? You get the drift? 😉

  • @ValmisFilm
    @ValmisFilm 4 роки тому +5

    well, I must have watched the video of the richest man in the world, who discovered free energy! But well - I did not. If this would be real we would hear about it everywhere - but of course, we do not hear a thing about this hoax.
    Anyway - is the first engine 9 V and the other 2 are 3 V?

    • @dzmitry5697
      @dzmitry5697 3 роки тому

      It's super easy to try it out yourself. You don't hear (hm, if you saw this video - you hear it) about this one since it breaks the whole capitalism world.

    • @ValmisFilm
      @ValmisFilm 3 роки тому

      @@dzmitry5697 Did you try? Why does he not show this to a university? Well, because it is just another BS!

    • @peisevlogs3431
      @peisevlogs3431 3 роки тому

      @@dzmitry5697 do you know the laws of thermodynamics....

  • @gregorjajcaj8464
    @gregorjajcaj8464 3 роки тому +1

    It is a really excellent demonstration of the function of the FE principle, but this energy source is not able to compete with the efficiency of water turbines. In principle, it is possible to realize the function of a flywheel, small motors and a generator with one micro motor. The realization of a commercial FE resource would require the construction of a model of the FE function according to video and its basic theory, which is nobody able to create worldwide , so it's remain up to us. .

    • @trystonkincannon8320
      @trystonkincannon8320 2 роки тому

      True, but it is a good mini battery, Flywheels are a great way to store energy, the only issue is the cost for KW, Vs a battery.

  • @flydream2
    @flydream2 5 років тому +8

    i've tried but it's a fake because the engine stops after a little... :-(

  • @CricHours
    @CricHours 6 років тому +1

    wow.! really great! if we can build this in larger scale we can produce more electricity at our home. Please develop a larger one ...I m waiting.. Thanks!

  • @user-oe2px5dq9b
    @user-oe2px5dq9b 4 роки тому +4

    this is
    Flywheel systems store kinetic energy (energy of mass in motion)
    and will stoped after time ...this not free energy

    • @revyuvan6647
      @revyuvan6647 4 роки тому +1

      But the mini motor help the flywheel to maintain its speed

    • @wilsonfaustin6499
      @wilsonfaustin6499 4 роки тому

      @@revyuvan6647 You're right.

  • @TheWingnut58
    @TheWingnut58 2 роки тому +1

    People, please ask yourself one question.....
    "If this isn't pure bullshit, why do we not have scaled up units like this powering the world?"

  • @saikiran-fy9ws
    @saikiran-fy9ws 6 років тому +8

    1) Does it ensure that you haven't charging that flywheel to high speed at regular intervals ( when wheel is slowing down) making your video paused?
    2) we can see that clearly when the wheel is slowing down, it makes a stopping vibration.
    3) A rotating thing doesn't vibrate when rotating at constant speed. Trust me because during that high speed human eye can't see that high frequency vibrations. Only when slowing down we identify.
    4) The fly wheel you used is way more heavier. So the wheel can turn the 3 motors easily . but, not so long. It will eventually come to rest.
    5) the bigger motor is 9v. As far as we know a toy car motor run on( 2 × 1.5 v ) = 3 v. The 2 small motor are connected in parallel so voltage remain same 3 v for both motors. HOW ON EARTH DOES A 3V SUPPLY RUN A 9V MOTOR.?
    6) The LEDs and fan are working because the kinetic energy in wheel is turning the bigger motor in return.
    7) why does the creator remained calm, while dispute is going on? He would have cleared the doubts and explained the complete process, if it was real and ethical.
    8) Finally ENERGY NEITHER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED. This is what I'm trying to make my point.
    I think I have done PhD on this...!

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому +1

      I'm looking at speed regulation. If you don't load a over unity machine, it will supply itself, until it's going so fast it flies apart. Frankly, you're not likely to have any problem with that.😁😜😁

    • @kellyhansen3912
      @kellyhansen3912 5 років тому

      Prove it...sai kiran.. Prove it...

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому +1

      @@kellyhansen3912 If he could prove that, he might just be able to prove the earth is flat. Don't loose sleep over it. It isn't going to happen!

  • @gurmeetkour4889
    @gurmeetkour4889 2 роки тому +1

    eventually it will stall when extra load is put on it bcuz of the weight of same flywheel which helps it keep rotating.1

  • @solidsquader398
    @solidsquader398 5 років тому +4

    Say him to attach an Ammeter and it will definitely show a declining current, which explains that this system will definitely stop in a period of time. If he claims that it will never stop then it is totally impossible because it will be the. Against the law of conservation of energy

  • @stephenm103
    @stephenm103 2 роки тому +1

    The total energy recovered is less than the total energy required to get the flywheel spinning. It is an interesting demo of energy storage but there is nothing “free” about it. You paid for the energy needed to start the process

  • @jadeedzaraat226
    @jadeedzaraat226 6 років тому +6

    Can any one quote such a home or factory that is being run by this sort of Free Electricity Generation system especially in Pakistan? I would like to visit it?

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Creative Plus
      1 week ago
      Please keep watching !!!👌 thanks for your watching and comment

  • @mrhkexperiment
    @mrhkexperiment 2 роки тому


  • @CruzEVO
    @CruzEVO 5 років тому +3

    @creative plus estoy investigando seriamente este tema de la energía libre una de las opciones más viables es la de la rueda de contrapeso ( flywheel) en internet hay demasiada información falsa, tú me asegurarás que esto te a funcionado ? Podrías decirme porfavor el peso del rodamiento y los voltajes de motores ?

  • @isaacwhite7411
    @isaacwhite7411 6 років тому +1

    My dad seen a electric motor setup like that ,it was a school project and this was back in the early 19th century when he was young ,these simple free energy devices are real you have no idea how many buy outs they are to keep things like this off of the market .

    • @callback4all
      @callback4all 2 роки тому

      The Energy Power Concerns wouldn#t be happy about such kind of "free" witout their "fee" :)

    • @isaacwhite7411
      @isaacwhite7411 2 роки тому

      revenue, even solar panels dont even know if its a scam or free energy because they claim they only last about 20 years it would be a while before the things could pay for themselves cause they kinda expensive not to mention the batteries in which it would take a while before they pay for themselves before they go bad but how much is the question savings would it be after expenses are payed will be waiting for some time to get the money out the system in the end.

    • @callback4all
      @callback4all 2 роки тому

      @@isaacwhite7411 jepp... these days you can buy 400V Capacitor about 1.600 Euros.. as seen in AUT here.. TDK B43504A9477M000 Elektrolyt-Kondensator SnapIn 470 µF 400 V 20 % (Ø x H) 35 mm x 45 mm 240 St. Tray
      Neodym Magnets trending is the same..
      They 'll do it a new way now it seems..

  • @josephh3889
    @josephh3889 4 роки тому +5

    Could have a crap pile of watch batteries hidden in second motor case or in card bed. block.?

    • @solarroller09
      @solarroller09 4 роки тому

      No you choot is just like the rotoverter!
      2 capacitors store energy didn't you notice!
      And flywheel stores torque energy
      Video's legit! Change your lens viewing the world

  • @emilyprice6329
    @emilyprice6329 4 роки тому +1

    can i get a list of the dc motors & ball bearing names of models and size? Adding instruction from beginning to end with all parts listed below videos REALLY WOULD HELP US AND THANKS.... GREAT JOB

  • @dilnawaz9663
    @dilnawaz9663 6 років тому +5

    it works for some time bt if we give load it become slow and finally stop. so there's no free energy in this world

  • @nooneofconsequence3658
    @nooneofconsequence3658 4 роки тому

    Great video. Lots of comments about 'fake' etc, etc. But it's not fake. There is a type of "battery" connected to the system - the FLYWHEEL! Notice that the author 'charges' the system by connecting it to an external power source to start up the flywheel. Once the flywheel is up to speed, he then disconnects the external source and connects the motors. Once up to speed - a flywheel takes very little energy to maintain it's speed. The momentum of the flywheel will allow short term connections to an additional load.
    This is an excellent demonstration of how flywheels can be used to "store" energy. Do some Googling and you will see this principle being used to "store" solar energy so that it can be used in the evenings. This is an environmentally sound way to store the excess energy generated during the day by solar panels. No dirty 'conventional' batteries.
    If no external load attached, the system will slowly leak due to friction and the small inefficiencies in the motors themselves and hence eventually stop.
    So - the video isn't 'fake'...its a fantastic demonstration on how to use a flywheel to store energy.

  • @jean-christopheoules6165
    @jean-christopheoules6165 6 років тому +4

    si tu avais lancé le volant d'inertie à la main, j'aurais pu y croire ...

  • @prasad_lichade9543
    @prasad_lichade9543 4 роки тому

    Very nice idea 👍👍😊 really work thanks for new technology video

  • @aungsun8360
    @aungsun8360 6 років тому +3

    It seems to be nice idea! But not mentioned motors voltages! Pls. Explain

  • @kiranpatil3262
    @kiranpatil3262 5 років тому +1

    This is the example for how to generate electricity by using a motor and alternator.. very good example. Keep improving. Think big dream big create big. Save the earth from pollution

  • @link12313
    @link12313 5 років тому +8

    Attach a one killowatt load to it. And watch it stop instantly.

  • @pashtoonjanan396
    @pashtoonjanan396 5 років тому +1

    Good video..
    inshullah I made this ... this engry ...

    • @damdon1018
      @damdon1018 5 років тому

      johot to nae kahty ho

  • @joearmstrong8573
    @joearmstrong8573 6 років тому +3

    energy can be neither created or destroyed. It would require a totally friction free environment for this to work.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Joe Armstrong
      Thanks much for watching, pls keep watching and subscribe!!! 👍🙏

    • @akvenugopalan9773
      @akvenugopalan9773 6 років тому

      The fly wheel is tapping into the earth's rotational momentum.

    • @joearmstrong8573
      @joearmstrong8573 6 років тому

      Ak venugopalan no it isn't

  • @halinamartyniak
    @halinamartyniak 5 років тому +1

    I used identical generator, connected those small wires to my outlet in the wall and I'm powering my whole house. This small flywheel spins days and nights, it powers my heating, cooking stove, and excess goes to National grid. Electric company in my area is paying me a few thousands dollars for electricity.

  • @Sternenshower
    @Sternenshower 6 років тому +6

    Disco - it´s working - yeah !!
    Very good job man

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +1

      Yes it works for sure, you are clever !!

    • @Sternenshower
      @Sternenshower 6 років тому +1

      alright, thank you

    • @saikiran-fy9ws
      @saikiran-fy9ws 6 років тому +2

      Stop pinning the fake message on the top of youtube comment section. Because everyone would think of it is real. You can't cheat me!

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 5 років тому

      Not a fake message, I wrote the message and everything I mention is within the laws of accepted physics. Feel free to look into flywheels and how they are being used as batteries for a secondary and in a few isolated instances as a primary source of energy. Also look at electricity specifically current, then under efficiency ratio's pertaining to optimum rpm's of motors (sweet spot) and you will see why things of this nature can and do work.

    • @sabareeshaudios8964
      @sabareeshaudios8964 5 років тому

      I make it more time this module,but not running correctly

  • @PGoleg
    @PGoleg 3 роки тому +1

    Do koła dodaj magnesy i zwoje miedzi.

  • @androidpearl798
    @androidpearl798 5 років тому +6

    what sizes of gears you have used in it ?

  • @markwienands
    @markwienands 4 роки тому +1

    It's not free energy. It's stored energy taken from another source, stored into kinetic energy of the flywheel

    • @callback4all
      @callback4all 2 роки тому

      How many Farad can this flywheel store? How long does the capacity drives the wheel? How much afford does a allready driven flywheel need to keep running? You sound like you know.. so let us "learn" how it works or why not :)=

  • @gregrandol2801
    @gregrandol2801 5 років тому +19

    I think you can see how to make it on Avasva . This is just an advice ;)

  • @badshabara2304
    @badshabara2304 5 років тому +1

    Very nice

  • @foamaxmore
    @foamaxmore 6 років тому +4

    Well done works with proper motor matching impedances in parallel...!!!

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Thanks much for watching, pls keep watching and subscribe!!! 👍🙏

    • @akvenugopalan9773
      @akvenugopalan9773 6 років тому

      Impedences does not come into picture here. It is simply the fly wheel tapping into the angular momentum of the rotating earth. To a small extend the rotors of all the three motors also does tap into the angular momentum of the rotating earth.

  • @abiadaga1685
    @abiadaga1685 5 років тому +1

    Straight to the point. Good experiment, thanks.

  • @kennytogi9005
    @kennytogi9005 6 років тому +7

    i want to believe it.but seeing negative comments below, i cant.otherwise why are we still paying for electricity then?but my brain is somewhat absorbing this.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      It is really works , I insure

    • @sanguineshade9545
      @sanguineshade9545 6 років тому

      build it yourself. V peace

    • @rockmcdwayne1710
      @rockmcdwayne1710 6 років тому +2

      I think this kind of system doesnt work too well on large scale. Powering it up takes much more energy. Also larger and heavyer objects might produce more friction, that in turn requires more power to keep them going.
      Anyway im not a specialist here just trying to use some common sense.

    • @sanguineshade9545
      @sanguineshade9545 6 років тому +1

      Check out hit and miss pumps. :) U don't need anything massive too power your house do u? V peace all

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Until you try it, then u will see the results!!!
      It can help you some parts of your life needed

  • @chandubhaichandubhai571
    @chandubhaichandubhai571 5 років тому +2

    Very good sir

  • @gainestroy
    @gainestroy 4 роки тому +3

    Is it possibly blue to loop that energy back into the mini motors and keep the flywheel at a certain RPM?

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  4 роки тому +1

      When we use the light, or motor, the power RPM of the flywheel is slow down that because you use the energy

    • @Terry-io8ji
      @Terry-io8ji 4 роки тому

      The awful background music is crazily loud , unnecessary and annoying ....background music is supposed to be what it the background ....spoils the video.....thumbs down from me....other than that , it’s a con , free energy from this device is not possible .....

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  4 роки тому

      @@Terry-io8ji Yeah Anyway Thanks for your coment for background music

    • @LuciferMorningstar-ix3lb
      @LuciferMorningstar-ix3lb 4 роки тому

      @@Terry-io8ji because its fake

  • @arzansharief7428
    @arzansharief7428 4 роки тому +2

    I tried it it worked for me

  • @tejosharma9399
    @tejosharma9399 5 років тому +5

    Kay aapne notification bheja hai, free energey generator हकीकत me hai, jaldi se comment kijye

  • @reynaldobatiduan5514
    @reynaldobatiduan5514 3 роки тому +1

    next time bro make it bigger and bigger so many viewers will like you vlog

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  3 роки тому

      Very very thanks for your great comment, Like you Bro

  • @parasproductions6911
    @parasproductions6911 6 років тому +8

    action and reaction are equal u cnt get extra energy mate

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Paras Productions
      Actually, it works well, pls keep watching my next videos

    @MUHAMMADBASHEER15 6 років тому +1

    Simple and easy good one

  • @IndonesiaGreat
    @IndonesiaGreat 5 років тому +3

    I don't see or hear any logical explanation about this..

  • @creativeplus2315
    @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +1

    Creative Plus
    1 week ago
    Please keep watching !!!👌 thanks for your watching and comments

  • @divakar2999
    @divakar2999 6 років тому +4

    Super video amazing

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      diva kar
      Yeah Thanks 🙏 for watching, pls keep watching my videos

  • @mdraselparvej
    @mdraselparvej 3 роки тому +1

    Es generetor motor ki link agar de dete to accha hota

  • @bugshavefeelerstoo
    @bugshavefeelerstoo 6 років тому +3

    Stored Rotational energy = 0.5*(moment of inertia)*(angularVelocity^2)
    if you remove energy from the system by using that LED you will reduce angular velocity to satisfy the equation above. There is not unlimited energy available here but a very finite amount

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Wesley Ivey
      Yes sure, that’s why I use the LED for the short time, this can’t produce enough power for the longer using , but if it is made bigger, it can be enough for supplying

    • @bugshavefeelerstoo
      @bugshavefeelerstoo 6 років тому +1

      I have to humbly disagree. The system does not generate any power and supplies no energy. Actually it consumes some power. It's better to think of this as a battery for STORING ENERGY. It's not anything like a generator, it just has a spinning part...

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому +1

      Only the energy introduced into the system to get it up to speed. That's all you get. at best. Consider the efficiency of the motors, pinched from toys, and the precision of the build, and the rigidity of that plinth.😁😜😁

  • @durwaeritriah1036
    @durwaeritriah1036 2 роки тому +1

    100% working.... Proved.

  • @md.tarikulislam1226
    @md.tarikulislam1226 5 років тому +21

    Wrong impossible free energy

    • @awin0573
      @awin0573 4 роки тому

      Why do you think that this video is wrong
      Do you have a scientific explanation

    • @solarroller09
      @solarroller09 4 роки тому

      is just like the rotoverter!
      2 capacitors store energy didn't you notice!
      And flywheel stores torque energy
      Video's legit!

  • @superindia262
    @superindia262 4 роки тому +1

    Fully and fac video

  • @ABD.ODEH.2024
    @ABD.ODEH.2024 6 років тому +8

    نعم يوجد بطاريات صغيرة داخل المحرك

  • @user-up2ef5tg5s
    @user-up2ef5tg5s 6 років тому +1

    всю конструкцию нужно установить вертикально осью в низ упереть на упорный подшипник для того что бы снять такую большую нагрузку с медно -графитовых втулках в двигателях

  • @neerjarathore9016
    @neerjarathore9016 5 років тому +4

    *why two motors? because in one motor you hid coin batteries?*

    • @jhebertdelacruz5437
      @jhebertdelacruz5437 2 роки тому

      *There is no battery in big motor because it is occupied by armature and magnet*

  • @pp904
    @pp904 5 років тому +2

    Браво ! Нужно попробовать,

  • @nifynas
    @nifynas 6 років тому +4

    Oh! It is very nice video sir!

  • @vicentesaavedrate9873
    @vicentesaavedrate9873 5 років тому

    That small permanent magnet in the drive motor made it possible. if you have bigger permanent magnets in the motor then you can have bigger power out put too. "free power is available but the irony is . . .only in small amount :)

  • @KrishnaKumar-vt1yu
    @KrishnaKumar-vt1yu 5 років тому +5

    भाईयों बहुत जल्द मानव को फ्री enargy देने वाला उपकरण बनेगा। 100% free

  • @nathaniel2797
    @nathaniel2797 Рік тому

    Your fly wheel put some magnets on it or something.harnest that power.and then create a circuit that can regulate and control your power.then hook it up to something that's needed

  • @nandezsuriadisaputra4361
    @nandezsuriadisaputra4361 5 років тому +3

    wow the best

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  5 років тому

      Thanks fro watching
      We hope that you help Sub and enjoy other videos

  • @Xraizu43
    @Xraizu43 2 роки тому

    It Really work 100% in small dynamo. but if u do it in big generator. Nothing gonna work it out. We try this many times..

  • @jimwade5712
    @jimwade5712 5 років тому +5

    Yup you used alot of free energy making this thing .

  • @devrajsingh2600
    @devrajsingh2600 3 роки тому +1

    Agar bich me uski jagh dusra kuch nahi laga sakte hai

  • @josevieira1651
    @josevieira1651 6 років тому +32

    small motors are boxes for batteries .....

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +3

      Those 2 small motors has no battery!!! I insure

    • @robert7308
      @robert7308 6 років тому +1

      super capacitor ?

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +1

      Super Capacitor's Are A Viable Tool And Should Be Employed Where They Are Beneficial!

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +2

      ItzLikeThat ForSure
      Thanks for watching!!!
      It works for sure !!!

    • @itzlikethatforsure9130
      @itzlikethatforsure9130 6 років тому +1

      Creative Plus I believe it can and I believe it does. Very nice presentation and very nice build! Clean and precise and very efficient!.

  • @rj22arya17
    @rj22arya17 2 роки тому +1

    Never Make Free Enrgy....😆😆😆 .Big Moter inside..... Battery......i Make This System And Prank My Friends😆😆😆

  • @valveman12
    @valveman12 6 років тому +3

    Well no one in history has been able to create free energy and a gyro is not going to do it for you either. Just not possible in this Universe.

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому +1

      Just flywheel energy storage at best. Its something of a mechanical battery, that's all.

  • @lensak.a.z987
    @lensak.a.z987 3 роки тому

    This is some kind of energy storage multiplication. Flywheel is new method of energy storage. Flywheel is an old technology. There is a ancient spinning top that can spin up to 3 hours. Today engineer create most efficient flywheel that spin in vacuum with magnetic levitation.

  • @ibims6710
    @ibims6710 6 років тому +6

    There's no free energy device

    • @nelsonalfred323
      @nelsonalfred323 6 років тому


    • @JR_3251_
      @JR_3251_ 4 роки тому

      Yep. Still not yet. Probly why submarines use nuclear power trains

  • @ezraherbert1227
    @ezraherbert1227 4 роки тому

    👍🏼 Now build a bigger scale

  • @mycreative6958
    @mycreative6958 6 років тому +5

    Good job 👏 👍

  • @drdbbajpai
    @drdbbajpai 6 років тому

    good, mechanical and electrical engeener should see it and try to make a bigger project

    • @gajendraanwala5924
      @gajendraanwala5924 3 роки тому

      I'm a mechanical engineer doing Mtech from IIT jodhpur.
      This video is pure bullshit. You can never make 101 out of 100 in energy. It's not economics.

  • @diegoromero3628
    @diegoromero3628 6 років тому +4

    nice!! you charged 2 capacitors!! scam...

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +1

      Dieguuuds II el inmolador
      Thanks much for watching, pls keep watching and subscribe!!!

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому +1

      Those capacitors don't store enough to amount to anything. They're there only for radio frequency noise suppression. When the carbon brushes break contact with one commutator segment, there is often a spark, which could create static noise in a radio receiver. those capacitors only absorb those tiny little spikes.

    • @SharkFishSF
      @SharkFishSF 3 роки тому +1

      @@vincentrobinette1507 is this generator even possible for a continuous load of 3w like this led light?

    • @vincentrobinette1507
      @vincentrobinette1507 3 роки тому +1

      @@SharkFishSF Actually, no. This device won't even keep itself running, let alone, continuously drive any load.

  • @levinho5416
    @levinho5416 5 років тому +1

    This is very useful but i want to make the heavy flywheel generater which run by self and gave me heavy power of electricity please tell me how can i run my tarbain with hi speed moter and hi voltage dynamo

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  5 років тому

      Ok let's try it, That will work for sure friend !!!

  • @UnknownElectricity
    @UnknownElectricity 6 років тому +4

    goog job.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Unknown things
      Thanks much for watching, pls keep watching my next vdo !!!

    • @marvinllagas2417
      @marvinllagas2417 5 років тому

      Unknown Electricity

    • @PriyaSingh-qh7xr
      @PriyaSingh-qh7xr 4 роки тому

      @@creativeplus2315 Please tell me the names of the materials you've used in making this. I'd be grateful to you if you help me. I am in problem please tell me.

  • @tractorvale7756
    @tractorvale7756 5 років тому

    Jordar bhai sab

  • @mdhabiburrahman7386
    @mdhabiburrahman7386 6 років тому +4

    you are a great scammer. why don't you make a big project and fulfill your own house electricity demand

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      MD Habibur rahman
      I will another big one to show !!
      Thanks much for watching, pls keep watching and subscribe!!!

    • @akvenugopalan9773
      @akvenugopalan9773 6 років тому +1

      If you want to see a huge one search youtube for power multiplication by fly wheel + Chaganthi Bhasker

  • @nothingimpossible9817
    @nothingimpossible9817 6 років тому +1

    Very good 100% real super //bhai NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE thank you.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Yeah thank for watching, you can try your own !!!

    • @adrkny
      @adrkny 6 років тому

      tehc tarun por que no lo replicas amigo.

    • @damlanmoore9720
      @damlanmoore9720 6 років тому

      NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE bullshit, go answer the phone

    • @oneentertainment5546
      @oneentertainment5546 6 років тому

      @@damlanmoore9720 hahahaahha

  • @preetheshkumar227
    @preetheshkumar227 5 років тому +4

    Fully fake I have tried with higher dc motor not working.

    • @jimwade5712
      @jimwade5712 5 років тому

      Haaaa you tryed it...thought it would work..haaa haaa

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  5 років тому

      @@jimwade5712 Thank

  • @ibrahimfajer4968
    @ibrahimfajer4968 3 роки тому +1


  • @robert7308
    @robert7308 6 років тому +4

    does it really work?

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +2

      Yes sure, I tried alr and works smoothly!!!
      Thanks for watching, pls keep watching my other videos !!!

    • @jimwade5712
      @jimwade5712 5 років тому

      Haaaa haaaaa how funny

  • @rccarsandmusic2641
    @rccarsandmusic2641 4 роки тому +1

    Attach a capacitor as a buffer to store the charge.

    • @ergwer45624
      @ergwer45624 4 роки тому

      the flywheel is doing that mechanically

  • @babanpowar2640
    @babanpowar2640 6 років тому +13

    Not possible

  • @daniladmitriev4938
    @daniladmitriev4938 5 років тому

    Дайте индусу паяльник, пистолет с термоклеем и обломки игрушек и он вам вечный двигатель замутит. 😁

  • @prafulchauhan8327
    @prafulchauhan8327 6 років тому +7

    Power plants is really sir successfully or. Aek new video banao. Magnets dwara free energie

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому +1

      Praful Chauhan
      Yeah works successfully Brother!!! Thanks for watching!!!

    • @shantotorofder3916
      @shantotorofder3916 6 років тому

      is it really working

    • @trebleganres9749
      @trebleganres9749 6 років тому

      Praful Chauhan free energy 😉😉

    • @shubhamgour5243
      @shubhamgour5243 6 років тому

      bro motor me small capacitor use kiye h kya

    • @evmcg
      @evmcg 6 років тому

      Fuhad Hasan FAKE

  • @vincentrobinette1507
    @vincentrobinette1507 5 років тому

    How does it self regulate? Under load, it should slow down, unloaded, what keeps it from over revving? That makes it hard to believe that this is real. Otherwise, this is flywheel electrical energy storage, something of a mechanical battery. There is not enough inertia in a flywheel that small, to supply your loads as long as it seemed to. It takes quite a bit of power to turn even a small fan like that, that fast.

  • @pedrocarlo350
    @pedrocarlo350 6 років тому +3

    Battery hidden in the engine.

    • @creativeplus2315
      @creativeplus2315  6 років тому

      Let’s watch again and check !!! There is no any battery inside !!

    • @insight6580
      @insight6580 6 років тому

      You haven't shown us inside of any motor

    • @michaeledrowhelnalus2598
      @michaeledrowhelnalus2598 6 років тому

      your right sir. i think there's a battery inside the other dynamo motor.

    • @utuber13x
      @utuber13x 5 років тому

      @@michaeledrowhelnalus2598 is there a battery in your brain? and yet it is body electric. try it or prove your accusations. it takes no skill to make accusations, only lazy people that won't get off their brain and use it.

  • @moderate7958
    @moderate7958 4 роки тому +1


  • @zxn-hn4tv
    @zxn-hn4tv 6 років тому +3

    bro its called a fly wheel generator , should have put that in your title