This is the first time I comment on a UA-cam video: I just love it!!! Phrasal verbs have been my nightmare for years, but this video makes everything so easy. It's so pleasant to learn them by watching this video gain and again. Is there any chance to get the next round? :D
Wow! it was an awesome video-class, this is just the best way to learn phrasal verbs since you are hearing the word at a time you're seeing the right way how to use it in a certain situation, it was all the way crystal clear so don't explanation needed, thank you so much to provided us such good material, by the way Im already subscribed to your youtube channel and gave you a thumb up, Im looking forward to watch more to come, can't wait for it.
I loved it but I'd have also included the "set off" phrasal verb too (e.g. at what time do you set off for work tomorrow morning?). overall, it is a really good summary of everyday phrasal verbs that we commonly use. Great lesson.
Thank you for this awesome video lesson, I found it so didactic and easy to understand the real meaning of the torment phrasal verbs, it is more easy to grab the concept and meaning when you got examples from day to day life, was hilarious and funny to watch, the doggy faces literally killed me in every sketch, I have learned a lot from you today and I encourage you to keep uploading more videos like this one to your youtube channel, sometimes phrasal verbs can be difficult to memorize and remember so this clever way to learn them is way better to recall them afterwards. can't wait to watch more from you and you should launch more phrasally verbs videos.
Oh! Thank you for watching and commenting! I will keep making videos like this! In the meantime, you can visit for more videos and post that you may find useful. Thanks again! 😍
Of course! You have the definitions here: Hope you find them useful. The video is to "illustrate" the phrasal verbs, so they're easier to remember. Thanks for watching!
¡No seas vago y lee en inglés, hombre! 😂 Aquí tienes todas las definiciones y ejemplos con oraciones:
very useful video, I think this is the best way to learn phrasal verbs!! please do more.
Thank you! I will do more as soon as I can hehe! Thanks for watching! 😊
This is the first time I comment on a UA-cam video: I just love it!!! Phrasal verbs have been my nightmare for years, but this video makes everything so easy. It's so pleasant to learn them by watching this video gain and again. Is there any chance to get the next round? :D
Thank u KSE Academy. U are explainin the p/verbs with the best way to make us understand easier. God bless ❤
Great video!! Please make part 2 with other common phrasal verbs. Your way is really helpful.
What a great movie, it really helps to put the phrasal verbs in context. Excellent work!
Wow! it was an awesome video-class, this is just the best way to learn phrasal verbs since you are hearing the word at a time you're seeing the right way how to use it in a certain situation, it was all the way crystal clear so don't explanation needed, thank you so much to provided us such good material, by the way Im already subscribed to your youtube channel and gave you a thumb up, Im looking forward to watch more to come, can't wait for it.
amazing video, great way to teach phrasal verbs!!
thanks, hope you make more videos like this
Thank you! I will definitely try to make more when I have some time! 😊
Best vídeo I have watched in your channel Louis! What a great job! Keep it up! I think you can go far with this!! 😀😀😀👌👌
Great work my brother , good way . thank you
What a video! Amazing, thanks and congrats!
I loved it but I'd have also included the "set off" phrasal verb too (e.g. at what time do you set off for work tomorrow morning?). overall, it is a really good summary of everyday phrasal verbs that we commonly use. Great lesson.
You are amazing!Thank you for such a nice video! btw your dog is sooo adorable:)
Thank you sooooo much for your comment! And yes, she is absolutely adorable - I agree!
Thank you for this awesome video lesson, I found it so didactic and easy to understand the real meaning of the torment phrasal verbs, it is more easy to grab the concept and meaning when you got examples from day to day life, was hilarious and funny to watch, the doggy faces literally killed me in every sketch, I have learned a lot from you today and I encourage you to keep uploading more videos like this one to your youtube channel, sometimes phrasal verbs can be difficult to memorize and remember so this clever way to learn them is way better to recall them afterwards. can't wait to watch more from you and you should launch more phrasally verbs videos.
Thank you teacher.......
Amazing video, congratulations
Great video!! very helpful, by the way nice dog,
This is great :) Well done! I know it takes a lot of time to create and edit videos. Good on ya! I will share the video with my community :)
Great!Great!Great!Do keep making your videos!The theme is too important!Thanks a lot!
Oh! Thank you for watching and commenting! I will keep making videos like this! In the meantime, you can visit for more videos and post that you may find useful. Thanks again! 😍
could you please give those words definition or explain clearly? i didn't understood.
Of course! You have the definitions here: Hope you find them useful. The video is to "illustrate" the phrasal verbs, so they're easier to remember. Thanks for watching!
So cool bro , congratulations♥
For fce the phrasal verbs?
Nice sir please do more
Awesome video, very useful.
PD; give that dog an Oscar.
Silkie Shag Haha thank you! I hope she gets nominated next time! 😂
She is adorable I literally felt in love with her at the very first time she showed up in the video.
Buafffffff!!! Chulisimo 👍
¡Muchísimas gracias! 😘
wonderful video. i support you to do more videos like that. haha
Oh! Thank you! 😍
You're more than welcome! Thanks for watching and commenting! :-)
Que uni important phrasl verb for b.a part2
Thank you very much! ☺️ Glad you like it!
You're most welcome!
so useful phrasal v
Alex Durden Thank you! 😊
La perra se tiene que saber los phrasal verbs de memoria jjjjjj están muy muy bien los vídeos!
Haha thanks! 😊
Pero ya que veo que sabes español porfa colócalos con su significado en español y me suscribo :)
¡No seas vago y lee en inglés, hombre! 😂 Aquí tienes todas las definiciones y ejemplos con oraciones:
You should make more videos with your dog, it will be funny!
Haha! Don't worry, I will! 😊
only word is perfect
Me encanta tu video y tu perra