The Best Mario Kart Roster Ever! - What If I Made Mario Kart 9 Series | Episode 1: The Roster

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nicksullivan1354
    @nicksullivan1354 Рік тому +22

    I personally am not big on the idea of characters like Toadsworth and Dixie Kong being alts, when they've been clearly established as their own distinct, separate characters.
    That being said, though...I love everything else about this. Mario rosters have felt kind of stagnant for a while, and I have wanted them to pull more from the various subseries this world has received.
    You have Luigi's Mansion covered, you got Donkey Kong Country covered, Yoshi's Island, WarioWare, the RPGs, Wart as a retro throwback, even representation for Dr. Mario and Mario Party. You have pretty much every corner acknowledged here.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +6

      Thanks! I tried including as many different unique characters for my Mario Kart 9 Ideas! The "Alts" would IMO have all different alts is they would essentially be different characters just in the slot of a similar looking character.
      If u get what I mean.

  • @conjohn51
    @conjohn51 Рік тому +12

    I feel like peachette would make more sense as an alt for toadette

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      Why so? Peachette is Peach with a Toadette inspired attire. She is not anything like Toadette.

    • @conjohn51
      @conjohn51 Рік тому +9

      Peachette is literally toadette, toadette transforms into her

    • @Nintendo_Wolf
      @Nintendo_Wolf Рік тому +1

      ​@@conjohn51 That's what I'm saying

    • @NurunNahar-lt3dj
      @NurunNahar-lt3dj 8 місяців тому

      @@DemoGaming_ toadette uses the super crown to transform into peacchette

  • @GND_Aaron
    @GND_Aaron Рік тому +9

    King K Rool is donkey Kong rival. So he could be in Mario Kart. King K Rool is also in Mario super sluggers on the Nintendo Wii

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +3

      I think King K Rool would be a great fit for Mario Kart!

    • @GND_Aaron
      @GND_Aaron Рік тому +3

      I choosed my 7 guest characters for Mario Kart 9
      - Ninjala Van or Jane
      - Kirby
      - Sonic
      - MegaMan
      - Olimar
      - Pac-Man
      - Fox Mcloud

  • @aaronjones6299
    @aaronjones6299 Рік тому +25

    Disagree with koopalings being in one slot. I think they earned there place on thw roster

    • @joseespejel6894
      @joseespejel6894 Рік тому +2

      ew, no

    • @aaronjones6299
      @aaronjones6299 Рік тому +1

      @@joseespejel6894 ■

    • @Themanonline
      @Themanonline Рік тому +9

      Fr, each one has a distinct personality (especially since paper Mario and the Mario and Luigi sage) and have been iconic characters in the games for years, they definitely deserve their own slots, idk why people hate them so much 💀 I kinda wish they got more boss appearances/ appearances in general where their personalities and relationships to one another are shown off more

    • @joseespejel6894
      @joseespejel6894 Рік тому

      @@Themanonline more appearances? they filled mk8's roster, the entire wii/wii u era after nsbw were present in almost every mainline game, they even took bowser jr's skin slots in smash4 and ultimate, they have different personalities but in the end they are the same turtle with little to no uniqueness to give

    • @aaronjones6299
      @aaronjones6299 11 місяців тому +2

      @@joseespejel6894 little to no uniqnes they don't even share a body size. Smash even snowed how they just don't work in one slot as every single one looked off and had any persnality striped away. And just shows how they are not the same turtle. They have uniqnes to guve if use right which has been shown in the past.

  • @mallow4460
    @mallow4460 6 місяців тому +3

    I can't thank you enough for considering putting the rpg mario characters here aswell

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  6 місяців тому +1

      All sides of Mario's History should be represented!

  • @drewlmao
    @drewlmao Рік тому +11

    I don't get how turning the babies and entirely different characters into alts really makes sense or accomplishes anything. They have different identities, models, voices, animations, and in past games they would have different stats. What else is there that makes a character unique in Mario Kart? It's not like they have movesets. If it's just to "free up character slots" that doesn't make a lot of sense. Every fan roster seems to do that though, you still have some great character picks. You called Link Zelda by the way.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +3

      I have them as "alternates" because they are so similar in design to another character, and it allows for more unique characters in the roster.
      About Link, thats mb lol. I'm not a big Zelda player!

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao Рік тому +5

      @@DemoGaming_ I don't think it would really save development time or anything, but if it makes you feel more comfortable adding all the characters you want then go for it

  • @campbellroehrich7146
    @campbellroehrich7146 Рік тому +4

    Great roster, for alts I would of had Captain Toadette for Toadette, all the gold characters from tour (except Pink Gold Peach), Giga Lakitu (like you mentioned), Baby Birdo and Baby Pauline. As for characters, I would also have Lubba, Luma, (with Sprixie Princess alts and colour options), Sumo Bro, Ninji, Prince Florian, Mallow, and The Penguin King. For guests, I'ld add the Miis, Olimar, Kirby, Sonic and a Rabbid.

    • @campbellroehrich7146
      @campbellroehrich7146 Рік тому +2

      Oh and I forgot most importantly, Gooper Blooper, as all Mario enemies have some royalty figure to represent them on the roster, (like King Bob Omb) and with how prevalent Bloopers are as an item and in most Mario games, they deserve someone to represent them in Mario Kart. Maybe they could introduce The Spiney King/Queen as a new character too. Also add Bowsette why not.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      Those are all fantastic ideas!

  • @Sam-xj5nn
    @Sam-xj5nn Рік тому +2

    The Lord Betrayus alt is easily the most unrealistic thing about this roster.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      I agree that it is very unrealistic, but it would be awesome!

  • @babel_UV
    @babel_UV 2 дні тому +1

    bro likes mario galaxy

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  14 годин тому +1

      Well good thing Mario Galaxy is my favorite Mario game of all time!

  • @belodie
    @belodie Рік тому +4

    Nice roster, but I think that realistically a Mario Kart roster would be half the size of yours. How would you cut your roster down?

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      I would first do what I did here put all the babies, koopalings and clones into groups so that we would have more slots. Then I would try to add as many of the previously used characters across the game, and then add some more requested new characters for the remaining slots.

  • @MOLONOWOX-gy6cy
    @MOLONOWOX-gy6cy Рік тому +2

    wiggler shoud have flutter and toadette captain toadette

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      Those would make great alternate skins for them!

  • @sethxenofightersofficialx
    @sethxenofightersofficialx Рік тому +2

    There should be more wario ware characters like 9 volt and mona pizza kat and ana what about wario land reps like captain syrup and mario golf rep like plum

  • @jeremiahmerritt7463
    @jeremiahmerritt7463 5 місяців тому +1

    Captain toadett could be an alt, dr k rool or captain k rool also

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  5 місяців тому +1

      Those are some good Alt skins!

  • @JadeiteMcSwag
    @JadeiteMcSwag 10 місяців тому +2

    Very good video. I have subscribed to you friend.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  10 місяців тому

      Thank you! Content will be resuming shortly!

  • @Neo_Bones
    @Neo_Bones Рік тому +1

    My changes:
    - Either Toadsworth should get his own slot or Toadette should be a Toad alt.
    - Peachette should be a Toadette alt.
    - Shadow Mario should be a Bowser Jr. alt.
    - Baby Bowser should be a Bowser alt.
    - Random 3D Mario NPCs don’t need to be playable characters.
    - All iterations of Mario should be Mario alts.
    - ROB was DS, not 7
    - Link was in Mario Kart, not Zelda

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      Ya, I accidentally said Zelda lol! Meant to say link!

  • @DraginAwesome
    @DraginAwesome 10 місяців тому +1

    cool video, couldve used some bg music though, i turned on toads turnpike for myself haha

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  10 місяців тому

      I've been working on it in my newer videos!

  • @Thewhateverchannel-z5y
    @Thewhateverchannel-z5y 10 місяців тому +1

    That's link man.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  10 місяців тому

      Yup, I made a mistake lol. You can 100% tell I'm not a Zelda player...

  • @theshadowworld2239
    @theshadowworld2239 Рік тому +1

    Honey Queen was a pretty good one!

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      I mean its better than Pink Gold Peach...

    • @theshadowworld2239
      @theshadowworld2239 Рік тому

      @@DemoGaming_ W A Y better
      And people hate her more than Metal Mario

  • @Megastar_Tye
    @Megastar_Tye Рік тому +3

    Is Mii even on here

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      No, I completely forgot about it, but I feel they would very featured at the top with a random button as well.

  • @unisangalaxystudio
    @unisangalaxystudio Рік тому +1

    My hopes for Mario Kart X
    is Veterans ( Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Koopa Troopa, Wario, Daisy, Birdo, Babies, Bowser Jr and the Koopalings, Diddy Kong, Waluigi, Toadette, Petey Piranha, King Boo, Dry Bones, Shy Guy, R.O.B., Rosalina, Mii , Queen Bee, Wiggler, Lakitu, Inkling , Link, Villager, Isabelle, Kamek, Pauline )
    Newcomers ( Geno, Cappy, Zelda, Ganondorf, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, Dedede, Fox, Wolf, Captain Falcon,King K. Rool, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man, The Prince, Ghost, Toc-Man, Spooky )

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      That's a stellar roster!

    • @mallow4460
      @mallow4460 6 місяців тому +1

      Smart to choose zero suit samus instead of samus, it would be almost impossible to drive with so much armor!

  • @peppyrami5217
    @peppyrami5217 Місяць тому +1

    Every character after diddy kong are uncessessay, we don’t need a roster that big especially since there are variants

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Місяць тому

      Fair enough, I did add quite alot of newcomers that have never been in a Mario Kart Game before... Perhaps I was a little to ambitious back then...

  • @NurunNahar-lt3dj
    @NurunNahar-lt3dj 8 місяців тому +1

    peachette should be with toadette cuz they are the same person

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  8 місяців тому

      Fair enough, either of them would work.

  • @brucebaird-
    @brucebaird- Рік тому +1

    Captain syrup (Wario land)

  • @snookerdooker471
    @snookerdooker471 4 місяці тому +1

    20:14 Zelda
    Me: um that’s literally link not Zelda also to many Pac-Man characters we don’t need more Pac-Man characters then Zelda or any other Nintendo franchise also Pac-Man is not Nintendo and sonic is such a better third party character.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  4 місяці тому

      I know, when recording I completely forgot that is Link lol...

  • @timtim-rl7pb
    @timtim-rl7pb Рік тому +1


    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      Kirby would make a great Mario Kart character!

  • @VersentionEditz
    @VersentionEditz 9 місяців тому +1

    👇 Louie Fans 👀

  • @brunolike8631
    @brunolike8631 Рік тому +1

    Mii fans after the video:💀

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому +1

      Haha, your not the first to point that out. It, somehow, completely slipped my mind to add the Mii's. But they would definitely be in!

  • @Sincerely_Cindy
    @Sincerely_Cindy Рік тому +1

    Wtf where's luma u added all these bull shit characters and no Luma?! And PEACHETTE ISNT PEACH!!

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      Completely forgot about Luma, IMO Peachette should just be an alternate costume for Peachette.

    • @rhinastocroc-boulet5189
      @rhinastocroc-boulet5189 16 днів тому

      Peachette should be a Toadette alt, not Peach​.
      And honestly, Funky should be a DK alt.@@DemoGaming_

  • @sproject002
    @sproject002 Рік тому +1

    This is suxh a random roster. And no offence its not really well organised

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      What would you do to organize it better? Personally I think its a solid, well rounded roster having representatives from every part of Mario.

    • @sproject002
      @sproject002 Рік тому

      @@DemoGaming_ didn't want to sound rude but I just personally thought Daisy would be next to Peach like the big 4 (Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy). Toad too I'm surprised he isn't closer to the beginning of the roster or he should of been next to Toadette. Don't worry I still love this whole idea and it's really cool how you made it

  • @JS-ir4sh
    @JS-ir4sh Рік тому +2

    So many incredibly unnecessary characters. Just to fill up the roster.

    • @DemoGaming_
      @DemoGaming_  Рік тому

      I didn't sdd more characters to "fill up" the roster, I added more characters to expand who and what sure represented in one of if not the biggest franchise in Gaming!