@plaxistutorial Suggestion of a typical granular backfill example with Mohr-Coulomb properties: gamma 19kN/m3, c' = 0, phi' = 30 deg, E=15,000kPa what would be a suggestion for a Hardening Soil model + Plaxis input properties to give a similar characteristic granular soil?
Good one.. thanks.
Great Explanation....
I think the formula for Eq (140) at 1:54 sec is incorrect. The numerator should be c*cos(fi)+sigma3 (not -sigma3)
@plaxistutorial Suggestion of a typical granular backfill example with Mohr-Coulomb properties: gamma 19kN/m3, c' = 0, phi' = 30 deg, E=15,000kPa
what would be a suggestion for a Hardening Soil model + Plaxis input properties to give a similar characteristic granular soil?
Hoe to evaluate HS model parameter from SPT value N?
Check page 74 in this book - www.zsoil.com/zsoil_manual_2018/Rep-HS-model.pdf