I remember how much used to be there in the 80's. Now there's no rides other than the carousel & all the waterfront arcades/amusements are a memory. My kids will never get to enjoy the joyful chaos of it. Closest thing to it is old orchard Beach.
So sad we had the best childhood and so didn’t our Children. Never to be had again. We were hurt to think our great grandchildren don’t want to bring children into this world. Now I truly don’t blame them one bit.
What ever happened to that old water slide? The big one, I heard something about someone falling off of it and dying, so they closed it down, but not sure if that's true.
I have great memories going there as a kid in the 50s and 60s ! The place was total magic. We could never afford to go anywhere on vacation but every summer we would take 2 day trips to Salisbury Beach.
Great stuff! I was 11 and 12 in 1989-1990. I spent many summers going here as well as to Hampton, Jenness, and Wallis Sands. I can smell the fried dough and "beach pizza" watching this.
Thanks for sharing this with everyone. I grew up spending every summer there and lived there in 87 and went triton high for a bit before going back to methuen high. Countless memories of being young and falling in love at the beach and crushing on the cristis pizza guys with my girlfriend's lol. Sneaking onto the outside deck of the bar at the end of the path that leads to Vermont Ave. I don't know the exact address but I remember adults helping to pull us up onto the deck I was 15!!!! Lol.I could go on and on and even name some names of incredible, wild, devious, hilarious, romantic, and mischievous doings but we all know that what happened those summer days and nights at Salisbury Beach stay at Salisbury Beach lol.
I live nearby and go to Salisbury Beach often. It still crushes me when I see the bite they took out of it. Parking lots, condos where the rides were and the whole left side of the boardwalk just gone.
This is the next best thing to a time machine! My heart and mind ache ls trying to remember every detail of Salisbury Beach's glory days. You brought it all back! Thank you you for having the equipment 35 years ago to record history and God bless you for putting it all together and sharing!
This brings back some happy memories. I remember every year at Memorial School we had a beach day for the class to spend an entire day at the beach. It was usually shortly before summer vacation and was how we would kick off the summer. At the time, they had some pretty fun rides like the Sea Dragon and the Matterhorn. My childhood was a bit rough, but playing some arcades, going on rides, the bumper cars, eating a fried dough from Happys and shooting targets with those light guns at the entrance of the pavilion really let me forget everything for a little while. I always remember there was an old guy that had a cotton candy machine between the strip and the parking lot area. I wonder what ever happened to him after he closed up shop.
oh my god, my family went up there every year up until the mid-late 90s... this is incredible, takes me right back to being a kid. a little teary-eyed, not gonna lie
Thanks so much for the Great memories ❤I lived in Amesbury and spent most of my time at Salisbury and Hampton Beaches as a kid in the 60's and 70's. I am now 63 boy i miss those days. It was so nice to see it again. I also brought my kids there in the 80's and 90's. God Bless ! 🙏🙏
my family used to spend 2 weeks every summer here in a cottage and we would always go to the center twice during that time. its so depressing what the center has become today. its all condos now. but so many memories of childhood thanks for making this video and bringing me back to a awesome time in my life
The good 'ol days of Salisbury Beach. I know it was cleaner for the older generations, but it was still great at this time. Had the best time ever playing music there exactly in this time period. - R.I.P. Salisbury Beach Boardwalk.
Thank you so much for posting this. I actually managed the Ice Cream stand you captured a year or so later... Cool to see it again. This beach is barely a shell of what it used to be now. So sad...
I worked in Pirate's Fun Park in the summer of 1988 on the "Bumper Boats" as a student from Scotland in my first visit to the US and had an unforgettable summer. Sad to hear the fairground has gone
I lived in salisbury briefly from 2001-2004. I was in college and would come home for weekends and breaks. So much fun. Used to go as a little kid in the 90s. So sad it withered away. My husband and our friends now frequent one of the local campgrounds. Its weird.
What a great video Salisbury Beach was a great place to go it’s sad that it looks nothing like it did in this video here in the year 2021 just a faded memory of what once was too bad a lot of the beach amusement parks in New England are long gone only one left that I know of is Old Orchard Beach Maine I do stop down at Salisbury Beach every so often for some beach pizza!
Right around 8:10 there is a little jingle playing in the background, coming from some arcade game. I used to spend so much time here as a little kid, and I remember always hearing that playing nonstop. Our beach house wasn't far, so i'd be trying to fall asleep and hear these noises, that one included. the white noises of childhood captured by a stranger in a video. we are all living under the same roof :)
My parents took my little sister and I here from 1991-1993 for about a month or so during those summers. I met the love of my life here in the summer of 1992....I was just a teenager. It was in front of one of those buildings shown near the end of this video that we first started talking. I remember it like it was yesterday. He wasn't from there, but lived there for a few years. Even though I lived 35 miles away, we stayed together for about a year and a half. I found out about a month ago that he was murdered in Boston (where he was actually from) in June of this year. Thank you for sharing this video. I know my commentary leads to a very grim story, but this guy was my truest love, no matter how young we were. I know if he hadn't been taken so cruelly, I would have seen him again, in some way. I have been going insane trying to find things concerning Salisbury from 1992 and 1993, and this is the closest I could find, and lo and behold, the exact spot where we first came together was captured here. Thank you with all of my heart, once again, for sharing this.
Man. I LOVED my summers at Salisbury Beach. My whole family (stepfathers side) would stay at this once little “block” of condos right on the beach - about 1/2 mile from the center. Maybe less? The old couple that owned the cottages were named Sam and Edna. I think the last name was Fudgee?? I don’t know how to spell it. It was the coolest thing ever. At 36, I look back at those times and can’t believe how beautiful it all was.
Thanks for this. I was born in 1984 and went up every summer from 84-to 2002 when I graduated high school. I've gone back on and off and actually was just there last summer. My family still has a house next to the 4-D. So many great memories. I was fortunate enough to essentially spend 2 months each summer there.
wow you took me on a real nostalgia trip with your video. cant believe how much the beach has changed over the years. feel like it was just yesterday i would go on these rides and see the crowds of people there. :(
Thank you so much for this upload! I hung out at Salusbury Beach during these times and now so many years later to see footage like this just blows my mind. This video made my whole day. Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for the videos! I was at Salisbury the other day. Some of the old business are still there,. Rides are gone. Some of the buildings need serious love. Hopefully Salisbury gets some of the renovations Hampton is getting.
Really takes me back! I used to live on North End Boulevard and later Cable Ave. So many memories of the summer, the pavilion, Pirates Fun Park, Saturday night sock-hops. You'd think all that was back in the 50's, the way things have changed.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I was up at Salisbury beach last night, they are having a temporary carnival until September 2nd in the old Pirate's Fun Park...I remember the way it was in your video, and I miss it so much! : ( This is great, I love seeing everything exactly the way I remember...fantastic memories!!
What is normally the they're just a vacant lot? I'm going up to Hampton this summer for a couple of weeks for the first time staying up there probably since 1996 I'm looking forward to it . We'll definitely have to Salisbury
THANKS A LOT for this video. I actually worked in "Pirate´s Park" amusement park during the Summer of´93. I flew all the way from Spain (Europe) across the Atlantic to enjoy the MOST exciting and MEMORABLE time of my life. It was my very first job in another country (actually another continent). I had the time of my life! Watching this video has really touched me!It is exactly as I remember it. Great memories! :)
I miss going there as a kid. There were batting cages there too. In the summer of 95, a friend of mine helped to run the "Sock Hops." That fall, I was going into Navy boot camp and the guy running the Sock Hops joked (on mic) "Oh so youre going into the Navy huh? Youre going to have to get wet arent you?" Some of his crew members threw me in the water. hahaha. I swear it was easily one of the best times of my life. :D
If you go back to the 50's or so the middle of the rotary island used to be a large public pool. Also has anyone noticed in this video not one person walking around with their nose in their cell phones? Seems weird now to see people walking around enjoying themselves without having to tell the world what they are doing every minute.
Awesome video. You are very lucky to have this and I thank you because I feel lucky to see it too. Those were my prime years at the beach and sometimes I have a hard time remembering it the way we see in the video. Thanks again for posting. You should come now and take some video and show what it's become. I live basically across from Footes ice cream a half mile away from the beach and the only word I can use to describe it now is boring. lol
Matthew Lister it’s lost a lot of it’s charm actually. Was there the other day and it’s really sketchy now and it’s sad that you can’t bring your kid there for a fun time they will remember
razorjules did they take that skydiver and sell it to Rocky Point. Never went here! I know if it was still around, I definitely would!! This would have def been a spot I would go to as well as Rocky Point (spend so many days as a child there) as an adult today! So sad to see all these places go :(.
I remember the Frolics club on the beach. I saw the J. Geils band. They served drinks during the show. The sunrise woke me up on the beach the next morning.
What ashame they don't have rides anymore at the beach i remeamber as a kid going there and having blast with the rides and the teen club that use to be there good times i go down there now obly for a slice and def had better days i glad i got to enjoy it they should bring it back
I went to Salisbury Beach with my family when I was very young (I think 1997) and I'm trying to identify a ride that was near the Ferris wheel. I remember it being enclosed and you could hear the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey from inside.
Oh wow - this was the time period I lived there! It may not be so great now (or even back then), but for a twenty year old fresh from Virginia, armed with a fake id (not that I ever needed it) and a Lost Boys fetish, Salisbury Beach was a wonderful playground. Thanks for catching the Tic Toc - it was within sight of my front door on North End Blvd., and was a favorite watering hole.
Same deal with me fake ID I was only a year shy great times up there we me and the friends we spent a week up at Hampton and week in Salisbury.. and come to think of it nobody really asked an ID. The tiktok was cool so was the kon-tiki. And of course late night pizza slices :-)
What a big difference. My family and i went to Salisbury beach only a few times. The part where we went was not too far from an "inlet" which was like a small river, water rushing inland and i guess rushing out later on during the tides. Our beach location also had high "bluffs" which i am remembering were a few FEET about the water line. Those waves ( damn they were big ) would break and come up almost to where we were beached. It was rough swimming, and a couple times ( even on a sunny day ) the Lifeguard would tell us: "Up to you ANKLES only".................the water was that rough. There were only 3 or 4 rides at the entertainment area I forgot to mention.....this was around 1952-1953 I liked riding on the "Whip". Toodles
Wow, you know I am 62 now and used to love that area during the summer. I am in NC now but lived in MA. then, so sad what they took away, all those pizza shops, etc. arcades gone for good, sure brings back memories--Remember the KonTiki and the other place where they had wet T contests???
jim dandy I remember how salisbury beach looked like this I worked the space odessy back in 1992 good times I'm 44 now yes everything got destroyed the ruined the beach bar rooms and the outsiders and realiters I guess good things come to a end I totally miss the beach I'm from the newburyport area now I'm in rochester nh
8:45 my family had a place right behind those house. on the corner their was a small store. 1month every year in July and 89 was our last year. it freaks me out to think i was there at that moment. My moms friend Ceal Ralo own the discout store and my dad use to bounce the 5oclock. Seeing the pilot plane was so cool. it would always tell you about the fireworks at night. It's so sad. The 80's was such a different time. i don't rembr makin the beach that fing messy...damn. i wish it was then now
My landword rented a cottage a the base of the largest hill on the roller coaster. Every time a ride came down the hill, his cottate shoke violently and the noise was defining. What a place to rent a cottage but the price was right!.
It’s weird to see Salisbury beach be hustling and bustling. It’s still busy but most people don’t come here and go up to new hanpshire. There isn’t much to do now.
Boy, this brings back memories! Does any of this exist now? We last went in the early 80's. By the looks of Google Map I can't seem to find much of anything!
Salisbury Beach is just a faded memory of what it use to be 😔 only things left are a few of the food/pizza places and a few arcades rides/midway are long gone
Unfortunately the boardwalk has taken a bit of a dive. Some of the vendors are still there, but a lot of businesses have closed. Hampton, on the other hand, is getting a bit of a renaissance.
Up in Hampton for a few weeks going as far as burying a few nights a week as well right right during this filming but during the same time frame. Salisbury is kind of dead these days
I remember how much used to be there in the 80's. Now there's no rides other than the carousel & all the waterfront arcades/amusements are a memory. My kids will never get to enjoy the joyful chaos of it. Closest thing to it is old orchard Beach.
Makes your heart sink, to realize what was,and what will never be..... Great video...
Me too! I was 9 then and it was magical
So sad we had the best childhood and so didn’t our Children. Never to be had again. We were hurt to think our great grandchildren don’t want to bring children into this world. Now I truly don’t blame them one bit.
What ever happened to that old water slide? The big one, I heard something about someone falling off of it and dying, so they closed it down, but not sure if that's true.
Never say never Never say never
I have great memories going there as a kid in the 50s and 60s ! The place was total magic. We could never afford to go anywhere on vacation but every summer we would take 2 day trips to Salisbury Beach.
Great stuff! I was 11 and 12 in 1989-1990. I spent many summers going here as well as to Hampton, Jenness, and Wallis Sands. I can smell the fried dough and "beach pizza" watching this.
Thanks for sharing this with everyone. I grew up spending every summer there and lived there in 87 and went triton high for a bit before going back to methuen high. Countless memories of being young and falling in love at the beach and crushing on the cristis pizza guys with my girlfriend's lol. Sneaking onto the outside deck of the bar at the end of the path that leads to Vermont Ave. I don't know the exact address but I remember adults helping to pull us up onto the deck I was 15!!!! Lol.I could go on and on and even name some names of incredible, wild, devious, hilarious, romantic, and mischievous doings but we all know that what happened those summer days and nights at Salisbury Beach stay at Salisbury Beach lol.
I live nearby and go to Salisbury Beach often. It still crushes me when I see the bite they took out of it. Parking lots, condos where the rides were and the whole left side of the boardwalk just gone.
This is the next best thing to a time machine! My heart and mind ache ls trying to remember every detail of Salisbury Beach's glory days. You brought it all back! Thank you you for having the equipment 35 years ago to record history and God bless you for putting it all together and sharing!
This brings back some happy memories. I remember every year at Memorial School we had a beach day for the class to spend an entire day at the beach. It was usually shortly before summer vacation and was how we would kick off the summer. At the time, they had some pretty fun rides like the Sea Dragon and the Matterhorn. My childhood was a bit rough, but playing some arcades, going on rides, the bumper cars, eating a fried dough from Happys and shooting targets with those light guns at the entrance of the pavilion really let me forget everything for a little while. I always remember there was an old guy that had a cotton candy machine between the strip and the parking lot area. I wonder what ever happened to him after he closed up shop.
The opening dialogue between the father and the daughter is perfect. "Everyone loves it up here!" "It's a great place" "Yipee!"
I said out loud -‘she’s so right’
Thank you for this, this was my childhood
oh my god, my family went up there every year up until the mid-late 90s... this is incredible, takes me right back to being a kid. a little teary-eyed, not gonna lie
Same deal with my family same time frame to
You filmed it as if somewhere in the back of your mind you knew what was going to happen. The whole feel of this is very foreshadowing.
Thanks so much for the Great memories ❤I lived in Amesbury and spent most of my time at Salisbury and Hampton Beaches as a kid in the 60's and 70's. I am now 63 boy i miss those days. It was so nice to see it again. I also brought my kids there in the 80's and 90's. God Bless ! 🙏🙏
Thanks for taking the time to bump up your 8mm to digital.
It is nice to know this footage will be available for every one to remember the good times.
Just saw this today, amazing trip down memory lane, while I didn't move there til 92, it's just how I remembered.
my family used to spend 2 weeks every summer here in a cottage and we would always go to the center twice during that time. its so depressing what the center has become today. its all condos now. but so many memories of childhood thanks for making this video and bringing me back to a awesome time in my life
Memories of a place i love. Growing up at the beach..1987 to 1999..miss the gd ol days
Same here would never miss a summer
The good 'ol days of Salisbury Beach. I know it was cleaner for the older generations, but it was still great at this time. Had the best time ever playing music there exactly in this time period. - R.I.P. Salisbury Beach Boardwalk.
Thank you so much for posting this. I actually managed the Ice Cream stand you captured a year or so later... Cool to see it again. This beach is barely a shell of what it used to be now. So sad...
I appreciate this video so much. I always loved going on the himalaya ride. Aye yi yi. It's the himalaya
I worked in Pirate's Fun Park in the summer of 1988 on the "Bumper Boats" as a student from Scotland in my first visit to the US and had an unforgettable summer. Sad to hear the fairground has gone
Ronamacaroni everything these days is gone there's nothing left of this place
I lived in salisbury briefly from 2001-2004. I was in college and would come home for weekends and breaks. So much fun. Used to go as a little kid in the 90s. So sad it withered away. My husband and our friends now frequent one of the local campgrounds. Its weird.
Sadly it’s long gone
What a great video Salisbury Beach was a great place to go it’s sad that it looks nothing like it did in this video here in the year 2021 just a faded memory of what once was too bad a lot of the beach amusement parks in New England are long gone only one left that I know of is Old Orchard Beach Maine I do stop down at Salisbury Beach every so often for some beach pizza!
Right around 8:10 there is a little jingle playing in the background, coming from some arcade game. I used to spend so much time here as a little kid, and I remember always hearing that playing nonstop. Our beach house wasn't far, so i'd be trying to fall asleep and hear these noises, that one included. the white noises of childhood captured by a stranger in a video. we are all living under the same roof :)
RedYellow Blue been trying to think what game that sound came from and it’s just not hitting me. Driving me crazy haha
I think the game was Rampage (Godzilla, King Kong, Giant Wolfman climbing/punching buildings).
My parents took my little sister and I here from 1991-1993 for about a month or so during those summers.
I met the love of my life here in the summer of 1992....I was just a teenager. It was in front of one of those buildings shown near the end of this video that we first started talking. I remember it like it was yesterday. He wasn't from there, but lived there for a few years. Even though I lived 35 miles away, we stayed together for about a year and a half.
I found out about a month ago that he was murdered in Boston (where he was actually from) in June of this year.
Thank you for sharing this video.
I know my commentary leads to a very grim story, but this guy was my truest love, no matter how young we were. I know if he hadn't been taken so cruelly, I would have seen him again, in some way.
I have been going insane trying to find things concerning Salisbury from 1992 and 1993, and this is the closest I could find, and lo and behold, the exact spot where we first came together was captured here.
Thank you with all of my heart, once again, for sharing this.
Man. I LOVED my summers at Salisbury Beach. My whole family (stepfathers side) would stay at this once little “block” of condos right on the beach - about 1/2 mile from the center. Maybe less?
The old couple that owned the cottages were named Sam and Edna. I think the last name was Fudgee?? I don’t know how to spell it.
It was the coolest thing ever. At 36, I look back at those times and can’t believe how beautiful it all was.
Thanks for this. I was born in 1984 and went up every summer from 84-to 2002 when I graduated high school. I've gone back on and off and actually was just there last summer. My family still has a house next to the 4-D. So many great memories. I was fortunate enough to essentially spend 2 months each summer there.
i wish i was a teen in the 80s 😭 '
It was a lot of fun. You never know what you have until it’s gone
wow you took me on a real nostalgia trip with your video. cant believe how much the beach has changed over the years. feel like it was just yesterday i would go on these rides and see the crowds of people there. :(
Thank you so much for this upload! I hung out at Salusbury Beach during these times and now so many years later to see footage like this just blows my mind. This video made my whole day. Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you for sharing this, so many incredible memories
Thanks for the videos! I was at Salisbury the other day. Some of the old business are still there,. Rides are gone. Some of the buildings need serious love. Hopefully Salisbury gets some of the renovations Hampton is getting.
Thank you for posting this video!! I cannot believe the how nostalgic I feel right now!! So many wonderful childhood memories!!
I live on the beach now. Wow times have changed. Brings back so many memories
Really takes me back! I used to live on North End Boulevard and later Cable Ave. So many memories of the summer, the pavilion, Pirates Fun Park, Saturday night sock-hops. You'd think all that was back in the 50's, the way things have changed.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I was up at Salisbury beach last night, they are having a temporary carnival until September 2nd in the old Pirate's Fun Park...I remember the way it was in your video, and I miss it so much! : ( This is great, I love seeing everything exactly the way I remember...fantastic memories!!
What is normally the they're just a vacant lot? I'm going up to Hampton this summer for a couple of weeks for the first time staying up there probably since 1996 I'm looking forward to it . We'll definitely have to Salisbury
some of the best times of my life i spent there...thank you for posting your video
I love the sound of the kids getting so excited. Yippie. Lol so cute.
THANKS A LOT for this video. I actually worked in "Pirate´s Park" amusement park during the Summer of´93. I flew all the way from Spain (Europe) across the Atlantic to enjoy the MOST exciting and MEMORABLE time of my life. It was my very first job in another country (actually another continent). I had the time of my life! Watching this video has really touched me!It is exactly as I remember it. Great memories! :)
I remember one time visiting Pirates Park there was some old guy taking quarters to use the restroom. I was like WTF?
I worked at the park back in 93 I ran the go carts
I miss going there as a kid. There were batting cages there too. In the summer of 95, a friend of mine helped to run the "Sock Hops." That fall, I was going into Navy boot camp and the guy running the Sock Hops joked (on mic) "Oh so youre going into the Navy huh? Youre going to have to get wet arent you?" Some of his crew members threw me in the water. hahaha. I swear it was easily one of the best times of my life. :D
I work there for 2 summers 88 & 89 at Pirates and Midway Arcade for the Mulcahy family. Great times, thanks for posting.
If you go back to the 50's or so the middle of the rotary island used to be a large public pool.
Also has anyone noticed in this video not one person walking around with their nose in their cell phones? Seems weird now to see people walking around enjoying themselves without having to tell the world what they are doing every minute.
+blackhawk32b Oh my gosh sooooo true
There have been a couple times that rough weather has uncovered that public pool in the sand in the past couple decades.
They didn’t have cell phones of course you wouldn’t see it. I see lots of newspapers shoved In dads faces
Not too many colossal fatties either
I remember these days wow good old days
Awesome video. You are very lucky to have this and I thank you because I feel lucky to see it too. Those were my prime years at the beach and sometimes I have a hard time remembering it the way we see in the video. Thanks again for posting. You should come now and take some video and show what it's become. I live basically across from Footes ice cream a half mile away from the beach and the only word I can use to describe it now is boring. lol
makes me sad my son will never see it the way I did
not a single cell phone to be found - the good ol days
They didn’t exist so of course not. But I hear ya.
I remember this so well!
This is amazing! My wife and I still love going down to Salisbury beach. Wish it still had the rides and Frolics but it hasn't lost any of its charm.
Matthew Lister it’s lost a lot of it’s charm actually. Was there the other day and it’s really sketchy now and it’s sad that you can’t bring your kid there for a fun time they will remember
Love it! Like the accent too. I have it too. No matter how hard I try it’s always there.
@4.28 *Totally* forgot about that plane that would fly by with ads. Thanks for posting the video.
Exactly the way I remembered it when I worked there. Was a great place then.
I remember the Skydiver & the Himalaya:
Let's go reeeeaaaaaaaaaaal fast!
razorjules did they take that skydiver and sell it to Rocky Point. Never went here! I know if it was still around, I definitely would!! This would have def been a spot I would go to as well as Rocky Point (spend so many days as a child there) as an adult today! So sad to see all these places go :(.
Hold on now as we go REAL FAST ! Good times.
I remember the Frolics club on the beach. I saw the J. Geils band. They served drinks during the show. The sunrise woke me up on the beach the next morning.
Wow, blast from the past. I was most likely working at the Dream Machine arcade that day.
What ashame they don't have rides anymore at the beach i remeamber as a kid going there and having blast with the rides and the teen club that use to be there good times i go down there now obly for a slice and def had better days i glad i got to enjoy it they should bring it back
thank you for putting this here.
I went to Salisbury Beach with my family when I was very young (I think 1997) and I'm trying to identify a ride that was near the Ferris wheel. I remember it being enclosed and you could hear the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey from inside.
Oh wow - this was the time period I lived there! It may not be so great now (or even back then), but for a twenty year old fresh from Virginia, armed with a fake id (not that I ever needed it) and a Lost Boys fetish, Salisbury Beach was a wonderful playground. Thanks for catching the Tic Toc - it was within sight of my front door on North End Blvd., and was a favorite watering hole.
Same deal with me fake ID I was only a year shy great times up there we me and the friends we spent a week up at Hampton and week in Salisbury.. and come to think of it nobody really asked an ID. The tiktok was cool so was the kon-tiki. And of course late night pizza slices :-)
What a big difference. My family and i went to Salisbury beach only a few times. The part where we went was not too far from an "inlet" which was like a small river, water rushing inland and i guess rushing out later on during the tides. Our beach location also had high "bluffs" which i am remembering were a few FEET about the water line. Those waves ( damn they were big ) would break and come up almost to where we were beached. It was rough swimming, and a couple times ( even on a sunny day ) the Lifeguard would tell us: "Up to you ANKLES only".................the water was that rough. There were only 3 or 4 rides at the entertainment area I forgot to mention.....this was around 1952-1953 I liked riding on the "Whip". Toodles
Wow, you know I am 62 now and used to love that area during the summer. I am in NC now but lived in MA. then, so sad what they took away, all those pizza shops, etc. arcades gone for good, sure brings back memories--Remember the KonTiki and the other place where they had wet T contests???
jim dandy I remember how salisbury beach looked like this I worked the space odessy back in 1992 good times I'm 44 now yes everything got destroyed the ruined the beach bar rooms and the outsiders and realiters I guess good things come to a end I totally miss the beach I'm from the newburyport area now I'm in rochester nh
Great footage!
8:45 my family had a place right behind those house. on the corner their was a small store. 1month every year in July and 89 was our last year. it freaks me out to think i was there at that moment. My moms friend Ceal Ralo own the discout store and my dad use to bounce the 5oclock. Seeing the pilot plane was so cool. it would always tell you about the fireworks at night. It's so sad. The 80's was such a different time. i don't rembr makin the beach that fing messy...damn. i wish it was then now
Awesome! Thank You! This is exactly how I remember it best!
🥺miss you 1990
My landword rented a cottage a the base of the largest hill on the roller coaster. Every time a ride came down the hill, his cottate shoke violently and the noise was defining. What a place to rent a cottage but the price was right!.
Great video too bad it's all gone now such a shame!! wish they would wake up and realize what has been lost. Maybe they will
When ever I visit Salsbury I wonder why so many people forgot this beach:(
Because the town of Salisbury could care less they had an opportunity to have a casino there they turn that down
Thanks for the memories
At 1:22 I can see an old 1980s Dodge School Van that is dark blue and I'm not sure what company it was.
It’s weird to see Salisbury beach be hustling and bustling. It’s still busy but most people don’t come here and go up to new hanpshire. There isn’t much to do now.
Yippee, everyone loves to come here
Boy, this brings back memories! Does any of this exist now? We last went in the early 80's. By the looks of Google Map I can't seem to find much of anything!
Salisbury Beach is just a faded memory of what it use to be 😔 only things left are a few of the food/pizza places and a few arcades rides/midway are long gone
Lol joes playland is still there wow
lol at the mullets!!
anybody remember my grandmother "Wing Ding" ?
Unfortunately the boardwalk has taken a bit of a dive. Some of the vendors are still there, but a lot of businesses have closed. Hampton, on the other hand, is getting a bit of a renaissance.
Same here!! : (
I wonder where Sweetie Pie was?? He was a Salisbury Beach icon back in the day.
Wading even born yet but I have been to salsbury before. Some of the buildings are standing but most aren't :(
Ha I remember the Wildcat coaster
Yes this place was awesome! but now its a wreck D:
The Good Old Day
Ah the beach I remember so sad what happened to it
Look at how much parking they had now you can park 10 cars on each side
They say they might bring back the Robbie horses the original set
Remember when this place wasn’t trashy holy shit. I want there for that time unfortunately but I wish I grew up at THIS center
Makes you realize how much life sucks now
Boom boxes on the beach!!!
Just how I remember it Swill,Smelly garbage, and BO everywhere PU!!!!
Up in Hampton for a few weeks going as far as burying a few nights a week as well right right during this filming but during the same time frame. Salisbury is kind of dead these days
6:00 mark - guy beating his dog
Didnt go to joes playland? Liked it better them the amusment park
Don’t go back. The place is a mess... :(
W cap
Every year the beach area gets worse. Idiots swearing every other words and littering. It is the people that changed and not the area.