MOKO enfant du monde - MOKO the young explorer

  • Опубліковано 4 сер 2009
  • Moko est un jeune garçon dune curiosité infinie et dune imagination débordante. Son grand défi : découvrir le bout du monde monde. Il voyage en Afrique, en Asie, en Europe et aux Amériques. Il sinterroge sur ce quil voit les étoiles, les arcs en ciel, les tornades, les saisons... MOKO est un aventurier, avide de rencontres, démotions. Il est à la fois joyeux et effrayé par les phénomènes naturels qui lentourent traités dans un module explicatif.
    MOKO is a young boy overflowing with endless curiosity and endowed with an overflowing imagination. His one an dgreat challenge is to discover the whole wide world in its every corner. Thus, he travels through the African, the Asian, the European and both American continents. His quest is perpetual and he does not hesitete to constantly question everything that meets his seye : the stars, the rainbows, the tornados, the seasons,etc MOKO is an adventurer longing to meet new people, deal with new situations and feel new emotions. He is both attracted and scared by all the natural phenomenons which surround him. All his adventures are presented in the shape of stories which are, at the same time, naive, poetie, esthetical ; they are told with humour, and are capable, furthermore, to provoke serious mought on the world around us, as well as on the natural phenomenons which are presented with an explanatory unit.