I just had surgery for mine on Monday . They used gas so I have to lay on my right side 24 hrs a day for at least 1 month. I am about to lose my mind trying to stay in this position all day and night. Please say a prayer for me that my surgery is successful and I will definitely pray for all of you 🙏❤
I understand how maddening it can be to stay in one position for such a long time. By the time I'm commenting this though you're already half way done, so good job and stay strong! You're almost there! Praying for your full and smooth recovery 🙏🏼💪🏽✨️
@Alex Diaz I'm doing a lot better . I just had my one month visit and the doctor said everything was going as planned. They do not put you to sleep because of Rapid eye movement but they do sedate you very heavy .
@@paulam1596 it is very hard but you will get through it. It helps if the doctor will prescribed you some anxiety medication until you get through that part
Thanks for posting this video. I am 45 and had a complete detachment and had surgery on 10-10-22. My retina pulled away from the macula. I had a gas bubble and buckle placed. It’s been 3 months post-op and I have 40%-50% of my vision back. My surgeon said my vision may improve but will never be like it was before the surgery. It was quite alarming. The recovery was very painful for me. My eye was swollen shut the day after and was blood red. It took about 1.5 months to get some normalcy back. Now, I am back at work and feel much better. I have a cataract on my eye now and that has to be removed now. Lol!! All I can do is laugh at this point. My right eye was the culprit as well. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Thanks for the info Dani, i just got my 2nd laser last week. and my next follow up date is next week. i think i will ask them to refer me to Hospital Selayang.
Thank you for this Dani. I just had my surgery on Sep 14 2022. I recovering but the fears of life ahead grip me. I am encouraged by your zest for life and will take that as a learning for myself. Thank you for doing this video.
I'm really sorry that you had to go through this. I truly hope there would be more awareness for retinal detachment. High myopes in particular are at risk and knowing the signs are key!
Same same situation 😊 the other eye compensates for vision loss in one eye. Even i had the surgery for right eye in aug 21. I'm still paranoid but keeping calm as i have good vision with glasses and contacts. I had absolutely no symptoms 🤕
I've had flashes of light in my peripheral vision in both eyes for a couple years now, mostly my left eye and I feel like it's getting more frequent. Went to the optometrist last week and they confirmed no tears, but the photos did confirm that it's a bit thinner behind my eye especially in my left. I've been an anxious mess since then, I almost dread it every time there's a flash in my eye now as if I'm waiting for my retina to tear or detach. I've always struggled with health anxiety, but knowing that I'm not alone and if it does ever happen, it will be okay and you can do something about it.
I went to the ophthalmologist shortly after this, who assured me that I shouldn't be worried and that both my eyes have plently of vitreous gel, and that the other optometrist was wrong. I've been having less flashes since (not sure if it's bc my anxiety went down) but the flashes randomly started going back up recently but then started going down again. Seeing another optometrist next week just for a routine check up and to check my retinas but I think I'm okay now, and will only really sound the alarm when I see an abundance of flashes at once or loss of vision. @@paulwoodford1984
Thanks for sharing your experience - am recovering from a schleral buckle op from a bit over a week ago, and know what you mean when you say it can be a confronting and stressful event! I'd heard of a retinal detachment before, but had no real idea what it entailed. So I'm glad I could get mine dealt with relatively quickly, and strongly encourage anyone to see a doctor if their vision changes in any way!! My brain is doing a good job of interpreting the mixed signals coming from my eyes (left has the buckle and is still blurry, with a bit of the gas bubble remaining too) and I'm feeling much more like myself in the past few days :)
Tqvm for sharing your experience. It is a good insight for future patient, caretakers & family members on what to expect before and after the procedure. It gives some hope for patient and family members that such situation is manageable. Wish you all the best on your future endeavours & stay healthy.
I had this surgery 2 weeks ago. Caught it on a Monday early evening (dark curtain). Saw the Retina specialist on Tuesday and operated on Thursday @ 12 Noon. My first follow up is tomorrow morning.
It's very good explanation Dani 👍 I just had retinal detachment last Wednesday 9 aug 2023 in Australia. I experienced a bit of black shadiw on the left eye on the bottom side. I went to optometris on the next day and they found it immediately that I got tear on my retinal. They sent me straight away to the specialist. Next day I went to specialist, they check again and it cannot be fix by just by laser. So they sent me straight away to hospital for operation. I went to hospital on the same day which was Friday and the doctor in hospital straight away did the vitrectomy in the afternoon at 4pm. Everything went very fast in here, I think the doctor in Australia look at retinal detachment as something that very serious and urgent. I am in the recovery now in 4 days and the bubble is halfway now.
Thank you so much for making this video. It is very helpful and very positive. I will find out next week exactly what my consultant intends to do regarding my eye surgery...
Thank you for the video, great explanation of retinal detachment and all that goes with it. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and that both of your eyes will be taken care of. My partner just went through surgery for a retinal detachment in the R eye and is on the road to healing and recovery! It's a scary experience... All the best to you Dani.
Hi Dani, can I know how’s your vision now? Regain fully as before? If yes how long does it takes? I had the surgery 2 weeks ago and most of the gas bubble has disappeared. I can see already but not exactly clear. Mine is Mac on retinal detachment. This is my main concern. My appointment with doctor is in 2 weeks time.
Great video Dani, This is a great public service announcement, please listen to this young woman about the early symptoms, very early detection of a problem with your retina means a much simpler and easier treatment. I am 72 years old and just had the vitrectomy surgery, mine was caused by old age, but like most I did not pay attention to the symptoms, such as heavy floaters, and a few flashes. I did pay attention once the curtain fell in my eye, but still waited to see a doctor for 1 whole week. Don't be stubborn like me go see your eye professional right away, the whole situation can be scary, but losing your sight is much worse. Thank you Dani for this great video.
Oh my, I went to an optometrist a week ago, he said I had a chance of a retinal detachment. So I had to make an appointment with my PCP so I can get an appointment for an opthalmologist in two months. Then I can get a referral to a retinologist and I have no idea how long before that appointment will occur. I am praying nothing happens before that.
Very good to know dear abt ur experience...which similiarly almost similar to my case dear...during covid am gone for laser nd victrectomy surgery to my left eye...I got cateract surgery nd know am placed with gas bubble just a week ago...my left is totally dark nd my doctor said it ll take 4 to 6 weeks to dissappoier the gas bubble..plz share ur experience from day one of gas bubble placement.am pretty tensed abt it..thank u dear
@@jairao468 It's actually pretty good although I think my macula was affected so sometimes have to read a little slower. Given the alternative of not seeing at all I'm pretty happy. Thanks for asking.
Hi, besides myopia did you have any risk factors? I do have myopia, I also have some hyper mobility along with some other issues and have wondered if I could have Elher Danlos syndrome which I found can make you prone to retinal detachments. My experience if it help someone… I recently had a superior detachment. I had been having symptoms for months, but had many checks by neuro-ophthalmology and multiple optometrist and no tear was identified until I actually stopped having symptoms (they were mostly a globe like flash when I was having them). That day I noticed that where my symptoms were I no longer had peripheral vision. I was able to see a retinal surgeon that same day and laser was attempted within 24 hours. Unfortunately it wasn’t working so he switched to a cryopexy (he explained as giving my eye frost bite) and then a vitrectomy with an air bubble (not gas). It was far more painful than the laser having the cryo. 2 days later he attempted the laser again and tried to “walk up” the area that was still attached to prevent further separation and then switched the air bubble for a gas bubble. Another 72 hours later I was back for another round of laser. I’m now 96 hours out from the last procedure and still have some fluid behind my retina (but outside of the initial are of detachment so likely displaced from the area that was detached), but it seems to be less today that 48 hours ago so I’m just watching and waiting for continued improvement. My surgeon has spent hours with me trying to keep me from having to have the sclera buckle because the likelihood of additional surgeries later in life is so high at my age (30’s)
hello, thank you very much for your videos. you look happy and that's great. I had a vitrectomy a month ago with gas bubble for two weeks. my doctor is sick. I want to know if I can go back to wearing contact lenses, doing some fitness, going to the swimming pool or flying. A very big thank you
Hi Dani, So sorry that you had to go through all these, and thank you so much for sharing your experience... Dear back in 2019 my eyes developed Uvitis from an unknown cause... We ruled out all sorts of infections and ailments none of that was summing up for why I had developed Uvitis bilaterally. Both my retinas were affected, and partially lost the central vision on my right eye and developed double vision. I have a gost image over everything, I have macula pucker on my both eyes. Later I was treated with high steroids and ocular injection ozurdex. Lately I have developed lots of floaters on my right eye and also my vision on right eye is completely blurred.. I feel like some thing is stuck real tight in the right eye. And also my retina is thinned out durle to the steroids treatment. Anyways I would like to undergo viterectomy specially on my right eye so atleast I can get rid of all the annoying floaters.. it's like jelly fish is floating in my right eye .. Kindly suggest me what is best for me. Waiting eagerly for your response. Thank you.
Hi Dani,I went scleral buckle surgery 1 year ago as it was failed again I went PPV and silicon oil surgery 3 weeks ago,now my eye is completely red and very small in size How much time does it take to increase my eye size and get back vision?
Hi Dani my wife just went through retinal dettachent surgery and have scared buckle put in her eye it’s almost 10 days now she start to open her eyes but still have blurry vision how long it will take to clear
Hi Khairul. My doctors told me I can resume vigorous activities but to be very careful. Although some doctors recommend to avoid them as much as possible, especially if it can cause strain to the eyes like weight lifting, or injure the eye like rough sports. As long as you're careful to not get hit on your head by the ball, I think you should be safe. But do check with your doctors about your case anyway.
Hi, I have an issue with retinal detachment . It was affected around 25 years ago. At the age of 16 I had lost my right eye. However, I have good vision on the other eye. Now the sited vision is coming down gradually. Here I want to know that By any chance I am able to retrieve the vision back?? On the other eye does it require any further treatment to avoid the ? Please advise.
Mam I had my vitrecomy surgery 30 days ago in left eye. My redness increased after 30 in left eye. Before that it was fine. Was also white. I am having oil inside my eye. Is it normal or some serious is building up
Sorry just saw you question. I had to face down to press the macula for 24 hours, then face down and sideways for 2 weeks to press against the tear. But I'm hearing different timelines recommended on a case to case basis, some up to a month. So totally depends on your condition. Hope you're recovering well!
Hi can i ask when you were experiencing dark spots when you quickly get up how was it like large dark spots or shadows in your central or peripheral. How long from the first symptoms esp the dark spots before u had the curtain or cast where things have progressed. Also when you tried to see in one eye the blurriness was really bad when you saw far or near since you are nearsighted. Dia u have a weighthy feeling in the eye that was detached. I have floaters for years n myopia (not bad) and am a lil concern. My last eye checked was in 2017 omg
Hey Dani please reply me Can You tell Me About Retinal Detachment,My Sister's One of eye is totally damage because We Didn't obsorb Early Later Doctor Were Saying that it is not possible She is not able to see by one Eye So is it possible any Surgery that Her Vision.comeback ??please reply me
how is your vision progress. can you comment on this. Its been more than an year now I guess. Is your vision back to normal and for how many months you had blurry vision or some other vision issues
Hi, how many times did you see flashes in a day? And can you please tell me what dose your flash look like black lightning streak type image or like a black out for one second? And were the flashes more visible in a dark room or in bright room?
From my recent experience if you see flashes (“C” shape flashes) on your peripheral vision or with any movement of the eye even once or multiple times during the day (nigh or day) that you never experienced before it’s a sign that something is going on with your retina. It could either be a tear or beginning of a RD. See your eye doctor (ophthalmologist) or retina specialist ASAP. The faster you have your eyes examined it will provide you with the best solution to avoid further vision loss or even permanent loss of vision.
Just at mine done in November. All these comments help me slot Because I felt encourage to know it can be fixed.It really a journey . Thanks be to God for modern medicine.
Do you go completely blind by retinal detachement. Ihad floaters for 5 years now iam afraid. Ican see eyes except tge blury part a tiny bit now it slighty increased. Should i consult doctor 😰.Would iam able get my vision back
The curtains, flashes and floaters are all gone. I don't have perfect vision anymore, there is still some minor blurriness and distortion which makes it hard to read from the operated eye as my case was already pretty severe. But I'm grateful to have regained any vision at all over going blind. And I barely notice the bluriness on most days as my left eye compensates for it.
They're much better now. I got most of my vision back in the operated eye. And no I do not see flashes. Only some while the bubble was still there due to light refrection, but after the bubble dissolved it was gone.
I had the decrease in sharpness for about a month, and it took a couple more weeks before I realized I had the curtain. Since my detachment was a inferior one, it progressed more slowly and I barely noticed it
@@lagology1533 oh haha sorry 😅. The curtain was immediately gone after surgery. The sharpness took some time because the gas bubble took 2 and 1/2 months to dissolve, then more for my eyes to adjust. So I'd say at least 4 months for the sharpness to improve, but it depends on the severity of your case. I'll need to change my glasses soon at my next appointment because the surgery did cause my eye power to change, which will help improve the sharpness more.
@@DaniRoberts oh okay thank you so much. I’m not 100% sure we have the same problem but I’m personally dealing with what you would call distorted central vision and it’s been 3 weeks after my buckle so I just was wondering how long it would take for me to see any sort of improvement in my eye sight. And in my left eye a bite Tony was done when I started to notice that straight lines would appear just slightly bent but not as bad as the left eye!
It's been just over a year now since I got the surgery done and I haven't had cataracts yet. But my doctors did warn me that any surgery done on the eye could cause cataracts to form, so I'm keeping an eye out for them.
Take your Dr recommendation and have your eye treated with laser. Very simple and fast procedure. A little bit of pain (some people do have pain and some don’t). The procedure is rather quick. I had both of my eye retina lasered on September of this year. I had a horse shoe tear on the right eye due to a PVD and a semi tear on the left eye. Had the right eye done first due to being more critical to have it fixed and avoid a RD if not lasered and 2 weeks later I had my left eye lasered (preventive). Almost 3 months later and a couple of follow up visits in between after the procedures with my retinologist my retinas are both looking good. No peripheral view loss and 20/20 vision. From now on I will have 6-month checkups. My retinologist is my best friend for the rest of my life. It’s a little bit scary when they tell you that they need to laser your eyes but believe me it’s better to have it done than wait and have a more complicated scenario and even permanent loss of vision.
hye dani i gone through as what u have had it before i felt how the roller coster went through for my both eyes haha 2019 once on the rt eye with laser / scleral buckle and now in 2022 for my left eye with vitrectomy and laser
Hope you're recovering well! Let's pray we won't have to go through another rollecoaster like this again. Or at least not for a very very long time 🙏🏼✨️
I just masturbated on the 2nd day after Vitrectomy so then after that I felt some itchiness and after that next day boom another retinal detachment Can u pls ask the doctor if masturbation while on vitrectomy recovery period causes Retinal detachment or nah - 19 year old boy
I just had surgery for mine on Monday . They used gas so I have to lay on my right side 24 hrs a day for at least 1 month. I am about to lose my mind trying to stay in this position all day and night. Please say a prayer for me that my surgery is successful and I will definitely pray for all of you 🙏❤
I understand how maddening it can be to stay in one position for such a long time. By the time I'm commenting this though you're already half way done, so good job and stay strong! You're almost there! Praying for your full and smooth recovery 🙏🏼💪🏽✨️
@Alex Diaz I'm doing a lot better . I just had my one month visit and the doctor said everything was going as planned. They do not put you to sleep because of Rapid eye movement but they do sedate you very heavy .
Same here it’s a nightmare
@@paulam1596 it is very hard but you will get through it. It helps if the doctor will prescribed you some anxiety medication until you get through that part
@Alex Diaz how are you doing ? Have you made it through the positioning yet ?
Thanks for posting this video. I am 45 and had a complete detachment and had surgery on 10-10-22. My retina pulled away from the macula. I had a gas bubble and buckle placed. It’s been 3 months post-op and I have 40%-50% of my vision back. My surgeon said my vision may improve but will never be like it was before the surgery. It was quite alarming. The recovery was very painful for me. My eye was swollen shut the day after and was blood red. It took about 1.5 months to get some normalcy back. Now, I am back at work and feel much better. I have a cataract on my eye now and that has to be removed now. Lol!! All I can do is laugh at this point. My right eye was the culprit as well.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
You are an angel for sharing your personal journey with retinal detachment and helping so many people :)❤❤❤🙏👍
Thanks for the info Dani, i just got my 2nd laser last week. and my next follow up date is next week. i think i will ask them to refer me to Hospital Selayang.
Thank you for this Dani. I just had my surgery on Sep 14 2022. I recovering but the fears of life ahead grip me. I am encouraged by your zest for life and will take that as a learning for myself. Thank you for doing this video.
It will be fine , trust me on that 😊
How are you doing now? What was your prescription before and what is it now?
I'm really sorry that you had to go through this. I truly hope there would be more awareness for retinal detachment. High myopes in particular are at risk and knowing the signs are key!
Same same situation 😊 the other eye compensates for vision loss in one eye. Even i had the surgery for right eye in aug 21. I'm still paranoid but keeping calm as i have good vision with glasses and contacts. I had absolutely no symptoms 🤕
Same problem😞
@@manashigusain3731 how are you doing??
Wish you all the best
Thank you for the detailed explanation. We are so lucky that UA-cam can provide information on these serious conditions.
Nice to see you fully recovered. May I know What is your current vision?
I had a vitrectomy four days ago and you are correct, the recovery is so frustrating.
I hear you. It’s frustrating but you’ll get thru it
Thanks for sharing. The information provided is very useful to me as I prepare to meet my doctor for the treatment of retinal detachment. Thanks
I've had flashes of light in my peripheral vision in both eyes for a couple years now, mostly my left eye and I feel like it's getting more frequent. Went to the optometrist last week and they confirmed no tears, but the photos did confirm that it's a bit thinner behind my eye especially in my left. I've been an anxious mess since then, I almost dread it every time there's a flash in my eye now as if I'm waiting for my retina to tear or detach. I've always struggled with health anxiety, but knowing that I'm not alone and if it does ever happen, it will be okay and you can do something about it.
How has your vision been. Anymore flashes?
I went to the ophthalmologist shortly after this, who assured me that I shouldn't be worried and that both my eyes have plently of vitreous gel, and that the other optometrist was wrong. I've been having less flashes since (not sure if it's bc my anxiety went down) but the flashes randomly started going back up recently but then started going down again. Seeing another optometrist next week just for a routine check up and to check my retinas but I think I'm okay now, and will only really sound the alarm when I see an abundance of flashes at once or loss of vision. @@paulwoodford1984
I have also ratina detechment surgery Its too late when realise that it was ratina detechment but i recover 100 %
Thanks for sharing your experience - am recovering from a schleral buckle op from a bit over a week ago, and know what you mean when you say it can be a confronting and stressful event!
I'd heard of a retinal detachment before, but had no real idea what it entailed. So I'm glad I could get mine dealt with relatively quickly, and strongly encourage anyone to see a doctor if their vision changes in any way!!
My brain is doing a good job of interpreting the mixed signals coming from my eyes (left has the buckle and is still blurry, with a bit of the gas bubble remaining too) and I'm feeling much more like myself in the past few days :)
Tqvm for sharing your experience. It is a good insight for future patient, caretakers & family members on what to expect before and after the procedure. It gives some hope for patient and family members that such situation is manageable.
Wish you all the best on your future endeavours & stay healthy.
I had this surgery 2 weeks ago. Caught it on a Monday early evening (dark curtain). Saw the Retina specialist on Tuesday and operated on Thursday @ 12 Noon. My first follow up is tomorrow morning.
This is very very helpful information on symptoms and treatment. Thank-You for sharing your experience kindly 👍🙏👀👏
It's very good explanation Dani 👍
I just had retinal detachment last Wednesday 9 aug 2023 in Australia.
I experienced a bit of black shadiw on the left eye on the bottom side. I went to optometris on the next day and they found it immediately that I got tear on my retinal. They sent me straight away to the specialist. Next day I went to specialist, they check again and it cannot be fix by just by laser. So they sent me straight away to hospital for operation. I went to hospital on the same day which was Friday and the doctor in hospital straight away did the vitrectomy in the afternoon at 4pm.
Everything went very fast in here, I think the doctor in Australia look at retinal detachment as something that very serious and urgent.
I am in the recovery now in 4 days and the bubble is halfway now.
Thank you having my surgery tomorrow very helpful
This was a very good video, thank you
Thank you so much for making this video. It is very helpful and very positive. I will find out next week exactly what my consultant intends to do regarding my eye surgery...
Thank you for the video, great explanation of retinal detachment and all that goes with it. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and that both of your eyes will be taken care of. My partner just went through surgery for a retinal detachment in the R eye and is on the road to healing and recovery! It's a scary experience... All the best to you Dani.
Hi Dani, can I know how’s your vision now? Regain fully as before? If yes how long does it takes? I had the surgery 2 weeks ago and most of the gas bubble has disappeared. I can see already but not exactly clear. Mine is Mac on retinal detachment. This is my main concern. My appointment with doctor is in 2 weeks time.
Great video Dani, This is a great public service announcement, please listen to this young woman about the early symptoms, very early detection of a problem with your retina means a much simpler and easier treatment. I am 72 years old and just had the vitrectomy surgery, mine was caused by old age, but like most I did not pay attention to the symptoms, such as heavy floaters, and a few flashes. I did pay attention once the curtain fell in my eye, but still waited to see a doctor for 1 whole week. Don't be stubborn like me go see your eye professional right away, the whole situation can be scary, but losing your sight is much worse. Thank you Dani for this great video.
I had the same treatment for retinal detachment and my experience was similar to you. Wish you all th best.
Thank you so much for your video. You are amazing. Can I ask you about your vision right now? I got a scleral buckle a week ago.❤️
new day, new info. Thanks mate
Thanks for the support 😁👍🏼
Oh my, I went to an optometrist a week ago, he said I had a chance of a retinal detachment. So I had to make an appointment with my PCP so I can get an appointment for an opthalmologist in two months. Then I can get a referral to a retinologist and I have no idea how long before that appointment will occur. I am praying nothing happens before that.
This must be operated ASAP. No time for referrals or waiting.
Thanks for this video! It was very helpful.
Very good to know dear abt ur experience...which similiarly almost similar to my case dear...during covid am gone for laser nd victrectomy surgery to my left eye...I got cateract surgery nd know am placed with gas bubble just a week ago...my left is totally dark nd my doctor said it ll take 4 to 6 weeks to dissappoier the gas bubble..plz share ur experience from day one of gas bubble placement.am pretty tensed abt it..thank u dear
Just had surgery on December 1, 2021 and this was very interesting as I'm going through the same process.
How's your vision now
@@jairao468 It's actually pretty good although I think my macula was affected so sometimes have to read a little slower. Given the alternative of not seeing at all I'm pretty happy. Thanks for asking.
@@billmelater6820 what was your prognosis ...i mean how many tears and all
Thank you for making this video Dani... Did you experience floaters..?
Hi, besides myopia did you have any risk factors? I do have myopia, I also have some hyper mobility along with some other issues and have wondered if I could have Elher Danlos syndrome which I found can make you prone to retinal detachments.
My experience if it help someone…
I recently had a superior detachment. I had been having symptoms for months, but had many checks by neuro-ophthalmology and multiple optometrist and no tear was identified until I actually stopped having symptoms (they were mostly a globe like flash when I was having them). That day I noticed that where my symptoms were I no longer had peripheral vision. I was able to see a retinal surgeon that same day and laser was attempted within 24 hours. Unfortunately it wasn’t working so he switched to a cryopexy (he explained as giving my eye frost bite) and then a vitrectomy with an air bubble (not gas). It was far more painful than the laser having the cryo. 2 days later he attempted the laser again and tried to “walk up” the area that was still attached to prevent further separation and then switched the air bubble for a gas bubble. Another 72 hours later I was back for another round of laser. I’m now 96 hours out from the last procedure and still have some fluid behind my retina (but outside of the initial are of detachment so likely displaced from the area that was detached), but it seems to be less today that 48 hours ago so I’m just watching and waiting for continued improvement. My surgeon has spent hours with me trying to keep me from having to have the sclera buckle because the likelihood of additional surgeries later in life is so high at my age (30’s)
Thank you for sharing your experience.
hello, thank you very much for your videos. you look happy and that's great. I had a vitrectomy a month ago with gas bubble for two weeks. my doctor is sick. I want to know if I can go back to wearing contact lenses, doing some fitness, going to the swimming pool or flying. A very big thank you
how do flashes looks like and how long it lasts
Thank you so much Dani for your explantion it realy helps
thank you so much
Very informative video. Thank you for sharing
Is the laser and or eye injection for the gas bubble painful?
Hi now u can see properly why I am asking I got same operation
Hi Dani,
So sorry that you had to go through all these, and thank you so much for sharing your experience...
Dear back in 2019 my eyes developed Uvitis from an unknown cause... We ruled out all sorts of infections and ailments none of that was summing up for why I had developed Uvitis bilaterally.
Both my retinas were affected, and partially lost the central vision on my right eye and developed double vision. I have a gost image over everything,
I have macula pucker on my both eyes. Later I was treated with high steroids and ocular injection ozurdex.
Lately I have developed lots of floaters on my right eye and also my vision on right eye is completely blurred.. I feel like some thing is stuck real tight in the right eye.
And also my retina is thinned out durle to the steroids treatment.
Anyways I would like to undergo viterectomy specially on my right eye so atleast I can get rid of all the annoying floaters.. it's like jelly fish is floating in my right eye ..
Kindly suggest me what is best for me.
Waiting eagerly for your response.
Thank you.
Go for vitrectomy but there are some laser also that breaks the floaters into tiny parts so u can't see them
Thank you for sharing.
How are you doing? Had a retinal detachment surgery on my left eye. 12-28-22
How r u now ,what are the long term effects of this surgery?
How long the blurry vision take to clear ?
Thanks 😊
Hi Dani,I went scleral buckle surgery 1 year ago as it was failed again I went PPV and silicon oil surgery 3 weeks ago,now my eye is completely red and very small in size How much time does it take to increase my eye size and get back vision?
Did you have holes in left and right eye
What was the number of your glasses before and after surgery also how long it took to heal for you.. I am on 15 th day and still feel pain
How are you doing now?
Thanks very much
How much Candu see now after retinal detachment surgery. I had same surgery long back. It’s my terrible experience
Pls share ur experience
Thanks❤🌹🙏 dear make this video✌🙏
Hello I kuldeepsinh zala from India I have a silicon oil surgery done In my left eye after the tennis ball hit will my vision will be back ?
Hi Dani my wife just went through retinal dettachent surgery and have scared buckle put in her eye it’s almost 10 days now she start to open her eyes but still have blurry vision how long it will take to clear
3-4 months very critical
@@9322411819 does the prescription change after the surgery or remain same
@@vinodtura1593will change with higher minus number
Hiii ...i operatoion scleral buckle 2018 december.can i play volleyball again now
Hi Khairul. My doctors told me I can resume vigorous activities but to be very careful. Although some doctors recommend to avoid them as much as possible, especially if it can cause strain to the eyes like weight lifting, or injure the eye like rough sports. As long as you're careful to not get hit on your head by the ball, I think you should be safe. But do check with your doctors about your case anyway.
What were the gastric medications?
Hi, I have an issue with retinal detachment . It was affected around 25 years ago. At the age of 16 I had lost my right eye. However, I have good vision on the other eye. Now the sited vision is coming down gradually. Here I want to know that By any chance I am able to retrieve the vision back?? On the other eye does it require any further treatment to avoid the ? Please advise.
Went through 3 surgeries in one eye. Ended up losing vision. Never again!
3 surgeries of what? what happened and lost vision?
Prayers sent for you , I'm worried about the same thing
Mam I had my vitrecomy surgery 30 days ago in left eye. My redness increased after 30 in left eye. Before that it was fine. Was also white. I am having oil inside my eye. Is it normal or some serious is building up
How are you now? How is your vision?
Hi, how many days did you do face - down positioning after your retinal detachment operation? Thanks for replying
Sorry just saw you question. I had to face down to press the macula for 24 hours, then face down and sideways for 2 weeks to press against the tear. But I'm hearing different timelines recommended on a case to case basis, some up to a month. So totally depends on your condition. Hope you're recovering well!
Hi can i ask when you were experiencing dark spots when you quickly get up how was it like large dark spots or shadows in your central or peripheral. How long from the first symptoms esp the dark spots before u had the curtain or cast where things have progressed. Also when you tried to see in one eye the blurriness was really bad when you saw far or near since you are nearsighted. Dia u have a weighthy feeling in the eye that was detached. I have floaters for years n myopia (not bad) and am a lil concern. My last eye checked was in 2017 omg
What about ur vision now mam and right eye laser part will be vision will be clear or loss mam
Did you have Lattis Degeneration. It
ha...i now undergo same situation as u
Hey Dani please reply me Can You tell Me About Retinal Detachment,My Sister's One of eye is totally damage because We Didn't obsorb Early Later Doctor Were Saying that it is not possible She is not able to see by one Eye
So is it possible any Surgery that Her Vision.comeback ??please reply me
how is your vision progress. can you comment on this. Its been more than an year now I guess. Is your vision back to normal and for how many months you had blurry vision or some other vision issues
Hi, how many times did you see flashes in a day? And can you please tell me what dose your flash look like black lightning streak type image or like a black out for one second? And were the flashes more visible in a dark room or in bright room?
From my recent experience if you see flashes (“C” shape flashes) on your peripheral vision or with any movement of the eye even once or multiple times during the day (nigh or day) that you never experienced before it’s a sign that something is going on with your retina. It could either be a tear or beginning of a RD. See your eye doctor (ophthalmologist) or retina specialist ASAP. The faster you have your eyes examined it will provide you with the best solution to avoid further vision loss or even permanent loss of vision.
How is your vision now?
Wat a lucky doctor to treat those beautiful eyes
Great to see you eyes look good..God bless
What is the power of ur specs
My left eye was 275 and the right eye (operated one) was 350
Just at mine done in November. All these comments help me slot Because I felt encourage to know it can be fixed.It really a journey . Thanks be to God for modern medicine.
@@helenarodney7004 how’s your eye and vision now
@@DaniRoberts hi Dani. Is the power of ur spec increase after the operation? Especially on ur right eye (operated one)..
Do you go completely blind by retinal detachement. Ihad floaters for 5 years now iam afraid. Ican see eyes except tge blury part a tiny bit now it slighty increased. Should i consult doctor 😰.Would iam able get my vision back
Should consult a eye specialist immediately
Yes you can if the retina detach off, if you have vision difference like curtain, floaters, you should consult the doctor
Before surgery you have blue field entoptic phenomenon? This surgery also help to recover blue field entoptic?
Brother can you explain blue field phenomenon
How is the vision in the eye that was operated
The curtains, flashes and floaters are all gone. I don't have perfect vision anymore, there is still some minor blurriness and distortion which makes it hard to read from the operated eye as my case was already pretty severe. But I'm grateful to have regained any vision at all over going blind. And I barely notice the bluriness on most days as my left eye compensates for it.
@@DaniRoberts Thank you Dani for sharing this information...God bless you..
April 2021 my retina surgery but my lens is damage and oil bubbles
me 2
How is ur eye now ?? How much ur power now
@Alex Diaz it's fucked up... My left eye
After Ration detachment surgery ... cilicon oil removal is painful or not please tell me 🙏🙏
It isn't that painful as the first surgery you have
How are your eyes doing now just a small doubt do you still see flashes in the left eye after barrage laser
They're much better now. I got most of my vision back in the operated eye. And no I do not see flashes. Only some while the bubble was still there due to light refrection, but after the bubble dissolved it was gone.
How long did it take before you started to see a decrease in the blurriness/curtains?
I had the decrease in sharpness for about a month, and it took a couple more weeks before I realized I had the curtain. Since my detachment was a inferior one, it progressed more slowly and I barely noticed it
@@DaniRoberts oh okay thank you but I meant after the surgery how long did it take for you to regain sharp vision and for the curtain to dissappear
@@lagology1533 oh haha sorry 😅. The curtain was immediately gone after surgery. The sharpness took some time because the gas bubble took 2 and 1/2 months to dissolve, then more for my eyes to adjust. So I'd say at least 4 months for the sharpness to improve, but it depends on the severity of your case. I'll need to change my glasses soon at my next appointment because the surgery did cause my eye power to change, which will help improve the sharpness more.
@@DaniRoberts oh okay thank you so much. I’m not 100% sure we have the same problem but I’m personally dealing with what you would call distorted central vision and it’s been 3 weeks after my buckle so I just was wondering how long it would take for me to see any sort of improvement in my eye sight. And in my left eye a bite Tony was done when I started to notice that straight lines would appear just slightly bent but not as bad as the left eye!
@@lagology1533 how is your eyes now has the distortion reduced what was your settings before surgery
Can eye doctors see the flashes ?
did u have cattaract then?
It's been just over a year now since I got the surgery done and I haven't had cataracts yet. But my doctors did warn me that any surgery done on the eye could cause cataracts to form, so I'm keeping an eye out for them.
i have floaters and they are increasing i consulted a doctor and she advice me to do a laser surgery is it safe ?
Take your Dr recommendation and have your eye treated with laser. Very simple and fast procedure. A little bit of pain (some people do have pain and some don’t). The procedure is rather quick. I had both of my eye retina lasered on September of this year. I had a horse shoe tear on the right eye due to a PVD and a semi tear on the left eye. Had the right eye done first due to being more critical to have it fixed and avoid a RD if not lasered and 2 weeks later I had my left eye lasered (preventive). Almost 3 months later and a couple of follow up visits in between after the procedures with my retinologist my retinas are both looking good. No peripheral view loss and 20/20 vision. From now on I will have 6-month checkups. My retinologist is my best friend for the rest of my life. It’s a little bit scary when they tell you that they need to laser your eyes but believe me it’s better to have it done than wait and have a more complicated scenario and even permanent loss of vision.
Why you get it at young age
Is your vision 6/6 now?
Impossible to get 6/6 after RD
hye dani
i gone through as what u have had it before
i felt how the roller coster went through for my both eyes haha
2019 once on the rt eye with laser / scleral buckle and now in 2022 for my left eye with vitrectomy and laser
Hope you're recovering well! Let's pray we won't have to go through another rollecoaster like this again. Or at least not for a very very long time 🙏🏼✨️
How long it will take to hill completely
Not less than 4 months
I just masturbated on the 2nd day after Vitrectomy so then after that I felt some itchiness and after that next day boom another retinal detachment Can u pls ask the doctor if masturbation while on vitrectomy recovery period causes Retinal detachment or nah - 19 year old boy
can you lift heavy weights now
Why you barking all the time like your father😂
Thank you for Sharing 👍
Thank you for sharing.