Francis Fukuyama on the rise of identity politics - BBC Newsnight

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • The political scientist says a cultural revolution is underway.
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    The author of the End of History, Francis Fukuyama, says we are now more defined by identity than economics.
    It's a "terrible situation" that both the left and right of the political spectrum in America are expressing a form of identity politics.
    "That's not the way politics should work," he tells Emily Maitlis.
    Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
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  • @mrbanana69
    @mrbanana69 5 років тому +20

    In these comments: people criticising a book they never read.

  • @robobertob
    @robobertob 5 років тому +38

    Not even Fukuyama is a Fukuyamaist lmao

  • @lizclegg7556
    @lizclegg7556 5 років тому +15

    Identity politics is part of a wider movement away from the individual towards the group. The individual may instigate it (I am a woman, therefore I hate Trump) or society may impose it on the individual (you are a woman, therefore you hate Trump). People who practise identity politics are always complaining that other people are practising identity politics (Milo complaining about Black Lives Matter). Identity politics is a way of individuals either giving up or being deprived of their own freedom of thought, and is a precursor to fascism.

  • @Conn30Mtenor
    @Conn30Mtenor 4 роки тому +16

    Race is on everyone's tongues but nobody wants to talk about class. This is a mistake.

    • @cgrima117
      @cgrima117 3 роки тому +1

      Very very often, in the United States, race means class.

    • @Conn30Mtenor
      @Conn30Mtenor 3 роки тому +1

      @@cgrima117 socioeconomic class is the hierarchy. Do you think that the legion of women who want to fuck Tiger Woods are fucking him because he's so good looking? Would they be chasing him if he was Tiger Woods the bus driver?

    • @jamesmurphy9426
      @jamesmurphy9426 2 роки тому

      You are catching on since both Europe and America are more dependent on cheap labor for cheaper goods not mentioning Class is the key to protect profit especially from mortgages since that is something everyone needs a Home

    • @jamesmurphy9426
      @jamesmurphy9426 2 роки тому +1

      @@cgrima117 Everyone is struggling in America
      Starter homes start around two hundred thousand unless you wish to build your own

  • @beedledub
    @beedledub 5 років тому +7

    I hate this interviewer. She cuts people off and doesn’t allow the conversation to go into depth on any point at all. She has her own agenda and pushes it ridiculously far. I remember her interview with John Cleese. Enormously disrespectful then, still shows the same colours.

  • @christianh4723
    @christianh4723 5 років тому +10

    In his defense, it's difficult to predict the insane level to which humans can be led back into tribalism under completely different (alongside the same) conditions than what was seen historically.
    Who knows, 100 years from now there will probably be activism for cyborgs. Think the transhumanist dystopia of the Deus Ex games, lmao

  • @adarkimpurity
    @adarkimpurity 5 років тому +7

    I'm a centrist, the right is winning. The left freak out. News miss-reporting.
    -R. Knell Poem 2018

  • @xeraph02
    @xeraph02 5 років тому +26

    Fukuyama is out of touch from reality. The real issue is growing poor working class and dissapearing middle class. Poor people want to feel proud and identity is easy to achieve.

    • @bri1085
      @bri1085 5 років тому +7

      The failure of capitalism?

    • @CortezHoratio
      @CortezHoratio 5 років тому

      Fair points Xeraph02. I think you may be right.
      I wouldn't say this is entirely a failure of capitalism, but rather the values that accompany our current capitalist model. There's obviously a lot of disagreement on which of these are the issue though. Those one selects or identifies as the drivers of this failure practically determine which 'side' of the political spectrum one is on.
      Perhaps it is time to drop the apparent myth of a free market and officially return to corporatism in some form? I honestly think the UK has always been run in this manner anyway, we just don't admit it because of the dominant ideology of the US, and the accompanying lies of the free trade world empire.

    • @bri1085
      @bri1085 5 років тому

      @@CortezHoratio or a command economy a la China and Japan, where government has some degree of control over the private sector

    • @teamtrees6169
      @teamtrees6169 5 років тому +1

      I became richer by playing video games. Luxury of the poor.

    • @garywood97
      @garywood97 5 років тому +2

      If that was true then poor whites and poor blacks would vote for the same parties. They dont.

  • @Capt.Thunder
    @Capt.Thunder 5 років тому +43

    Replace "Identity Politics" with "Left-Wing Fuelled Racism" and you get a much better idea of what it actually is.

    • @akbarallardfreichmann2938
      @akbarallardfreichmann2938 5 років тому +1

      You're a racist serving your masters. Keeping the poor uneducated.

    • @Capt.Thunder
      @Capt.Thunder 5 років тому +4

      You're the one who brings up race, so that makes you the racist. I don't use immutable traits to discriminate against others. You do. The only way to be anti-racist is to be like Martin Luthor King Jr, and see past race. Judge people by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin.
      But I guess it's no use trying to convince a racist, bigoted leftie like you. You're a victim of racist White Man's Burden/White Guilt brainwashing, so I feel tremendous pity for you. You need serious help, man. All I can do is hold up a mirror and pray that one day, you realise that racialising everything isn't the answer.
      That treating everyone as fellow human beings and eliminating all oppression based on arbitrary immutable characteristics is the answer. You cannot clean up a place by dumping more garbage on everyone.

    • @akbarallardfreichmann2938
      @akbarallardfreichmann2938 5 років тому

      And who wants a burka ban in Denmark then? Ordinary people. In spite of all the hatred of the fascist right wing for years. They didn't achieve nothing. There is still poverty and stupidity all over the world. Welcome to the global village. Proud to be European and member of the EU. Ban the burka.

    • @garsm2290
      @garsm2290 5 років тому +4

      The far right is obsessed with identity politics.

    • @jeanclaudejunior
      @jeanclaudejunior 5 років тому

      Who the hell are you to accuse Liberals around the world of racism? What in the bloody world were you thinking???

  • @kaptinbadrukk2668
    @kaptinbadrukk2668 5 років тому +30

    are you populist or elitist? i think we know where the bbc stands

    • @shacklock01
      @shacklock01 5 років тому +3

      xD Populism has never been a goood thing ;p Just means being led by (usually aristocratic) demogues. Which, loe and behold is happening right now. Populism hasent changed much since classical Athens.

    • @jacobjorgenson9285
      @jacobjorgenson9285 5 років тому +1

      Reese Moog is both

  • @WindTunnelRacing
    @WindTunnelRacing 3 роки тому +1

    Ayn Rand Predicted this stuff 80 Years Ago. Individualism and Capitalism is the Only Way Forward and Only Way Out of this crap. Which Fukuyama knows.

  • @artski09
    @artski09 5 років тому +3

    A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory. Without country you have neither name, token, voice, nor rights, no admission as brothers into the fellowship of the Peoples. You are the bastards of Humanity. Soldiers without a banner, Israelites among the nations, you will find neither faith nor protection; none will be sureties for you. Do not beguile yourselves with the hope of emancipation from unjust social conditions if you do not first conquer a Country for yourselves.

    • @philipwade1908
      @philipwade1908 5 років тому +1

      what an utterly crap quote, I bet you cry when you see a spitfire. a state is not an idea it's a territory that is ruled by an authority through a series of institutions. the English did not join under the banner of st George and joyously declare their unity and brotherhood, rather we had our arses kicked by an illegitimate Frenchman until we agreed to call him king and do what he told us to

    • @artski09
      @artski09 5 років тому

      Hope nothing from foreign governments. They will never be really willing to aid you until you have shown that you are strong enough to conquer without them.

    • @bushwhacked7112
      @bushwhacked7112 5 років тому +4

      Only 12,000 Norman invaders settled in Britain, imagine that 12,000, we get more than that in 2 weeks now.

  • @stasikapetanos1395
    @stasikapetanos1395 5 років тому +2

    Why not acknowledge that right-wing identity politics is significantly worse? If getting disadvantaged minorities to participate in divisive grievance culture is bad then getting the powerful white majority to do the same is surely worse.

  • @joermundgand
    @joermundgand 5 років тому +12

    Man who was wrong about everything admits being wrong.

    • @englishdub1214
      @englishdub1214 5 років тому +4

      Man who was wrong about everything admits being wrong therefore is right about being wrong and becomes a man who is not wrong about everything.

  • @jamesmurphy9426
    @jamesmurphy9426 2 роки тому

    No one thinks about long term concerns only me and now

  • @YOSUP315
    @YOSUP315 5 років тому +8

    Seems to me Fukuyama just isn't as smart as he think he is. So now he's having to backtrack on his failed ideology.

    • @vanradosevich4249
      @vanradosevich4249 5 років тому +1

      Yes. He's a con artist. He's a neocon, openly so until the Iraq war. He helped kill 10,000's people and the US has lost 3 trillion dollars so far.

  • @ross4039
    @ross4039 5 років тому +4

    Sounds like a concession to the Huntington criticisms of his book claiming that we've reached the 'end of history'.

  • @jonathanwarner1844
    @jonathanwarner1844 5 років тому +5

    So the "end of history" meant the end as a target? Brilliant recovery!

  • @alexanderp7083
    @alexanderp7083 5 років тому +9

    I always find it bizarre how people lambast the BBC, but then keep coming back to watch it’s videos and comment on its posts, thus increasing the Beebs views, reach and importance 😂

    • @d4mdcykey
      @d4mdcykey 5 років тому +1

      I'm really beginning to wonder if any of these people work, or have a life.
      It is like a swarm of confused bees descending on every single video and comment section that does not fall in line with their narrow mindset. While there are _some_ on the left that will do this, I see it quite rarely. But these hordes of the right must sit around waiting on these videos every moment of every day when they're not watching extremist live streams (give those chatrooms a
      If they could just dial down the reactionary hatefest some of us may actually listen, but each time I try to engage them in a rational conversation it's just one simple-minded slogan after another they saw on a meme or in a chain email, all of it based on disinformation. It's like trying to have a reasoned discussion with a flat-earther.

    • @whytho-s4y
      @whytho-s4y 5 років тому +4

      @@d4mdcykey everything you say is correct, apart from left and right are the wrong way around, i find it astonishing that you would make such a statement. I observe both sides and i see many discussions, reasoning, ideas, facts and evidence on the right. On the left all i have seen is censorship, bias, propaganda, violence, hate and bigotry. Antifa have no reasoning they do not engage in conversation they just scream "Racist! Fascist! KKK! Bigot! Fuck you!" And this is just about their vocabulary capacity, it is sad to watch, and the audacity of people like you to to make comments like this claiming everything the opposite side is actually doing is shameful, you are either unaware or willingly destroying the western way of life. These are dangerous times and when your rights and privileges are gone you will think long and hard about communism, capitalism and democracy. Open your eyes and step out from the land of oblivion.

    • @d4mdcykey
      @d4mdcykey 5 років тому

      AnonX ~ I have a sense of how this will go (as it usually does), but let's give it a try, shall we?
      List for me your TOP 3 sources that provide you with "discussions, reasoning, ideas, facts and evidence on the right." Just a short list of the best of the best that demonstrate these attributes from the right that you hold with such high regard.

    • @whytho-s4y
      @whytho-s4y 5 років тому +1

      @@d4mdcykey i don't need to, there are too many, but i think you need to give me your TOP 3 as i don't see any at all. Please, enlighten me...

    • @d4mdcykey
      @d4mdcykey 5 років тому

      AnonX ~ And... _once again_ the same thing I constantly run into with you people, just as I predicted.
      You would think that people who make such confident unequivocal claims would know their sources off the top of their head; I mean you are supposedly so convinced of it. You could have just as quickly typed out your TOP 3, as you did the non-response you gave. You were given a clear and quite simple chance to redeem yourself and yet you chose something as pathetic as "there are too many". Wow.
      But, AGAIN, when I ask to be provided with examples, it never happens. Most likely because people such as yourself know you are full of shit when you realize someone is going to research your sources; or, maybe you're just talking out of your ass with no clue of what valid information looks like.
      Whatever the case, the irony is sadly hilarious, and I have better things to do with my time.

  • @shacklock01
    @shacklock01 5 років тому +1

    Sapiens was a good book.

  • @sirlordhenrymortimer6620
    @sirlordhenrymortimer6620 5 років тому +6

    It's clash of civilization all over again

  • @snotrat2
    @snotrat2 4 роки тому

    Do we live in the USA?

  • @Aspartame69
    @Aspartame69 5 років тому +4

    Heres the deal. Society, law and the government are now fully fair towards all minorities and sexes. The problem is that peoples attitudes are not always fair. The question is, do you make society, law and the government UNFAIR in favour of minorities and sexes and do you think that will or should be accepted.
    I say no, it will only build up even greater problems with peoples attitudes.
    The only way forward is to maintain a fair system and let attitudes catch up at their own speed.

    • @Daniel-ht4wr
      @Daniel-ht4wr 5 років тому

      That's not the deal at all

    • @Aspartame69
      @Aspartame69 5 років тому

      Tracey care to elaborate? Do you think that its possible to legislate positive discrimination while at the same time fixing attitudes? I think you will find swinging fairness in someones favour will only fuel animosity at best and hatred at worst.

    • @MelkorPT
      @MelkorPT 5 років тому +1

      If society, law and the government are now fully fair towards all minorities and sexes how come women and minorities are so under represented in national parliaments. Is it that females have tiny heads and can't deal with serious subjects like "governing", things better left for manly-men?

    • @Aspartame69
      @Aspartame69 5 років тому +1

      Miguel Angelo You make the assumption that all races, genders and creeds make the same choices in life. I would prefer to conduct the experiment, maintain a fair society law and government and we will see if the number of men and women in the nursing profession even out. If the number of men and women in the building trade even out. If the number of suicide bombings evens out between the christains and the muslims, etc.
      My hypothesis is that different types of people already make and will continue to make difference choices. Our society has gotten this far by picking the best available people for the best job. In modern times that can and does include minority races and women. Choosing a team for any purpose based primarily on skin colour or religion is a recipe for disaster unless it just so happens that these people are also the best for the job.
      Take diane abbott, tell me that isnt a case study in box ticking gone wrong.
      In fact, people get to choose their own courses at universities and women just so happen to be overrepresented there. So we can see what choices women make when it comes to their interests in education. I wonder what the data shows?

    • @MelkorPT
      @MelkorPT 5 років тому

      +To Err is Huma
      4 or 5 years ago I would have replied "you _must_ be trolling, surely you can't be _this_ stupid", but now I know better.

  • @prabhuthomas8770
    @prabhuthomas8770 5 років тому +2

    Francis Fukuyama is a tabloid political scientist, or so-called whatever.

  • @bowecho
    @bowecho 5 років тому +1


  • @afgor1088
    @afgor1088 Рік тому

    what a lot of shit. does he think it's a coincidence all these movements popped up just after the financial crisis?

  • @ThisGuyAd.
    @ThisGuyAd. 5 років тому +3

    That was a waste of time.

  • @LG-bd2qf
    @LG-bd2qf 3 роки тому

    99 Luftballons (0:16)

  • @andrewsmyth6237
    @andrewsmyth6237 4 роки тому +1

    She is a terrible interviewer

  • @socialsnmedia
    @socialsnmedia 5 років тому

    I like Emily's new haircut

  • @azzyclark3860
    @azzyclark3860 5 років тому +4

    IR Students getting hard ons from this boi

  • @theocean1973
    @theocean1973 5 років тому

    Fukuyama was the intellectual architect behind the Iraq War, and he has the nerve to show his face in public?

    • @ParticleJesus
      @ParticleJesus 5 років тому +1

      No, he basically just signed the stuff that PNAC produced for him, the real architects were Richard Perle, William Kristol, Doug Feith, Paul Wolfowitz etc.

  • @cerberuspandora
    @cerberuspandora 5 років тому +1

    no comments mentioning Zizek ?!

  • @tommyh4116
    @tommyh4116 5 років тому


  • @coakz8856
    @coakz8856 5 років тому +1

    A serious issue........with 99 red balloons blasting in the background hahaha

  • @leightonjulye
    @leightonjulye 5 років тому +1

    ethnos vs ethnos

  • @mistycloud4455
    @mistycloud4455 Рік тому

    Transhumanism is the goal

  • @SirAmicVarze
    @SirAmicVarze 5 років тому +10

    Fukuyama is a hack.His new book will just end up being considered a joke like his last one.

    • @michielbeelaerts5355
      @michielbeelaerts5355 5 років тому +1

      Exactly! No idea why the bbc would even give this guy any airtime, given how thoroughly discredited his ideas are

    • @jib6546
      @jib6546 5 років тому +3

      You two have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • @michielbeelaerts5355
      @michielbeelaerts5355 5 років тому

      @Ji B Wow, that's a great argument, mate!

    • @jib6546
      @jib6546 5 років тому

      Michiel Beelaerts Thanks, mate.

  • @roddi733
    @roddi733 5 років тому

    Maitlis is gradually transforming into the love child of Paxman and Skeletor

  • @davidcarpin8978
    @davidcarpin8978 5 років тому +16

    Join UKIP now and abolish the BBC licence fee

    • @akbarallardfreichmann2938
      @akbarallardfreichmann2938 5 років тому

      Get burkaded in Ukipstan. Brexshit.

    • @kebabtank
      @kebabtank 5 років тому

      I can get behind that, and legalise cannabis whilst your at it. More money in peoples pockets, less time in court, less people in prison.

    • @robobertob
      @robobertob 5 років тому +2

      UKIP is filled with tommy robinson types that hate brown people and social progress

    • @sdprz7893
      @sdprz7893 5 років тому

      Fuck off mate

  • @thesage.9183
    @thesage.9183 3 роки тому

    Pure nonsense

  • @garsm2290
    @garsm2290 5 років тому +6

    Political scientist? Ha, ha. The joker that saw 'the end of history'.

    • @AchtungEnglander
      @AchtungEnglander 5 років тому +1

      Totally agree. I recall I was a student when he came out with that "learned" remark and I thought that was dumb back then. Human history has taught us it never ends until we end it ourselves with a global nuclear war...or we are hit by a massive disaster like a meteorite impact or a disease

    • @jib6546
      @jib6546 5 років тому

      Ironic given your comments clearly demonstrate that both of you have either never read the book or completely misunderstood it.

    • @garsm2290
      @garsm2290 5 років тому

      I read the End of History - or most of it. Science? No way.

    • @AchtungEnglander
      @AchtungEnglander 5 років тому

      Alright - come on and tell us - what did he mean by End Of History.

    • @garsm2290
      @garsm2290 5 років тому

      Liberal democracy and "free markets". Religious belief, not science.

  • @ueb4631
    @ueb4631 5 років тому

    Since when has Fukuyama gotten anything right? He's just been spouting politically correct nonsense for decades

  • @sirlordhenrymortimer6620
    @sirlordhenrymortimer6620 5 років тому
