My Film Photography Process From Start To Finish With Ilford HP5

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @anthonys_expired_film
    @anthonys_expired_film Місяць тому +2

    You’re the first one I’ve seen to discuss the differences between the 2 scanners that labs use. Very interesting. 🧐👍🏻

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому +1

      Cheers Anthony, I’ll be doing more with some colour rolls soon and that’s where you’ll see some really big differences

  • @motimms
    @motimms Місяць тому +1

    Great video mate. Good end to end explanation with the usual coolness of it all!

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому

      Cheers Mo! Next time drop off a roll at Mr. Negative and see if you notice a difference.

  • @jamesjuranke
    @jamesjuranke Місяць тому +1

    You’re in control Buddy! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! It came together nicely! And banger tunes for it. Nice one.

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому

      @@jamesjuranke thanks for your help mate. I really like the song at the end. I’m using Artlist now. Seems to have the best music selection from all of those kind of websites

  • @oilyvio
    @oilyvio Місяць тому +1

    i love seeing those process!! thank you for the very informative and high quality video!

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому

      @@oilyvio thanks for the kind words! I’ll definitely going to be making more soon!

  • @anthonys_expired_film
    @anthonys_expired_film Місяць тому +1

    Very smooth photoflo technique! 😎 Very ingenious! Like those film clips too! I use clothes pins lol! 😂. Great video!

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому +1

      @@anthonys_expired_film the film clips are not a very satisfying purchase and they are expensive for what they are, but having said that, it’s made my developing so much easier

  • @anthonys_expired_film
    @anthonys_expired_film Місяць тому +1

    Excellent video, Gareth! Good practice tips throughout. I’ll try cutting the end of the film with a curve as the film gets caught at times. I have trouble with the film picker with 36 exposure rolls at times. It just doesn’t want to come out lol. I’ll try winding the film forward as you show.
    Haven’t tried the stop bath chemical. I usually rinse with water. Nice job showing the process! Thanks for sharing ❤

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому +1

      @@anthonys_expired_film the particular brand of film picker is essential. I’ll put them up on my website next week. Thanks for chatting about the baking soda too. I threw mine out and got some new baking soda and it’s working so much better. I’m keeping mine in a zip lock bag now too

  • @mikedyson_
    @mikedyson_ Місяць тому +1

    Great video mate! Inspiring me to have a go myself haha.

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому +1

      @@mikedyson_ it’s surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it mate. If you ever want to learn in person just let me know. It can be a bit daunting to work out exactly what you need

  • @JulianLallo
    @JulianLallo Місяць тому +1

    I like to drop mine off on a rainy day in Footscray

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому

      @@JulianLallo it’s always better to not do the developing if you can find someone you can trust. I’m not that lucky 😄

  • @_guitar_dad
    @_guitar_dad Місяць тому

    Incredible video mate. I'm new to film photography (shot digital for 13 years), just picked up a Minolta 7s. I'm also from Melbourne so I'm 100% going to visit the store soon to buy some rolls and pick the hell out of your brain! I love what you're doing with the business, it's clear you're very passionate about film photography. I loaded my Minolta 7s with a 36 exposure yesterday, took 12 frames over the day and placed it on my dining table. 4 hours later I saw my camera sitting in a different spot, looked at the shot counter and it was 31. My 3 year old had nabbed it and somehow managed to take 19 frames or jibberish. Gosh, not a good start to film photography!

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому +1

      @@_guitar_dad thanks for taking the time to watch the video. I really appreciate it. Definitely come visit and have a chat. Hopefully there’s a way to lock the shutter so your son can’t take anymore shots. Having said that, we don’t know how good your sons shots were until they are developed. Have a great week and hope to see you soon

    • @_guitar_dad
      @_guitar_dad Місяць тому

      @mr.negative_film_store I had the camera in its original leather case closed up, and found the upper piece ripped off and sitting outside. Just another reminder that you can't have nice things when kids are on the prowl.

  • @in80sblues
    @in80sblues 13 днів тому +1


  • @b6983832
    @b6983832 Місяць тому +1

    Unfortunately for many of you, who have born when digital photography was already the norm, do not print your films. Many of you are now interested in shooting film, and even developing it, but then, all your generation wants, is digital files on your hard drive, or pictures posted in social media. I don't mean using digital technology for scanning, editing and printing is bad, although I personally prefer to work in my darkroom instead of using a computer programs or printers for this, but not peinting at all is all too common with the younger generation of photographers.

    • @mr.negative_film_store
      @mr.negative_film_store  Місяць тому

      @@b6983832 thanks, would definitely like to try some prints. Maybe I’ll get around to it one day