0:22 Rex (intro) 1:47 Television/So far so good 6:14 cutted 10/10 8:19 Amazing 11:58 Sunflower 18:05 One in a million 21:25 the shade 24:18 4 seasons 29:02 Always 32:18 Happiness 35:39 untitled 38:10 Corduroy Dreams 42:20 Keep it Up 45:30 If you want it 48:45 Never enough 53:48 Best friend 58:28 Loving is easy 1:01:01 its not the same anymore 1:09:46 Pluto Projectors
Sebelum nya makasih kak K & A Live Music, udah divideoin shownya bagus bgt view sama soundnya dari awal sampe akhir, soalnya liat galery video sendiri tuh ga sebagus ini🥲 hampir tiap hari kesini gara gara belom move on sampe sekarang, malah tambah kangen sama konser Rex, NANGIS BANGET PERFORMNYA REX SO SO AMAZING, mana semua setlist lagunya aku suka 😭😭😭😭 susah banget move on 🥲
Pluto Projector The great protector Is that what I'm supposed to be? What if all this counts for nothin' Everything I thought I'd be? What if by the time I realize It's too far behind to see? Seventy mil' projector I can show you everything, yeah And we're on our way to glory Where the show won't ever end And the encore lasts forever And it's time we're due to spend Spendin' the years together Growing older every day I feel at home when I'm around you And I'll gladly say again I hope the encore lasts forever Now there's time for us to spend And it's sublime with you, my friend This right here still feels like the honeymoon When you say my name, nothing's changed I'm still a boy inside my thoughts Am I meant to understand my faults? I don't think so I don't think I'm meant to understand myself Maybe you do, and that's good for you And maybe in time, maybe one day I'll do the same I'll do the same I'll do the same I'll do the same I'll do the same as you, I'll try and hold it up Soon I hope, or as soon as I'm old enough (Old enough to understand) (Old enough to understand) Stay forever You know more than anyone, yeah, whoa And it's you that knows my darkness And you know my bedroom needs You could blast me and my secrets But there's probably just no need
Pas lagu best friend alex sedikit kecewa karena penonton gk bener bener nikmati konser nya, bnyk yg pegang hp/camera, terus dia suruh buat matiin dan simpen kamera/ hp yg dibawa penonton.
it was sad bcs even tho alex had been asked u guys to not record it no phones no cameras but many of you still record like in front of him (not even in sneak) i mean it seems you did not respect to what alex said huhu. so sorry
ini kebanyakan fomo ngga sih males banget, ngikut ngikut doang lagu lagu yang viral, tapi ngga ngerti lagu lengkapnya sedih gw anying karena ngga bisa dateng ke konsernya
0:22 Rex (intro)
1:47 Television/So far so good
6:14 cutted 10/10
8:19 Amazing
11:58 Sunflower
18:05 One in a million
21:25 the shade
24:18 4 seasons
29:02 Always
32:18 Happiness
35:39 untitled
38:10 Corduroy Dreams
42:20 Keep it Up
45:30 If you want it
48:45 Never enough
53:48 Best friend
58:28 Loving is easy
1:01:01 its not the same anymore
1:09:46 Pluto Projectors
face to face?
Tq banget bng
Baik banget fancam full ❤
one year ago today bro🥲literally best day of my life, never been happier after nonton konser rex😩😭
makasii kak udah videoin, dapet bgt feelnya dri video wkwk
Smaa sama kka ;)
Sebelum nya makasih kak K & A Live Music, udah divideoin shownya bagus bgt view sama soundnya dari awal sampe akhir,
soalnya liat galery video sendiri tuh ga sebagus ini🥲
hampir tiap hari kesini gara gara belom move on sampe sekarang, malah tambah kangen sama konser Rex, NANGIS BANGET PERFORMNYA REX SO SO AMAZING, mana semua setlist lagunya aku suka 😭😭😭😭
susah banget move on 🥲
Sama sama kak ;)
Pluto projector bikin semua kenangan langsung terbang kembali ke pikiran, apalagi pas bagian ikonik nya itu beuhhh dalem
thankyou so much for record his concert, one of my dream
13:55 edaaan zoom nya, makasih yaa fancam nya 👍
Sama sama kak ;)
This setlist is so good 😭
Miss this moment, also with someone who came together
jangan mati sebelum nonton rex🌞🌻
one of my dream :'((
"WE ONE MORE>>" asliii merinding bgeettt kereeeeennnn🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
aaakk aku ada di antara orang-orang itu,,, mau lagiiii konser ROC
Kereenn part no fancam nya nurut, makasih kaaaa
Nonton ini aja gw nangis co 😭, apalagi beneran di konsernya
12:06 sunflower
1:12:43 ini yg kalian cari
thank you
rex konser di indo lagi pls :'(( kemaren blm nonton
Pluto Projector
The great protector
Is that what I'm supposed to be?
What if all this counts for nothin'
Everything I thought I'd be?
What if by the time I realize
It's too far behind to see?
Seventy mil' projector
I can show you everything, yeah
And we're on our way to glory
Where the show won't ever end
And the encore lasts forever
And it's time we're due to spend
Spendin' the years together
Growing older every day
I feel at home when I'm around you
And I'll gladly say again
I hope the encore lasts forever
Now there's time for us to spend
And it's sublime with you, my friend
This right here still feels like the honeymoon
When you say my name, nothing's changed
I'm still a boy inside my thoughts
Am I meant to understand my faults?
I don't think so
I don't think I'm meant to understand myself
Maybe you do, and that's good for you
And maybe in time, maybe one day
I'll do the same
I'll do the same
I'll do the same
I'll do the same
I'll do the same as you, I'll try and hold it up
Soon I hope, or as soon as I'm old enough
(Old enough to understand)
(Old enough to understand)
Stay forever
You know more than anyone, yeah, whoa
And it's you that knows my darkness
And you know my bedroom needs
You could blast me and my secrets
But there's probably just no need
1:08:05 "we want war" bang😭
Pas lagu best friend alex sedikit kecewa karena penonton gk bener bener nikmati konser nya, bnyk yg pegang hp/camera, terus dia suruh buat matiin dan simpen kamera/ hp yg dibawa penonton.
Makasih banyak yaa kak this really mean a lot to mee🥹🥰
it was sad bcs even tho alex had been asked u guys to not record it no phones no cameras but many of you still record like in front of him (not even in sneak) i mean it seems you did not respect to what alex said huhu. so sorry
or maybe u can just cut the best friend part (u can see that other videos of rex's concert have already removed that part)
I was there!
i'm here cause i missed him so much alias masih blm bisa move on sama tgl 15 kemaren
Sama bgt, tiap hari kerjaannya liat galery mulu😭
gua nonton konser tanggal 15 ini, pas it's not the same anymore belom relate.. eh sekarang liat mantan nikah malah relate banget anjenggggg
Sedihhh kemaren g bisa ikuttt aghhhhh
sumpah siapapun yang rekam ini gua doain masuk surga
i was there tooooooooo
Mantab bang videonya
Sunflower da besttt
Thats "waduh" menggambarkan gw wkwk
my dream is to see rexx concert:'
I wonder what kind of phone you use to record this? It's really good.
Kalo udah rekam buat story ya turuni hp nikmati konser nya, nyanyi goyang
Yg judul nya sycamore girl ga ada ya padahal itu lagu favorit saya
Saya nonton Jakarta dan SG, soal crowd jujurly SG lebih dapet. Singalong hampir disemua lagu dan semua lirik 😅🙏🏼
Syg bgt yg best friend gk full😔😔
om yang videoin pake S23 Ultra ya? saya dibelakang om di festival 2😅
Seriusan bg😂
kak tau ga list lagu apa aja yang di putar sebelum konser roc dimulai? enak-enak banget soalnya, curiga itu playlist spotifynya bang alex😂
Gua masih inget sebelum mulai puter lagu: sza - i hate u, justin bieber - baby, steve lacy - i wish i knew you wanted me(lupa judulnya)
@@reyedsawah KAK MAKASI BANYAK YAAA! aku nyari-nyari judul lagunya soalnya 😵
Sumpah masih penasaran kenapa sunflower intro awalnya ga dimainin sama Alex yaaaa why ?
Pada ga sabaran wkwk.. Day 1 si ada
@@DhiniFebrianti-n3hemang ini berapa hari bang konsernya
@@alaskanarendra_official 2hari
face to face gk ada :)
Hey ini abgnya beli ticket sendiri he, bersyukur di upload dan kita bisa liat
ini kebanyakan fomo ngga sih males banget, ngikut ngikut doang lagu lagu yang viral, tapi ngga ngerti lagu lengkapnya
sedih gw anying karena ngga bisa dateng ke konsernya
namanya juga kemakan lagu trend, belum pernah nyelam sendiri, lagunya itu" juga, kalo ga dijadiin speed up ya slowed😂
Ciri ciri orang indo selalu ada hp ngerekam
Itu dimana? GBK ? JIS ?
Di internasional beach city ancol kak
@@k_alivemusik katanya Bruno Mars juga mau konser di Jakarta ya ? Bener ga sih
@@darelmalik86 masih belum comfirm bang, promotor belum tau siapa
ga pegel apa anjir ngerekam sampe sejaman
Bangettttttttttttt pegellll
Syg bgt yg best friend gk full😔😔