the stereotypical angels and devils, the placement of lyrics that makes no sense, the instant forgiveness, the timeskips, the plot-twists - i miss this gacha community.
I remember music videos like this, I don’t care what people say, if this community is cringe or whatever- ITS BETTER THAN THE COMMUNITY NOW. I really want this back, :(
This video went ABOVE my very low expectations and raised my expectations for the "devils don't fly" gacha life music videos. It was groundbreaking, I love the sisterly love, the forgiveness, the support, the bravery, the resilience shown in this video. There were MANY positive attributes in this video and it also sent many good messages that I support. Also yay, there were NO boys that had to save them from their miseries, only #girlboss and #girlssupportgirls and I totally agree with both of these things. I thoroughly enjoyed this video and the demon angel setting that conveniently matches with the song. However, how did she hide being a demon from birth?! Babies don't have a conscience. Also for the mother to have TWO demon children, she must've cheated on her husband with a demon and that makes HER the bad guy in this story. The plot and storyline of this video were well thought out and were very good, sending many good themes and messages. Overall, I think this video is very good and I would share this with my friends.
Bee Vu Dude I didn’t even correct anyone I just asked 🤨 *Yeah I get it I correct people a lot but I didn’t even correct someone this time* But if you want me to be a grammar police Grammar*
I miss 2018 we’re we had “ 30 best Gacha life memes “ that were a hour long reaction times but my attention smap was so low that I couldn’t even watch 20 minutes of it
Being flustered = blush Flustered can either be too flattered or having an attraction, seeing that’s the only scene she blushed, it’s probably flattery
honestly i love this so much, i got onto americans got talent and i started crying bc i knew i sucked i ran off the stage and, i watched this video and i immediately smiled wider than ever before. i then ran back out and started singing devils dont fly then EVERYONE thought i was god i am now the most famous person in the world thanks to this video
@ꨄ bubble dust ꨄ IK that I was just wondering why tf typing this crossed your mind ☠️ I’m not making fun of you cause this was funny but that whole paragraph 😭
I really missed the old gacha, I dont even care if its cringy... It gives so many memories, but the new one had gacha heat now... WHO WANTS TO BRING THE OLD GACHA BACK?!
I miss this type of gacha stories,happy endings and always still entertaining. Everyone just did what they liked and things others could there's gross stories that do not make sense...
iO Oi de novo porque a gente meu nome é Júlia ainda não fui no meu canal por favor seis anos de idade seis anos de idade seis anos Seis anos e ainda não sei como colocar o negócio para acabar manual e você sabe m**** a funcionar eu eu vou ter um orgulho de você tá bom me desculpa para dizer que elas coisa Afinal e controlada meu anjo mau do meu anjo bem eu não vou sentir nada só saudade meu irmão garoto 7 anos de idade mas a tia manda nem aí ele não tem ele tem 77 ainda me atende na caiu eu vou te mandar a foto para você se você passar o seu e-mail não é o meu e-mail é cê vem que vem só a Júlia e vai ver o meu e-mail tá bom combinado então fui tchau tchau um beijo para você tá bom
to everyone who is here because they miss the old gacha community: ok yes i have to agree with u 2 years ago it was better but instead of saying how they miss the old community, that won't do anything to make the current one better! Many gacha tubers are posting videos and spreading awareness about stopping gacha heat and all that. So we if we all come together we can get a better rep on youtube! We can 1. make these old gacha songs better and more sense 2. we can spread awareness! (this is not a hate comment to anyone)
I came here out of nostalgia for the old gacha community lmao thanks for all the replies. although I am Christian- please do not start a fight in the comments :-)
@Michael A Lucifer isnt evil,he wanted equality to both genders but God never approved. God made women to become s3x slaves. Ppl never had equality before until jesus died for our "sins" so God could approve equality. Lucifer can accept what ever we are,He promise not to hurt kids nor adults. He promise to not s3xual!ze anyone.
Vang Lor exactly I get picked on for being emo... I hate it and people just don't understand in my profile picture I look happy it was only because my mom was taking the picture and I don't like smiling if I smile at school it's fake
who remembers when no one new about gacha then one day u saw it on your recomended and never stopped watching it i started in 2017 or 2018 and my first was big baby LMAO I WILL NEVER GO BACK
Repost if... -You always hear your name even when if it's not being called. -You hate hearing your voice in recordings. -You use the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called. -You pretend you're writing in class so the teacher won't call on you. -You say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next. -You and your best friend can say one word and crack up. -You hate it when one of your hoodie strings is longer than the other. -You hate it when someone thinks you like someone when you clearly don't. -You hate it when your favorite song comes on as you pull in the driveway. -You feel like if you turn on the lights, you'll be safe from anything. -You push those little buttons on the lids of fast-food drinks. -You love it when you tell a guy to shut up and they copy you in a higher voice and you both start laughing. ~reposted~ Edit: glad people can agree and thanks for the likes :) God Bless You All
꧁Starri X Berri꧂ yeah it doesn’t matter how to do the work you want me and you can just want me and you can just stay and stay home and I have to do it I don’t have a big day at school
Omg u cant believe what happend 1.) I woke up 2.) I went to school 3.) I go to my crush 4.) And tell i like him 5.) He said he likes me too *wait Wait WAIT no it has to be 2,3,4,5,1 ;)*
11 million views?!
Pearly Chan’s YT :)
Gj !!!
Ikr!!!! Con grates you should celebrate!
I miss when the community was like this, no problematic stuff, no drama just chill. I remember watching the first gacha video and trying to find more
fr fr
No problematic stuff? This was literally where abusive trending videos started..
so true I remember watching the first gacha vid it was darkside and devils don't fly
It was still problematic, just less was mentioned
It feels like 300 years..i used to watch this every day
:o wow
Same here
Same 👁👄👁💧
My god same
Same 😭🤍
this brings back so many memories of the good old days
@@kahotsang3380 Hi
FR 😭😭🙏🙏
Fr likee
I feel like crying. The nostalgia this song and vid brings back...
I got chills don't my spine when I heard "Angels were never meant to fall" for the first time in years 🥺
Same! It’s brings back so much memories
I miss this gacha community. I was even apart of it at this time. I left it years ago when it got toxic and I became mature
I agree and same
I don’t know if I miss the gacha community
i respect your opinion but atleast the new gacha community isnt as cringe as this
@@potatosaregoodforyou576 u sure?
I was in the community around this time for a months until i grew up. Now im all about the military.
the stereotypical angels and devils, the placement of lyrics that makes no sense, the instant forgiveness, the timeskips, the plot-twists - i miss this gacha community.
Very well said
Such banger, it has all the classic traits on it. Suprised this was not Made in studio
I remember music videos like this, I don’t care what people say, if this community is cringe or whatever-
I really want this back, :(
Yash it feels the same😭😔
Same too
I see we all came back to this 27M views this person deserves it! She brought back all our memories ❤️💖
Yep 👍
28M cuz of me
Now 29m couse of me
I’m crying right now..
It’s like..
I know.m💅😜
It is... -cries-
@@Ava_wonders 🙄🙄🙄
I’m so happy to revisit these videos, got me feeling like a little kid again, I’m so happy 😭💙💙 I used to watch these videos all the time
It makes me feel happy too :)
People says this is cringe when it still makes me cry
I know
cry harder
@@akeesa731 Lmao
@@akeesa731that wasnt pretty nice
I’m gonna cry the community was so innocent 2 years ago 😭
Megan 😍🥰
Same and the videos where better
@@aiko.4309 tf do you mean?
I remember the good old days when the community wasn’t ruined- 😭🤧🤧
I remember that time 🥺😭
Yup no gacha heat gacha hate all the good days😭😭
Mhm 😭
Beck then when gacha community was somewhat better.. miss these times :(
@@this_user_isnt_available wrong emoji i meant 😞
@@ineedviewsforattention oh
Naw it wasn't bro
“I’ve got chains and you’ve got wings” you are litterally standing there with wings lol
She said we've
Yeah lol
Remember when this is all we watched? Yeah, me too!
This brings back memory’s good ones
Karina Kookie yeah. Very good memories.
I used to watch ice and fire siblings, ignite, devils don’t fly and more all the time...
Yeah it bring back memory’s when I was 8
@Karina Kookie yes!
I wish the community right now was like this..
Now the community is just toxic and a lot of drama.
tysm for bringing memories
It was 3 years ago. But still it brings joy.
But I saw gacha heat in 2018 or 2019
You wish it was cringe???
@@oceaniix so what if it’s cringe most gacha tubers and gacha tiktokers are cringe and people watch it so they would still get views
@@oceaniix maybe it's cringe for u now but it wasn't 3 yrs ago- p.s ik it's cringe
I love how this implies that whenever an Angel sees a devil their first instinct is to say “YOU KNOW DEVILS DONT FLY” 💀💀
The ending is a cliffhanger WE NEED PART 2
Trop bien so cool
galaxy otaku neko girl .
@Nika Rotsaert gachalife or gachaverse
I remember hear this video and song🙂I want my old back...
I missed all this
Idc if the old gacha community was "cRiNgE"
Give it to us we want it back
Me to
Yes,we need to get back what was stolen 😩
@@Lala-eb1fi u made this 9 mins ago
@@biggestfan-lw2pr u made this 1 day ago
@@Lala-eb1fi yessss
Beautiful. Breathtaking. This was truly what art was meant to be. I’m in tears.
I remember when I always use to watch these, oml this makes me tear up a little. gacha has changed so much as well as their stories and stuff
Yes qween
This video went ABOVE my very low expectations and raised my expectations for the "devils don't fly" gacha life music videos. It was groundbreaking, I love the sisterly love, the forgiveness, the support, the bravery, the resilience shown in this video. There were MANY positive attributes in this video and it also sent many good messages that I support. Also yay, there were NO boys that had to save them from their miseries, only #girlboss and #girlssupportgirls and I totally agree with both of these things. I thoroughly enjoyed this video and the demon angel setting that conveniently matches with the song. However, how did she hide being a demon from birth?! Babies don't have a conscience. Also for the mother to have TWO demon children, she must've cheated on her husband with a demon and that makes HER the bad guy in this story. The plot and storyline of this video were well thought out and were very good, sending many good themes and messages. Overall, I think this video is very good and I would share this with my friends.
chill dawg no need to write a full review
@@ysuba1837 bro write an entire Uber eats paragraph
bro wrote an entire essay on this
@@awesomesauce196 BAHAHAHAH💀😭😭💀💀
Your just wrote your hole life down like chill bro
Devel: flys
Angles: wait thats elegal
Was that misspelling intentional lol
@@abandonedchannel granmer police
Bee Vu
Dude I didn’t even correct anyone I just asked 🤨
*Yeah I get it I correct people a lot but I didn’t even correct someone this time*
But if you want me to be a grammar police
The fuck are you a 4 year old you can't even spell illegal
the old memories from 2019 hit harder then my mums belt
This brings back *MEMORIES* lmao
Yes.. 😖
@@choerryily7948 IKR
Yep😔 miss the old gacha
I know right!!! Yieeee !!!!!!😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳
Devils:Has wings
Angles:Devils don’t fly
Me:sooooo are devils like penguins
Lol that do be true lol why do 2018 gacha video got to be so funny lol😂😂
Yep they're penguins
And flamingos
Yep they r
Penguins dont fly/ devils dont fly
She hugging her “sissy” who cares that Devils don’t fly!
It’s fly
@Sofia Vasconcelos Campos whattttt
Gcgd dggd! size z!mzzjz
Ik! It dosent matter!
its 2022..the gacha community has changed. These days were better
It’s 2023 and I still watched this :)
@@not-bear thats very nice!!
Pls continue the good work do not let all of us forget the old times❤
Man, I thought I was the only one here . Also I agree
@@not-bear same
Who's watching this in 2020?
Well , Hello then :D
Hi =P
Hello 👌
I miss these times don’t you
@@thehouseoffandoms6354 I do :>
“Goodbye mistake”
Me: the only mistake is you and your wife
Ok know that’s just hilarious
Me too
Yes queen
I love how calmly the Queen is responding to "goodbye mistake" and actually the king just smiled like a psycho
One of the first gacha vids I ever watched
Jesus the ending
*It was all just a dream.. wasn’t it?*
I thought I was the only one that realized that the girl thought it was a dream
If that was real then. . .I will have nothing more to say
Wow....i didnt even hear the story and there goes ur comment
YamiLeBoi OwO XD
Dad: * banishes child to hell *
Mom: *kawaii face*
🧐 does devil's wings?🧐
Fiammetta Libed ?
I don't even care if the old community was "cringe"
I want it back.
Edit: why do yall like this 😭
Sadly people these days have given it there own "upgrade" 😞
@Susanna Mills do u doubt me?
I want it back too. I miss a lot.
Just putting the good memories in my head ❤
i was gonna but i started crying it out lmao
But cant fly devil can be friends!
Toxic gachatubers = I hate 2018 gacha 2021 gacha is cool
Toxic gachatubers = Maybe 2018 needs to come back 😔
Same Uwu
I miss 2018 we’re we had “ 30 best Gacha life memes “ that were a hour long reaction times but my attention smap was so low that I couldn’t even watch 20 minutes of it
I wake up at 5:23
Ah stop this brings so much memories where everything most of the time in the gacha community was chill and amazing...
Shes standing on the clouds, and you are too.
How do we know youre both angels either? You never flew in this story.
What they talking about the devil clearly has wings
I miss the old community even if it was cringe
This is cringe but this is more better than the *GaCHa HeAT* video or the other *CRINGE AND THE OTHER INAPPROPRIATE GACHA VIDEOS*
@@co.illust yeah.
@@co.illust true, very true.
same =((
Same 😭
The girl blushed when she said the loveliest of all...
Being flustered = blush
Flustered can either be too flattered or having an attraction, seeing that’s the only scene she blushed, it’s probably flattery
Just because you blush from someone’s compliment doesn’t mean you like them romantically
I'll never forget this literally the best era of my life
I am so glad I clicked this in 2021.. it makes me want the “cRinGe” community back.. at least it’s not bad as heat..
Gacha turned into heat so me too
I miss it before we called it cringe I actually perfer it over what is made now (other then the edits, the edits noe are so great)
Yes.. it could of been better but... its the worst now...but do we try yes we do we can get gacha back!
Yep… I want this community back..
Watch the say dada meme
honestly i love this so much, i got onto americans got talent and i started crying bc i knew i sucked i ran off the stage and, i watched this video and i immediately smiled wider than ever before. i then ran back out and started singing devils dont fly then EVERYONE thought i was god i am now the most famous person in the world thanks to this video
@@d1.kaidoglazer ITS A JOKE-
@ꨄ bubble dust ꨄ IK that I was just wondering why tf typing this crossed your mind ☠️ I’m not making fun of you cause this was funny but that whole paragraph 😭
@@d1.kaidoglazer 😭😭😭
What a heart warming story
I really missed the old gacha, I dont even care if its cringy... It gives so many memories, but the new one had gacha heat now... WHO WANTS TO BRING THE OLD GACHA BACK?!
I'll take it. I want the old gacha back.
This became such a precious memory.
I miss it…
@@miniverse.H I miss it too, this was amazing until the gacha community was ruined..
@@kek-apii yes :(((
that moment when Payton's "boyfriend" just walked away
Her sis is so kind her parents ARE THE REAL DEVILS
Kimberly Stringer yes
Dad is real devil....
Amen to that
"Ok then it'll go away later"
Wdym it’s Gacha logic. Accept it
@@sugarfreak3956 No.
@@FreakyOverhaul yes.
@@moskel1677 mh
This is old, and its gacha logic, deak with it
Whoerer made this deserves an award , this was one of the vidéos that made my childhood
It’s 2021 and this is still amazing-
*I miss the good old days*
When nothing was bad 👁👄👁 and this song was so popular
2021 now
I miss this type of gacha stories,happy endings and always still entertaining. Everyone just did what they liked and things others could there's gross stories that do not make sense...
im surely gonna make one like this, because it hurts not seeing it popular again!
@@yujvn I know right😰
@@Emma_1864 it does 😭😭✌🏼
ikr... and talk about 14+ Contect O.O u want gacha to come back to normal.. :(
Did anyone noticed that red necklace on her sister?That's how she turned into a devil!
This is how many people noticed
no she made the necklace it has no powers if you payed attention
Sorry I noticed it before reading this
Dixmind Hnk Edits.You shouldn’t even be writing in this chat,if you no nice sentences or sentence.Don’t even answer.Say something nice.
Like we care bish
I swear, it was like nothing in life even mattered before and it was amazing...
Paige continues standing in the clouds
it is a magic barrier.
iO Oi de novo porque a gente meu nome é Júlia ainda não fui no meu canal por favor seis anos de idade seis anos de idade seis anos Seis anos e ainda não sei como colocar o negócio para acabar manual e você sabe m**** a funcionar eu eu vou ter um orgulho de você tá bom me desculpa para dizer que elas coisa Afinal e controlada meu anjo mau do meu anjo bem eu não vou sentir nada só saudade meu irmão garoto 7 anos de idade mas a tia manda nem aí ele não tem ele tem 77 ainda me atende na caiu eu vou te mandar a foto para você se você passar o seu e-mail não é o meu e-mail é cê vem que vem só a Júlia e vai ver o meu e-mail tá bom combinado então fui tchau tchau um beijo para você tá bom
Do you remember when the parents didn’t even know what their child looked like after they were born
Ah yes the good old days 😔✋
Reuiffjfuwe eueee no
Old woman walks in sees them "devils don't fly!"
Wait but she was nice beafor right ?
I miss these days man. I used to rewatch this everyday i even snuck my phone to my bedroom just to rewatch this 😭
to everyone who is here because they miss the old gacha community:
ok yes i have to agree with u 2 years ago it was better but instead of saying how they miss the old community, that won't do anything to make the current one better! Many gacha tubers are posting videos and spreading awareness about stopping gacha heat and all that. So we if we all come together we can get a better rep on youtube! We can 1. make these old gacha songs better and more sense
2. we can spread awareness! (this is not a hate comment to anyone)
I just wanted the audio lol
You have nice videos all the time
Of this video I really want to subscribe but I can't because I don't got
I loved this 2 years ago
True devils don’t fly
But demons do >:)
I agree
Devils are better than demon
Thay do to
No fliy
angels: you know devils dont fly
me: you know angels arent suppossed to be mean ?
Rebecca Inesia ikr
Omg your right :0
Well that 's true
You said anels not angels
@@adrianpanait3486 oof
I remember these mini movies- watched so many-
Wait if both the parents are angels how are they devils I CALL SOMEONE HAD AN AFFAIR 😺😺😺
Christopher Aldous yup
Someone switched the god damn babies again
Probaly the mother had another guy before
U know there nice now.
Plot twist the mom a demon
Paige: *A devil with an angel heart*
Her sister: *A angel with a actual Heart like her sister*
Yūki ÙwÚ Gacha! I
I know the parents are so mean and Paige is supposed to be mean but she she so nice
I came here out of nostalgia for the old gacha community lmao
thanks for all the replies. although I am Christian- please do not start a fight in the comments :-)
@Michael A Lucifer isnt evil,he wanted equality to both genders but God never approved. God made women to become s3x slaves. Ppl never had equality before until jesus died for our "sins" so God could approve equality. Lucifer can accept what ever we are,He promise not to hurt kids nor adults. He promise to not s3xual!ze anyone.
This was the most influential masterpiece i have ever laid my eyes upon. Please continue creating content like this. Thank you :3
When we all thought fashion week meme was the most viewed gacha video 😌🙏
We all did
Gjr godjfoyhiiurcyfufbbu0
@@christianmolina8764 eiwsgqlauskasuaisgs
This is nostalgic but I've been laughing for about ten minutes because of the thumbnail saying "Goodbye mistake" 💀
If devils don't fly.........THEN WHY THE HECK DO THEY HAVE WINGS??!!
Cause they try
I don't really know.
I'm whith you what the heke then y do they have wings
Imani Allen-Hakeagaiki they are like penguins can’t fly but I try
Yall im literally crying rn because I used to watch this all the time and I came back and now I’m crying
I loved it i still do
Neither the father is secretly a demon or the angel, mother cheated on the father
Probably mother cheated
Probably 2
Just because someone is different doesn’t mean you be mean to them
Vang Lor exactly I get picked on for being emo... I hate it and people just don't understand in my profile picture I look happy it was only because my mom was taking the picture and I don't like smiling if I smile at school it's fake
It right
You need 1K likes for that.
If someone was evil with wings devil horns and shits well bye
“ You know life ain’t far sometimes “
They are in the afterlife
I was gonna say that
Emily Vo AfterLIFE ?
This is me…I-If you even care…*blushes*
who remembers when no one new about gacha then one day u saw it on your recomended and never stopped watching it i started in 2017 or 2018 and my first was big baby LMAO I WILL NEVER GO BACK
I get chu girl
i would do everything to go back to those days,ngl
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😇🙂😘😌 That’s cute
@@GloriaA1230 thanks!!
Devils don't fly
But they try
But then they die... :(
Life ain't fair sometimes mate.
Noice but your right
Every one DIES
Light dust funny
That was harsh
We’re all gonna die one
The angels: Devil's don't fly
Me:nAnI eVerY pErSoN hAs rEal wInGs tHeY *fLy*
So right
Maybe the dad is a demon
I love this😭 I remember loving watching this.
Repost if...
-You always hear your name even when if it's not being called.
-You hate hearing your voice in recordings.
-You use the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called.
-You pretend you're writing in class so the teacher won't call on you.
-You say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next.
-You and your best friend can say one word and crack up.
-You hate it when one of your hoodie strings is longer than the other.
-You hate it when someone thinks you like someone when you clearly don't.
-You hate it when your favorite song comes on as you pull in the driveway.
-You feel like if you turn on the lights, you'll be safe from anything.
-You push those little buttons on the lids of fast-food drinks.
-You love it when you tell a guy to shut up and they copy you in a higher voice and you both start laughing.
Edit: glad people can agree and thanks for the likes :) God Bless You All
Plz dont take me to normal people school
Reposts *
This lil bitchy boy in my class thinks every boy I talk to I have a crush on them like WTFFF
How do you.... WHAT?
Song:I've got chains and you got wings
Me: at least you have chains you can make like a... stick key chain🙄
I really like how this video shows how much care the sisters have for each other
Sylvia Marrufo yup if only my little brother would stop hitting and kicking me. I am sad I wish I had an older sister
Allora Petroccitto How old is he? If he is like 7 its ok he is just a kid then...
Allora Petroccitto Um and Why a older SISTER? A older BROTHER works too
@@ghostieinacart5711 those demons weren't those demons were slenderwomens who happen to work as partner at in needed time
@@majazippert7586 Those demons were the real imposter here
I used to watch this when i was so young and cry for it💀😭😭
I'd do anything to bring back those old days :)...
Song: you have chains and I have wings~
Her: *has wings*
꧁Starri X Berri꧂ yeah it doesn’t matter how to do the work you want me and you can just want me and you can just stay and stay home and I have to do it I don’t have a big day at school
It was a J O K E
꧁Starri X Berri꧂ i love the song
I mean... its 2018 gacha afterall lol
Parents: hates*
Devil girl:falls down
Parents: hahaha
Devil girl: flies
lol yea
Lol xD
Plot Twist: The King was a vampire
Oh yeah!
You made my childhood. Thank you.
Omg u cant believe what happend
1.) I woke up
2.) I went to school
3.) I go to my crush
4.) And tell i like him
5.) He said he likes me too
*wait Wait WAIT no it has to be 2,3,4,5,1 ;)*
it was a dream!?
Jun Calma
This is pretty unoriginal
I watched this for more than 20 times
I did too
Me to
Those angel parents are so mean, that not what angels do!
I thought that they get a second chance at life
I know they’re an offence to all angels
+Avonlea Melban That is not called 'protecting' it's more like favouring. I know they're trying to, but they're still not.
Gacha Cheese ya
These bring back so much memories
Wait they are both devil's?
*Mom's got some explanation to do.*
Abby73 Gacha
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh shit she was cheating.....
*SiPs TeA*
Abby73 Gacha yes they are the other one was hiding it for the whole time
Or dad
Pastel _Galaxy no because the mom births the children
@@h3bbajamil754 YASSSS SPILL THAT TEA
It's funny that Many of the comments Spell "Angle" Than "Angel"
2:40 Its like hearing a chorus 🙏🙌 it's my favorite part💛