Benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH (mechanism of disease)

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • This is a flowchart on benign prostatic hyperplasia, covering the etiology, pathophysiology, and manifestations.
    Hormonal factors:
    Irritative symptoms:
    Risk factors / SDOH
    Cell / tissue damage
    Structural factors
    Benign prostatic hyperplasia
    Medicine / iatrogenic
    Infectious / microbial
    Biochem / metabolic
    Immunology / inflammation
    Signs / symptoms
    Tests / imaging / labs
    Neoplasm / hyperplasia
    Genetic / hereditary
    Flow physiology
    Slit-like prostatic urethral compression
    Glandular and stromal hyperplasia in the transition zone (middle) of the prostate
    Formation of smooth, elastic, firm hyperplastic nodule
    Bladder outlet obstruction
    In contrast, outer peripheral zone → prostate cancer
    Involuntary detrusor contractions during bladder filling → detrusor overactivity
    Bladder wall weakening
    Incomplete voiding
    Urinary stasis
    Urinary retention
    Urinary tract infections
    Bladder stones
    ↑ intracystic pressure while voiding
    Detrusor muscle hypertrophy
    Bladder trabeculation
    Bladder mucosa protrude through the layers of the bladder wall
    Pseudodiverticula formation
    Urinary frequency
    Urgency, urge incontinence
    Occasional dysuria
    Hesitancy (delayed onset)
    Straining to urinate
    Prolonged terminal dribbling
    Poor and/or intermittent stream (not continuous)
    Obstructive symptoms:
    Incomplete voiding sensation
    Acute urinary retention
    Digital rectal examination: symmetrically enlarged, smooth (no nodules), firm, nontender prostate with rubbery or elastic texture
    In contrast, if DRE shows:
    Nodules, hard consistency → prostate cancer
    Tenderness on palpation → prostatitis
    Dihydrotestosterone is potent prostatic growth factor (converted from testosterone by 5-α-reductase)
    Estrogen (estradiol) stimulates prostatic hyperplasia (formed from aromatization of testosterone in fat, hence ↑ in obesity)
    Gene amplification of androgen receptors
    Genetic susceptibility:
    Growth factor genes
    Androgen-regulator genes
    Apoptosis genes
    Androgen-regulated genes
    Stem cells in prostatic stroma:
    ↓ apoptotic factors
    ↑ antiapoptotic factors
    Longer stem cell lifespan