Thank you, learned today that Pope Saint Pius X granted the Apostolic Benediction to all who read the book "True devotion to Mary" by St Louis de Montfort. 🙏👼💘💘👼
I LOVE this holy priest. I pray every day that Jesus will cover him with his most precious blood and that Mother Mary will protect him with her holy mantle!
William Cloud read Gen 3:15& Rev 12 .. Jesus called His Mother “Woman.” You just described almost Rev 12: God did reveal to the angels (before they even seen Him) His plan to be born of the woman.. well, Lucifer didn’t want to serve God or serve the woman.. when the woman came she gave birth to the Man Child-Jesus.. the devil engaged that he couldn’t get to her, so he goes after HER children-who followed the commandments and have the testimony of Jesus. Gen 3:15- God told the serpent that He will put enmity between The WOMAN and him (the serpent). The woman is not Eve-Eve sinned and listened to the serpent-there was no enmity between her and the devil. God didn’t not make commandment 4, so that He can break it. He submitted Himself to her. That’s how much He entrusted Himself in her care.. and the care of St Joseph. He knows who and why He chose certain people from the beginning. Christ obeyed His mother and foster father perfectly. God is truly humble!
Dear Virgin Mary, pray for me to the Lord and put in a word of love for us sinners. Say Lord have mercy. Say Christ have mercy. Say Lord have mercy. Thanks be to God.
William Cloud God gave us objective truths through His Church to follow if you want to be with Him in Heaven. He is the Judge. How can anyone else claim they are the judge, too? Who are you? Who is like God?
William Cloud There’s only one “right hand” of the Father.. there’s only one place for one person to sit there-it’s only for Jesus-Who is the only Judge. (There’s no more room for any more cooks in the kitchen.) who is like God? No one! Who is seated at the right hand of Jesus? His mother-The Blessed Virgin Mary. Sorry, but you have no proof your husband is in Heaven. You should pray for him. 🙏 No one is sealed. Are you Mormon?
William Cloud apparently, you don’t know what the Catechism is. It’s defines all the truths found in the Bible. It’s not a rewritten “Bible.” The Bible didn’t lay out all truths as easy as you think. God’s word is not easy understood, nor is His truths. Don’t underestimate His Intelligence. Sorry, you’re not like Sts Paul or Peter bc even St. Paul didn’t know if he was going to Heaven. He couldn’t even judge himself. False doctrines are being taught in Protestantism. It’s not one in union with each other. Mormonism and JW came in the 1800s.. from the Protestant reformation revival of the 16th century... too many Protestant churches competing thinking they know the truth when if fact.. they keep breaking and breaking-new and different doctrines arise-confusion is among such churches. Traditions of men never stands. Everyone supposedly has the Holy Spirit and can teach infallibly? God is not a God of confusion... only the devil causes confusion. Jesus only had a certain group of men, whom He gave authority, not to everyone. You don’t have His authority. You do know the devil wanted to be like God too right? The devil wanted to rule... y do you want to sit in the Judge’s seat? Who put that thought into you??? How can a mere human place himself equal to God??? Idk how you do that, but you should probably check yourself. Who made you so prideful??? The father of pride. Surely, this spirit of yours did not come from God bc God Is humble. I’m not here to convince you. I’m here to inform that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is Jesus’s only spotless bride -that teaches all truths to the world. He only had one bride. His bride is holy, one, apostolic, & universal. His Bride compiled the Bible. His Bride gave the Bible it’s name: Holy Bible. His Bride didn’t start in the 16th century.. His Bride started in 33AD... compiled the Bible in 396AD. The gates of hell will not prevail against His Bride. Have a blessed life🙏! I’m dusting my feet off this.
@William Cloud How sad, that you want to be saved, but refuse to listen to Jesus Christ Himself. As a Catholic, I can read the Bible without doing mental gymnastics because I believe Jesus wasn't trying to trick us. I also believe He didn't abandon His faithful for Fifteen Hundred years. What kind of shepherd does that? He didn't send the Holy Spirit, then call Him back straight away, then send Him out again to Luther millennia later. It makes salvation history sound like the Holy Spirit had to duck home because He left the oven on. Repent of your arrogance and come to the Lord. Read those passages you always skip over because they don't say what you want them to say, and let the Holy Spirit speak to you.
I can testify of the awesomeness of our Virgin Mary. People doesn't know what they are missing in their life if they dont know our Lady or haven't don the consecration. I'm doing my part to spraid the True Devotion of the Virgin Mary by St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. He his a Doctor of the Church. I'm sure that he will be given that title.
Michel-Rene, God Bless you. I am trying to get ready to make the consecration also. Ask for your prayers and please report back the Graces in your life
@William CloudEach one of us has given favor by God, Mama Mary's favor was to have no original sin (She Is Perfect), through that no original sin will be pass down to Our Lord and Savior, her existence is all ready stated in Genesis.
I already pray to our Blessed Mother, but hearing this video opened my heart to what is really like to ask our intercessor, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am so happy to come across this video. Thank you! I will also purchase the book which i found on amazon. I want to get even closer to our Blessed Mother. Only goodness can come out of this experience!
So beautiful. Thank you Father for this teaching. I know it was a love for Mary which allowed my own mother to receive the Sacraments at the end of her life. She was pretty much a non-practicing Catholic her whole life, but she did have a devotion to our Lady and Queen.
Thank you Father beautiful Homily and explanation thank you. Btw I was so touched when u mentioned of the crying of a little one ..what a beautiful advice that is ! That the Devil is rattling the mother 🕊🥰 My prayers for you, for graces virtue and strength to guide us all 🕊
My sweetest most loving mother that I love the most... pray for me... that I may be more like you in all I do & am. Bring me closer to your son my mother. Let me sit in your lap & wrap my arms around your neck. I'll rest awhile on you. Amen
The priest quoted JP II for devotion to Our Lady. But he never converted at least not till the moment of his death. He did the opposite he defended Assisi till the end of his life.
Devotion to Mary: Miraculous medal 3 Hail Mary’s Brown scapular/5 scapular Rosary Altar in honor of our Lady Give her flowers True devotion to Mary (St Louis de Montfort) depending on her on all things and all times
Most priests I know wouldn’t be very receptive if you burst in and asked to go to confession. They’d most likely tell you to make an appointment. And even then they wouldn’t return your phone call
It’s because many priests lack supernatural faith and do no believe in hell, so they don’t see it as an act that save souls but rather as a burden. Find a priest who has a Marian devotion, they will care.
Does anyone know the name of this good priest of Our Lord? I would be very grateful to know. I've learned so much from him and am so grateful to God that he brought me to this site. I have told many people and now they listen to it and have totally forgotten I sent them there. I love that because it is good for me as an opp for humility. But also because now so many people in this dark time find their faith and knowledge of the Faith growing. They are protected because of the catechisis of this chanel and in particular this good priest from being seduced by the spirit of deception that permeates the Church at present. 💖💖
lajazz1 I’m not certain who it is and often the name is not made public therefore I would not share who it is (if I knew). I do know with certainty it is not Fr. Ripperger.
@William Cloud because in the Bible it states Jesus knew no sin...never at any point in time did it touch him she had to be sinless for the Bible to be fulfilled.
Mm...I am not so sure that the Virgin Mary would allow the devil to influence little innocent children to disrupt your conference; believe it if you choose, so sure about that one. Perhaps instead they are just being "little kids", and She, not Satan, allowed them to cry out in praise to Jesus and Mary.
The Virgin Mary was made the fourth member of the Holy Trinity at the foot of the crucifixion when Jesus said 2 St John behold thy mother and son behold thy mother she is the daughter of the father she is a spouse of the holy spirit and she is the mother of the sun she's a fourth member of the Holy Trinity amen
Literal blasphemy. Mary needed a savior too. Grace isn’t dispensed through her. She isn’t the queen of heaven, because mothers don’t marry there own sons.
There is no blasphemy simply lack knowledge and context. I will say three Hail Mary's for you! 1. The Catholic Church actually agrees that Mary was “saved.” Indeed, Mary needed a savior! However, Mary was “saved” from sin in a most sublime manner. She was given the grace to be “saved” completely from sin so that she never committed even the slightest transgression. Protestants tend to emphasize God’s “salvation” almost exclusively to the forgiveness of sins actually committed. However, Sacred Scripture indicates that salvation can also refer to man being protected from sinning before the fact: Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of his glory with rejoicing, to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and for ever. (Jude 24-25) 2. The first part of the Hail Mary, “Hail Mary, full of grace,” is straight from the Bible. The word Gabriel uses in Greek is kecharitomene, from a verb meaning “to give grace.” Here a little Greek lesson is in order. This is a perfect passive participle. Passive means that something is done to the person. So Mary is not giving grace to someone else. Instead, she is given grace. God grants grace! 3. You are clearly not familiar with the queen mother tradition, as it existed in Israel. In the Davidic kingdom, the mother of the king held an official position in the royal court, in which she shared in her son’s reign and served as an advocate for the people and a counselor for her son. The queen mother was also associated with two key Old Testament texts, bound up with Israel’s messianic hopes. The prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 involves the sign of a queen mother who will conceive and bear the future Davidic King, Immanuel. The queen-mother figure also may appear prototypically in Genesis 3:15, which also associates a mother with her royal offspring in a context that has important Davidic kingdom overtones. Remember... Mary made our Redemption possible...there is no Jesus without Mary!
Firstly, that "dead" woman is very much alive, in Heaven. Secondly, do you think Our Lord Jesus had a true devotion while he lived on this Earth as her son?? And should we not imitate Our Lord Jesus??
wayne DIOR "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” This is the precise reason why Mary was chosen to be the Mother of God, because she was a most perfect creature who always said yes to God. It also gives us inclusion into the Holy Family and we already see this in the 'Patrimony of Saints'. Again, Queen Esther's intercession before King Ahasuerus in the Old Testament foreshadows Mary's intercession before Jesus Christ the one true King and God, both now and forever.
If you are so sure of your own salvation, what is the point of praying, fasting and trying to avoid evil? Presumption like that comes from pride, and pride is the enemy of salvation.
I love St. Gemma so much. My patron saint. Pray for us, St. Gemma. I love you.
Thank you, learned today that Pope Saint Pius X granted the Apostolic Benediction to all who read the book "True devotion to Mary" by St Louis de Montfort.
Truth is ever so ancient ever so beautiful 🙏♥️
I LOVE this holy priest. I pray every day that Jesus will cover him with his most precious blood and that Mother Mary will protect him with her holy mantle!
William Cloud read Gen 3:15& Rev 12 .. Jesus called His Mother “Woman.” You just described almost Rev 12: God did reveal to the angels (before they even seen Him) His plan to be born of the woman.. well, Lucifer didn’t want to serve God or serve the woman.. when the woman came she gave birth to the Man Child-Jesus.. the devil engaged that he couldn’t get to her, so he goes after HER children-who followed the commandments and have the testimony of Jesus. Gen 3:15- God told the serpent that He will put enmity between The WOMAN and him (the serpent). The woman is not Eve-Eve sinned and listened to the serpent-there was no enmity between her and the devil. God didn’t not make commandment 4, so that He can break it. He submitted Himself to her. That’s how much He entrusted Himself in her care.. and the care of St Joseph. He knows who and why He chose certain people from the beginning. Christ obeyed His mother and foster father perfectly. God is truly humble!
@William Cloud please read Revelation 12 in the Holy Bible
O most pure and loving heart of my Mother and Queen - grant that I may love you daily more and more.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Chaste Heart of St Joseph, pray for us. amen.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Outstanding! His most important homily. Please pray for Fr. Philip.
Praise Be to God!!! Praise Be Dearest Mother Mary!!!
Beautiful sermon, Father! This needs to be heard far and wide. I am so grateful for your fiat!
Astonishing and at the same time so simple.
Dear Virgin Mary, pray for me to the Lord and put in a word of love for us sinners. Say Lord have mercy. Say Christ have mercy. Say Lord have mercy. Thanks be to God.
Love this priest, he is very spiritual.
Holy.. he’s very holy indeed
William Cloud God gave us objective truths through His Church to follow if you want to be with Him in Heaven. He is the Judge. How can anyone else claim they are the judge, too? Who are you? Who is like God?
William Cloud There’s only one “right hand” of the Father.. there’s only one place for one person to sit there-it’s only for Jesus-Who is the only Judge. (There’s no more room for any more cooks in the kitchen.) who is like God? No one! Who is seated at the right hand of Jesus? His mother-The Blessed Virgin Mary. Sorry, but you have no proof your husband is in Heaven. You should pray for him. 🙏 No one is sealed. Are you Mormon?
William Cloud apparently, you don’t know what the Catechism is. It’s defines all the truths found in the Bible. It’s not a rewritten “Bible.” The Bible didn’t lay out all truths as easy as you think. God’s word is not easy understood, nor is His truths. Don’t underestimate His Intelligence. Sorry, you’re not like Sts Paul or Peter bc even St. Paul didn’t know if he was going to Heaven. He couldn’t even judge himself. False doctrines are being taught in Protestantism. It’s not one in union with each other. Mormonism and JW came in the 1800s.. from the Protestant reformation revival of the 16th century... too many Protestant churches competing thinking they know the truth when if fact.. they keep breaking and breaking-new and different doctrines arise-confusion is among such churches. Traditions of men never stands. Everyone supposedly has the Holy Spirit and can teach infallibly? God is not a God of confusion... only the devil causes confusion. Jesus only had a certain group of men, whom He gave authority, not to everyone. You don’t have His authority. You do know the devil wanted to be like God too right? The devil wanted to rule... y do you want to sit in the Judge’s seat? Who put that thought into you??? How can a mere human place himself equal to God??? Idk how you do that, but you should probably check yourself. Who made you so prideful??? The father of pride. Surely, this spirit of yours did not come from God bc God Is humble.
I’m not here to convince you. I’m here to inform that the Holy Roman Catholic Church is Jesus’s only spotless bride -that teaches all truths to the world. He only had one bride. His bride is holy, one, apostolic, & universal. His Bride compiled the Bible. His Bride gave the Bible it’s name: Holy Bible. His Bride didn’t start in the 16th century.. His Bride started in 33AD... compiled the Bible in 396AD. The gates of hell will not prevail against His Bride. Have a blessed life🙏! I’m dusting my feet off this.
@William Cloud How sad, that you want to be saved, but refuse to listen to Jesus Christ Himself. As a Catholic, I can read the Bible without doing mental gymnastics because I believe Jesus wasn't trying to trick us. I also believe He didn't abandon His faithful for Fifteen Hundred years. What kind of shepherd does that? He didn't send the Holy Spirit, then call Him back straight away, then send Him out again to Luther millennia later. It makes salvation history sound like the Holy Spirit had to duck home because He left the oven on. Repent of your arrogance and come to the Lord. Read those passages you always skip over because they don't say what you want them to say, and let the Holy Spirit speak to you.
Just want I needed today. Reminders of my true faith. Thank you to whoever posts these videos. I love them.
Help mother not to sin and fall in temptation pls mother help me
Saint Gemma Galgani, pray for us. Amen
Mary Mother of God pray for us.
I can testify of the awesomeness of our Virgin Mary. People doesn't know what they are missing in their life if they dont know our Lady or haven't don the consecration.
I'm doing my part to spraid the True Devotion of the Virgin Mary by St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. He his a Doctor of the Church. I'm sure that he will be given that title.
Michel-Rene, God Bless you. I am trying to get ready to make the consecration also. Ask for your prayers and please report back the Graces in your life
@William CloudEach one of us has given favor by God, Mama Mary's favor was to have no original sin (She Is Perfect), through that no original sin will be pass down to Our Lord and Savior, her existence is all ready stated in Genesis.
I already pray to our Blessed Mother, but hearing this video opened my heart to what is really like to ask our intercessor, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am so happy to come across this video. Thank you! I will also purchase the book which i found on amazon. I want to get even closer to our Blessed Mother. Only goodness can come out of this experience!
Thank you Our Lady, Queen and Mother of my Heart.
❤thank you Jesus
So beautiful. Thank you Father for this teaching. I know it was a love for Mary which allowed my own mother to receive the Sacraments at the end of her life. She was pretty much a non-practicing Catholic her whole life, but she did have a devotion to our Lady and Queen.
I believe 🙏🏽🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you father.
Thank you Father beautiful Homily and explanation thank you. Btw I was so touched when u mentioned of the crying of a little one ..what a beautiful advice that is ! That the Devil is rattling the mother 🕊🥰 My prayers for you, for graces virtue and strength to guide us all 🕊
Amazing priest. I wish I knew his name.
My sweetest most loving mother that I love the most... pray for me... that I may be more like you in all I do & am. Bring me closer to your son my mother. Let me sit in your lap & wrap my arms around your neck. I'll rest awhile on you. Amen
Magnificent 🕵
Amen 🙏❤
The priest quoted JP II for devotion to Our Lady. But he never converted at least not till the moment of his death. He did the opposite he defended Assisi till the end of his life.
Devotion to Mary:
Miraculous medal
3 Hail Mary’s
Brown scapular/5 scapular
Altar in honor of our Lady
Give her flowers
True devotion to Mary (St Louis de Montfort) depending on her on all things and all times
+JMJ+ AMDG AVE MARIA! Mary keeps us on the path to eternal paradise and to become the greatest of saints! Laudetur Jesus Christus et Maria Immaculata!
What happened to this priest, we don't hear from him anymore? He is very good. I hope you bring some more of his recent preaching.
Most priests I know wouldn’t be very receptive if you burst in and asked to go to confession. They’d most likely tell you to make an appointment. And even then they wouldn’t return your phone call
It’s because many priests lack supernatural faith and do no believe in hell, so they don’t see it as an act that save souls but rather as a burden. Find a priest who has a Marian devotion, they will care.
@@CatholicDwong They get graces for it. They forget that
Go to the Latin mass if possible @@MadMax31577
Does anyone know the name of this good priest of Our Lord? I would be very grateful to know.
I've learned so much from him and am so grateful to God that he brought me to this site. I have told many people and now they listen to it and have totally forgotten I sent them there. I love that because it is good for me as an opp for humility. But also because now so many people in this dark time find their faith and knowledge of the Faith growing. They are protected because of the catechisis of this chanel and in particular this good priest from being seduced by the spirit of deception that permeates the Church at present. 💖💖
Sounds like Fr. Chad Ripperger, if I'm not mistaken. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
lajazz1 I’m not certain who it is and often the name is not made public therefore I would not share who it is (if I knew). I do know with certainty it is not Fr. Ripperger.
@William Cloud because in the Bible it states Jesus knew no sin...never at any point in time did it touch him she had to be sinless for the Bible to be fulfilled.
When we see a 'city limit' sign, place a Miraculous Medal near it. She will take it from there.
Anyone know what source this priest got the story from about St Gemma and her confessor?
What's that priest name anyone know..
Yet, Our Bishops continue to say no to Our Blessed Mother by not consecrating Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.
I didn't hear what a true devotion to Mary was
Mm...I am not so sure that the Virgin Mary would allow the devil to influence little innocent children to disrupt your conference; believe it if you choose, so sure about that one. Perhaps instead they are just being "little kids", and She, not Satan, allowed them to cry out in praise to Jesus and Mary.
Our Lady showed 3 little children hell.
Spiritual warfare is brutal.
The devil does hate Mary and tried to distract the sermon by irritating the babies to cry. The devil knows he is no match to the mother of God.
The Virgin Mary was made the fourth member of the Holy Trinity at the foot of the crucifixion when Jesus said 2 St John behold thy mother and son behold thy mother she is the daughter of the father she is a spouse of the holy spirit and she is the mother of the sun she's a fourth member of the Holy Trinity amen
@William Cloud it is important so the Bible can be fulfilled...Jesus knew no sin...
@William Cloud get out of here heretic and stop blaspheming Our Lord and Our Lady.
4th member of The Holy Trinity??
A horrendous
Unholy Quartet!!😱
babies are crying because of the devil?
*facepalm* X 1000
Anton P. I
Children were all quite after he paused to pray
Literal blasphemy. Mary needed a savior too. Grace isn’t dispensed through her. She isn’t the queen of heaven, because mothers don’t marry there own sons.
There is no blasphemy simply lack knowledge and context. I will say three Hail Mary's for you!
1. The Catholic Church actually agrees that Mary was “saved.” Indeed, Mary needed a savior! However, Mary was “saved” from sin in a most sublime manner. She was given the grace to be “saved” completely from sin so that she never committed even the slightest transgression. Protestants tend to emphasize God’s “salvation” almost exclusively to the forgiveness of sins actually committed. However, Sacred Scripture indicates that salvation can also refer to man being protected from sinning before the fact:
Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of his glory with rejoicing, to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and for ever. (Jude 24-25)
2. The first part of the Hail Mary, “Hail Mary, full of grace,” is straight from the Bible. The word Gabriel uses in Greek is kecharitomene, from a verb meaning “to give grace.” Here a little Greek lesson is in order. This is a perfect passive participle. Passive means that something is done to the person. So Mary is not giving grace to someone else. Instead, she is given grace.
God grants grace!
3. You are clearly not familiar with the queen mother tradition, as it existed in Israel. In the Davidic kingdom, the mother of the king held an official position in the royal court, in which she shared in her son’s reign and served as an advocate for the people and a counselor for her son. The queen mother was also associated with two key Old Testament texts, bound up with Israel’s messianic hopes. The prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 involves the sign of a queen mother who will conceive and bear the future Davidic King, Immanuel. The queen-mother figure also may appear prototypically in Genesis 3:15, which also associates a mother with her royal offspring in a context that has important Davidic kingdom overtones.
Mary made our Redemption possible...there is no Jesus without Mary!
@@meghanarview6193 love this ...thank you!
@@meghanarview6193 thank you!!!
Mary's Spouse is the Holy Spirit. Mary is the Mother of Jesus and Queen of Heaven.
True devotion to a 'dead' woman?? Oh dear, True Deviation!!
Firstly, that "dead" woman is very much alive, in Heaven. Secondly, do you think Our Lord Jesus had a true devotion while he lived on this Earth as her son?? And should we not imitate Our Lord Jesus??
wayne DIOR
"For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
This is the precise reason why Mary was chosen to be the Mother of God, because she was a most perfect creature who always said yes to God.
It also gives us inclusion into the Holy Family and we already see this in the 'Patrimony of Saints'.
Again, Queen Esther's intercession before King Ahasuerus in the Old Testament foreshadows Mary's intercession before Jesus Christ the one true King and God, both now and forever.
If you are so sure of your own salvation, what is the point of praying, fasting and trying to avoid evil?
Presumption like that comes from pride, and pride is the enemy of salvation.
True devotion to a "living" Woman! Oh, Lord, True Devotion!!
Jesus loves her, do you?