
  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Hyperandrogenism happens when you have an excess amount of androgens in your body. Androgens are a group of sex hormones. They help start puberty and play a role in reproductive health and body development.
    Hyperandrogenism is the defining sign of PCOS, a hormonal imbalance caused by the ovaries (the organ that produces and releases eggs) creating excess male hormones. It affects people AFAB.
    Hyperandrogenism can affect anyone - both children and adults. But it more commonly affects people assigned female at birth of reproductive age.
    Symptoms of hyperandrogenism in pre-pubertal girls or children assigned female at birth (AFAB) include:
    -Enlarged clitoris.
    -Acne and oily skin.
    -Excess body hair (hirsutism) that results in coarse, dark hair (instead of “peach fuzz”) on your upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen and/or back.
    Symptoms of hyperandrogenism in women or adults AFAB include:
    -Acne and oily skin.
    -Excess body hair (hirsutism).
    -Abnormal menstruation (periods).
    -Androgenic alopecia (also known as male-pattern baldness).
    तपाईंले कहिले डाक्टरलाई भेट्नुपर्छ?
    - तपाईंको महिनावारी बितिसकेको छ र तपाईं गर्भवती हुनुहुन्न।
    - तपाईको अनुहार र शरीरमा कपालको वृद्धि जस्तै polycystic अंडाशय लक्षण यदि कुनै हो।
    - यदि तपाइँ 12 महिना भन्दा बढि गर्भवती हुने प्रयास गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ तर असफल हुनुभयो भने।
    - तिर्खा वा भोक, धमिलो दृष्टि, वा अस्पष्ट तौल घट्ने जस्ता मधुमेहका लक्षणहरू छन् भने।
    सुन्नुहोस Dr. Kenusha सङ्ग PCOS ले गर्दा महिलाहरु मा कस्तो - कस्तो असर गर्छ अनि यस्का केही उपायहरु-
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    to learn more about Norvic International Hospital and its facilities.
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    नर्भिक इन्टरनेशनल हस्पिटल
    📞 ०१-५९७००३२ (नर्भिक कस्टमर केयर सेन्टर)
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    Excess Hair
    Irregular periods
    Excess Hair