why is this ">> "img_lab" "img_lab" | Error: The input character is not valid in MATLAB statements or expressions." when i begin matlab with "img_lab" in command window
but it does not save the image as a jpeg format and more importantly being able to find out the size of the image as compared to the size of the original image
why is this ">> "img_lab"
Error: The input character is not valid in MATLAB statements or expressions."
when i begin matlab with "img_lab" in command window
but it does not save the image as a jpeg format and more importantly being able to find out the size of the image as compared to the size of the original image
have you set the correct path? You have to set the current folder to the folder where the file "img_lab.m" is
please help regarding this error !! ? undifined fucntion 'img_lab'
@nudinoale1990limo25 i have the same problem. I noticed he is using the B version of matlab and i have the A version. maybe that's the problem?
i need this poroject
but i faced with error . my matlab app is R2009a.
why i cant use it .help me please.
i can't use "IMG_LAB" in matlab? I faced with error
yes it is specified into description ;)
don't you have the original code?
is there anything matlab can't do? :)
>> img_lab
??? Undefined function or variable 'img_lab'.
What's the problem?
pleas give me answer tomorrow submit lab
very good........... to learn more
thx a loot :)
be easy to use