Angel - The Weeknd (Lyrics)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @me-ji3vz
    @me-ji3vz 2 роки тому +80

    About 3 years ago my first love gave me this song.
    It hit different when he's not here.
    This song mean alot to me 😔 thank you so much for everything and I wish to get a chance to say I love him again one more time.

    • @Fhokgxkhx
      @Fhokgxkhx Рік тому +1

      Omg he's dead?

    • @FlawlessEmpyrean
      @FlawlessEmpyrean Рік тому +3

      My Ex was with her boyfriend for about 5-6 years prior to us dating. They dated throughout highschool and broke up around late 2020. Fast forward a year to 2021, they were supposed to get back together and then he died in a car crash while drunk driving. Half a year passed and I got together with her, we dated for a year and we had a child together. She still misses him and I know it, I'm not enough. I'm nothing compared to what he was for her, she downgraded hard with me and I can't get over the fact I won't ever be enough. I've thought about ending my life a few times but this song makes me hopeful for the future that things will get better. We're still together now but I'm started to realize I'm not enough. I wish it was me that died instead of him. This should be his child not mine.

    • @RomyaRana
      @RomyaRana Рік тому +1

      ​@FlawlessEmpyrean im so sorry you have to feel like this. I hope everything works out for you two. The child will give you both to continue. Its a representation of both of your's love. I had an ex who broke up with his gf for me but kept me comparing to her. Its sucks to live under someone's shadow but have a honest conversation with her about these feelings of yours. When we trap worda inside our heart, it feels like dying. Whatever youve written here.. you should tell her..

    • @sandrahafeneder4144
      @sandrahafeneder4144 Місяць тому

      ​@FlawlessEmpyrean omg, don't even think so. You are him are diffrent this is true. Maybe she would be still with him. But YOU are the best for her and your kid now. She will feel this pain all of here life, but it is here pain not yours. How will you know he was the better one. Don't think so. Don't pusch your self down. No one can replace someone you love, but that doesn't mean that you aren't the right one. The man she needs now. She gave you a child because she sees YOU as the right daddy for it. She chose you because you are the one who can make her pain bearable. She trusts you, you are the man at her side.
      There are about 4 billion men in this world and she has chosen you as her safe place. Right. Be a good man, a great father and above all, let this ghost rest. Give yourself and him peace.

  • @Mar-vp3jo
    @Mar-vp3jo 9 місяців тому +8

    I will always love you Ike

  • @oceanblue5853
    @oceanblue5853 Рік тому +17

    And even though we live inside
    A dangerously empty life
    You always seem to bring a light

  • @loves2sing4fun
    @loves2sing4fun 8 місяців тому +20

    This song is about the unawakened recognizing the divinity in his counterpart but knowing he’s still in the matrix unable give her what she needs. He wants to see her happy even if it’s not with him. I am literally living this right now, so it hit hard.

    • @410milove4ever
      @410milove4ever Місяць тому

      As much i try to hide, I know she doesn't love me the same way cause im simply just not her type 💔

  • @waxestlowa732r6
    @waxestlowa732r6 Рік тому +8

    Laura she loves this song & yes it's beautiful.

  • @AnuragGupta-nl4dd
    @AnuragGupta-nl4dd Рік тому +18

    Song hits hard for those who have lost their loved one in past. 🥹

  • @Angelscantalk
    @Angelscantalk Рік тому +4

    Omg my ears are blessed wow

  • @kellysaenz7558
    @kellysaenz7558 2 роки тому +132

    I never heard this song before

  • @Amani-v7c
    @Amani-v7c 2 роки тому +8

    I well cry when thank you for being my cousin we love you angel we will miss you

  • @julietahernandezmartinez1754
    @julietahernandezmartinez1754 14 днів тому

    😢 lo primero que vi
    Lo único
    impresionante .Cuídate mucho amor Juan Carlos. ❤

  • @francescalepore4132
    @francescalepore4132 10 місяців тому +1

    Voce meravigliosa ❤

  • @mccauleybacalla2228
    @mccauleybacalla2228 2 роки тому +9

    i miss you angel

  • @hazellaguardia971
    @hazellaguardia971 10 місяців тому +16

    The lyrics are very broad to the point that it is not so hard to understand unlike other artist’s lyricism. But it is a reality that no one wants to face nor think about it.

  • @nohemivelazquez9096
    @nohemivelazquez9096 3 роки тому +16

    We love you 😘😚😙

  • @GabrielaOreccanto-i8c
    @GabrielaOreccanto-i8c 10 днів тому

    Me recomendo esta canción tan dulce youtube la verdad enserio

  • @rockingbeat
    @rockingbeat 2 роки тому +29

    But every angel is terrifying? 🤔

  • @amberkibler7109
    @amberkibler7109 Рік тому +25

    This song goes out to the only person I have been in love with my first love and they loved back but we can't be together because of sad unfortunate circumstances

    • @thatoneamerican
      @thatoneamerican Рік тому +2

      same story. It didn't work out and this song is only dedicated to her

    • @410milove4ever
      @410milove4ever Місяць тому +1

      ​@@thatoneamericani can relate

    • @thatoneamerican
      @thatoneamerican Місяць тому

      @@410milove4ever breakup recently?

  • @Belllean
    @Belllean 4 місяці тому +12

    I had an old fling sing this song in the car towards the end of our relationship when he knew I was pulling away. Any time I hear this song all I hear is him singing it, driving and belting I hope you find somebody knowing his heart was breaking. Ish was straight out of a movie and still breaks my heart to this day

    • @jaydonthomas427
      @jaydonthomas427 Місяць тому

      Now he's like joleneee Jolene Jolene jooooollleeeeenneneenenenene

  • @Amani-v7c
    @Amani-v7c 2 роки тому +16

    I will cry when I see you thanks for being my cousin we will miss you

  • @mbaliemlilo
    @mbaliemlilo 2 роки тому +46

    Oh woah, woah yeah
    Yeah, yes yeah
    Angel, oh oh oh
    Knew you were special from the moment I saw you (saw you)
    I saw you, yeah
    I said angel, oh oh oh
    I feel you're closer every time I call you (call you)
    I call you
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    Maybe we are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're not
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love (oh), somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Said angel, woah oh oh
    You'll probably never take me back and I know this,
    Yeah, I know this, aw man
    I said angel, woah oh oh
    I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions (emotions)
    Yeah, no emotions baby
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    We are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're in need
    I hope you find somebody (ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (ooh)
    I hope you find somebody to love (oh), somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love, yeah, yeah, yeah
    And even though we live inside
    A dangerously empty life
    You always seem to bring a light
    You always seem to bring a light
    And even though we live inside
    A dangerously empty life
    You always seem to bring me light
    You always seem to bring me light
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love (somebody to love)
    Somebody to love, yeah, yeah, yeah
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, baby)
    I hope you find somebody (woah-ooh, woah-ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebo-)
    I hope you find somebody to love (I hope you find somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (somebody to love), oh)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, babe)
    I hope you find somebody to love (somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love, yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah)
    Ooh, somebody baby
    I hope you find somebody (baby find somebody)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, babe)
    I hope you find somebody to love
    Somebody to love (somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (somebody to love)
    Yeah, yeah, yeah

  • @Ambrinette0783
    @Ambrinette0783 7 місяців тому

    Cette chanson m'a toujours fait penser au grand amour ❤ Je danse dessus pour mon spectacle 💖 C'est devenue ma chanson préférée 💙🤍🖤

  • @zulyreyes01
    @zulyreyes01 2 місяці тому

    Such a masterpiece! 🥹🖤🥰

  • @johnnyrodriguez8942
    @johnnyrodriguez8942 Рік тому +4

    I love you cousin my big bro always looked u to u pop I could always tell you anything and u heard me out I'm sorry I wasn't there to answer the phone that day but I know u are in a better place Orlando cruz Rodriguez fly high pop u were an angel I never saw fault in you just love I miss you but your In my heart

  • @tj8348
    @tj8348 2 роки тому +4

    Love this❤️

  • @veronikaferencvfxo6521
    @veronikaferencvfxo6521 Рік тому +4

    I ll find you, my Angel

  • @Universum_1122
    @Universum_1122 Рік тому +18

    “And if we’re not, I hope you find somebody.” Not if we’re in need

  • @ASGchannel-k6o
    @ASGchannel-k6o Рік тому +1

    I love all your songs The Weeknd🫶🏻 keep the good work up , you have all my support Abel xo💘

  • @sowhat7321
    @sowhat7321 Рік тому +11

    How is it that this is the first time I’m hearing this song 😞

    • @heaven6956
      @heaven6956 Рік тому

      no cuz same 😭

    • @abenozil6387
      @abenozil6387 Рік тому

      Go listen the whole album ..BBM

    • @jaydonthomas427
      @jaydonthomas427 Місяць тому

      This is legendary any time I show someone the weeknd I say "you know his radio bangers but he was a lot better before that" 💯🔥🔥🔥

  • @sonianabila8652
    @sonianabila8652 2 роки тому +10

    4:13 does the sound familliar like rose?

    • @antipovmaksim9248
      @antipovmaksim9248 2 роки тому


    • @zaurrr82
      @zaurrr82 2 роки тому

      @@antipovmaksim9248 кто такая Rose?)

    • @antipovmaksim9248
      @antipovmaksim9248 2 роки тому

      @@zaurrr82 Rosé-одна из участниц самой популярной и успешной женской группы в мире BLACKPINK.У неё очень красивый голос,напоминающий эту девушку в песне.Можете послушать её сольные работы,если хотите.Их всего 3,к сожалению,потому что у неё контракт с агенством.А так можете послушать hard to love,gone,on the ground и каверы на её ютуб канале)

    • @zaurrr82
      @zaurrr82 2 роки тому

      @@antipovmaksim9248 всёпонял, спасибо за пояснение . Голос у нее конечно шикарный. Сразу видно, что не обычная бэк-вокалистка))

    • @Rosé16-q8e
      @Rosé16-q8e 2 роки тому

      @@zaurrr82 Yeah her vocals are crazy :))

  • @marmzcabrera4244
    @marmzcabrera4244 Рік тому +2

    1:43 creí eso pero tb me hubiera gustadl no conocer quien era la persona q ocuparía el lugar q quize

  • @karenhildebrandt8228
    @karenhildebrandt8228 4 місяці тому

    Have my angel right here ❤

  • @abujibril4187
    @abujibril4187 2 місяці тому

    We belong to each other forever ❤

  • @star-en7ld
    @star-en7ld 2 місяці тому

    Oh, oh, yeah
    Yeah, hey, yeah
    [Verse 1: The Weeknd]
    Angel, oh-oh-oh-oh
    Knew you were special from the moment I saw you (Saw you)
    I saw you, yeah
    I said, angel, oh-oh-oh-oh
    I feel you closer every time I call you (Call you)
    I call you
    Alessia Cara 'Dead Man' (Live Performance) | Genius Open Mic
    [Pre-Chorus: The Weeknd]
    'Cause all I see are wings
    Well, I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (Life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    Maybe we are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah, if we're meant for this
    And if we're not
    [Chorus: The Weeknd]
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love
    Somebody to love
    Somebody to love
    Yeah, uh, yeah, yeah
    [Verse 2: The Weeknd]
    Said, angel, woah-oh-oh-oh
    You'll probably never take me back and I know this (Know this)
    Yeah, I know this, aw, baby
    I said angel, woah-oh-oh-oh
    I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions (Emotions)
    Yeah, no emotions, baby
    [Pre-Chorus: The Weeknd]
    'Cause all I see are wings
    Well, I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (Life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    We are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah, if we're meant for this
    And if we're not
    [Chorus: The Weeknd & Maty Noyes]
    I hope you find somebody (Ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (Ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (Ooh)
    I hope you find somebody to love
    Somebody to love
    Somebody to love
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    [Bridge: The Weeknd, The Weeknd & Maty Noyes]
    And even though we live inside
    A dangerously empty life
    You always seem to bring the light
    You always seem to bring the light
    And even though we live inside
    A dangerously empty life
    You always seem to bring me light
    You always seem to bring me light
    [Chorus: The Weeknd, Maty Noyes, Both]
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love
    Somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Somebody to love
    Yeah, yeah, oh
    [Chorus: The Weeknd]
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, baby)
    I hope you find somebody (Ooh, woah, ooh)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody)
    I hope you find somebody to love (I hope you find somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Yeah, yeah, yeah (Woo)
    [Chorus: Children's Choir, The Weeknd & Maty Noyes]
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find, oh)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find, oh)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, baby)
    I hope you find somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Somebody to love
    Somebody to love
    Yeah (Yeah), yeah (Yeah), yeah
    Ooh, somebody, baby
    I hope you find somebody (If you love somebody)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody)
    I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, babe)
    I hope you find somebody to love
    Somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Somebody to love (Somebody to love)
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    not thanks haha

  • @Wrongaccount2005
    @Wrongaccount2005 9 місяців тому +1

    Oh woah, woah yeah
    Yeah, yes yeah
    Angel, oh oh oh
    Knew you were special from the moment I saw you (saw you)
    I saw you, yeah
    I said angel, oh oh oh
    I feel you're closer every time I call you (call you)
    I call you
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    Maybe we are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're not
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love (oh), somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Said angel, woah oh oh
    You'll probably never take me back and I know this,
    Yeah, I know this, aw man
    I said angel, woah oh oh
    I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions (emotions)
    Yeah, no emotions baby
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    We are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're in need
    I hope you find somebody (ooh

  • @ronaldmagagula1651
    @ronaldmagagula1651 2 роки тому +1

    I hope you find somebody to love 😢 I’m bad

  • @marisilva_2001
    @marisilva_2001 3 роки тому +6

    yes, I want

  • @Wrongaccount2005
    @Wrongaccount2005 9 місяців тому +1

    Main results
    Oh woah, woah yeah
    Yeah, yes yeah
    Angel, oh oh oh
    Knew you were special from the moment I saw you (saw you)
    I saw you, yeah
    I said angel, oh oh oh
    I feel you're closer every time I call you (call you)
    I call you
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    Maybe we are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're not
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody
    I hope you find somebody to love (oh), somebody to love (oh)
    Somebody to love, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Said angel, woah oh oh
    You'll probably never take me back and I know this,
    Yeah, I know this, aw man
    I said angel, woah oh oh
    I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions (emotions)
    Yeah, no emotions baby
    'Cause all I see are wings
    I can see your wings
    But I know what I am and the life I live (life I live)
    Yeah, the life I live
    And even though I sin
    We are born to live
    But I know time will tell if we're meant for this
    Yeah if we're meant for this
    And if we're in need
    I hope you find somebody (ooh

  • @nadeen8531
    @nadeen8531 Рік тому +2

    this song is so glamourourzs i can wrtie piem aboutbit

  • @rapidashdratini1429
    @rapidashdratini1429 2 роки тому +3

    Oh yeah cheers want to see him, deffo got nothing on you ta very much

  • @localafh
    @localafh 4 місяці тому

    Tesfaye is the real deal. I remember way back when thinking his success would be short-lived, but I was wrong. Apparently it’s always The Weeknd! Galatians 6:9

  • @SDRIFTERAbdlmounaim
    @SDRIFTERAbdlmounaim 2 роки тому +1

    tokio meyers made me look this up

  • @nadeen8531
    @nadeen8531 Рік тому +6

    this song makes me want to cry scream and fight someoneb and also go back to my first love (i didnt have a real firdt love)

  • @JøďïLẽẽ24
    @JøďïLẽẽ24 3 місяці тому


  • @KayceeUdegbue
    @KayceeUdegbue Рік тому +2

    And the children choir

  • @ArnabAlmasY3
    @ArnabAlmasY3 Рік тому


  • @emoney824
    @emoney824 4 місяці тому

    Is this new?

  • @jeremiahr3
    @jeremiahr3 Рік тому +1

    me trynna figure out if shes trynna tell me something or just giving me song suggestions

  • @mariannasantorinaiou3535
    @mariannasantorinaiou3535 2 роки тому


  • @veronikaferencvfxo6521
    @veronikaferencvfxo6521 Рік тому


  • @KayceeUdegbue
    @KayceeUdegbue Рік тому +1

    I heard a maty noyes

  • @janalexgo4966
    @janalexgo4966 Рік тому


  • @shashaie2721
    @shashaie2721 4 роки тому +9

    The first word is Steph not said.

    • @shashaie2721
      @shashaie2721 4 роки тому +6

      The weekend made this song for a girl named Stephanie.

    • @samuelnjuki
      @samuelnjuki 4 роки тому +16

      f off steph

    • @AngelNOTAngle
      @AngelNOTAngle 3 роки тому +9

      @@shashaie2721 what are you talking about

    • @amkingdum7440
      @amkingdum7440 3 роки тому +1

      Shashaie are you sure…

  • @amouryvette8568
    @amouryvette8568 Рік тому


  • @justeddie30
    @justeddie30 5 місяців тому

    *could have atleast had a better melody*

  • @user-zn8hi4bb3m
    @user-zn8hi4bb3m 11 місяців тому
