Kameoka, Kyoto (京都府亀岡市) - Dinner at Kyo Yunohana Resort Suisen (京 YUNOHANA RESORT 翠泉) 2024 Oct. 10

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024
  • We enjoyed a sumptuous, multi-course kaiseki dinner while staying at Kyo Yunohana Resort Suisen (京 YUNOHANA RESORT 翠泉), a 13-room luxury onsen (hot springs) ryokan located on the outskirts of Kyoto City in Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture.
    The menu, as well as explanations in the video, are in Japanese, but I've tried my best to summarize in both languages here. They are:
    COURSE 1 - AKIKAZE KAORU (秋風薫る - The Autumn Breeze is Fragrant):
    Kumi Yuba, Tofu Mochi, Bimi-an, Shoga (汲み湯葉, 豆腐餅, 美味餡, 生姜 - Steamed Yuba, Tofu Mochi, Thickened dashi sauce, Grated Ginger)
    Kamasu Sushi, Bainiku (かます寿司, 梅肉 - Barracuda Sushi with Umeboshi Pickled Plum)
    Maruju Lemon-ni (丸十レモン煮 - Satsuma Imo Sweet Potato simmered with Lemon)
    Anago Arima-ni (穴子有馬煮 - Conger Eel "Arima-ni". Arima-ni is a cooking method made by adding Sansho pepper to fish or meat that's been seasoned heavily with soy sauce and sake)
    Shimeji Okaki-age (占地おかき揚げ - Shimeji Mushrooms deep-fried with rice crackers)
    COURSE 2 - RYOFU (涼風 - Cool Breeze):
    Mini Tomato Roppu-ni (ミニトマトロップ煮 - Mini Tomato dressed with syrup)
    Bimi Jule (美味ジュレ - Dashi Jelly)
    Hamo no Kimi-ni (鱧の黄味煮 - Pike Conger simmered with Egg Yolk)
    Pione (ピオーネ - Pione Grape)
    Mibuna (壬生菜 - Mibuna Mustard Greens)
    Broccoli (ブロッコリー)
    Young Corn (ヤングコーン)
    Su Renkon (酢蓮根 - Vinegared and simmered Lotus Root)
    Yaki Cauliflower (焼きカリフラワー - Grilled Cauliflower)
    Tofu Cream (豆腐クリーム)
    Negi Miso (葱味噌 - Red Soybean Paste with Chives)
    COURSE 3 - FUSO KOKETSU (風霜高潔 - Wind and Frost):
    Kisetsu no Takiawase - Shiitake, Ninjin, Kabocha, Gobo, Daikon, Koyadofu, Kaiware (季節の炊き合わせ - 椎茸, 人参, 南瓜, 牛蒡, 大根, 高野豆腐, カイワレ大根 - Simmered seasonal vegetables: Shiitake, Carrots, Japanese Squash, Burdock Root, Daikon Radish, Frozen-dried Tofu, Daikon Radish Sprouts)
    Bimi-an (美味餡 - Dashi broth)
    Furi Yuzu (振り柚子 - Yuzu citrus flakes)
    Nagaimo Kan (長芋かん - Chinese Yam / Japanese Mountain Yam paste)
    Ebi no Mini Mushiage (海老のミノムシ揚げ - Deep-fried Shrimp cake)
    Okura Tonburi (オクラとんぶり - Okura mixed with Tonburi, a "field caviar" that are seeds from Summer Cypress grass from Akita Prefecture )
    Kukonomi (クコの実 - Goji / Wolfberry)
    Bimi Dashijiru (美味出汁 - Dashi broth)
    Tori Mune Niku (鶏むね肉 - Chicken breast)
    Mini Tomato (ミニトマト)
    Almonds (アーモンド)
    Gomadare (胡麻ダレ - Sesame sauce)
    Kyuri to Choji-fu (胡瓜と丁字麩 - Cucumbers & Square-shaped baked wheat gluten)
    Yuzu Sumiso (柚子酢味噌 - Vinegared and Yuzu-flavored Miso Soybean Paste)
    COURSE 4 - SUISEN NO AJI (翠泉の味 - The Flavors of Suisen):
    Asari to Wakame Shinjo (浅利と若布真丈 - Clams and Wakame seaweed savory cake)
    Mitsuba (三つ葉 - Japanese Wild Parsley)
    Renkon (蓮根 - Lotus Root)
    Bainiku (梅肉 - Umeboshi Pickled Plum)
    Furi Yuzu (振り柚子 - Yuzu citrus flakes)
    Maguro (鮪 - Tuna)
    Tataki Yamato Imo (たたき大和芋 - Pounded Yamato-imo Japanese Mountain Yam)
    Karashi (辛子 - Karashi Japanese Mustard)
    Wasabi (山葵)
    Shoyu (醤油 - Soy Sauce)
    Hotate Nama Ham Maki (帆立生ハム巻き - Scallops wrapped in Ham)
    Uma Kara Miso (旨辛味噌 - Sweet & spicy miso red bean paste)
    Aka-ebi Yakishimo (赤海老焼き霜 - Argentine Red Shrimp lightly seared)
    Orange Kawa (オレンジかわ - Orange peel)
    Konbu Shio (昆布塩 - Konbu sea kelp salt)
    Ika no Me Tamanegi Maki (烏賊の芽葱巻き - Green onions wrapped in Squid)
    Ninjin (人参 - Carrot)
    Grana Padano Cheese (グラナパダーノチーズ)
    Chikori no Ha (チコリの葉 - Chicory leaf)
    Kanzuri Sumiso (かんずり酢味噌 - Kanzuri chili paste mixed with vinegared miso red bean paste)
    COURSE 6 - DAICHI NO MEGUMI (大地の恵み - Blessings of the Earth):
    Kagoshima Ken-san Wagyu Sirloin Steak to Age Gobo (鹿児島県産和牛サーロインステーキと揚げ牛蒡 - Wagyu Sirloin Steak from Kagoshima and deep-fried Burdock roots)
    Shodoshima Kokusan Olive Yu (小豆島国産オリーブ油 - Domestic Olive Oil from Shodoshima)
    Yasai Sauce (野菜ソース - Vegetable sauce)
    Aka Wine Shio (赤ワイン塩 - Red Wine Salt)
    Ego Mustard (エゴマスタード - Ego Mustard is a type of whole grain yellow mustard that with Perilla seeds added to it.)
    Irodori Salad (彩りサラダ - Colorful Salad)
    COURSE 7 - SHIME NO IPPIN (〆の逸品 - A perfect final dish):
    Tako, Oage to Negi Gohan (蛸お揚げと葱御飯 - Octopus, Fried Tofu and Green Onions in Rice)
    Ondashi (温出汁 - Hot Dashi Broth)
    Goma (胡麻 - Sesame)
    Sudachi to Wasabi (酢橘と山葵 - Sudachi Citrus and Wasabi)
    Akadashi (赤出汁 - Red Miso Soybean Paste Soup)
    Kounomono (香物 - Picked Vegetables)
    COURSE 8 - SAIGO NO (最後に - To End):
    Fruit Pudding (フルーツプリン - Custard pudding with a variety of fruits on top)