LIVE Quake Cam

  • Опубліковано 20 січ 2025
  • Live quake cam (earthquakes) from Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.A. (center of the U.S.), using a Guralp CMG-3T seismometer and an old, analog USGS-surplus pen seismograph (originally a carbon soot seismograph). This seismic station (KLNK2) should be able to pick up earthquakes at a magnitude of 3.0 (M3.0) or less locally (400km radius from around Lincoln); greater than M3.0 in the central U.S.; greater than M5.0 around/directly outside of the U.S.; greater than M6.0 worldwide.
    Not all small earthquakes can be detected, based on a wide variety of factors (some vibrations that do show are background noise due to location - they can't all be filtered out, unfortunately~). When there is a real big shaker though, you'll most likely be able to see it (most likely delayed by seconds, minutes or even at much as 20+ minutes from the time of the quake, as it takes time for the ground waves to reach the station). This station is located approximately 6 feet below ground and the live video feed typically runs on a 48-hour stream cycle (stream is delayed by about 30 seconds). The short, sideways tick marks made by the pen are on the minutes and long, sideways tick marks are at the top of the hour.
    Please see here for what to look for when a moderate, regional quake strikes:
    • Earthquake Cam - South...
    …and larger, long-distance quakes here:
    • Earthquake Cam - Ridge...
    • Earthquake Cam - Ndoi ...
    Sign up for earthquake notifications here:
    Download software to know when you might actually see a quake here:
    ...and please add stations RSSD (IU / 10 / BHZ... extremely sensitive USGS underground seismometer in the Black Hills, SD); KLNK (digital recording from this same seismometer); KSU1 (US / 00 / BHZ... Kansas State University seismometer stationed in the middle of Konza Prairie near Manhattan, KS).
    ...or alternatively, please see these web-based charts with a roughly 30 minute to one hour delay:
    Find out how to make your own budget seismometer here!
    …and as always, please be on the watch for your local, moderate or even large-scale quake activity and please enjoy!!!~
    *The longest running, live seismograph on UA-cam - since 2015!
    El sismo en vivo de Lincoln, Nebraska, EE.UU. (en el centro de los EE.UU.), utilizando un sismómetro Guralp CMG-3T y un sismómetro USGS analógico de pluma (originalmente un sismógrafo de hollín de carbono). Esta estación sismológica (KLNK2) debe ser capaz de captar los sismos de una magnitud de 3.0 (M3.0) o menos localmente (400km de radio alrededor de Lincoln); mayor de M3.0 en el centro de los EE.UU.; mayor M5.0 alrededor/directamente fuera de los EE.UU.; mayor de M6.0 en todo el mundo.
    Terramoto filmado ao vivo em Lincoln, Nebraska, E.U.A ( centro dos Estados Unidos da América) usando um sismógrafo Guralp CMG -3T e um outro sismógrafo analógico mais antigo USGS de caneta ( originalmente com uma fuligem de carbono). Esta estação sísmica (KLNK2) deve ser capaz de captar terramotos com uma magnitude de 3,0 (M3.0) ou menos localmente (400 km de raio em torno de Lincoln); maior do que M3.0 nos E.U.A .; Central maior que M5.0 torno / diretamente fora dos EUA .; maior do que M6.0 em todo o mundo.
    كاميرا زلازل حية ومباشرة من لينكولن، نبراسكا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (في مركز الولايات المتحدة)، وذلك باستخدام مقياس الزلازل Guralp CMG-3T واستخدام نظير آخر قديم وهو قلم USGS اضافي لقياس الزلازل (في الأصل هو عبارة عن قلم بودرة الكربون السوداء لقياس الزلازل). وهذه المحطة المخصصة للزلازل (KLNK2) يجب أن تكون قادرة على التقاط الزلازل بقوة 3.0 أو أقل محليا (400 كيلومتر من نصف قطر لينكولن) وأكبر من 3.0 في وسط الولايات المتحدة، وأكبر من 5.0 حول أو مباشرة خارج الولايات المتحدة. أكبر من 6.0 حول العالم.
    Guralp CMG-3T地震計と古いアナログUSGS余剰ペン地震計(もともとは炭素煤地震計)を使用しての、リンカーン、ネブラスカ、アメリカ(米国の中心)からのライブ地震カメラ 。この地震観測点(KLNK2)は 3.0(M3.0)以下の場合は局所的(リンカーン周りから400キロ半径)、 M3.0以上の場合は中央アメリカ、M5.0以上の場合は米国/その外側、M6.0以上の場合は世界中での地震を記録することができるはずです 。
    #seismograph #sismógrafo #live