Tunapanga kuiinua Lugha na tamaduni za Kibajuni | Omar Said | Katibu Mkuu Shungwaya

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • In this heartfelt address, Omar Mohamed Saidi Ali, the Secretary-General of the Shungwaya Welfare Association, discusses the importance and impact of the ongoing project aimed at preserving the Bajuni language. He reflects on how this initiative, although arriving about a year and a half ago, seems long overdue. The Bajuni language is currently at risk, as many Bajuni people feel embarrassed to speak it outside their communities, leading to its gradual disappearance.
    Omar shares his personal experience as a former teacher who always hoped for the day when Bajuni would be taught in schools, a dream that now feels closer to reality. The project has introduced the teaching of Bajuni to first, second, and third graders, which he sees as a divine intervention to save the language from extinction. While the older generation may have lost some connection with their language, this initiative ensures that their children and grandchildren will learn and preserve it, with plans to extend the teaching beyond the initial grades.
    He highlights the success of the poetry component of the project, which identified and nurtured young poetic talent, resulting in a competition that produced ten winners, each contributing poems of over six stanzas. This has revitalized an art form that had been dormant, encouraging young poets to form groups and further develop their talents.
    Omar notes the community's growing enthusiasm for Bajuni language and culture since the project's inception. He emphasizes the need for collaboration with other organizations and donors to create more resources, such as books on Bajuni history, songs, riddles, and lullabies. He envisions establishing a resource center to house these cultural artifacts, including traditional musical instruments, fishing gear, and agricultural tools.
    To achieve this, Omar calls for support from donors and collaboration with the county government of Lamu and local politicians to ensure the preservation and promotion of Bajuni language and culture for future generations.