"Wind blows" in the "Play Colour Version" is on of the best songs. In choreographie, dance and clothes. The song is increadable, sowieso. Look and be amazed. "New days" is a great live song (most of the the end of concerts). Many great fancams exists.
@@danielledaniel1900 haha for sure, ain’t nobody competing with that energy, but seeing her have so much fun on stage whilst sounding IMPECCABLE is inspiring
I will forever stand by my opinion that new days is one of their most underrated songs, it's so them but it does so many musically interesting things at the same time it's awesome
it's my favourite song and it's also one of their best, imo. it is a phenomenal encore song, too. like, the PERFECT song to end out a concert. i hope they use it forever
8:08 i agree. She is a big part of the Dreamcatcher sound ( vocally i mean ) its the way they use her voice, the moments they give her on the songs, its the push and pull concept and most of the time they use her voice and Dongie's for the " pull " moments ( they sometime use her in the "push" moments wich also makes a strong impact since our hears are used to hearing her "pull" ) and they go for Yooyheon and Siyeon alot for the "push" cuz they are a bit more towards the "power vocals" and vocal runs. I would say that the voice they use the most "losely" is SuA's cuz she is very versatile. JiU's voice sounds like honey dripping in your hear.
new days always makes me so emotional.. if i recall, that song was cowritten by dami and every time siyeon does the high note at the end live, dami gives her a nod like “you did well” 😢 and it’s so amazing in concert
I really think that "Wind Blows" is the girls top five song. You can see how they love it in their Dance Video, i never see a dance video like that. Also Wind Blows have Dance Video ver, Play Color ver, live band ver, live stages, relay dance ver ....Actually, i think Wind Blows deserve a marathon video🤭
It’s a long one since it’s a full album with individual solos for all members, but Apocalypse: Save Us is top tier and probably my favorite album to date from them. I loved Dystopia: Tree of Language for having so much variety in the track list, but this album takes that to another level.
22:17 At the high touch in Irving, Handongs visuals literally took my breath away, and stopped me in my tracks, crew had to tell me to keep it moving lol, because I was standing there mouth agape lookin goofy as hell, shook to the core that a person could be so beautiful. She's still got me messed up months later. She looked divine. Me; a mere mortal laid eyes on an angel, and survived...barely. Her voice is so rich at times, and delicate and airy. Don't sleep on Handong! I'd recommend either "Summer Holiday" or "Raid of Dream" mini albums next. I feel like Summer Holiday B-sides would be right up your alley! But Raid of Dream has Deja Vu! AAAGGGHH
Every idol reaches their Limit and can go no further , But the Dreamcatcher is limitless , and Must go On . Fate chose Her to Become a Legendary Dreamcatcher for all Time ⏳, Destiny Blessed Her with : Timeless Beauty 🌹, Flame 🔥 , Magic ✨ and Power ⚡ .
Apocalypse: Save Us is an amazing album. Looking forward to your reaction to that. I think you might lose your mind to some of it lol. Would be a great way to prepare for the upcoming album by going back to the start of the trilogy.
24:16 bro the power of Siyeon's voice... Just look how far away she is from her mouth she his holding the mic and still how loud the vocal sounds...( could be some pre-arrangements involved but still )
For wind blows there are 2 clips u must watch Play color: ua-cam.com/video/t6FnECoSlrQ/v-deo.html It's live: ua-cam.com/video/rkh1yJw_U5c/v-deo.html (FOR LIVE VOCAL WHILE DANCING) Poison love self made mv: ua-cam.com/video/wKXjvh-wYKY/v-deo.html
Dude i loved your reaction video i want more people like you blasting that music volume, most of the youtubers listening it soo low, i just want that intro in wind blows to scratch my brain
This was my first Dreamcatcher comeback as an insomnia and what a masterpiece. You will die with the Wind Blows choreo (there is a performance stage, live stages and dance practice since it was promoted after Odd Eye). Poison Love is such a bop, to me it reminds me of Selena Gomez's "Love you like a love song", maybe it's that? Haha. JiU cowrote/composed 4 Memory and Dami cowrote/compose New Days!! 4 Memory was also sung in Gahyeon's birthday and the girls did something cute to surprise her during that live stage! Here's that video! ua-cam.com/video/GM82l6GNVsc/v-deo.html
Hi Pat! Just joined your |• today. - When you have time, the special clip for Poison Love is so funny. Self-made video skit made soon after Handong returned from China. Basically, it's everyone crazy for Handong, including Handong herself. 🤣 Take care.
Aye. Wind Blows definitely the song that can define Dreamcatcher. And then there's Jiu's panic in the city 😁 New Days actually have a very well done fan mv made by insomnicsy. If you got the leeway for the next album Summer Holiday I'd say lets do this. BEcause is a horror themed song, fit for Halloween. I like the subtle travelling on the move theme of Summer Holiday 3/4 b-side. Jiu pen alldaylong and it's a song a sound that Dreamcatcher never ever did prior.
I literally do the same thing in the gym, looking all serious, meanwhile 4 memory is playing😂 I am looking forward to your "Apocolypse Save Us" full album reaction. Each member has a solo on it, and it really highlights their individual styles!
I think next album should be Apocalypse: Save us (the first one in the Apocalypse trilogy). They will release the last one in 5/24, so this album is perfect to react before they come back. Anyway, love your great reaction! 😊
Can't wait for your wind blows dance reaction, also the poison love special clip, usually the point is that it's funny and a reaction to them would also be fun to watch for a few somnias
It is recommended that you watch the Apocalypse series for the next album, because Dreamcatcher will release the third part of the Apocalypse:From us on 5/24!!👍🔥🎉
Definitely enjoying your reactions, it's awesome seeing someone react to these talented people. At a certain point, you realize that Deukae is not K-pop, but they're a genre on their own. I think you might be ready enough for Deja Vu and the Raid of Dreams album. It should hold you over until the comeback.
You should still react to the Poison Love Special Clip because people actually want to see that since it's a good time. Basically if it's Dreamcatcher and you're thinking I'll watch that on my own time, just get that thought right out of your head.
I think this is my favorite mini album they’ve done. I can’t say my favorite album because the amount of songs on the full ones puts them on top, but I think every song on here is in my top 20 and most are in my top 10
This album is all hits for me! It was only matched by vision when that came out! (Not that other albums are bad at all! Just those two have a special place in my heart) I also think if you get a chance before the comeback, it'd be great to listen to 'maison' and that album as the comeback will be part 3 of that storyline of maison,vision,comeback
I hope you do a reaction to the Poison Love Special Clip. It's just funny and I love to watch people laugh at the girls being goofs. But also there's a lot of content so I understand if you want to watch som ethings on your own time. I think for the next TT and album you should do Maison/Apocalypse: Save Us. This comeback is the end of the Apocalypse trilogy and you've done the middle with Vision/Apocalypse: Follow Us. Maison is the beginning and now Bon Voyage will be the end. Also Maison was the first song that gave DC a music show win and I'd love to see you react to them winning and the encore, even if it ends up as Patreon only. It will be emotional though so fair warning.
Road to Utopia was my 1st comeback for Dreamcatcher. And New Days was that song, that I listen to day and night, the song that trapped me into the rabbit holes lol.
if you wanna check 1 EP (bcs Apocalypse full album will be too long) before comeback, you can check either Deja Vu within Raid Of Dream or BEcause within Summer Holiday. The Curse Of The Spider, Silent Night, Polaris are in ROD, Airplane, Whistle, Alldaylong, and A Heart of Sunflower are in SH. why those 2 EP, bcs both are sandwiching Dystopia era so closer to what you've checked. also seems like only 1 EP before comeback so those 2 which not having a series seems better choice, the rest 6 releases (included in Nightmare series) can be checked later when you have time and do it in order to give more experience (but seems after comeback you'll check Apocalypse Save Us first bcs every member create their own solo song)
I really really love 4 Memory. This song always give me chills, especially when they sing live. New Days is an encore type song for concert. And if you want to watch related video to Wind Blows, i suggest you to watch the Dance Practice video first. Just need you to focus on the choreo before you got attack on visual video like Play Color Ver., or It's Live Ver.
Gahyeon is Everything , She truly is the perfect Beauty, She truly has the most perfect smile , She truly is above Human , She truly is a Legendary Dreamcatcher
The special clip for Poison Love shows the girls at their wackiest and most hilarious. Never thought about it before, but yes it distracts from the quality of the song itself. But InSomnias be too busy laughing. Worth it.
This is their best mini album IMO. Wind Blows and New Days both 10/10 for me. Wind Blows is a bit overwhelming at first but gets better the more you listen to it and New Days is just the perfect DC song. I recommend Raid of Dream (mini album) or Apocalypse: Save Us (full album) for the next one
New Days... I can't listen to it when walking around any more. It reminds me of the concerts and it's so so so so damn good. I get extremely emotional almost every time I hear it. All of these are amazing live (especially Wind Blows) but New Days... It's an experience I hope you get to have some day - seeing them live. They're the best.
i watched many reactor reacting every content dreamcatcher had but didn't get blocked even their japanese song, so i think you're safe to reacted to some of them on yt!
The betrayal bro! How do you react to the performance of 4 memory and not to the one of Wind Blows and Poison Love??!! The Treachery!! PS: Excellent reaction bro! But you will die when you see the dance performance of Wind Blows in Play Color and the Self-Made of Poison Love!
I would suggest completing the Apocalypse trilogy albums next It will be great to finish it off with the new upcoming album And the trilogy also starts with a full album just like the dystopia trilogy +it has all member solos hehe❤ Apocalypse trilogy: Apocalypse: Save Us (Maison)[full album] Apocalypse: Follow Us (Vision) Apocalypse: From Us (Bon Voyage) [releasing on 24th May this year] Always love your reactions!❤
Her Love is Eternal, Her Love is Forever, Her Love is Timeless, Her Love is Beautiful, Her Love is Evergreen, Her Love is True, Her Love will be Remembered for all Time . She is a Legendary Dreamcatcher , " They are the first and always" , Legendary Dreamcatcher
Power ⚡ - VISION , BOCA , ODD EYE . FLAME 🔥 - Scream , No Dot . Heart ❤ - Fairytale , Butterfly , 4 Memory , always . Beauty 🥀- Deja Vu , POLARIS . Energy - The curse of the Spider 🕷🕸. Magic ✨- Chase Me , Good Night . Charm - Jazz Bar , Poison Love , Love Shake , Why Did You Come To My Home . Soul - Paradise , WINTER . Nightmare - you and i , BEcause . Ice ❄ - IN THE FROZEN . Divinity - MAISON. Cuteness - Playground , Cherry' (Real Miracle). Dream - Which a star , Dreamcatcher Daydream . Sorrow - Rainy Day. not sure need help ❓- Trap .
Their performance of Wind Blows on It's Live is a must watch.
It's so legendary I think it was one of the first play colours and is still one of the most watched. Also the dance practice where they all scream😂
"Wind blows" in the "Play Colour Version" is on of the best songs. In choreographie, dance and clothes. The song is increadable, sowieso. Look and be amazed. "New days" is a great live song (most of the the end of concerts). Many great fancams exists.
Yes, I second this!
Agree. Wind Blows choreo is very energetic.
Absolutely powerful performance. I really like the dance practice as well, hearing those stomps in the chorus.
I feel like it should also be a requirement to watch the Wind Blows dance practice. Really shows off their energy and how hard they go in that song.
OMG dude you described SuA so perfectly, “she makes you want to be extroverted”
Not me. I love her but she make me tired just watching her
@@danielledaniel1900 haha for sure, ain’t nobody competing with that energy, but seeing her have so much fun on stage whilst sounding IMPECCABLE is inspiring
@@makeatune it is
I was waiting for this one, they just never miss fr.
Btw JiU wrote "4memory" and Dami wrote "New Days" they were also involved in the composition.
I will forever stand by my opinion that new days is one of their most underrated songs, it's so them but it does so many musically interesting things at the same time it's awesome
It's actually their best song
it's my favourite song and it's also one of their best, imo. it is a phenomenal encore song, too. like, the PERFECT song to end out a concert. i hope they use it forever
The fact that Dami wrote that song makes it even more perfect
8:08 i agree. She is a big part of the Dreamcatcher sound ( vocally i mean ) its the way they use her voice, the moments they give her on the songs, its the push and pull concept and most of the time they use her voice and Dongie's for the " pull " moments ( they sometime use her in the "push" moments wich also makes a strong impact since our hears are used to hearing her "pull" ) and they go for Yooyheon and Siyeon alot for the "push" cuz they are a bit more towards the "power vocals" and vocal runs. I would say that the voice they use the most "losely" is SuA's cuz she is very versatile. JiU's voice sounds like honey dripping in your hear.
No but we NEED to see you react to the Poison Love special clip lol
you just KNOW when Handong gets the prechorus the song is a BANGER
Yes, her voice is so soft and Sweet
1:20 Intro
4:29 Wind Blows
11:20 Poison Love
19:24 4 Memory
25:23 New Days
30:22 Final Thoughts
New Days is my favorite Dreamcatcher song 💜💜
new days always makes me so emotional.. if i recall, that song was cowritten by dami and every time siyeon does the high note at the end live, dami gives her a nod like “you did well” 😢 and it’s so amazing in concert
Windblows Play Your Color version is fire btw
I really think that "Wind Blows" is the girls top five song. You can see how they love it in their Dance Video, i never see a dance video like that.
Also Wind Blows have Dance Video ver, Play Color ver, live band ver, live stages, relay dance ver ....Actually, i think Wind Blows deserve a marathon video🤭
New Days is my favorite song 🥰. I literally only need to put it on to feel better! Dreamcatcher is my medicine 😊.
It’s a long one since it’s a full album with individual solos for all members, but Apocalypse: Save Us is top tier and probably my favorite album to date from them. I loved Dystopia: Tree of Language for having so much variety in the track list, but this album takes that to another level.
22:17 At the high touch in Irving, Handongs visuals literally took my breath away, and stopped me in my tracks, crew had to tell me to keep it moving lol, because I was standing there mouth agape lookin goofy as hell, shook to the core that a person could be so beautiful. She's still got me messed up months later. She looked divine. Me; a mere mortal laid eyes on an angel, and survived...barely. Her voice is so rich at times, and delicate and airy. Don't sleep on Handong!
I'd recommend either "Summer Holiday" or "Raid of Dream" mini albums next. I feel like Summer Holiday B-sides would be right up your alley! But Raid of Dream has Deja Vu! AAAGGGHH
That color coded WindBlows video has a mistake right from the start 😅 It's SuA singing not Siyeon
" True Beauty can not be Searched for ,
only Discovered " .
They are Dreamcatcher
For me, this is their best mini album!
It's sad we didn't get the chance to see your reaction to the self-made MV of Poison Love 😢
The first time I saw their play color MV for Wind Blows I was literally floored.
Every idol reaches their Limit and can go no further ,
But the Dreamcatcher is limitless , and Must go On .
Fate chose Her to Become a Legendary Dreamcatcher for all Time ⏳,
Destiny Blessed Her with : Timeless Beauty 🌹, Flame 🔥 , Magic ✨ and Power ⚡ .
Apocalypse: Save Us is an amazing album. Looking forward to your reaction to that. I think you might lose your mind to some of it lol. Would be a great way to prepare for the upcoming album by going back to the start of the trilogy.
My second favorite Dreamcatcher album ❤
its been a while since ive heard new days and it still slays so hard. Also yoohyeon's "Wa" at the end of the chorus gives me chills everytime
24:16 bro the power of Siyeon's voice... Just look how far away she is from her mouth she his holding the mic and still how loud the vocal sounds...( could be some pre-arrangements involved but still )
For wind blows there are 2 clips u must watch
Play color:
It's live:
ua-cam.com/video/rkh1yJw_U5c/v-deo.html (FOR LIVE VOCAL WHILE DANCING)
Poison love self made mv:
Dude i loved your reaction video i want more people like you blasting that music volume, most of the youtubers listening it soo low, i just want that intro in wind blows to scratch my brain
It for sure scratched my brain lol
This was my first Dreamcatcher comeback as an insomnia and what a masterpiece. You will die with the Wind Blows choreo (there is a performance stage, live stages and dance practice since it was promoted after Odd Eye). Poison Love is such a bop, to me it reminds me of Selena Gomez's "Love you like a love song", maybe it's that? Haha. JiU cowrote/composed 4 Memory and Dami cowrote/compose New Days!! 4 Memory was also sung in Gahyeon's birthday and the girls did something cute to surprise her during that live stage!
Here's that video! ua-cam.com/video/GM82l6GNVsc/v-deo.html
Hi Pat! Just joined your |• today. - When you have time, the special clip for Poison Love is so funny. Self-made video skit made soon after Handong returned from China. Basically, it's everyone crazy for Handong, including Handong herself. 🤣 Take care.
Aye. Wind Blows definitely the song that can define Dreamcatcher. And then there's Jiu's panic in the city 😁 New Days actually have a very well done fan mv made by insomnicsy.
If you got the leeway for the next album Summer Holiday I'd say lets do this.
BEcause is a horror themed song, fit for Halloween. I like the subtle travelling on the move theme of Summer Holiday 3/4 b-side. Jiu pen alldaylong and it's a song a sound that Dreamcatcher never ever did prior.
They are going for a concert here in the philippines on august 28 and I was so happy that I will finally see them live. Its a dream come true for me!!
I literally do the same thing in the gym, looking all serious, meanwhile 4 memory is playing😂 I am looking forward to your "Apocolypse Save Us" full album reaction. Each member has a solo on it, and it really highlights their individual styles!
I think next album should be Apocalypse: Save us (the first one in the Apocalypse trilogy). They will release the last one in 5/24, so this album is perfect to react before they come back.
Anyway, love your great reaction! 😊
I vote for deja Vu and that album next if there's time lol. I love silent night from that one
9:30, nice editing boom boom💥
A DC concert wouldn't be complete without an anime ending like New Days. 🔥
Noooo, we need the reaction to the Poison Love special clip! And all their special clips!
I'm so glad you came to light dream catcher as much as I thought you would. Yeah really are our modern poets.
You wouldn't dare deprive us from seeing your reaction to the Poison Love special clip!
Can't wait for your wind blows dance reaction, also the poison love special clip, usually the point is that it's funny and a reaction to them would also be fun to watch for a few somnias
Yes! I've been waiting for your reactions!
It is recommended that you watch the Apocalypse series for the next album, because Dreamcatcher will release the third part of the Apocalypse:From us on 5/24!!👍🔥🎉
I hope you will go to their concert one day! Its next level! 😩 I miss them!!!
Definitely enjoying your reactions, it's awesome seeing someone react to these talented people. At a certain point, you realize that Deukae is not K-pop, but they're a genre on their own. I think you might be ready enough for Deja Vu and the Raid of Dreams album. It should hold you over until the comeback.
You should still react to the Poison Love Special Clip because people actually want to see that since it's a good time. Basically if it's Dreamcatcher and you're thinking I'll watch that on my own time, just get that thought right out of your head.
Agree. Every Somnie wants to see Reactors' reactions to Poison Love special clip.
I think this is my favorite mini album they’ve done. I can’t say my favorite album because the amount of songs on the full ones puts them on top, but I think every song on here is in my top 20 and most are in my top 10
Great entertaining reaction as always! Keep it up!
If I had to rate Mini-albums top 3 are; D:RtU is my #1, A: Follow Us #2, and Alone in the City #3
This album is all hits for me! It was only matched by vision when that came out! (Not that other albums are bad at all! Just those two have a special place in my heart)
I also think if you get a chance before the comeback, it'd be great to listen to 'maison' and that album as the comeback will be part 3 of that storyline of maison,vision,comeback
Thanks for the reaction, really hope that you can react to the apocalypse: save us album before the upcoming comeback.
I hope you do a reaction to the Poison Love Special Clip. It's just funny and I love to watch people laugh at the girls being goofs. But also there's a lot of content so I understand if you want to watch som ethings on your own time.
I think for the next TT and album you should do Maison/Apocalypse: Save Us. This comeback is the end of the Apocalypse trilogy and you've done the middle with Vision/Apocalypse: Follow Us. Maison is the beginning and now Bon Voyage will be the end. Also Maison was the first song that gave DC a music show win and I'd love to see you react to them winning and the encore, even if it ends up as Patreon only. It will be emotional though so fair warning.
Road to Utopia was my 1st comeback for Dreamcatcher. And New Days was that song, that I listen to day and night, the song that trapped me into the rabbit holes lol.
if you wanna check 1 EP (bcs Apocalypse full album will be too long) before comeback, you can check either Deja Vu within Raid Of Dream or BEcause within Summer Holiday.
The Curse Of The Spider, Silent Night, Polaris are in ROD, Airplane, Whistle, Alldaylong, and A Heart of Sunflower are in SH.
why those 2 EP, bcs both are sandwiching Dystopia era so closer to what you've checked. also seems like only 1 EP before comeback so those 2 which not having a series seems better choice, the rest 6 releases (included in Nightmare series) can be checked later when you have time and do it in order to give more experience (but seems after comeback you'll check Apocalypse Save Us first bcs every member create their own solo song)
I hope you do apocalypse save us
I really really love 4 Memory. This song always give me chills, especially when they sing live. New Days is an encore type song for concert.
And if you want to watch related video to Wind Blows, i suggest you to watch the Dance Practice video first. Just need you to focus on the choreo before you got attack on visual video like Play Color Ver., or It's Live Ver.
Gahyeon is Everything ,
She truly is the perfect Beauty,
She truly has the most perfect smile ,
She truly is above Human ,
She truly is a Legendary Dreamcatcher
The special clip for Poison Love shows the girls at their wackiest and most hilarious. Never thought about it before, but yes it distracts from the quality of the song itself. But InSomnias be too busy laughing. Worth it.
That editing at 9:30 had me laughing so hard, so well done
This is their best mini album IMO. Wind Blows and New Days both 10/10 for me. Wind Blows is a bit overwhelming at first but gets better the more you listen to it and New Days is just the perfect DC song.
I recommend Raid of Dream (mini album) or Apocalypse: Save Us (full album) for the next one
Love your reactions, man. Just wanted to point out, the first one to sing in Wind Blows is Sua, and not Siyeon, as the lyrics video says hehe.
Oh okay. Thank you for clarifying that for me😊
@@justpat2316 their voices sometimes sound really similar ngl 😂
Poison Love is one of the best DC's song !
Letss goo 🔥🔥🔥🔥 love your reaction bro ..
New Days... I can't listen to it when walking around any more. It reminds me of the concerts and it's so so so so damn good. I get extremely emotional almost every time I hear it. All of these are amazing live (especially Wind Blows) but New Days... It's an experience I hope you get to have some day - seeing them live. They're the best.
new days live on encore is a work of art thanks for this dami
I didn't like New Days much, but after seeing performances.... the song just exudes hope and love.... And listening to it live was something else TT
You need to react to wind blow dance
i watched many reactor reacting every content dreamcatcher had but didn't get blocked even their japanese song, so i think you're safe to reacted to some of them on yt!
take a rest Pat. i hope DC makes your day!🤘
new day are fully written and composed by dami
the next one is Apocalypse: Save Us 🛐🛐🛐
The betrayal bro! How do you react to the performance of 4 memory and not to the one of Wind Blows and Poison Love??!! The Treachery!!
PS: Excellent reaction bro! But you will die when you see the dance performance of Wind Blows in Play Color and the Self-Made of Poison Love!
8:14 I agree with you
Dreamcatcher intros are always legendary🔥
Welcome to my fav dc album, my number one dc album 🔥💯🤩
this IS .. my favourite album of all time
I would suggest completing the Apocalypse trilogy albums next
It will be great to finish it off with the new upcoming album
And the trilogy also starts with a full album just like the dystopia trilogy +it has all member solos hehe❤
Apocalypse trilogy:
Apocalypse: Save Us (Maison)[full album]
Apocalypse: Follow Us (Vision)
Apocalypse: From Us (Bon Voyage) [releasing on 24th May this year]
Always love your reactions!❤
Her Love is Eternal,
Her Love is Forever,
Her Love is Timeless,
Her Love is Beautiful,
Her Love is Evergreen,
Her Love is True,
Her Love will be Remembered for all Time .
She is a Legendary Dreamcatcher ,
" They are the first and always" , Legendary Dreamcatcher
Sitting here still waiting for deja vu. Did I miss it?
Please do BEcause mv it has one of the best b sides overall and we have two weeks until comeback 😁
Dreamcatcher 👍 Good reaction~😊
I lovd this album so much 😔❤️
Keep 'em coming Pat!
Power ⚡ - VISION , BOCA , ODD EYE .
FLAME 🔥 - Scream , No Dot .
Heart ❤ - Fairytale , Butterfly , 4 Memory , always .
Beauty 🥀- Deja Vu , POLARIS .
Energy - The curse of the Spider 🕷🕸.
Magic ✨- Chase Me , Good Night .
Charm - Jazz Bar , Poison Love , Love Shake , Why Did You Come To My Home .
Soul - Paradise , WINTER .
Nightmare - you and i , BEcause .
Divinity - MAISON.
Cuteness - Playground , Cherry' (Real Miracle).
Dream - Which a star , Dreamcatcher Daydream .
Sorrow - Rainy Day.
not sure need help ❓- Trap .
Note: Intro starts with seven beats - Handong is back so the group again has seven members.
I love New Days too. This mini album is just perfect.
“When I hear JiU’s voice I hear Dreamcatcher” couldn’t have said it better!!
My fav album 💚
New days sounds like literally a new positive day🌞
More Dreamcatcher's album
reaction please 🥺
And these stages !!!
The first one to sing in wind blows was sua not siyeon
Thank You For informing me of that mistake. Much appreciated 😊
Love the reaction! What headphones are you using? I need something that booms😅
Also, this is my fave EP from them, hands down
New Days ending sound in every concert is lingering... the aftertaste of the concert just makes you want more...
I think my favorite on this album is poison love
Are u going to put red sun, sahara and black or white special clip here or is it on patreon?
Nicejob bro😍
Apocalypse : save us album you should react next 🙏
Pat did you see the comeback teaser images? DID YOU? If you didn't then...let me just say I wish you strength.
Noooo we need the Wind Blows dance performance special clip ! Play Color