Merveilleuse vidéo, où Franco Fagioli chante le plus bel Alto Giove du monde seul face à Jupiter , assisté par un chef admirable qui s'investit corps et âme pour que cette aria mythique devienne..... immortelle . Mission accomplie . Les images du public immobile a l'air de provenir d'un lointain passé , tout est parfait .
Una delle prime arie che ho ascoltato, rimanendo soggiogata da questa lentissima e sentita preghiera rivolta all’Alto Giove, cantata da voci bellissime di contro tenori, tra cui spicca quella superba di Franco Fagioli.
one God one Fagioli. I saw this man live. He is out of this world. I saw an interview with Hollender. he said the target of his productions were the people watching it for the first time, not the purists because they had nothing to compare to. There is no comparison in art. just let it ravish you! This has moved me to tears. this man is an exquisite singer! BRAVO!!!
J'aime beaucoup ta réponse . C'est tellement vrai qu'il dérange les puristes ! Ils ne trouvent aucune référence qui pourrait les diriger vers une ressemblance avec un autre contre ténor . Qu'il reste Fagioli, l'Unique ! On devine bien par la façon qu'il a de chanter qu'il est aussi un être hors du commun, avec beaucoup de coeur et de compréhension de 'humain .
All the comments are about Franco Fagioli's singing, which is absolutely perfect, but we should also pay tribute to that amazing conductor, Ruben Dubrovsky! He is really really amazingly good as well!!!
This man just keeps getting better and better. He is a remarkable singer and, unlike many countertenors, he actually is able to provide emotive context through his voice. We are lucky to have him.
His undeniable gift, his voice, is not as clear and perfect as the others, but precisely because of this, it is moving and surprising... lower than one would expect... more destabilizing than one would expect... tragic, gentle, broken by emotion, simply beautiful... unique and devastating.
Ce contre ténor fait énormément d'ombre à bien d'autres... Franco Fagioli est le plus grand de tous. Un joyau dans le monde du baroque. Que de travail et de sacrifices pour atteindre un tel niveau de chant.. Bravo.
Maestro Ruben Dubrovsky must be very proud of having under his baton the best ever version of such iconic piece. Fagioli is amazing but the orchestra was taken to an upper level.
Stunning. Amazing possibilities. Perfect technique. Beautiful colour of Voice. Beautiful interpretation , Full range of emotions and spirit. Just Divine ! 🔥❤
Franco !!!! This intensity! NO ONE can sing this like him !! How his beautiful voice flows. An incredibly emotional version. I do not know any better. And at the very end someone calls "Farinelli".
La perfección se llama Franco Fagioli ; es tal la emoción que me embarga al escucharlo cantando a Porpora ; la piel se eriza y los ojos se humedecen . Gracias por tanto !!
Il y a à la fois des trilles, magnifiques (quel contrôle de la voix dans tous les octaves !) et du vibrato. Qui a décidé que la musique baroque devait se jouer sans vibrato ? L'interprétation est juste exceptionnelle, vous prend aux tripes, au coeur et le reste, on s'en fiche. On veut juste dire notre gratitude pour l'artiste qui nous donne donne ça. Pour la pureté d'une voix sur une telle musique. J'écoute en boucle. Merci !!!
Interprétation conforme au style du chanteur, certes, mais de là à être exceptionnelle, il y a de la marge: vibrato trop insistant, trémolo souvent peu approprié, reste l'amplitude du grave à l'aigue qui reste exceptionnel en effet. Manque d'émotions avec ce tempo lent et la prise de son peu favorable. Il y a mieux mais le public était acquis 😂😂
This amazing man with a timeless talent only given by God to the very few touches every human emotion known to mere mortals and some emotions I never even knew I possessed!!! Thank you maestro for bringing joy and light!!!!!
A great performance from a true artist and consummate singer. To those who know: he, Jaroussky, and Cencic go have forever changed male singing. And did anybody else fall in love with Dubrosky while watching him conduct here.
Yes Dubrovsky, so refined and masterful, breathes love into the performance! Also Christine Pluhar makes me cry when she is conducting, her face is like the most loving angel!
Sa passion du chant transparaît à chaque représentation ,ses émotions nous atteignent ,on est empli de sa ferveur musicale , peu de contre-ténor ont réussi à atteindre un tel niveau de presque perfection!
This is, in my opinion, the single greatest performance of Alto Giove in existence. I heard this for the first time when I was a teenager, and to this day, something about this performance shakes me to my core. This is a ravishingly beautiful delivery of one of the greatest baroque opera arias known to 21st century society. This performance is the perfect exemplification of the understated elegance that this aria requires. ❤
Отличное выступление, проживание партии " от и до", очень эмоционально, трагически, красивые, осторожные верхи, отрывистое вибратто, мелизматика, работа более, чем на отлично!! Замечательная работа дирижера, прекрасное исполнение..Браво!!!! 🌹👍👍👍💞💋💞
One of the most attractive live rendition.... timber, style ( light and subtil variations on part 2 ), breathcontrol, intensity, colours... Il Sgr Fasoli is a very high quality artist
Cet homme est une bénédiction du ciel. Personne d'autre que lui ne peut approcher d'aussi près, sous tous rapports - timbre, souffle, ambitus, maîtrise, style, ligne, TOUT - ce qu'on peut imaginer que les grands castrats d'autrefois ont pu être. On lui souhaiterait d'avoir mille vies pouir continuer longtemps encore à nous transporter dans les fabuleux lointains de beauté où il nous emmène. Dès la messa di voce initiale, on est ailleurs.
I grew up listening to Alfred Deller-style countertenor so when I first heard the new wave of modern countertenors I was taken aback. But I've quickly come around. Fagioli has the loveliest mezzo soprano voice out there, man or woman. I recently played Fagioli and Bartoli singing the same piece pack-to-back and Fagioli came out of top for sheer expressiveness.
Fagioli est pour moi LE CONTRE TENOR , la perfection, insurpassable à ce jour .Il y quelques voix que j'écoute sans me lasser Bartoli, Lezhneva , Stuzman Ferrier et Callas
At 10.15 a man from the audience shouts out "Farinelli". This song, written for him.......Franco Fagioli comes as close as it gets I think. Wonderfull, so evocative. Bravo!!!
Je découvre cette interprétation magnifique, brillante et dramatique et je m'étonne de son manque de succès : ce serait une histoire de vibratos ??? Comme le dit justement quelqu'un ici : " Ardent, émouvant et passionné l'interprétation de Fagioli est avec un tempo parfait. J'ai assisté à ce concert et tout le public a été stupéfait et ému !'" Cette manière de chanter en vibratos continus mais discrets ajoute une dimension dramatique à ce chant qui m'émeut particulièrement .....Alors pourquoi se priver de tant de beauté et d'émotions .....Depuis le temps Fagioli a fait ses preuves, il n'y a plus de rivalités . Le chef d'orchestre dirige avec une grande sensibilité et se sent comme investi d'une mission sacrée .....Il est parfait .
@@maitestorchi2497 Je viens de découvrir ce contre ténor, c'est fabuleux, J'aimerais entendre Jakub Orlinski interpréter cet aria aussi que j'adore tant interprétée par Simone Kermes;
bravo! c'est l'interprétation la plus émouvante!!! je ne me lasse jamais de l'écouter!!!! et c'est grace au vibrato !!!! et au diable les comparaisons entre chanteurs seul compte l'émotion!!!!!!! le reste c'est du blabla!!!!!!! le probleme c'est que l'on voit toujours les memes chanteurs dans les médias parce qu'ils sont plus télégéniques alors qu'il existe tant de voix différentes et que l'art du contre ténor ne se limite pas seulement a un ou deux chanteurs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tout à fait ce que je pense ! Quand quelqu'un dit "il faut écouter un tel ou un tel, c'est le meilleur", ça m'énerve ! Moi j'aime plusieurs interprétations et j'écoute celle-ci très souvent avec un grand plaisir ! Et j'écoute aussi d'autres interprétations !
En France la place est prise par un seul contreténor classique . Je crois bien que les médias eux-mêmes n'y connaissent rien , et que Fagioli, de son côté, ne cherche pas à se produire dans des émissions de vulgarisation, il n'a pas besoin de ce genre de publicité, il a ses passionnés !
@@maitestorchi2497 Oui et c'est bien dommage. J'aime bien Jarrousky (notamment son timbre) mais effectivement il est en-deçà de Fagioli sur le plan technique. Il y a beaucoup de contre-ténors ceci dit, la concurrence est sévère ;-)
This makes me glad I'm a countertenor as well. So much beauty in his voice. I love singing countertenor the voice is so beautiful full of emotion and power.
If I could choose only one piece of music to take if marooned on a desert island, it would be this! It would sustain and nourish my soul until rescued! Magnificent!
Oh my this is so wonderful. Listening to his voice gives me chills. So hauntingly beautiful. This reminds me why I love being a countertenor. I would like to thank my voice teacher Dr. Roe for pushing me to strive to be a better countertenor. Once again Beautifully done Mr. Fagioli
@@angelo1962 Correcto, nadie vivo ha oído a Farinelli, como nadie ha visto tocar el piano a Liszt o a Paganini el violín, pero aceptamos (por el testimonio de sus contemporáneos) que son paradigmas del virtuosismo. Por eso me parece acertado usar sus nombres como calificativos de una representación extraordinaria, a modo de elogio, a pesar que no los hayamos oído nunca.
What a stupendous voice replete with technical skills! Those who are commenting about "vibrato" are revealing their ignorance of bel canto singing. I have had to argue with friends who thought it very current to complain about vibrato many times. This music is full of ornamentation, not vibrato.
Magnificent singing. Warm, expressive, passionate and full-bodied with no squawk at the top of his range as happens with many countertenors. Just completely beautiful.
I keep seeing a lot of comments about vibrato. I think what people are referring to are trills, and there is a huge difference! This man such a beautiful voice!!!
There is definitely vibrato, perhaps this is frowned upon for a baroque aria, but I find his vibrato in combination with his beautiful timber is very pleasing to the ear, art is not static, there has to be an allowance for individual artistic expression otherwise it will sound all the same and god forbid boring.
Exactly, Thang Vuong. It may be that, stylistically, it is expected that no vibrato will be produced in ancient music and baroque music. However, I do not dare to criticize a singer who has three octaves (and a little more) of vocal extension - especially someone who sings mainly with his head voice. Moreover, the wonderful countertenors of this generation are responsible for the recognition that this is a lyrical voice like any other, precisely because they do not fear to go beyond what is expected from a countertenor, both with regard to vocal techniques and the expansion of the repertoire.
People who have a very constricted view of early and Baroque vocal music as white and emotionless are in fact criticizing his vibrato [the slight variation of tone that is actually normal to the human voice] not his trills. Because the human voice as it occurs naturally in both speech and singing has overtones, the "white" and "flat" tone that for many years was considered to be the "proper" way to sing this music can now be heard in voices like Fagioli's to be false. He is singing with all of the emotive and musical skills that all great singers have had and surely the Baroque composers would have wanted this communicative voice over the constricted white voices of previous generations no matter how skilled musically those voice were.
Fagioli è l'unico che sa quel che canta, rispetta e trasmette i contenuti, i sentimenti dei testi che interpreta in maniera eccezionale. Purtroppo tanti dei suoi colleghi fanno esattamente il contrario, ignorano quello che dicono, trasmettono sorrisi al posto delle lacrime, si atteggiano a leziose damigelle del Settecento anche quando cantano lo Stabat Mater di Pergolesi ecc ecc. Grazie, Franco! E grazie pure al grande Porpora e a Napoli, culla di culture straordinarie
Bellissime parole Giovanni! Sono di Napoli ed apprezzo che hai ricordato Porpora: posso ascoltare "Alto Giove" solo raramente, mi sconvolge. Unito allo Stabat Mater di Pergolesi lo pongo sopra, al vertice di Tutto!
Merveilleuse vidéo, où Franco Fagioli chante le plus bel Alto Giove du monde seul face à Jupiter , assisté par un chef admirable qui s'investit corps et âme pour que cette aria mythique devienne..... immortelle . Mission accomplie . Les images du public immobile a l'air de provenir d'un lointain passé , tout est parfait .
Una delle prime arie che ho ascoltato, rimanendo soggiogata da questa lentissima e sentita preghiera rivolta all’Alto Giove, cantata da voci bellissime di contro tenori, tra cui spicca quella superba di Franco Fagioli.
Lost count of how many times I have listened to this yet today tears in the eyes again.
one God one Fagioli. I saw this man live. He is out of this world. I saw an interview with Hollender. he said the target of his productions were the people watching it for the first time, not the purists because they had nothing to compare to. There is no comparison in art. just let it ravish you! This has moved me to tears. this man is an exquisite singer! BRAVO!!!
J'aime beaucoup ta réponse . C'est tellement vrai qu'il dérange les puristes ! Ils ne trouvent aucune référence qui pourrait
les diriger vers une ressemblance avec un autre contre ténor . Qu'il reste Fagioli, l'Unique ! On devine bien par la façon qu'il a de chanter qu'il est aussi un être hors du commun, avec beaucoup de coeur et de compréhension de 'humain .
Жизнь щедро одарила вас, потому что могли видеть и слышать этого гениального человека, его волшебный небесный голос! Это такое счастье!
When God will, i see him next year :)
fingers crossed. @@michaelgombkoto6941
True , it is absolute ……
All the comments are about Franco Fagioli's singing, which is absolutely perfect, but we should also pay tribute to that amazing conductor, Ruben Dubrovsky! He is really really amazingly good as well!!!
This man just keeps getting better and better. He is a remarkable singer and, unlike many countertenors, he actually is able to provide emotive context through his voice. We are lucky to have him.
Of course we are
Immer wieder vollendet schön! Danke Franco Fagioli bleib gesund.
His undeniable gift, his voice, is not as clear and perfect as the others, but precisely because of this, it is moving and surprising... lower than one would expect... more destabilizing than one would expect... tragic, gentle, broken by emotion, simply beautiful... unique and devastating.
This is how great music should be sung and played. With passion. With heart. You can see it so clearly in the faces of Franco and the conductor.
Certainly one of the most beautiful performance i've ever seen. 🇧🇷😭😭
Ce contre ténor fait énormément d'ombre à bien d'autres...
Franco Fagioli est le plus grand de tous.
Un joyau dans le monde du baroque. Que de travail et de sacrifices pour atteindre un tel niveau de chant..
Il faut reconnaître... J'aime bien Jarousky, j'adore Scholl, pour ne citer qu'eux, mais Franco Fagioli est vraiment au-dessus.
Maestro Ruben Dubrovsky must be very proud of having under his baton the best ever version of such iconic piece. Fagioli is amazing but the orchestra was taken to an upper level.
No matter how many times I listen to this, I am always amazed by the physical sensations it evokes in me.
I'm playing this often and it is incredible, perfection!
Maestro Fagioli, se dovesse esistere un Paradiso, lo immagino così. Lei mi incanta sempre e strega l'anima. Tecnica perfetta e cuore grande. Grazie!
I do know there is impossible but every time I watch him singing in the same video he does it better and better
Stunning. Amazing possibilities. Perfect technique. Beautiful colour of Voice. Beautiful interpretation , Full range of emotions and spirit. Just Divine ! 🔥❤
Franco !!!! This intensity! NO ONE can sing this like him !! How his beautiful voice flows. An incredibly emotional version. I do not know any better. And at the very end someone calls "Farinelli".
It was written for Farinelli's voice by Porpora
The castrato Farinelli was the most famous singing student of the composer of the opera, Nicola Porpora.
La perfección se llama Franco Fagioli ; es tal la emoción que me embarga al escucharlo cantando a Porpora ; la piel se eriza y los ojos se humedecen . Gracias por tanto !!
Il y a à la fois des trilles, magnifiques (quel contrôle de la voix dans tous les octaves !) et du vibrato. Qui a décidé que la musique baroque devait se jouer sans vibrato ? L'interprétation est juste exceptionnelle, vous prend aux tripes, au coeur et le reste, on s'en fiche. On veut juste dire notre gratitude pour l'artiste qui nous donne donne ça. Pour la pureté d'une voix sur une telle musique. J'écoute en boucle. Merci !!!
Your comment brought tears to my eyes.
JE NE peux pas dire mieux .....
Interprétation conforme au style du chanteur, certes, mais de là à être exceptionnelle, il y a de la marge: vibrato trop insistant, trémolo souvent peu approprié, reste l'amplitude du grave à l'aigue qui reste exceptionnel en effet. Manque d'émotions avec ce tempo lent et la prise de son peu favorable. Il y a mieux mais le public était acquis 😂😂
One of my absolute favourites, in expression and sincere deepness. Thank you Franco Fagioli, bravissimo!
He shares his love of music when he sings. He shares his love of God when he sings. 🔵
Чтобы настолько глубоко исполнить такую музыку, надо целую жизнь прожить и иметь при этом большое сердце...
Bravo, Fagioli; bravo the conductor 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This amazing man with a timeless talent only given by God to the very few touches every human emotion known to mere mortals and some emotions I never even knew I possessed!!! Thank you maestro for bringing joy and light!!!!!
What beautiful words. I hope he gets to read your comment. He deserves it.
A great performance from a true artist and consummate singer. To those who know: he, Jaroussky, and Cencic go have forever changed male singing. And did anybody else fall in love with Dubrosky while watching him conduct here.
Yes Dubrovsky, so refined and masterful, breathes love into the performance!
Also Christine Pluhar makes me cry when she is conducting, her face is like the most loving angel!
A heavenly voice, brilliant the height of artistic perfection.
was für ein göttliches Talent! Selten ist eine Stimme so veristisch im Ausdruck - sehr selten.
Sa passion du chant transparaît à chaque représentation ,ses émotions nous atteignent ,on est empli de sa ferveur musicale , peu de contre-ténor ont réussi à atteindre un tel niveau de presque perfection!
Möge er weiterhin viele Erfolge haben.
This is, in my opinion, the single greatest performance of Alto Giove in existence. I heard this for the first time when I was a teenager, and to this day, something about this performance shakes me to my core. This is a ravishingly beautiful delivery of one of the greatest baroque opera arias known to 21st century society. This performance is the perfect exemplification of the understated elegance that this aria requires. ❤
Отличное выступление, проживание партии " от и до", очень эмоционально, трагически, красивые, осторожные верхи, отрывистое вибратто, мелизматика, работа более, чем на отлично!! Замечательная работа дирижера, прекрасное исполнение..Браво!!!! 🌹👍👍👍💞💋💞
Невероятный актёрский талант!
Bellissississississississimo! Tremendous singing. Sublime in countless ways. Congratulations, Signor Fagioli.
This is the definitive version! Bravissimo Franco Fagioli, a great artist.
C’est la perfection absolue. J’ai l’âme retournée…
Tears in my Eyes. So wonderful.
This is one of the greatest examples of beautiful, expressive singing that I have ever head. Bravo e tanti auguri a Lei signor Fagioli.
One of the most attractive live rendition.... timber, style ( light and subtil variations on part 2 ), breathcontrol, intensity, colours... Il Sgr Fasoli is a very high quality artist
Ja, so unbeschreiblich und sehr bewegend
Cet homme est une bénédiction du ciel. Personne d'autre que lui ne peut approcher d'aussi près, sous tous rapports - timbre, souffle, ambitus, maîtrise, style, ligne, TOUT - ce qu'on peut imaginer que les grands castrats d'autrefois ont pu être. On lui souhaiterait d'avoir mille vies pouir continuer longtemps encore à nous transporter dans les fabuleux lointains de beauté où il nous emmène. Dès la messa di voce initiale, on est ailleurs.
Master!!!!! Bravo bravissimo!!!!
Stunning performance, absolutely masterful, such depth and beauty - !
Indeed, brilliant
Растворяюсь в его голосе.это просто чудо! Я просто улетаю в небо!
I grew up listening to Alfred Deller-style countertenor so when I first heard the new wave of modern countertenors I was taken aback. But I've quickly come around. Fagioli has the loveliest mezzo soprano voice out there, man or woman. I recently played Fagioli and Bartoli singing the same piece pack-to-back and Fagioli came out of top for sheer expressiveness.
Fagioli est pour moi LE CONTRE TENOR , la perfection, insurpassable à ce jour .Il y quelques voix que j'écoute sans me lasser Bartoli, Lezhneva , Stuzman Ferrier et Callas
At 10.15 a man from the audience shouts out "Farinelli". This song, written for him.......Franco Fagioli comes as close as it gets I think. Wonderfull, so evocative. Bravo!!!
Franco warms my heart at the end of a tough day . His voice is food for my soul . Note perfect with amazing intonation . What a treat !
Fagioli is otherworldly, in every good sense of that word-----transcendent......
As one of my teachers once said, I'd rather hear the artist than the critics.
Well said.
There are no statues erected to a critic.
I always say to everybody this phrase... now that i saw it again I rember it was yours. :) great thought, thank you!!!
Hear hear!
Linda Wetherby 11º--
Milyen gyönyörű hang! Egyszerüen lenyűgöző, csodálatos!🤗🙏❤
wow! i'm speechless! he is incredible!
superb, superb! fara greseala, impecabil! e pur si simplu transfigurat cand canta!
e minunat! absolut minunat!
Franco es increíble. Es tremendo. Cuánta emoción...
Je découvre cette interprétation magnifique, brillante et dramatique et je m'étonne de son manque de succès : ce serait une histoire de vibratos ??? Comme le dit justement quelqu'un ici : " Ardent, émouvant et passionné l'interprétation de Fagioli est avec un tempo parfait. J'ai assisté à ce concert et tout le public a été stupéfait et ému !'" Cette manière de chanter en vibratos continus mais discrets ajoute une dimension dramatique à ce chant qui m'émeut particulièrement .....Alors pourquoi se priver de tant de beauté et d'émotions .....Depuis le temps Fagioli a fait ses preuves, il n'y a plus de rivalités . Le chef d'orchestre dirige avec une grande sensibilité et se sent comme investi d'une mission sacrée .....Il est parfait .
@@maitestorchi2497 Je viens de découvrir ce contre ténor, c'est fabuleux, J'aimerais entendre Jakub Orlinski interpréter cet aria aussi que j'adore tant interprétée par Simone Kermes;
bravo! c'est l'interprétation la plus émouvante!!! je ne me lasse jamais de l'écouter!!!! et c'est grace au vibrato !!!! et au diable les comparaisons entre chanteurs seul compte l'émotion!!!!!!! le reste c'est du blabla!!!!!!! le probleme c'est que l'on voit toujours les memes chanteurs dans les médias parce qu'ils sont plus télégéniques alors qu'il existe tant de voix différentes et que l'art du contre ténor ne se limite pas seulement a un ou deux chanteurs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tout à fait ce que je pense ! Quand quelqu'un dit "il faut écouter un tel ou un tel, c'est le meilleur", ça m'énerve ! Moi j'aime plusieurs interprétations et j'écoute celle-ci très souvent avec un grand plaisir ! Et j'écoute aussi d'autres interprétations !
@@KayHarpaGone Tout à fait d'accord! bellísimo!
En France la place est prise par un seul contreténor classique . Je crois bien que les médias eux-mêmes n'y connaissent rien , et que Fagioli, de son côté, ne cherche pas à se produire dans des émissions de vulgarisation, il n'a pas besoin de ce genre de publicité, il a ses passionnés !
@@maitestorchi2497 Oui et c'est bien dommage. J'aime bien Jarrousky (notamment son timbre) mais effectivement il est en-deçà de Fagioli sur le plan technique. Il y a beaucoup de contre-ténors ceci dit, la concurrence est sévère ;-)
Тонко и деликатно! Ювелирная работа! Браво!
.. ну разумеется.ни то что ваш казахский сАлАвей Димаш Кудайберген - человек проект своих мамы с папой...
@@АндрейБровков-м3х nE TO? CHTO, zachem sravnivat nesravnimoe???
Voz celestial, precioso
¡Amé ésta interpretación! Bella, bella, bella.
This makes me glad I'm a countertenor as well. So much beauty in his voice. I love singing countertenor the voice is so beautiful full of emotion and power.
If I could choose only one piece of music to take if marooned on a desert island, it would be this! It would sustain and nourish my soul until rescued! Magnificent!
I probably wouldn’t even want to be rescued as long as I had Fagioli with me.
Me hace suspirar, nunca me aburro de escucharlo, que hermosura de interpretación, que voz privilegiada
I can't like this enough times. Stunning performance. How is this even possible? A voice that floats above the stratosphere.
Oh my this is so wonderful. Listening to his voice gives me chills. So hauntingly beautiful. This reminds me why I love being a countertenor. I would like to thank my voice teacher Dr. Roe for pushing me to strive to be a better countertenor. Once again Beautifully done Mr. Fagioli
Grande mr Fagioli,il grande Porpora sarebbe fiero di te!!
Suena la última nota y se escucha "Farinelli", el mejor reconocimiento posible. Bravo maestro!
Nadie ha escuchado a Farinelli. Dunque non se puede comparar. Franco es estupendo.
@@angelo1962 Correcto, nadie vivo ha oído a Farinelli, como nadie ha visto tocar el piano a Liszt o a Paganini el violín, pero aceptamos (por el testimonio de sus contemporáneos) que son paradigmas del virtuosismo. Por eso me parece acertado usar sus nombres como calificativos de una representación extraordinaria, a modo de elogio, a pesar que no los hayamos oído nunca.
Hypnotic... a true gem. Thanks for sharing
Wunderbar! Alle Goetter danken dafuer
OMG! This is so beautiful! Fraco, you are amazing! Thank You!
Bravo it has made my day. This is the first time I have heard him. He is an excellent singer and I look forward to hearing him live.
Absolutely beautiful!
Когда я это слышу, то представляю рай, где ангелы поют прекрасными голосами!!! Брависсимо, Франко. Вы лучший!!! ❤
Bravoooo Franco!
Maestro La Sua eccelsa interpretazione resterà unica e inimitabile
Interpretazione Divina.
Merci beaucoup pour votre talent Monsieur Fagioli
Божественно !!!!!
A peerless performance. Truly beautiful.
Superbe voix et interprétation
Émotion au rendez-vous.
I would love to hear this performance every day; luckily I can.
You can. Tu mets le cd en boucle
What a stupendous voice replete with technical skills! Those who are commenting about "vibrato" are revealing their ignorance of bel canto singing. I have had to argue with friends who thought it very current to complain about vibrato many times. This music is full of ornamentation, not vibrato.
Lindíssima interpretação. Tão fiel ao compositor...
Franco Fagioli l'immenso!!!!
He really touched the heart of Jupiter.
Magnificent singing. Warm, expressive, passionate and full-bodied with no squawk at the top of his range as happens with many countertenors. Just completely beautiful.
Marvelous rendition of this work
I keep seeing a lot of comments about vibrato. I think what people are referring to are trills, and there is a huge difference! This man such a beautiful voice!!!
I fear that you are wrong
There is definitely vibrato, perhaps this is frowned upon for a baroque aria, but I find his vibrato in combination with his beautiful timber is very pleasing to the ear, art is not static, there has to be an allowance for individual artistic expression otherwise it will sound all the same and god forbid boring.
Exactly, Thang Vuong. It may be that, stylistically, it is expected that no vibrato will be produced in ancient music and baroque music. However, I do not dare to criticize a singer who has three octaves (and a little more) of vocal extension - especially someone who sings mainly with his head voice. Moreover, the wonderful countertenors of this generation are responsible for the recognition that this is a lyrical voice like any other, precisely because they do not fear to go beyond what is expected from a countertenor, both with regard to vocal techniques and the expansion of the repertoire.
People who have a very constricted view of early and Baroque vocal music as white and emotionless are in fact criticizing his vibrato [the slight variation of tone that is actually normal to the human voice] not his trills. Because the human voice as it occurs naturally in both speech and singing has overtones, the "white" and "flat" tone that for many years was considered to be the "proper" way to sing this music can now be heard in voices like Fagioli's to be false. He is singing with all of the emotive and musical skills that all great singers have had and surely the Baroque composers would have wanted this communicative voice over the constricted white voices of previous generations no matter how skilled musically those voice were.
there are both. vibrato is not written in a score, whereas ornamentation (trills, for example) are.
ASSOLUTO - ASSOLUTO -- MAGNIFICO, MAGNIFICO.......ECCELLENTE, ECCELLENTE..........CELESTE, CELESTE.........BRAVO - BRAVO - BRAVISSIMO -- MIO CARO - FRANCO.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
También el.director y la orquesta son increíbles.
My favorite version of Alto Giove... The vibrato may be not historically accurate, but it gives so much emotion... I feel this with my guts...
Actually the vibrato is accurate ! Check out the video about this topic made by Early Music Sources!
Fagioli è l'unico che sa quel che canta, rispetta e trasmette i contenuti, i sentimenti dei testi che interpreta in maniera eccezionale. Purtroppo tanti dei suoi colleghi fanno esattamente il contrario, ignorano quello che dicono, trasmettono sorrisi al posto delle lacrime, si atteggiano a leziose damigelle del Settecento anche quando cantano lo Stabat Mater di Pergolesi ecc ecc. Grazie, Franco! E grazie pure al grande Porpora e a Napoli, culla di culture straordinarie
Bellissime parole Giovanni! Sono di Napoli ed apprezzo che hai ricordato Porpora: posso ascoltare "Alto Giove" solo raramente, mi sconvolge. Unito allo Stabat Mater di Pergolesi lo pongo sopra, al vertice di Tutto!
grazie a te, Davide, Sono spesso a Napoli, per lavoro e per amicizie! mia email
Pure magic! 💖
BRAVO!!!!! Wow. What an incredible artist!!! Eat your hearts out envious people.
Dubrovski, bellísimo clima. Gracias.
Semplicemente la perfezione!
I just found a this artist on UA-cam tonight. Beyond astounding!
Que magnifica expresion! Transmite mucho sentimiento con intensidad! La tecnica vocal es superba!
Lovely, bravo!
Assolutamente divino
Franco Fagioli serait il le "farinelli" du 21ème siècle. ...Il est extraordinaire. ..!!
merveilleux !
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