저의 내막증 후기(?): *클라이밍을 하면 내막증이 완화된다는 증거는 없습니다! 치료제가 아니에요. 저만의 우연일 수 있어요. *내막증이 스스로 완화되는 경우가 있는데, 의사 선생님 말씀으론 정확히 왜 생기고, 간혹 왜 완화 되는지는 모른다고 했습니다 (저의 영국 의사선생님 말씀) *임신할 수 있는 가능성이 있다면, 되도록 수술을 안하는게 낫다고 했습니다. 나팔관과 난소에 내막이 있는거라 긁어내다가 불임 될 수 있다는.....결국 수술 선택은 제가 하는거였는데 안하기로 결정 한 후 아픈걸 조절할 수 있는 방법을 찾는게 최선이라고 진단 받았습니다. 저 같은 경우엔 진통제 드는게 한 종류인데 그 진통제를 복용하면 일주일뒤 위가 엄청 아프고, 근데 안먹으면 생리통이 너무 심해 일상 생활을 못해서 ㅜㅜ너무 힘들었습니다. 그런데 클라이밍 후 완화 되어 첫날만 그 진통제를 먹으면 잘 지나가요! 굉장히 많이 운동한 달엔 진통제를 안 먹은적도 있어요 *플라스틱은 혹시나 해서 이제는 절대로 전자레인지에 데우지 않고, 되도록 배달 음식점도 종이 컨테이너 쓰는 곳을 쓰려고 노력하고 있어요. 찾아보니 플라스틱이 데워지면 호르몬이 나온다는 몇몇 연구결과가 있어서, 혹시나해서 피하고 있어요. 비닐 랩도 되도록이면 녹는 비닐(친환경 비닐)쓰고, 지퍼백도 실리콘 지퍼백 사용중입니다. *육류 섭취도 많이 줄였습니다. *생크림이나, 요거트, 버터, 치즈는 먹는데 우유 섭취는 안하고 있습니다. My Endo journey: *There is no scientific evidence that climbing cures endo. It could be a coincidence for me! *There are some cases where Endo just 'goes away' by itself, but they don't know how or why.(what my gyneocology from my local hospital told me) *I was told that IF it is still possible to get pregnant, it's better not to do surgery, since my endo was growing on my ovaries and tubes, as they scrape it off from them, it might damage my ovaries=fertility. At the end it was up to me to choose to get a surgery, but i decided not to get it. It was better to find other ways to relieve the pain. In my case, only one type of pain killer could relieve it, but at the same time it was destroying my stomach :( It was so painful, but if i don't take the painkiller, I coudln't do normal things. However, after my pain got so much better after I started climbing, I had to take less and less :) Some months when I exercise a lot, I don't even need painkillers. *For the plastic, I am not heating up any plastic just in case. There are some studies suggesting that plastic releases hormones that trick your body, causing some illnesses especially hormonal related. I also try to not to order from restaurants where they use plastic containers. I use bio-degreadable cling films, and silicon ziplock bags whenever possible. *I have reduced the amount of meat intake. *I stopped drinking milk, except for cheese, yogurt, and cream (cuz i cant!!too good)
아이는 임신 그 순간부터 내 계획 내 마음대로 되어지지 않은것같더라구요.. 저는 아이를 좋아해서 많이 낳을 생각과 빨리 키우고싶은 생각에 스물넷에 겁도없이 결혼했는데도 아이가 생기지 않았어요;; (현실을 너무 몰랐죠ㅠㅠ) 뭐 암튼 당시에 배란테스트기도 하고 질내 산도를 낮춰준다는 그런것도 사용했는데도 아이가 안오더라구요 근데 오히려 그냥 마음 내려두고 내 몸을 더 신경쓰자하고 운동하고 영양제 잘 챙겨먹고 하다가 갑자기 임신인거 확인했었어요 2년반쯤 걸린거같아요~ 그 첫아이 초기에 유산되었고 그 다음아이까지 또 1년정도 걸린것같구요 두번의 임신 다 그냥 마음 내려두고 지낼때 온것같아요 쉬운말같으면서도 막연하고 어려운 말이라는것알지만 주변에도 실험관으로 몇년을 해도 실패했다 결국 다 내려두고 자연임신한 경우들도 많고.. 정말 아이는 하늘의 영역이구나 느끼는것같아요.. 가비님 몸도 좋아지시는것같고 곧 좋은소식 있길 기도할게요^^ 어쩌면 민감하고 예민한 주제인데 영상찍으신것보고 그 마음이 어떨지 알것같아 저도 댓글 이런거 잘 안남기는 편인데 주절주절 남겨봅니다ㅎㅎ 화이팅!
Oh it breaks my heart to hear you say, “maybe we aren’t meant to have a baby” I empathize so much with y’all and please know that there is more than two ways to start a family. Adoption/fostering is a great way to start a family, providing a child to grow up with parents they would not have had otherwise. Regardless, I really do hope you guys are able to have a child naturally! Keep praying and an open heart! ❤️❤️❤️
I was lucky two boys three years apart first go , however , stress etc can add to this not just you but has Josh checked his count ? My next door neighbour told could have kids baron , she adopted two babies… funny thing is ended up pregnancy 1 month later … mental state has a lot to do With it
Adoption is not always the best solution to fertility problems bc both parent and child have their own set of struggles that need to be addressed and overcome way before even becoming a family. It's not as simple as "welcome to our home".
My sister tried for two years too, she had miscarriages and lots of pain, tried IVF as well, but nothing happened.. until, she had this mindset of taking things easy while keep trying, but to appreciate and be grateful for what she has now as a family.. she's now in her last trimester of pregnancy... Gabie, your story encourages a lot of people, so we are rooting for you!!! The adorable little baby will come your way soon!!
Yeah, pregnancy is weird like that, like you try everything but nothing works, and sometime you be like ok fine I'm ready to be childless now, and boom, you miss your period, For real tho, both of my sister have it pretty rough, and already getting oophorectomy at 35 and 39,
It was the same for my mom. Had ends and struggled with 4 years to get pregnant. Her dr told her to go away on vacation, de-stress and not think about trying, and by God’s grace, she got pregnant with my older sister. She had me and my younger brother within 5 years. I suffered from endo as well. Had a lot of people praying for my healing. Got pregnant fairly quickly, only to miscarriage very early on. But praise God, and we got pregnant again soon after, and at that first ultrasound, the dr wasn’t able to find the endometrioma! We went on to have 2 more children; 3 girls in total. Praise the Lord!
Oh, Gabie. I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling with getting pregnant. I didn't have endo or anything obvious that was keeping me from getting pregnant (that I knew of), but after trying for around 3 years, my husband and I decided to go to a fertility clinic to check and see if there was some reason why we weren't having any success. We discovered that I have very low amh (a hormone that controls ovarian production) and my husband had low sperm motility. We were advised to try IVF, as it was unlikely that we would get pregnant naturally. I was 34 when we tried our first round of IVF, and our daughter just turned 4.
I don't have endometriosis, but when I was young my periods were very painful. I notice now that eating a vegan diet reduce the period duration and also make it less painful. After discovering this, in pandemic times, everything is much better. I hope you and all women in pain recieved a good treatment or find a way to not suffer.
@@mikewaters2 a plant based diet definitely helped me too :) I had been vegan for 6 years now I consider myself vegetarian because I sometimes eat non-plantbased stuff but yeah, an anti-inflammatory diet which is easily reachable w/ a plant based diet definitely helps
음.. 오랫만에 알고리즘의 선택으로 어쩌다보니 이 영상까지 오게되었네요. ^^ 영상을 보고.. 전 약~간 의아함을 가졌어요. 왜 일부사람들은 적극적인 병원의 도움으로 인한 임신을 꺼려하는걸까.. 자연임신이 되면 가장~~ 좋지만, 아이를 기다리고 있다면 특히 30대 후반이라면 꼭 시험관이나 인공수정이 아니더라도 병원을 찾고 적극적으로 시도하는게 좋지 않을까 하거든요. 저는 결혼 7년만에 시험관으로 올해 예쁜 딸 아이를 낳았어요. 저는 일평생 생리통도 없었고 자궁도 이상없었어요. 생리도 딱딱 맞춰 제날짜에 했구요. 제 난임의 이유는 딱 하나.. 나이로 인한 난소기능부전 이었어요. 물론 가비씨는 아니시겠지만.. 자연임신을 고집하다가 기존의 문제에 난소나이까지 얹어져 임신이 더 어려워지고 후회하는 글을 난임카페에서 종종 봤어요. 겨우겨우 임신에 성공해도 나이는 유산율에도 관여하죠. 제 개인의 경험으로 드리고 싶은 말은.. 부디 아이를 기다리고 있고 1년여 시도해보아도 뜻대로 안된다면 한살이라도 어릴때 좀더 적극적인 방법을 찾아보시길 추천드려요..
As a man, husband and father I am humbled at you openly talking about women’s health. It educates us all and making sure we understand that it’s not anyone’s fault that people can’t start families immediately. Wish you and Josh all the best
For us, the babies never did come “traditionally.” After 3 years of trying and 2 miscarriages, we decided to open our home for foster care. Our first two charges arrived 6 days after we got licensed, and never left. 🥰 [IVF was never an option for us due to health issues (mine) we discovered in the course of our fertility journey.]
Something that took a lot of pressure off of me when thinking about having a family was remembering that families come in many different forms. I have friends who have had biological children, adopted, fostered, and everything in between, and the joys and the heartbreaks are the same regardless. I'm glad all of this isn't getting you down! 'The Lord direct your steps' as you discern what's best for you.
My wife and I tried for a year. The longer it took, the harder it was for us emotionally. We were frustrated and tired and it felt like the lack of success was pushing us apart. It didn't help that we're in our mid-30's and time passing just felt like our chances were slipping away. The thing that helped the most was talking about it openly with each other. I would find myself being really negative and then realize it was because I wasn't talking about my frustrations and I know it was the same for my wife. We were finally able to conceive and had our baby this January. I think that no matter what the outcome is for you and Josh, be appreciative in the end. All the frustration and tears we went through really brought us together in being parents, like soldiers who go to battle together. Good luck and Godspeed.
That's really encouraging because I'm getting up there in age too and thinking about these things more and more. Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations!
I found that the harder you actively try for one, the harder it is to actually conceive. Maybe there's too much stress even if you're trying not to be stressed out about it and it just messes things up. I remember doing all the charts and recording my Basal Body Temperature (BBT) for about a year, but in the end it happens when it happens. Best of luck to you and Josh!
I can’t agree more. My friends had been trying to get pregnant for two years I guess? Nothing happened. Then one day she and her husband decided to take it slow and don’t put too much effort on it,let everything comes naturally and not stress themselves about having a baby. Then few months later she’s pregnant. She had her first on 2020,a pandemic baby. She’s having her second one this year
This is my parents’ story. Took them close to 10 years before I was conceived and I’m 30 now. My parents put in a lot of effort by concurrently going to the OB/Gyn (sticking with 1 doctor for a few years) and traditional chinese medicine doctor (she stuck with the same doctor throughout and both my parents took medications). The technology back then isn’t as good as now but I’m extremely happy that my parents persevered. We’re muslims but I believe we do have a belief in common in that there’s a reason for certain things happening at certain time in our lives - putting in the effort and praying for it to happen was the lesson I took away from my parents’ fertility journey. They spent a lot of money but after reflecting on my whole life with my parents, they had me at the “right time” - they were older but were more financially secure and I was able to properly help them when my dad was really ill till before he passed. Wishing you all the best and positive vibes Gabie and to everyone else in your fertility journey 🙆🏻♀️
Not me but my parents. My mom was 35 when she had me and almost 39 when she had my sister, and both of us are happy and healthy. I think they tried for about a year or two before seeking medical assistance through the use of fertility drugs (though not IVF). In total, for me, I think they tried for about 3 or 4 years. According to my parents, my sister happened almost immediately. Best of luck with your journey!
Hi Gabbie, i was 39 when i met my partner, we had both never had a child, after a year we knew that we wanted a child. I did some research, tracked my cycle, observed my ovulation over six moths, worked out fertile days, and got pregnant after four months at Fourty. Absolutely anything is possible, your body is Amazing. I had a fairly straightforward time, gave birth at eight months, had a vb birth, really none of the scary stuff that society tells you about age, and pregnancy. Keep positive, everything is possible xxx
Gabbie. Its ok for you to ask. My ex-wife and I tried for almost 5 years before she got pregnant, so it can happen the first time, it can happen the 501st time, and anytime in between. its all for you to decide. I love watching you and Josh on yours and his and Ollies channels and I am praying for you. I wish you luck on starting your family and when you decide to move to the next phase I will be praying for you then as well. 기도가 당신과 함께 (i hope this makes sense, and isnt offensive, google translate can be horribly wrong)
@@Jenny-lu7pf ty... Im enrolling for korean language translator in uni soon so i look forward to learning much more... But most of the Korean i know i learned from watching Josh and Ollie.
I actually think that she is very wise of her to share this here. In terms of pregnancy, delivery and raising kids, it is so important to get as much as info you can get. There is an old saying in korea, 병은 소문 내는 게 좋다, meaning you should talk about your condition/disease with as many ppl as possible. For the same reason. More ppl would be willing to share and help you if they know.
아기를 기다리지 않고 포기하니까 왔어요 ...ㅠㅠ 큰 사고가 나서 이번 달은 절대로 임신이 안될거라고 의사선생님께서 그러셔서 그 달은 아기 생각을 안하게되었는데, 그 달에 임신했네요^^ 기다리는 그 시간이 정말 너무 힘든거 알아서 뭐라 말을 해야할지 모르겠지만 ㅠㅠ 행복하세요 가비님 :-)
Thank you for talking about this topic so openly! I don't have children on my own for now, but I'm a midwife! Usually you can go to a fertility clinic after 1 year of trying "naturally" (but I'm not sure about how it works in the UK). In any case, you could go there to ask questions and have some advise on your personal journey. Going there doesn't mean you have to do immediately procedures, if you don't feel they are right for you. I would like to underline, though, that you are already a family and you don't need a baby to be a "real" one. I know it's an expression "we want to start our family", but don't blame yourself/ put the pressure on you. There are a lot of people that struggle in the journey to become parents, and it can be frustrating, but that doesn't mean it's not meant to be for you. You will find your way! I send you a lot of strength, even if you have a lot, a bit more can't hurt!
Just turned 30 this month and 2 endo surgery's later, limited fertility is something that is always on my mind. It's great to see/hear this being so openly talked about. Thank you :)
My mom is a gynaecologist in belgium and is specialised in fertility problems (also with people who have endometriosis); her advice is for normal couples to start looking for help after 1 year of trying to get pregnant, and for people with endo to start after 6 months of trying (because there is a chance the endo might come back) Hope this helps you and i wish you all the best on this journey!
Yes, this is correct. Because I was older, 35, I was told to try naturally for only six months and then seek intervention. For me, testing showed that it was fibroids and a tipped uterus, so it was one surgery and boom, I was pregnant. Don't wait once you're in your thirties is my advice. The other advice is that you make peace with the possibility of having another "type" of family. As someone who has raised my children and helped to raise the children of a dear friend of mine who died of cancer, it really is very simple. Love is love.
아기를 키우고 있는 초보엄마예요. 자궁에 근종이 세개나 있었는데도 따로 치료는 하지 않았었고, 근종의 위치가 아기집을 방해하는 수준이 아니어 감사하게도 임신부터 출산까지 잘 마친 케이스랍니다. 가비님의 내막증도 스스로 완화되기를 기도합니다. 주변에는 3년 이상 클리닉을 다니며 아기를 간절히 기다리신 지인도 계세요. 3~4년의 시간 동안 하나님은 우리에게 아기를 주실 계획은 없으실까 정말 수백번 생각을 하셨었다고 해요. 정말 긴 기다림이었으나 지금은 사랑스러운 쌍둥이 아가들과 함께 하고 있는 가정의 이야기 랍니다. 생명은 절대적으로 하나님의 영역이라 믿기에 답글을 남겨보아요. in his will, in his way, in his timing 선한 계획을 알아가는 귀한 과정 축복합니다 ♥
@@gabiekook 저도 다낭성이고 생리를 일년에 2-3번할 정도로 심했는데 자궁 따뜻하게 하고 생리나오게 하는 한약을 먹었는데 생리가 안나오는거예요~ 아 200불 버렸다 돌팔이 한의사구나 속상했는데 그게 아니라 바로 임신 되었던 거였어요. 저희도 한동안 노력했는데 안생겨서 맘을 접고 학교 다시 가려고 준비하던중에 생겼거든요. 신기하게 포기하고 다른계획 세우니 오더라고요. 암튼 그 아이가 이제 9살예요. 생리는 아직도 불규칙하지만 예전보단 많이 좋아졌고 생리통도 좋아졌어요 한약도 추천드려요.
아으... 뭔지 너무나 잘 알아요. 저 역시 결혼 7년만에 아이를 낳아서요.. 우선은 주변이나 어르신분들이 가장 많이 하신 말씀은 마음을 비우라 편히 가져라 이거였는데요.. 솔직히 그게 가장 어려웠어요 ㅎㅎ 하지만 진짜 그게 답이었어요. 결혼하고 5년째 되던해부터 마음이 조급해지더라구요. 왜 안생기지 하면서요. 마음을 비우고 신경쓰지 않겠다 하고 살아도 쉽지 않져 운동도 정말 열심히 했고 취미 생활을 즐기며 지낼때에 양가 부모님들께서 그냥 아이 없으면 어떠냐 너희끼리 이렇게 잘 살아라 하셨고 정말 맘이 엄청 편해지더라구요. 그리고 나서 새생명이 찾아왔어요. 가비님한테 얼마나 이쁜 아이가 오려길래 애를 태우나 싶어요. 항상 즐겁게 사시고 운동 열심히 하시고 본인 삶을 즐기시길 바래요. 조금 늦게 오는것뿐 분명히 가비님에게도 사랑스러운 아이가 찾아올거에요~!
I was 36 when my husband and I decided to have a baby. I had psos but I thought it didn't mean anything even though my periods were light or non-existent. But my ob-gyn thought it would not be able to get pregnant. I was very upset and told my husband with tears running down my face. We told our therapist and she said we could always adopt. In 2000, we went to China and brought our daughter, Isabel home. We have never looked back. Giving birth or adopting, both are beautiful experiences. I got the daughter I had always wanted. She may not have grown under my heart but she grew in it.
Best of luck, Gabie and Josh! Keep doing what you are doing. Be patient as well. As a follower of all 3 channels, not even someone who know you in reality, I can see how ready and how stressed you are for the pregnancy 🤩 Don’t forget to take regular folic acid supplement and you will get there! You can already see a good progress with climbing 😍
I can relate. I have endometriosis as well and it does prevent you from becoming pregnant. I didn’t want to do surgery initially but when it reached to the point of being too painful, I had to do surgery. It was wrap around my left ovary so they had to remove that as well. So in addition to being in my late 30’s now having only 1 ovary has substantially reduced my chances of getting pregnant. I’ve come to terms with that so I’m just enjoying life. Also thinking about adopting. Wish you all the best Gabie and everyone’s journey is different.
Thank u for being so transparent with us~ So happy to hear that u feel much better now! 💕 I’m still young & unmarried so I don’t hv anything to offer regarding pregnancy. But as a Christian, I’ve heard many testimonies of miracle pregnancy from couples struggling with infertility! I know God’s plan is different for everyone, but I’m very confident in the power of prayer. I’ll be praying for God to give u & Josh a clear answer! In the meantime, maybe u & Josh can visit a fertility clinic for medical advice~ Take care & God bless! ❤️🙏🏻
가비님이랑 동갑인데 저는 시험관을 시작했어요ㅠㅠ 피임 안하면 바로 생길줄 알고 연애도 오래 했는데 피임까지 열심히했었답니다 ㅠㅠ 시험관을 해보니까 막연하게 모르던 문제들이 조금은 알것같기두 하더라구요. (저는 난자질이 안좋은거같습니다 ㅠㅠ) 사실 저도 그렇게까지 급한건 아니라 여유롭게 마음을 가지려고 했는데, 2세 계획을 가지고 있다면 하루라도 빨리 시도하는게 좋은거같아여(나이가깡패..) 시험관도 매달 할 수 있는것도 아니고 검사할것들도 많아서 정말 몇달이 호로록 지나가가서 그 시간이 아까워죽겠어요 ㅎㅎ 아무튼 우리 두 부부에게 하루 빨리 천사가 찾아 왔으면 좋겠어요🙏🏻 늘 건강하세요 :)
양쪽 남녀 문제가 없는데 1년동안 임신이 안되면 난임으로 알고 있습니다. 마냥 기다리는것보다 병원가서 두분다 검사 해 보시는것도 괜찮은거 같아요. 제 친구는 1년동안 안생겨서 병원 갔는데 남편쪽 정자에 문제가 있어서 시험관 안하면 자연임신 힘들다고 해서 시험관 하고 있어요.
어떤 마음인줄 알기에 그냥 지나칠수가 없었네요~ 댓글첨 달아보네요~ 가비님 토닥토닥 아기는 정말 신의영역인것 같아요~ㅠㅠ * 얼마나 자연적인 방법으로 했나요? 저는 2년반동안 베테기 임테기 수백개 쓰고 병원에서 숙제하는날 잡아서 해도 단호박임테기.. 오빠, 오늘이야 해야해~ 의무적인 관계 ㅋㅋ *임신이된방법? 나이가 만35세 되어서 너무 늦게 생기면 안될것 같아서 시험관으로 바로 시작해서 1차로 성공해서 지금 16개월되었어요. 시험관을 막상 하니깐 정말 아무것도 아닌데, 하기전엔 내가 뭐가 문제가 있어서 정말 마지막에 하는게 시험관이지 라고 생각했었어요~내가 해보지 않았을때 가졌던 편견같은거겠죠. *가정을 꾸리게된 계기? 둘이서 놀고 지내는것도 좋았지만, 우리를 반씩 닮은 내새끼는 어떻게 생겼을까 너무 궁금하고 신기하고 그래서 갖고 싶었어요^^ 새생명을 탄생하고 지켜준다는게 어깨가 무겁긴 하지만 출산이 무서웠지 어서 갖고싶은 마음이 컸어요~ *병원에서 시도하신분들은 어떻게 결정하셨나요? 자연임신이 안되서 난임병원에 갔더니 나팔관조영술에서 한쪽 길이 막혀있다고 그래서 뚫린쪽으로 배란될때 숙제 받아서 관계를 했는데도 단호박임테기, 막힌게 문제가 아니구나 싶어서 인공수정 안하고 바로 시험관 했어요~ 아 그리고 시험관 했더니 정상정자수가 적어서 미세수정..바늘로 난자에 정자 넣어주는걸로 수정이 되었어요. 자연 수정이 문제 였던것 같아요. 영국에도 난임병원이 있나요? 가비님도 조쉬님이랑 난임검사를 먼저 받아보시는게 좋을듯해요~ 아 전 지금 둘째를 가져볼까하고 애기 백일된이후로 관계를 배란일에 해도 1년째 아무 소식이 없네요. 정말 자연임신은 안되는건지 갑갑하네요~ 마음을 놓아야 된다고 하는말이 맞는데 그게 참 잘안되요. 생리일 하루만 지나도 임신한거 아니냐 착각을하곤하죠 ㅋㅋ 그러고 터지면 그 허탈함이란, 아, 가비님 저 조리원동기는 13년만에 아기를 가져서 출산했는데요, 인공수정 시험관 나라에서 지원해주는 한도까지 다했는데도 안생겼는데 정말로 마음을 놓으니 자연임신으로 떡두꺼비같은 아들을 출산했어요~ 너무 말이 길어졌네요. 제 결론은 마음을 비우자, 아기는 삼신할매의 영역인것 같다 ㅋㅋㅋ 시험관도 할만해요!! 무섭지 않아요~^^
I just want you to know you're not alone Gabie, because when you're going through infertility it does feel like you're alone. I went 8 years without getting pregnant and then when I finally did get pregnant I had 3 miscarriages in a row. Those miscarriages really brought me to my knees in full surrender to God. What He kept telling me was I am faithful no matter what. Especially, he reminded me through people around me, the story of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1. After having the 3rd one I went in and got checked and I didn't have endometriosis but I actually had a polyp 1/8 of the size of my uterus that was blocking my cervix so why I wasn't able to get pregnant for a long time. When I did get pregnant my babies would land where the polyp was so they weren't able to implant where there was actual nutrient supply. I had the polyp removed in September and got pregnant with my rainbow baby girl in October. I also have a boy now too but am struggling with infertility again. I will be praying for you two.
Thank you for sharing this, we are also struggling with infertility. when I was younger, I thought it would be easy. but it wasn’t. now we have one embryo after 3rd IVF, we are hoping it’s good with all the genetic tests. and I also hope I suggest Gabbie just check-up in the hospital(fertility centers) earlier it would help to prepare.
There's a lot of good advice here already. We've been trying for 4 years. We first sought help after a year of trying since we were still in our early thirties. We've had two miscarriages so far but only just started our first IVF round. Making this choice was scary, as you said, but we realised that this was something we really wanted for ourselves and we couldn't wait any longer, so we had to grab the bull by its horns and go for it. Don't be scared. Try talking to a fertility specialist and at least get proper tests done. You're so lucky to live in a country which actually has good fertility clinics! Good luck!
건강해져서 정말 다행이에요~^^ 클라이밍이 좋은거 같네요. 배우 이영애씨도 40대 건강한 남매를 출산했잖아요. 희망을 기쁨으로 기다리고 있으면 또 매사 감사하게 기다리면 하느님께서 예쁜아가를 보내주실거예요~ 엄마아빠가 예쁘고, 미남이라 2세도 잘생기고 예쁜아기가 곧 올거예요.. ❤😊🎁
It’s good to see you! I’ve always heard from parents who were actively trying to get pregnant, that it always happened when they weren’t trying 😅 Best of luck on y’all’s journey!
Exactly, I was the youngest of 3 children and my parents especially my farther really wanted a little girl but they tried for five years and nothing, they gave up, three months after they found out they were expecting, my mother was 35 when she had me. When I was three my mother suffered from excessive bleeding that lasted more then 2-3 weeks at a time over the course of seven months this was also something she suffered from when she was in her early teen and something myself had happen to me. They could not find any reason for it but it made her very weak and it resulted in unfortunately in her having a hysterectomy at 38 year. The doctors have told me the chances of this happening to me is likely. My mother has always said it was a good thing because she never had to go through menopause. But It made me worry that the longer it would takes for me to have children the smaller chance i would have. I had my first 16 months ago a boy (Killian) we had IVF and that was after a year of trying, we are 4 months along now with our second and they were conceived naturally the doctor said it is a lot easier to have a baby the second time round after having IVF the first time. i would encourage you to go that route it worked for us and I'm glad i made that choice before i couldn't anymore. Yes I was scared my partner is an amazing father and i always new he would be, i thought i wouldn't be i knew i was destined to be the strict parent and worried they would hate me. but i love my child so much i would do anything for him and i regret nothing. Good luck on your journey and remember anxiety is the enemy of pregnancy.
Yes. It was like that for my friend. She and her husband tried for 11 yrs with aaallll kinds of medical treatment for both of them, including 2 failed IVFs. And just when they accepted that maybe that was what meant from them by God, she became pregnant naturally. And 1 yr later was pregnant again with twins. So she practically raised triplets :D
I also have endometriosis. We decided to start IVF because we had done several tests. One was the laporoscapy to see how bad the endometriosis was. I also did the dye test during an x-ray. So they injected dye to see the path the dye would go to the tubes. That was truly one of the most painful experiences because my doctor warned me that it induces your cramps. So, after she tried to force the dye to go through my tubes we found that both my tubes were blocked. I couldn't get pregnant naturally. I went into a serious depression but then decided to try IVF. Once we were able to start the first round, by some miracle, I was pregnant. After I finally had accepted I couldn't get pregnant naturally, it happened! We now have a beautiful little one. He'll be three next month. I would say, trust in yourself. You'll find your own timing if you decide to start a more clinical route. If you want to continue trying the natural route, don't give up! Also, be kind to yourself. It's incredibly emotional when you can't get that good news right away. Allow yourself to truly feel those emotions and talk it out with your support system and allow yourself to find times to rest. Sending you baby dust ✨️ and wishing you the best 💜
Definitely go to a doctor! Both you AND Josh. They can do some tests to see if it’s something to do with Josh’s health or something else about your health too. I know for some people this can help so much and they didn’t have to try IVF, they just had to make some lifestyle changes or have something non-invasive done instead!
Yeah. I think it's becoming more and more common to talk about female infertility, but male infertility is still not mentioned that much. I agree it's best to just cover all your bases first and get a doctor's opinion.
@@MsJordanElaine That is so true. Doctors don't always consider male infertility until the end... My aunt couldn't get pregnant because my uncle had lower than average sperm count and everyone including the doctor assumed that it was a female infertility issue.
@@MsJordanElaine Yes I agree! my sister was trying so hard to get pregnant, and I brought up that the issue might not be her. She even went off tea, etc for a whole year.. and they finally got it checked out and it was found that the issue was with her husband's low sperm count.
@@xpo1220 agree i had my moms friend who couldn't get pregnant till she is 40yrs they tried for 15 years with all the tests for her blah blah later one day my mom told her why are you not taking your husband to hospital then she replied what can be wrong with them they will always be fertile my mom was just laughing her ignorance later somehow he got tested and reports said he has very less sperm count since his 20's but his family blamed n teasrd her every single day for not having a kid especially his mom when she got to know abt her son she said doctor is wrong i was like wtf😂
플라스틱에서 나오는 환경 호르몬이 성호몬과 유사 작용을 해서 생리통에 엄청난 영향을 준다는 연구결과를 본 적이 있어요. 컵, 음식 보관 샴푸 같은 것들을 싹 바꾸고 나서 생리통이 없어졌단 사례들도 많이 봤던것 같아요! 올해는 가비님에게 더 건강한 한해가 되었으면 좋겠어요
가비씨 하고싶은게 많고 잘하는게 많은 사람인데 아이가 생기면 많이 내려놓아야할거에요. 제가 이제 한살 되는 아기를 키우고 있는데 직업적으로 어느정도 자리를 잡았고 업무적으로 여유가 있는편이고 남편도 육아를 함께 할 수 있는 상황인데도 힘들기도 하거든요… 아이를 기다리는 기간동안 그런 다양한 현실적으로 직면할 것들에 대해서 더 많이 논의해보는것도 좋을거 같아요. 예쁜아기천사가 오는중일거니까 스트레스 덜받고 즐거운 일 많이 하시길 바래요^^
It makes me smile so hard hearing you and Josh are trying to start a family! We had our first one unexpectedly but for our 2nd, we tried for maybe 2 years. And like you, it wasn't easy because at the time I was in my mid-30's and there were some worries as I had had pre-eclampsia with our first one. I was also at a really stressful job. But then I somehow got pregnant unknowingly..only to lose it as it was an ectopic pregnancy. THAT ruptured my left tube, so our chances were also cut in half from that. We kept trying though. Months later (maybe 6 or a bit more?) weird things were happening with my body that didn't happen with my first pregnancy. Long story short, we now have a son who is almost 1 ^^ I believe you and Josh will be able to be blessed by your own little one even if you feel everything seems to be working against you. Just keep smiling and enjoying life and I wish you both the best! :)
Gabie, Taylor R (in Hong Kong) and Megan Moon (in Korea) have documented their Fertility Journey. Maybe you could check out their videos and reach out to them if you have questions.
언니가 1년넘게 병원다니고 애면글면하고 있어서 몇년씩 병원 다니고 노력하던 사람들이 마음 편하게 먹으니까 아이가 찾아오더라는 얘기를 해줬었는데 정말 바로 조카 생겼어요. 임신과 관련해서 마음을 비우면 정말 아이가 생기는 경우가 많더라구요. 가비 조쉬 닮은 사랑스럽고 예쁜 아기소식 곧 있을거에요.🙏 운동 열심히하면서 건강 잘챙기고 있으니 그 마음 하늘에 닿을거라 생각합니다🙂
My sister in law tried for 5 years and finally decided to do IVF. When she went in to start she actually found out she was pregnant! She has gone on to have 3 more children without any issue. Done give up! It can happen when you least expect it 💛
전 남편과 저를 닮은 아기와 꾸려나갈 미래가 너무 소중할거 같아서 아기를 낳았어요 아기 낳고 삶은 변했지만 너무나 소중한 시간을 보내고 있어요❤️ 우리 부모님이 저를 키우며 힘들고 행복했을 시간도 느끼구요. 가비님 배란테스트기 써보세요~~! 그리고 걷기 운동을 많이 해야 난자성숙에 좋대요~~ 엽산도 잘 챙겨드시구욤! 참고로 가비님이랑 동갑이에요✨
가비님, 저도 가비님같은 국제커플이고 4년 간 난임이었어서 가비님 영상을 그냥 넘길 수가 없었어요. 무엇보다 여성으로서 지금 정신적으로 매우 힘드실 것 같아요. 마음대로 되지 않는 임신, 정말 여자에게 너무나 힘들고 자존심을 갉아먹는 일이라는거 잘 알아요. 난임을 겪어보지 않았거나 미혼인 사람들은 '운동하고 스트레스 안받으면 생긴다', '마음을 비우면 생긴다', '조급해하지 말고 기다려라' 이런 말들 너무 쉽게 합니다. 하지만 실상 난임인 사람에게 저런 말 도움도, 위로도 하나도 안돼요ㅎ 차라리 아무 말도 안하는게 낫죠. ㅎ지금까지 가비님도 저런 말들 얼마나 많이 들으셨겠어요. 이제 저런 말 신경쓰지 마시고 가비님 마음 가는대로, 하고싶은거 하시고 드시고 싶은거 드시되, 아이를 갖는 일에 정말로 결심이 서셨다면 좋은 난임클리닉을 찾아서 상담 한 번 받아보시는 걸 권하고 싶어요.저도 너무 건강했던 사람이라 '내가 난임이라니!' 받아들이는데 시간이 무척이나 오래걸렸습니다. 하지만 미리 준비해서 무해유익한게 난임상담이라고 생각합니다. 병원의 도움을 받기가 아직 두렵고 부담스러우시겠지만 너무 불안해하지마시고, 결심이 서셨다면 조쉬님과 가벼운 마음으로 난임상담을 받아보셨으면 좋겠어요. 자책으로 가비님 스스로를 너무 괴롭히지 마세요. 참고로 저는 4년 난임 끝에 시험관 2차시도로 임신6개월을 지나고 있어요. 가비님이 어떤 결정을 하시든, 가정이 언제나 행복하시길 바라겠습니다.
I can empathize greatly with your line of questions, as I asked the exact same ones when I was struggling to get pregnant. My husband and I actively tried to get pregnant for 6 years before we finally succeeded via IVF. Before that, we tried naturally for about 4 years, and by naturally, I mean actively timing it every single month using ovulation tests, dieting, exercise, etc. My diagnosis was unexplained infertility, though some tests revealed I have mild endometriosis that my doctors said shouldn't be impacting my fertility. I knew I had to seek fertility treatment when I felt a strong nagging feeling that I needed medical assistance. I failed 6 rounds of IUI, and during my first IVF which ended up with 8 frozen embryos, the first transfer failed, the second one miscarried, and my third succeeded. My son was born 4 months ago. I am currently 35 years old, so having tried to get pregnant since my late 20s, I understand your confusion, frustration, and anxiety over a natural process that seems so easy for others but strangely difficult for yourself. I can only advise two things from my experience: 1) Follow your instincts; sometimes you know your body better than what medical diagnostic tests can reveal. It'll also guide you and Josh on when to get aggressive about seeking a clinic's help as opposed to trying naturally. 2) While you continue to try getting pregnant, don't yearn so much for a future with a baby that you lose sight of the precious time you have in the present. This baby-less time disappears once that baby arrives, so while it may be easier said than done, love and enjoy this time you have with your work and with the family of three you currently have with Josh and Brie! That way, you will never have regrets no matter what ends up happening. Keep your hopes up and best of luck to you!!
Something that's being explored more is infertility in men instead of focusing on women, and how it's actually a huge factor when trying to get pregnant. I really appreciate that you've created this space for people to talk comfortably about personal topics!
저는 난소쪽에 자궁내막증으로 종양이 생겨서 수술을 하게 되면 난소 기능이 저하되니 임신을 먼저 시도하라고 했었어요. 아이러니하게 난소종양 존재 자체가 난임의 이유이면서도, 임신이 치료인 가비님이랑 같은 상황이었는데요. 저는 자궁내 근종도 많이 있는 상황이었어서 일단 근종제거 시술을 받았고 시술하고 생리한후 바로 그다음달에 임신을 하게됐어요! 아직 극 초반이긴 하지만 :) 혹시나 나팔관 이외에 자궁내에 근종은 없으신지, 있다면 근종제거시술은 아주 간단하니까 받아보셔도 좋을 것 같아요!! 지금도 충분히 아름다운 가정 이루시고 있고! 분명 하나님이 예비하신 아이가 찾아올거에요 :) 기도할게요!
Thank you for sharing your story. I had my son when I was 34 years old. We didn't actively try to get pregnant because I thought I had endometriosis and I didn't want to put much pressure on myself. Then I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and that was a game changer. I learned more about the science of my body. I followed the book and I got pregnant in the first month. I was so shocked. Sadly, I had a miscarriage. When I was ready again, we tried and got pregnant again. And fast forward to today, we have a beautiful 6 year old boy. If you have a chance, I really recommend reading the book. It's so informative, very easy to read. In fact, I recommended the book to my best friend who was trying for 8 months and after reading it, she got pregnant the next month. I'm not saying that reading this book will get you pregnant...haha but it will certainly help you get to know your body even more.
After years of infertility and failed treatments, I was able to get pregnant with PGT-A testing- testing embryos for genetic issues before IVF. This simple step can save so much heartache, time and money because majority of the time chromosomal issues is the reason for failed implantation and early miscarriages. God's timing is perfect and I hope He leads you guys to the right doctor/clinic!
After having two boys we continue to try for a girl. We tried for 5 years naturally before going through the first stages of IVF. But when it got to a point that that wasn’t working we stopped the IVF. Anyway 11 (yes eleven!) years after the birth of our second son my wife got pregnant with a little girl! She is now 19 and she was so worth waiting and trying naturally for. Our thoughts are with you, just don’t give up but don’t stress over it. Whatever will be will be. X
@@RenuNohbar well as she was a complete surprise and not really planned as such we didn’t mind if it was a joy or girl. And we’re not having any more now!!
(이 글을 보실지 모르겠지만) 생각보다 많은 사람들이 아이갖는 "노력"이 어느정도 수준인지 모르더라구요. 그래서 누가 물어보면 정확히 이야기 해줍니다. 배란일 전 후 1주일간 매일 관계하는게 기본이라구요. 문제는 싸워서 분위기 영 아닌날도 해야하는겁니다. 술마셔서 졸려도 야근해서 피곤해도 불임때문에 힘들어서 펑펑 울고나서도 무조건 매일하는게 최소한의 노력입니다.
Hey Gabie! If you haven't already, watch Taylor R's videos about her pregnency journey. It was difficult for her as well and she talks about IVF and changes in her eating habits! I hope it helps you a bit! And I wish you and Josh the best and have a little you soon!!! Hang in there!!! ❤️❤️❤️
가비님 오래된 영상이라 보실진 모르겠지만 조금이나마 힘이 되셨으면 좋겠어요~ 저는 결혼한지 6년됐을때 첫 아이를 가졌어요. 시도는 1년반일때부터 했었구요 4년반동안 아이를 가질 수 없어서 너무 힘들었는데 진짜 사람들이 항상 하는 말이 마음을 비워야된다 이러는데 진짜 이해가 안됐어요. 근데 진짜 내 할일하고 마음을 비우니 아이가 찾아와줬어요. 자연임신으로요! 의사선생님이 인공수정하자 이럴때도 전 하나님의 때가 있겠지하면서 믿음으로 기다렸어요. 저는 tsh가 평균보다 높게 나와서 아기 가지기 전부터 지금도 약을 먹고있구요. 남편은 약 복용때믄에 정자가 별로 안좋았어요. 아기는 지금 건강한 18개월이고 벌써 둘째가 뱃속에 있답니다. 제가 딱 첫째 임신되기 두세달 전에 바꾼 루틴은 남편이랑 제가 브라질넛을 하루에 한알씩 먹은거에요. 정자에도 좋고 갑상선에도 좋다는 걸 듣고 매일 먹었었죠. 그리고 남편 직장동료도 몇년째 임신이 힘들다는걸 알고 저희가 브라질넛을 매일 한알씩 먹어봐라고 했더니 몇달뒤 임신을 했다는 소식을 들었어요. 브라질넛 효과를 봤다고 고맙다고 그러더라구요. 가비님도 조쉬님이랑 같이 브라질넛 하루에 한알씩 건강에도 좋으니 드셔보세요^^
노력을 해도 의술의 힘을 빌려도 단지 도와 줄 뿐이지 임신이 되지는 않더라구요. 저같은 경우는 다 정상이여서 문제는 아직 의학이 원인을 못 찾은 케이스. 시간이 지남에 조금씩 맘을 접었고요~ 지금도 가끔 아기가 꿈에 나와요. 달라진건 없고 둘이 여전히 잘 살고 있다는거요.^^
저는 가비님이랑 유사한 질환으로 중학생때부터 정기적으로 산부인과를 다녔어요. 대학다닐땐 학기를 포기할 정도로 절 괴롭혔던게 산부인과질환이었고 자연스럽게 큰병원부터 작은병원 입소문난병원 다 찾아다녔던 것 같아요. 그 중에 제 담당 선생님은 아니셨고 우연히 진료받게된 선생님께서 하신말이 기억에 많이 남아요. "숙제받아서 하는 사람, 시험관 하는 사람, 배란기 테스트 하는 사람 이런 사람들한테는 아기가 잘 안가더라. 암 생각없이 자주 하는 사람들은 피임해도 생긴다. 내 30년 의사인생을 걸고 말한다. 무조건 자주해라. 매일해라. 그럼 3개월이면 생긴다..." 저도 다음달이면 결혼이라 이게 말처럼 쉽지않다는건 알지만 다이어트도 하는데 아기를 원한다면 100일쯤은.... !! 이라는 생각이 있습니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
매일 만보 15일 꾸준히 했더니 확실히 많이 줄어들고 통증도 없었어요 매일 만보 추천합니다. 그리고 조심스레 시험관 추천해요 여러번에 시험관으로 진짜 고생고생 끝에 42세에 쌍둥이 출산했어요. 엇 42세에도 출산했네? 라고 너무 긍정적으로 시간을 미루지마시고 난임센터 꼭 추천해요. 제가 그당시 시험관으로 45세 출산 얘기 듣고 미루다가 ㅠㅠ 😭 나또한 42세에 낳아서 막말로 개고생 육아중입니다. 물론 너무 예쁘죠 너무 예쁘지만 체력 딸린 엄마로써 넘나 많이 미안해져요 …. 체력이 30대 다르고 35세 다르고 40에 다르고 지금 45세인데 허리 나갔어요 ㅠㅠ 😭 수술권유받았지만… 마사지와 운동으로 견뎌내고 있어요. 조금더 젊을때 빨리 진행하세요. 아이는 내맘데로 갖고싶다고 갖어지는게 아니더라고요.. 의학에 힘을 빌려서라도 행복감 갖으시길~지금 안생긴다고 이거저거해보는게 더스트레스에요 제가 그랬거든요…. 가비님과 조쉬님 아가는 얼마나 이쁠까 상상해보며 주저리주저리 해봤어요. ❤️❤️
임신계획 하신다면, 한국의 난임병원에서 도움을 받으시는 걸 추천드려요. 난소나이+나팔관상태+자궁상태+정자상태+운(luck)이 모든 게 만족되어야 가능한 게 임신이라서 30대 중후반이라면 자연임신이 정말정말 힘들어요. 한 해 한 해 지날 수록 가임가능성은 줄어들기 때문에, 타이밍을 놓치시지 않길 바라는 마음입니다. IVF를 통해 생각보다 쉽게 아기천사를 선물받을 수 있어요. ^^
저는 아직 미혼이라 조언을 해드릴 수 없지만 반대로 큰 도움을 얻게되었어요...역시 골반건강이 중요하다는걸요....오른쪽 골반이 틀어져서 일상생활에 어려움이 많고 계속 아프고 생리통도 정말 심한데, 골반이 아프니 운동도 제대로 못하고 있었거든요ㅠㅠ아프더라도 제가 할수있는 범위 안에서 운동을 시작해야겠어요. 그리고 플라스틱도 저의 건강과 환경을 위해 줄여야된다는걸 느꼈어요. 감사해요 가비님!
언니! 오랜만의 영상 너무 반가워요💜 제가 아시는 분은 올해 30살로 자연 임신 안된다는 결론을 병원에서 받은 뒤로 시험관 1년 동안 꾸준히 시도하셨는데 성공하셔서 지금 쌍둥이 엄마 입니다ㅎㅎ 두 아이 한 살 지났고, 모두 건강하게 잘 자라고 있고요~! 그리고 그분의 친구분도 시험관 하셨는데 더 오래 걸리셨어요 ㅠㅠ 2년인가? 만에 성공하셔서 지금 임신 중이십니다✨ 언니는 운동도 꾸준히 하고 계시고, 음식도 건강하게 잘 챙겨드시니 자연적인(?) 방법으로 건강한 아이 만나길 바랄게요~!♡♡
저희 어머니는 결혼후 3년을 임신때문에 고생하셨는데 결국 자연 임신이 안되셔서 시험관으로 아기를 가지시게 되셨어요. 그때 얘기를 하면 정말정말 힘들었다고 하시지만 그럼에도 저희(쌍둥이랍니다)가 기어다니고 웃는모습들이 아직도 눈에 선명하다고 하세요.만약 가비님이 쭉 아기 없이도 살아도 괜찮다고 생각하시면 상관없지만 아기를 갖고 싶으시다면 병원의 도움을 받는것도 추천드리고 싶어요.아기의 탄생과 성장과정은 생각보다 큰 행복인것같더라구요.제 경험담은 아니지만 가비님에게 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다!항상 행복하시길 바랄게요!
My mother had my brother at the age of 37 after 3 years of trying, and got me a year after my brother was born. Yeah, like all people say here usually people got pregnant when they least expect it. I hope you and Josh stay healthy! I also have friends who got married, and they have a specific diet plan to enhance their reproductive system.
저도 내막증으로 오른쪽 난소 수술을 했는데요. 임신에 성공했어요! 자연치료는 잘 모르겠지만 2년동안 비잔정을 먹고 그 이후로는 어차피 재발위험이 약을 먹어도 있다고 하기에 약을 끊었습니다. 그리고 플라스틱에 최대한 열을 가하지 않은 것으로 섭취하는 걸 중요하게 생각했어요. 헤어는 린스도 안쓰고 샴푸만 사용해요! 제 경우는 수술을 하지않은 왼쪽 난소에서 배란될 때 임신이 성공한 케이스입니다 ㅎㅎ 가비님 내막증이 어느쪽인지는 모르지만 저는 수술 후에 오히려 깨끗한 상태에서 임신이 되신 분들을 꽤 봐서 저는 수술도 찬성하는 편입니다!
My parents tried for 14 years before I came along. They had 6 to 7 miscarriages/stillbirths and were frustrated. When I joined the family, they were almost in their 40s and I just remember having an amazing childhood with a lot of love. Don't give up and keep praying. You'll grow your family, and your child/children will be there when the time is right. And when it does, you'll realise that, "Oh, this is the perfect time for me to love and be loved by my baby." :)
These past two years have been a lot for everyone, and you and Josh had some extra stressors on top of it, so don't discount that entirely as possibly being part of the issue. I do believe that stress affects getting pregnant - I know it did for me. Prayers for you and Josh and for your future baby!
Gabby, you can look up Taylor R here on UA-cam. If you already know her and her story, great! If not, her three-year journey towards pregnancy (she's going into labor soon) might be of good info to you :) She has a very detailed series about it on her channel.
I came to suggest the same channel! Gabie, please do have a look at Taylor R's channel, she was very open about her journey and you can see the process from beginning to end!
기도로 준비하고 운동 열심히 하면서 마음 편히 가지려고 노력하는게 제일인 것 같아요. 스트레스 진짜 금물! 전 남편이랑 1년 정도 시도하다가 안생겼는데 그 동안 박사과정 밟는 중에 졸업시험 준비중이었어서 스트레스 받고 잠도 잘 못자고 그랬었는데 시험 통과하고 진짜 바로 생겼어요! 물론 사람마다 다르긴 하겠지만 스트레스 안받고 몸과 맘이 편해지니까 생기더라구요. 하나님께서 분명히 아주 예쁜 아기 보내주실거라 믿고 맡기세요! 믿고 맡기면 꼭 아기 주실거에요!
Me and my siblings have had different degrees of "success" and experience when it came to starting a family. My sister and her husband found out the likelihood of them having kids naturally is small after 5 years of trying because of something medically on his side and my sister would have to be bedridden in her third trimester. So they decided to be just be the fun uncle/aunt. My brother and his wife had a baby girl but they tried for about 2 years before she got pregnant. They were in their late 30s too so they had to do a lot of tests during their pregnancy. My husband and I got pregnant after 2 months of trying, but i definitely was depressed for majority of my pregnancy and got high blood pressure that caused to do more tests and monitoring. Most likely this lil one will be our only one due to my experience. One of my best friends was created in a bottle and was injected to her moms womb because her parents had multiple miscarriages and it was their last desperate attempt to having a little one and it worked out! We all have different stories and all have ups and downs. As long as you and the hubby are happy in your path, i say you are doing the right thing! Just know you limits in how far with science you want to go because some treatments can be expensive and maybe have minimal results ❤️
저의 내막증 후기(?):
*클라이밍을 하면 내막증이 완화된다는 증거는 없습니다! 치료제가 아니에요. 저만의 우연일 수 있어요.
*내막증이 스스로 완화되는 경우가 있는데, 의사 선생님 말씀으론 정확히 왜 생기고, 간혹 왜 완화 되는지는 모른다고 했습니다 (저의 영국 의사선생님 말씀)
*임신할 수 있는 가능성이 있다면, 되도록 수술을 안하는게 낫다고 했습니다. 나팔관과 난소에 내막이 있는거라 긁어내다가 불임 될 수 있다는.....결국 수술 선택은 제가 하는거였는데 안하기로 결정 한 후 아픈걸 조절할 수 있는 방법을 찾는게 최선이라고 진단 받았습니다. 저 같은 경우엔 진통제 드는게 한 종류인데 그 진통제를 복용하면 일주일뒤 위가 엄청 아프고, 근데 안먹으면 생리통이 너무 심해 일상 생활을 못해서 ㅜㅜ너무 힘들었습니다. 그런데 클라이밍 후 완화 되어 첫날만 그 진통제를 먹으면 잘 지나가요! 굉장히 많이 운동한 달엔 진통제를 안 먹은적도 있어요
*플라스틱은 혹시나 해서 이제는 절대로 전자레인지에 데우지 않고, 되도록 배달 음식점도 종이 컨테이너 쓰는 곳을 쓰려고 노력하고 있어요. 찾아보니 플라스틱이 데워지면 호르몬이 나온다는 몇몇 연구결과가 있어서, 혹시나해서 피하고 있어요. 비닐 랩도 되도록이면 녹는 비닐(친환경 비닐)쓰고, 지퍼백도 실리콘 지퍼백 사용중입니다.
*육류 섭취도 많이 줄였습니다.
*생크림이나, 요거트, 버터, 치즈는 먹는데 우유 섭취는 안하고 있습니다.
My Endo journey:
*There is no scientific evidence that climbing cures endo. It could be a coincidence for me!
*There are some cases where Endo just 'goes away' by itself, but they don't know how or why.(what my gyneocology from my local hospital told me)
*I was told that IF it is still possible to get pregnant, it's better not to do surgery, since my endo was growing on my ovaries and tubes, as they scrape it off from them, it might damage my ovaries=fertility. At the end it was up to me to choose to get a surgery, but i decided not to get it. It was better to find other ways to relieve the pain. In my case, only one type of pain killer could relieve it, but at the same time it was destroying my stomach :( It was so painful, but if i don't take the painkiller, I coudln't do normal things. However, after my pain got so much better after I started climbing, I had to take less and less :) Some months when I exercise a lot, I don't even need painkillers.
*For the plastic, I am not heating up any plastic just in case. There are some studies suggesting that plastic releases hormones that trick your body, causing some illnesses especially hormonal related. I also try to not to order from restaurants where they use plastic containers. I use bio-degreadable cling films, and silicon ziplock bags whenever possible.
*I have reduced the amount of meat intake.
*I stopped drinking milk, except for cheese, yogurt, and cream (cuz i cant!!too good)
가비님 생리통이 많이 좋아졌다니 정말 다행이에요 ㅠㅠ!! 조만간 예쁜 아이가 찾아갈테니 너무 걱정 마시고 행복한 나날 보내세요 항상 영상 잘 보고 있어요 응원해요 🥰
통증이 많이 줄었다니 너무감사하네요~ 다 잘될꺼예요~♡♡♡
그나저나 오랜만에 듣는 가비님 영어가 먼가 새로워요! 악센트가 좀 더 변하신거같아요~~
이런 정보 같이 공유해줘서 너무 감사해요ㅠㅠ 오랜만이에요! 앞으로 자주 보고 싶어요❤️
가비누나 힘내용 영상으로 만나니 기분이 좋네요!!
아이는 임신 그 순간부터 내 계획 내 마음대로 되어지지 않은것같더라구요..
저는 아이를 좋아해서 많이 낳을 생각과 빨리 키우고싶은 생각에 스물넷에 겁도없이 결혼했는데도 아이가 생기지 않았어요;; (현실을 너무 몰랐죠ㅠㅠ)
뭐 암튼 당시에 배란테스트기도 하고 질내 산도를 낮춰준다는 그런것도 사용했는데도 아이가 안오더라구요 근데 오히려 그냥 마음 내려두고 내 몸을 더 신경쓰자하고 운동하고 영양제 잘 챙겨먹고 하다가 갑자기 임신인거 확인했었어요 2년반쯤 걸린거같아요~
그 첫아이 초기에 유산되었고 그 다음아이까지 또 1년정도 걸린것같구요
두번의 임신 다 그냥 마음 내려두고 지낼때 온것같아요
쉬운말같으면서도 막연하고 어려운 말이라는것알지만 주변에도 실험관으로 몇년을 해도 실패했다 결국 다 내려두고 자연임신한 경우들도 많고..
정말 아이는 하늘의 영역이구나 느끼는것같아요..
가비님 몸도 좋아지시는것같고 곧 좋은소식 있길 기도할게요^^
어쩌면 민감하고 예민한 주제인데 영상찍으신것보고 그 마음이 어떨지 알것같아 저도 댓글 이런거 잘 안남기는 편인데 주절주절 남겨봅니다ㅎㅎ 화이팅!
Oh it breaks my heart to hear you say, “maybe we aren’t meant to have a baby” I empathize so much with y’all and please know that there is more than two ways to start a family. Adoption/fostering is a great way to start a family, providing a child to grow up with parents they would not have had otherwise. Regardless, I really do hope you guys are able to have a child naturally! Keep praying and an open heart! ❤️❤️❤️
That's right , 신애라 is a good example showing how adopted kids can make a happy family.
I was lucky two boys three years apart first go , however , stress etc can add to this not just you but has Josh checked his count ? My next door neighbour told could have kids baron , she adopted two babies… funny thing is ended up pregnancy 1 month later … mental state has a lot to do
With it
Adoption is not always the best solution to fertility problems bc both parent and child have their own set of struggles that need to be addressed and overcome way before even becoming a family. It's not as simple as "welcome to our home".
My sister tried for two years too, she had miscarriages and lots of pain, tried IVF as well, but nothing happened.. until, she had this mindset of taking things easy while keep trying, but to appreciate and be grateful for what she has now as a family.. she's now in her last trimester of pregnancy... Gabie, your story encourages a lot of people, so we are rooting for you!!! The adorable little baby will come your way soon!!
Yeah, pregnancy is weird like that, like you try everything but nothing works, and sometime you be like ok fine I'm ready to be childless now, and boom, you miss your period,
For real tho, both of my sister have it pretty rough, and already getting oophorectomy at 35 and 39,
It was the same for my mom. Had ends and struggled with 4 years to get pregnant. Her dr told her to go away on vacation, de-stress and not think about trying, and by God’s grace, she got pregnant with my older sister. She had me and my younger brother within 5 years. I suffered from endo as well. Had a lot of people praying for my healing. Got pregnant fairly quickly, only to miscarriage very early on. But praise God, and we got pregnant again soon after, and at that first ultrasound, the dr wasn’t able to find the endometrioma! We went on to have 2 more children; 3 girls in total. Praise the Lord!
@@jh3762 This is so beautiful!!!
Oh, Gabie. I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling with getting pregnant. I didn't have endo or anything obvious that was keeping me from getting pregnant (that I knew of), but after trying for around 3 years, my husband and I decided to go to a fertility clinic to check and see if there was some reason why we weren't having any success. We discovered that I have very low amh (a hormone that controls ovarian production) and my husband had low sperm motility. We were advised to try IVF, as it was unlikely that we would get pregnant naturally. I was 34 when we tried our first round of IVF, and our daughter just turned 4.
As a woman suffering from endometriosis, this type of content is so refreshing. You talk about it with such ease and an open heart. Thank you ❤️
stay strong! 💪
I don't have endometriosis, but when I was young my periods were very painful. I notice now that eating a vegan diet reduce the period duration and also make it less painful. After discovering this, in pandemic times, everything is much better. I hope you and all women in pain recieved a good treatment or find a way to not suffer.
@@mikewaters2 a plant based diet definitely helped me too :) I had been vegan for 6 years now I consider myself vegetarian because I sometimes eat non-plantbased stuff but yeah, an anti-inflammatory diet which is easily reachable w/ a plant based diet definitely helps
@@gabiekook wish you healthy and happy 🥰
Start climbing! 3-4 times a week!
음.. 오랫만에 알고리즘의 선택으로 어쩌다보니 이 영상까지 오게되었네요. ^^ 영상을 보고.. 전 약~간 의아함을 가졌어요. 왜 일부사람들은 적극적인 병원의 도움으로 인한 임신을 꺼려하는걸까.. 자연임신이 되면 가장~~ 좋지만, 아이를 기다리고 있다면 특히 30대 후반이라면 꼭 시험관이나 인공수정이 아니더라도 병원을 찾고 적극적으로 시도하는게 좋지 않을까 하거든요. 저는 결혼 7년만에 시험관으로 올해 예쁜 딸 아이를 낳았어요. 저는 일평생 생리통도 없었고 자궁도 이상없었어요. 생리도 딱딱 맞춰 제날짜에 했구요. 제 난임의 이유는 딱 하나.. 나이로 인한 난소기능부전 이었어요. 물론 가비씨는 아니시겠지만.. 자연임신을 고집하다가 기존의 문제에 난소나이까지 얹어져 임신이 더 어려워지고 후회하는 글을 난임카페에서 종종 봤어요. 겨우겨우 임신에 성공해도 나이는 유산율에도 관여하죠. 제 개인의 경험으로 드리고 싶은 말은.. 부디 아이를 기다리고 있고 1년여 시도해보아도 뜻대로 안된다면 한살이라도 어릴때 좀더 적극적인 방법을 찾아보시길 추천드려요..
자궁내막증이 나아졌다니!!! 감싸는게 사라졌다니!! 이거야말로 하늘의 도움을 받은게 아닐까요 곧 아이도 그렇게 뜻하지 않은 시점에 선물처럼 찾아오지 않을까 싶어요 언니 닮은 아기라니...생각만 해도 설레요
가비씨랑 남편 조쉬 모두 예쁘고 잘생겨서 아기도 어떤 성별이 됐건 이쁘고 잘생길 듯요^^
As a man, husband and father I am humbled at you openly talking about women’s health. It educates us all and making sure we understand that it’s not anyone’s fault that people can’t start families immediately. Wish you and Josh all the best
For us, the babies never did come “traditionally.”
After 3 years of trying and 2 miscarriages, we decided to open our home for foster care. Our first two charges arrived 6 days after we got licensed, and never left. 🥰
[IVF was never an option for us due to health issues (mine) we discovered in the course of our fertility journey.]
우연히 클라이밍을 한게 뜻하지 않게 자궁 내막증을 완화시켰다면 임신도 정말 갑자기 whattttt? 하는 순간에 선물처럼 찾아올거예요! 항상 가비님을 응원합니다🥰🥰
Something that took a lot of pressure off of me when thinking about having a family was remembering that families come in many different forms. I have friends who have had biological children, adopted, fostered, and everything in between, and the joys and the heartbreaks are the same regardless. I'm glad all of this isn't getting you down! 'The Lord direct your steps' as you discern what's best for you.
Amen this is so true!
My wife and I tried for a year. The longer it took, the harder it was for us emotionally. We were frustrated and tired and it felt like the lack of success was pushing us apart. It didn't help that we're in our mid-30's and time passing just felt like our chances were slipping away. The thing that helped the most was talking about it openly with each other. I would find myself being really negative and then realize it was because I wasn't talking about my frustrations and I know it was the same for my wife. We were finally able to conceive and had our baby this January. I think that no matter what the outcome is for you and Josh, be appreciative in the end. All the frustration and tears we went through really brought us together in being parents, like soldiers who go to battle together. Good luck and Godspeed.
That's really encouraging because I'm getting up there in age too and thinking about these things more and more. Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations!
I found that the harder you actively try for one, the harder it is to actually conceive. Maybe there's too much stress even if you're trying not to be stressed out about it and it just messes things up. I remember doing all the charts and recording my Basal Body Temperature (BBT) for about a year, but in the end it happens when it happens. Best of luck to you and Josh!
I can’t agree more. My friends had been trying to get pregnant for two years I guess? Nothing happened. Then one day she and her husband decided to take it slow and don’t put too much effort on it,let everything comes naturally and not stress themselves about having a baby. Then few months later she’s pregnant. She had her first on 2020,a pandemic baby. She’s having her second one this year
they are actually trying for a babyy. YESSSSS!!!!
glad your body is getting better now
This is my parents’ story. Took them close to 10 years before I was conceived and I’m 30 now. My parents put in a lot of effort by concurrently going to the OB/Gyn (sticking with 1 doctor for a few years) and traditional chinese medicine doctor (she stuck with the same doctor throughout and both my parents took medications). The technology back then isn’t as good as now but I’m extremely happy that my parents persevered.
We’re muslims but I believe we do have a belief in common in that there’s a reason for certain things happening at certain time in our lives - putting in the effort and praying for it to happen was the lesson I took away from my parents’ fertility journey. They spent a lot of money but after reflecting on my whole life with my parents, they had me at the “right time” - they were older but were more financially secure and I was able to properly help them when my dad was really ill till before he passed.
Wishing you all the best and positive vibes Gabie and to everyone else in your fertility journey 🙆🏻♀️
Not me but my parents. My mom was 35 when she had me and almost 39 when she had my sister, and both of us are happy and healthy. I think they tried for about a year or two before seeking medical assistance through the use of fertility drugs (though not IVF). In total, for me, I think they tried for about 3 or 4 years. According to my parents, my sister happened almost immediately. Best of luck with your journey!
Hi Gabbie, i was 39 when i met my partner, we had both never had a child, after a year we knew that we wanted a child. I did some research, tracked my cycle, observed my ovulation over six moths, worked out fertile days, and got pregnant after four months at Fourty. Absolutely anything is possible, your body is Amazing. I had a fairly straightforward time, gave birth at eight months, had a vb birth, really none of the scary stuff that society tells you about age, and pregnancy. Keep positive, everything is possible xxx
Gabbie. Its ok for you to ask. My ex-wife and I tried for almost 5 years before she got pregnant, so it can happen the first time, it can happen the 501st time, and anytime in between. its all for you to decide. I love watching you and Josh on yours and his and Ollies channels and I am praying for you. I wish you luck on starting your family and when you decide to move to the next phase I will be praying for you then as well. 기도가 당신과 함께 (i hope this makes sense, and isnt offensive, google translate can be horribly wrong)
Your Korean in the comment is perfect!
@@Jenny-lu7pf ty... Im enrolling for korean language translator in uni soon so i look forward to learning much more... But most of the Korean i know i learned from watching Josh and Ollie.
My mom got pregnant after 5 years. My sister in law 6 years and my cousin's wife 10 years
I actually think that she is very wise of her to share this here. In terms of pregnancy, delivery and raising kids, it is so important to get as much as info you can get. There is an old saying in korea, 병은 소문 내는 게 좋다, meaning you should talk about your condition/disease with as many ppl as possible. For the same reason. More ppl would be willing to share and help you if they know.
@@silverchairdont9409 that’s a very wise saying! Ur comment actually helps me reflect on my perspective on sharing personal struggles, so thank u :)
아기를 기다리지 않고 포기하니까 왔어요 ...ㅠㅠ 큰 사고가 나서 이번 달은 절대로 임신이 안될거라고 의사선생님께서 그러셔서 그 달은 아기 생각을 안하게되었는데, 그 달에 임신했네요^^ 기다리는 그 시간이 정말 너무 힘든거 알아서 뭐라 말을 해야할지 모르겠지만 ㅠㅠ 행복하세요 가비님 :-)
Thank you for talking about this topic so openly!
I don't have children on my own for now, but I'm a midwife! Usually you can go to a fertility clinic after 1 year of trying "naturally" (but I'm not sure about how it works in the UK). In any case, you could go there to ask questions and have some advise on your personal journey. Going there doesn't mean you have to do immediately procedures, if you don't feel they are right for you.
I would like to underline, though, that you are already a family and you don't need a baby to be a "real" one. I know it's an expression "we want to start our family", but don't blame yourself/ put the pressure on you.
There are a lot of people that struggle in the journey to become parents, and it can be frustrating, but that doesn't mean it's not meant to be for you. You will find your way! I send you a lot of strength, even if you have a lot, a bit more can't hurt!
Just turned 30 this month and 2 endo surgery's later, limited fertility is something that is always on my mind. It's great to see/hear this being so openly talked about. Thank you :)
My mom is a gynaecologist in belgium and is specialised in fertility problems (also with people who have endometriosis); her advice is for normal couples to start looking for help after 1 year of trying to get pregnant, and for people with endo to start after 6 months of trying (because there is a chance the endo might come back)
Hope this helps you and i wish you all the best on this journey!
Yes, this is correct. Because I was older, 35, I was told to try naturally for only six months and then seek intervention. For me, testing showed that it was fibroids and a tipped uterus, so it was one surgery and boom, I was pregnant. Don't wait once you're in your thirties is my advice. The other advice is that you make peace with the possibility of having another "type" of family. As someone who has raised my children and helped to raise the children of a dear friend of mine who died of cancer, it really is very simple. Love is love.
아기를 키우고 있는 초보엄마예요. 자궁에 근종이 세개나 있었는데도 따로 치료는 하지 않았었고, 근종의 위치가 아기집을 방해하는 수준이 아니어 감사하게도 임신부터 출산까지 잘 마친 케이스랍니다. 가비님의 내막증도 스스로 완화되기를 기도합니다. 주변에는 3년 이상 클리닉을 다니며 아기를 간절히 기다리신 지인도 계세요. 3~4년의 시간 동안 하나님은 우리에게 아기를 주실 계획은 없으실까 정말 수백번 생각을 하셨었다고 해요. 정말 긴 기다림이었으나 지금은 사랑스러운 쌍둥이 아가들과 함께 하고 있는 가정의 이야기 랍니다. 생명은 절대적으로 하나님의 영역이라 믿기에 답글을 남겨보아요. in his will, in his way, in his timing 선한 계획을 알아가는 귀한 과정 축복합니다 ♥
원래 다낭성난소, 자궁내막증 모두 호르몬불균형이랑 관련이 있어서 운동하고 생활습관 개선하면 어느정도 효과가 있어요!!ㅎㅎ 운동하면서 혈액순환도 잘되고 호르몬균형에 도움을 주면서 개선되신 것 같네요!ㅎㅎ
운동 추천추천!특히 근력! 🏋🏼♂️
@@gabiekook 저도 오랜시간 다낭성난소증후군으로 고생했었는데 운동로 체중감량, 건강한 식단으로 1년째 주기가 맞아가고있어요. 운동이 도움이 정말 많이 되는 것 같아요!
@@gabiekook 저도 다낭성이고 생리를 일년에 2-3번할 정도로 심했는데 자궁 따뜻하게 하고 생리나오게 하는 한약을 먹었는데 생리가 안나오는거예요~ 아 200불 버렸다 돌팔이 한의사구나 속상했는데 그게 아니라 바로 임신 되었던 거였어요. 저희도 한동안 노력했는데 안생겨서 맘을 접고 학교 다시 가려고 준비하던중에 생겼거든요. 신기하게 포기하고 다른계획 세우니 오더라고요. 암튼 그 아이가 이제 9살예요. 생리는 아직도 불규칙하지만 예전보단 많이 좋아졌고 생리통도 좋아졌어요 한약도 추천드려요.
에궁 저도 두 아이를 가지는 동안 유산을 네 번이나 했답니다 ㅎㅎ 첫 아이를 임신해서 안정기까지 가기까지는 3년이란 시간이 걸렸던 것 같아요...그 마음 누구보다 잘 알기에 곧 건강한 아기가 찾아오길 기도할게요. 아이가 얼마나 이쁠지 상상만 해도 웃음이 나오네요 ❤️
아으... 뭔지 너무나 잘 알아요. 저 역시 결혼 7년만에 아이를 낳아서요..
우선은 주변이나 어르신분들이 가장 많이 하신 말씀은 마음을 비우라 편히 가져라 이거였는데요..
솔직히 그게 가장 어려웠어요 ㅎㅎ 하지만 진짜 그게 답이었어요.
결혼하고 5년째 되던해부터 마음이 조급해지더라구요. 왜 안생기지 하면서요.
마음을 비우고 신경쓰지 않겠다 하고 살아도 쉽지 않져
운동도 정말 열심히 했고 취미 생활을 즐기며 지낼때에
양가 부모님들께서 그냥 아이 없으면 어떠냐 너희끼리 이렇게 잘 살아라
하셨고 정말 맘이 엄청 편해지더라구요.
그리고 나서 새생명이 찾아왔어요.
가비님한테 얼마나 이쁜 아이가 오려길래 애를 태우나 싶어요.
항상 즐겁게 사시고 운동 열심히 하시고 본인 삶을 즐기시길 바래요.
조금 늦게 오는것뿐 분명히 가비님에게도 사랑스러운 아이가 찾아올거에요~!
I was 36 when my husband and I decided to have a baby. I had psos but I thought it didn't mean anything even though my periods were light or non-existent. But my ob-gyn thought it would not be able to get pregnant. I was very upset and told my husband with tears running down my face. We told our therapist and she said we could always adopt. In 2000, we went to China and brought our daughter, Isabel home. We have never looked back. Giving birth or adopting, both are beautiful experiences. I got the daughter I had always wanted. She may not have grown under my heart but she grew in it.
진짜 오랜만이네요!♥ 보고싶었어요ㅎㅎ
Best of luck, Gabie and Josh! Keep doing what you are doing. Be patient as well. As a follower of all 3 channels, not even someone who know you in reality, I can see how ready and how stressed you are for the pregnancy 🤩 Don’t forget to take regular folic acid supplement and you will get there! You can already see a good progress with climbing 😍
I can relate. I have endometriosis as well and it does prevent you from becoming pregnant. I didn’t want to do surgery initially but when it reached to the point of being too painful, I had to do surgery. It was wrap around my left ovary so they had to remove that as well. So in addition to being in my late 30’s now having only 1 ovary has substantially reduced my chances of getting pregnant. I’ve come to terms with that so I’m just enjoying life. Also thinking about adopting. Wish you all the best Gabie and everyone’s journey is different.
Thank u for being so transparent with us~ So happy to hear that u feel much better now! 💕
I’m still young & unmarried so I don’t hv anything to offer regarding pregnancy. But as a Christian, I’ve heard many testimonies of miracle pregnancy from couples struggling with infertility! I know God’s plan is different for everyone, but I’m very confident in the power of prayer. I’ll be praying for God to give u & Josh a clear answer! In the meantime, maybe u & Josh can visit a fertility clinic for medical advice~ Take care & God bless! ❤️🙏🏻
amen :)
가비님 특유의 감성적인 브이로그ㅠㅠ 건강해져서 정말 다행입니다!! 아이는 정말 생각지도 못한 날에 찾아오는 것 같아요ㅎㅎ 아이를 간절히 바라는 부부에게 아기 천사가 찾아가길 간절히 바라봅니다ㅏ
댓글 보고 마음이 따뜻해지네요.. 주님께서는 가비님의 음성을 들으시니까 걱정하지 마세요 무엇이 주님의 계획일지는 모르지만 한나처럼 간절히 나아간다면 주님께서 최적의 타이밍의 천사를 조애주실 수도 있는 것이니까요 기도할게요 🥰
Amen. Alleluia!!!
가비님이랑 동갑인데 저는 시험관을 시작했어요ㅠㅠ 피임 안하면 바로 생길줄 알고 연애도 오래 했는데 피임까지 열심히했었답니다 ㅠㅠ 시험관을 해보니까 막연하게 모르던 문제들이 조금은 알것같기두 하더라구요. (저는 난자질이 안좋은거같습니다 ㅠㅠ) 사실 저도 그렇게까지 급한건 아니라 여유롭게 마음을 가지려고 했는데, 2세 계획을 가지고 있다면 하루라도 빨리 시도하는게 좋은거같아여(나이가깡패..) 시험관도 매달 할 수 있는것도 아니고 검사할것들도 많아서 정말 몇달이 호로록 지나가가서 그 시간이 아까워죽겠어요 ㅎㅎ 아무튼 우리 두 부부에게 하루 빨리 천사가 찾아 왔으면 좋겠어요🙏🏻 늘 건강하세요 :)
양쪽 남녀 문제가 없는데 1년동안 임신이 안되면 난임으로 알고 있습니다. 마냥 기다리는것보다 병원가서 두분다 검사 해 보시는것도 괜찮은거 같아요. 제 친구는 1년동안 안생겨서 병원 갔는데 남편쪽 정자에 문제가 있어서 시험관 안하면 자연임신 힘들다고 해서 시험관 하고 있어요.
어떤 마음인줄 알기에 그냥 지나칠수가 없었네요~ 댓글첨 달아보네요~ 가비님 토닥토닥 아기는 정말 신의영역인것 같아요~ㅠㅠ
* 얼마나 자연적인 방법으로 했나요?
저는 2년반동안 베테기 임테기 수백개 쓰고 병원에서 숙제하는날 잡아서 해도 단호박임테기..
오빠, 오늘이야 해야해~ 의무적인 관계 ㅋㅋ
나이가 만35세 되어서 너무 늦게 생기면 안될것 같아서 시험관으로 바로 시작해서 1차로 성공해서 지금 16개월되었어요.
시험관을 막상 하니깐 정말 아무것도 아닌데, 하기전엔 내가 뭐가 문제가 있어서 정말 마지막에 하는게 시험관이지 라고 생각했었어요~내가 해보지 않았을때 가졌던 편견같은거겠죠.
*가정을 꾸리게된 계기?
둘이서 놀고 지내는것도 좋았지만, 우리를 반씩 닮은 내새끼는 어떻게 생겼을까 너무 궁금하고 신기하고 그래서 갖고 싶었어요^^ 새생명을 탄생하고 지켜준다는게 어깨가 무겁긴 하지만 출산이 무서웠지 어서 갖고싶은 마음이 컸어요~
*병원에서 시도하신분들은 어떻게 결정하셨나요?
자연임신이 안되서 난임병원에 갔더니 나팔관조영술에서 한쪽 길이 막혀있다고 그래서 뚫린쪽으로 배란될때 숙제 받아서 관계를 했는데도 단호박임테기, 막힌게 문제가 아니구나 싶어서 인공수정 안하고 바로 시험관 했어요~ 아 그리고 시험관 했더니 정상정자수가 적어서 미세수정..바늘로 난자에 정자 넣어주는걸로 수정이 되었어요. 자연 수정이 문제 였던것 같아요. 영국에도 난임병원이 있나요? 가비님도 조쉬님이랑 난임검사를 먼저 받아보시는게 좋을듯해요~
아 전 지금 둘째를 가져볼까하고 애기 백일된이후로 관계를 배란일에 해도 1년째 아무 소식이 없네요. 정말 자연임신은 안되는건지 갑갑하네요~ 마음을 놓아야 된다고 하는말이 맞는데 그게 참 잘안되요. 생리일 하루만 지나도 임신한거 아니냐 착각을하곤하죠 ㅋㅋ 그러고 터지면 그 허탈함이란,
아, 가비님 저 조리원동기는 13년만에 아기를 가져서 출산했는데요, 인공수정 시험관 나라에서 지원해주는 한도까지 다했는데도 안생겼는데 정말로 마음을 놓으니 자연임신으로 떡두꺼비같은 아들을 출산했어요~
너무 말이 길어졌네요. 제 결론은 마음을 비우자, 아기는 삼신할매의 영역인것 같다 ㅋㅋㅋ
시험관도 할만해요!! 무섭지 않아요~^^
제가 어디서 다른분이 쓴 댓글을 봤는데 아기천사가 작아서 천천히 오고있는중이라는 댓글을 보고 참 많이 마음이 따뜻했어요 ☺️ 저도 여전히 시도중이고 너무 스트레스 받지 않으려고 노력중입니다
I just want you to know you're not alone Gabie, because when you're going through infertility it does feel like you're alone. I went 8 years without getting pregnant and then when I finally did get pregnant I had 3 miscarriages in a row. Those miscarriages really brought me to my knees in full surrender to God. What He kept telling me was I am faithful no matter what. Especially, he reminded me through people around me, the story of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1. After having the 3rd one I went in and got checked and I didn't have endometriosis but I actually had a polyp 1/8 of the size of my uterus that was blocking my cervix so why I wasn't able to get pregnant for a long time. When I did get pregnant my babies would land where the polyp was so they weren't able to implant where there was actual nutrient supply. I had the polyp removed in September and got pregnant with my rainbow baby girl in October. I also have a boy now too but am struggling with infertility again. I will be praying for you two.
Thank you so much for sharing this😭 God really has beautiful plans for you❤
Thank you for sharing this, we are also struggling with infertility. when I was younger, I thought it would be easy. but it wasn’t. now we have one embryo after 3rd IVF, we are hoping it’s good with all the genetic tests. and I also hope I suggest Gabbie just check-up in the hospital(fertility centers) earlier it would help to prepare.
God bless you. Surely your boy is a champion and as you believe in him for another child, your next child given is also a champion!!
가비님:)돌아오셔서 너무 기뻐요!계속 기다리고 있었거든요~일단 자궁내막증이 사라진것만해도 정말 행운이고 다행이에요 얼마나 예쁜 아이가 찾아오려고 이렇게 가비님 애를 태우는건지🥲곧 두분에게 천사같은 아이가 찾아올거예요❤️
이쁜 아가가 오기를 축복합니다.
오랜만이에요! 제목부터 고민이 느껴지네요🥲
그렇지만 내막증이 없어진건 정말 축하드려요!
There's a lot of good advice here already. We've been trying for 4 years. We first sought help after a year of trying since we were still in our early thirties. We've had two miscarriages so far but only just started our first IVF round. Making this choice was scary, as you said, but we realised that this was something we really wanted for ourselves and we couldn't wait any longer, so we had to grab the bull by its horns and go for it.
Don't be scared. Try talking to a fertility specialist and at least get proper tests done. You're so lucky to live in a country which actually has good fertility clinics!
Good luck!
해드릴 조언은 없지만 기도할게요!! 결혼 3년차에 사랑스러운 일란성 쌍둥이 애기들이 찾아와서 으쌰으쌰 키우고 있답니다~~! 스트레스 받지않는게 중요한거 같아요 💜
건강해져서 정말 다행이에요~^^ 클라이밍이 좋은거 같네요. 배우 이영애씨도 40대 건강한 남매를 출산했잖아요. 희망을 기쁨으로 기다리고 있으면 또 매사 감사하게 기다리면 하느님께서 예쁜아가를 보내주실거예요~
엄마아빠가 예쁘고, 미남이라 2세도 잘생기고 예쁜아기가 곧 올거예요.. ❤😊🎁
저 아는 사람은 임신계획한 지 꽤 됐는데도 안 생겨서 아예 마음을 놨더니 생기더래요. 가비님도 아랫배 따뜻하게 유지하시고 마음 편히 가져보세요. 한의원 방문해보시는 것도 추천해요. 가비님 아이 꼭 생길 거라 믿어요. 화이팅!
두분의 아이는 얼마나 예쁘고 귀여울지 기대되네요.
아무쪼록 몸조리 잘 하셔서 좋은소식 들고 오기를 기대할게요.
It’s good to see you! I’ve always heard from parents who were actively trying to get pregnant, that it always happened when they weren’t trying 😅 Best of luck on y’all’s journey!
Exactly, I was the youngest of 3 children and my parents especially my farther really wanted a little girl but they tried for five years and nothing, they gave up, three months after they found out they were expecting, my mother was 35 when she had me. When I was three my mother suffered from excessive bleeding that lasted more then 2-3 weeks at a time over the course of seven months this was also something she suffered from when she was in her early teen and something myself had happen to me. They could not find any reason for it but it made her very weak and it resulted in unfortunately in her having a hysterectomy at 38 year. The doctors have told me the chances of this happening to me is likely. My mother has always said it was a good thing because she never had to go through menopause. But It made me worry that the longer it would takes for me to have children the smaller chance i would have. I had my first 16 months ago a boy (Killian) we had IVF and that was after a year of trying, we are 4 months along now with our second and they were conceived naturally the doctor said it is a lot easier to have a baby the second time round after having IVF the first time. i would encourage you to go that route it worked for us and I'm glad i made that choice before i couldn't anymore. Yes I was scared my partner is an amazing father and i always new he would be, i thought i wouldn't be i knew i was destined to be the strict parent and worried they would hate me. but i love my child so much i would do anything for him and i regret nothing. Good luck on your journey and remember anxiety is the enemy of pregnancy.
Yes. It was like that for my friend. She and her husband tried for 11 yrs with aaallll kinds of medical treatment for both of them, including 2 failed IVFs. And just when they accepted that maybe that was what meant from them by God, she became pregnant naturally. And 1 yr later was pregnant again with twins. So she practically raised triplets :D
It’s like the stress of trying to conceive completely annihilates the chance of it actually happening.
I also have endometriosis. We decided to start IVF because we had done several tests. One was the laporoscapy to see how bad the endometriosis was. I also did the dye test during an x-ray. So they injected dye to see the path the dye would go to the tubes. That was truly one of the most painful experiences because my doctor warned me that it induces your cramps. So, after she tried to force the dye to go through my tubes we found that both my tubes were blocked. I couldn't get pregnant naturally. I went into a serious depression but then decided to try IVF. Once we were able to start the first round, by some miracle, I was pregnant. After I finally had accepted I couldn't get pregnant naturally, it happened! We now have a beautiful little one. He'll be three next month.
I would say, trust in yourself. You'll find your own timing if you decide to start a more clinical route. If you want to continue trying the natural route, don't give up! Also, be kind to yourself. It's incredibly emotional when you can't get that good news right away. Allow yourself to truly feel those emotions and talk it out with your support system and allow yourself to find times to rest.
Sending you baby dust ✨️ and wishing you the best 💜
Definitely go to a doctor! Both you AND Josh. They can do some tests to see if it’s something to do with Josh’s health or something else about your health too. I know for some people this can help so much and they didn’t have to try IVF, they just had to make some lifestyle changes or have something non-invasive done instead!
Yeah. I think it's becoming more and more common to talk about female infertility, but male infertility is still not mentioned that much. I agree it's best to just cover all your bases first and get a doctor's opinion.
@@MsJordanElaine That is so true. Doctors don't always consider male infertility until the end... My aunt couldn't get pregnant because my uncle had lower than average sperm count and everyone including the doctor assumed that it was a female infertility issue.
@@MsJordanElaine Yes I agree! my sister was trying so hard to get pregnant, and I brought up that the issue might not be her. She even went off tea, etc for a whole year.. and they finally got it checked out and it was found that the issue was with her husband's low sperm count.
@@xpo1220 agree i had my moms friend who couldn't get pregnant till she is 40yrs they tried for 15 years with all the tests for her blah blah later one day my mom told her why are you not taking your husband to hospital then she replied what can be wrong with them they will always be fertile my mom was just laughing her ignorance later somehow he got tested and reports said he has very less sperm count since his 20's but his family blamed n teasrd her every single day for not having a kid especially his mom when she got to know abt her son she said doctor is wrong i was like wtf😂
아이를가지는건 개인의선택이지만 그 경험은 정말 제인생에서 가장 잘한일이라고 생각이 될정도예요 그 조그만한 생명이 주는 특별하고벅찬 감동은 말로 설명이안돼요
배란일쯤에는 열심히많이 노력했답니다 가지시길원한다면 곧 좋은소식이 있을거예요
플라스틱에서 나오는 환경 호르몬이 성호몬과 유사 작용을 해서 생리통에 엄청난 영향을 준다는 연구결과를 본 적이 있어요. 컵, 음식 보관 샴푸 같은 것들을 싹 바꾸고 나서 생리통이 없어졌단 사례들도 많이 봤던것 같아요! 올해는 가비님에게 더 건강한 한해가 되었으면 좋겠어요
제 경우네요.
플라스틱, 비닐... 등등 환경호르몬 걱정되는 용기 전부 바꾸고,
고분자 흡수제 없는 유기농 생리대 교체와 함께 코어 운동으로 응급실까지 실려갔던 적 있을 만큼 극심한 원발성 생리통에서 해방되었어요.
가비씨 하고싶은게 많고 잘하는게 많은 사람인데 아이가 생기면 많이 내려놓아야할거에요.
제가 이제 한살 되는 아기를 키우고 있는데 직업적으로 어느정도 자리를 잡았고 업무적으로 여유가 있는편이고 남편도 육아를 함께 할 수 있는 상황인데도 힘들기도 하거든요…
아이를 기다리는 기간동안 그런 다양한 현실적으로 직면할 것들에 대해서 더 많이 논의해보는것도 좋을거 같아요.
예쁜아기천사가 오는중일거니까 스트레스 덜받고 즐거운 일 많이 하시길 바래요^^
It makes me smile so hard hearing you and Josh are trying to start a family! We had our first one unexpectedly but for our 2nd, we tried for maybe 2 years. And like you, it wasn't easy because at the time I was in my mid-30's and there were some worries as I had had pre-eclampsia with our first one. I was also at a really stressful job. But then I somehow got pregnant unknowingly..only to lose it as it was an ectopic pregnancy. THAT ruptured my left tube, so our chances were also cut in half from that. We kept trying though. Months later (maybe 6 or a bit more?) weird things were happening with my body that didn't happen with my first pregnancy. Long story short, we now have a son who is almost 1 ^^ I believe you and Josh will be able to be blessed by your own little one even if you feel everything seems to be working against you. Just keep smiling and enjoying life and I wish you both the best! :)
Gabie, Taylor R (in Hong Kong) and Megan Moon (in Korea) have documented their Fertility Journey. Maybe you could check out their videos and reach out to them if you have questions.
yess all my fav youtubers
언니가 1년넘게 병원다니고 애면글면하고 있어서 몇년씩 병원 다니고 노력하던 사람들이 마음 편하게 먹으니까 아이가 찾아오더라는 얘기를 해줬었는데 정말 바로 조카 생겼어요. 임신과 관련해서 마음을 비우면 정말 아이가 생기는 경우가 많더라구요. 가비 조쉬 닮은 사랑스럽고 예쁜 아기소식 곧 있을거에요.🙏 운동 열심히하면서 건강 잘챙기고 있으니 그 마음 하늘에 닿을거라 생각합니다🙂
My sister in law tried for 5 years and finally decided to do IVF. When she went in to start she actually found out she was pregnant! She has gone on to have 3 more children without any issue. Done give up! It can happen when you least expect it 💛
편안하게 행복하게지내면 천사같은아가는찾아올겁니다. 신경쓰지마시고 지금처럼행복하게지내세요.♡
전 남편과 저를 닮은 아기와 꾸려나갈 미래가 너무 소중할거 같아서 아기를 낳았어요 아기 낳고 삶은 변했지만 너무나 소중한 시간을 보내고 있어요❤️ 우리 부모님이 저를 키우며 힘들고 행복했을 시간도 느끼구요.
가비님 배란테스트기 써보세요~~! 그리고 걷기 운동을 많이 해야 난자성숙에 좋대요~~ 엽산도 잘 챙겨드시구욤! 참고로 가비님이랑 동갑이에요✨
배란 테스트기도 썼는데 반년 좀 안되게 쓰다가 오히려 쓰면서 오늘 배란일이라는 압박이 서로에게 더 안 좋더라구요 🥲 그래서 테스도 중단했어요. 정마 자연(?)스럽게 하려고 노력중인뎈ㅋㅋㅋ아 부끄러
@@gabiekook 맞아요 ㅠㅠ 배태기+임테기 노예가 되잖아요.. 너무 강박받으면 오히려 안좋더라구용 ㅠ 일단 걷기 운동이 정말 좋은거 같아요. 관련카페에도 보시면 정보 정말 많아서 도움 되더라구요✨ 두분에게 올 아기👶🏻 얼마나 이쁘려고 애를 태우네용🤭
@@gabiekook 한국에서 말하길 사실 생리끝나고 신부인과에 가서 초음파 2~3번만 받으면 확실한 배란날짜를 꼭집어 알려줄수있다고는 하더라구요.. 하지만 막상 그날인걸알면 진짜 안자연스러워지는거는 동감합니다 ㅠ
@@gabiekook 맞아요🥺 숙제가 되는 순간 스트레스예요 배란날이 들쭉날쭉하지 않다면 그 주에 맛있는 술을 준비해두는걸 추천드려요😏ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@gabiekook 제 지인은 배테기 몇달하다 안돼서 산부인과 가서 날짜 받았는데 담달 바로 임신했대요~~ 산부인과 가보세요~
그리고 배테기가 아니라 어플 날짜가 산부인과 날짜랑 같았다고 해요...
가비님, 저도 가비님같은 국제커플이고 4년 간 난임이었어서 가비님 영상을 그냥 넘길 수가 없었어요. 무엇보다 여성으로서 지금 정신적으로 매우 힘드실 것 같아요. 마음대로 되지 않는 임신, 정말 여자에게 너무나 힘들고 자존심을 갉아먹는 일이라는거 잘 알아요. 난임을 겪어보지 않았거나 미혼인 사람들은 '운동하고 스트레스 안받으면 생긴다', '마음을 비우면 생긴다', '조급해하지 말고 기다려라' 이런 말들 너무 쉽게 합니다. 하지만 실상 난임인 사람에게 저런 말 도움도, 위로도 하나도 안돼요ㅎ 차라리 아무 말도 안하는게 낫죠. ㅎ지금까지 가비님도 저런 말들 얼마나 많이 들으셨겠어요. 이제 저런 말 신경쓰지 마시고 가비님 마음 가는대로, 하고싶은거 하시고 드시고 싶은거 드시되, 아이를 갖는 일에 정말로 결심이 서셨다면 좋은 난임클리닉을 찾아서 상담 한 번 받아보시는 걸 권하고 싶어요.저도 너무 건강했던 사람이라 '내가 난임이라니!' 받아들이는데 시간이 무척이나 오래걸렸습니다. 하지만 미리 준비해서 무해유익한게 난임상담이라고 생각합니다. 병원의 도움을 받기가 아직 두렵고 부담스러우시겠지만 너무 불안해하지마시고, 결심이 서셨다면 조쉬님과 가벼운 마음으로 난임상담을 받아보셨으면 좋겠어요. 자책으로 가비님 스스로를 너무 괴롭히지 마세요. 참고로 저는 4년 난임 끝에 시험관 2차시도로 임신6개월을 지나고 있어요. 가비님이 어떤 결정을 하시든, 가정이 언제나 행복하시길 바라겠습니다.
I can empathize greatly with your line of questions, as I asked the exact same ones when I was struggling to get pregnant. My husband and I actively tried to get pregnant for 6 years before we finally succeeded via IVF. Before that, we tried naturally for about 4 years, and by naturally, I mean actively timing it every single month using ovulation tests, dieting, exercise, etc. My diagnosis was unexplained infertility, though some tests revealed I have mild endometriosis that my doctors said shouldn't be impacting my fertility.
I knew I had to seek fertility treatment when I felt a strong nagging feeling that I needed medical assistance. I failed 6 rounds of IUI, and during my first IVF which ended up with 8 frozen embryos, the first transfer failed, the second one miscarried, and my third succeeded. My son was born 4 months ago. I am currently 35 years old, so having tried to get pregnant since my late 20s, I understand your confusion, frustration, and anxiety over a natural process that seems so easy for others but strangely difficult for yourself.
I can only advise two things from my experience: 1) Follow your instincts; sometimes you know your body better than what medical diagnostic tests can reveal. It'll also guide you and Josh on when to get aggressive about seeking a clinic's help as opposed to trying naturally. 2) While you continue to try getting pregnant, don't yearn so much for a future with a baby that you lose sight of the precious time you have in the present. This baby-less time disappears once that baby arrives, so while it may be easier said than done, love and enjoy this time you have with your work and with the family of three you currently have with Josh and Brie! That way, you will never have regrets no matter what ends up happening.
Keep your hopes up and best of luck to you!!
너무 늦기전에 ivf 도 한번 시도해보세요.. 그것도 나이 넘기면 chance가 희박해지더라구여. 임신은 타이밍입니다… ㅜㅜ 힘내세요! 행복한 생각 많이 하시구요
가비님 몸이 좋아졌다니 좋은소식 축하드립니다
40대 후반 주위분 중에 아이가 없는 분이 계세요
좀 더 젊은 나이에 적극적인 치료를 받지 않은 걸
후회하신 적이 있습니다
아이를 원한다면 전문가의 도움을 받는 게
최선의 방법이라고 생각해요 ^^
걱정마세요, 건강하고 예쁜 천사같은 아가가 곧 찾아 올 겁니다. 항상 몸과 마음을 건강히 하세요. 화이팅 입니다.
Something that's being explored more is infertility in men instead of focusing on women, and how it's actually a huge factor when trying to get pregnant. I really appreciate that you've created this space for people to talk comfortably about personal topics!
저는 난소쪽에 자궁내막증으로 종양이 생겨서 수술을 하게 되면 난소 기능이 저하되니 임신을 먼저 시도하라고 했었어요. 아이러니하게 난소종양 존재 자체가 난임의 이유이면서도, 임신이 치료인 가비님이랑 같은 상황이었는데요. 저는 자궁내 근종도 많이 있는 상황이었어서 일단 근종제거 시술을 받았고 시술하고 생리한후 바로 그다음달에 임신을 하게됐어요! 아직 극 초반이긴 하지만 :) 혹시나 나팔관 이외에 자궁내에 근종은 없으신지, 있다면 근종제거시술은 아주 간단하니까 받아보셔도 좋을 것 같아요!! 지금도 충분히 아름다운 가정 이루시고 있고! 분명 하나님이 예비하신 아이가 찾아올거에요 :) 기도할게요!
Thank you for sharing your story. I had my son when I was 34 years old. We didn't actively try to get pregnant because I thought I had endometriosis and I didn't want to put much pressure on myself. Then I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and that was a game changer. I learned more about the science of my body. I followed the book and I got pregnant in the first month. I was so shocked. Sadly, I had a miscarriage. When I was ready again, we tried and got pregnant again. And fast forward to today, we have a beautiful 6 year old boy. If you have a chance, I really recommend reading the book. It's so informative, very easy to read. In fact, I recommended the book to my best friend who was trying for 8 months and after reading it, she got pregnant the next month. I'm not saying that reading this book will get you pregnant...haha but it will certainly help you get to know your body even more.
After years of infertility and failed treatments, I was able to get pregnant with PGT-A testing- testing embryos for genetic issues before IVF. This simple step can save so much heartache, time and money because majority of the time chromosomal issues is the reason for failed implantation and early miscarriages. God's timing is perfect and I hope He leads you guys to the right doctor/clinic!
After having two boys we continue to try for a girl. We tried for 5 years naturally before going through the first stages of IVF. But when it got to a point that that wasn’t working we stopped the IVF. Anyway 11 (yes eleven!) years after the birth of our second son my wife got pregnant with a little girl! She is now 19 and she was so worth waiting and trying naturally for. Our thoughts are with you, just don’t give up but don’t stress over it. Whatever will be will be. X
genuine question, if the 3rd hadn't been a girl, what were your future plans?
@@RenuNohbar having a lil baby boy. what else could u imagine?
@@RenuNohbar well as she was a complete surprise and not really planned as such we didn’t mind if it was a joy or girl. And we’re not having any more now!!
(이 글을 보실지 모르겠지만) 생각보다 많은 사람들이 아이갖는 "노력"이 어느정도 수준인지 모르더라구요. 그래서 누가 물어보면 정확히 이야기 해줍니다. 배란일 전 후 1주일간 매일 관계하는게 기본이라구요. 문제는 싸워서 분위기 영 아닌날도 해야하는겁니다. 술마셔서 졸려도 야근해서 피곤해도 불임때문에 힘들어서 펑펑 울고나서도 무조건 매일하는게 최소한의 노력입니다.
Hey Gabie! If you haven't already, watch Taylor R's videos about her pregnency journey. It was difficult for her as well and she talks about IVF and changes in her eating habits! I hope it helps you a bit! And I wish you and Josh the best and have a little you soon!!! Hang in there!!! ❤️❤️❤️
That was my first thought too when I saw this vid. I watched Taylor pregnancy journey a couple of months ago too
가비님 오래된 영상이라 보실진 모르겠지만 조금이나마 힘이 되셨으면 좋겠어요~
저는 결혼한지 6년됐을때 첫 아이를 가졌어요. 시도는 1년반일때부터 했었구요 4년반동안 아이를 가질 수 없어서 너무 힘들었는데 진짜 사람들이 항상 하는 말이 마음을 비워야된다 이러는데 진짜 이해가 안됐어요. 근데 진짜 내 할일하고 마음을 비우니 아이가 찾아와줬어요. 자연임신으로요! 의사선생님이 인공수정하자 이럴때도 전 하나님의 때가 있겠지하면서 믿음으로 기다렸어요. 저는 tsh가 평균보다 높게 나와서 아기 가지기 전부터 지금도 약을 먹고있구요. 남편은 약 복용때믄에 정자가 별로 안좋았어요. 아기는 지금 건강한 18개월이고 벌써 둘째가 뱃속에 있답니다. 제가 딱 첫째 임신되기 두세달 전에 바꾼 루틴은 남편이랑 제가 브라질넛을 하루에 한알씩 먹은거에요. 정자에도 좋고 갑상선에도 좋다는 걸 듣고 매일 먹었었죠. 그리고 남편 직장동료도 몇년째 임신이 힘들다는걸 알고 저희가 브라질넛을 매일 한알씩 먹어봐라고 했더니 몇달뒤 임신을 했다는 소식을 들었어요. 브라질넛 효과를 봤다고 고맙다고 그러더라구요. 가비님도 조쉬님이랑 같이 브라질넛 하루에 한알씩 건강에도 좋으니 드셔보세요^^
가비님이 건강해지셔서 너무 기뻐요!! 예상치 못하게 갑자기 다가온 감사한 치유처럼 가비님의 새 가족또한 그렇게 찾아올거 같은 것은 저만의 느낌인가요 ㅎㅎ,,
제 엄마가ᆢ 폐경기가 와서 생리가
끝났는데 등산하시고 다시 생리하신적
있어요 클라이밍이 진짜 관계가
있을수도 있겠네요
노력을 해도 의술의 힘을 빌려도 단지 도와 줄 뿐이지 임신이 되지는 않더라구요. 저같은 경우는 다 정상이여서 문제는 아직 의학이 원인을 못 찾은 케이스. 시간이 지남에 조금씩 맘을 접었고요~ 지금도 가끔 아기가 꿈에 나와요. 달라진건 없고 둘이 여전히 잘 살고 있다는거요.^^
항상 지금처럼 행복하게 사시길 바래요!!!
예전보다 뭔지 모르게 건강하고 편해 보여요..
저는 가비님이랑 유사한 질환으로 중학생때부터 정기적으로 산부인과를 다녔어요. 대학다닐땐 학기를 포기할 정도로 절 괴롭혔던게 산부인과질환이었고 자연스럽게 큰병원부터 작은병원 입소문난병원 다 찾아다녔던 것 같아요.
그 중에 제 담당 선생님은 아니셨고 우연히 진료받게된 선생님께서 하신말이 기억에 많이 남아요. "숙제받아서 하는 사람, 시험관 하는 사람, 배란기 테스트 하는 사람 이런 사람들한테는 아기가 잘 안가더라. 암 생각없이 자주 하는 사람들은 피임해도 생긴다. 내 30년 의사인생을 걸고 말한다. 무조건 자주해라. 매일해라. 그럼 3개월이면 생긴다..." 저도 다음달이면 결혼이라 이게 말처럼 쉽지않다는건 알지만 다이어트도 하는데 아기를 원한다면 100일쯤은.... !! 이라는 생각이 있습니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이거 진짜 맞는 말이예요~^^
매일 만보 15일 꾸준히 했더니 확실히 많이 줄어들고 통증도 없었어요 매일 만보 추천합니다. 그리고 조심스레 시험관 추천해요 여러번에 시험관으로 진짜 고생고생 끝에 42세에 쌍둥이 출산했어요.
엇 42세에도 출산했네? 라고 너무 긍정적으로 시간을 미루지마시고 난임센터 꼭 추천해요.
제가 그당시 시험관으로 45세 출산 얘기 듣고 미루다가 ㅠㅠ 😭 나또한 42세에 낳아서 막말로 개고생 육아중입니다. 물론 너무 예쁘죠 너무 예쁘지만 체력 딸린 엄마로써 넘나 많이 미안해져요 ….
체력이 30대 다르고 35세 다르고 40에 다르고 지금 45세인데 허리 나갔어요 ㅠㅠ 😭
수술권유받았지만… 마사지와 운동으로 견뎌내고 있어요. 조금더 젊을때 빨리 진행하세요. 아이는 내맘데로 갖고싶다고 갖어지는게 아니더라고요.. 의학에 힘을 빌려서라도 행복감 갖으시길~지금 안생긴다고 이거저거해보는게 더스트레스에요 제가 그랬거든요….
가비님과 조쉬님 아가는 얼마나 이쁠까 상상해보며 주저리주저리 해봤어요. ❤️❤️
임신은 무조건 다 내려 놓고 편안할때 성공율이 높습니다.
일이 많고 신경 쓰면 확률이 낮아요..
정말 애기를 원한다면 일을 멈추고 마음을 비우시는게 인생의 선배 또 같은 입장에 있던 선배로서 권합니다
내막증이 나았다니 다행이에요!!! 부디 가비님께 예쁜 아기가 오기를 기원할게요!!
아이 잘 생기는 부부들 말로는
매일 밤마다 함께 해야한다고..
하루도 빠짐없이ㅎㅎ..
가비님 너무 아름다우세요 겉모습뿐만 아니라 말투 라이프스타일 제스쳐 하나하나 다 자연스럽고 따뜻해서 그냥 보고만 있어도 편안하네요. 번아웃이 오셨을 때 푹 쉬셨다니 다행이네요. 지금은 그래도 나아지셨으니 다시 영상 올리신 거겠죠? 모든 것이 다 잘 될 거에요 꼭!
임신계획 하신다면, 한국의 난임병원에서 도움을 받으시는 걸 추천드려요. 난소나이+나팔관상태+자궁상태+정자상태+운(luck)이 모든 게 만족되어야 가능한 게 임신이라서 30대 중후반이라면 자연임신이 정말정말 힘들어요. 한 해 한 해 지날 수록 가임가능성은 줄어들기 때문에, 타이밍을 놓치시지 않길 바라는 마음입니다. IVF를 통해 생각보다 쉽게 아기천사를 선물받을 수 있어요. ^^
dropped everything for gabie’s vlog bc you finally posted again 🥳 I hope you and family are doing well ❤️
저는 아직 미혼이라 조언을 해드릴 수 없지만 반대로 큰 도움을 얻게되었어요...역시 골반건강이 중요하다는걸요....오른쪽 골반이 틀어져서 일상생활에 어려움이 많고 계속 아프고 생리통도 정말 심한데, 골반이 아프니 운동도 제대로 못하고 있었거든요ㅠㅠ아프더라도 제가 할수있는 범위 안에서 운동을 시작해야겠어요. 그리고 플라스틱도 저의 건강과 환경을 위해 줄여야된다는걸 느꼈어요. 감사해요 가비님!
언니! 오랜만의 영상 너무 반가워요💜 제가 아시는 분은 올해 30살로 자연 임신 안된다는 결론을 병원에서 받은 뒤로 시험관 1년 동안 꾸준히 시도하셨는데 성공하셔서 지금 쌍둥이 엄마 입니다ㅎㅎ 두 아이 한 살 지났고, 모두 건강하게 잘 자라고 있고요~! 그리고 그분의 친구분도 시험관 하셨는데 더 오래 걸리셨어요 ㅠㅠ 2년인가? 만에 성공하셔서 지금 임신 중이십니다✨ 언니는 운동도 꾸준히 하고 계시고, 음식도 건강하게 잘 챙겨드시니 자연적인(?) 방법으로 건강한 아이 만나길 바랄게요~!♡♡
저희 어머니는 결혼후 3년을 임신때문에 고생하셨는데 결국 자연 임신이 안되셔서 시험관으로 아기를 가지시게 되셨어요. 그때 얘기를 하면 정말정말 힘들었다고 하시지만 그럼에도 저희(쌍둥이랍니다)가 기어다니고 웃는모습들이 아직도 눈에 선명하다고 하세요.만약 가비님이 쭉 아기 없이도 살아도 괜찮다고 생각하시면 상관없지만 아기를 갖고 싶으시다면 병원의 도움을 받는것도 추천드리고 싶어요.아기의 탄생과 성장과정은 생각보다 큰 행복인것같더라구요.제 경험담은 아니지만 가비님에게 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다!항상 행복하시길 바랄게요!
Not related but Gabie's English accent is SO STRONG in this video 🤣🤣🤣
I was about to say the same thing!!!
My mother had my brother at the age of 37 after 3 years of trying, and got me a year after my brother was born. Yeah, like all people say here usually people got pregnant when they least expect it. I hope you and Josh stay healthy!
I also have friends who got married, and they have a specific diet plan to enhance their reproductive system.
실제:저희 올케가 결혼후 5년동안 아기가 안생겨 진짜 별별걸 다했었는데 시험관도 3번 나중에 다 내려놓고 세달뒤 자연임신 했어요.
결론;부담감과 조급함이 최대악인셈.마음을 편안하게 하는게 젤 먼저인거 같아요.
뭐가 됐던 가비님을 응원합니다.
저도 내막증으로 오른쪽 난소 수술을 했는데요. 임신에 성공했어요! 자연치료는 잘 모르겠지만 2년동안 비잔정을 먹고 그 이후로는 어차피 재발위험이 약을 먹어도 있다고 하기에 약을 끊었습니다.
그리고 플라스틱에 최대한 열을 가하지 않은 것으로 섭취하는 걸 중요하게 생각했어요. 헤어는 린스도 안쓰고 샴푸만 사용해요!
제 경우는 수술을 하지않은 왼쪽 난소에서 배란될 때 임신이 성공한 케이스입니다 ㅎㅎ 가비님 내막증이 어느쪽인지는 모르지만 저는 수술 후에 오히려 깨끗한 상태에서 임신이 되신 분들을 꽤 봐서 저는 수술도 찬성하는 편입니다!
My parents tried for 14 years before I came along. They had 6 to 7 miscarriages/stillbirths and were frustrated. When I joined the family, they were almost in their 40s and I just remember having an amazing childhood with a lot of love. Don't give up and keep praying. You'll grow your family, and your child/children will be there when the time is right. And when it does, you'll realise that, "Oh, this is the perfect time for me to love and be loved by my baby." :)
가비씨,,, 그런 고인이 있는지 몰랐어요,,, 축복만 있길 바래요.
These past two years have been a lot for everyone, and you and Josh had some extra stressors on top of it, so don't discount that entirely as possibly being part of the issue. I do believe that stress affects getting pregnant - I know it did for me. Prayers for you and Josh and for your future baby!
어머나 얼마나 힘들었을까.
심신이.... 매력으로 똘똘뭉친 가비씨
꼬옥 예쁜 아기 가질 수 있어요.
얼마나 이쁠지 고대하면서 기다릴게요
Gabby, you can look up Taylor R here on UA-cam. If you already know her and her story, great! If not, her three-year journey towards pregnancy (she's going into labor soon) might be of good info to you :) She has a very detailed series about it on her channel.
I came to suggest the same channel! Gabie, please do have a look at Taylor R's channel, she was very open about her journey and you can see the process from beginning to end!
기도로 준비하고 운동 열심히 하면서 마음 편히 가지려고 노력하는게 제일인 것 같아요. 스트레스 진짜 금물! 전 남편이랑 1년 정도 시도하다가 안생겼는데 그 동안 박사과정 밟는 중에 졸업시험 준비중이었어서 스트레스 받고 잠도 잘 못자고 그랬었는데 시험 통과하고 진짜 바로 생겼어요! 물론 사람마다 다르긴 하겠지만 스트레스 안받고 몸과 맘이 편해지니까 생기더라구요. 하나님께서 분명히 아주 예쁜 아기 보내주실거라 믿고 맡기세요! 믿고 맡기면 꼭 아기 주실거에요!
Thank you for coming back huhu been waiting for you for so long😭 now my healing vlog is now back❤️
너무 마음 고생하지 마세요...좋은 소식은 언제나 뜻하지 않게 찾아옵니다. 편한 마음으로 지내세요^^
Me and my siblings have had different degrees of "success" and experience when it came to starting a family. My sister and her husband found out the likelihood of them having kids naturally is small after 5 years of trying because of something medically on his side and my sister would have to be bedridden in her third trimester. So they decided to be just be the fun uncle/aunt. My brother and his wife had a baby girl but they tried for about 2 years before she got pregnant. They were in their late 30s too so they had to do a lot of tests during their pregnancy. My husband and I got pregnant after 2 months of trying, but i definitely was depressed for majority of my pregnancy and got high blood pressure that caused to do more tests and monitoring. Most likely this lil one will be our only one due to my experience. One of my best friends was created in a bottle and was injected to her moms womb because her parents had multiple miscarriages and it was their last desperate attempt to having a little one and it worked out!
We all have different stories and all have ups and downs. As long as you and the hubby are happy in your path, i say you are doing the right thing! Just know you limits in how far with science you want to go because some treatments can be expensive and maybe have minimal results ❤️