In 10-16 knots I can windsurf with a 7.8 and my 133 Rocket+ board and 45 Gasoil 6.3 fin. You can always adjust the trim by loosening the outhaul, putting the boom higher and setting the mast foot à bit more to the back. I don’t even need a huge sail in these conditions. It is technical sailing (you need to anticipate the lulls and crank upwind when there’s enough power in your sail to do so or go downwind to keep planing). It isn’t boring, it teaches you a LOT about tactics and correct sail and board trim. In 5-6 bf, everything is easy and anybody can plane in such wind. But light wind sets the real technical windsurfers apart from the rest. And oh yes, windsurfers will almost always be quicker than wingsurfers.
Hi Wisecoonie, I couldn't agree more! Light wind fin surfing is much more technical and the best teacher there is. Learning how to trim you equipment correctly is vital for succes in those conditions. When recording this video the steady wind was 8-10 kts with occasionally gust up to 16 but mostly around 14-15 kts. Love the way the board just flies on the vin in a little gust. See you on the water!
being very light is a huge help ;) There is a small issue from the physics - a planing hull has low drag, that is (nearly) independent from the speed, which is not the case for the foil (still linked to V square). So it will always be more efficient (and fun) to plane, than to foil.
@@grzegorzgorniewski6502 I understand you're a big fin fan and I must say it still is a awesome feeling! Besides that for now my top speeds on the fin are still quite a bit higher than on the foil. But in slalom racing I will definitely go for the foil in windspeed up to 25 kts as it's just faster on average speed....
@@Windsurfcoachnot sure speed matters all that much as you do not race others but fun matters so maybe foil is indeed more fun on low winds is a question. I never liked big sails above 6.4 aloha as a 19year old skinny guy due to the weight.
Hi@@pozytywniezakrecony151 , you are absolutely right. FUN is the only thing that matters in the end. What is fun will be different depending on who you ask. If you don't want the big sails but do like to fly over the water in light winds the foil will be your friend and if you don't mind the bigger boards and sails windsurfing will be just as much fun on those light wind days. Have fun and... See you on the water!!
Totally agree if you are fit enough to mange a large sail without busting your shoulders and knees. As I’m getting older, recovery time is a factor and while I like ridding my Falcon Lightwind under my NP V8 9.4, it is definitely a workout my body has a harder time to cope with. Great video.
Hi Whynowind, thank you! Aging and windsurfing..... Recovery time is absolutely not getting any shorter with the years unfortunately, but I guess we'll all just continue windsurfing as long as the body will allow. It's just such a joy you don't wanna miss out on. But in preparation for the day you can no longer wrestle the 9.4 any more you could already start foiling or winging occasionally so you have it in your system and can still be on the water as you get older. Windfoiling and winging are less physical and still allow you to go on the water on those light wind days as well. Have fun and... See you on the water!!
I‘ve got the same board and thougt to sell it several times already, …guess what, because of foiling. But it‘s just too good and I‘ve just too much fun with it to get rid of it. And in the end of the day, that’s the goal we all are aiming for…😆 Besides, someone just mentioned one importent fact: You can‘t go foiling everywhere, sometimes it‘s too shallow, sometimes you‘ve got too much seaweed etc.
Hi Dave, it's a good thing you didn't sell it! I've kept mine for exactly the same reasons. Besides that for me that rush of skipping over the chop at high speed is second to non. It just never gets boring. See you on the water!!!
Hi Duncan, Thank you, that's nice to hear. I absolutely agree! There is something special about the big gear in those light wind conditions. You can have those days where the sun is shining with a nice light breeze, no wrinkle on the water and once going you just fly over the water in full control. I just love that feeling! See you on the water!
Hi Jeff, great to hear!!! I try to switch between wing/foil/fin as often as possible just they actually are all a lot of fun in their own way. The foils give us extra opportunities to go out on the water at different locations and in circumstances but don't necessarily replace the fin. The fin gives us that pure sensation of power and speed. Love it! See you on the water!!
Hi @@fredalatou , Yes tried it, but only once. I used a light wind slalom board with a big fin to get it planing as easily as possible. What configuration do you use?
@@Windsurfcoach a stx 250 infllatable windsurf want to Try a salom board too. I think IT can bé fast and less work than foiling
@@fredalatou a slalom board combined with a wing can be fast indeed. I've tried it and it works. With a light wind slalom board it was pretty easy to get it to plane. Harness recommended as it requires considerably more force to keep going than when using a foil of course. Have fun and... See you on the water!!
2 years ago I sold all my big Windsurf gear and only kept the wave stuff because of Windfoil. Now I have come back to windsurf 100%. The Foil doesn't give you the same sensation. Windsurfing is so much more fun!!
Windsurfing also for me remains one of the biggest sensations in life! Depending where you normally sail windsurfing can provide the fun in almost the same windrange as foiling. Only when you depend on those shifty and patch conditions (like I do at my homespot) the foil is almost a must have. Have fun and... See you on the water!
Yes, Lightwindsurfing its fun and with a wide Board und big Sail planning is no Problem. But it depends what you want to do, for speedsurfing or for just a short Slalomtraining I take the big Slalomgear and for Upwind-Courseracing I take the Foil. Both Disciplines makes fun, and I often use both on the same Day.😊🏄♂️
Hi BraunieOne, I absolutely agree! As you can see on the channel I also use both fin and foil and sometimes it's hard to choose as they are both fun! Keep on foiling and fin-ing, have fun doing it and... See you on the water!
Hi Geert, thank you, nice to hear! I just can't controle it, it's like a primal instinct that makes me scream for joy when skipping over the chop. Still love it. See you on the water!!
Groot nadeel van de foil is dat het best diep moet zijn, en dan ook nog de kosten van zo'n setup, die zijn niet misselijk! Ik blijf gewoon lekker windsurfen, heb nog altijd even veel lol als vroeger!
Hi Marc, zeker waar! Windsurfen is nog altijd spring levend. Naar mijn idee is er voor windsurfers met de foil gewoon een extra uitdaging bij gekomen en doet dat verder niets af aan de vin fun! Tot op het water!!!
Hi MJ, I get that. Especially in the Netherlands in the summer that would be the perfect solution if you wanna have some fin fun. See you on the water!!!
How to get even more performance? Fin size/type, sail size and type; board choice? Do another video in similar conditions and 12.5m sail and as much fin as you can handle.
Hi @rtz549, thanks for the suggestion, I will consider it. I have been playing around with just that a while ago and it was amazing. See you on the water!
Hi Ignace, it was June 29-th at my home spot. I hadn't used my 9.4 for quite a while as 8-16 kts is normally foil territory but I must say: Wide fin-boards and big sails are still a lot of fun!!! See you on the water!!!
Great fun! What is that board? I haven't bought any "new" windsurfing gear in forever, always used stuff. Just acquired a 4.9mtr mast (£50) for my Severn 10.0mtr sail (110) and now looking for a 2.6mtr boom to finish the rig. The board? My ancient Mistral Competition SST. Heh, the reason for the big sail is my 109kg weight! Hopefully I can get planing next time I go out in August. (my 70th birthday!) 😁😎👴 Oh, I have 7 boards, all from way back. 2 Mistral Competitions, an IMCO, a Ventura, a Malibu, and a couple of much shorter boards, that sink! Still fun anyway!
Hi Wordreet, It definitely is fun and it doesn't matter on which equipment you're on as long as it works for you. The board in this video is a 120Liter, 80cm wide, Starboard iSonic (2015?) I love that stuff you're using! At that time I was using Klepper and Fanatic. I remember the Mistral Equipe course race was the board to beat at that time. Fantastic to hear that you're still out there and using those boards!!!!! Make it a birthday to remember and ..... See you on the water!!!
At 65 years of age I can really relate to "The old and goodies" equipment you have but I must really urge you to test some more recent gear. I have an AHD 85 cm. 145 litre freerace board roughly 10 years old and it is a blast in light wind with an old 9.5 sqm NP W8 sail. Even though I usually windfoil in lighter wind, I really still appreciate fin-riding using big sails as well, as a complement.
@@allanasp771 Heh, well that's 100ltrs less than I consider a "floater"! For me 240lbs equals 240 litres, or as close as I can get. Foiling does look interesting, especially the smooth ride!
Yes,after 40+ years windsurfing I have now the last couple of years tried to crack the code of windfoiling. It is hard work but once you are up "flying" you're hooked. It is such a smooth ride compared to fin (especially in choppy water) but the thing that strikes me the most is the silence, it is almost a sublime experience.
True, on those patchy and gusty days where even 9+ m2 sails can't keep you planing the foil absolutely saves the day. It seems that they all have a place in our harts. The most important thing is to have a blast out there. No matter what kind of toys we're using. See you on the water!!
@@Windsurfcoachthe only issue is that you slow down your progress, if you split your time between foiling and fin. If you can't surf twice as much, that is. That's why I've gone foil full time.
@@slickvisualpoetry very true. There is just too little time in a day..... Don't let it stop you from having fun once your out there! See you on the water!
10 - 16 knots... wondering how much you weigh?? In that kind of wind I'm on an 8.5 with a 56cm fin and JP Super Lighwind 165L board. I'm 205lbs... Thanks.
Hi Inlandwindsurfing, I'm about 150 Lbs, so at an average wind of around 10kts with gusts up to 16kts I can really fly with my 9.4m2 with 120L 80cm wide slalom board and 46cm slalom fin. An 85cm wide board would be slightly better with the 9.4 but hey... it still is loads of fun!!! Have fun and... See you on the water!!
I like sailing on very flat waters but big sails became a pain once I moved to windy spots and used small sails and boards. Worse, in light wind the spot is now saturated with unpredictable wing beginners.
Hi 512k, you know what they say.... "If you can't beat them, join them!" Windsurfing remains something very special, but wingfoiling is absolutely fun too! Just give it a go and if you decide you're gonna stick with windsurfing after you got to fly on the wing you have just proved yourself that you are 100% windsurfer and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! See you on the water!!
Hi Nico, It's my homespot in the Netherlands and is called the "Zuwe" (Wijdeblick). De Zuwe is a small local lake surrounded by trees so the wind is a bit gusty but it's deep enough for the foils. That's the great thing about the foil..... any local gusty lake will do! You just need a little gust to get going. See you on the water!
Hello. I have a Fanatic Falcon Foil 200 liters and 1 meter wide. I would like to put a Formula fin to navigate with an 8.7 or 9.4. I weigh 100kg. And what do you think is possible? Thank you for the very cool video 🤙🏽
Hi kmw728, It's always possible, but if it will be a succes is a different story.... The foil boards are designed to take to the air asap, to minimize drag during touch down and the foilbox is designed to give the average best rake for the foil mast (which may not be optimum for the fin). The first two design elements would suggest it could work, the third could cause problems. I tried this in my test video about the JP Freefoil and yes you could use it to windsurf and it did plane but it required a lot of effort to get it planing which basically meant the bottom shape wasn't designed to windsurf. It felt like a wave board with way too much rocker/scoop..... Just give it a try! I know that the iQfoils boards were designed to also work with a fin for high winds..... Let me know how that went down and.... See you on the water!!!
@@Windsurfcoach Thank you for this information. I’m going to buy a 70cm R.Max fine formula. Sélect’s boss told me that he was going quickly to the planning and with 100mm wide, difficult to put less. I tried a 53cm with a V8 8.7 and the support is too weak. Thank you for your answer and I will keep you informed Thank you for your channel😮 👍🏼 From Switzerland🇨🇭
Hi @@kmw728 , 70 cm should definitively do the job for very light winds. I used my old foil board (a RRD H-FIRE 91) with a fin as well for very light winds. A 70 cm sounds a bit much but if you tried the 53cm and it didn't give you the pressure you were looking for a step bigger is absolutely what you should be looking for. My old foil board was 91 cm wide and I used it with (Select) fins around 50 cm and that worked very well for me with a Severne Reflex 9.0. That board was actually a first generation foil board which meant it was more a light wind slalom board with a foil box in it.... Have fun and .... See you on the water!!!
Hello @@Windsurfcoach Hello, thank you for this valuable information. I weigh 100kg dry so could be 110kg with all wet equipment. I also have a Severne Reflex 9.4. I haven't yet chosen the length of the fin, however my foil board looks a lot like the Fanatic Lightwind on the back. The only difference is the slight "V" on the foil board and a bit of a tighter scoop. This Fanatic lightwind still sold last year was Foil compatible, so it should work. Thank you very much and see you soon for feedback.
Sin duda la sensacion de la quilla y la tabla surfeando es la mejor de las sensaciones! La quilla trabajando en tu pie trasero y la velocidad que responde a esa presion que hace que modifique todo !!
Please stop calling this fin surfing.....this is windsurfing the mother of all those crazy kites, foils and wings. I still think windsurfing just looks way more natural and hitting the waves is part of the experience. The wingstiff looks goofy imo.
Hi Niex, you are absolutely right. Windsurfing is where it all started! I still remember that awesome feeling of the first time on a windsurf board and smoothly gliding over the water. What a sensation it was...... Nowadays as quite a few mix windsurfing and windfoiling, just like I do, I often use the words fin/foil to indicate what I'm gonna do. No disrespect meant.... Have fun windsurfing and..... See you on the water!!
@@renelr12 , windsurfing is the mother of it all and yes it's the most amazing feeling to me as well just skimming over the chop. The foils are great too as they give me more water time. Even in a small local lake with patchy and gusty wind all of a sudden is turned into a nice playground. Have fun and... See you on the water!
Hi Spudswatersports, That's my favorite weather! Just cruising on my medium board with the 7.8 is magic! My full reaction will be in the next edition of WIND LIFE (week 28) which will be released next week. See you on the water!!
Hi Richard, het is een 360 cam dus neemt alles op. Thuis bepaal ik dan waar ik naar wil kijken voor de video. Dit keer was de locatie idd mijn homespot. Tot op het water!!
Another Point is, not every Surfspot ist suitable for Foiling because of shallow Water and lots of Seaweed, rocks in the water, so you often have no Chance for Foiling. Therefore Surfing with Big Gear is the best Choice and more safe as Crashing with a Foil on Rocks and shallow Water.😬
Thanks. Very true! Another reason to keep your wide slalom board and fins! In the Netherlands one of our most popular windsurf spots "Strand Horst" isn't suitable for foiling as is't too shallow and in the summer there is often a lot of weed as well. So that's fin only! See you on the water!!!
So true, same here in Friesland for a lot of places. And then we didn't mention crashes because of fish. Major problem last june. Stopped foiling for some weeks. Just to dangerous Sold my bigger slalom / freerace gears last year..... 7.8 is already there again bigger might follow
Hi @@f.vanklink7367, another very valet reason to hold on to that light wind fin gear!!! I must say I do know what you're talking about. This spring the slalom foil races were canceled for the same reason as we were crashing all over the place with fortunately only gear damage up till then. It was just too dangerous to foil. See you on the water!!!
I'm considering getting an old division 2 board for low wind. From 17+ knots I can use my 92L FSW board, and div 2 is fun and relaxing from 1 knot wind, and doesn't need huge heavy sail to have fun. Can you compare that in a future video?
Hi Douwe, I will absolutely consider your suggestion. Those boards were a lot of fun and as you said you can use it even if there isn't any wind and just pump it to get going. Thank you for your suggestion and... See you on the water!
Hi @MaDaMamut, Thank you! I will consider it. FYI I'm mainly using my @GoPro Max 360, iPhone and external Blue Tooth mic. Besides those I use a Nikon D5600 with several different lenses, RØDE mic and DJI mini 2. But I think that with only a GoPro Max and iPhone you can get pretty much done already. See you on the water!
Hi Dokus, sorry........ De channel was in eerste instantie ook opgezet voor de Nederlands sprekende, maar er kwamen zoveel verzoeken voor Engels dat ik het een jaartje aankijk. Mijn doel was zoveel mogelijk mensen te helpen met tips, tricks, tutorials, te inspireren en motiveren om het water op te gaan omdat onze sport zo fantastisch mooi is. Natuurlijk kan je me altijd alles gewoon in het Nederlands vragen en zal ik ook gewoon in het Nederlands reageren. Tot op het water!!!!!
Hi David, That stuff will definitively get you flying on a fin! You don't see them around that much over here, but it will certainly make you plane super early. See you on the water!
@@davidketley5359 It's so rewarding in those conditions to get that board to fly on the fin. I still recall a very light wind session (too light actually) in the Netherlands with beautiful weather a few years ago. I'm the only one out there and the water is completely flat. Then all of a sudden the wind picks up and gets me onto the plane. It felt so magical just effortlessly gliding over that totally flat water. It was just complete happiness! See you on the water!!!
Hi Saar, ook naar jou kan ik niet anders zeggen dan sorry........ De channel was in eerste instantie ook opgezet voor de Nederlands sprekende, maar er kwamen zoveel verzoeken voor Engels dat ik het een jaartje aankijk. Mijn doel was zoveel mogelijk mensen te helpen met tips, tricks, tutorials, te inspireren en motiveren om het water op te gaan omdat onze sport zo fantastisch mooi is. Natuurlijk kan je me altijd alles gewoon in het Nederlands vragen en zal ik ook gewoon in het Nederlands reageren. Laat me weten hoe ik jullie het best kan helpen terwijl de video taal Engels is. Tot op het water!!!!!
Hi Peter, Concerning old school or not, you are right. It's just a matter of perspective .... Although you see lots of foils on the water in those lighter breezes those days, light wind fin boards are here to stay! Have fun and... See you on the water!
Hi mindofown, I get that! Great to hear that you're still at it!!!! The feeling is fantastic, but unfortunately the rig you need is quite heavy and requires some extra energy/power to handle. When the body says no you could switch to foils for those light wind days so you can still be out there on the water. When the wind picks up you can always switch back to the fin with the smaller sails..... Have fun and... See you on the water!!
In 10-16 knots I can windsurf with a 7.8 and my 133 Rocket+ board and 45 Gasoil 6.3 fin. You can always adjust the trim by loosening the outhaul, putting the boom higher and setting the mast foot à bit more to the back. I don’t even need a huge sail in these conditions. It is technical sailing (you need to anticipate the lulls and crank upwind when there’s enough power in your sail to do so or go downwind to keep planing). It isn’t boring, it teaches you a LOT about tactics and correct sail and board trim. In 5-6 bf, everything is easy and anybody can plane in such wind. But light wind sets the real technical windsurfers apart from the rest. And oh yes, windsurfers will almost always be quicker than wingsurfers.
Hi Wisecoonie,
I couldn't agree more!
Light wind fin surfing is much more technical and the best teacher there is.
Learning how to trim you equipment correctly is vital for succes in those conditions.
When recording this video the steady wind was 8-10 kts with occasionally gust up to 16 but mostly around 14-15 kts.
Love the way the board just flies on the vin in a little gust.
See you on the water!
being very light is a huge help ;) There is a small issue from the physics - a planing hull has low drag, that is (nearly) independent from the speed, which is not the case for the foil (still linked to V square). So it will always be more efficient (and fun) to plane, than to foil.
@@grzegorzgorniewski6502 I understand you're a big fin fan and I must say it still is a awesome feeling!
Besides that for now my top speeds on the fin are still quite a bit higher than on the foil.
But in slalom racing I will definitely go for the foil in windspeed up to 25 kts as it's just faster on average speed....
@@Windsurfcoachnot sure speed matters all that much as you do not race others but fun matters so maybe foil is indeed more fun on low winds is a question. I never liked big sails above 6.4 aloha as a 19year old skinny guy due to the weight.
Hi@@pozytywniezakrecony151 ,
you are absolutely right.
FUN is the only thing that matters in the end.
What is fun will be different depending on who you ask.
If you don't want the big sails but do like to fly over the water in light winds the foil will be your friend and if you don't mind the bigger boards and sails windsurfing will be just as much fun on those light wind days.
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!
big sail fin Windsurfing is so damn cool
bought a 9.5 square meter sail last year
that stuff is here to stay
Hi Roubie,
I couldn't agree more!
Have fun fin-ing and ..
See you on the water!!!
Totally agree if you are fit enough to mange a large sail without busting your shoulders and knees. As I’m getting older, recovery time is a factor and while I like ridding my Falcon Lightwind under my NP V8 9.4, it is definitely a workout my body has a harder time to cope with. Great video.
Hi Whynowind,
thank you!
Aging and windsurfing.....
Recovery time is absolutely not getting any shorter with the years unfortunately, but I guess we'll all just continue windsurfing as long as the body will allow.
It's just such a joy you don't wanna miss out on.
But in preparation for the day you can no longer wrestle the 9.4 any more you could already start foiling or winging occasionally so you have it in your system and can still be on the water as you get older.
Windfoiling and winging are less physical and still allow you to go on the water on those light wind days as well.
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!
Although quite heavy,I still love my old Formula set for 8-12kts
Mr Samwear,
what a feeling it still is flying on the fin in the lightest of breezes!!
Enjoy every minute of it and...
See you on the water!!!
I‘ve got the same board and thougt to sell it several times already, …guess what, because of foiling. But it‘s just too good and I‘ve just too much fun with it to get rid of it. And in the end of the day, that’s the goal we all are aiming for…😆 Besides, someone just mentioned one importent fact: You can‘t go foiling everywhere, sometimes it‘s too shallow, sometimes you‘ve got too much seaweed etc.
Hi Dave,
it's a good thing you didn't sell it!
I've kept mine for exactly the same reasons. Besides that for me that rush of skipping over the chop at high speed is second to non.
It just never gets boring.
See you on the water!!!
Thanks for your video, really enjoyed it. I love the feeling when you get big kit planing, you kinda feel locked in and stable
Hi Duncan,
Thank you, that's nice to hear.
I absolutely agree!
There is something special about the big gear in those light wind conditions.
You can have those days where the sun is shining with a nice light breeze, no wrinkle on the water and once going you just fly over the water in full control.
I just love that feeling!
See you on the water!
I have both Wind Foil and Wing Foil gear and I've been out on my Slalom boards recently and I've loved it!
Hi Jeff,
great to hear!!!
I try to switch between wing/foil/fin as often as possible just they actually are all a lot of fun in their own way.
The foils give us extra opportunities to go out on the water at different locations and in circumstances but don't necessarily replace the fin.
The fin gives us that pure sensation of power and speed.
Love it!
See you on the water!!
Have you tried to Wing fin windsurf ?
Hi @@fredalatou ,
Yes tried it, but only once.
I used a light wind slalom board with a big fin to get it planing as easily as possible.
What configuration do you use?
@@Windsurfcoach a stx 250 infllatable windsurf
want to Try a salom board too. I think IT can bé fast and less work than foiling
@@fredalatou a slalom board combined with a wing can be fast indeed.
I've tried it and it works.
With a light wind slalom board it was pretty easy to get it to plane.
Harness recommended as it requires considerably more force to keep going than when using a foil of course.
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!
2 years ago I sold all my big Windsurf gear and only kept the wave stuff because of Windfoil. Now I have come back to windsurf 100%. The Foil doesn't give you the same sensation. Windsurfing is so much more fun!!
Windsurfing also for me remains one of the biggest sensations in life!
Depending where you normally sail windsurfing can provide the fun in almost the same windrange as foiling.
Only when you depend on those shifty and patch conditions (like I do at my homespot) the foil is almost a must have.
Have fun and...
See you on the water!
Yes, Lightwindsurfing its fun and with a wide Board und big Sail planning is no Problem. But it depends what you want to do, for speedsurfing or for just a short Slalomtraining I take the big Slalomgear and for Upwind-Courseracing I take the Foil. Both Disciplines makes fun, and I often use both on the same Day.😊🏄♂️
Hi BraunieOne,
I absolutely agree!
As you can see on the channel I also use both fin and foil and sometimes it's hard to choose as they are both fun!
Keep on foiling and fin-ing, have fun doing it and...
See you on the water!
2:50 I love the video haha! "Are we having any fun on the water *WOHOOHOOOO!!*, that says it all"
Hi Geert,
thank you, nice to hear!
I just can't controle it, it's like a primal instinct that makes me scream for joy when skipping over the chop.
Still love it.
See you on the water!!
Groot nadeel van de foil is dat het best diep moet zijn, en dan ook nog de kosten van zo'n setup, die zijn niet misselijk! Ik blijf gewoon lekker windsurfen, heb nog altijd even veel lol als vroeger!
Hi Marc,
zeker waar!
Windsurfen is nog altijd spring levend.
Naar mijn idee is er voor windsurfers met de foil gewoon een extra uitdaging bij gekomen en doet dat verder niets af aan de vin fun!
Tot op het water!!!
The funny thing is, my 85cm JP Slalom 2022 is my main board. I use it from 10 to 20knots with anything from 9.4 down to 7.4.
Hi MJ,
I get that.
Especially in the Netherlands in the summer that would be the perfect solution if you wanna have some fin fun.
See you on the water!!!
How to get even more performance? Fin size/type, sail size and type; board choice? Do another video in similar conditions and 12.5m sail and as much fin as you can handle.
Hi @rtz549,
thanks for the suggestion, I will consider it.
I have been playing around with just that a while ago and it was amazing.
See you on the water!
Love it!
Thank you Brian, great to hear.
See you on the water!!
Sure looks like fun! When was this? Wide slalom and big sail... My typical setup 😉
Hi Ignace,
it was June 29-th at my home spot.
I hadn't used my 9.4 for quite a while as 8-16 kts is normally foil territory but I must say:
Wide fin-boards and big sails are still a lot of fun!!!
See you on the water!!!
Great fun! What is that board?
I haven't bought any "new" windsurfing gear in forever, always used stuff. Just acquired a 4.9mtr mast (£50) for my Severn 10.0mtr sail (110) and now looking for a 2.6mtr boom to finish the rig. The board? My ancient Mistral Competition SST. Heh, the reason for the big sail is my 109kg weight! Hopefully I can get planing next time I go out in August. (my 70th birthday!) 😁😎👴
Oh, I have 7 boards, all from way back. 2 Mistral Competitions, an IMCO, a Ventura, a Malibu, and a couple of much shorter boards, that sink!
Still fun anyway!
Hi Wordreet,
It definitely is fun and it doesn't matter on which equipment you're on as long as it works for you.
The board in this video is a 120Liter, 80cm wide, Starboard iSonic (2015?)
I love that stuff you're using!
At that time I was using Klepper and Fanatic.
I remember the Mistral Equipe course race was the board to beat at that time.
Fantastic to hear that you're still out there and using those boards!!!!!
Make it a birthday to remember and .....
See you on the water!!!
At 65 years of age I can really relate to "The old and goodies" equipment you have but I must really urge you to test some more recent gear. I have an AHD 85 cm. 145 litre freerace board roughly 10 years old and it is a blast in light wind with an old 9.5 sqm NP W8 sail. Even though I usually windfoil in lighter wind, I really still appreciate fin-riding using big sails as well, as a complement.
@@allanasp771 Heh, well that's 100ltrs less than I consider a "floater"! For me 240lbs equals 240 litres, or as close as I can get. Foiling does look interesting, especially the smooth ride!
Yes,after 40+ years windsurfing I have now the last couple of years tried to crack the code of windfoiling. It is hard work but once you are up "flying" you're hooked. It is such a smooth ride compared to fin (especially in choppy water) but the thing that strikes me the most is the silence, it is almost a sublime experience.
@@allanasp771 OMG! So it's like flying above the water??!!
It has its place in consistent winds. In gusty conditions windfoiling beats standing around with a 12 m² sail in your hands any day of the week.
True, on those patchy and gusty days where even 9+ m2 sails can't keep you planing the foil absolutely saves the day.
It seems that they all have a place in our harts.
The most important thing is to have a blast out there.
No matter what kind of toys we're using.
See you on the water!!
@@Windsurfcoachthe only issue is that you slow down your progress, if you split your time between foiling and fin. If you can't surf twice as much, that is. That's why I've gone foil full time.
@@slickvisualpoetry very true.
There is just too little time in a day.....
Don't let it stop you from having fun once your out there!
See you on the water!
10 - 16 knots... wondering how much you weigh?? In that kind of wind I'm on an 8.5 with a 56cm fin and JP Super Lighwind 165L board. I'm 205lbs... Thanks.
Hi Inlandwindsurfing,
I'm about 150 Lbs, so at an average wind of around 10kts with gusts up to 16kts I can really fly with my 9.4m2 with 120L 80cm wide slalom board and 46cm slalom fin.
An 85cm wide board would be slightly better with the 9.4 but hey... it still is loads of fun!!!
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!
I like sailing on very flat waters but big sails became a pain once I moved to windy spots and used small sails and boards. Worse, in light wind the spot is now saturated with unpredictable wing beginners.
Hi 512k,
you know what they say....
"If you can't beat them, join them!"
Windsurfing remains something very special, but wingfoiling is absolutely fun too!
Just give it a go and if you decide you're gonna stick with windsurfing after you got to fly on the wing you have just proved yourself that you are 100% windsurfer and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!
See you on the water!!
Hello, where is the location ans is the water deep enough for foiling with a 90cm Mast? Looks awesome there.
Hi Nico,
It's my homespot in the Netherlands and is called the "Zuwe" (Wijdeblick).
De Zuwe is a small local lake surrounded by trees so the wind is a bit gusty but it's deep enough for the foils.
That's the great thing about the foil..... any local gusty lake will do!
You just need a little gust to get going.
See you on the water!
Hello. I have a Fanatic Falcon Foil 200 liters and 1 meter wide. I would like to put a Formula fin to navigate with an 8.7 or 9.4. I weigh 100kg. And what do you think is possible?
Thank you for the very cool video 🤙🏽
Hi kmw728,
It's always possible, but if it will be a succes is a different story....
The foil boards are designed to take to the air asap, to minimize drag during touch down and the foilbox is designed to give the average best rake for the foil mast (which may not be optimum for the fin).
The first two design elements would suggest it could work, the third could cause problems.
I tried this in my test video about the JP Freefoil and yes you could use it to windsurf and it did plane but it required a lot of effort to get it planing which basically meant the bottom shape wasn't designed to windsurf.
It felt like a wave board with way too much rocker/scoop.....
Just give it a try!
I know that the iQfoils boards were designed to also work with a fin for high winds.....
Let me know how that went down and....
See you on the water!!!
@@Windsurfcoach Thank you for this information. I’m going to buy a 70cm R.Max fine formula. Sélect’s boss told me that he was going quickly to the planning and with 100mm wide, difficult to put less.
I tried a 53cm with a V8 8.7 and the support is too weak.
Thank you for your answer and I will keep you informed
Thank you for your channel😮 👍🏼
From Switzerland🇨🇭
Hi @@kmw728 ,
70 cm should definitively do the job for very light winds.
I used my old foil board (a RRD H-FIRE 91) with a fin as well for very light winds.
A 70 cm sounds a bit much but if you tried the 53cm and it didn't give you the pressure you were looking for a step bigger is absolutely what you should be looking for.
My old foil board was 91 cm wide and I used it with (Select) fins around 50 cm and that worked very well for me with a Severne Reflex 9.0.
That board was actually a first generation foil board which meant it was more a light wind slalom board with a foil box in it....
Have fun and ....
See you on the water!!!
Hello @@Windsurfcoach
Hello, thank you for this valuable information.
I weigh 100kg dry so could be 110kg with all wet equipment. I also have a Severne Reflex 9.4.
I haven't yet chosen the length of the fin, however my foil board looks a lot like the Fanatic Lightwind on the back. The only difference is the slight "V" on the foil board and a bit of a tighter scoop.
This Fanatic lightwind still sold last year was Foil compatible, so it should work.
Thank you very much and see you soon for feedback.
Sin duda la sensacion de la quilla y la tabla surfeando es la mejor de las sensaciones! La quilla trabajando en tu pie trasero y la velocidad que responde a esa presion que hace que modifique todo !!
Hola Riki,
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Muchas gracias por su respuesta.
hasta el agua!
Please stop calling this fin surfing.....this is windsurfing the mother of all those crazy kites, foils and wings. I still think windsurfing just looks way more natural and hitting the waves is part of the experience. The wingstiff looks goofy imo.
Hi Niex,
you are absolutely right.
Windsurfing is where it all started!
I still remember that awesome feeling of the first time on a windsurf board and smoothly gliding over the water.
What a sensation it was......
Nowadays as quite a few mix windsurfing and windfoiling, just like I do, I often use the words fin/foil to indicate what I'm gonna do.
No disrespect meant....
Have fun windsurfing and.....
See you on the water!!
Nothing like the engagement of pure windsurfing plus the equipment is way sexier than the contenders imo of course 🙂
@@renelr12 ,
windsurfing is the mother of it all and yes it's the most amazing feeling to me as well just skimming over the chop.
The foils are great too as they give me more water time.
Even in a small local lake with patchy and gusty wind all of a sudden is turned into a nice playground.
Have fun and...
See you on the water!
I love blasting on my 72 wide board with a 38 fin and my 7.8 15 knots and I’m flying
Hi Spudswatersports,
That's my favorite weather!
Just cruising on my medium board with the 7.8 is magic!
My full reaction will be in the next edition of WIND LIFE (week 28) which will be released next week.
See you on the water!!
Hoe volgt de camera Isabelle? Voor de rest weer een topvideo! Ohja, waar waren jullie aan het varen? Is dit je thuisspot?
Hi Richard,
het is een 360 cam dus neemt alles op.
Thuis bepaal ik dan waar ik naar wil kijken voor de video.
Dit keer was de locatie idd mijn homespot.
Tot op het water!!
Fins for the wins
Still loving it!!!!
Have fun and ...
See you on the water!!
Another Point is, not every Surfspot ist suitable for Foiling because of shallow Water and lots of Seaweed, rocks in the water, so you often have no Chance for Foiling. Therefore Surfing with Big Gear is the best Choice and more safe as Crashing with a Foil on Rocks and shallow Water.😬
Very true!
Another reason to keep your wide slalom board and fins!
In the Netherlands one of our most popular windsurf spots "Strand Horst" isn't suitable for foiling as is't too shallow and in the summer there is often a lot of weed as well.
So that's fin only!
See you on the water!!!
So true, same here in Friesland for a lot of places. And then we didn't mention crashes because of fish. Major problem last june. Stopped foiling for some weeks. Just to dangerous Sold my bigger slalom / freerace gears last year..... 7.8 is already there again bigger might follow
Hi @@f.vanklink7367,
another very valet reason to hold on to that light wind fin gear!!!
I must say I do know what you're talking about.
This spring the slalom foil races were canceled for the same reason as we were crashing all over the place with fortunately only gear damage up till then.
It was just too dangerous to foil.
See you on the water!!!
I'm considering getting an old division 2 board for low wind. From 17+ knots I can use my 92L FSW board, and div 2 is fun and relaxing from 1 knot wind, and doesn't need huge heavy sail to have fun. Can you compare that in a future video?
Hi Douwe,
I will absolutely consider your suggestion.
Those boards were a lot of fun and as you said you can use it even if there isn't any wind and just pump it to get going.
Thank you for your suggestion and...
See you on the water!
I’m still using my Starboard F-158 lol😌🇲🇽
I can imagine!
Those boards are perfect for some light wind Fin-action.
Have fun &...
See you on the water!!!
Fin forever !
That feeling .......
It just never goes out of fashion.
Have lots of fin fun and ...
See you on the water!!
Hey, great video.
can you maybe do a nother one about your video stuff?
Thanks 😀
Hi @MaDaMamut,
Thank you!
I will consider it.
FYI I'm mainly using my @GoPro Max 360, iPhone and external Blue Tooth mic.
Besides those I use a Nikon D5600 with several different lenses, RØDE mic and DJI mini 2.
But I think that with only a GoPro Max and iPhone you can get pretty much done already.
See you on the water!
Niet in het Engels. Eindelijk een Nederlandse coach en ga je over in het Engels. 😢
Hi Dokus,
De channel was in eerste instantie ook opgezet voor de Nederlands sprekende, maar er kwamen zoveel verzoeken voor Engels dat ik het een jaartje aankijk.
Mijn doel was zoveel mogelijk mensen te helpen met tips, tricks, tutorials, te inspireren en motiveren om het water op te gaan omdat onze sport zo fantastisch mooi is.
Natuurlijk kan je me altijd alles gewoon in het Nederlands vragen en zal ik ook gewoon in het Nederlands reageren.
Tot op het water!!!!!
Vin ik leuk!
😂 dank je en.....
Tot op het water!!!
The wing set up wasn’t quicker you failed to add the build foil wing time !
Hi Michael,
could you please specify your question, so I can give you a proper answer?
Thanks for reaching out and..
See you on the water!
Patrik makes a new Formula board for anyone looking.
Patrik is absolutely one of the companies that are making really nice wind toys nowadays!
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!!
Just get a Formula Board, no contest.
Hi David,
That stuff will definitively get you flying on a fin!
You don't see them around that much over here, but it will certainly make you plane super early.
See you on the water!
@@Windsurfcoach I have a Gaastra Vapour 3. I'm often the only person on the water even trying.
@@davidketley5359 It's so rewarding in those conditions to get that board to fly on the fin.
I still recall a very light wind session (too light actually) in the Netherlands with beautiful weather a few years ago.
I'm the only one out there and the water is completely flat.
Then all of a sudden the wind picks up and gets me onto the plane.
It felt so magical just effortlessly gliding over that totally flat water.
It was just complete happiness!
See you on the water!!!
Just get the raceboard ;)
Hi Grzegorzgorniewski6502,
😂 very true!
That's great stuff.
I still have one!!!!
They even work in no wind.
See you on the water!
Ik vind het ook jammer dat je op Engels bent overgegaan. :(
Hi Saar,
ook naar jou kan ik niet anders zeggen dan
De channel was in eerste instantie ook opgezet voor de Nederlands sprekende, maar er kwamen zoveel verzoeken voor Engels dat ik het een jaartje aankijk.
Mijn doel was zoveel mogelijk mensen te helpen met tips, tricks, tutorials, te inspireren en motiveren om het water op te gaan omdat onze sport zo fantastisch mooi is.
Natuurlijk kan je me altijd alles gewoon in het Nederlands vragen en zal ik ook gewoon in het Nederlands reageren.
Laat me weten hoe ik jullie het best kan helpen terwijl de video taal Engels is.
Tot op het water!!!!!
it's not old school board !
Hi Peter,
Concerning old school or not, you are right.
It's just a matter of perspective ....
Although you see lots of foils on the water in those lighter breezes those days, light wind fin boards are here to stay!
Have fun and...
See you on the water!
I like it, but my 64yo body hates it
Hi mindofown,
I get that!
Great to hear that you're still at it!!!!
The feeling is fantastic, but unfortunately the rig you need is quite heavy and requires some extra energy/power to handle.
When the body says no you could switch to foils for those light wind days so you can still be out there on the water.
When the wind picks up you can always switch back to the fin with the smaller sails.....
Have fun and...
See you on the water!!
Vin van traanplaat.
why not?
Als je er lol van het is het goed, want dat is waarom we het water op gaan.
Tot op het water!
Die is echt van traanplaat?