This was a long ride for a bike with 508mm wheels. I like this bike because of how compact it is and it folds up nicely. The small wheel size makes it easier to pedal up to the hills. The other thing I like is the weight, not very heavy. Thanks for your coment.🙂
This was a long ride for a bike with 508mm wheels. I like this bike because of how compact it is and it folds up nicely. The small wheel size makes it easier to pedal up to the hills. The other thing I like is the weight, not very heavy. Thanks for your coment.🙂
Nice bike and great ride!
Thanks! ❤️
Is tern better than Brompton?
The Brompton bikes seem to be more compact for transporting . But they have smaller wheels and are pricey. I think the Tern bikes are a better value.