逆転裁判1~6 異議あり! 追求 アレンジメドレー (逆転検事&大逆転裁判あり) Ace Attorney Series Pursuit Objection Medley Arrange|remix

  • Опубліковано 7 січ 2025


  • @mkii_1227
    @mkii_1227 Місяць тому +39


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +10

      そう言われるとなんだか舞い上がっちゃいますね😳笑 もし私に才があるのだとしたら、それはmkさんのような心優しいかたが支え、育んでくださったものです。これからも大切にしてまいりますね!
      逆転裁判は歴史のあるシリーズということで、その変遷の機微・エモさを表現できたらいいなと思い、描き分けてみました✊ 気に入っていただけたら嬉しいです!

  • @亡霊-h2i
    @亡霊-h2i 20 годин тому +3


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  14 годин тому +2

      この動画を見つけてくださった亡霊さんの原作愛も異議なしですね😆 ……いや、本当に亡霊その人なら異議あり!ですけど 笑

  • @ceak_in-e6r
    @ceak_in-e6r 25 днів тому +11


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  22 дні тому +2

      おお、差分までしっかり観ていただけて光栄です✨ せっかくなので今回は曲目に合わせてイラストを用意してみました☺️ メリハリを感じてもらえていたら嬉しいです!

  • @ラーメンおバカ
    @ラーメンおバカ Місяць тому +18


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +3

      おおっ、発見されましたか!🔍 (婉曲してくださった結果、おもしろ肩書きおじさんになってて笑いました🤣) マホーネたちにも気づいてくださり嬉しいです♪ 今回のアレンジはシリーズ集大成の内容なので、やはり彼女たちにも来てほしいな……ということで出演してもらいました✊ 素敵と言っていただけて光栄です~✨

  • @手塚賢太郎-e8w
    @手塚賢太郎-e8w Місяць тому +16


    • @手塚賢太郎-e8w
      @手塚賢太郎-e8w Місяць тому


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      イラストに関しても、差分のところをしっかり汲み取ってくださり、こだわって描いた甲斐があります!(ミカガミさんいなくてごめんなさい~😂)私のチャンネルはまだまだ無名なので、この動画がどのくらい伸びるかは未知数ですが……こうして手塚さんに応援していただけた手前、きっとたくさんのファンのかたに届くことと思います! 此度は素敵なエールを賜り、誠にありがとうございました!

  • @osakana_301
    @osakana_301 Місяць тому +10

    逆転裁判7 出てほしいですねぇ

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +2

      なるほどくん、紆余曲折ありましたが最後は法曹界に復帰してくれたの当時めちゃ嬉しかった記憶があります🥲 他のキャラクターたちもナンバリングが増えるごとに変わっていって……逆裁の歴史を肌で感じるたび、私も思わず泣きそうになります!! こういう脈々と続いていくゲームって、気づいたら人生の相棒みたいになっていますよね。6までの脚本であらゆることをやっているのでなかなか難しい実情があるのかもしれませんが、7が出てくれたら私はまた嬉々としてアレンジを出すと思います 笑

  • @ryanhanter1516
    @ryanhanter1516 Місяць тому +35

    Ok this is absolutely fantastic, the art changing appropriately to the music is such a nice touch, I've seen you also done some Pokemon and OMORI stuff too which I also like!!
    I'm utterly amazed!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +4

      I'm very honored! I created this kind of video because I wanted the viewers to be able to feel the splendor of the original work using both their sight and hearing. Even if you have never played the original work, or even if you are a fan who has played it many times, I would be happy if the work is finished in a way that you can enjoy.
      Wow, you also watched my other videos. There are many people who know Pokemon but don't know about Ace Attorney or OMORI, so it's really valuable to have people like Ryan-san who understand and accept multiple works. You are an irreplaceable friend of my heart. Thank you for sending me this message of encouragement!

    • @ryanhanter1516
      @ryanhanter1516 Місяць тому +3

      @@aulafons3355 You're very welcome! It's always very heartwarming to meet like-minded people, and it is so rare to find someone that also is into 3 of my deep interests! 💛

  • @きそぱん
    @きそぱん Місяць тому +13


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      ありがたや……🥲 サブメロディーは馴染ませるのにすごく苦労した(特に曲調の明るいヒロインたちのテーマや、4拍子ではないゴドー・ユガミのテーマが難所でした)ので、ハマっているとお墨付きをいただけて心底報われました……!
      歴代のキャラが成長していくのって、それだけでワクワクしますよね! 今回はそうした原作の醍醐味をアレンジに活かせたらいいな~と考えてこのような構成にしてみたのですけれども、きそぱんさんに完成度が高いと評価していただけてめっちゃ嬉しいです😄

  • @おチ
    @おチ Місяць тому +10


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      私も龍太郎くんファンなので彼の異議あり!を外すわけにはまいりませんでした 笑 レイトン要素を入れるかは結構悩んだのですが、この輪のなかに誰もいないのは不自然だと思い、最終的に彼女たちの出演が決定しました!🎉 細かいところにまで気づいていただけて嬉しいです~✨
      おや、そこもお気づきですか!? 3をプレイしたことがあるかたなら初代追求の意味を汲み取っていただけるかも……?と期待してあの流れにしたんですけど、ちゃんと伝わったようで嬉しいです! どういたしまして、こちらこそめちゃめちゃ元気をもらいました! またいつでも遊びにきてくださいね!

  • @中里幸也
    @中里幸也 Місяць тому +9


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      初代の発売から早や23年……本当に由緒あるシリーズですよね! 個人的にはぜひ、さらに末永く新たな歴史を積み重ねていってほしいところです😆
      いぇーい逆裁最高!🍻 こうして原作愛を中里さんと分かち合うことができ、とても光栄です🍻

  • @黄金の不沈艦-d4v
    @黄金の不沈艦-d4v Місяць тому +4


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      長い動画ですが、最後まで観てくださって感謝感激です! 龍太郎とジーナは二人ともめちゃくちゃ好きなキャラクターなので、言及していただけて嬉しいです😊
      個人的にシリーズ内で登場人物たちがいい感じに年齢を重ねたり心が成長していく様を丁寧に描いている作品がツボなんですけど、特に逆転裁判はそういう変化に富んでいて大好きなんですよね✨ この気持ちを少しでも黄金の不沈艦さんと共有できたなら本望です♪

  • @barokvanzieks_tgaac
    @barokvanzieks_tgaac 24 дні тому +8

    Omg I think I am about to cry. This is a masterpiece! I love the fact that this is all in order. The art is simply amazing, I can't stop complimenting this I absolutely adore this video♡ I am saving this

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  22 дні тому

      The fact that you are on the verge of tears is probably proof that you love the original work as much as you do. I'm a fan of Ace Attorney just like you, so I'm really honored and happy to hear that. Thank you so much for your encouragement! Hehe, feel free to save it😉 And enjoy this video anytime!

    • @SenjeyB
      @SenjeyB 18 днів тому +1

      @@aulafons3355 Where can I get the final art? It looks so awesome !!!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  15 днів тому +1

      Thank you! Currently, the artwork can only be viewed on UA-cam videos. If we decide to publish it elsewhere, such as on social media or our homepage, we will let you know in an explanation!

  • @雨宮-l7c
    @雨宮-l7c 3 дні тому +1


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  День тому +1


  • @Dark-tw9oo
    @Dark-tw9oo 2 дні тому +2


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  День тому +1


  • @IZUMAX100
    @IZUMAX100 Місяць тому +9


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      Aula Fonsは私が大好きなゲームや音楽の魅力をより多くの人に伝えたい!と思って発足したサークルで、原作を知らないかたでも興味を持っていただけるような動画づくりを心がけています。その一方で、コアなファンのかたにも満足していただきたく 、特に今回のメドレーでは、作品に対する理解が深いほど楽しめるような要素をたくさん散りばめてみました!(イズマックスさんのおかげで、それがちゃんと伝わっているのだと確信できました😊) 細かいニュアンスまで受け取っていただき、本当にありがとうございます!

  • @atomariascarlet9671
    @atomariascarlet9671 Місяць тому +9


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +3

      とうとう言及してくださる方が……! はい、ちょこっとですが出演していただきました 笑

  • @derpyquag7617
    @derpyquag7617 2 дні тому +2

    Partners ~ the game is afoot playing when mikotoba shows up in the background at 16:30 is SO GOOD

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  День тому

      Thank you for your consideration of spoilers! Although it's only from the back, I'm really happy that you noticed the scene in which he appeared and liked it even more.

  • @annacutii241
    @annacutii241 4 дні тому +2

    6:45 ummm actually...

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  3 дні тому

      Did you have any concerns? Anyway, thank you for commenting!

  • @littleovertaken
    @littleovertaken Місяць тому +4

    10:56 ここの繋ぎが凄く自然で凄いです!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      おっ、ナルホドくんの異議あり!に繋がるところですね😉 ここは原曲と同じ調で編曲しているのですが、私もバッチリ噛み合ったので作業中驚いていました 笑

  • @F-84-00
    @F-84-00 Місяць тому +5

    イラストもAula Fons様が描かれていらっしゃるというのを見てとてもオドロキました…!🫣一人一人丁寧に描き込まれているかつ、差分もあるだなんて思わなかったので切り替わった時感動しました…。

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      Aula Fonsでは音楽とイラストをそれぞれ家族で分担しておりまして、毎回二人が大好きなゲーム・原曲を、愛を込めてアレンジさせていただいております😉 今回の逆転裁判シリーズは特に思い入れの強い作品だったこともあり、一曲一曲、一人一人を大事に、構成などもたくさん話し合いながら制作しました。同じ創作者・表現者であるFさんに、その想いが伝わったのだと思うととても感慨深いです🥲
      それにしても、ちょうど最近シリーズを制覇されたのですね! なんたる偶然😳

  • @VirgonianConqueror
    @VirgonianConqueror 23 дні тому +4

    This is already the 5th time I've listened to this. It's incredible! The way you mash so many songs in a way that's rhythmic, satisfying, and nostalgic all at the same time is just amazing. The beat switch-ups too! I was jamming to Athena's theme when I just get blasted by the electric guitar of the pursuit! Words cannot describe how awesome it feels to listen to this over and over again.

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  22 дні тому +1

      Wow, thank you so much for watching 5 times and for sending me such warm and encouraging messages!
      Since this is a medley-style arrangement, I intentionally didn't make the rhythm complicated so that you could feel the groove. Instead, I tried to add intonation by changing the BPM here and there and making the rhythm match the melody. I'm more than happy that they noticed my ingenuity and enjoyed it so much! And like you, I also like the transition from Athena's theme to Pursuit. It's great to be able to share that feeling!

  • @Heyganiman
    @Heyganiman Місяць тому +3


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      ありがとうございます🥲 人の心は様々な歯車が噛み合って初めて動くものだと捉えております。今回ヘイガニマンさんの元へこの動画をお届けできた奇跡、また感動していただけた果報に深く感謝いたします🙏 私も未来の逆転裁判が待ち遠しいです……!

  • @七草-h5c
    @七草-h5c Місяць тому +2


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      なんと、七草さんも逆転裁判プレイヤーだったのですね……! お互いに大好きな作品の話で盛り上がることができるなんて最高です😆 私も、直近の4ヶ月間は毎日このメドレーと向き合っていたのですが、完成が近づくたび「早く原作ファンの皆様と逆裁愛を共有したい~!」と公開の日をワクワクしながら過ごしていました。もちろんアレンジが刺さるかは人によるんですけれども、こうして七草さんが楽しんでくださったとわかり、もうそれだけで胸が一杯です 笑
      大逆転裁判はキャラも音楽もシナリオも演出もぜんぶ好きなんですが、特に音楽は素晴らしいですよね✨ 今回アレンジのトリを飾っているのが大追求なので、そこも噛み合ってくれて嬉しいです。尺が長い分、どうしても視聴できるタイミングは限られてくるかと存じますが、ぜひぜひ繰り返し味わっていただけますと冥利に尽きます!

  • @hsrsar
    @hsrsar Місяць тому +5

    This sounds amazing! I've never played Ace Attorney before (now I might soon) but I came from your OMORI video and all your arrangements are really good :)

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      Immediately after uploading a video, I always worry about whether or not I've made a good work, so I was very relieved when rraswh-san gave me such a warm review in the first comment☀
      I'm glad that you've watched many of my arrangements, including OMORI, and that you like them! I would be honored if this video could make you interested in Ace Attorney. Please try playing it once if you like😊

  • @dratinithedagon7508
    @dratinithedagon7508 24 дні тому +3

    This is actually amazing

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  22 дні тому +1

      Thank you, that's very encouraging!
      By the way, I saw your profile and you also like Kirby and Pokémon. This is a happy coincidence (because I am too)😄
      I have arranged the BGM for those works in other videos, so please check them out if you'd like!

  • @39Jhahapilie
    @39Jhahapilie 9 днів тому +1

    Ace attorney is GOATED

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  6 днів тому

      That's right! I can't wait for the new release😊

  • @rklkkj9466
    @rklkkj9466 Місяць тому +1


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      そうですね、なるべく円滑な展開を目指した結果、曲によってはキーが±2~5くらいになっていたり、それに合わせてコード進行もかなり変化させています。ゆえに原曲を聴き込んでいるかたほど「あれ、なんか音が違う?」と感じるアレンジになっているかもしれませんが……RKL KKJさんはそこを“自然な流れ”と評価してくださったので、すごく安心しました💨
      元気出ましたか😳 よかった……。誰かの心に寄り添えるような創作表現ができたらいいなと常々思っている手前、こんなに嬉しいご報告はありません……!
      ちなみに私も神乃木さんのシナリオめちゃくちゃ刺さった人間なので、そのお気持ちよくわかります……彼のために泣いてくださるRKL KKJさんに動画を観ていただけて、私はつくづく果報者です😭

  • @DexCheck11
    @DexCheck11 9 днів тому +1

    This might just be my most watched video on youtube. This is my go to for studying and it really helped me out during my finals a bit ago. Just wanted to share my appreciation and keep up the good work!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  6 днів тому

      You're welcome! I am honored that you have chosen my arrangement as your exam study partner. I hope you get good grades😉
      Yes, I will continue to do creative activities that will help you. Thank you so much for your encouraging messages!

  • @nZero1000
    @nZero1000 Місяць тому +2


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      原作の音楽、どれも情緒たっぷりできれいですよね😊 その美しさが損なわれないようなアレンジを目指して頑張ったので、「上手」とお褒めいただけて本当に励まされました🫶

  • @mr.bat10n63
    @mr.bat10n63 Місяць тому +2


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      その一言が明日を生きる最高のエネルギーになります😊 観てくださって本当にありがとうございます!!

  • @stylishgaby
    @stylishgaby 22 дні тому +1

    This made me really happy

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  21 день тому +1

      And those kind words make me happy and become the driving force to create my next work. Thanks!

  • @phantomjaden
    @phantomjaden Місяць тому +1

    This is amazing! It's definitely one of my favorite Ace Attorney mashups that I've listened to. I especially love how you included pieces of other character themes as sub-melodies. I also really love the art, it's super stylish and adorable.
    Keep up the good work!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
      Ace Attorney is full of attractive characters, so I tried to color the song with sub-melodies to convey as much of their good points as possible. However, mashups depend on the compatibility between the songs, and some parts were technically difficult to arrange😱 Still, it was worth the effort to create it (because Jaden-san appreciated it!)
      Also, I am honored to receive compliments not only for my music but also for my illustrations. Thank you for your wonderful comments, I have become energized. Yes, I will continue to do my best💪 Please continue to support us if you like!

  • @marioandluigi89
    @marioandluigi89 13 днів тому +1

    wow, this is great, the artwork changing with the addition of new characters, it's awesome!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  12 днів тому +1

      Thank you! In accordance with the original work, I tried to create a structure that allows you to feel the growth of the characters.
      The fact that you noticed the small changes means that you watched this video carefully. I'm really happy!

    • @marioandluigi89
      @marioandluigi89 12 днів тому

      @@aulafons3355 yeah, all the little changes were nice. just one small thing i noticed is that when Apollo changed to his bandaged look from AA5, his hands aren't bandaged when they're meant to be, its a minor thing and not that big an issue since everything else was so well done, again, good stuff!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  11 днів тому +1

      When I checked with my family, who was in charge of the artwork, she lamented, “Ah, it's true... I made a mistake😲”.
      Apparently, when she drew the fan art 10 years ago, she didn't forget about the bandages on his hands.
      Although she loved Apollo and had drawn many pictures of him at the time, she said it was very frustrating that she didn't notice it until you pointed it out (also said that it was sad that she had forgotten the details as time passed).
      However, thanks to you, we were able to recognize our mistake, so we glad you for letting us know😊 Once again, we sincerely thank you for enjoying this video!

  • @celste9256
    @celste9256 7 днів тому

    absolutely beautiful arrangement!! the flow between songs is so clean and the art of characters changing over games was amazing. i'm in love with this, this must have taken so much time and effort, but everything was incredibly done

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  5 днів тому +1

      I am very happy to receive such an honorable evaluation!
      I tried to make the connections between the songs as smooth as possible. I wanted the artwork to be structured so that you could feel the history of the original work, so I incorporated the idea of ​​depicting the growth of the characters.
      Also, keeping in mind that each work and each character has fans, I poured equal passion into all the songs. As a result, the production period this time was about 4 months, which was a long process, and it was a lot of painstaking work, but I'm glad that we were able to come up with a finished product that I was satisfied with.
      And I'm so proud that celste-san watched this video! Thank you😉

    • @celste9256
      @celste9256 5 днів тому +1

      your passion very clearly shows!! four months dedicated to a project is very impressive, it makes me so happy when people dedicate themselves so whole-heartedly to their interests. the thoughtfulness in choosing sub melodies and creating changing art for the characters' growth tells such a beautiful story in music. i've listened to it multiple times over now, and every time i still feel just as emotionally moved and impressed as the last ❤️

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  3 дні тому +1

      Your message is filled with pure love for Ace Attorney. At the same time, I feel a sense of respect and support for our work. There aren't many people who speak to me with such sincerity and words that illuminate my heart. I also feel happy when I meet someone like you who conveys their feelings for someone with all their heart, and it gives me courage to try harder.
      Thank you for listening to this arrangement again and again! I hope to repay this kindness through my future activities🤟

  • @GamingSpex
    @GamingSpex Місяць тому +2

    This is absolutely incredible! The way the art evolved as the music transitioned was done so incredibly well!
    And you even included Ryutaro's objection! That's my favorite in the series!!!
    Please tell me there's somewhere that you uploaded the full art piece.

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      Thank you very much for your nice comment!
      Ace Attorney is a game with a long history, so I worked with fans of the original to create a structure that would allow them to immerse themselves in the memories of when they played the various titles, and I also created illustrations to go with it.
      Ryutaro's objection scene is the best! I also like it, so it was decided from the beginning that I would incorporate it into the arrangement😉
      The illustrations are currently only available in videos on UA-cam. If I decide to upload it somewhere in the future, I will let you know in the description and profile!✨

  • @ネリケシキング
    @ネリケシキング Місяць тому +1


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      そうなんです😉 今回は特に盛り上がるシーンで使用されている曲をチョイスしたんですが、プレイしてみると他にも印象的なBGMがたくさんありますよ~!(逆転裁判の音楽は物語やキャラの掛け合いとマッチしていて、相乗効果で心に残るのです😌) もし興味が湧きましたら、ネリさんもぜひ触れてみてくださいね🍀

  • @KruskaChel
    @KruskaChel 24 дні тому +2

    Teacher:So, who broke the window?
    * The whole class is silent*
    Teacher:If no one confesses, then everyone pays for the damage to property at school.
    You: * Get up*
    *Starts playing this: 00:31 *

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  22 дні тому +3

      Если бы учитель был тем, кто разбил окно, это было бы очень интересное развитие событий!🤣

  • @dmitrytikhonov2222
    @dmitrytikhonov2222 Місяць тому +1

    This just sounds so good... Really like your work here

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +2

      Thank you! I have never studied under anyone and have been self-taught in creating, so when I see the work of other creators, I sometimes feel anxious when I compare it to them and wonder, "Is this good enough for me?" But every time I receive a warm comment like Dmitry Tikhonov-san's, a flame of courage stays in my heart, telling me, "Let's keep walking on this path." I will continue to do my best. Once again, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • @マッスー-z6b
    @マッスー-z6b 22 дні тому +1


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  21 день тому

      とはいえ、現時点でも想定の数倍以上反響をいただいております! たくさんの原作ファンの皆様へこの動画をお届けすることができて私は幸せです……!

  • @turamv2652
    @turamv2652 22 дні тому +1


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  21 день тому

      It was a lot of work, but I'm really glad I didn't cut corners and did my best. Because you rate it that way!

  • @SmashToons
    @SmashToons Місяць тому

    This was wonderful! I loved seeing the art change alongside the music!
    And I was really happy to see Espella from Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney appear in the artwork. That's one of my favorite games in the series, behind Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1 & 2. Thank you for remembering it!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      I'm happy! I made this video with the sole intention of allowing fans of the original work to enjoy looking back on the history of Ace Attorney, and I'm very grateful that I received a number of positive comments about the structure, including from SmashToons-san. I'm really glad that I had the courage to give form to my idea.
      I also loved Dai Gyakuten Saiban and Layton VS Ace Attorney, so I had them appear in Espella as well. Thank you for paying attention to even the smallest details!

  • @batalayar
    @batalayar Місяць тому +1

    What a gift! Cant describe how cool this sounds!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      This is a small present to you for finding this video among so many😁 I would be happy if you liked it!
      This time I used a lot of instruments that are used in orchestras, so if I had arranged it in a normal way, I think it would have come out very orthodox. But somehow I felt like that wasn't enough, so I tried to create a musical style that combines multiple genres. I'm very happy to hear the word "cool" from batalayar-san😊

  • @Duepanda
    @Duepanda 26 днів тому +2

    A fantastic video and a beautiful music arrangement (really), but I'm kinda sad that you didn't include Fullbright and Lang in this art (番轟三 と 狼士龍 in case you're not familiar with localized names) I feel they deserve a spot here.

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  25 днів тому +1

      Thank you for rating this video highly! Regarding those two people, I was considering whether to have them appear. This is because both characters are deeply involved in the main scenario. Like you, I recognized that they deserved a spotlight.
      Despite this, I would like to explain why I did not include them in the end.
      First of all, Lang is very considerate of his subordinates and has a great tolerance for those he considers to be his teammates. On the other hand, he was a proud loner.
      There's nothing weird about him being in the video, but this time I respected his cool loner side.
      And Fullbright was a person who lost sight of his true self and kept turning a blind eye to the truth that he was nothing.
      In order for him to be able to be here, having deeply hurt Athena Cykes' heart, he must accept the truth of his greatest fear and become "someone." I made that decision, which is why I decided not to have him appear this time.
      That's all for the explanation. But whatever the reason, the fact remains that this video is a little disappointing for their fans. I am very sorry about that. And even so, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Duepanda-san for praising the content of the video😄

  • @themegajor
    @themegajor 12 днів тому

    Love it!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  11 днів тому +1

      It makes me feel so refreshed when you say that straight to me! Thank you😉

  • @Sodoy
    @Sodoy 13 днів тому +2

    Это круто! Прекрасно!
    🎆I like it! 🎆

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  12 днів тому

      Я так счастлив! Как человек, который также любит серию Ace Attorney, я хотел бы поблагодарить вас за удачу, что вы смогли показать вам это видео.
      I was moved by your words. Thank you!

  • @mimiquoi7380
    @mimiquoi7380 Місяць тому +1

    C'est magnifique à écouter !

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      Merci! C'est la première fois que je reçois un commentaire en français. Cela m'a fait réaliser que même les fans de l'œuvre originale qui vivent loin regardent cette vidéo. Je suis très heureux.

  • @butterspike680
    @butterspike680 Місяць тому +3

    The fact that this has just 1k views is criminal

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      My channel seems to be relatively unknown according to UA-cam's algorithm, so it's hard to see it as a recommended video, and the number of views doesn't seem to increase very much😅 However, it was a great achievement to have received 1k views in less than a week after the video was released! I am very happy to receive so many high ratings and comments. Kind-hearted people like you support my activities😊

  • @necrago
    @necrago 12 днів тому +1

    You already heard the praise you deserve for the songs and art, but could you please split and loop each song in this medley as separate songs/videos?
    ...Well, that and make more awesome songs, of course! :]

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  11 днів тому +1

      I see, you requested that you want to listen to each song individually. This is a very appreciated request! However, since the arrangement is suitable for the medley format this time, I don't think the loop playback will work if you simply divide it. For example, when transitioning from song A to song B, I worked on the melody and chord movements to ensure a smooth transition. Therefore, if you play song A again after song A ends, it will feel strange.
      When it comes to solving this problem, I feel that if we are going to do it anyway, it would be better to create an optimized arrangement for each song. But since there are so many songs, it is expected to be very time consuming to do it all😵 I don't know how to do it in detail, but I heard that youtube has a function to loop chapters, so it might be a good idea to use that for the time being. Apart from that, thank you so much for your support of our new work!

    • @necrago
      @necrago 11 днів тому +2

      @aulafons3355 Oh well, thank you for the detailed response.

  • @Chirubuni
    @Chirubuni Місяць тому +2

    I'm wondering, what happened to objection 2002? Also good work!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +2

      I'm sure there are many other people who have had the same question as you, so it's difficult to explain the nuances in detail, but I'll answer.
      First of all, I personally believe that the 2001 version is the origin of Phoenix Wright's theme, and the 2002 and 2004 versions are derivatives of that (as the structure of both songs is based on the 2001 version). Therefore, when I first started production, I planned to only record the 2001 version. However, in later years, the official side began to treat the 2004 version as his own theme, so it was decided to incorporate the 2014 version into the "Dual Destinies" flow. By the way, it was decided that if all versions were arranged, his theme would occupy too much of the overall song.
      However, it must have been disappointing for fans who were looking forward to the 2002 version. I apologize for not being able to meet your expectations in this regard. And I can't thank Bucket-san enough for still saying, "good work"!

  • @Brods11
    @Brods11 28 днів тому +1

    It's.. beautiful, and awesome🥲😆

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  28 днів тому

      Thank you! If you like, please listen to it in the future whenever you feel like it😊 I would be happy if you could use this video as an opportunity to like each original work even more.

  • @akaakari109
    @akaakari109 Місяць тому +5


    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому +1

      よく見ておられる……! 公式で逆輸入されたキャラ(デザ)ということもあり、今回はレイ逆枠として彼女たちを抜擢しました✊ ちょっとした遊び心だったので誰にもつっこまれないかな?と思っていたのですが、気づいていただけて嬉しいです😆

  • @KubickQ
    @KubickQ Місяць тому

    Plenty of english-speaking fans, to answer the description. And we got legally playable investigations 2 recently!

    • @aulafons3355
      @aulafons3355  Місяць тому

      Oh, I'm so happy to know that there are so many people out there who love the same things!
      I see, Investigations 2 wasn't localized for a long time. I was lucky to be able to deliver this video to KubickQ-san just as Investigations Collection was released. Thank you so much for coming to listen😊