  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TraditionsByTheSeasons
    @TraditionsByTheSeasons  5 років тому +3

    Check out my new Amazon StoreFront where I share all my great finds! www.amazon.com/shop/traditionsbytheseasons

  • @juliagies2500
    @juliagies2500 4 роки тому +1

    I like hearing you express your various ideas as you show the items. It gets me to think creatively as well.

  • @karenhilburn4900
    @karenhilburn4900 6 років тому

    Happiness is bing watching Liz creating Spring decor 🐰🐥🍀

  • @prncfrk
    @prncfrk 6 років тому

    Your enthusiasm and joy, it’s so contagious and I love it😘

  • @cynthiasalim2031
    @cynthiasalim2031 5 років тому

    I love your Haul videos. You not only show us what you bought but you share some of your creative ideas on how you may use the items. That keeps my creative juices flowing. I love your elegant french country style.

  • @loriegolich3296
    @loriegolich3296 3 роки тому

    Liz You are ADORABLE!!! I love how you ideas keep coming. You’re a joy to watch and so entertaining.

  • @shesabeauty8027
    @shesabeauty8027 5 років тому

    Liz everything your little hands decorate is just breathtaking. I so love your style....Just gorgeous❤️!

  • @barbharding9559
    @barbharding9559 6 років тому

    You make me smile. Love your design ideas.

  • @Lorjarca
    @Lorjarca 6 років тому

    I am anticipating spring decor after watching this haul.

  • @kclark2155
    @kclark2155 6 років тому

    Can’t wait for all these adorable creative reveals.

  • @giovannifernandez1982
    @giovannifernandez1982 5 років тому +1

    Hi , Janie here I love all your decor I just might add French country to my farm house decor it’s rare that I like other farm house hauls/vids . I love the candle sticks. Keep it coming!

  • @paulahatcher150
    @paulahatcher150 6 років тому +1

    Yes I love farmhouse too but I agree.... I like more color and elegance! ❤️

  • @pami4482
    @pami4482 6 років тому

    Love, love, love the yellow, it brings a freshness to the room. Everything you bought is “super cute”!

  • @bridgetbunny3853
    @bridgetbunny3853 6 років тому

    ⭐️⭐️hi sweet Liz ⭐️⭐️luv all your new spring ideas. Keep being awesome you ⭐️⭐️

  • @juliesimeon5532
    @juliesimeon5532 6 років тому

    Liz, you are my absolute favorite 😊 love all your ideas.

  • @lizlawson1751
    @lizlawson1751 6 років тому

    Love your karate chopped pillows! Pops of yellow are great! Thanks Liz! ❤️

  • @brendadallas9006
    @brendadallas9006 6 років тому

    Hi Liz ! Yessssss . It was a super haul ! Love all !!!.Thank you so much !!!

  • @believe8042
    @believe8042 6 років тому

    You are very very talented... I have a knack for decorating as well and enjoy seeing your creations... thanks so much for sharing.... it’s truly truly helps people who may not know how to decorate and it adds joy and happiness😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @terileschner
    @terileschner 3 роки тому

    Thank you, I have been binge watching today since it is soooo cold outside. I love this one and your French country kitchen show so far

  • @rebeccagilman861
    @rebeccagilman861 6 років тому

    More, more, more please. Can’t wait to see the beautiful decor that’s coming!

  • @saundrabrogdon6015
    @saundrabrogdon6015 6 років тому

    I can’t wait to see all the new spring vignettes you’ve created around around your house! Love that you’re adding pops of yellow! You scored on all the pretty new things too! Love and hugs!

  • @farmgirlwithheart3817
    @farmgirlwithheart3817 6 років тому

    Loving all your ideas! I love adding yellows for spring, it's like bringing in the sun. Keep them coming!

  • @debbierosalis903
    @debbierosalis903 6 років тому

    I’m excited to see what it all looks like ! Love all of your ideas 😍

  • @lnwells28
    @lnwells28 6 років тому

    I’m in love with the yellow💛💛🌼🌼

  • @stephanietowart7642
    @stephanietowart7642 6 років тому

    Love it Liz! What great ideas for spring!

  • @dilysgirl8311
    @dilysgirl8311 6 років тому

    Liz thanks so much for the longer video. I was sitting up and taking notes throughout with all your fabulous easy to follow along tips. This was a Master Class in design. I really appreciate all that you do.

  • @brendasisk8017
    @brendasisk8017 6 років тому

    So looking forward to your Spring decorating! !

  • @shannon5662
    @shannon5662 6 років тому

    I am so excited to see what you come up with this spring. Love the upscale French country style as well. Bring on the ideas Liz!!!

  • @franhasbrouck7661
    @franhasbrouck7661 5 років тому

    You have so inspired me. I have picked up a few new items and have recreated some of what I have. Thanks Liz!

  • @Nikkigatorfan
    @Nikkigatorfan 6 років тому

    Great goodies... loving that basket and those pitchers/vases loving.

  • @lyndamartin9709
    @lyndamartin9709 5 років тому

    You have such an amazing decorating sense. 😘

  • @debra8202
    @debra8202 6 років тому

    loving it all!!!💗💕

  • @amyhowell4000
    @amyhowell4000 6 років тому

    I love your passion Liz. Loving all the goodies you got too. Big hugs xx

  • @yvonnewalls4238
    @yvonnewalls4238 6 років тому

    I really love what you’ve done on the wall behind you, looks great. Can’t wait to see what all you have done!🤗

  • @andrekemp7695
    @andrekemp7695 4 роки тому

    So many great ideas! 😀

  • @felicia2463
    @felicia2463 6 років тому

    I also love country French decorating. So excited to see your new designs!🥰

  • @jackieblandon78
    @jackieblandon78 6 років тому

    Love your haul sweetie!! The canisters and throw pillows were my favorite!! Thank you so much for sharing your decorating ideas with all of us! 😘

  • @bettycummings1736
    @bettycummings1736 6 років тому

    Hi Liz love the yellow! Always glad to see what you’re doing in your home! Can’t wait to see what you’ve done!❤️

  • @tennesseelady51
    @tennesseelady51 6 років тому

    You are just precious! I am a southern girl too and love your style. I can't wait to see how you pull all of this together and what I can incorporate into my home!

  • @dawnemerson6374
    @dawnemerson6374 4 роки тому

    Your decor ideas are awesome . I love all your videos

  • @janetteagostini-38
    @janetteagostini-38 6 років тому

    Hi Liz I am super super excited when you finally do the spring look reveal of your home I'm loving every single piece every single Greenery that you have chosen yellow is one of my favorite colors and I just love the pop of yellow and then home is just beautiful and fresh I'm with you with the elegant-looking spring look I just can imagine how everything is going to turn out..

  • @vickywalker526
    @vickywalker526 4 роки тому

    Liz, I just adore you! You are beautiful just as BEAUTIFUL on the inside add you are on the outside! You are so talented with your decorating, what a blessing!!!! Thank you so much for all of your tips, ideas, suggestions, your time, and your dedication to us viewers and your fans! I'm your #1 fan!!!!! You inspire me more than anyone and I will finish watching your videos and jump up to see what I can rearrange and how I can decorate with my items I've purchased. THANK YOU my friend!!!!!! I so appreciate you and your decorating style, tips, and ideas! P.S. DO NOT APOLOGIZE for using DONE and a wave of your hand....I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!! I think of it as an ending, a satisfaction of a plan that came together!!!! I hope you're feeling better! Hugs and Blessings to you! ❤Vicky

  • @karenhoose3135
    @karenhoose3135 6 років тому

    I have decorated for years in French Country and Tuscan. I have always thought I was crazy for blending them together. I am so glad to see someone else is on the same page as me! I love your channel and you are so real and charming.

  • @MariaFlores-ql1rg
    @MariaFlores-ql1rg 6 років тому

    Can't wait love your enthusiasm, it's infectious lol lol.

  • @idaliacosta7658
    @idaliacosta7658 6 років тому +1

    I am so excited for the decor

  • @sandygarcia7435
    @sandygarcia7435 6 років тому

    Love love love!! Tuscan!! So happy you are doing this style...thank you so much!! 💖💕💖continued blessings...🌻💐🌻

  • @rachelgurkin9880
    @rachelgurkin9880 5 років тому

    You're quickly becoming my favorite to watch! I'm into farmhouse... completely revamping everything... but you but into words exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm not doing a ton of the "cutesy" farmhouse stuff. I'm trying in a lot of antiques... like putting a bunch of rolling pins in a crock in my kitchen.... Amber bottles on shelves in the bathroom.

  • @CRebecca1944
    @CRebecca1944 6 років тому

    Can't wait to see what you have in store to show us 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

  • @Jake92574
    @Jake92574 6 років тому

    GREAT FINDS and I can't wait to see what you've been up to. Already love the look of the vignette behind you.

  • @saundramoragne3431
    @saundramoragne3431 6 років тому

    Love it!! So exciting, “The Train Derailed”...I’m on the caboose!!

  • @kathycarter1553
    @kathycarter1553 6 років тому

    Great haul Liz thanks for sharing.

  • @susanbraithwaite9779
    @susanbraithwaite9779 6 років тому

    So excite to see what you have in store for us..❤️

  • @kirstenforrest8467
    @kirstenforrest8467 5 років тому

    Hello Liz, Girl you are so fun to watch!! I’m a French Country Girl Too and my ideas be flowing to. Just LOVE ❤️ YOUR IDEAS!!

  • @ImperialRis
    @ImperialRis 5 років тому

    Love it all!

  • @conniecotten7597
    @conniecotten7597 6 років тому

    Great haul. Can't wait to see everything you've done and what you're going to do.

  • @lynnesews9725
    @lynnesews9725 6 років тому

    I’m feeling lucky to have found your channel. I am working in the home building industry and I buy and design the staging for the model home. I love your ideas and they are so inspirational to me when I go to start a new project. I am always trying to keep a small budget since these houses are just for show, so taking time to search for bargains takes a lot of time. I’m glad you tell us where you buy things, and how much you spent too. I don’t know how many tips I’ve picked up from you, but you have some great ideas, and you point out that it doesn’t have to break the bank to pull off a beautiful look. Big hugs to you for your talents you bring us.💕👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌞

    • @TraditionsByTheSeasons
      @TraditionsByTheSeasons  6 років тому

      Aww, thank you so much for the lovely comment. Really, it means a lot. ❤️ I am envious of your job...that would be my dream job! I know a lot of hard work and time goes into that kind of job, so big props to you. Thank you for your sweet words, I appreciate it. Xo 😘

  • @MsTerrie1014
    @MsTerrie1014 6 років тому +1

    great buys!! I love French country, that's what I have in my home - love it! Can't wait to see your new videos

  • @reginahelms329
    @reginahelms329 6 років тому +1

    I am so excited to see all your new decor!! So glad you are adding color and Tuscan as well. I personally can't do the farmhouse look, I tried, but I'm just not a rusty, chippy, no color girl. I went to Hobby Lobby and all they had was the lemon rolling pin, I'm going to check another store out. xxoo

  • @barbarajameson8829
    @barbarajameson8829 6 років тому

    Great haul Liz,love everything and your ideas!!Can’t wait to see your decor!!!❤️Barb

  • @kayhall9663
    @kayhall9663 6 років тому

    Can not wait to see your new creations,everything I have seen you put together is breathtaking you have so many amazing ideas..Your ideas on how to create a high end look is great I,m going to try it I love the shade of green in the canisters.Looking forward to all your up coming videos.

  • @donnalocke5713
    @donnalocke5713 6 років тому

    You got a lot of good sale items.love that flowers light yellow with little white flowers / greens looks real .love the garden balls. 💕💕💕

  • @lorifrazier2377
    @lorifrazier2377 6 років тому

    Love French Country....keep the videos coming 💕

  • @CountessofShopping
    @CountessofShopping 6 років тому

    Hi Liz! I was cracking up 😂🤣. I'm like, I know that Hobby Lobby! #smallworld Love what you create. I can't wait to see your DIY. Finally, I never thought to get garden balls! Sooooo cool! Thanks for all you do 😘♥️😘

  • @juliemender6170
    @juliemender6170 6 років тому

    Hi Liz! Ever since you showed the ladder above the dining room table, I've been hooked. I had a blast decorating it for fall and Christmas! Now I need some inspiration for spring. Love everything you do!

  • @bethlinscomb464
    @bethlinscomb464 6 років тому +1

    Yes!!! I am with you. Love the idea of French county
    New subscriber

  • @paulahatcher150
    @paulahatcher150 6 років тому

    BTW You are precious and gifted in decorating 😊

  • @ginamaria2579
    @ginamaria2579 6 років тому

    This was a really fun video 🤗👍🏻

  • @cruisingmimi9319
    @cruisingmimi9319 6 років тому

    European Country, albeit French, English or Italian is NEVER out of style...hello to those who think it outdated...those are the original farmhouses! So I applaud your choice to create a more classic look, as your house has a beautiful grandness as well. To me, a farmhouse is on a farm, but I shan’t judge because we are all somewhat eclectic. I love your enthusiasm and abilities and I love who can shop till she drops!

  • @lindakellum2181
    @lindakellum2181 6 років тому +1

    Liz, you have the excitement and energy of two people. I love watching you spark creativity in your videos. I’m loving the yellow theme. It’s such a fresh, fun, and happy color. It’s perfect for taking the gloom of Winter away. You are on a roll and I’m right behind you on this one. Thanks for your inspiration.

  • @anitakarl3209
    @anitakarl3209 6 років тому

    I love all the spring decor you are finding!! I am taking a Hobby Lobby & TJMaxx trip tomorrow for sure!! :)

  • @rhondakirkman670
    @rhondakirkman670 6 років тому

    I told some friends over Christmas I was going french country. You're know great minds think alike. Enjoy your finds and ideas. Keep it coming.

  • @TheFeatheredCottageWithDee
    @TheFeatheredCottageWithDee 6 років тому

    Can’t wait to see what you will be doing with all the beautiful items you purchased! Love using yellow as well. ❤️

  • @lyndatidman3868
    @lyndatidman3868 6 років тому

    love the haul cant wait to see what you have done n your beautiful home thanks for sharing

  • @ameliadeandrade4549
    @ameliadeandrade4549 6 років тому

    I love .all ideas decor. 😚😚

  • @allioakley3372
    @allioakley3372 6 років тому

    Blessings sweetie! Love watching you! Super ideas 😄

  • @gal2202
    @gal2202 6 років тому

    Such beautiful things! I can't wait to see them in action! And, I like the idea of showing us a little at a time. I look so forward to what I will see next. I know it will be lovely because you have a wonderful sense of style. I also love pops of yellow. And those pillows are SO pretty!

  • @frettiaolmos8216
    @frettiaolmos8216 6 років тому

    Love all your ideals. My house is decorated tuscan style and I want new ideals to up my decor. Liz you are the greatest person. Cannot wait to see your spring decor. 🌸

  • @lucysawenko4582
    @lucysawenko4582 6 років тому

    Hi Liz, So excited about your French Country Theme and all the vignettes. Can't wait to see what you create. Love,Love the candlesticks never have enough. All so unique. The pillow goes perfect on that chair. Looking forward to seeing your Sunroom! Always enjoy your videos they always make me smile. Love you to bits as Arlynn would say thank you so much

  • @kraftingseasons9937
    @kraftingseasons9937 6 років тому

    Yay Liz yes elegant can't wait to see 😍

  • @wipneus12345
    @wipneus12345 6 років тому

    So inspiring, thanks Liz 💖

  • @dominguezmid
    @dominguezmid 6 років тому

    Love it!!! Can’t wait.

  • @sandylavigne7200
    @sandylavigne7200 6 років тому

    Happy New Year Liz! I am so excited and anxious to see your spring decor! I'm still hanging onto my Christmas and enjoying the last few days. I plan on taking it down starting Saturday. Watching all your spring finds is conjuring up some excitement about digging out all my spring stuff. I to went quite cottage garden/ woodsy/ nature inspired last year and I can't wait to add to that. Looking forward to seeing your vingettes! See ya, 😙 Sandy.

  • @jacquelinegreenberg7495
    @jacquelinegreenberg7495 6 років тому

    I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

  • @benjaminfrazier1025
    @benjaminfrazier1025 6 років тому

    OMG you got some really cute things, I'm definitely going to be heading to Hobby Lobby, thanks for sharing this

  • @lizmartinez8070
    @lizmartinez8070 6 років тому

    Awesome Haul 👏👏👏

  • @soblessed6438
    @soblessed6438 6 років тому

    Happy New Year Liz! You found some beautiful items and at great prices. Hobby Lobby and Home Goods are such great places to shop. I also like Kirlands. Can't wait to see how you incorporate everything in your deco. I really like how you put the yellow flowers in the rustic pitcher by that basket. I'm really happy that I came across your channel. Girl you have a beautiful smile. Take care and God bless!

  • @valmac3887
    @valmac3887 6 років тому

    Beyond happy to hear that you'll be incorporating some of your Tuscan pieces. Your blog in the Tuscan style still inspires me. That look to me is so timeless and has a elegance to it. Farmhouse is great but so trendy.....Craving all things color. Happy New Year!!!!

  • @ginajohnson7485
    @ginajohnson7485 6 років тому

    Hi pretty girl!! I love LOVE French Country!! Elegant and homey!! Can’t wait to get some ideas from you!! You are one TALENTED Lady!!!

  • @HrtNurseLaLa
    @HrtNurseLaLa 6 років тому

    Hey Liz...Karen Long here I love love the idea of more stylish French Country...I totally agree and am so excited for each video and your ideas.....you are a ray of sunshine for me and you r a blessing...thanks again girl❤️☺️

  • @judydamelio9756
    @judydamelio9756 6 років тому

    We just bought new farmhouse dining set. You inspire me to get decorating. Off to shopping tomorrow. Thanks for some great ideas

  • @stardustgirl2904
    @stardustgirl2904 6 років тому

    💜Love you're channel Liz! When I think of COUNTRY French I love Lavender, too!😇

  • @vivienspellman8756
    @vivienspellman8756 6 років тому

    So beautiful!!!! You are soooo talented , I've got the bug now!!!!

  • @sassysouthern9197
    @sassysouthern9197 6 років тому

    Yay!! French Country is my style.. I have to have color too.. Cant wait to see what you do 💕💕

  • @AJHR77
    @AJHR77 6 років тому

    Enjoyed your haul,you ard amazing! Better to start in decorating for Spring now. I needed some ideas for the top of my kitchen cabinets. Keep vlogging!!

  • @diannem5775
    @diannem5775 6 років тому

    Squeeze the Day! love love it! That pillow screams Liz! I love your haul....excited to see it all put together....xo....Dianne

  • @sherryvoorhees3416
    @sherryvoorhees3416 6 років тому

    Bring on Tuscan! Yay!

  • @nancyfenton7463
    @nancyfenton7463 6 років тому

    thank you Liz for these ideas!! My kitchen is blue ( toile valences) that in fall/winter I accent with red, and spring/summer I accent with yellow....so your ideas were so helpful for me!! Finishing up a little construction remodeling around here so I'm excited to start. Wish you could stop by and help.....but youtube is the next best thing. I appreciate all you do! Nancy

  • @darlene8234
    @darlene8234 6 років тому +1

    Liz! You need to have some MERCH made with SUPER CUTE!! written on it! lol OR Love Love love it!

    • @TraditionsByTheSeasons
      @TraditionsByTheSeasons  6 років тому

      Haha - wouldn’t that be funny? Come see my new “merch” - it’s super cute! Lol! 😂
      Thx for stopping by friend! Xoxo 😘 ❤️

    • @darlene8234
      @darlene8234 6 років тому

      @@TraditionsByTheSeasons lol love love love it! Love you too! Because you share all your creative ideas with us, I had my house decked out for the holidays, to the point my family was saying it looked like a Hallmark store! Thanks so much for being my inspiration!

  • @saradempsay6523
    @saradempsay6523 5 років тому

    I love ur ideas

  • @mehrit1648
    @mehrit1648 6 років тому

    Hi dear I loved all hull and enjoyed video thanks for sharing