it's more fun to learn new things than just keep doing the same thing over and over again, it's the journey to getting good at something that's fun. except if you're one of those people that seems to never gets bored.
@@goodoc8248 I have to say I really enjoyed the day the people were great and extremely helpful ( standing at distance ) I'm definatly trying it again.
Because sports evolve. All those accessories are just aids, they don't necessarily make anyone automatically better shooters ,especially if they don't know how to use them. It all still comes down to the archer's skill.
@@hambone950 Compounds are a different category in archery tournaments outside of the Olympics. Asking archers to use barebow recurve is like asking sprinters to run barefoot... on grass, without starting blocks!
Recently started shooting again and it amazes me how many videos give you advice on using sites. I am so glad I was raised on barebow, it's the most authentic and fun to shoot.
I did not know about putting the arrow further up the string, I've learned to shoot the bow on my own, with no instructor, so this will definitely improve my aiming, thank you!
Ive always shot a compound hunting bow with a release, 4 pin sights, etc but I have just started messing with bare bow for fun and it has very quickly made me a much better archer
It's a less effective form of archery and is often used as an excuse for people who don't want to pay real attention to shoot better. I respect all good bare bow shooters, sadly most bare bow shooters around me aren't any good.
Well, instead of using a sight they count stiches down in the tab. Is harder due the lack of clicker and more visually appealing due the lack of stabilizers but they are just trading the way the aim
Do all the barebow field shooters shoot 3 under stringwalking? It seems pretty common, and I'd like to learn it, but I shoot split finger exclusively, i think the 3 under just feels so wrong. Am i SOL then?
Yes, they pretty much all shoot 3 under stringwalking to accurately hit the different distances in field archery. Give it a try, it might me weird at first but it is the most accurate way to shoot a barebow and it isn't too hard either! If you don't like it at all after trying it out, you could also try facewalking - it isn't as precise as stringwalking, but it might be more comfortable for you. Good luck :)
Im the national barebow champion from Mexico, l had shot everything and l can tell you that feels very weird to do stringwalking with a tab, this is because the tab is designed for static anchor under the face (the olympic technique). But if you use a glove instead, it feels very natural. There is an eternal debate about tab vs glove but for barebow in particular l recomend glove and a bow that is between 34 lbs and 38 lbs so you can aim carefuly, after all the max target distance is 30m so you need more accuracy than power. When you anchor with glove on your face, your anchor is less stable than the lower anchor used in olympic archery this is an advantage because your release is more sensitive so you can get a more precise shot if you learn to master that release. if you train to combine stringwalking with a good anchor (with glove), you will get incredible accuracy.
Wait what? I have been shooting barebow for a few months now. Where I live, barebow competition max range is 50 meters. Also I have been shooting a tab (full leather one, not olympic style tab) and it works 100 % fine, better than a glove even I'd say. For string walking anyway, so you can count down distances. To each their own ofc, but I would not hate the tab this much, I'd even say it is wildly preffered in the world of barebow archery.
I'm more of a compound bow shooter that recurve, but I do have a Ragim Matrix 62" take down recurve bow that I bought back in July of 2016. I took the sight off today and shot it from about 10 yards. Kinda scary because I'm used to using sights on my compounds and real close to where I want. Today I never missed the Yellow Jacket target, but was all over the place. I sure liked the light weight of the Ragim. It's rated 30# at 28". Now, I'm watching UA-cam videos to maybe pick up some pointers. Like just now, I've never heard of "string walking" and didn't now about needing to hold the string farther down from the arrow as distance to the target increases.
Does anyone know how Medieval archers aimed the bow? I was wondering, because they may have done "face walking" or something else instead of string walking.
Essentially, a purist competition. Two years ago, I started to watch competition. I’ve been shooting my recurve now since like 10 years. I only do it for sport, it’s really fun.
Gloves are allowed, but I get a much cleaner release with a tab. I also use my tab to measure the crawls for under my point on distance (3 under, middle finger anchor, I get 55 yd point on)
If you are going to string walk, you need to shoot with tab that has some markings down the length of the tab. You won't be able to do that with a glove. Gloves are usually used more by 'gap' and instinctive shooters. In competitive barebow circuits, you'll pretty much see everyone is using a 3 under tab with string walking.
4 роки тому+1
Yes, it's allowed. But only if you sew together the top fingers. (Or somehow stick them together) A glove is not allowed on competition for 3-under or string walking if your able to also shoot split finger with it.
So can I just remove the accesories from my olympic recurve and start shooting it as a barebow or do I need another bow specific to the barebow shooting?
basically yes. you may have to tune your bow differently, as your anchor won't be a three finger split one, but three fingers under. if you just want to try it, leave your stabilizers and sight off your bow, change your anchor and use the point as indicator
Some Risers are more fit for barebow shooting and the tiller will be different. So yeah, you can do it but it will not be optimal and it will need a few settings you'll have to do everytime you switch.
I shoot barebow with what is more of an Olympic riser than barebow. It is really "twitchy" though. The lighter Oylmpic risers are less stable in your bow hand. Shooting a SF forged+, and it requires perfect bow hand position, or it'll feel like it's spinning in my hand. But, I shot it barebow for state indoor championships.
I started on a barebow, 20+ years ago, since tried longbow and compound (sometimes in the same evening!), but still barebow today. The thought of all the extra bits that come loose / need adjusting - not for me. Going to look at string walking now - heard the term, but not really considered the approach till today. Thanks for the video.
Yeah it's a great technique. Similar to setting your "zero" on a rifle, and then you can adjust your finger placement for range (like adjusting the scope for elevation), while holding the same sight picture (usually a 6 o'clock is best). It gives you the most consistency shot-to-shot.. but.. you need to get good at estimating range if you're out in the field or on a 3D course.
Oh and anyone here who hasn't taken up any kind of "barebow" type archey... get yourself a recurve with no attachments and start to shoot with that. It is spiritual.
i am right handed and my dominent eye is right..i shoot while aiming from which side of string shuold i have to look...right side of string or left side of string to aim
Most barebow archers (including me) align the string with the side of their riser (I align on the inside edge of my riser) for consistency. You can also align the string with the center of your pupil, but you will blur out your target center if you do. I've tried all that.
I have a recurve bow, but I don’t have any stabilisers or sight for it, dose that make it a bare bow(I do have a plastic thing for the arrow to rest on tho)
I just buyed my first bow,don't know whether recurve or barebow. Before to start shooting I am watching as much videos as I can to learn the basics. I noticed for example that the archers don't hold the risers firmly as a normal handle, but with the hand lightly bent. I wonder why they do so
I think she has the explanation of string walking is back to front she says the "closer" to the target, the further "down the string" you go away from the nock, and the "further" away the target the "closer" to the nock, up the string you go with your tab, surely not the way I learned to do it. Correct me if I'm wrong !!!!
😮 I'm learn from my local archery range and the compound bow I'm shooting doesnt have any sights, so I was having problems with the aim. I'll have to try this my next shooting session
I appreciate the difficulty of tuning and shooting barebow as well as the lack of long stabilzers and v-bars that are on Olympic style bows ,but you state that there are no sights . I just see that the sight is in the string and marked tab. As you walk the string you shoot point on at all distances so the tip of the arrow is the sight. Just my thoughts though.
Yep. The tip of the arrow is your sight. You got it. String walking makes sure that arrow tip stays the same on the target at all distances. However, you have to also memorize your crawls for your current bow tuning at all those distances, and if you change your bow setup, your crawls will all change with it!
Do you mean 25# draw weight? No probably not unless you are indoors and even then most folks are pulling 32-39# draw weights indoors. 25# is pretty light. Outdoors you'll want more like a 36-55# draw weight with the average being about 44-46# (if you want to go to 70m), but for 50m more like 38-42# would do just fine, and outdoor type arrows (skinny ones).
your bow is tuned wrong then.....what is your actual draw weight? at 25 lb. you should use nothing more than 6 grains per pound of actual pull/draw weight with a maximum weight of no more than 240 grains @28 inches arrow length maximum FOC will produce better ranges for you as well, as the tip pulls the arrow instead of having it pushed by the heavier weight of the shaft, leave maximum length to arrow for best flight abilities and stabilization a well tuned bow can shoot 60 yards with just a 25 pound draw accurately....not a hunting setup but will work fine for target shooting
I know you were hoping the lovely Jessica would answer but this is a world archery video that featured Jessica. So in answer to your question a Gillo barebow riser & the limbs are win&win couldn't tell you the exact models though.
Axel scuka was correct. That is the Spigarelli Barebow riser. I know, because I also shoot one. And they are fantastic. I also own a Gillo G2 25", also great. You can't go wrong in barebow with a Spig, or a Gillo or even the CD WFX risers. The are also many other really good Euro risers, but I have no experience with those so I cannot say.
I do the totally oppersite to what you do I just look at the target & let loose the arrow and hit middle of the target. Or adjust for wind when I need to I never walk the string or add weights it's a true barebow , only been doing archery for couple of months.
What's the problem if I use no sights, my bare fingers to draw the arrow back but use a compound bow, that's pretty bare. If you can be consistent with a setup like that, then you're an impressive archer.
Soccer Unbox TV You sure are right, pistols and others are really hard to use, but I think bows just take more dedication and skill. It still takes talent and effort to shoot a pistol, though!
Ive been started out shooting barebow last august and I would try using sight and I found im horrible with sight than I am without it. I perfer barebow mainly
Why do you choose to hold the string so low? I feel much more comfortable with one finger over and two fingers under. I shoot a recurve and why I enjoy it is the "instinct" style of shooting. Lining up the arrow like a sight seems to take the fun out of it. But I'm not a competition shooter, just hunting for me. This is my goal, but with a recurve
i would say hand crafted traditional wooden/bamboo barebow are very good for such competition, but feel odd for modern metal barebow to shoot without accessories.
ok, just curious. if you always shoot the same target at the same distance...why do you need to use sights? do you seriously not have that aiming thing down after a few thousand arrows 😂
Thats what I'm not understanding. If you shoot a bow enough, by instinct you will be surgically accurate. I'm not nearly this good but I'm not a competition shooter either. If you put in the work day in and day out year round, seems like you could hit at 50m by feel alone.
NFAS didn't allow string or facewalking last time I looked. It all seems a bit anal retentive to me, being a dyed in the wool instinctive self-bow shooter. I don't even like to think about putting a number to the distance. Last time I shot a modern bow, I washed my hands right after handing it back to its owner.
How is the bow she is using not a recurve? I can only assume that she is referring to a very particular kind of recurve used exclusivity in the competition world. The kind with stabilizers and special releases etc. But that is generally referred to as Olympic Recurve, not simply recurve. She makes it sound like a traditional recurve isn't barebow. WTF? Sport specific definitions are terrible. She is using an arrow rest and weights "within limits". No traditional archer would consider that barebow. Is she shooting off her hand/knuckle?
First, btw, most Field tourney's for barebow are at 50m max. Olympic target archery is the 70m range, and uses the sights and stabilizers. I'll assume you can already shoot at some distance less than 70m. Start at 10 yards, or 9~ meters, learn to nail your form until you can tune your bow and put arrows in the 10 ring every time. Then, tune your bow so that you have a point on shot at 70m. You will need 40+ pound limbs at 70m to do it well, and skinny, light arrows with lighter point weights and SpinWing type vanes on them. Go to World Archery channel and watch the Olympic shoots, or the barebow shoots, either. Don't just watch them hit the targets, pause the video and stare at their equipment and their shooting form whenever you can. You will learn things from that. If you can shoot well at 18m, it's the same form at 70m or any other distance, with the difference being bow tune (you have to tune your bow and your arrows for different distances and shooting situations) and for outdoors, wind, humidity, and temperature which can all affect performance of the shot.
I'm getting more and more frustrated with World Archery. I started with a Samick Sage Galaxy recurve bow. No attachments or anything. I shoot off the shelf with nothing but a little fabric pad to protect the wood of the shelf. Now I'm finding out that World Archery calls barebow a recurve that still has all these trinkets. Nah, that's dumb. The way I shoot my recurve with just a glove and nothing else? THAT is barebow. I don't get why WA add things that clearly don't belong.
I shoot recurve and recently tried bare bow, I hit everything except the target, and I absolutely loved it.
In my case, I'm a compound shooter that went barebow. 😂😂
Not as easy as I thought it would be Chris...i hope you faired better than me
it's more fun to learn new things than just keep doing the same thing over and over again, it's the journey to getting good at something that's fun. except if you're one of those people that seems to never gets bored.
@@goodoc8248 I have to say I really enjoyed the day the people were great and extremely helpful ( standing at distance ) I'm definatly trying it again.
Me too. It’s great fun
Well... I was 50 years old. When I discovered, that after 4 lessons. I'm a natural and Instinctive barebow Archer... 😅 Never too old to learn!
Maybe it's time to return to the beginning and relearn the basics with this form of Archery.
Good video... pleasant manner of the Archer.
I never understood why barebow archery isn't in the Olympics? This is what Olympic archery should be!
Because sports evolve. All those accessories are just aids, they don't necessarily make anyone automatically better shooters ,especially if they don't know how to use them. It all still comes down to the archer's skill.
Clement Josos
If Olympic archery evolved, they would be shooting compounds holding the same argument.
Amen to that brother!
@@clementj Compounds are a huge handicap. I can get robin hoods all day with them but now with a recurve. OLY needs to be bare bow shooting only.
@@hambone950 Compounds are a different category in archery tournaments outside of the Olympics. Asking archers to use barebow recurve is like asking sprinters to run barefoot... on grass, without starting blocks!
Recently started shooting again and it amazes me how many videos give you advice on using sites. I am so glad I was raised on barebow, it's the most authentic and fun to shoot.
Great video I really like the style and the way this is edited thanks to all who contributed to the production of this content.
I did not know about putting the arrow further up the string, I've learned to shoot the bow on my own, with no instructor, so this will definitely improve my aiming, thank you!
The arrow actually doesnt move. They move their hand up and down to adjust for range, then use the arrow's tip as a sight
I started with Olympic Recurve, right now adding a compound and also plan to get a barebow to complement the various techniques. Final goal is Kyudo.
Recently picked up my first bow. 60# short recurve, no sights, no weights, no arrow rest, just a glove, arrows, and two eyes open. I love it!
Ive always shot a compound hunting bow with a release, 4 pin sights, etc but I have just started messing with bare bow for fun and it has very quickly made me a much better archer
This was 8 years ago but thank you. This has helped tremendously
An archery video i can enjoy in every way.
Yes, bare bow is the very best part of archery!
You know it!
i like bare bow
Horse bow is the best
Zkmjs 5641 yes
It's a less effective form of archery and is often used as an excuse for people who don't want to pay real attention to shoot better. I respect all good bare bow shooters, sadly most bare bow shooters around me aren't any good.
Lovely presentation - interesting and informative thanks.
this is where its at . pure skill . well done .
Well, instead of using a sight they count stiches down in the tab. Is harder due the lack of clicker and more visually appealing due the lack of stabilizers but they are just trading the way the aim
Do all the barebow field shooters shoot 3 under stringwalking? It seems pretty common, and I'd like to learn it, but I shoot split finger exclusively, i think the 3 under just feels so wrong. Am i SOL then?
Yes, they pretty much all shoot 3 under stringwalking to accurately hit the different distances in field archery. Give it a try, it might me weird at first but it is the most accurate way to shoot a barebow and it isn't too hard either! If you don't like it at all after trying it out, you could also try facewalking - it isn't as precise as stringwalking, but it might be more comfortable for you. Good luck :)
Im the national barebow champion from Mexico, l had shot everything and l can tell you that feels very weird to do stringwalking with a tab, this is because the tab is designed for static anchor under the face (the olympic technique). But if you use a glove instead, it feels very natural. There is an eternal debate about tab vs glove but for barebow in particular l recomend glove and a bow that is between 34 lbs and 38 lbs so you can aim carefuly, after all the max target distance is 30m so you need more accuracy than power. When you anchor with glove on your face, your anchor is less stable than the lower anchor used in olympic archery this is an advantage because your release is more sensitive so you can get a more precise shot if you learn to master that release. if you train to combine stringwalking with a good anchor (with glove), you will get incredible accuracy.
I've been shooting 3 under since I started Barebow and could not do it any other way. The Swedes do 2 under, but it's just how comfortable you feel.
Wait what? I have been shooting barebow for a few months now. Where I live, barebow competition max range is 50 meters. Also I have been shooting a tab (full leather one, not olympic style tab) and it works 100 % fine, better than a glove even I'd say. For string walking anyway, so you can count down distances. To each their own ofc, but I would not hate the tab this much, I'd even say it is wildly preffered in the world of barebow archery.
It depends if is 3d or field archery, for field archery you can face longer shots acording to the world archery rulebook.
I'm more of a compound bow shooter that recurve, but I do have a Ragim Matrix 62" take down recurve bow that I bought back in July of 2016. I took the sight off today and shot it from about 10 yards. Kinda scary because I'm used to using sights on my compounds and real close to where I want. Today I never missed the Yellow Jacket target, but was all over the place. I sure liked the light weight of the Ragim. It's rated 30# at 28". Now, I'm watching UA-cam videos to maybe pick up some pointers. Like just now, I've never heard of "string walking" and didn't now about needing to hold the string farther down from the arrow as distance to the target increases.
I agree with everything she said, I have to because she has dimples!
Could someone use the gap shooting style in a barebow competition?
Well done Jessica, a great video
Jessica, good video...thanks
Oh my god how is nobody talking about her eye roll at the end of the video when she's mentioning compound bows?! Holy crap that was hilarious.
I came here to say this lol that was gold
2:38 longbow, recurve and... meh compund lol
Awesome keep up the good work I just got my first bow today I'm learning but sometimes I get frustrated
Does anyone know how Medieval archers aimed the bow? I was wondering, because they may have done "face walking" or something else instead of string walking.
Essentially, a purist competition. Two years ago, I started to watch competition. I’ve been shooting my recurve now since like 10 years. I only do it for sport, it’s really fun.
are gloves allowed in bare bow ? i get that tab is better but just curious
Gloves are allowed, but I get a much cleaner release with a tab. I also use my tab to measure the crawls for under my point on distance (3 under, middle finger anchor, I get 55 yd point on)
ok :) thanks for the reply i wasn't expecting one ^^ so this was a happy surprise.
If you are going to string walk, you need to shoot with tab that has some markings down the length of the tab. You won't be able to do that with a glove. Gloves are usually used more by 'gap' and instinctive shooters. In competitive barebow circuits, you'll pretty much see everyone is using a 3 under tab with string walking.
Yes, it's allowed. But only if you sew together the top fingers. (Or somehow stick them together) A glove is not allowed on competition for 3-under or string walking if your able to also shoot split finger with it.
I don't feel like I get as good of a release with anything on my fingers. I really hate using a tab, just feels awkward as hell for me.
Mad respect for barebow archery. GJ
Thanks for this video
So can I just remove the accesories from my olympic recurve and start shooting it as a barebow or do I need another bow specific to the barebow shooting?
basically yes.
you may have to tune your bow differently, as your anchor won't be a three finger split one, but three fingers under.
if you just want to try it, leave your stabilizers and sight off your bow, change your anchor and use the point as indicator
Some Risers are more fit for barebow shooting and the tiller will be different. So yeah, you can do it but it will not be optimal and it will need a few settings you'll have to do everytime you switch.
I shoot barebow with what is more of an Olympic riser than barebow. It is really "twitchy" though. The lighter Oylmpic risers are less stable in your bow hand. Shooting a SF forged+, and it requires perfect bow hand position, or it'll feel like it's spinning in my hand. But, I shot it barebow for state indoor championships.
Can "Gap shooting" method be used for Barebow competition?
Yes, either on its own or combined with string-walking.
I started on a barebow, 20+ years ago, since tried longbow and compound (sometimes in the same evening!), but still barebow today. The thought of all the extra bits that come loose / need adjusting - not for me. Going to look at string walking now - heard the term, but not really considered the approach till today. Thanks for the video.
Yeah it's a great technique. Similar to setting your "zero" on a rifle, and then you can adjust your finger placement for range (like adjusting the scope for elevation), while holding the same sight picture (usually a 6 o'clock is best). It gives you the most consistency shot-to-shot.. but.. you need to get good at estimating range if you're out in the field or on a 3D course.
great explanation.tempted to it a try.
Oh and anyone here who hasn't taken up any kind of "barebow" type archey... get yourself a recurve with no attachments and start to shoot with that. It is spiritual.
I am at step one of that. I have a second hand recurve. No arrows or anything else yet and it's even lefthanded, but I will make a go of it.
Thanks for sharing!😁
I have learned nothing.
Cuz ur bad lol
Joey the viking she was talking about stringwalking lmao wth
@kg062007 That's all I learned. Spent the whole video with a dopey grin on my face.
Awesome! Try Kyudo! It is bareboned barebow. :)
i am right handed and my dominent eye is right..i shoot while aiming from which side of string shuold i have to look...right side of string or left side of string to aim
Most barebow archers (including me) align the string with the side of their riser (I align on the inside edge of my riser) for consistency. You can also align the string with the center of your pupil, but you will blur out your target center if you do. I've tried all that.
can i shoot off the shelf without plunger for world archery barebow(indoor 18m) competition..?
Counting strings? Using the point to aim? How do ya think Lars Anderson does it?
😂 who cares..
@@stevehunt4660 people who care about hitting care about the methods
damn, this looks so much better than recurce or compound shooting
What if you don’t have stitches and you have aluminium for a finger tab?
Looks like so much fun.
I have a recurve bow, but I don’t have any stabilisers or sight for it, dose that make it a bare bow(I do have a plastic thing for the arrow to rest on tho)
Had to look her up for science
I just buyed my first bow,don't know whether recurve or barebow. Before to start shooting I am watching as much videos as I can to learn the basics. I noticed for example that the archers don't hold the risers firmly as a normal handle, but with the hand lightly bent. I wonder why they do so
When there will be subtitles available?
Your English is good enough, you don't need any subtitle.
These bows tiller positive or negative?
Barebow rocks! Unsighted archers rule!
with multi range shot, where the string alignment in barebow? my anchor is fix, index finger on my tips of mouth.
I think she has the explanation of string walking is back to front she says the "closer" to the target, the further "down the string" you go away from the nock, and the "further" away the target the "closer" to the nock, up the string you go with your tab, surely not the way I learned to do it. Correct me if I'm wrong !!!!
😮 I'm learn from my local archery range and the compound bow I'm shooting doesnt have any sights, so I was having problems with the aim. I'll have to try this my next shooting session
Compound without a sight is actually quite accurate. I have better aim with a 60lb compound vs my 60lb recurve. I prefer recurve though.
I appreciate the difficulty of tuning and shooting barebow as well as the lack of long stabilzers and v-bars that are on Olympic style bows ,but you state that there are no sights . I just see that the sight is in the string and marked tab. As you walk the string you shoot point on at all distances so the tip of the arrow is the sight. Just my thoughts though.
Yep. The tip of the arrow is your sight. You got it. String walking makes sure that arrow tip stays the same on the target at all distances. However, you have to also memorize your crawls for your current bow tuning at all those distances, and if you change your bow setup, your crawls will all change with it!
Does the bow have to be a certain weight, can’t do it on my 25lb bow on long distances.
Do you mean 25# draw weight? No probably not unless you are indoors and even then most folks are pulling 32-39# draw weights indoors. 25# is pretty light. Outdoors you'll want more like a 36-55# draw weight with the average being about 44-46# (if you want to go to 70m), but for 50m more like 38-42# would do just fine, and outdoor type arrows (skinny ones).
your bow is tuned wrong then.....what is your actual draw weight? at 25 lb. you should use nothing more than 6 grains per pound of actual pull/draw weight with a maximum weight of no more than 240 grains @28 inches arrow length
maximum FOC will produce better ranges for you as well, as the tip pulls the arrow instead of having it pushed by the heavier weight of the shaft, leave maximum length to arrow for best flight abilities and stabilization
a well tuned bow can shoot 60 yards with just a 25 pound draw accurately....not a hunting setup but will work fine for target shooting
whats her bow drawweight?
What bow do u use Jess ? X
I know you were hoping the lovely Jessica would answer but this is a world archery video that featured Jessica. So in answer to your question a Gillo barebow riser & the limbs are win&win couldn't tell you the exact models though.
It’s a spigarelli riser
Axel scuka was correct. That is the Spigarelli Barebow riser. I know, because I also shoot one. And they are fantastic. I also own a Gillo G2 25", also great. You can't go wrong in barebow with a Spig, or a Gillo or even the CD WFX risers. The are also many other really good Euro risers, but I have no experience with those so I cannot say.
Nice video.
My kind of archery!
I do the totally oppersite to what you do I just look at the target & let loose the arrow and hit middle of the target. Or adjust for wind when I need to I never walk the string or add weights it's a true barebow , only been doing archery for couple of months.
Archery 🏹 Rocks
Thank you...
What's the problem if I use no sights, my bare fingers to draw the arrow back but use a compound bow, that's pretty bare. If you can be consistent with a setup like that, then you're an impressive archer.
She is just adorable.
This is real Archery! Not using a compound bow with fancy accessories. This takes real skill!
Every bow takes skill. “Fancy accessories” would be a pistol. Any man can kill an animal with a gun
@@manaralameri1650 not as easy to aim as you think my dude
Soccer Unbox TV You sure are right, pistols and others are really hard to use, but I think bows just take more dedication and skill. It still takes talent and effort to shoot a pistol, though!
Ive been started out shooting barebow last august and I would try using sight and I found im horrible with sight than I am without it. I perfer barebow mainly
Why do you choose to hold the string so low? I feel much more comfortable with one finger over and two fingers under. I shoot a recurve and why I enjoy it is the "instinct" style of shooting. Lining up the arrow like a sight seems to take the fun out of it. But I'm not a competition shooter, just hunting for me.
This is my goal, but with a recurve
Love watching a talented archer that is hitting the target more often than not because they're that good and not because of their equipment.
Why did I have to buy a 60lbs recurve for my first bow? now everything hurts.
I started barebow and still at it. You can't get more natural than that.
Until now I difficult to use string walking so I put Mark on the string to make better shoot
i need some help please help me giveing me arrows if u can help me
What did she say ?
Bare bows competitions are the only ones I find interesting .
i would say hand crafted traditional wooden/bamboo barebow are very good for such competition, but feel odd for modern metal barebow to shoot without accessories.
What's more tricky with Longbow and other wooden bows is that you can't use Stringwalking with them ;)
I'm a beginner... I can't quiet get the lip pucker right
I don't think you will do it as well as her.
Well that's a rather interesting technique
10meters 13 Stiches down, 40meters under the Nock.
Index Finger Corner of the mouth. Same Tab. said that..
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Thank you..... at last an archer that is not American and actually knows what they are talking about.... THANK YOU!!!!
As long as an archer knows what they are talking about, who cares if they are American?
what brand/kind of bow is she using?
I bet nobody can beat Cupid in barebow.
ok, just curious. if you always shoot the same target at the same distance...why do you need to use sights? do you seriously not have that aiming thing down after a few thousand arrows 😂
Thats what I'm not understanding. If you shoot a bow enough, by instinct you will be surgically accurate. I'm not nearly this good but I'm not a competition shooter either. If you put in the work day in and day out year round, seems like you could hit at 50m by feel alone.
is this woody harrelson's daughter?
Never heard of stringwalking before. Ill have to ask my coach about that
You can also facewalk, but that does not give you a solid anchor point. Stringwalking is done in FITA 24 shoots, not sure if EFAA or NFAS allows it.
NFAS didn't allow string or facewalking last time I looked. It all seems a bit anal retentive to me, being a dyed in the wool instinctive self-bow shooter. I don't even like to think about putting a number to the distance.
Last time I shot a modern bow, I washed my hands right after handing it back to its owner.
I belive barbow archers (myself included) can be just ass good as recurve archers
I never shoot with any sights or stabilizers. Just a bare self-bow or recurve.
Like you would ever
Oh, ofc...string walking. Nothing here for me.
How is the bow she is using not a recurve? I can only assume that she is referring to a very particular kind of recurve used exclusivity in the competition world. The kind with stabilizers and special releases etc. But that is generally referred to as Olympic Recurve, not simply recurve. She makes it sound like a traditional recurve isn't barebow. WTF? Sport specific definitions are terrible. She is using an arrow rest and weights "within limits". No traditional archer would consider that barebow. Is she shooting off her hand/knuckle?
I luv you!
Can someone teach me how to aim barebow at 70m? Pleasee
First, btw, most Field tourney's for barebow are at 50m max. Olympic target archery is the 70m range, and uses the sights and stabilizers. I'll assume you can already shoot at some distance less than 70m. Start at 10 yards, or 9~ meters, learn to nail your form until you can tune your bow and put arrows in the 10 ring every time. Then, tune your bow so that you have a point on shot at 70m. You will need 40+ pound limbs at 70m to do it well, and skinny, light arrows with lighter point weights and SpinWing type vanes on them. Go to World Archery channel and watch the Olympic shoots, or the barebow shoots, either. Don't just watch them hit the targets, pause the video and stare at their equipment and their shooting form whenever you can. You will learn things from that. If you can shoot well at 18m, it's the same form at 70m or any other distance, with the difference being bow tune (you have to tune your bow and your arrows for different distances and shooting situations) and for outdoors, wind, humidity, and temperature which can all affect performance of the shot.
@@NightWraith1 oh thanks for the info
i am your father Jessica string-walker ! lol
but that barebow is a recurve?.........
God bless heal and save you
She's cute. Wonder if she's single
Omg my last name is Nilsson too!!!
Nilsson Schmilsson...
i started archery without all those accessories... i thought it would be simpler XD
Hot! 🔥
bare bow is the only valid form of archery, somplisity is the only advantage that the bow has over other weapons
I'm getting more and more frustrated with World Archery. I started with a Samick Sage Galaxy recurve bow. No attachments or anything. I shoot off the shelf with nothing but a little fabric pad to protect the wood of the shelf. Now I'm finding out that World Archery calls barebow a recurve that still has all these trinkets. Nah, that's dumb. The way I shoot my recurve with just a glove and nothing else? THAT is barebow. I don't get why WA add things that clearly don't belong.
Anna from Frozen