the fact that world is sleeping on their comeback hurts me 😢😢 promise is hella good seriously where r u people. their digital & physical scores.....*sobs*
I became a HOTTEST after this comeback so don't worry, there are always people who find this kind of good songs few months after their release. Promise is a masterpiece!
Their physical scores were very good tho. Their digital scores is actually better than Got7 too at the time. But JYP cuts the promotion since they have Japanese tour after.
I love it how they don't do music just to be popular, and they always try new things in their compositions. Teen audiences might not be able to appreciate its awesomeness but just know that we do, 2PM! Keep making good, sophisticated music!
behicana JYP has never been about trends. Just look at the boy bands he has formed over the years in the context of the trends of their generation. They do music to follow a passion and/or experiment with new things.
Haha, seeing Jun. K fanboying over Taecyeon's work makes me really appreciate how proud all the members must be ^^. I can tell 2PM worked super hard on this album and I love the title song, and the other tracks are also great to listen to
Thank you Taecyeon for giving us this great song!!! Everything was on point and I appreciate the tremendous effort!!! Also thank all of 2PM for giving us a masterpiece of an album!!! 2PM forever, Hottest forever!!!
It makes me so proud seeing 2PM achieving their dreams one by one. I still remember the time when they would say that it would be good if they could compose, write and produce their own songs. Witnessing it happens make me tear up. 😂😭 I will always support 2PM, FOREVER. 💋💕
Awwww soo cute how Taec meant "Let's get married" with the lyrics "wanting to wake up by your side (or something along those lines :p) I love how proud & happy he looks listening to his song & listening to JunK compliment his song :) JunK's voice is amazing as always..and those arms ;) 2PM FOREVER HOTTEST FOREVER
The entire album has been on repeat for days now!! I love all the tracks with "Promise" and Uneasy" being my absolute favorites!! I love you my giant babies!!! 2PM & HOTTEST FOREVER!!! ^_^
4:08 that's the part in the song that got me hooked. Junho coming in like that! (It's also confusing cause it sounds like Nuneo is saying "I will" the 1st time) Good job Taec. Good job team, lol. Jun. k you're such a great support system.
오빠들 어깨 실화입니까... 꿈인가...
옥택연 옷 대박 잘 입었다... 본 것 중에 젤 잘 입었어...
옥택연 넘모 귀엽자너 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 으악 준케이 어깨도 미쳐 우리집 친구들 이거 봐야해 특히 나같은 옥택연 처돌이들
나 남자가 나시입는거 개싫어하는 사람인데 준케이 당신.....사랑해ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 작업하는 택연이도 멋지고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 좋은거 천지다 정말ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
준투다케이의 광활한 어깨와 택요니의 문짝만한 덩치에 치인다 지니어스킴과 옥곡가의 조합 폴더인사 박습니다🩷💚
준케이 어깨 개쩌네,,,무슨태평양이야
준케이 멋져❤❤❤
아니여기서 준케이 머리 왜케예쁘지... 잘어울린다 약간 펌 더들어가도 어울릴듯ㅠㅠ귀여운머리 잘어울리네
음악에 집중하고 음악얘기하는 밍준이 보면 좀 미칠 거 같음 택연이도 멋진데 뭔가 김민준은 피드백 주는거도 다르고 장난아님 저렇게 생겨가지고 네? 저런 몸 가지고? 마지막에 눈웃음 흘리면 내가 어???? 투샷 대훈훈
솔직히 준케이처럼 반응해주면 진짜 뿌듯할듯 ㅜ옥택연 계속 노래 만들어줘ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
옥곡가님 지시에 착하게 네 라고 대답하는 준케이 귀여워
0:14 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ33살이 저렇게 귀여울 일,,? 받고 거기에 애드리브 해주쎄어~ 하는 옥곡가도 졸귀에요,,,ㅠ.ㅜ
뭔가 디게 순둥순둥 고분고분한 성격이라
넘 순댕이 진짜 반항없이 고분고분 착하게 큰게 티나 울 준켘리더헝아도 나머지 애들도ㅋ 대표가 뭐든 시키면 다 하는ㅠㅠ 그래 10년을 아크로바틱도하고ㅎㅎ 심지어 대중목욕탕에서 벌거벗고 노래했다는 준호는 레전드ㅋㅋ 애들이 넘나 순하고 범생이야ㅋㅋ
당신 어깨에 미쳐,,,,
아니 준케이 팔이랑 어깨죽지 무슨 몽둥이같다 대박.... ♡
아니 프로미스는 또 옥택곡이야...??미치겠다...
넘나 완벽해서 할 말을 잃었습니다...다시 만들어주세요 여러분 다시 돌아오십시오 ㅠㅠ
김민준 대답하는거 뵹알이,,,,, 그와중에 가창력 진짜 무엇; 민소매에 어깨 넓이 무엇 진짜 오빠정말 이기적이야 다가졌네,,,,
준케이 나이들수록 매력 발산 장난 아니네 어깨와 팔뚝은 정말 어후
우리 이쁜 준이의 시계는 오늘 또봐도 거꾸로 가고있는게 맞구나!
누나가 많이 사랑해 😘
택연아 좋은 곡 만들어줘서 고마워
민소매입고 작업하는 준케이... 존나섹시하다... 앙대...
I love how excited Jun. K is and Taec just that tiny bit embarrassed but happy haha
둘 다 작곡가여서 부분부분 포인트 잡아서 첨언하고, 칭찬하는 모습 너무 멋있다..ㅠ
민준씨..일케 몸이 좋은데 왤케 단추를 꽁꽁 잠가놨었어.......
솔직히 투피엠 중에 준케이가 젤 몸 좋은듯....... 다른 멤버들도 관리 잘 하고 옥택연도 몸짱이긴 하지만 민준이가 어깨도 넓고 골격도 좋고 ㅎㅅㅎ 내 기준에서 ㅎ
옥곡가 ㅠ 꺄아아악 왤케 멋있는거니이 우리 민준케이 애드리브..오메에 크흠 택연아 민쥰아 너희 어깨에 기대면안되니
준케이... 어깨봐 진짜 나시 박제시켜
오빠들 능력 미쳤어..
옥택연 진짜 열일한다ㅜㅜ 얼굴도 일도... 근육도...
와.. 투피엠 최근(?) 노래 중에 promise 진심 젤 좋아했는데 택연오빠가 작사작곡이라니ㅠㅠ 내 최애 뿌듯하군ㅠㅠ
넘 순댕이 진짜 반항없이 고분고분 착하게 큰게 티나 울 준켘리더헝아도 나머지 애들도ㅋ 대표가 뭐든 시키면 다 하는ㅠㅠ 그래 10년을 아크로바틱도하고ㅎㅎ 심지어 대중목욕탕에서 벌거벗고 노래했다는 준호는 레전드ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 애들이 넘나 순하고 범생이야ㅋㅋ 어쩜 저리 순한지 애들 전부ㅋㅋ
옥택연 진짜 흰 셔츠만 입으면 왜이렇게 어려보이냐 진짜 사랑스러워 진짜 일하는 건 프로페셔널인데 아기야 얼굴이 몸은 화났는데 진짜,,,,,,,,,, 사랑해
4집. 5집 준케이 프듀 작업기록 및 2pm활동도 올려주세요.
김민준 어깨 태평양이다....태평양이 어디갔다 했더니 여기 있었네 영상보는내내 김민준 어깨밖에 안보이는거 정상인거죠...
옥택연 옆태..........ㅡ지렸다...........콧날에 손을 베여서 피가 철...철..나.....
the fact that world is sleeping on their comeback hurts me 😢😢 promise is hella good seriously where r u people. their digital & physical scores.....*sobs*
I became a HOTTEST after this comeback so don't worry, there are always people who find this kind of good songs few months after their release. Promise is a masterpiece!
Their physical scores were very good tho. Their digital scores is actually better than Got7 too at the time. But JYP cuts the promotion since they have Japanese tour after.
일할때 제일멋있어 옥택연 사랑해ㅠㅠㅠ 고마워
민준오빠 어깨 cg지...? 전나 어깨가 어떻게 저렇게 잘생기냐고.. 이러면 내가 미쳐 안미쳐? 어?ㅠ
아침에 네가 눈 뜰 때 내가 곁에 있어줄게
이 가사 너무 좋아 ㅠ 🤦♀️
옥곡가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
준케이 어깨 진짜 미쳤다
I love it how they don't do music just to be popular, and they always try new things in their compositions. Teen audiences might not be able to appreciate its awesomeness but just know that we do, 2PM! Keep making good, sophisticated music!
You spoke/typed the absolute truth!
I'm a teen but 2PM are my bias group, no one can ever beat them for me
behicana JYP has never been about trends. Just look at the boy bands he has formed over the years in the context of the trends of their generation. They do music to follow a passion and/or experiment with new things.
아고 나의 최애 둘이 요있네^^^^^
This feels like just yesterday. Wow, it’s been 4 years.
They had a comback
Love them love them love them
귀여운 오빠 둘 ㅠㅠ 멋지기까지하네요
어깨 맛집...
0:14 네~!
0:29 갈게 넷-
진짜 너네가 찐이다 찐 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ💕💕💕💕
나는 잘생긴 사람만 보면 말문이 막혀서 말이 안 나오더ㄹ
ㅇㄴㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ말문이 막혀버리셨ㄴ
jun.k😍 such a voice
진짜 남자들 나시, 금목걸이, 금팔찌, 금시계 극혐해🥶
근데 왜 멋있어 보이지😎😎???
내가 미쳤나😱😱
Taec looks very charms when he working. One of my favorite songs of 2PM 🍌❤️
Haha, seeing Jun. K fanboying over Taecyeon's work makes me really appreciate how proud all the members must be ^^. I can tell 2PM worked super hard on this album and I love the title song, and the other tracks are also great to listen to
Taec should produce more songs!! Promise is a beautiful song!!
thanks JYP entertainment. for caring about your international fans and subbing things for us.
Promise is such a good song I always play it on Spotify
hope taecyeon knows promise is a favorite by many fans and people new to kpop! it has a vibe that many foreigners like! love promise, love taecyeon!
준케이 어깨밖에 눈에 안들어와ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
내 최애곡에 준케이가 녹음하는 영상.. 최고...
어휴,,,썸넬보고 바로 들어왔네,,,여긴 아직 아무도 안왔나,,?
저도 왔습니다!
늦엇네요. 죄송합ㄴ대
이 노래 진짜 너무 좋아요 진짜 잘 만듦ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
모야 택연이 옷 누가 입혀줘써료.. 너무 이쁘자나...!!!♥
Jun.k amazing voice 😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤
Omg Jun.K voice is so good
음악하는 오빠들이 젤 조와...
ㅇㄴㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 더보기에 옥곡가 뭐여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
옥곡가 사랑혀 ^^♡
Every single songs of 2pm never disappointed their Hottest🥰
Jun. K is such a passionate musician lol
민준이 멋있는데 착하기까지 하냐 어깨에 치이고 인성에 드러누워
Thank you Taecyeon for giving us this great song!!! Everything was on point and I appreciate the tremendous effort!!! Also thank all of 2PM for giving us a masterpiece of an album!!! 2PM forever, Hottest forever!!!
PDFa selenator :)
taecyeon 😍😍😍😍😘
으앙 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 오뽜!!!! 팔뚝 어쩔거야!!!!! 꺄아앙아ㅏ아아아아아아아아아아아앙앙 진촤 하고 싶은거 다 하고 살아 안그러면 나 진촤 많이 죽을때 까지 울어버릴거야!!!!!!!!!
It makes me so proud seeing 2PM achieving their dreams one by one. I still remember the time when they would say that it would be good if they could compose, write and produce their own songs. Witnessing it happens make me tear up. 😂😭 I will always support 2PM, FOREVER. 💋💕
Jun K like Park jin young, Really loved music.. ♥
Taecyeon & Jun.K 👏❤
옥택연 쑥스러워하는거 개기엽네..
옥택연 사랑해 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 다재다능 택연이 최고 ㅠㅠ
multi talented taecyeon oppa 😍😙😘😚
Damn taecyeon did an awesome job with the song would love to hear more of his works
옥택연 너무 친절하고 귀엽고 이뻐 귀여워
Awwww soo cute how Taec meant "Let's get married" with the lyrics "wanting to wake up by your side (or something along those lines :p)
I love how proud & happy he looks listening to his song & listening to JunK compliment his song :)
JunK's voice is amazing as always..and those arms ;)
One of my favorite 2pm songs. Taecyeon did a wonderful job.
본업 잘하는 투피엠 사랑해 .....❤️
2:27 오빠 나 식장 잡아놨어 이제 오빠만 오면 좋겠어
Jun K...that body though! ❤️😍
와 이곡을 택연이가 ㄷㄷ 오빠들 못하는게 뭐야
thank you taecyeon and all 2pm members for such a great song! 'promise' is on repeat on my playlist every single day! 💕💕💕💕💕
Jun K's and Jun Ho's parts sound the best to me. Jun Ho's voice is absolutely angelic.
The entire album has been on repeat for days now!! I love all the tracks with "Promise" and Uneasy" being my absolute favorites!! I love you my giant babies!!! 2PM & HOTTEST FOREVER!!! ^_^
4:08 that's the part in the song that got me hooked. Junho coming in like that! (It's also confusing cause it sounds like Nuneo is saying "I will" the 1st time) Good job Taec. Good job team, lol. Jun. k you're such a great support system.
TAECYEON: Husband Goals!
Jun. K's voice ♥
Love taecyeon oppa
준케이 팔뚝 실환가....
늦게 입덕했습니다 까도 까도 매력이 계속 나오는 2pm 분들 😍
OMG!!! Can't wait for their new variety show 'Wild Adventure'!!!!
What channel?
Puteri Saridz On K Star. I just read the news on Allkpop:
Yaaass! Waiting for something like this for ages... I hope they didn't get too serious in the meantime and will still be their dorky selves :D
+CZTachyonsVN It not astro right?
Puteri Saridz not sure :(
이번 노래 너무 좋음😍😍
Taecyeon in white shirt with that hair is just ❤❤❤❤❤❤
이러면 안되는데 오빠들 몸 밖에 안보이네..? 안되긴 뭐가 안돼 된다 돼!!!
ㅇㅈㅇㅈ 띵곡 ㅇㅈㅇㅈㅇㅈㅆㅇㅈ
This song is incredible good Taec did an amazing job!!
They’re so talented and funny😂 I listen to this song everyydayy