• @Damocles178
    @Damocles178 11 років тому +153

    "You will choke on me great devourer!" That made me laugh. Kyras just knew the Tyranids would eat him :D

  • @chrisluther3103
    @chrisluther3103 11 років тому +70

    And the Gabriel was turned into a Lictor.

  • @chaosinc.382
    @chaosinc.382 5 років тому +98

    By the Emperor the Tyranids just hecking ate a greater Daemon.

    • @Sir_Bucket
      @Sir_Bucket 4 роки тому +2

      I didn't k ow warp steak would be so tasty that an entire hive fleet would be ready to sacrifice an army to eat one

    • @ajduong
      @ajduong 3 роки тому +6

      Imagine daemon genestealer cults

    • @oykel4089
      @oykel4089 3 роки тому

      @@Sir_Bucket Imagine a Hive Tyrant having a Destroyer Hive on it

    • @gudboah4688
      @gudboah4688 2 роки тому

      Which makes little sense honestly. Daemons aren’t really made of living matter.

  • @stripe1919ify
    @stripe1919ify 3 роки тому +27

    Chaos: None can harm us! we are unstoppable, and none are immune to our influence! We are the most powerful, most unstoppable force in the gala-

    • @thegroi
      @thegroi 2 роки тому +4

      and Necrons

  • @matejoto
    @matejoto 13 років тому +61

    And like every super evil bosses, Kyras tells the secret to defeat him too.

  • @snipermagoo
    @snipermagoo 11 років тому +82

    Tyranid campaign boring? You can have an army of carnifexes and they eat people. That never gets old.

  • @diolamikael
    @diolamikael 13 років тому +18

    Gabriel dies
    Tyranids: Meh...

  • @theonefrancis696
    @theonefrancis696 4 роки тому +8

    Everyone: DEMON!
    Tyranids: FOOD!

  • @alotosius
    @alotosius 11 років тому +43

    When Tyranids eat a giant daemon, do they get bad gas?

    • @rafaeltiburcio6624
      @rafaeltiburcio6624 4 роки тому +2

      Dont the Tyranids weaken the effects of the warp with their hive mind

  • @DozenthTurmoil
    @DozenthTurmoil 11 років тому +15

    Tyranids love to eat....and with so many delicious species in the galaxy, it's no wonder why they came to the galaxy!

  • @LamborghiniDiabloSVPursuit
    @LamborghiniDiabloSVPursuit 13 років тому +15

    And so the millenia old Maledictum Daemon of Khorne and the Librarian champion of C.S. Goto has been sprouting Tyranid plants.
    Marines used an Orbital bombardment cannon, CSMs opened a terrible abyss of the warp, the Eldar called down a mighty psychic storm, the guard bombed Kyras' shit, and the Orks flew roks at him.......but what could be more epic than getting killed by sprouting capillary towers?

  • @kagrenacdwemer5875
    @kagrenacdwemer5875 11 років тому +11

    Lol love how kyras has to reassure himself that he'll win once he sees the nids r on him XD

  • @dragonstormx
    @dragonstormx 13 років тому +4

    On another note, this game is probably the only instance of Chaos and Tyranids fighting apart from an instance in the Grey Knights codex, where the Tyranids attacked a planet some daemons were trying to turn into a daemon world, which I think would probably discourage them, but I don't write this stuff.

  • @makemap
    @makemap 12 років тому +5

    Hivemind: Convert or be eaten.
    Corrupted ones(Daemon): Convert or be sacrificed.
    Nercrons: ???? Die..

  • @Shyyrn
    @Shyyrn 13 років тому +3

    @DreamingAboutDragons He had no idea the Nids were there. And given Imperial doctrine, he probably wouldn't have been comfortable seeing an enemy grow stronger even if it meant the weakening of another.

  • @thescribeinyellow3985
    @thescribeinyellow3985 7 років тому +8

    Really good music when the Hive Mind Tyranoforms Kyras. Anyone know what it is called?

  • @csbatalla
    @csbatalla 13 років тому +3

    Orks have the most cost effective way of destroying daemons. Rocks!.
    You will never need psychic storms shhitloads of bombs or plants. All you will ever need is a rock

  • @Emidretrauqe
    @Emidretrauqe 13 років тому +1

    @dragonstormx That story was either from the 5th edition rulebook or the 3rd edition Daemonhunters book. The Grey Knights update might have carried it over but that's not where it's from.
    And on a related note, the conclusion of the conflict was never reached because it was cut short by exterminatus.

  • @CoaCervo
    @CoaCervo 11 років тому +10

    As I know, there's in no Codex a Battle against the Chaos Demons and the Tyranids. Only Chaos Space Marine vs Tyranids. And the Chaos has lost. XD!!
    I think like You that the Shadow in the Warp makes almost impossible for the Demons to take a material form into reality.

    • @TARINunit9
      @TARINunit9 7 років тому +2

      Since you wrote that comment they added a Daemons vs Tyranids battle in the 'nids coxed. Apparently the chaos gods feel no satisfaction from Tyranid skulls or blood, and will eventually withdraw their favor from the deployed daemons

    • @Siegberg91
      @Siegberg91 6 років тому +1

      TARINunit9 tyrandis are nothing but biological weapons there skulls as a invidual not more worth than animals skulls.

    • @Sir_Bucket
      @Sir_Bucket 5 років тому

      @@Siegberg91 but so imagine the satisfaction the dark god will get from an hive mind

    • @farseeraradrel4808
      @farseeraradrel4808 3 роки тому +6

      @@Sir_Bucket Long ago comment, but there's a novel *Wraithflight* In which the Eldar protagonists realises that the Hive-Mind dwarves Slaanesh and the other Chaos Gods by its cheer size. It is just not conscious enough to realise the existence of the Chaos Gods and is entirely focused on the creatures it can eat in the material universe.

  • @HiveFleetHydra
    @HiveFleetHydra 13 років тому +4

    Clearly Kyras and the Hive Mind should have engaged in a warp scenery chewing match...that would have made this scene hilarious (though it would piss off the purists...)

  • @Karavolos
    @Karavolos 13 років тому +3

    @liquidjoshi It's possible Kyras thought it was other Blood Ravens trying to weaken him, either that or it's just the lame case of "reusing the quotes".

  • @warhawk9566
    @warhawk9566 4 роки тому +2

    Okay, Tyranids vs Daemons is such a weird match up

  • @nroland99
    @nroland99 12 років тому +3

    now we must mourn the death of our dear brother.
    jonah orion, you fought for humanity well. the emporer shall preserve your soul.

  • @SinerAthin
    @SinerAthin 13 років тому +1

    ''You will choke on me great devourer!''
    Seems he wasn't as big as he thought he was xD

  • @vengefulnoob
    @vengefulnoob 12 років тому +1

    3:10 "Bubble-bath :D"

  • @WelcomeToTheGunShow2
    @WelcomeToTheGunShow2 11 років тому +1

    He does. Just he loses his eye, both his arms and a leg .

  • @Haloister
    @Haloister 13 років тому


  • @limitess9539
    @limitess9539 3 місяці тому

    Had to watch this + ending when my game crashed right before killing Kyras lol, can't be bothered to do it again

  • @YondaimieX
    @YondaimieX 13 років тому

    wow only 956 viewers.. come on tyranids deserve more than that..they r cool and beasty :D

  • @liquidjoshi
    @liquidjoshi 11 років тому +1

    Selling the milky way like a McDonalds, like a boss.

    • @Sir_Bucket
      @Sir_Bucket 5 років тому

      Yeah I would like to order a hot Khorn menu, with extra demon yes. Do you guys still offer a burgermarine with it? Oh you make captain burger now? Hell yes I want one

  • @liquidjoshi
    @liquidjoshi 13 років тому

    @Firebat557 More likely option 2. What's annoying is this ending is epic with any race except Tyranids because of that.

  • @hipp0cat11
    @hipp0cat11 13 років тому

    @RANDOM7070 :D THANKS A LOT and i loved him since dawn of war 1 >:D he kicks ass

  • @CBAwiththisshit
    @CBAwiththisshit 12 років тому

    @hipp0cat11 Gabriel becomes the Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens following his little accident with Kyras.

  • @yubarta1
    @yubarta1 12 років тому

    I feel your pain.... even worse my gaming PC died 2 weeks before that i got the 40Ks D: now i am stuck with this thing that can barely run soulstorm....

  • @Jerry12886
    @Jerry12886 12 років тому +1

    Finish the space marine campaing and you will see that he is still alive!

  • @Emidretrauqe
    @Emidretrauqe 13 років тому

    @ruumpleteaser indeed.

  • @TheGabbork
    @TheGabbork 12 років тому

    @hipp0cat11 his name is spelled Gabriel.....

  • @GeneWoo12
    @GeneWoo12 12 років тому

    @hipp0cat11 lolz don't watch the Retribution Blood Angel ending xD

  • @woodwyrm
    @woodwyrm 11 років тому

    they may get corrupted

  • @dragonstormx
    @dragonstormx 13 років тому +1

    I do find the nids boring, so I figured their campaign wouldn't have any interesting dialogue from them. The only good dialogue comes from Angelos narrations, and how the hell would even know about some of that stuff anyways.

  • @yubarta1
    @yubarta1 12 років тому


  • @hipp0cat11
    @hipp0cat11 12 років тому

    @GeneWoo12 If he did die. Ill just go cry my self to sleep.

  • @hipp0cat11
    @hipp0cat11 13 років тому

    i hope gaybriel lives hes my fav commander D:

  • @GeneWoo12
    @GeneWoo12 12 років тому

    @hipp0cat11 go watch the ending for Blood Ravens then

  • @MrOmegaprime
    @MrOmegaprime 12 років тому

    Go play Space Marine...
    Oh, and about the "fav commander" thing: GARVIEL LOKEN

  • @MrShroubles
    @MrShroubles 12 років тому +2

    That's very poor actually
    'nids never get enough attention, their campaign has space marine cinematics all over :c

  • @FreeSailer35
    @FreeSailer35 13 років тому

    It's funny for all ending but the Blood Ravens are cannon in Warhammer 40k.

  • @503leafy
    @503leafy 13 років тому


  • @dragonstormx
    @dragonstormx 13 років тому +2

    Inevitably, the Tyranid campaign isn't very interesting since they have no personalities. 40K fans can say what they will about SC, but the Zerg campaigns are way more interesting.

  • @hipp0cat11
    @hipp0cat11 12 років тому

    I know. I have to watch videos. My comp is tooo weak. Anyways. I'm so happy he is the new chapter master!!!

  • @vengefulnoob
    @vengefulnoob 12 років тому +1

    @hipp0cat11 Don't worry, the tyranids got him back on his feet in no time. Inside as many rippers, of course, but up on his feet. Well I say feet, more a puddle of digested ooze that would spawn more tyranids. So yeah, Gabriel lives on... as nid fertiliser.

  • @OlaftheFlashy
    @OlaftheFlashy 13 років тому

    @tresetatiniephil Rocks are NOT 'free', citizen.
    The Emperor, through this - His Office of Imperial Outlays - hereby orders you to google this obscure fan joke for therapeutic accountancy training/penance and that you should sit BLUE chair.

  • @alotosius
    @alotosius 11 років тому

    Or the lack of heros, you don't even get an additional troop cap for it ether. Hell they aren't even elite troops you can respawn for free!

    • @Siegberg91
      @Siegberg91 6 років тому +1

      alotosius on the other hand the Regeneration synpase is overpowered

  • @Replican815
    @Replican815 13 років тому

    666 views... 0.0

  • @ruumpleteaser
    @ruumpleteaser 13 років тому

    damn that campaign sucked balls

  • @Gongolongo
    @Gongolongo 12 років тому

    i hate the hive mind..... i couldnt stand playing the campaign listening to that shit