#2 -Paths and Plazas - Planet Coaster Tutorial - Realistic Looking Parks in Planet Coaster

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Nerdchacho
    @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +23

    Thanks for coming back you guys! In this ep we are looking at the workings of plazas etc. In the next Ep we will talk some more about how to decorate them. I wanted to split them out because this one is already quite long.. And yes, the audio is sorted too! :D

    • @marcrdhd
      @marcrdhd 2 роки тому

      Hey @Nerdchacho! I have a question. I want to set the victorian brick flat roof as my plaza floor. But i can't move the roof into the ground. I only can move it in the 25cm grid. But then the floor is too high... What can I do now?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      @@marcrdhd you come out of the building editor and select it as a building, then use the advance move tool to lower the whole building into the ground. In this ep I sorta do that before I start placing the grid, but you can do it the other way around if you prefer.. place your grid then move it down :)

    • @marcrdhd
      @marcrdhd 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho Hi Again! Thanks! I've tried that now, but I can also move up and down within certain distances outside of the building editor, i.e. if I move the entire building. I can't set any other "distances" in this mode either.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      @@marcrdhd you'll just need to remove the floor from your other objects and this will create 2 buildings that you can control independently from each other..

    • @marcrdhd
      @marcrdhd 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho Yes, my building is only 1 roof plate. But i only can move it in this grid

  • @heavymac
    @heavymac 2 роки тому +65

    This is like watching a Bob Ross video. It starts and you're like "I mean I guess he's doing some stuff but man that looks rough" and by the time it's done you've got a beautiful scene full of happy little trees and every individual step to get there looked so simple...

    • @mentalrenttv
      @mentalrenttv Рік тому +1

      This made me watch the hole video I love dude lol

  • @Nikologicaldk
    @Nikologicaldk Рік тому +4

    Jesus i just watched a 52 minute video about placing paths, and i loved it!

  • @jonelam1693
    @jonelam1693 3 роки тому +23

    This is exactly the kind of content and tutorial I’ve been searching for! Although my coaster is on console, I can use these techniques (with a bit of experimentation) there and on zoo (pc)! Thank you so much! You have a new fan and subscriber! Woohoo!! 😂

  • @raspberrypiploy771
    @raspberrypiploy771 Рік тому +1

    I left Planet Coaster after almost 18months and have now returned determined to achieve something. Your videos are my 'goto' because you explain stuff that we can all understand.. Thanks will be looking at more of the videos and hopefully will start to gain some progress after the long break

  • @erz3030
    @erz3030 Рік тому +1

    HOLY COW!! this is sooo cool! I'm only 15 minutes in and am in awe of the possibilities with just these two tips! you're a legend sir!

  • @toryrasmussen8501
    @toryrasmussen8501 2 роки тому +2

    One thing that I have used to fill in a flower bed as far as mulch if you don't have access to TMTK is use a piece of candy with what looks like coconut shavings on top and you can recolor the coconut. It looks like mulch and it is not on a grid so there's more flexibility there. Another option is the thatch roofing piece as it is sometimes smaller and works better. Just a small thing that I have picked up. Otherwise these videos are fantastic and I can't wait to see more!!!

  • @kamyk2000
    @kamyk2000 2 роки тому +2

    This is very useful information for geting more from this game. Some new tricks I hadn't thought of, thank you for sharing them. Love how you made that plaza so polished looking. Subscribed, and going to watch several more of your guides.

  • @ConnorRustell
    @ConnorRustell 3 роки тому +17

    I can't wait to get into Planet Coaster to try these tips and tricks.

  • @cjeromewilliams3958
    @cjeromewilliams3958 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for all of your videos. I'm learning this stuff just to bond with my daughter. Very much appreciated.

  • @bushy9780
    @bushy9780 3 роки тому +2

    my god. that flatten terrain option for slight incline path is so genius yet so simple. I've been doing it the mike sheets way of tracing the transport ride track with the terrain tool and it's so tedious and comes out a little lumpy at times. thank you so much.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +2

      It isn't perfect as a solution, the Mike Sheets way of doing it is WAY better for longer, drawn out inclines, but it is awesome for short hills. You can sort of do it in stages too, where you do a couple of sections like this, delete the paths, smooth the terrain and place the paths with flatten terrain off.. But all that is as much effort as the Mike Sheets version...

  • @PlancoandChill
    @PlancoandChill 2 роки тому

    You have taken the hell out of placing paths and made it so much better. Thank you! It has changed my parks so much!

  • @blazex224
    @blazex224 2 роки тому +1

    I had no idea barriers could prevent people from walking somewhere. It feels like the game just updated itself by me learning this, thanks for the great video

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Haha, every day is a school day! You can use the natural rates to get rid of the flat ride pads too.. ;)

  • @alexredshaw2375
    @alexredshaw2375 3 роки тому +7

    Very useful and well explained, can't wait to try these out!

  • @daronrose6409
    @daronrose6409 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you for the in depth explanations and demonstrations. This is really going to help me out with some problems I've been having!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      You're most welcome! I'm glad that it is helping! Let me know if you come across any other topics we haven't done yet :)

  • @MikeWeiner
    @MikeWeiner 3 роки тому +3

    I am SO very happy I've found your channel! I'm following this series closely and can't wait to dig in to all of your others. I LIKED and SUBSCRIBED and will be watching your videos loyally!
    Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to help all of the rest of us. :)

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      Ahh, thanks so much for coming along!! You're most welcome here :)

  • @arcticfoxvikingseaking2206
    @arcticfoxvikingseaking2206 2 роки тому

    Thanks, I was bamboozled, and I couldn't find info on spoke and wheel, but this makes sense. I think six flags usually does this method.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      You're welcome! Most parks have a similar thing.. Disney being the most famous for it with the castle in the middle... Alton with the Towers etc. It is a way that parks can lay themselves out and not have guests get lost because ultimately all roads lead back to the same place eventually..

  • @bonko86
    @bonko86 3 роки тому +1

    Great content. Ive never really got into the great tools and detailed work in making a park, mostly just placing some shops, info and building a half assed coaster then quit, but this is great and I have been experimenting with all the in depths tools that Planet Coaster actually provides. Great content as well, watching/listening while working!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +3

      Ahh, then you might find Tickets & Turnstiles interesting to help you with your park! Thanks so much for coming along, glad that it has been of help! :)

  • @MarcGuitar88
    @MarcGuitar88 3 роки тому +1

    Really helpful, thanks. Had real trouble with plazas!

  • @ixion025
    @ixion025 Рік тому +1

    « I’m not gonna make this look pretty »
    WTF lol it’s better than any of my parks lol

  • @robbywellsmusic
    @robbywellsmusic 2 роки тому +1

    these videos are soooo helpful! thank you so much for doing this!!

  • @First-Drop-Studios
    @First-Drop-Studios Рік тому

    This is easily what I struggle with the most! Thanks for the tutorial!

  • @TruthSeeker-rn1tm
    @TruthSeeker-rn1tm 2 роки тому

    What a fantastically informative video. Great job!

  • @nicolen8193
    @nicolen8193 2 роки тому

    My head is swimming with ideas now. Thank you so much. It looked awesome even if done roughly for tutorials. Will definitely be checking out your other videos. Absolutely the most detailed and informative tutorial I've seen. Just wish the console had the mulch, that's the only downside is the difference between the two.

  • @mrmacc1312
    @mrmacc1312 2 роки тому

    Just such good information making this game even more enjoyable thank you for your time and effort doing these videos

  • @mikewoodall2522
    @mikewoodall2522 3 роки тому

    You just gave me hours upon hours of gameplay! Incredible tips and tricks. Thanks for your time putting this together! My parks can finally come together with realistic qualities :)

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      You're most welcome!! I hope they help you out too!!

  • @马土豆
    @马土豆 2 роки тому

    This really help me to do more solid plan for my park

  • @tufty_games
    @tufty_games 2 роки тому

    it’s perfect :) thanks for the help. I’m thinking of starting somewhat of a mini park and your videos have been inspiring me greatly keep it up.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Awesome!! I'm glad to have helped out somewhere! Keep us all posted with how it is going! :)

  • @JoelNiemeyer
    @JoelNiemeyer 10 місяців тому

    Awesome video! But, I can't figure out for the life of me how you get that grid at 39:22? Am I missing something obvious? Thanks!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  10 місяців тому

      When you place a gridded item like the flat roof, wall, pillar etc, the grid will appear automatically. If it doesn't then your piece is not a grid item,

  • @thirteentimes365
    @thirteentimes365 3 роки тому +1

    Hi. In terms of 'path covers', can you only use the item that you used in your video to do this? I've tried using the base game flat roof pieces that you mentioned, but it won't let me place them flush to the paths. I can only move them in increments that are either too high or low into the ground.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      This one is pretty simple. You will need to place them either too high or low then exit the building.. then use the advance move to move that building down or up and that should make it flush..

    • @thirteentimes365
      @thirteentimes365 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho Thanks for the reply, but it's still not working for me. Just to clarify, I'm referring to the part at around 35:35 in your video. Is it only the Concrete Slab from the Thememaker's Toolkit that allows you to do this? I'm trying to use other flat roof pieces but it's not allowing me to move it up and down freely, only in increments. (Great video series, by the way!)

    • @thirteentimes365
      @thirteentimes365 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho It's ok, I've figured out why I couldn't do it - I had 'Global Vertical Snapping' switched on in the settings. This was limiting me to only move the pieces in 1-metre vertical heights. Switched off now and am able to do my plazas nice and flush to the other paths. Anyway, thank you for all of your tips; they're helping me loads!

  • @sebastiandragonheart
    @sebastiandragonheart 3 роки тому

    Excellent video! Thanks for all the tips 😀

  • @tylerdetweiler4621
    @tylerdetweiler4621 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for all the tips Nerd! Been trying to elevate and move away from the "noob" level after 7 years 😂

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 місяці тому +1

      Some of us are still trying.. :D

  • @otusplay
    @otusplay 3 роки тому

    This is brilliant! Looking forward to the next episodes. So many good tips and tricks😊👍

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      It wasn't too long thought? It didn't feel like 50 mins when I was recording...

    • @otusplay
      @otusplay 3 роки тому +1

      @@Nerdchacho for me personally it's perfect. Exactly for the reason that you go into detail. There are so many speed builds out there and while its pleasant to watch it's not very useful to get some tips&tricks out of it. Keep on doing your style✌

  • @proxbayu2375
    @proxbayu2375 3 роки тому

    Great tutorial tips everything top notch thanks :)

  • @RobAirepicflights
    @RobAirepicflights 2 роки тому

    awesome tips. Thanks for the video

  • @derdugati7126
    @derdugati7126 3 роки тому

    Absolutly, fantastic stuff! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas, knowledge, tips and tricks! Much appreciated =)

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      You're most welcome! I'm glad that it can be a help to you :)

    • @derdugati7126
      @derdugati7126 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho A LOT! You never stop learning new things in this style of games =) And with this great community, it never gets boring.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      @@derdugati7126 Well, the community thing works both ways.. Creators continue because of the community that follow them and vice versa. AND if you ever have any ideas for what your creators should do, we are open to hearing it :)

  • @KrystalGamer
    @KrystalGamer 2 роки тому

    This was fantastic. Thank you.

  • @elizabethfrazier570
    @elizabethfrazier570 2 роки тому

    This is PERFECT! I cannot wait for a tutorial on terrain.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому +1

      EP 17... Already published :)

  • @franciscojaviercastano361
    @franciscojaviercastano361 3 роки тому

    Thank you very much again! Everything you explain is very useful!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      Glad that these have been helpful :)

  • @AaronChamberlain88
    @AaronChamberlain88 2 роки тому

    I'm late to watching these, but really enjoying your tutorials. The developers should watch, so they can improve pathway and scenery placement in the eventual sequel games

  • @serge6504
    @serge6504 2 роки тому

    Just bought the game for xbox, your tips and tricks are awesome. Thx for the help 👍

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Ahh, welcome to the planco family!! You're going to have the best time!

  • @robs4516
    @robs4516 3 роки тому

    Great stuff as always, I love the in-depth instruction.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      Glad to have been of help! Seems to be the right format to have taken, that's for sure :)

  • @briannielsen9616
    @briannielsen9616 3 роки тому

    Nice informative video thanks 👍

  • @IlluminusQ
    @IlluminusQ 2 роки тому +1

    what were you using to line your plaza? Every piece i use brings up the grid and i cant curve it like you did. Also amazing channel and great content..+1 sub

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому +1

      Ahh welcome aboard!!! In terms of lining, it was the windowsil piece from the ghostbusters pack.. but there are other things you can use like beams in the building set for example..

    • @IlluminusQ
      @IlluminusQ 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho dude thank you so much!

  • @chriscruickshank4453
    @chriscruickshank4453 3 роки тому

    Very useful tutorial. Thank you

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      You're welcome!! Glad to have helped :)

  • @daadood100
    @daadood100 3 роки тому +1

    It is perfect I wish the so call tutorial video would as good as yours Thank you, I do have a question why does it need to overlay so much material doesn't that slow down the computer or is it that the game does not care how many layers you put over and over, also is it possible that the game only renders what is on the surface and not what under when you bring things down under ground?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      That's a really good question actually! So, the game will index the positions of these items as well as draw the required surfaces incase you move them, but most graphics cards can now determine what is and isn't needed, so usually only draw the top layer - but when you get z-fighting this is when it is drawing more than 1 in the same space. I don't think it has too much of a hit on performance as most of the surfaces are pre-rendered anyway - the hit would probably me more RAM than GPU based... I think...

  • @GlenPiggott
    @GlenPiggott 3 роки тому

    Soooo good, thank you for doing these. More of the same "how I built Redgate Lake" please!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      I'm struggling with the "buildings tips" lessons.. but I'm certainly trying :)

  • @jordisimons8976
    @jordisimons8976 3 роки тому

    Damn that trick with the toilets to get te small steps is so handy ty so much for the great content and keep it up 👍

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      I don't use it nearly as much as I should! You can get some awesome things going with it!

  • @paulgibson193
    @paulgibson193 3 роки тому +1

    Before we had TMTK I used to use the coconut candy piece, coloured brown, as mulch!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      Me too!!!! That's an awesome tip that I'd forgotten because the flower-beds were introduced.. :)

    • @paulgibson193
      @paulgibson193 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho yeah, they are very useful. I haven’t played in a year or so but I’ve been watching your videos to get me back into it.

  • @JuzTroublez
    @JuzTroublez 3 роки тому

    So many amazing tips man. Thanks

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      You're welcome! Hope they've helped? :)

    • @JuzTroublez
      @JuzTroublez 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho yeah bro. Especially the que path around the marry-go-round. I was trying to figure out a way to do that but mine wasn’t hugging the circle area around the ride. Your tutorial solved that problem for me.

  • @jgetscensored7837
    @jgetscensored7837 3 роки тому

    I could see the two meter path being useful for back stage areas, like leading up to service buildings

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      Yes! Absolutely.. although, if you're not making them functional then it would be way less work to use scenery pieces instead..

  • @philashford5741
    @philashford5741 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the great tutorial

  • @zoso2o5o
    @zoso2o5o 3 роки тому +1

    Planco U curriculum will allow me to build an IRL theme park, right?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +3

      Well... technically, yes.. but I wouldn't try it because I'm not an engineer :D

  • @mattymidwest1989
    @mattymidwest1989 Рік тому

    Thanks for the help!

  • @trippyzombie6648
    @trippyzombie6648 2 роки тому

    How do you get the path covers to go over your flat rides?? I keep getting it obstructed. Love the content.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      You might need to head to the settings and tick all of the options that allow collision with scenery and rides..

  • @owengt1
    @owengt1 2 роки тому

    Great video, when I go to put roof pieces everywhere I can’t place them where rides are. It says obstructed.

  • @Luna-ku9oh
    @Luna-ku9oh 2 роки тому

    I am not able to place the flat roofs under the rides like you did. Any idea on how to fix this?

  • @j.j.theawesome4009
    @j.j.theawesome4009 2 роки тому

    O m g . . . I never knew any of this. This is so helpful! But these tricks do work on console, right?

  • @wes_stef
    @wes_stef Рік тому

    hei i have a problem with the flat roof placing under the rides? wont let me place it says its blocked

  • @K3MPS1
    @K3MPS1 10 місяців тому

    I'm finding that my flat rides are obstructing my path covers, any suggestions?

  • @AndrewScarella
    @AndrewScarella 3 роки тому

    Is there another piece I can use for the curb if I don't have the Ghostbusters expansion pack?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      You could use the square concrete columns that are in the fairytale theme.. which might be too thick, or.. use the kerbs in the barriers section coloured grey - but if you use them then they will axt as barriers too..

  • @marcrdhd
    @marcrdhd 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this world changing tutorial!

  • @craigsherwood3251
    @craigsherwood3251 2 роки тому

    I noticed when you drop the first flat roof tile to cover the paths the game doesn't qualify it as a building, only scenery... What setting allows that? Everytime I try to do this the game makes it a building and you cant multiselect more than one building.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Ooh.. I'd need to look back. I sometimes use a tmtk item that isn't on a grid.. which might be why. But i also use the flat roof tiles and that does create a building grid when you place it..

    • @craigsherwood3251
      @craigsherwood3251 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho Gotcha, thanks I'd love to know. Brand new to the game...

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      @@craigsherwood3251 when I have strong enough signal, I'll check.. i think though it was the vintage brick flat roof from the vintage pack. So the first time you place it you have no grid, but when you place the first one you are then forced to a grid..

    • @craigsherwood3251
      @craigsherwood3251 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho Thanks for the info and no rush at all!

  • @mrsnuffims2029
    @mrsnuffims2029 8 місяців тому

    Cool video 👍

  • @michaelanderson5209
    @michaelanderson5209 2 роки тому

    How were you able to place path covers under flat rides? the game isnt letting me do that

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Have you enabled scenery, track and ride collisions in the main menu settings?

    • @Waliant8349
      @Waliant8349 Рік тому

      @@Nerdchacho was looking for this. Tq

  • @shawtytellmeifimwrong
    @shawtytellmeifimwrong 3 роки тому +2

    Please do building tips next or in the near future!

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      It won't be next as I'm recording 2 or 3 in advance (so they're already done), but I promise that building tips is coming.. :)

  • @Aboutro
    @Aboutro 3 роки тому

    @Nerdchaco would I be able to do curved edges?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      Absolutely, yes. If you untick "Square edges" on the path options, you can create plazas with curved edges. If you want to have curved borders, the next ep (Plaza Decoration) will walk you though it :)

  • @shortsYL
    @shortsYL 3 роки тому

    There is a way to make paths more smooth at corners and that's placing a piece of path the deleting it and it make it smoother

  • @joannekedrie699
    @joannekedrie699 2 роки тому

    Please help, i cannot put the concrete slab wich you use to build a plaza underneath a ride. The game does not allowed me to... great video. I Learn a lot of you. Hope you will help me.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому +1

      You'll need to disable collision in the main menu.. It is usually under the Game options menu :)

    • @joannekedrie699
      @joannekedrie699 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho thanks!!!!!

  • @minischindz4673
    @minischindz4673 2 роки тому

    hi nerdchacgo do you know where to get that mulch

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому +1

      Yeppers, you'll need to search the workshop for iDro.. it is im his collection... PC only...

  • @squidwardshouse5431
    @squidwardshouse5431 2 роки тому +1

    Coming back to this series while I plan out a Cedar Fair/Point themed park. I have learned a few things on the way too about filling those awkward path gaps if you don't want to add a planter or building: The 2m Firehouse roof tile from the Ghostbusters DLC pack make a really great overlay for the concrete/gravel path if you hue to about (887B6D). If you use it sparingly it can add a bit of texture.

  • @disneywiz6840
    @disneywiz6840 3 роки тому

    Just binging the whole series, while I wait to load all of Raygate Lake's TMTK lmao XD

  • @AlyssaWalker11
    @AlyssaWalker11 2 роки тому

    I wish we had these grid placements tools on PS4. I have to place each thing individually. It takes so long. And then sometimes I accidently put it in the wrong place and have to close all the menus out just to back up and fix the mistake

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      I thought you did have them? That's one of the good things that was ported over?

  • @geometryking2952
    @geometryking2952 2 роки тому

    what is the zet key?

  • @bbranderzz
    @bbranderzz 6 місяців тому

    You mention making sure disabled guests can get up the hill... I'm wondering if the game has people with wheelchairs or strollers. Cause I was thinking the same thing when placing a monorail. 😂

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  6 місяців тому

      Sadly no disabled guests.. or pushchairs in the game. It is, in hindsight a bit of an oversight by Frontier, but they did address it at the launch: essentially coding everything needed for disabled guests is too big of a task for this game for the playability it offers. Whether that is able-ist, though, is down to Twitter to decide. I'd love to see it in some sort of future game, whether Coaster 2 or a spiritual successor and so, for now, I try to include something in that space if only for a touch of realism, even if it isn't usable in game :)

  • @twin-hit9405
    @twin-hit9405 Місяць тому

    I really like the fact that the voice is in the middle while using stereo, unlike previous episode. Last episode the voice was coming from left-behind. Real annoying. Thank you for fixing it.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  Місяць тому

      And that video was the one that popped off too... annoyingly.

    • @twin-hit9405
      @twin-hit9405 Місяць тому

      @Nerdchacho because it also was a good video.

  • @beepfacederbyfacepalm8579
    @beepfacederbyfacepalm8579 3 роки тому

    how to get the toplary hedges?

  • @azarelthecreator7098
    @azarelthecreator7098 Рік тому

    I didnt know how to fill in those empty unpathed grass areas so i just used the terain paint and painted them concrete.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  Рік тому

      Path covers, my friend.. it is all about the path covers! :D

  • @tobymoger816
    @tobymoger816 3 роки тому

    how do you make your parks so busy? i have plenty of rides and barely anyone walking around. it’s so annoying

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому +1

      I'll assume you're on PC for this one because I don't know how it works on console... It is all linked to the park rating - the higher the rating the more guests you have. The rating is based on 3 factors: Guest happiness, park décor and ride prestige. You get awarded with points based on how much decoration your park has, how good your rides are and how happy your guests are. You can increase the ride score by having rollercoasters with a 1000+ prestige and flat rides of around 600 (you achieve this by changing the ride sequences in the options tabs). You get an increase in score with the scenery you add - the more you add the higher your score. And if you keep your guests happy (entertained, fed, watered, toilet needs) then you can get upto a 25% boost. :)

    • @tobymoger816
      @tobymoger816 3 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho i’m on console, do these still apply?

    • @shawtytellmeifimwrong
      @shawtytellmeifimwrong 3 роки тому

      @@tobymoger816 Yes they still apply

    • @tobymoger816
      @tobymoger816 3 роки тому

      @@shawtytellmeifimwrong right not sure how to do it though i’ve added plenty of scenery ect and i’ve made the ride cycles good but still barely anyone in the park

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  3 роки тому

      @@tobymoger816 I believe so, yes. You may just have different guest numbers because of the Oswold Counter :)

  • @OO0ooAceoo0OO
    @OO0ooAceoo0OO Рік тому

    Why cant I place these concrete slabs over a ride?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  Рік тому

      You probably have collisions turned on. You can turn them off in the game settings..

    • @OO0ooAceoo0OO
      @OO0ooAceoo0OO Рік тому

      @@Nerdchacho ah you legend! thank you so much.

  • @ajbeckett-longstaff9693
    @ajbeckett-longstaff9693 2 роки тому

    I can't place the roofs under my flat rides . Any ideas please anyone ?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Go into the settings and turn off scenery collision.. :)

    • @ajbeckett-longstaff9693
      @ajbeckett-longstaff9693 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho you sir are a gent . I'm hooked on this game now thanks to you . I watched all 19 how to videos in two days that's how hooked . Thanks for the reply

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      @@ajbeckett-longstaff9693 wow, that is so much dedication to the cause.. 🤣

    • @ajbeckett-longstaff9693
      @ajbeckett-longstaff9693 2 роки тому

      @@Nerdchacho I grew up on traveling funfairs and I have wanted a game like this forever . I have played this game for a while but never knew the extent in which you could build everything untill I came across one of your realistic park videos . Now it's all coming together nicely .

  • @ZamTx1
    @ZamTx1 Рік тому


  • @zboltunknown
    @zboltunknown 2 роки тому

    cant group roofs together

  • @gs2162
    @gs2162 Рік тому

    Do you seriously have to single click everything like that? You can't drag a box and make it all fill in with plaza?

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  Рік тому

      There are tricks you can do, yes, absolutely. I've only done it one by one here because it is a tutorial..

  • @YourrandomTDSplayer
    @YourrandomTDSplayer 2 роки тому

    I cant make my track 66 degress

  • @willemgorman6134
    @willemgorman6134 3 роки тому

    I've got one thing to say, plaza

  • @philrobson
    @philrobson 2 роки тому

    It looks realistic until guests arrive and feet disappear into the path covering.

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  2 роки тому

      Haha. The guests ruin it. But it is sometimes a trade off that is needed...

  • @alexuk2000
    @alexuk2000 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this. I love PC and have so many hours in it.
    I can honestly say the pathing tool is by far the worst feature of the game, and IMO really lets the game down, in what would else be a pretty perfect modern park builder.

  • @WesTomato1
    @WesTomato1 6 місяців тому +3

    Who here in 2024

  • @smorgan4767
    @smorgan4767 2 роки тому

    i use ps4 but this help thanks

  • @izaakz12
    @izaakz12 2 роки тому


  • @StopGhozting
    @StopGhozting Рік тому

    This is way too long…

    • @Nerdchacho
      @Nerdchacho  Рік тому

      Watch it as 2x speed, it is half the length then...