The Heroine's Journey

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @matthewharris3898
    @matthewharris3898 5 років тому +11

    I think both the Hero's Journey and the Heroine's Journey are so important at this time of great change. To see them as complimentary and Both universal (archetypal) annnnd personal at the same time. The Hero's Journey being more of an outward expression of our soul's journey, and the Heroine's Journey as more of the inward journey of our soul and its healing.
    Your mentioning of wounding and its healing is very important. Also, that men experience wounding and have suffered through the patriarchal culture and mindset is part of the healing process as well. To marry the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine is challenge of our day.

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +1

      I agree, Matthew - absolutely! Thank you for your comment.

  • @leahmow-yoffee9270
    @leahmow-yoffee9270 4 роки тому +4

    Wow . Great summary of women's lives in this and last century.

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому

      Thank you - it's interesting to see where one is on the journey!

  • @FM-yk1yr
    @FM-yk1yr 4 роки тому +3

    Fantastic! Thank you. I have been on this path and am happy to know there is a name for it!

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому

      That's awesome! I think many of us have been on this path without realising what it was! Always nice to know we are never alone! Thanks for commenting.

  • @user-ic4sx7xh1d
    @user-ic4sx7xh1d Рік тому +3

    really well explained , thank you

  • @havendewart
    @havendewart 2 роки тому +2

    The wonderfull thing about the Hero's journey (used non-binanaraly) is that it can be adapted to all sorts of sanarios. I particularly love this adaptation. Thanks you for sharing!

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  2 роки тому

      Thank you - yes - no matter what our orientation, we all hold both yin & yang - so the internal & external journeys apply to everyone!

  • @couragecoachsam
    @couragecoachsam 3 роки тому +7

    The couples my wife and I coach learn about our perspective on the Hero’s and Heroine’s Journey. The fundamental distinctions we’ve found between the two is the questions asked by either. The Hero asks: What am I made of? Is that enough? If not, who must I become?
    The Heroine asks: Who am I? Is it okay to be me? Who are my people and where do I fit among them?

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  3 роки тому +2

      I love that and it totally resonates! I think, as well, that some women, particularly in the corporate arena, ask themselves if they are enough, what are they made of, who must they become? And some men, as they awaken to the feminine principle/yin within, might ask; "Who am I? Is it okay to be me? Who are my people and where do I fit among them?"
      Thinking of the Enneagram as the structure of the ego-self, "Am I enough?" would equate to Enneagram 3 (the achiever). The wounding that creates this orientation comes from the masculine - from the father. It's really about authority. Do I measure up? So I agree it's related to the masculine (which is within both sexes). "Is it okay to be me?" is more related to Enneagram 4 (the tragic romantic) which feels a sense of not belonging and a fear of abandonment. It could also be seen as part of Enneagram 2, with its fear of rejection and feelings of unworthiness - which come from the feminine/mothering side - feeling there was not enough love, then the (incorrect) assumption follows that "I am not loveable."
      Thanks for the comment! :-)

  • @dorisw2507
    @dorisw2507 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for making a great video that I imagine a lot of people may find difficult to embrace. You should make more videos ☺️

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you Doris - I plan to make more videos towards the end of the year. My book's being launched in July so I'm focused on that at the moment. Glad you enjoyed the Heroine's Journey. :-)

  • @aggieunda3354
    @aggieunda3354 2 роки тому +1

    This has been awesome! I have wanted to research the heroine’s journey to better my writing, but it has helped me to better understand my daughter. Thank you 🙏

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  2 роки тому +1

      That's wonderful! I'm so glad it's helped! Thank you for letting me know!

  • @marshmallowvampire8503
    @marshmallowvampire8503 3 роки тому +1

    I really enjoyed this. Thanks

  • @sergioraposo9531
    @sergioraposo9531 5 років тому +2

    Very clearly explained. Thank you.

  • @macgirl1234
    @macgirl1234 4 роки тому +1

    This is lovely, thank you so much

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому

      My pleasure - thank you for your comment. :-)

  • @SuppressedOfficial
    @SuppressedOfficial Рік тому +1

    "I want one, but mine needs to be pink!"

    • @gonzo5648
      @gonzo5648 Рік тому

      I kind of get that vibe, too. I'd like to think there's more, but it certainly seems like a pink filter slapped on top.

  • @eliasscorsone3220
    @eliasscorsone3220 3 місяці тому +2

    Really beautiful model, just discovering it now. Very grateful for your making this discussion public. I'm trying to hammer out a story, and the main character is a woman who is healing herself, so the discovery of this is wonderful.
    Campbell thinking women can't be heroes is annoying and gross!
    Does the Heroine's Journey model include a reinterpreted version of the Campbell/Hero's journey for the masculine, given the Campbell model dismissed women's experience when it was written?
    Asking because I'm wondering if, without it, does it result in the Heroine's healing the masculine making women only a means to an end for men?
    Also: Would "spiral" work as more of a "helix" (like a ribbon around a cylinder, I think it's the right word) as the heroine's journey is ongoing; or is it a spiral growing outward (ie: 2d) as the heroine goes inward?

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you so much for your comment. Although Campbell was quoted as saying the Hero’s Journey was not intended for women, I believe we each have both masculine and feminine principles within us (the yin and the yang) - so in fact the two journeys- within and without - would ideally be in balance and harmony. Our life becomes a dance between the two.
      As a woman, we can take the external road of trials (hero’s journey) and the inner (heroine’s journey). Both would seek to heal both the masculine and feminine within us. Similarly a man can take both journeys, healing both aspects within himself. Ultimately, in taking these journeys we heal and grow - restoring both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine so they work to support each other.
      Yes - you are quite right - it’s a helix- an upward raising of consciousness and awareness. A vertical Jacob’s ladder. At the same time you could look at it as an expanding spiral of self-awareness. I hadn’t thought of it that way before but I like your analogy.
      Good luck with your story, Elias!

  • @flowwithmaria
    @flowwithmaria 4 роки тому +2

    You should make more videos!

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому

      Thank you - I will make more at some point. I'm busy writing at the moment!

  • @TactlessGuy
    @TactlessGuy 4 роки тому +1

    This is way more complex and abstract than the hero's journey, although it might be because it's difficult for me as a male to relate to it. It seems to me like the male spirit is one that is impervious and deflects what the world throws at it, while the female spirit constantly absorbs it all in order to develop from it. Perhaps this is why we sometimes enjoy tragedies and romance stories which incite powerful emotions, in contrast to inspirational tales of conquering and slaying dragons.

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +1

      You make a good observation - thank you for your contribution. "The male spirit is one that is impervious and deflects what the world throws at it, while the female spirit constantly absorbs it all in order to develop from it." This would reflect the roles of the masculine principle (action, administration, doing, logic, deflecting) and the feminine principle (receiving, nurturing, reflecting, creating, intuitive). Nice comment. Thanks. :)

  • @AbenaBaileyEdu
    @AbenaBaileyEdu 4 роки тому +2

    Where is Session 10?

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +1

      Session 10 is not recorded here. It was a live session with me. There are 12 sessions in total for the Bone Circle Training, which is a complete programme to learn to live intuitively, from Greatness, to fulfil your true purpose and understand and overcome the self-sabotage that we are all inherently endowed with.

  • @AbenaBaileyEdu
    @AbenaBaileyEdu 4 роки тому +1

    You mean we are living in a patriarchal society rather than matriarchal? (3:06)

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +1

      Yes... you spotted my error. Absolutely correct. Patriarchal rather than matriarchal. Thank you :)

  • @martinbengtsson244
    @martinbengtsson244 4 роки тому +1

    This is really sad. Does a "modern woman" need to start life doing the male life project and after having found it lacking start doing her own?
    Your own story is an example. You did all the things in the heroes journey and had everything yet still ended up divorced. It was only after that you started on your female part of the spiral. What kind of person where you with your husband and children? Where you the woman that you wanted to be to them or something else?
    What is really sad with this is that the "modern woman" does not to get to be a woman until her reproductive life is over. Is this really something to strive for?
    The heroes journey does not have to be something that stretches over a whole life. It can be a short cycle of growth and can be done many times over a lifetime. The heroines journey is nothing of that but describes the heroines yearning.
    Feminism has messed up womens lives in ways women feel but don't understand.

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +5

      Hi Martin - many thanks for your comment. The reason I posted this video was to highlight the trap that some women (not all) can find themselves in - so that women can become aware of this unconscious pattern. If we are aware, we can make an informed choice to step into the Hero's Journey yet stay connected to the feminine and find the right balance. In that regard, I find this empowering, rather than sad. I don't think it's fair to say that 'modern woman' doesn't get to be a woman until her reproductive life is over! The vast majority of women have children and reconnect to their feminine side. I don't see this as a life-long journey. I see it, as with the hero's journey, being 'wheels within wheels'. As you say, Hero's Journies can be small, short, long. Your life can be a hero's journey. Your meeting this afternoon can also be one... It's the same with the Heroine's Journey. Many women throw themselves into work/success in the world, create it, then take time out to reconnect to their inner selves. It's when they DON'T take time out to reconnect that they can feel burned out.
      Regarding my own life, I was giving as an example to my students, a time during my life when I felt burned out and spent... But that doesn't mean there were not previous cycles - within my marriage and prior to it - where I was in balance! What sort of person was I? I don't think we change our personality - we simply heal the shadow.

    • @martinbengtsson244
      @martinbengtsson244 4 роки тому

      @@thebonecircle Ok, let me phrase it another way. Maybe "modern women" should start investigating their biology and understand what that is before trying to become something they think they want to be.

    • @thebonecircle
      @thebonecircle  4 роки тому +3

      @@martinbengtsson244 I don't think it's so much biology, as psychology, and that's why I wanted to highlight this work by Maureen Murdock. Equally, I'm sure this isn't limited to 'modern woman'. There are many 'modern men' who burn out or find themselves in a job or a career they don't like. As Stephen Covey famously quoted: "If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster."
      It's worth remembering that human beings have within them both feminine and masculine principles, and these need to be in balance, per the symbol of the t'ai chi (the yin balanced with the yang).