Dear Father Veselin, thank you so much for your talk and also especially the question and answer time… I was moved by the question „why is it that only the good die young?“ and than your very touching and profound way of trying to give an answer to that… I think this could serve many as a „short“ on social media as it gives a different and much more hopeful aspect to us about „sudden / early death“ or suffering… well, I try to put into words what is really a big task… and writing this, I dare to even send out the question to you: please, would you possibly pray about giving even more in depth talks/ homilies on how to deal with experiences of loss, of suffering, of death… (be it of own near family members, relatives, friends… and so much more)… I just imagine so many people around this world would benefit from that (I definitely would) … A second question: Your talks are so profound and had made such an impact on me and my relationship with Christ (wanting to be closer to him again after several big losses / deaths within my near family… also some died young or even very young)… so to take the leap of courage after writing this much: what would you need to affirm a request to come to us and give a talk (or several) at Salzburg in Austria 🇦🇹 (not Australia)… I will begin to pray for you to come here as we have a lot of very deeply interested people in a true relationship with Christ. If you do only reply on personal written emails, would you - or the person who reads this and knows the email / contact of Fr. Veselin, please write me back on it… That would be very kind… At the End, I wish to say: Thank you. 🙏 Thank you 🙏 ❤🎉 God bless you and all that are touched by Gods love through your ministry.
Thank you for your profound message 🙏 ❤ 🙏
Thank you Father.
Dear Father Veselin, thank you so much for your talk and also especially the question and answer time… I was moved by the question „why is it that only the good die young?“ and than your very touching and profound way of trying to give an answer to that… I think this could serve many as a „short“ on social media as it gives a different and much more hopeful aspect to us about „sudden / early death“ or suffering… well, I try to put into words what is really a big task… and writing this, I dare to even send out the question to you: please, would you possibly pray about giving even more in depth talks/ homilies on how to deal with experiences of loss, of suffering, of death… (be it of own near family members, relatives, friends… and so much more)… I just imagine so many people around this world would benefit from that (I definitely would) …
A second question:
Your talks are so profound and had made such an impact on me and my relationship with Christ (wanting to be closer to him again after several big losses / deaths within my near family… also some died young or even very young)… so to take the leap of courage after writing this much: what would you need to affirm a request to come to us and give a talk (or several) at Salzburg in Austria 🇦🇹 (not Australia)… I will begin to pray for you to come here as we have a lot of very deeply interested people in a true relationship with Christ. If you do only reply on personal written emails, would you - or the person who reads this and knows the email / contact of Fr. Veselin, please write me back on it… That would be very kind… At the End, I wish to say: Thank you. 🙏 Thank you 🙏 ❤🎉 God bless you and all that are touched by Gods love through your ministry.
Thank you Father.