Season 10 Weapon Balance from Chinese version 🟡Shorty -Decreased Damage at Range -Slightly increased Vertical Recoil 🟡Swordfish -Increased Mag Size from 44 to 52 -Decreased Burst Interval Halberd mag: -Increased Mag Size from 40 to 50 -Increased chest+arms damage from 24 to 26 🟡MX9 -Decreased base Damage from 30 to 25 -Increased Base Recoil 🟡MW11 -Increased base dmg from 26 to 35 and increased Chest and Headshot Multiplier (40 mg for chest) 🟡Type25 -Increased Fire Rate -Increased base lower torso abdomen damage from 24 to 26 •Stopping Power: -Adjusted Recoil -Increased damage to 28 base mg and 30 mg upper chest -Removed Reload Speed penalty 🟡Man-O-War -Decreased Recoil -Improved BSA and Hipfire Accuracy 🟡R9-0 -Decreased STF Delay -Increased Rechambering Speed 🟡Snipers and Marksman Rifles -Adjusted the feature of cancelling Recenter Animation through moving away so you need to move it more to aim at another target quickly 🟡Launchers -Fixed issues of damage delay after hitting 🟡FHJ -Increased Bullet Velocity in Multiplayer 🟡Thumper -Increased Direct Damage but decreased Explosive Radius. 🟡SMRS -Increased Direct Base Damage but decreased •Explosive Radius (Multiplayer) -Decreased Direct Damage -Slightly decreased initial Bullet Velocity for SMRS, though maximum Bullet Velocity is the same (Battle Royale) 🟡Perk •Quick Fix will only trigger once per 2s 🟡Weapon Perk •Speed Up Kill -Removed Sprint Speed boost, retaining the Walking Speed boost for reloading and rechambering and limiting the Normal Speed Boost and Sliding Speed Boost
Such an honor to play with u my friend 👻🔥 (imagine I get pinned lmao xD)
Pinned G
Ye imagine
The voicelines like "search and destroy prone"
"Do what a ninja do"
Make these neenja defuses more better
Its pro not prone
"Search and destroy pro" not "prone"
Season 10 Weapon Balance from Chinese version
-Decreased Damage at Range
-Slightly increased Vertical Recoil
-Increased Mag Size from 44 to 52
-Decreased Burst Interval
Halberd mag:
-Increased Mag Size from 40 to 50
-Increased chest+arms damage from 24 to 26
-Decreased base Damage from 30 to 25
-Increased Base Recoil
-Increased base dmg from 26 to 35 and increased Chest
and Headshot Multiplier (40 mg for chest)
-Increased Fire Rate
-Increased base lower torso abdomen damage from 24
to 26
•Stopping Power:
-Adjusted Recoil
-Increased damage to 28 base mg and 30 mg upper
-Removed Reload Speed penalty
-Decreased Recoil
-Improved BSA and Hipfire Accuracy
-Decreased STF Delay
-Increased Rechambering Speed
🟡Snipers and Marksman Rifles
-Adjusted the feature of cancelling Recenter Animation
through moving away so you need to move it more to aim
at another target quickly
-Fixed issues of damage delay after hitting
-Increased Bullet Velocity in Multiplayer
-Increased Direct Damage but decreased Explosive Radius.
-Increased Direct Base Damage but decreased
•Explosive Radius (Multiplayer)
-Decreased Direct Damage
-Slightly decreased initial Bullet Velocity for SMRS,
though maximum Bullet Velocity is the same (Battle
•Quick Fix will only trigger once per 2s
🟡Weapon Perk
•Speed Up Kill
-Removed Sprint Speed boost, retaining the Walking
Speed boost for reloading and rechambering and limiting
the Normal Speed Boost and Sliding Speed Boost
Pasted in discord, and its actually all servers/versions of the game as a matter of fact
I was looking was a punchline 😭
I’d like to see the failed attempts of ninja defuses. That’ll be interesting.
Salute to the guy who distracts the enemies to let ventz have time to defuse
Ventz literally do every challenge and don't ignore which are harder to do
Nah , he ignores the challenges that are to easy.
He is a true chad
What a great teamwork the other distract while hes defusing
*You ninja defused leader Xi Jinping who disguise as a noob, you should have felt his presence*
-100000000 Social Credit
2:25 I've been looking for that one, thanks for another ninja spot bud
This certified bing chilling moment
Bro defuse the bomb faster than my dad leaving me 🤣🤣😂😃😀😐😶😭😭
Ay sick cinematic transition at the start
Semangat om Buat kontennya:v
Literally 1000 IQ 😁👍👍👍
3amoor - sniper god
Zeke - noscope and granade angle god
Ventz - ninja god
Zeke is also a sniper god prolly
I love it when the editing Camera Gameplay looks Awesome.
It's like watching a movie
How did he ddo that
Big Breyn!🤧❤️
Imagine not being caught with a pink skin VentzTV is the true ninja defuser nobody else :D :)) :3
YAY VentzTV liked my comment yet again im HAPPYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
Always enjoy your video
i love the teamwork haha
Legend 🇱🇰🔥❤️
Erasable Ninja vibes
That intro is op 🔥
Always see your back comrade after plant bomb
I love your content man
Patut jadi pro player lu bang!🔥
the distraction always works lol
These videos are addictive !
0:29 fake Aerith on ur team🤣
Dis is ventz best defuser in snd
Bruh u really do ninja defuse like erasableninja and cookieninja
i love how ventzy managed neenja defuse with very bright skin...... meanwhile me with dark skin i cant even neenja defuse lol
Nice ninja!
I'm here from Discord and i have come to watch this Epic montage of a real Ninja 🥷🥷🥷
I love the remix of pigstep disc and dream Speedrun song and I also wonder....
How didn't enemies saw the thick ass of urban tracker
lets goo
Wow amazing ninja moves saludos to you men you bully and troll your enemy.
Oh my God dude it's so fun 😂😂😂
New video style nice
Nice 👍
That shock rc bait was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nooo Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
This is Not king This is GOD of Ninja Defuse, 😵😵😵😵
Game sense at its fullest
If this kind of stuff allows me to gain social credits then ill gladly remember and learn them
Search and destroy by savageness
Next challenge: ninja defuse in front of enemy and never prone
Game nya keren booss.. Hajar trus boos.. Mantab.. 🤝👍☕🙏
This vid gives the same vibes as Cookie and Erasable Ninja too bad the two of them stopped posting UA-cam vids for almost 2 years
that shock rc its just refuse to stun you vents
*Ventz The Bezt*
Can ventz make a video of him nuking 🤔
1:45 coook
Teamwork = stonks
krazi Ventz
Urban tracker sussy during NNN
Challenge win match with ninja defuse only😃
Best video!!!
Make a compilation of all the times when the enemy killed u while ninja defusing
Operation search destroyed
HnD Hide and defuse
The shock rc faked his owner 😂
Mission impossible looks like
U could if did infinite social credits when u got the Ninja Defuses Lmao
2:10 what does it mean to use 2 ss in snd, and what happens if we use that? 🤔
I see you’ve been watching cookeninja for a bit
🔥 👌
When im doing ninja defuse sometimes they are killing me because they hear me when im defusing the bomb
Haha 😂😂😂
What is your first expression when you first ninja def?
How do you spot where they plant the bomb?????
I challenge you defuse the bomb with reaper
POV: You are watching VentzTV vid
Denied enemys defuse with martyrdom perk in last second? 😜
Lol me thinking he hearted all 97 comments I was like sheeeshh
Reading the comments with that ❤️
Cool hahaha
It's ventz with his pupils
Erasable ninja :)
Soon I will to start doing this type of video 🔥
2:11 roast back
Nice work bang
0:06 how do you make like that like in 3rd person?
U r the best
Ventz im back and a dare try to ninja with emp grenade
2:01 roasted
I can't ninja defuse of my teammates.Every time I'd ninja defuse I caught everytime.Noice
Next challenge: spray with rpd meanwhile you hide and your enemy plant the bomb
I have a question how do you know which one has the bomb before he plant
I think i found a new main. Later Ice! Simp u never Oxy 💀
I challenge u to get an ace in snd with slowest ads dlq class
Challenge use the Terrance brooks skin or any wide skin and while ninja defusing u have to click twice on the bomb I know it’s impossible
Try ninja defusing with your least favorite skin
Big brein 🤑🤑
How u make freecam perspective like that bro?
what's that purple thing above your head