How To Make Macaroons!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Chloe3610
    @Chloe3610 9 років тому +721

    The woman was so annoyed LOL

      @ThePINOYZONE 9 років тому +91

      Lol they're like kids like wtf.

    • @cookiejargirl
      @cookiejargirl 9 років тому +17

      IKR She totally didnt like Joe didnt give him any points

    • @ImmaGoofyBoy
      @ImmaGoofyBoy 9 років тому +26

      Chloe daunicorn I thought she was nice and honest looool

    • @Chloe3610
      @Chloe3610 9 років тому +41

      Mario esteban julio ricardo dela rosa ramirez same and i would actually be pissed when i see them swear about dirty things and squeeze the macaroon into shits and stuff

    • @Rex-golf_player810
      @Rex-golf_player810 7 років тому +2

      it looked more like it was just plain awk for her

  • @Kelvinnguyenable
    @Kelvinnguyenable 9 років тому +569

    Damn the girl looked pissed off during the whole process lol

    • @maharaja1679
      @maharaja1679 9 років тому +8

      Yes, stop stealing comments.

    • @NOTUnclephil
      @NOTUnclephil 9 років тому +2

      How? All she did was make a macaroon

    • @saber26ful
      @saber26ful 9 років тому +3

      Kelvin Nguyen she did look pissed

    • @KraZxaZn
      @KraZxaZn 9 років тому +26

      Uncle Phil Coming from a French macaron baker myself, me just watching two untrained bakers just playing around with macaron batter, thinking they can just make any shape and sizes, just makes me cringe. The effort you put into making the perfect macaron batter with countless hours of practice just being thrown away in the front of your face will honestly make me mad too. There is a reason why these things are so difficult to make and the batter you see in the video isn't shipped from a factory; it's made freshly by hand every single day. And not only is the batter difficult to master, but it is also expensive, considering the macaron cookie contains almond meal/flour, which can range from $10-15 just for about 2 cups of it. With that being said, I'm pretty sure the bakery will not sell the macarons made in this video but was rather just an investment for the company itself. I hope this helped!

    • @pollypauline143
      @pollypauline143 9 років тому +6

      +Joshua Joo but the bakery invited them, knowing they didn't know how to bal. so it's the bakery's fault

  • @Shou1020
    @Shou1020 9 років тому +85

    Bart: "I feel like there's a machine and you're just making me do slave labor."

  • @jeffrey23796
    @jeffrey23796 9 років тому +123

    why is everyone so uptight and sensitive when you watch jk things? Just sit back and chill the fuck out. At the end of the day they're just trying to provide you with content to entertain you guys while having a bit of fun themselves.

  • @donutluver19
    @donutluver19 8 років тому +79

    I miss these types of videos

  • @ChaozDealer
    @ChaozDealer 9 років тому +337

    is it an american thing to call them macaroons?
    Because if i remember correctly macaroon is some kind of coconut or almond cake/biscuit thing.

    • @trishcake
      @trishcake 9 років тому +9

      The correct term for them are french macaroons

    • @SimplyAlemap
      @SimplyAlemap 9 років тому +5

      macarons are the coconut things.

    • @trishcake
      @trishcake 9 років тому +2

      No, i mean the one that they are making are french macaroons

    • @TheInkedScars
      @TheInkedScars 9 років тому +4

      ***** other way around little pingu

    • @msantoinette6283
      @msantoinette6283 9 років тому +30

      You are correct. They are macarons and the coconut/almond cakes or biscuits are macaroons. There's no such thing as "French" macaroons.

  • @wichmanfamz
    @wichmanfamz 8 років тому +55

    Obviously the woman doesn't watch their channels. She had no idea what she got herself into.

  • @sithlord_dani
    @sithlord_dani 8 років тому +16

    I always pass by Puffect Bakery on my way home. I'm going to try it out now!!!!

    • @FroggieToast
      @FroggieToast 8 років тому

      Joy Ortiz do they even have business

    • @bakedafpuffin8184
      @bakedafpuffin8184 8 років тому

      +Brussel Sprout Not if they're selling Brussels Sprouts

  • @eron2216
    @eron2216 9 років тому +1

    I love the new direction they're taking this channel. Always going to support you guys! Keep doing what you're doing!

  • @reptilemk4
    @reptilemk4 9 років тому +243

    Thought it was 'macaron'...?

    • @djokawari1
      @djokawari1 9 років тому +33

      You're right. Macaroon is a different food.

    • @justinnyugen7015
      @justinnyugen7015 9 років тому +21

      reptilemk4 I blame the people who named these pastries in the first place

    • @useless5567
      @useless5567 9 років тому +11

      macaron is the ones that they made in the video. macaroon is a coconut cookie type thing.

    • @AznXSandy
      @AznXSandy 9 років тому +19

      You're all wrong, they're pretty pattys.

    • @mayorhancock2234
      @mayorhancock2234 9 років тому

      Yes they are.

  • @iiUsagii
    @iiUsagii 9 років тому +4

    I find this episode so interesting watching Bart's and Joe's macaroons turn up into tasty... Totally worth it X'D

  • @krystql8056
    @krystql8056 9 років тому +226

    Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that the girl ate the macaron that Bart licked?!?!?!

    • @Buhle93
      @Buhle93 9 років тому +5

      Ana Banana she didn't. thats why there's a single squiggly one on top of two round ones. He got rid of the one he licked

    • @Buhle93
      @Buhle93 9 років тому +12

      Ana Banana ah, just finished watching. never mind, that is gross lol

    • @IamDestiny-x4i
      @IamDestiny-x4i 9 років тому

      I think that's his sister you can tell they look alike and in a part of the video that it was something about Bart saying it was his sister

    • @MitsudaJu
      @MitsudaJu 9 років тому +7

      lily cen Bart doesnt have any siblings.

    • @missnutellanbiscoff
      @missnutellanbiscoff 9 років тому

      lily cen WTF lol

  • @denzelnoname4775
    @denzelnoname4775 9 років тому +251

    WTF is a macaroon. Thats a god damn colored krabby patty.

  • @MrFappington
    @MrFappington 9 років тому +189

    Those are *Macarons...

    • @ElHerpoDerpo
      @ElHerpoDerpo 9 років тому

      You have to understand that people call things differently in different countries.

    • @meganchan9845
      @meganchan9845 9 років тому +30

      El Herpo Derpo It's not called any differently in other countries. Macarons and Macaroons are simply two different kinds of cookies. They just seem to get mixed up more in America.

    • @ElHerpoDerpo
      @ElHerpoDerpo 9 років тому +4

      No, that's actually a mistake people make. Theu assume its only pronounced Macaron, when in reality, Macaron is the correct french pronunciation but it is perfectly fine to say macaroon because that is the english translation. It does cause some confusion because a macaroon is also another pastry but macaroon is not incorrect.

    • @phoebevu470
      @phoebevu470 9 років тому +4

      i know!! they keep calling them macaroons

    • @bruhtown241
      @bruhtown241 9 років тому

      some people say it differently

  • @melissakane7861
    @melissakane7861 9 років тому +150

    Okay so I've missed a few videos so pardon my ignorance but how the heck did we get from making a film to macaroons? Hahaha what did I miss

    • @boni950
      @boni950 9 років тому +34

      Melissa Kane They've stopped making skits because they want to work on more professional filming. Now they just post videos of them trying new things so we could still be entertained meanwhile.

    • @degeneration2xtreme
      @degeneration2xtreme 9 років тому

      Melissa Kane What happened was they moved the JK Adventure vids to the main channel so JK Party is more challenges/games, and as a result, they just up and stopped showing the making of the movie.

    • @TVBFAN11224
      @TVBFAN11224 9 років тому

      Melissa Kane Me too I thought they quit on skits , and started to prepare to make a action film movie. But now their making videos of their life and trying new things.

    • @melissakane7861
      @melissakane7861 9 років тому +1

      yeah i just thought the videos would be related to their film? not complaining just curious

    • @FleeForce
      @FleeForce 9 років тому +4

      Melissa B Fuck the movie and fuck the skits this way better in my holy opinion

  • @jjmcowboy
    @jjmcowboy 9 років тому +4

    This girl is so patient

  • @jessicac8184
    @jessicac8184 9 років тому +8

    That place looks bomb !

  • @shamille724
    @shamille724 9 років тому +1

    I've never seen macarons decorated like that! So cute!

  • @shirlchen
    @shirlchen 9 років тому

    yessss!!!!! this is finally out! i've been waiting for this video ever since they posted it on their instagram woohooo

  • @chef7784
    @chef7784 9 років тому +32

    "You should try my snake"

  • @ginaheartscupcakes
    @ginaheartscupcakes 9 років тому +1

    This was hilarious...especially Bart and his cooking style lmao.
    I saw this on puffect's Instagram and was waiting so long for this video. (:

  • @qtpie0960
    @qtpie0960 9 років тому

    i like how Joe said Casey's job was on the line, i laughed this entire video

  • @ngeeacun8430
    @ngeeacun8430 9 років тому

    Finally!! Ive been waiting for this video to get uploaded ever since I saw the instagram posts :)

  • @joeygambino3395
    @joeygambino3395 8 років тому +1

    Bart had be busting up toward the end "have some coffee that's what it's here for" in a sufisticated voice

  • @trapsoulx
    @trapsoulx 9 років тому +11

    Lmfao the girl is so done with your shit hhahaha

  • @vickg9218
    @vickg9218 9 років тому +6

    that chick is like wtf did i get my business into lol

  • @thefourstooges2376
    @thefourstooges2376 8 років тому +1

    these guys are like children! i love it

  • @ericli6098
    @ericli6098 9 років тому +2

    Getting some serious work done on that movie JKFilms

  • @OriiShi
    @OriiShi 9 років тому

    The girl's face reaction.. shows all her emotion

  • @kayla-kf6yh
    @kayla-kf6yh 9 років тому +47

    macaroons macarons
    doesn't even matter

    • @Amy-lg6wf
      @Amy-lg6wf 9 років тому +44

      but they are different things

    • @mayorhancock2234
      @mayorhancock2234 9 років тому +29

      They are extremely different

    • @kayla-kf6yh
      @kayla-kf6yh 9 років тому


    • @vnguyen6234
      @vnguyen6234 9 років тому +2

      macaroons are made of coconut and macaron is almonds

    • @tlyn5748
      @tlyn5748 9 років тому +8

      There is a difference maracoons are the coconut ones and macarons are the ones in the video

  • @thomaswayne.h.4151
    @thomaswayne.h.4151 9 років тому +7

    Bart is very hygienic

  • @hokuh.3943
    @hokuh.3943 7 років тому

    I remember when I first watched this in early 2016. I came back a year later obessed with JK.

  • 9 років тому +6

    They should of had David doing it because they say he's a really good cook

  • @kuteaznfairy
    @kuteaznfairy 9 років тому +1

    Joe and his "peasant" comments gets me laughing all dayy 😂

  • @jennienguyen4762
    @jennienguyen4762 9 років тому +1

    Laughed so hard when Bart said shut up 😂

  • @JaimeMosqueda
    @JaimeMosqueda 9 років тому +3

    "Your job is on the line" 😂😂😂

  • @lexy9210
    @lexy9210 9 років тому +1

    "You should try my snake" LOOOL BART

  • @nickcabrera3087
    @nickcabrera3087 9 років тому +9

    They look like the Krabby Patties from that one episode of spongebob where he makes them all different colors.

  • @AuomAk
    @AuomAk 9 років тому

    Bart showing the beast side of him right off the bat scaring her.

  • @juicyjaynie
    @juicyjaynie 9 років тому +1

    The girl looked so annoyed LOLL but this was hella funny they need to consider making massive monster macaroons

  • @DK4RI
    @DK4RI 9 років тому +1

    "you should try my snake" dying 😂😂😂

  • @cobem8359
    @cobem8359 9 років тому +12

    I'm waiting for David's comment

  • @Phoca_Vitulina
    @Phoca_Vitulina 9 років тому +3

    Macaroons = thick coconut ball of goodness
    Macarons = almond flour & egg white delicate colorful cookies

  • @seanpham2508
    @seanpham2508 9 років тому +2

    this was FRICKIN funny cuz the whole time Bart was eating things he wasn't supposed to and the girl was like wth

  • @eleanorbalma821
    @eleanorbalma821 8 років тому

    I can't stop laughing "u should try my snake"😂😂😂12:25

  • @masterpug1605
    @masterpug1605 9 років тому +1

    omg I laughed so hard at 12:28 Bart's face😂😂 I even farted 😂😂😂

  • @ViperRebby
    @ViperRebby 9 років тому

    "Recount, Recount, Recount"
    They should've had "all I do is win" play at that moment for Bart lol

  • @deependuajish
    @deependuajish 6 років тому +1

    These videos r funny af!! It's a shame they don't get time to make more

  • @SBSBSB11
    @SBSBSB11 9 років тому

    I wish yall did this with the whole crew!

  • @IfMusicWasLife
    @IfMusicWasLife 9 років тому

    Omg I lost it when Bart drank the maple syrup!

  • @LenDragneel
    @LenDragneel 9 років тому +3

    I love Macaroons, and you guys have a creative way of creating them. Where is this place again ?

    • @LenDragneel
      @LenDragneel 9 років тому

      ***** um.... Is there a difference just keep it as loves food in general.

    • @LenDragneel
      @LenDragneel 9 років тому +1

      ***** Hey thanks for the clear up, I normally get mixed up for many reasons naming their names are so similar !

    • @ayolevar
      @ayolevar 9 років тому

      ***** Correct. Macaron is just a french version of the macaroon.

  • @idekanymore.5879
    @idekanymore.5879 8 років тому

    Bart's are actually really nice when he cooked them and also the presentation at the end but I also really like joe's too

  • @shugoshugo123
    @shugoshugo123 9 років тому +624

    Licking the equipment really bothered me lol and there's so much childish behavior but I guess they're trying to be funny

    • @ImmaGoofyBoy
      @ImmaGoofyBoy 9 років тому +16

      Julie Chen The people judging them at the end ate the food too...

    • @Colton_Marten
      @Colton_Marten 9 років тому +39

      Someone's a little butthurt

    • @LazyIndieGamer
      @LazyIndieGamer 9 років тому +24

      Julie Chen You have obviously never really been behind the scenes of a restaurant/any place that sells food.

    • @antonysongole730
      @antonysongole730 9 років тому +19

      Shut the fuck up!

    • @ChrisFDOT94
      @ChrisFDOT94 9 років тому +70

      Who the fuck are you, Chef Ramsay? Sorry mam, this channel isn't for people over the ages of 50 and up. This was definitely an entertaining video. Who cares if they're childish lol, were you expecting some a professional "How to" video on a Bart Kwan channel lmfao, get real.

  • @CellyCelina045
    @CellyCelina045 9 років тому

    I love Bart and joe so much 😂😂

  • @joey-o1m
    @joey-o1m 9 років тому

    when Casey took some bites it looked so good

  • @MrDarkcloud123
    @MrDarkcloud123 9 років тому

    Joe's huge macaroon looks like something in epic meal time

  • @jill7684
    @jill7684 9 років тому

    seriously they are such cute best friends!

  • @awsome9980
    @awsome9980 8 років тому +2

    oml when Bart liked his macaron.

  • @anthonymcnab9784
    @anthonymcnab9784 9 років тому

    I feckin love you guys you never cease to be entertaining :)

  • @SmoochBoosh
    @SmoochBoosh 9 років тому +2

    Before I knew what these were actually called, I just saw them in cafe's I would walk by, I would just call them flamboyant oreos.

  • @justilynn9475
    @justilynn9475 9 років тому

    When they traded ingredients it reminded me of after halloween when I would trade candies with my friends/siblings.

  • @viewer642
    @viewer642 8 років тому +1

    Im going to that bakery tomorrow!!!

  • @ViperRebby
    @ViperRebby 9 років тому

    Bart-"You should try my snake"
    *shwing* LOL

  • @theriotmonster2656
    @theriotmonster2656 9 років тому +2

    I wish they used the coffee as a flavour. I luv coffee flavoured things

  • @MissyStylee
    @MissyStylee 9 років тому

    Wow, those macaroon shells came out perfect!!!

  • @kingwizard294
    @kingwizard294 8 років тому

    joe actually chef's do what bart did

  • @nicholassauceem4284
    @nicholassauceem4284 9 років тому

    Josh is my favorite person out of the jk crew

  • @crazyazngrl8
    @crazyazngrl8 9 років тому

    Barts just eating the whole time LOL this was hilarious to watch omg :D

  • @kaz04271
    @kaz04271 9 років тому

    Joe roast him at the end with that peasant remark haha.

  • @RamenChan777
    @RamenChan777 9 років тому +1

    In Switzerland they're called Luxemburgerli at least if you buy them at Lindt und Sprüngli ;)

  • @mmhmmm9215
    @mmhmmm9215 9 років тому +45

    Bart just swore in Viet.. Okay I've been following The JK group for a while now but I still dont know Bart or Joe's nationality.

    • @Msching
      @Msching 9 років тому

      +Wendy N I think Bart is Korean. Joe seems like he could be Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese

    • @sonnenn
      @sonnenn 9 років тому

      +Wendy N Bart's Korean and assuming from Joe's surname, he's probably too.

    • @johanne2000
      @johanne2000 9 років тому +1

      +Holly C i thought David was the only korean

    • @AlexK-wp9ie
      @AlexK-wp9ie 9 років тому +6

      +Holly C Bart's surname is Cantonese(Chinese) unless he is one of those rare ass Koreans with just kwan lol unless he's mixed

    • @sonnenn
      @sonnenn 9 років тому

      Alex Awesomepotatosauce
      True, he could be mixed. I don't know; just basing my assumption on majority of comments I've read ngeh

  • @Ag3ntNengo
    @Ag3ntNengo 8 років тому +5

    really cravin some macaroons rn

  • @ajkajmej4894
    @ajkajmej4894 8 років тому

    Macaroons are the coconut clusters. Macarons are the cookies that they are making.

  • @lunalex446
    @lunalex446 9 років тому +19

    Whoa! The dudes were being hella disrespectful & rude! You could tell that girl was pissed off & done with them. I get they were trying to be funny but licking the utensils as soon as you start? Then sticking your hands in the eggs? On top of that being loud & cussing? They could've toned it down just for this video at least. That poor annoyed girl LOL!

    • @anitar.6245
      @anitar.6245 9 років тому +3

      Why are you even watching the video then? That is part of their personality- they're comedians. All of their videos are like that.

    • @godiskungen27
      @godiskungen27 9 років тому +4

      Agree really dont understand Why they behave worse Then my 10yo Brother in every single video when they visit a kitchen being disrespectful does not make it more fun or better just less good stop with that shit Bart and Joe. Thanks

    • @lunalex446
      @lunalex446 9 років тому +3

      Shogo Makishima all I am trying to say is that they could've been funny without the disrespect

    • @ninago.4767
      @ninago.4767 9 років тому

      They probably brought their own utensils to mess around with

  • @Zekky19
    @Zekky19 9 років тому

    I like these cooking videos, it's very entertaining

  • @EphiShrinkit
    @EphiShrinkit 9 років тому +1

    MacaRON! This drives me crazy!

  • @lindalemoni5428
    @lindalemoni5428 9 років тому

    this looks so awesome

  • @Bridee19
    @Bridee19 9 років тому


  • @alyshanguyen2375
    @alyshanguyen2375 7 років тому +1

    i want macaroons now😫😫

  • @YungSeti
    @YungSeti 9 років тому

    Joe and Bart need to have a show on the Food Network bc fuck yea..

  • @thors03
    @thors03 9 років тому

    "It's from uncle Bill" hahahaha omg im dying 😂

  • @christinamdang
    @christinamdang 9 років тому +16

    it's macaron.

  • @annettedo123
    @annettedo123 9 років тому

    It's actually macaron. Macaroon is coconut shreddings with condensed milk. Macaron (the one they made in the video) is the French meringue cookie. :)

  • @JessiCocoa
    @JessiCocoa 9 років тому +1

    I've made macarons. They are really difficult to make. I ended up ruining my first batch because I didn't whip them correctly. I used Nutella as my filling. The second batch turned out really good.

  • @zstriker_gaming8371
    @zstriker_gaming8371 9 років тому +3

    I like how the title says making macaroons when they're making macarons ^_^

  • @DataRadar
    @DataRadar 9 років тому +2

    Bart needs to take a food safety course you can't just put your mouth on or lick everything in a place where food is served to the public

  • @CreiCrei808
    @CreiCrei808 9 років тому

    I love Joe's Monster Macaroon Sandwich xD

  • @Mitchomous
    @Mitchomous 9 років тому

    When Bart said "du ma" 😂😂

  • @angharadirvine9279
    @angharadirvine9279 9 років тому


  • @neongirlgreen
    @neongirlgreen 9 років тому

    These guys are so funny I love their vids

  • @TiaBarrera
    @TiaBarrera 9 років тому

    I love the macarons from Puffect! :D It's in my hometown!

  • @puffymimi
    @puffymimi 9 років тому

    "salivating through my eyeballs" oh Joe. xD

  • @ciara1424
    @ciara1424 9 років тому +8

    Am I the only one who felt sorry for that poor lady😭

    • @benm2156
      @benm2156 9 років тому

      +Mis Click bart & joe are always disrespectful in these types of videos

  • @philchao
    @philchao 9 років тому +9

    working with a bakery that doesn't know how to spell or pronounce Macarons apparently lol

  • @msantoinette6283
    @msantoinette6283 9 років тому

    Yay for Casey!!!

  • @AlternativeOutcast
    @AlternativeOutcast 7 років тому

    "You should try my snake" Killed me

  • @akashagarza7878
    @akashagarza7878 9 років тому

    I made macaroons and I love making them but I have no patience for them at all, but they taste awesome!

  • @sahala8261
    @sahala8261 9 років тому

    I died when Bart said i got this and grabbed the yolks

  • @AwesomeGirl5429
    @AwesomeGirl5429 9 років тому


    @ICYASIAN95 9 років тому +6

    She looked annoyed by you guys lmao