Evil Charity & Evil Pendant (Passions)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kristinamorrison786
    @kristinamorrison786 4 роки тому +115

    2020 Lockdown got me watching at the age of 32 😂 this show was the ultimate when I was young

    • @brentonfredericks5306
      @brentonfredericks5306 4 роки тому +6

      Tell me about it

    • @MicahCreamer-h9s
      @MicahCreamer-h9s Рік тому +3

      Watching it again now at 30 is hilarious the shit they say ..I can't 😂

    • @dee___
      @dee___ Рік тому

      Can i please get the link to all the episodes

  • @vasilivroulis
    @vasilivroulis 10 років тому +243

    i can't believe i watched this as a kid

    • @thenewavenger6650
      @thenewavenger6650 6 років тому +22

      God I can't either. This show was ridiculous.....but entertaining somewhat...my favor part was the cross dressing murderer....

    • @bobbyking2272
      @bobbyking2272 5 років тому +8

      home from school sick, I vaguely remember watching a couple. wtf is this madness, now I feel like I have to work my way through it all.

    • @softbeamsofsunlight
      @softbeamsofsunlight 4 роки тому

      [endgame] avenger.infinity more than a cross dress a hemophrodite.

    • @nkanyisozulu3835
      @nkanyisozulu3835 4 роки тому

      Lol imagine. I should have been scared around the age I started watching this😂😂😂

    • @JonValtandtheEvilRobots
      @JonValtandtheEvilRobots 4 роки тому +9

      Dude it was so great. The producer also was making Young and the Restless at the time, so surely he knew what he was doing. It HAD to be on purpose. Or am I crazy? 🤣

  • @sebastian-sec
    @sebastian-sec Рік тому +41

    This show brings together all the 30-plus-year-olds.

    • @sammyderrick8658
      @sammyderrick8658 9 місяців тому +1

      I'm 28 and I recall it vividly.

    • @ts121084
      @ts121084 6 місяців тому

      We need to gatekeep this one…

    • @EdisonNanub
      @EdisonNanub 5 місяців тому

      I watched passion when I was in grade 9

    • @Joshua-s2y
      @Joshua-s2y 4 місяці тому +1

      Jd vs charity bring it on

    • @JheyBlakk
      @JheyBlakk Місяць тому

      I'm 24 and even I remember this show from TV. In fact I actively searched for it😂

  • @kylelucia1644
    @kylelucia1644 11 років тому +53

    My favorite storylines were the ones with evil charity and Kay and Miguel. I use to run home from school everyday just to watch it. Lol!!!!!

  • @micfac08
    @micfac08 8 років тому +153

    This whole show was truly an abomination. It was so over the top, so ridiculous, so over-acted (or under-acted, lol), had little to no redeeming qualities, and yet it was amazing, incredibly fun, and I still miss it to this day

  • @BellahMaffiaNailsLLC
    @BellahMaffiaNailsLLC 10 місяців тому +4

    I loooovveeed Passions as a kid ! Timmy used to have me dying ! 😂

  • @Justlifttheweight
    @Justlifttheweight 6 місяців тому +3

    I can’t hate this show. It has a special place in my heart. That’s my best childhood memories. 😂

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  4 місяці тому +1

      @@Justlifttheweight I was 6 years old when I first started watching it and I'll forever treasure it... ❤️ The show was so underacted and also overacted, over the top with ridiculous dialogue no one would say in public and some of the worst police investigation scenes ever 😂 But I loved every moment of it. Especially Evil & Zombie Charity, Timmy and Tabitha scenes.

  • @dennismukoyatv
    @dennismukoyatv 2 роки тому +8

    Used to root for good Charity when I watched this show more than 20 years ago...

    • @KeaYang21
      @KeaYang21 Рік тому +2

      Me too
      Charity and Miguel

  • @micfac08
    @micfac08 8 років тому +56

    At the time, I was fairly impressed with the special effects, but they have not aged well at all, lol

  • @demetriuscaldwell1420
    @demetriuscaldwell1420 11 місяців тому +1

    Passions is a true camp classic and evil Charity was gold.

  • @ajavin2719
    @ajavin2719 3 роки тому +14

    I blame this show for all my night terrors as a child. Lmao can’t believe I was obsessed with this show when I was a child 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @recoverymode93
      @recoverymode93 3 роки тому +2

      I was too and I was sucked into it as a child but now I cringe rewatching it 😂

    • @brokengirl8619
      @brokengirl8619 2 роки тому +4

      Its supposed to be cringe, that's why its awesome

    • @MicahCreamer-h9s
      @MicahCreamer-h9s Рік тому +1

      Same lol literally obsessed 😅

    • @Trisof88
      @Trisof88 Рік тому

      I was obsessed too. Loved the characters, outrageous and satirical screenplay, fun drama and the atmospheric soundtracks. They knew what they were doing

  • @amarachiamanda5748
    @amarachiamanda5748 28 днів тому

    Wow...memories. I watched this too as a child.....'You are my passion for life...'😂😂

  • @isabelleizzy0802
    @isabelleizzy0802 5 років тому +8

    I remember this Charity's outfit like it was yesterday.

  • @FrozenRemix1
    @FrozenRemix1 2 роки тому +6

    Timmy screaming, the “cheery music” that plays after Grace Bennett is strangling the hell out of Tabitha Lenox… God, I loved this show 🤣

  • @WhiteWitch84
    @WhiteWitch84 12 років тому +22

    I tottally agree i wish they would release Passions on dvd. :) id tottally buy it just for the entire storyline of Charity from start to finish. I originally started watching Passions when i happened to see a part with Tabitha and her being a witch and i was like "Hmmmmm" so thats how i got hooked onto the show. :) what about you man?

  • @Nour787
    @Nour787 3 роки тому +2

    I cant believe i watched this... but hey, im still watching it now so, oh well, lol.

  • @jaredporikos2197
    @jaredporikos2197 7 років тому +25

    I remeber seeing the charity posssesed storylines and timmy as a kid

    • @JonValtandtheEvilRobots
      @JonValtandtheEvilRobots 3 роки тому +2

      You know, I forgot that Timmy was a doll until I watched some clips. 🤣

    • @jaredporikos2197
      @jaredporikos2197 3 роки тому

      @@JonValtandtheEvilRobots Lol X"D it was pretty good at doing that

  • @andrewbrousseau59
    @andrewbrousseau59 3 роки тому +5

    I was like 7-9 and I loved this show!! I’m 27 and still enjoy it.. even tho the acting is a little stretched

  • @indescribable3865
    @indescribable3865 3 роки тому +8

    I once waited on Chad from passions in Plano, Texas 😆 I said HEY! YOU’RE CHAD FROM PASSIONS! He was like yeah “that was a long time ago” 😝

  • @anaxemurderer5094
    @anaxemurderer5094 3 роки тому +2

    Lmfao I still remember the theme song a million years ago

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Get that baking ready charity let's

  • @tayyibahyussoff5514
    @tayyibahyussoff5514 3 роки тому +14

    I cant believe miguel and charity didnt end up together

    • @jv-ee7ks
      @jv-ee7ks Рік тому +1

      The actress that play Charity left the soap and didn't got replaced by another actress for some reason so he end up with Kay instead.🤨

    • @Alice15210
      @Alice15210 Рік тому

      Honestly their relationship was plain and boring 😂😂😂😂 it didn't suit the standard of the show. We're here for the drama, manipulation and fighting for men who dont want you😂😂😂

  • @judithray1239
    @judithray1239 2 роки тому +3

    You are my Passion for life😍😍😍 I was still 8 or 9 or maybe 10 when I first watched this, I'm now 26😅 had to look for it

  • @brokengirl8619
    @brokengirl8619 2 роки тому +11

    My god this was the greatest soap opera ever. I miss it so.

  • @Justlifttheweight
    @Justlifttheweight 4 місяці тому +2

    I was destroyed when little Timy died. 😭

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  4 місяці тому

      Timmy was one of the best characters alongside Tabitha, Endora on the show. Knowing back then the actor also died from heart complications was so sad and tragic 😢

  • @deandre8589
    @deandre8589 6 років тому +9

    my childhood tv show

  • @tymac9127
    @tymac9127 Рік тому +2

    James E Reilly was such a legend fir creating this show

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    I met members of scream and passions

  • @Bigfellr
    @Bigfellr 4 місяці тому +1

    She was the reason I watched this haha I can’t I had a big crush on her like I was 12

  • @victoriastang
    @victoriastang 4 роки тому +16

    I don't think throwing cut up mushrooms into a frozen pie crust makes any kind of meal.

  • @brokengirl8619
    @brokengirl8619 2 роки тому +5

    People miss the point, this was supposed to be cringe and fun. My god its still great, no soap as fun as this, best soap ever. Plus it had great drama too at times.

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Marc's bench

  • @Quinnbaby
    @Quinnbaby 5 місяців тому +1

    I came across the show because of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When Spike said, “passions is on”😂😂

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  5 місяців тому

      This show could be rebooted and change a few original core elements but keep the wacky supernatural aspect. Unfortunately Ben Masters, Andrea Evans aren't with us no more :( And I don't think anyone can replace the grace and wisdom of the amazing Juliet Mills.

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Roll out charity or roll with me or in the hay

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    In old yeller I didn't 😢😭😭😢

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Just like maria said oh lord I'm in love with the 👿

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    This is the light in my eyes were In hell nice knowing everyone

  • @jeffreybetancourt86
    @jeffreybetancourt86 Рік тому +3

    5:02 Tabitha’s couch must be flame retardant

  • @navada3097
    @navada3097 3 роки тому +3

    1:05 when timmy turns into a rag doll 😭😂🤣

  • @davidngulube5944
    @davidngulube5944 3 роки тому +3

    This stuff used to be so scary for me back in the days when I was a kid

  • @kint5ugee
    @kint5ugee 3 роки тому +15

    Evil Charity was my alter ego lol. I used to speak in a deep voice and crack my fingers just like her 😂 only thing I was missing was the evil pendant. I wanted it so bad!

  • @kylelucia1644
    @kylelucia1644 11 років тому +7

    I miss this show!!!!

  • @rebecakruzslicz5419
    @rebecakruzslicz5419 3 роки тому +1

    Cred ca aveam 7 ani cand am vazut prima data filmul...doamne,ce nostalgie🥲🙈

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Pepperoni mushrooms olives chives 🍕🍕 🥧 gioninos or Kraus or googoodolls cover for josh

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    I wood have kept dark heart evil in carebears and never turned him back

  • @Shon9tilR
    @Shon9tilR 2 роки тому +2

    I hope all the episodes are on here this time.

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Krack in those knuckles charity

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Timmy r.i.p

  • @kylelucia1644
    @kylelucia1644 11 років тому +17

    Remember when they were all stuck in hell? Literally! Hahaha

  • @WhiteWitch84
    @WhiteWitch84 12 років тому +7

    Yeah i remember when Grace wore The Pendant and choked the hell out of Tabitha. I was like "WOW" and then when Evil Charity first made the storm that sank the prom boat. And lets not forget the spell that Kay Used to trap Charity in the block of Ice which created Zombie Charity. I remember how much the part of the mineshaft story with the Golden Light fascniated me.

  • @Sjblock89
    @Sjblock89 3 роки тому +2

    This is so corny now that I am an adult 😂

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    It could only happen to me

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    If I were you I'd stay out of the dip

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Back then I I think she liked me and was to chicken to ask me out

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    A lot of people trash the sidewalk so I fall

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    The day we go out will be a miracle from god on that date dates or keish

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    She's so cute like a puppy

  • @WhiteWitch84
    @WhiteWitch84 11 років тому +13

    Are you still a fan of Evil Charity?? :)

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  11 років тому +3

      Yup ^^ She's just such a great character, and as Marlena from DOOL, she should've lasted longer, and the acting was great.

    • @brokengirl8619
      @brokengirl8619 2 роки тому

      Yes! Greatest soap ever.

  • @viorelionutvinter
    @viorelionutvinter 4 роки тому +6

    2020 someone ? xD

    • @alinaalessia6078
      @alinaalessia6078 4 роки тому

      Daa 😔cel mai frumos serial ce a existat 🥰🥰🥰😔😔😔mi asa de dor😔😔🥺😭stie cineva cum se numeste muzica de pe fundal??

  • @zr1f903
    @zr1f903 3 роки тому +1

    Darth Charity with the force lightning

  • @jafarsh614
    @jafarsh614 6 років тому +7

    I love evil charity always gets her own way

  • @ibrahimkanyingi6411
    @ibrahimkanyingi6411 9 місяців тому +1

    OMG I'm nostalgic!!!!

  • @jenniferksepka5058
    @jenniferksepka5058 2 роки тому +3

    It must have been fun for her to play the evil scenes after always portraying such a goody goody character. Passions was bad tv at its finest, loved it!

    • @Alice15210
      @Alice15210 Рік тому

      She was boring as hell as a good character. I loved her evil self 😂😂😂😂 why did we love passions so much?? Almsot all the men in this show were stupid and being manipulated into marriage or fake pregnancies. The women were desperate for men who diidnt want them. This was a messy show but we never missed an episode 😊

    • @jaredporikos2197
      @jaredporikos2197 Рік тому

      @@Alice15210 the answer was right there, the men were stupid and the women were a hot mess XD

  • @jillzepeda1983
    @jillzepeda1983 2 роки тому +2

    honestly i love the voice

  • @rumbidzaitagwira6307
    @rumbidzaitagwira6307 3 роки тому +4

    To think this was hella scary when I was young 🤣🤣🤣

  • @habanacabana6624
    @habanacabana6624 10 місяців тому

    Ahhh hearing evil charity crack her knuckles...lmao, like why😂

  • @jaredporikos2197
    @jaredporikos2197 6 років тому +6

    Loved This supernatrual show !

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +3

    Is the 🍋 lemonade p

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  Рік тому

      The lemonade 🍋 was actually quite OK 😂 if it were poisonous Tabitha would probably get a instant reaction when Evil Charity poured it over her head (as some of it went into her mouth)

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Old lady loses

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    I'm more evil than the Pope's exorcist actress hahaha

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Any dogs shit on the sidewalk today unresponsible owners should pick it up

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Martha stewart

  • @jafarsh614
    @jafarsh614 6 років тому +8

    I love evil charity since she had that pendant that us making her evil

  • @LenaAlexander98
    @LenaAlexander98 2 роки тому

    I really miss this 🤗

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    I got Amy Lee next 🚪 too who wants josh

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Kiesh Mary made that not my mom

  • @fromthebloc
    @fromthebloc Рік тому +1

    My perception of this show now was totally different when I was a child. It used to my climatic and intense! Not it’s just a peculiar, relentless, show…

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Im having fun acting out charity's character with mine jd from 4th grade

  • @88sannuli59
    @88sannuli59 Рік тому +1

    What the hell am I watching at the moment 😂
    Yeah, I remembered this wasn't the greatest show ever, but I didn't remember this was so... weird 😂

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  Рік тому +1

      This show had a mix of OK, bad, funny, weird, creepy, spontaneous, anticlimactic, like everything and more. The acting was so cringe from some of the cast but like Lindsay Hartley, Brook Kerr, Ben Masters, Deanna Wright (and some other honorable mentions) was actually really good. I also loved how it mixed storylines ranging from the Prom boat carrie-esque type scenario to demonic possessed pendants, closets as hell portals, crossdressing serial killers...etc Good grief I can't even name how many more 😂

    • @jaredporikos2197
      @jaredporikos2197 Рік тому +1

      @@GoeticJeffy666 Ben :( , The Prom boat was awesome , I loved the supernatural storylines the best.

    • @GoeticJeffy666
      @GoeticJeffy666  Рік тому

      @@jaredporikos2197 Yea, after about maybe 2003 or so, they really toned down the supernatural elements, storylines around those themes. I mean, you had Tabitha and Endora, but no more soul sucking, portals into hell, evil pendants and houses getting sucked into hell....ah....

    • @jaredporikos2197
      @jaredporikos2197 Рік тому

      @@GoeticJeffy666 Yeah I missed the supernatural affecting almost the whole town, at least Tabitha and Endora had supernatural misshaps !

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Nice blue 👗 👿 I the blue dress put it on or take it off 👖 or dress what's her choice

  • @randomlyplaying
    @randomlyplaying 4 роки тому +2

    This might have gotten me into anime...Lmao 7:30 knuckle cracking sounds...are on point

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Home 🏠 is charity there 🍽️ single or freind

  • @MargrethRingane-fg3hd
    @MargrethRingane-fg3hd 2 місяці тому

    My favorite episode ❤

  • @deeaye01
    @deeaye01 3 місяці тому

    Remember how many times Miguel would say “Charity” 😂😂😂

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    It's my party I'll die if I want to

  • @WhiteWitch84
    @WhiteWitch84 12 років тому +8

    Hell Yeah!! FINALLY A fan who loves Evil Charity More then the good charity or Zombie Charity. :) :) Whats up man? :) I wish i had that pendant myself :) that would be sooo coll right?

  • @redtruck3020
    @redtruck3020 Рік тому

    I thought I missed all this point they will charity I had a life I like to watch you say more

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    I don't have to take out s trash 🗑️ no more but sometimes I do it anyway to be nice

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    The question is what door 🚪 or what state am I in charity wanna remake scream I can do billy and stew better than they did

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    In old I didn't 😭

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    She's a little older than me I'm 39

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Never told me the truth about the boyfriend but maybe she made the wrong choice

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Does the mailwoman still want me too she's still in massillon

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    This woman is 🔥

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Cut the 🍕

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Charity save josh

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    Is that acid instead of 🧃

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    I'm gonna have one I'm winning im da best

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +2

    Is charity the one is she single

  • @joshfraileys971
    @joshfraileys971 Рік тому +1

    If she's single