Gregorjevo 2020

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Tržiška šega “Vuč u vodo” nedvomno spada med najlepše in najtežje pričakovane dogodke v koledarskem letu. Šego obujamo 11. marca, na predvečer sv. Gregorja. Gre za večstoletni tržiški običaj, ki je v preteklosti živel med domačimi čevljarji. Na ta dan so namreč v svojih delavnicah prenehali z delom pri luči.
    The Tržič custom of “Vuč u vodo” is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and eagerly anticipated events of the year. The custom comes alive on 11 March on the eve of St. Gregory's Day. It is a centuries-old Tržič tradition that was observed by Tržič shoemakers in the past. On this day they stopped working under lights in their workshops.