Homebrewed Gratitude: Gratitude Released" - November 10th, 2024
- Опубліковано 26 січ 2025
- Ever catch yourself judging someone over something silly-like how they make their coffee? Maybe they use a K-Cup, or worse, instant coffee, and you think, Wow, they're missing out. It's funny how these minor critiques can build up, shaping how we see people in ways we don't even realize. This week's message reminded me that, instead of letting these little judgments stack up, we have another option: gratitude.
Gratitude isn't just about saying "thank you." It's actually a whole mindset shift. When we choose gratitude, we start looking for the good in people and situations-even when it's not apparent. Instead of instantly judging, we can pause and see others for who they are, with all their quirks and qualities. Gratitude helps us set aside our own "right" way of doing things and makes space for different perspectives. It's not about faking it; it's about choosing to see the good that's really there.
Genuine gratitude runs deep. Paul's letter to the Thessalonians says to "do good to all" and "be patient with everyone." And he means everyone-even those who might push our buttons or make choices we don't understand. The message here isn't that we have to agree with everyone or overlook everything but that we should approach others with kindness and curiosity rather than criticism. This kind of patience isn't about letting things slide; it's about gentle encouragement or what Paul calls "admonishment." Instead of correcting people with criticism, it's more like guidance with respect. When we focus on what's good, we gain God's understanding for each of us. After all, just like we're all a work in progress, so is everyone else! Another way to say it is...
Gratitude Gives Us a Glimpse of God's Gentleness for Us
If you're like me, practicing this kind of gratitude doesn't come naturally-it takes some intentional effort. A good start is to take a few quiet moments each day to think of the people we're grateful for. Start with the easy ones-the friends or family members who bring you joy. Then, take a minute to think about people you might not click with as quickly. Can you see the good in them, too?
Choosing gratitude is a powerful way to reset in a world that often pushes us toward quick judgments. Gratitude doesn't just make us feel good-it changes how we see each other, helping us notice the gifts each person brings into our lives. And who knows, maybe the next time you see someone brewing that K-Cup, you'll be able to smile and just appreciate them, quirks and all.
If you have any questions about what you heard or feedback, please know we are here to support you. You can reach us at hammondfcc@gmail.com or Pastor Sam at sam@justloveyourneighbor.org. Your spiritual journey is important to us and we are here to walk alongside you.
You can learn more about us at www.fcchammond.org or our Facebook page at fccdochammond.
From us to you, we wish you peace and every good.