Kafer syndicate. You should block your panels to find high low spots with that 80 grit . Then apply your filler and prime. Aerosol black guide coat is better than dry guide coat. Dry guide coat works well for eliminating coarse scratches. Block your primer with 320 80 is too aggressive. If you’re not using primer sealer before base coat than finish sand with 600 grit for solid color, or for a pearl metallic color finish sand with 800. If you paint it a darker color a darker sealer will help the base cover quicker .
Gettin’ it! Es todo carnal. Couple of things. For sure set up the booth when you paint. Also, in stages. Do the body first then all the panels separately. That will allow you to paint in all areas. You can put body in booth then take it out and put in garage to dry and then put panels in booth. Also on the rear apron it looked like you needed a smaller block. Maybe cut it in half. Since you don’t have any large flat panels like a bus you don’t need a big block. Also try to hammer and dolly out dents that you have access to before hitting with filler. Hey buddy let’s do a trade. I’ll send you one of my shirts and you send me one of your kafer syndicate 👕
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Right on, Oscar. DIY is the best way. Looking good. Kafer Syndicate!
Beautiful job Oscar ! Nice that you can work right outside in your driveway ! Must that nice California weather.
Good job Oscar 👏👏
Kafer syndicate. You should block your panels to find high low spots with that 80 grit . Then apply your filler and prime. Aerosol black guide coat is better than dry guide coat. Dry guide coat works well for eliminating coarse scratches. Block your primer with 320 80 is too aggressive. If you’re not using primer sealer before base coat than finish sand with 600 grit for solid color, or for a pearl metallic color finish sand with 800. If you paint it a darker color a darker sealer will help the base cover quicker .
Looking good brother!!!! Always very educational and you explain and show what products you use!!! Keep up the good work!
Kafer syndicate!!!
Great job Oscar! A paint booth would be a plus when it involves overspray and dust. Patience is the key though! Kafer Syndicate
I have been waiting for this. Its looking good.. seeing how I already won a shirt I will not enter.
Kafer syndicate , a shorter block for the small spaces & long block for bigger areas , it may help .
Gettin’ it! Es todo carnal. Couple of things. For sure set up the booth when you paint. Also, in stages. Do the body first then all the panels separately. That will allow you to paint in all areas. You can put body in booth then take it out and put in garage to dry and then put panels in booth. Also on the rear apron it looked like you needed a smaller block. Maybe cut it in half. Since you don’t have any large flat panels like a bus you don’t need a big block. Also try to hammer and dolly out dents that you have access to before hitting with filler. Hey buddy let’s do a trade. I’ll send you one of my shirts and you send me one of your kafer syndicate 👕
Kafersyndicate keep up the good work
nice video. getting ready to paint my 69 in the coming months. kafer syndicate
You’ve already done the hard body work. Now you just need to sand and smooth it out for paint
Dec 14th, Clovis VW Toyota for Tots show!
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