I left playing the first time right after she was originally released so when I pulled her in starting over I was eh.. now she’s a key figure with Aras in clearing content ❤️ TY
Probably health% for both. Depending on what you need you can swap the ring for effectiveness or eff res if you need more for a specific boss, but generally health will the way to go for better healing.
Of all the guilty gear characters to give Dragon Install to, they give it to Tamarine
I left playing the first time right after she was originally released so when I pulled her in starting over I was eh.. now she’s a key figure with Aras in clearing content ❤️ TY
really love your videos keep up the good work!
Thank you for your time and effort! You make great videos that I can confidently say have helped at least one new player, that person being me
dude im in love with your vid..one of epic seven best content creator top tier....lets goo!!!!!!!
i got tamarinne day one and people where saying she was trash and i got worried but she came in clutch
Now she's god of pve unit tho.
Thanks for the guide
Im so lucky to get ger on free daily covenant summon. Tq for her breakdown video 💞
Lol today i got har from free summon and you upload the video thank youu
New player here 🙋 I have a question, so enemy/bosses can resist strip buffs?
i have her own unique artifact should I keep using the vial?
Ran's banner is coming up soon. Would he be worth it for newer players or wait?
does this build still relevant now?
I just got her from story summon, and am planning to build her (got her artifact too)
Do you need tamarinne if I have Angelica and angel tamaracy
the next video, can you show each piece of equipment ?
Can you use tamarinne with Angelica or is she best if angelic mont
How do you change the background of the character?
i got diene so am wondering if both em can work in a team if I go for tamrine
They should work diene dispell debuffs
Which one is more important for Azimanak Hell, Tama or Roana?
Why tama dont have ee someone pls help
Hwayoung guide please 🙏🙏
Focus on these 3 Atk, Spd, Hp and that's it.
Is Lilias Good?
Roana hard to build for expedition? I just use free health set on her ...
can you make a video about team with tama ise aras and 1 damage (3 stars or 4 stars) auto azimanak. I don't have vild or charles
Bomb model kanna from connections
@@Samool :))) my friend told me I can use normal mercedes :D
@@Samool :)))) I think I can't go 2-8 with my team :D
tamerine is good but roana with angelic montomoracy work for me better. It is because my tamerine is build as FULL HP Unit with Slow Speed ?
Full HP set will work if she has over 200 spd, otherwise run speedset+hp set. Then, you need to max mola her s2 and s3.
what main stat is her ring and necklace?? anyone?
I'm using hp% neck and eff resist ring
Probably health% for both. Depending on what you need you can swap the ring for effectiveness or eff res if you need more for a specific boss, but generally health will the way to go for better healing.
You should have gone into some detail about HP% Vs Flat HP for her
@@JuneEclipse sup?
She one shots