This platform helped me to see the love connection Kenyans have with reggae and Jamaica. I am not Jamaican but I got it for Kenyans as well. Love ya 🇰🇪
Blessings RASTAFARI NATION!!! One Love One Blood 2 Chronicles 6:14 [14]And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts: 2 Esdras 8:8 [8]For when the body is fashioned now in the mother's womb, and thou givest it members, thy creature is preserved in fire and water, and nine months doth thy workmanship endure thy creature which is created in her.
I love this song. When my husband was alive he used to play this song, kiss me on the forehead n whisper on my ears, "I love you just the way you are my wife" it's 4 years since he died n can't get enough of this song❤️❤️. Continue RIP My Amos My Love
I get scared even thinking about if something were to happen to my Twin Flame I would be absolutely heartbroken my soul would be absolutely crushed she gives me that natural high almost like me and her have a psychic bond
yaaani naona tu wakenya ndio wanacomment yenyewe cc hua kila pahali....ndaaaaani ndaaaaani..talia na kriss ayeee🙌🙌🙌.tuko liiiiiiit #254liiit #Nairobi #Kenya #Africa
My daughter died today and played this song when she was in the womb so she knew daddy was home. My warrior princess; daddy will ALWAYS love you. You fight the good fight.
Ppp9 opopop p9 op p9iipop p9p9p9p9p9 ip p9 op op op op ppp9pp IPO op p0p9 op p9p9i op op op op op op op p9i ip p9p9p9p9ippp9ip9i op op op op op p9i ip op pp IPO op p9p9i op op op p9pp IPO p9pp IPO p9p9p9 op ip p9p9 op ppp IPO op op op p9i op op op op p9 op op p9ip9 op p9 op op p9ip9ip9p9 op op op op ppp9p9 ip op pppp IPO op op p9 op p9ii op p9 op ip p9ppp9iiippp9 op p9ip9 op p9i op op p9i op ip pp IPO ppppp9 ip p9ippppppp9 op p9p9p9ip9iipp IPO p9ip9i ip p9ii op op ppp9iip9p9pp9p9p9pp IPO op op p9 op op op op ppp9p9ppp9ppp9p9pp IPO ppp9i IPO p0iip9 op op op op p9iip9iip9 op p9p9i op p0iiip9 op op p9 op p9 op op p9p9ii op p9iiip9p9iip9 op pp IPO op op ip op pp IPO p9i9p9 op op p9pp IPO p9ipppppp ip p9ip9ip9 ip op op p9ip9p9 op ppp9 op op ip op op op p9 op ip op pp IPO op p9 ip op pppip9ip9p9ii ip pp IPO p9p9ipp IPO op p9ip9 op p9p0p9 op op op op ppp9 op p9p9i op p9 op p9ppIPOop p9iIPO p9pp9 op p9p9p9p99pp IPO p9p9p9i op p9p9pp IPO pp IPO ip op op ppp9p9 opopip p9iiopop p9iiopip p9 op op 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You know what else is beautiful about this song? More than 11 million views for a video recorded by a phone. That's why reggae music never dies, just keep it simple and let the lyrics talk. With lots of love from Kenya.
KISWAHILI in 254: Watu wenye wanakatiana na ii ngoma 2019, tukae pande gani 😍😍😍😍 English in Jamaica: Wagwan bwobwobwo, dis song makes a gyal fwal in luv wid dis song. WEED in da air😂😂😂
Still a hit in 2022, I can't get enough of this song. My neighbor is being like, " don't you have any other different songs" I just love the hit , the message ....
From Uganda lakini Kenya nikama ma first nyumbani nawapenda sana wakenaya wrote mi ni mu luo Uganda from di tribe of Acholi kutoka Gulu northern Uganda.
Amazing! I love the song and the video! Tarrrus Riley is amazing! I never get tired of his songs. His music brings joy, very positive and uplifting! Oh so Talented
For Kenyans are going through a though journey financially broke high cost of living things escalating through roof for this song has a message to pass
254 who is here 🎉🎉 2024 ❤
❤❤❤❤❤am here my friend
Yes yes
Yes yes yes
Michael Jackson sent me
+254 Kenya🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪still vibing with the tune 2024 April Eid mubarak season❤❤❤❤
Kenyans Kenyans
We shall never get over this,over land and seas 🇰🇪🇰🇪
Talia well represente🇰🇪
This platform helped me to see the love connection Kenyans have with reggae and Jamaica. I am not Jamaican but I got it for Kenyans as well. Love ya 🇰🇪
Enyewe heartbreak ni mbaya😂On it in 2024 📌💯
Atq Mimi naheal apa pole pole tu😂😂😂❤❤❤
Easy gal it's gonna be well
uliheal au😂😂😂😂😂😂
Kenyans second national anthem...nipewe like pia nifeel mzuri
apo sawa
Ikr 😭😫💓💓💓
Niaje nime kuwekea like
🔥🔥🔥reminds of someone
Wow, that's interesting @KENNEDY.
One Love
One Blood
2 Chronicles 6:14
[14]And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts:
2 Esdras 8:8
[8]For when the body is fashioned now in the mother's womb, and thou givest it members, thy creature is preserved in fire and water, and nine months doth thy workmanship endure thy creature which is created in her.
Who's with me in 2019😂😂
Am back 2 years later.
Thanks for the likes
ALREADY +256😘😘
Me here
I'm here
sai ndio narealize Talia Onyando ndio ana introduce ngoma
This song never gets old,listening from Kenya 🇰🇪
Reminds me of a matatu
Love from Uganda❤️ 🇺🇬 🇺🇬 🇺🇬 🇺🇬 🇺🇬
I can't have enough of this song I listen to it more than 5times daily❤️❤️❤️❤️
You are like ME!!! Hi Lucy😍😍😍check us out
🇺🇬 🇺🇬 Mateeeka
Ugandan in USA 🇺🇸 here with you ❤
@@kunteproductions2762 One love😘😘😘
It was a really banger
I love this song. When my husband was alive he used to play this song, kiss me on the forehead n whisper on my ears, "I love you just the way you are my wife" it's 4 years since he died n can't get enough of this song❤️❤️. Continue RIP My Amos My Love
Rest In Peace to your husband ❤️❤️sending healing
Sending hugs to you MHSRIP
My sincerest condolences I’m so sorry for your loss
I get scared even thinking about if something were to happen to my Twin Flame I would be absolutely heartbroken my soul would be absolutely crushed she gives me that natural high almost like me and her have a psychic bond
My prayers go out to you and your husband
"she authentic these are the real things these are the blessings" Big tune, love all the way......Big Up Queen Talia Oyando.# TeamkenyaTarrusLove
HENRY ORWA **these are the real things these are no plastic
Self love ### I LOVE ME
Old is Gold and it never fades thumbs up to those still here and enjoying this from all corners of the world 2022🥰🥰🥰 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬
Representing Kenyan-Jamaican intermarriages 🥂🥂
yaaani naona tu wakenya ndio wanacomment yenyewe cc hua kila pahali....ndaaaaani ndaaaaani..talia na kriss ayeee🙌🙌🙌.tuko liiiiiiit #254liiit #Nairobi #Kenya #Africa
From #254 👏👏👏👏
mambo name sake...vivian
VIVIAN MUIRURI Aye! Tuko ndaani ndaani ndaani!
Listening in Zimbabwe, Just the way we are no additives, no preservatives
My daughter died today and played this song when she was in the womb so she knew daddy was home. My warrior princess; daddy will ALWAYS love you. You fight the good fight.
like tha biggest tune in kenya ....kam kenya msee.... KENYA a land of peace and unity will be welcoming u at anytime😀
October 2020... All the way from Kenya,3 years later... Like if you're still vibing to just the way you are.
Really mish Georges, u got King Georges too listening ,,,
@@georgesadera7434 😂😂😂it's my sir name
this guy never dissapoints .. music from the heart. bless up..
Just heard it today, now i can't get enough of it.
Some quality music.
Not so late you just as cutie
Just the way you are Naomi
Late but just the way you are
when Talliaoyando opens !!! ♥♥♥ in love with this song !
Nabilah Om
2020 & I am still here feeling this song.... Hit like if you love Tarrus Rileeeeeey!!!!
Feeling you too Emma the way you are.
Just the way you it
Taurus music sweet make you want skank off your feet🔥💥💯
TALIIAAA!! REP from the +254 maaadddd chune!!
magdaline akong'o keep rocking Talia. +254 well represented
beautiful song i can listen to 10 times a day,big up Riley all the way from Malawi 🇲🇼🇲🇼🇲🇼
Zikimo kwambili🇲🇼🤣
KENYA stand up if you're bumping to this!
No nothing oh!!!! Gosh men
vj mopreme wagwan....
Thats gud song...
Nice riddim ever..i like it
....eey she fits me n she gives me love plenty ❤
woooooow kenya radio queen Talia big up u self nuff nuff respekt kip goin way up stay up
Talia and Kriss darling code +254 represented to the fullest.This tops the list of my favorites .Tarrus Maaaaad!
good sweet song
Ppp9 opopop p9 op p9iipop p9p9p9p9p9 ip p9 op op op op ppp9pp IPO op p0p9 op p9p9i op op op op op op op p9i ip p9p9p9p9ippp9ip9i op op op op op p9i ip op pp IPO op p9p9i op op op p9pp IPO p9pp IPO p9p9p9 op ip p9p9 op ppp IPO op op op p9i op op op op p9 op op p9ip9 op p9 op op p9ip9ip9p9 op op op op ppp9p9 ip op pppp IPO op op p9 op p9ii op p9 op ip p9ppp9iiippp9 op p9ip9 op p9i op op p9i op ip pp IPO ppppp9 ip p9ippppppp9 op p9p9p9ip9iipp IPO p9ip9i ip p9ii op op ppp9iip9p9pp9p9p9pp IPO op op p9 op op op op ppp9p9ppp9ppp9p9pp IPO ppp9i IPO p0iip9 op op op op p9iip9iip9 op p9p9i op p0iiip9 op op p9 op p9 op op p9p9ii op p9iiip9p9iip9 op pp IPO op op ip op pp IPO p9i9p9 op op p9pp IPO p9ipppppp ip p9ip9ip9 ip op op p9ip9p9 op ppp9 op op ip op op op p9 op ip op pp IPO op p9 ip op pppip9ip9p9ii ip pp IPO p9p9ipp IPO op p9ip9 op p9p0p9 op op op op ppp9 op p9p9i op p9 op p9ppIPOop p9iIPO p9pp9 op p9p9p9p99pp IPO p9p9p9i op p9p9pp IPO pp IPO ip op op ppp9p9 opopip p9iiopop p9iiopip p9 op op 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When I get married, I need tarrus to sing at my wedding. I love this man and his music 🤗🤗🙏
"greetings world, this is your singer Tarrus Riley talking to you from Jamaica the land you love" July 2021 anyone still vibing the tune
We here 🇰🇪💯
@@njaaauuuu1 bless up :)
2021 still rocking
@@nyamoramakorinelson394 2030 this will still be a hit
Who else can't get enough of this song 💕💕💕💕.Just the way i am....
Catherine Kinyua Meeeeee❤🤘
@@arronparris6664 great beat❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Me ,myself and I🤭
If the lady is one of your favorite in Kenya reggae Talia Oyando piga like hapa
My cousin
THE answers I 322nd 00AWAAS4⁹
@@catherineoliviaathembo6140 hi
Of course
Sometimes life throws a lot of unkindness ...this song boosted my self esteem at some point and its still my all time mood booster
Still a hit song 2021
Yes yes Dee I'm still listening to it
Still killing it here !!
2022 #music 🇯🇲💫
Tarrus Riley here we are in Kenya... loving Jamaican theme 2019 n still counting...😘
Can’t explain how much I love this song! ☺️
This song will always be a dedication to my daughter 😍💞❤️🇰🇪
This is so refreshing. Like a glass of water after a walk in the desert.
Music that speaks to the heart and brings tears due to the realness! Priceless music!! Love
This song made me love Tarrus Riley
Lovely song. Respect to Kenyans, you guys have a strong culture of supporting people's work. Coming from a Nigerian.
Thank you
I ggg globulin out out pi to gg
Thanks oga
Thank you!
I don't go a week without this classic. Love this track🇬🇭
Jamaica Kenya badness straight.. Kaboom!!!!
Dennis Ngari 6jc
Sammy irungu
Talia And Kriss Darling Repping +254 😍😍😍
Random Video was an Awesome Idea💯✅
Ruth Maina Ik it's lit....#254 we liiit ...
I love this song
Ruth Maina 😍😍😘😘
Who is still here 2019? Too much love from Uganda 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬💕💕♥️♥️
just the way he is.
Much love
We Dey here live from 🇬🇭 2024
ndani ndani ndani...mark register ya 254😘😘😘😘
I love my wife gale from Wendell I love just the way you are 😘😘😘😘
unaskizaga malenge ama hiphop ama loots?
This song is popular in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan than anywhere.
You know what else is beautiful about this song? More than 11 million views for a video recorded by a phone. That's why reggae music never dies, just keep it simple and let the lyrics talk. With lots of love from Kenya.
Greetings to the people of the world Jamaica from Kenya 🇰🇪. Just the way we are ❤️❤️❤️
Much love from Uganda, East Africa. The best reggae song
You are like ME!!! Hi Peter😍😍😍check us out
🇺🇬 Ug oyeeee
Rasta man i am in love with this raggae hit... am from Ethiopia Jah bless...Jamaica and Africa...#Haile sellassie
Talia made me love this tune am glad she has been featured; I see Kriss Darlin is here too🙃
ludia luther Who is Talia?
Is it the Radio presenter in the beginning?
Mary, yeah. That's Kenya's Talia Oyando. A presenter and Reggea MC
NYONA MATENDE Thanks for informing me about her.
Didn't quite know that since am far from home.
You're welcome!
Night nurse Talia Oyandooooo
Imagine somebody singing this to u
Wakenya tuko hapa mlike tujijue😂🔥🔥
tukose tukufe...hehe
more fire kenya
As always present
Ashum4 Tukose aje sasa? Tuko na hatuendi mahali ha ha
big bad song..talia and kriss representing +254..bigg up riley
I love the messages he spreads in his music
True. One of the greatest artistes out there but he doesn't get the attention he should because he's not singing negativity
Just the way you are girl !!🇰🇪
Who is here before a million views....Love this track a Big Tune
I'm loving this, y lie
KENYANS and JAMAICANS DNA match is 99.99% hii ngoma ni Kali sana. Tuko
Kenya's new National anthem.
Ptahdaboss my new ringtone and playback and alarm
my national anthem too
😂no cap
Why is it Kenyas national anthem
Just the way she is,no make up to be cute girl.
I come weekly to check up this beauty and go back.
I will be back next week❤
Whom is here 2020 even after the knock of covid-19 like down below
lol we are here
Twe haha 😂🤣
We are the world stay safe everyone ❤️💔
i am with you God above all
2018 Still here rocking,fireee its Liiiiit
Mob love from Kenya (+254) Tarrus ... pay a visit
NJIRU KELVIN inakaa same na ile ya Naiboi 2in 1
He is coming 🙌🏾
The capital of love ,weed, beautiful ❤️ minds and everything nice is kenya
The Number of Kenyans 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪on this Video,says alot about the Love of Reggae in the Land of 254 Kenya👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
This song never grows old,if u agree just give me thumbs up,much love from ug
Watu wenye wanakatiana na ii ngoma 2019, tukae pande gani 😍😍😍😍
English in Jamaica:
Wagwan bwobwobwo, dis song makes a gyal fwal in luv wid dis song. WEED in da air😂😂😂
Allan Lions Mary Tatiana wataka
Peleka wazimu mbali vijana muache mihadarati😅😅😅😅
Still a hit in 2022, I can't get enough of this song. My neighbor is being like, " don't you have any other different songs" I just love the hit , the message ....
Tell dem fi shut dem ears hole!!!!! Lol
Swears bro
Lmaoooo my ex did that every time I'd play it 🤣 only made me want to hear it more
2023 🔥
some songs just dont die❤🔥❤🔥this song made me appreciate myself more and that im perfect just the way i you Tarrus just the way you are❤
Kenya is the 2nd nation in the world with reggae sensation.. Usipingane na mimi pris 😅😂😂
@@kenyasihami9035 yes
From Uganda lakini Kenya nikama ma first nyumbani nawapenda sana wakenaya wrote mi ni mu luo Uganda from di tribe of Acholi kutoka Gulu northern Uganda.
Its lit in here i so much love this song i dont know Swahili but ...Talia umeniguza na niko ndaniiiii ndaniiii sana 😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣
Haiya! uko huku pia?
+faith musula wap
kwa sababu hio ni spanish umeongea....
Augustus Makana nice 1
Loving the lyrics, it's so real and straightforward.
Thanks to my loving husband Marcus for this song. *kisses*
Who is listening in September ‘24?
I do
Me here
We together
❤ Tarrus always a vibe
Love this song, watching it daily. Greetings from Eldoret Kenya.
Now this track is really something else😳...Your father the late Jimmy Riley must have been very proud of you...❤️
I love this, love yourself just the way you are. How our Lord made us in His own image. Amen.
Who is listening with me in July 2024 ♾️
Me ❤
Me here enjoying in uganda
Me today infact😊
still, rocking the vibes in 2021 who else??????????????????????????????
KISS DANIEL same here
me june 2018
This is absolutely the best song. Love you Tarrus Riley. More power to you!
Whenever I hear this song it reminds me of my late friend.Continue resting Aguero.I miss you❤.
November 2024 gather here❤❤❤
Here we come 😅
Kumbe hii reggae huslap vibad hivi😂😂❤
December 2k24😂
December 2025😂❤
We love you Mr.Singy +254 Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪
❤ 🎶 just da way iam
Bless up
In 2020. Reggae in all four corners of Di earth
Lol. Going round nd round... the world is a circle, Richie said so ;)
Bless up...reggae to the world
just the way u are girl wake up with no make up we nah break up love tarrus music is vibe from start to finish love u uncle tarrus
Legends 👏.
This song will never die before us.
Amazing! I love the song and the video! Tarrrus Riley is amazing! I never get tired of his songs. His music brings joy, very positive and uplifting! Oh so Talented
just the way i am 😃😃😃😃😃😃
Queen Queenly I jst love you the way you are
Lucky dube
One of d most underrated reggae artist. Trinidad here
tallia oyando....kriss darling...outta dohtty family....+254,kenyan ting
Did I just see Talia oyando, Kenyans wapi her likes
Shaniz Cele yeah its her
Nice video
Even chris darlin the guy with a blue headphones
Best of all.
Yes that's Tallia and the guy with Blue headphones is Kriss Darlin
My best artist dis
I only listen to two reggae artists; CHRONIXX and the realest TARRUS RILEY!
Mad love from Kenya
M. Yego same here...
oooh too sweet and nice
I never get tired of listening to this amazing song. Big up Tarrus ...Representing Kenya
One of his best songs. I prefer his reggae style more than the new dancehall stuff. Reggae is much deeper. ❤️🌴🌈
Damn I didn't know that's Talia Oyando 🔥🔥🔥 🇰🇪
Love this song to the fullest coz it satisfies my soul to the brim, what a bit, what a lyrics, and what a song ,its incredible
I can't get enough of this song I 💕 it
This song always keep me feel love 💘💕 everyday ....vibing to it everyday ...just perfect 🔥🔥🔥🔥
For Kenyans are going through a though journey financially broke high cost of living things escalating through roof for this song has a message to pass
This is the music i live for
Who else love this song as ido 😘,..
Bigup #Tarrus ,ugandan loves you❤👌💪
Quarantined and holding a vibes with beautiful music 🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬 stay strong and safe everyone #weshallconquerthisaswell
I love this song so so so much❤ from Zambia