Good afternoon, hope all is well. Would you be able to donate a few of your figs plants cuttings to a disabled army veteran with Parkinson. I'm in Florida. let me know your comments and keep those nice posting coming, may God blees you in all your activities. My wife loves figs and I'm looking for this variety Black Madeira UCD, Brown Turker and Bordes Negro Ramada or any good tasting fig, been told they are very good, would like to grow some for her on our 38-year wedding anniversary.
Viollet de Bordo,Pastillero,Patentino❤🎉
Good afternoon, hope all is well. Would you be able to donate a few of your figs plants cuttings to a disabled army veteran with Parkinson. I'm in Florida. let me know your comments and keep those nice posting coming, may God blees you in all your activities.
My wife loves figs and I'm looking for this variety Black Madeira UCD, Brown Turker and Bordes Negro Ramada or any good tasting fig, been told they are very good, would like to grow some for her on our 38-year wedding anniversary.