Is Hell Eternal?

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Our Vision with these short studies
    KJV 2 Timothy 2
    15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
    Revelations 14:6
    Colossians 1:27
    If You are led, donate
    Contact:+27 63 751 7876
    Presenter: Kayo Van Wyk
    What is the value of money at this time, in comparison with the value of souls? Every dollar of our means should be considered as the Lord’s, not ours; and as a precious trust from God to us; not to be wasted for needless indulgences, but carefully used in the cause of God, in the work of saving men and women from ruin. Life Sketches 214.1
    Every opportunity to help a brother in need, or to aid the cause of God in the spread of the truth, is a pearl that you can send beforehand, and deposit in the bank of heaven for safe keeping. God is testing and proving you. He has been giving His blessings to you with a lavish hand, and is now watching to see what use you are making of them, to see if you will help those who need help, and if you will feel the worth of souls, and do what you can with the means that He has intrusted to you. Every such opportunity improved adds to your heavenly treasure.- ChS 221.3