This game doesn't get a lot of love, but I *love* the visuals. Everything is drawn in that sweet late-80s Sega/anime mashup style. It's obvious that there's not a lot of detail in the graphics in order to fit into the 4Mb cart size, but all of the negative space actually works to the game's benefit... a lot of 4Mb games look "unfinished" but this one actually looks kind of elegant for lack of a better word.
Dynamite Duke. The man with the transparent torso.
This game doesn't get a lot of love, but I *love* the visuals. Everything is drawn in that sweet late-80s Sega/anime mashup style. It's obvious that there's not a lot of detail in the graphics in order to fit into the 4Mb cart size, but all of the negative space actually works to the game's benefit... a lot of 4Mb games look "unfinished" but this one actually looks kind of elegant for lack of a better word.
Fun game!
Duke Nukem at Home
I was thinking the exact same thing. (^_~)