  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @frankmcloughlin7076
    @frankmcloughlin7076 Рік тому +4

    Just came across your vlogs recently, and I'm absolutely loving them; you're inate decency and humour shines through all your content. Not to mention your wonderful family set up with the gentle and funny parent-kid banter included. It's just simply great to watch a such genuine, funny and charming couple enjoying life whilst also clearly being loving and engaging parents.....

  • @scottartbeyond761
    @scottartbeyond761 Рік тому +3

    Predator needs to be the exception to the jungle military rule… “GET TO THE CHOPPER!!!” 😂🤣

  • @tonyclarke64
    @tonyclarke64 Рік тому +2

    Just stumbled over this channel in last few days. I love it, James and Clair are so down to earth, funny and both really lovely people. I can't stop watching it. My new fave UA-camrs, keep up the good work the Buckleys!

  • @User123-y4w
    @User123-y4w Рік тому +1

    Claire “ this is our first beer of the day” clock behind… 1:45pm 😂 my favourite people 👏🏻

  • @francolive5718
    @francolive5718 Рік тому +7

    I don’t know how James doesn’t get constantly mobbed in public. He’s one of the most recognizable faces in the UK!

  • @ColinUTD
    @ColinUTD Рік тому +3

    15:25 I think a bit of Jay slipped out 😂😂 Jesus Christ

  • @LeighH01
    @LeighH01 Рік тому +6

    Bloody loved it guys ❤️!! Just wish it was a bit longer as it went so quick! Hurry up and roll on next week 😁.. x

  • @pelletpower
    @pelletpower Рік тому +30

    My little boy just walked in, he’s 5 years old looked at the tv and saw James and said dad…he’s the farty guy 😂

  • @a.i.m9292
    @a.i.m9292 Рік тому +1

    love you james and claire and the kids. youre so genuine and "normal" in thses vlogs i love it xx

  • @russelld6290
    @russelld6290 9 місяців тому +1

    I've binged watched loads of these videos. Great content

  • @Sean_EDoire
    @Sean_EDoire Рік тому +6

    What a lovely Couple & family 👪 Delighted I've stumbled on this channel! 👌💯

  • @darrendaly71
    @darrendaly71 Рік тому +3

    I love how at 1.45 Claire is so proud it's her first beer of the day as if it's a late start to normal lol

  • @Scrat_
    @Scrat_ Рік тому +3

    The way James’ whole demeanour changed after beating Clair in a race 😂

  • @jamesgillham5574
    @jamesgillham5574 Рік тому +3

    Pizzas look great guys. Next time you do them, don’t use a rolling pin to roll out the dough as it knocks the air out the mixture meaning you don’t get a puffy crust

  • @karenbaker1979
    @karenbaker1979 Рік тому +3

    Such a good vlog this week guys. Those pizzas looked amazing! I always think of Rottweilers as being scary dogs, & then I see how adorable Paisley is & have realised how gentle they can be ❤🐶 Can I just say, I completely agree with you Clair. There is something about jungle action films that I’m really not keen on.

  • @tomkitchen3317
    @tomkitchen3317 Рік тому

    I went go karting and I am so happy you said the following. 1 your wrist hurt the steering is so heavy! It took me a week to get over it!!!
    2) I felt so sick it was unbelievable after my second session i had to go outside and I immediately felt better haha
    3) my mouth was as dry as a nuns chuffer after the first session.

  • @jackdubz4247
    @jackdubz4247 Рік тому +2

    For us Scots the summer holidays started three weeks ago.

  • @vikkibrown958
    @vikkibrown958 Рік тому +1

    Awww my favourite vlog guys loved you two in the kitchen chatting to us about just anything was enjoyable x

  • @victoriaelizabeth222
    @victoriaelizabeth222 Рік тому +8

    Ahhhh sorry Clair…you’re wrong, Predator is a classic! Thanks for a great vlog x

    • @Pwills
      @Pwills Рік тому +4

      I agree Predator is a fantastic film.

  • @laurabuckley9219
    @laurabuckley9219 Рік тому +1

    Just found your channel, loving your families vlogs. I’m also a Buckley

  • @gimbert4126
    @gimbert4126 Рік тому

    Loved the vid, it’s great how you can just woffle on about stuff and natter away! Pizzas looked banging Buckleys Bar&Grill in the making??

  • @georgeb4425
    @georgeb4425 Рік тому

    😂😂😂😂 James go karting 😂😂😂😂

  • @ChloeNMarshall
    @ChloeNMarshall Рік тому

    Get your ads switched back on and make your money guys. Not your fault, it’s UA-cams fault, and all the other creators have them on and make their money. Make yours. We still love ya.

  • @geeb5561
    @geeb5561 Рік тому

    Tropic thunder is a must watch! 😂

  • @WhiteEagleTube
    @WhiteEagleTube Рік тому +2

    "I ain't got time to bleed"

  • @elorach9671
    @elorach9671 Рік тому +1

    Aw i loved this week's vlog! ❤ that pizza looked tremendous too!

  • @BlueKnows
    @BlueKnows Рік тому +1

    Random horror film recommendation: Mom (1990)
    Dunno why but it popped in my head during the chat in the kitchen 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @lush1224
    @lush1224 Рік тому +1

    ❤ lovvvveeeeee it!!! Favourite time of the week Jimmmy B. 🎉

  • @ChronicBeatzUK
    @ChronicBeatzUK Рік тому +1

    Loved this vlog guys! Best one in a long time!!

  • @dannyking1830
    @dannyking1830 Рік тому +1

    Have you cleaned up already?... 🤨🤨 😅😅 The look said it all hahaha

  • @taff4379
    @taff4379 Рік тому +2

    Hi all. New subscriber here. Really enjoy the banter you have between each other.
    Pizza looked really nice too. I'm off work for a few weeks, so I'll be watching a load of your videos.
    Keep up the good work, best wishes, Taff.

  • @gilly0264
    @gilly0264 Рік тому

    More Paisley she’s gorgeous.
    Pizza looked good have you tried rolling edges with mozzarella 😋
    Great vlog & loved Clair’s comment, first of the day🍺😉have a good one x

  • @mick-nardini
    @mick-nardini Рік тому

    Stumbled across your vlog and googled yourself James, you went to Chaffords as did I in the 70's/80's when that school was really Scummy!

  • @pokemastergw2944
    @pokemastergw2944 Рік тому +1

    Absolutely another great vlog ..... the look clare gave James 😂😂 if looks could kill ...... have a great summer holiday with the kids and look forward to next week's vlog x

  • @stedevo3812
    @stedevo3812 Рік тому

    A Aldi bag blew into the garden, out with the flame-throwers, if it isn't a sainsbury's bag it needs destroying 😂😂what will the neighbours think😮😂

  • @Jsrree
    @Jsrree Рік тому +1

    Such a lovely family and keep up the good content . I have two sons one called Harrison too . Big love :)

  • @lyniecrompton1190
    @lyniecrompton1190 Рік тому +1

    Nice 1 buckos. How long till that famous grouse gets opened on the kitchen shelf, or is it decor.xx

  • @Glennsphotography1968
    @Glennsphotography1968 Рік тому

    Always puts a smile on my face.
    Widow maker never fails making me laugh.
    Not long until your birthday, as mine is on the 8th August ( mention would be great )
    Great work guy's

  • @RichB008
    @RichB008 Рік тому


  • @BlackPanther-is8yy
    @BlackPanther-is8yy Рік тому

    Hey Guys, love it!!. James please tell me there's another series of White Gold coming!!!

  • @kennysturgeon694
    @kennysturgeon694 Рік тому

    You guys are fantastic just found you last week it's so addictive love it 🎉🎉

  • @weaselinjeans1
    @weaselinjeans1 Рік тому +1

    The Arnie and Carl Weathers handshake in Predator is timeless. "Dillon, you son of a Bitch" ....and FLEX 😂. I'm currently watching Midnight Run, old but gold for a laugh.

    • @gilly0264
      @gilly0264 Рік тому

      Thanks for clearing that up👍I had no idea 😀

    • @davidtorto4404
      @davidtorto4404 Рік тому

      I knew I seen it somewhere but was drawing a blank on the reference lol

  • @benjolly354
    @benjolly354 Рік тому

    This weeks sponsor "chipped firestick from amazon" its the future 😂

  • @peterdench2644
    @peterdench2644 Рік тому

    Dinner time, the perfect time to have dinner. 😂😂

  • @Hellopumkin72
    @Hellopumkin72 Рік тому

    Just want to say thank you 🙏 you make my f**ked up head much better 😂 love you guys ❤️

  • @reecelarkin2118
    @reecelarkin2118 Рік тому

    Use semolina to powder side when rolling pizza , works a treat and doesn’t dry ur base out
    Wife laughed u use pretty much all same toppings as us, love bit of baby rays bbq 🍻

  • @Nabbo892
    @Nabbo892 Рік тому +1

    Boss video, found this chanel after listening to Spencers podcast. Watched a few since and I'm hooked

  • @robbi_17
    @robbi_17 Рік тому

    I can only imagine Clair’s face 🙄 when editing the vlog, getting it ready and she comes across James’ segment of the grass…

  • @richarddinan1992
    @richarddinan1992 Рік тому +1

    How long does deliver take for a Buckley pizza please? Asking for a friend🤣 awesome vlog as always! Can’t wait for the haircut next week 😜😜 have a blessed rest of the week!! Cut that grass 🤣 🤎

  • @twotales7337
    @twotales7337 Рік тому +2

    I could be dying, ...feels like it. The missus says its a common cold, but in any case very glad this video just popped up. Just the ticket... thanks as always 👊🏼✌🏼

  • @juniorbriandunn
    @juniorbriandunn Рік тому

    Just to let you know Ooni is actually a Scottish company based in Edinburgh and im sure they'll throw another few things your way especially if since half the family are Scottish lol just reach out if they haven't already brilliant folk

  • @tarotdiscombe5573
    @tarotdiscombe5573 Рік тому

    Clair, a great horror is Repo: The Genetic Opera, it's odd but solid, if you get the time then think about trying it. Where can I find your recommendations? Xx

  • @danielmitchell7079
    @danielmitchell7079 Рік тому +2

    Hi Both!!!
    What do you make of Tyson Fury frankly, stealing your name???
    At Home with the Fury's. Not on!! 😂😂😂

  • @wtttrips
    @wtttrips Рік тому

    Used to love going karting in my teens, think that might be the place we used to go! You're right, weather forecasts are mostly blindfolded dart throwing! Have you seen Evil Dead Rise yet? Excellent horror!

  • @nurburgringobsessed5722
    @nurburgringobsessed5722 Рік тому

    What’s the matter clair, James got you pushing too many pencils 😂

  • @spud7265
    @spud7265 Рік тому


  • @deanbrown2015
    @deanbrown2015 Рік тому

    Nice one guys. A solid if unspectacular 7.3👍🏻

  • @bertiev4557
    @bertiev4557 Рік тому

    Babylon. Loved it. What an era of cinema.

    • @SelfMadeDocumentary
      @SelfMadeDocumentary Рік тому

      Was a really good film, interesting to see the changes over the years

  • @406mill
    @406mill Рік тому

    Tropic Thunder Clair? The Shitake joke, happy to give you that! 😂

  • @kirkmitchell1811
    @kirkmitchell1811 Рік тому +1

    It doesn’t matter what the vlogs are or how exciting it is, it’s just nice to catch up with you guys and see how you are ❤️🤘🏼please don’t feel pressured to give us exciting content, I really like you guys and like I said it’s just nice to see what you guys are up to week to week😁

  • @tony-yp6qk
    @tony-yp6qk Рік тому

    Another great video has always James and clair and jude and Harrison and little Paisley 👍😃📸📷😍😻🤩😄☺️

  • @cherylbraithwaite8397
    @cherylbraithwaite8397 Рік тому

    Pizza looked great 👍 but didn't even see James using the oven 😲

  • @dicwinter
    @dicwinter Рік тому

    Wow Apocalypse Now , best Vietnam film ever....!!

  • @GhastlyCretin
    @GhastlyCretin Рік тому

    I love Francis Ford Coppola and Marlon Brando but I never did enjoy Apocalypse Now. I saw the directors cut version in a little cinema once and it was 5 hours long. A piece of me died that day 😵

  • @MrKedab
    @MrKedab Рік тому

    Big love, James

  • @BonkNosey
    @BonkNosey Рік тому

    I like that clock on the shelf where did you buy it from.

  • @robsmith7986
    @robsmith7986 Рік тому

    went go karting with your old pal danny dyer for his new tv programme a few months ago lol decent craic like haha mentioned your vlog then too lol

  • @ruk2023--
    @ruk2023-- Рік тому

    Oh I love teamsport. If you're ever up at the Manchester one I'll have you a race. No cameras though I'm not into the whole celeb fandom thing.

  • @bertiev4557
    @bertiev4557 Рік тому

    Beats summer holidays spent in a caravan park in Great Yarmouth

  • @simonsaysrewind
    @simonsaysrewind Рік тому

    Uk brewed stella is awful... is your keg thingy better? I know imported Belgium stella tastes lush 😋

  • @j1m909
    @j1m909 Рік тому

    More chance of platting piss than getting a correct weather forecast, i agree with you there

  • @ChalkanCheese
    @ChalkanCheese Рік тому

    Someone looks like they've been pushing too many pencils.

  • @stevewhitehouse9532
    @stevewhitehouse9532 Рік тому

    My Son is obsessed with fnaff , he is so looking forward to the film, also there are rumours about a house at Universal Studios , Halloween Horror nights but probably next year though.

  • @sjwillis1137
    @sjwillis1137 Рік тому

    Thanks for the warning James . School's out for Summer . 😯 .

  • @supernovaheights6729
    @supernovaheights6729 Рік тому +1

    Great vloggidge......pizzas looked yummay 💯🤘 ASUWER guys

  • @ChrisOnTheKeys
    @ChrisOnTheKeys Рік тому

    Did anyone see James on the Hit List telly show a few weeks ago with Moyles they won and was brilliant

  • @andycampsall3832
    @andycampsall3832 Рік тому

    If it’s any consolation I’m on holiday in Cape Verde and the weathers been crap here today too. Lovin the new pizza oven can I have your old one please 😁 I’ve not been go-karting for years I forgot how fun it was. Great blog once again guys love to you all stay scummy 👍

  • @RyanG235
    @RyanG235 Рік тому +1

    Qwality wee vlog also the pints from that perfect draft look dyno and predators the handshake ref

  • @simonsaysrewind
    @simonsaysrewind Рік тому

    Very spritely start 😮😂

  • @Lee-zg3gx
    @Lee-zg3gx Рік тому

    Has to be Predator, a fully fledged jungle film filled with a spot of blood and a good old fashioned invisible Alien 😂

  • @mrwickesj
    @mrwickesj Рік тому

    Clair your non jungle action film does that mean you’ve never watched Tears of the Sun? Brilliant film with the legend that is Bruce Willis

  • @mariajefferies8555
    @mariajefferies8555 Рік тому

    👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼🙏🏼great fun to watch From a very 🥶🥶🥶Perth, Western Australia

  • @northeastscotlandrailwayvi7427
    @northeastscotlandrailwayvi7427 9 місяців тому

    Awe Pasiley

  • @clairemagner8588
    @clairemagner8588 Рік тому +1

    Loved this vlog I was laughing so much especially at you giving in to app lol we’ve all been there. Keep scummy !

  • @andymcgill354
    @andymcgill354 Рік тому +1

    That looked good fun.

  • @4o69o
    @4o69o Рік тому

    Clair. Would you do Horror Jungle? Loved the Predator reference \m/

  • @lewyhutton7440
    @lewyhutton7440 Рік тому

    Love a Predator ref 👍

  • @gazzzzza911
    @gazzzzza911 Рік тому

    We all love you so much. That's all. X

  • @KeithChegwin24
    @KeithChegwin24 Рік тому

    I absolutely agree with and love how wealthy people are gifted various products by companies... 😂

  • @itxmixhael5
    @itxmixhael5 Рік тому

    Fantastic video the pizzas look amazing

  • @rebecca1725
    @rebecca1725 Рік тому +1

    Hey guys

  • @zak9707
    @zak9707 Рік тому

    Pizza looks lovely should do some cooking in the garden again

  • @allymckenzie102
    @allymckenzie102 Рік тому

    Also if Jimmy needs a Roger Moore voice over for nay future project - I’m secretly Moore! And Billy C, Julian Clarey and Gordon Ramsay. I’m pretty fin niche

  • @Bones-breaks
    @Bones-breaks Рік тому +2

    Great vlog as always Buckleys! Clair if you havent seen Dog Soldiers then check that out horror.. with soldiers… in a jungle.. wel forest but same thing! Think its filmed in Scotland too.

    • @AtHomeWithTheBuckleys
      @AtHomeWithTheBuckleys  Рік тому +2

      I actually have seen that and loved it :)

    • @Tony-xn7sd
      @Tony-xn7sd Рік тому

      @@AtHomeWithTheBuckleys Great film, one of my fave horrors EVER, based in Scotland, filmed in Luxembourg ;)

    • @easyeste_True_Salfordian
      @easyeste_True_Salfordian Рік тому

      July multi platforms and series and movies
      Wham netflix
      The Lincoln lawer netflix
      The outlaws netflix
      Mr car and the knights templar netflix
      Full circle max
      Gray matter max
      Glitch the rise and fall of hq trivia max
      The golden boy max
      Kevin Hart reality check peacock
      Hart to Heart season 3 peacock
      Twisted metal peacock
      American gangster peacock multi platforms
      Knock at the cabin amazon July 25th
      (Really good )
      The portable door amazon July 4th
      Till July 18th amazon
      Unseen July 23rd amazon
      The horror of Dolores roach amazon 7th July (really good).
      See how they run hulu July 1st
      Night train hulu
      A little white lie hulu July 14th
      Vesper hulu July 14th
      Pinball the man who saved the game hulu
      The old man hulu July 29th
      The ritual killer hulu
      The happy ending July 24th hulu
      God's country hulu 28th July
      The lair hulu July 28th
      Bull shark bandits Disney July 2
      Secret invasion Disney July 5th (amzing)
      Sound of freedom (real story) amazing
      July 4th cinema hd app.
      Insidious the red door cinema hd app July 7th
      Mission impossible dead cinema hd app
      (Personally don't like the weirdo so won't be watching.)
      Theater camp July 4th cinema hd
      The flood July 14th cinema hd app
      Oppenheimer July 2nd cinema hd app
      They cloned Tyrone July cinema hd app
      Cobweb July 21st cinema hd app
      Haunted mansion July 28th cinema hd app
      Talk to me late July
      Masters of the air apple TV
      Crowded room apple
      Platonic apple
      Lessons in chemistry apple tv
      Loot apple tv
      Foundation apple TV series 2 its worth watching 1st series 1st. Its amazing July 14th..
      The afterparty series 2 again best watch 1st series... apple TV
      All on or coming on apollo app all accessible by free download app cinema hd for android devices...

  • @Zanhausen
    @Zanhausen Рік тому

    That track is a good one was there last month

  • @simonleeprincemusic
    @simonleeprincemusic Рік тому

    Hi James & Clair I`m a solo singer/songwriter from Devon and sent you a link of my music thought it might be up your street xx


    It's from Predator! Do you know the mini-gun in Predator is the same one Arnie used in Terminator 2.
    Although he never used it in Predator himself.

  • @macwade
    @macwade Рік тому

    Check Clair out with the editing on the name tags while karting!!

  • @localknoxville
    @localknoxville Рік тому

    Jungle film reference, was it from Jungle Book?!

  • @jehanariyaratnam2874
    @jehanariyaratnam2874 Рік тому

    Wonder if he got his 3 course meal...