Top 10 Hardest Champions to Play and Master in League of Legends

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 11 тис.

  • @spynix3000
    @spynix3000 9 років тому +198

    This comments here are an perfect example for the lol community.
    I Love the Game, but Hate the people i have to play with...

    • @Kechaix
      @Kechaix 9 років тому +1


    • @joshjohnson7745
      @joshjohnson7745 8 років тому +2

      I cant figure what you are saying /: you this is not a skateboard is a scooter? Wut?

    • @p1a2u3l4ify
      @p1a2u3l4ify 8 років тому

      +Darth Vader every other game i have to report some kid because of inappropiate behaviour its really annoying and happens very often compared to aoe3 which is my 2nd main game

    • @DCFanatic7
      @DCFanatic7 8 років тому +2

      +Darth Vader Too many really bad players, and it may not even be the players skills, it just that they lack any sense of team work and just want kills.

    • @p1a2u3l4ify
      @p1a2u3l4ify 8 років тому +1

      exactly my opinion but without teamspeak its really hard to play well as a team
      yesterday my mate was being attacked and another team partner ignored him well knwing he couldve saved him made both of us sooo mad :D

  • @gotoucanario8341
    @gotoucanario8341 9 років тому +521

    Fact: 99% of the comment section is bronze level or worse (wood)

    • @GlaceonGuy
      @GlaceonGuy 9 років тому +4

      Gotou canario Fact: Most are dumbasses

    • @Whatevsman27
      @Whatevsman27 9 років тому +44

      Fact: the other 1 percent is stuck up tools. Just sayin, you guys really like to rub it in that you're ranked higher. Because apparently its that big of an accomplishment that you need to harp on about it like people are supposed to care. Again, just sayin

    • @gotoucanario8341
      @gotoucanario8341 9 років тому +16

      Jeremy Garner Nah, just had to point it out considering how laughable the comments are, critizicing the list by sayng a champion is easy to master when they aren't even competent with the easiest champions.

    • @byVariations
      @byVariations 9 років тому

      Jeremy Garner he's saying that because most of the dislikes are people saying so and so take no skill cause only a faceroll champ that requires no skill can beat my ap draven carry mechanics

    • @Whatevsman27
      @Whatevsman27 9 років тому

      ***** fair enough, like I said. Just sayin.
      Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play support Nocturne. Because that's totally gonna work.

  • @KuudereShiina
    @KuudereShiina 9 років тому +337

    How bout Easy-to-learn, but hard-to-master list?

    • @kindadeadinside1609
      @kindadeadinside1609 9 років тому +19

      Kuudere Shiina That's mostly just a thing Cardboard 7 kata mains say, there aren't many champs that are even that hard to master, letalone if they are easy to use to begin with.

    • @ekasism
      @ekasism 9 років тому +10

      Riven #1. I mean, since I've started to learn her combos and practicing her animation canceling (including fast combo and other boxbox techniques) I've felt like m2k, being able to see frame by frame and shit.

    • @CosmicGeckoBR
      @CosmicGeckoBR 9 років тому +27

      Kuudere Shiina Riven takes the trophy. It's really easy to learn her useful combos. Then the mains start inventing stuff that you'll NEVER USE, and it's hard to pull off right, just to say she is really hard.

    • @comfee
      @comfee 9 років тому +1

      Kuudere Shiina nanami best grill !!

    • @samlt5
      @samlt5 9 років тому

      Kuudere Shiina Tbh most of the champions on this list fall into that category, other than maybe azir and cassiopia. Throw in a master yi and you're set.

  • @alexanderr8032
    @alexanderr8032 7 років тому +300

    How much did they pay you to put yas on this list?

    • @l9139
      @l9139 7 років тому +10

      Bronze player amirite

    • @l9139
      @l9139 7 років тому


    • @yasuicideisidol1901
      @yasuicideisidol1901 6 років тому +5

      Bronze player confirmed, target in sight

    • @leguenigga5780
      @leguenigga5780 6 років тому +5

      Alexander Robinson
      Yasuo is easy why no zed

    • @kwaky3832
      @kwaky3832 6 років тому +5

      League GRINDER 57 both zed and yasuo sre hard :) zed is hard on macro and must think about everything he will do, yasuo is more micro hard :) plat+ he is hard to play cudz people here know how to play vs him

  • @Pumbear
    @Pumbear 9 років тому +209

    "Riven can get punished and locked down by cc so easy." How?! She has 4 dashes and a shield. Please explain to me how riven is more likely to get locked down by cc when no other (melee) toplaner has this amount of defensive options. Same with vayne and her "terrible kiting kit" really? invisibility, knockback and a dash. Compare this to draven or graves.

    • @icecoldheard
      @icecoldheard 9 років тому +21

      Sander Let's not forget how he said that tf has a low damage kit, like seriously? Yeah he's weak early, but mid to late game he's REALLY strong, and if you have good map awareness, you can pull off some very devastating ganks!

    • @wipoulou
      @wipoulou 9 років тому +13

      Sander that's the point, she has 4 dashes (let's be honest, that are fairly low range), you can't mess up even ONE dash or you die instantly. How many gave I've had when I was learning how to properly play riven, where I was like 15/2 or something, I enter a teamfight, and a leona just dash stun me and ult me and I instantly die cuz I used my spells at the wrong time.
      I feel the reason why riven is #5 is because she requires a lot of decision making (like twisted fate or cassio for example) but also insanely good mechanics (all the animation cancels, combo management and stuff)
      I think riven is really underrated mechanically speaking, people think riven is "easy to play and shit on people" but just try a game when you don't counter pick your lane, you might cry (cry a lot if it's a renekton/malphite/garen or something)

    • @Pumbear
      @Pumbear 9 років тому +22

      "you can't mess up even ONE dash or you die instantly"
      This is true for pretty much any other melee champion. Even more true since most of them can't get out after they engage, while Riven will have at the very least 2 dashes left. That is also why any other champion than Riven will need to pick up some defensive items. Riven doesn't instantly die because of her kit but because she lacks the Randuin's that any other champion in your situation is required to have or they'd be dead even faster. In other words Riven is only "instantly dead" because she is the only champion that can reliably survive while building no defensive stats.

    • @connorcalder8191
      @connorcalder8191 9 років тому

      Sander She can't reliabily survive its just defensive stats are kind of wasted on her it would be like building tank yasuo or zed she is supposed to have the ability to all in but you can punish her heavily for it easily same as vayne has high Damage due to her W but low hp so she can be crushed easy if you use CC against her it juat maaters about your skill as a player if you can actually hit them with CC then that is a great starting point.

    • @meeeeeeeeeeeee882
      @meeeeeeeeeeeee882 9 років тому +10

      wipoulou AHAHAHAA i was vs'ing a riven and my adc was like 10/1/5 as vayne with bt but didnt have the shield on yet when we wnet top for the "free gold from a 0/8/1 Riven" and then the Riven entered a bush running away from us and as soon as i ward, we saw an ulted riven, she stunned us and which ment i couldn't flay her 3rd q as thresh and she 1 combo killed the vayne with like 58 cs at 25 mins.... I have to admit being able to kill a well farmed and fed adc with her support and without even doing the boxbox animation cancel on aa or attacking between abilities for the use of the passive is pretty skilled ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • @MrCmon113
    @MrCmon113 8 років тому +462

    The comments show again how toxic and idiotic the community is.
    "I got stomped by a champion -> it needs no skill."
    ...Not even the attempt to understand why the opponent won in the first place, not the attempt to understand what it needs to play a champ effectively.
    I wonder what other characters these dimwits consider more demanding.
    The difference between a good Lee Sin / Riven and a bad one is immediatly obvious. One cannot say the same about Garen or Warwick.

    • @nick230699
      @nick230699 8 років тому +1

      +Taxtro from this list i can imagine that azir, thresh and bard the others not so much. lee sin, riven and yasuo take not that much skil play. i think the most can agree on that

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 8 років тому +27

      Nick Siebers
      Well that's simply wrong.
      You can immediately distinguish a good Lee / Riven / Yasuo from a bad one.
      Any small mistake with these characters gets punished harshly. You have to be really fast and possess great game knowledge to make an impact.
      Sure, you can be basic Lee Sin and just protect your carries with E and R, but to really use his potential, you have to be really quick with the ward jumps and on point with the ult alignment.
      Yasuo is a melee carry with no escapes whatsoever. When you find him out of position, he's dead. That's partly why his winrate is so atrocious.
      You have to micro manage your dashes and Q stacks in a fight while evading and going for the right targets. Additionally, if you want to be able to block everything, you can block with his W, you have to know the casting animation of every projectile skill - and they are often very similar to the ones of autoattacks.
      Lastly Riven... she is the character in this game, you can probably spend most time on. People practice her in bot games, people come up with new combos and tricks. Sure she can be frustrating to play against due to her CC and shields, but when a Riven stomps your team, she has earned it. A single rooting ability can thoroughly ruin her teamfight, as it does not only stop her from moving, but also denies her Q knockup, damage, and her shield.

    • @Black-Hebrew762
      @Black-Hebrew762 8 років тому +2

      yup and then when you say: can you shut your mouth mister eZ ass Rager now sit down and play. you get banned for "Toxity" while the one you was talking about wishes that someone's family dies of all deseases in the world. 2days later on LoLking i can see him play still and im banned Gg

    • @shinoyu6550
      @shinoyu6550 8 років тому +2

      +Taxtro 1 thing, your comment make totally sense. and i found it funny how every comment that say ... isnt that hard to play cause ... have atleast 20 likes cause the most think same but the most are bronze and silver in league so i think the most dont see the potencial of something or know how hard something is they just see the riven/lee/yasuo that are once feeded and rek the whole enemy team.

    • @MrCmon113
      @MrCmon113 8 років тому

      No, but maybe I will find the patience to learn Lee Sin some time.

  • @aquawaveseafaring
    @aquawaveseafaring 7 років тому +46

    "Twisted Fate does not have a high damage kit"
    *Shows TF bursting someone down with just two spells*

    • @mlgbblade5221
      @mlgbblade5221 3 роки тому

      half health adc gets kills by the only 2 damaging spells a full ap champ has, WOW SO UNBALANCED

  • @mocabe01
    @mocabe01 8 років тому +29

    10. cassiopeia 00:45
    09. bard 01:35
    08. twisted fate 02:30
    07. thresh 03:45
    06. vayne 05:00
    05. riven 05:45
    04. draven 06:40
    03. azir 07:55
    02. yasuo 09:10
    01. lee sin 10:25
    you're welcome.

  • @kawaiidesu8864
    @kawaiidesu8864 8 років тому +53

    "Twisted Fate does not has a fairly hight damage"
    1 W and Q kill 50% hp Kalista

    • @dotsinki1096
      @dotsinki1096 8 років тому +3

      1 blue card oneshots sivir

    • @andiakram1829
      @andiakram1829 8 років тому +1

      +Theo östermalm 1 hit baron

    • @ahmadoujab1273
      @ahmadoujab1273 8 років тому

      you need to farm up really hard. look playerd lile apdo or grosd gore they have 300 farm mini each game

    • @kawaiidesu8864
      @kawaiidesu8864 8 років тому

      ahmadou jab Do u even English?

    • @echizenryouma3503
      @echizenryouma3503 8 років тому

      Well that is every Mage lol

  • @LudicrouSpontaneous
    @LudicrouSpontaneous 7 років тому +92

    #'s 1 - 10 in order of appearance for those who don't have time for the video:
    Twisted Fate
    Lee Sin

    • @bruhsoundeffect2688
      @bruhsoundeffect2688 5 років тому +4

      Thresh is easy dude

    • @bruhsoundeffect2688
      @bruhsoundeffect2688 5 років тому +2

      Yasuo is poop xd

    • @hycix705
      @hycix705 5 років тому +1

      Bruh Sound Effect #2 his basic mechanics are easy, but playing him properly is hard

    • @Dennis-hy7jb
      @Dennis-hy7jb 5 років тому

      I never thought LS will be one of them since he's one of the first champions I used so easily.

    • @dylanreed3496
      @dylanreed3496 4 роки тому +1

      This list is very faulty ngl, I went 10/3/3 on my first Lee Sin game or something like that, I got hyper fed my second vayne game and I think they’re more hard champs like nidalee, evelynn, rengar, kha zix just for the jungle

  • @NoNamedLoL
    @NoNamedLoL 9 років тому +211

    im starting to give up on this channel

    • @ok1000ok1000
      @ok1000ok1000 9 років тому +5


    • @rude893
      @rude893 9 років тому +9

      ok1000ok1000 this video was so BAD lee sin number 1? hes so easy where's akali? Draven isn't the easiest but so hard?! vladimir isn't easy either but none were on this list.

    • @luisconceicao557
      @luisconceicao557 9 років тому +2

      Merijn Dekeyser He is always talking about punishing people and those things which are aplied to most assassins champions or squishy ones at least lately this channel is full of bs

    • @LesterDelaRosa
      @LesterDelaRosa 9 років тому +39

      Merijn Dekeyser he probably shouldve named it mechanically hard champions, also vlad is one of the easiest Champs in the game, his only skillshot is his ult and he's manaless lol.

    • @herrscherwc2953
      @herrscherwc2953 9 років тому +17

      Merijn Dekeyser lol please don't comment

  • @seph3910
    @seph3910 9 років тому +70

    god... there is so much riven shit talking. honestly, in elo lower than gold, riven is a joke. riven players are selfish and thirsty most of the time, and they CAN 1v5 if they get fed, but that is not because of mechanical skill. riven may feel cheap, but any cc locks her down so quickly.

    • @negisuna6133
      @negisuna6133 9 років тому +2

      Bio Spec Tell that to my friend XD this dude will go in any lane and any role as Riven, and he made it to Gold 3 that way O.o fucking crazy shit man.

    • @skater2380
      @skater2380 9 років тому +7

      Erak Bryant gold 3 is low elo.

    • @negisuna6133
      @negisuna6133 9 років тому +2

      John Andrews he said "elo lower than gold". next time please read the OP before trying to correct me xp

    • @pobiakc4
      @pobiakc4 9 років тому +8

      Bio Spec This just in: CC locks champions down! More at 10

    • @nomorecakes
      @nomorecakes 9 років тому +2

      Erak Bryant still gold 3 is low as fuck lol. I play troll champs like poppy support and lissandra jungle in Gold 1 and i roll face. Plat-bronze is the same league except plat players can farm

  • @westsidex88
    @westsidex88 7 років тому +16

    #10 Cassiopeia
    #9 Bard
    #8 Twisted Fate
    #7 Thresh
    #6 Vayne
    #5 Riven
    #4 Draven
    #3 Azir
    #2 Yasuo
    #1 Lee Sin
    Thank me later!

  • @funkymonkey2091
    @funkymonkey2091 9 років тому +106

    Me at number 5 riven okay, maybe zed will be next. Finishes watching vid. Wtf no zed?

    • @S3PT1M1
      @S3PT1M1 9 років тому +2

      Liam Donker finally a comment i agree with :D of all the champions with a really high skillcap that isnt on this list Zed should be. a true master of zed can outplay an entire team

    • @ivyr7070
      @ivyr7070 9 років тому +9

      S3PT1M1 well, shaco isn't here either. imho shaco deserves that #1 more than lee sin if we follow his thought process of having to be creative and not knowing what to do

    • @S3PT1M1
      @S3PT1M1 9 років тому +8

      I wouldn't say shaco has the same skill cap as most of these champs in terms of mechanical difficulty. however in terms of desision making and map awareness a truely great shaco player needs to be a strategic god. ive seen high elo shaco's and what they do isn't as flashy or as complicated, but the level of awareness needed to be the demon jester he's suposed to be is pretty amazing

    • @slickkenny9139
      @slickkenny9139 9 років тому

      Liam Donker not even rengar is on the list aswell

    • @moveitsjosh
      @moveitsjosh 9 років тому +1

      Liam Donker Zed has free wave clear, very good at that. He has a minion execute so he can farm easily, oh and he can also farm from range so you can't shut him down! He has a "oh crap I messed up" button on his R so he is easily the safest Assassin in the game.

  • @biggie5567
    @biggie5567 5 років тому +67

    If yasuo is hard champion the earth is flat

    • @thomaslin8273
      @thomaslin8273 5 років тому +5

      gmoney125- Nightcore he is hard, he’s only broken AFTER he’s fed, if u mess up early game, ur gonna have a horrible time.

    • @thatlilium4949
      @thatlilium4949 5 років тому +1

      If Riven is easier then yasuo the earth is flat XD

  • @XMBarrett
    @XMBarrett 9 років тому +25

    I think there are much more difficult champions (some are pretty much unplayable) than some listed here:
    - Singed: I find that chasing Singed is only a bad idea if you're literally chasing him across the map, since his poison damage is negligible on short pursuits with just a little bit of MR. His early game is also weak, can't do much damage and is really squishy, so your build path will leave him with one of the two downsides for most of the match. The only viable strategy is Proxy Singed, which is extremely difficult, and will probably require most of your team to be early-game specialist champs.
    - Rumble: He requires a certain part of his heat gauge to be full in order for his damage to be effective, which is difficult to do considering he is melee, must be in combat frequently and has no innate sustain. Ranged champions will seriously screw him over unless he goes ham early, preferably with a jungler to aid him.
    These are just to name a few. It might just be that I'm shite with them but some champs mentioned in this video are piss-easy in comparison.

    • @philipbowers2949
      @philipbowers2949 9 років тому +3

      Echo Sierra What rating are you? Singed.... difficult...... There is a reason why singed hasn't seen lcs in like 3 years. His mechanics are to simple that he has such a limited about of things he can do is a situation is easy to know and be prepared for them all.

    • @Isaiahbolt6
      @Isaiahbolt6 9 років тому

      Echo Sierra The list is about which champions are hardest to play at their highest possible level, not which ones are hardest to play and win with. Singed has very little mechanics outside of his e into w combo, so it's generally very easy to play singed at the highest level the champion can provide (outside of some abstract farming/pressure strategies, but those aren't mechanical).

    • @XMBarrett
      @XMBarrett 9 років тому +1

      Isaiahbolt6 Jeremy put Lee Sin at number one because of his low power than ever. Sure, he has some mechanics that are difficult to pull off, but I find that Lee is really weak unless he gains a good advantage. The same goes for Singed.

    • @trinacilia
      @trinacilia 9 років тому +2

      Echo Sierra I mostly agree with your comment about Rumble. His heat can be pretty hard to manage sometimes, and if you overheat at the absolute worst time, all you'll have is decent on-hit damage that's very easy to kite out and ignore without your other skills and slows.
      However, he doesn't have a huge amount of outplay potential and he just might not be absolutely useless when played without skill.
      I think he deserves a spot next to Twisted Fate or Cassiopeia, because he lacks hard outplay potential, though he does more damage more easily than TF.

    • @whyisgamora4191
      @whyisgamora4191 9 років тому +2

      Singed is easy and not hard at all, im not bronze... Im a master

  • @davidmurphey5827
    @davidmurphey5827 8 років тому +43

    11:31 omg that guy just smited the minion in order to q vayne...

    • @theproflare3179
      @theproflare3179 8 років тому


    • @erichansensdad5602
      @erichansensdad5602 8 років тому

      well that's why it's in the video lol

    • @davidmurphey5827
      @davidmurphey5827 8 років тому +8

      Ik it was just insanes. Vayne was moving and so was the minion wave, he had to predict where vayne was going to be after he threw his q as well as which minion would be in his way when he casted it.

    • @superviviente008
      @superviviente008 8 років тому +1

      if that play impress you go watch gripex lee compilation, he is the real lee god

    • @davidmurphey5827
      @davidmurphey5827 8 років тому

      I will, thanks.

  • @Dragonmist19X
    @Dragonmist19X 9 років тому +47

    >Champions like Thresh, Shaco, Malzahar, Bard, and even Rumble taking less skill then Riven.
    Ryze takes more skill to play then Riven.

    • @hammad.ahmed9496
      @hammad.ahmed9496 9 років тому +4

      Dragonmist19X actually thats not true at all. Riven is way more hard than the champs u mentioned.

    • @lunasllenas1997
      @lunasllenas1997 9 років тому +9

      TheTf2bros yeah real hard, The hard part of riven is the keyboard you need, because not any keyboard can support the keyboard obliteration while playing that champ
      look mom im main riven
      -And the medics said you wasnt able to use your hands !!!

    • @RainNT
      @RainNT 9 років тому +2

      Dragonmist19X To properly Q cancel with Riven is why she is one of the hardest to master. Top 3 in the game to master.. to this date there is like 2% of the community that does the Q cancelling properly

    • @SuperWizzip
      @SuperWizzip 9 років тому +3

      Lunasllenas Best LoL Gags you guys are both wrong and salty riven its rly easy to perform at average level but to be god is hard
      yeah you can pick riven smashing buttons and succsede but there is time when thats not going to be enough

    • @Pokadopp
      @Pokadopp 9 років тому +6

      Dragonmist19X Hey guys, I found the average bronze player!

  • @bigdawgpulls2550
    @bigdawgpulls2550 8 років тому +186

    You forgot Warwick

  • @Jordy2277
    @Jordy2277 9 років тому +462

    Am i the only one who thinks Zed is hard then?

    • @Blockdit
      @Blockdit 9 років тому +2


    • @JanHarveySevilla
      @JanHarveySevilla 9 років тому +1

      +jordan t you're not the only bro!

    • @EpicToast11
      @EpicToast11 9 років тому +21

      +jordan t First time zed i got a pentakill. Zed is easy dude

    • @Somennagashi
      @Somennagashi 9 років тому +89

      +Sam Smit easy to play, hard to master

    • @austinjohnson9292
      @austinjohnson9292 9 років тому +7

      Of your enemies just sucked

  • @guidomista3570
    @guidomista3570 5 років тому +21

    Ok, first, how are YASUO and DRAVEN harder than RIVEN, and why is there a champion above AZIR?

    • @pepegaclap8432
      @pepegaclap8432 5 років тому

      Azir is quite easy =) played him first time in ranked and won easily and did some good combos in teamfights when enemies had hard ccs

    • @pepegaclap8432
      @pepegaclap8432 5 років тому

      And escapes

    • @benmcharris4657
      @benmcharris4657 5 років тому +2

      NandaKoreWa you’re probably in iron V if you think azir is easy

    • @pepegaclap8432
      @pepegaclap8432 5 років тому

      G4 lol

    • @NarutoUzomaki65
      @NarutoUzomaki65 5 років тому

      @@pepegaclap8432 Maybe for you it´s easy, but for the majority there and objectively technicaly no, its not.

  • @Defs121
    @Defs121 9 років тому +34

    who's missing?
    Teemo (Kappa)

    • @dawidromejko7711
      @dawidromejko7711 9 років тому +7

      Bernhard Seipel and zed

    • @Defs121
      @Defs121 9 років тому

      y true

    • @el-ben
      @el-ben 9 років тому +6

      Bernhard Seipel '-' if there is 30 champ in a top 10 this is not a top 10

    • @Defs121
      @Defs121 9 років тому +1

      el ben What i want to say is, there are much more difficuIt champs than Riven or Iee Sin

    • @el-ben
      @el-ben 9 років тому

      lee sin is for me the most difficult champ in lol, riven is easy to play, but hard to master, i think they can keep their position in this top (my opinion)

  • @Edox299
    @Edox299 8 років тому +98

    all these silvers commenting here oh my god i cant read this

    • @jaype2417
      @jaype2417 8 років тому

      Ew you must be plat or lower kek

    • @Edox299
      @Edox299 8 років тому

      Jay Pe
      diamond 3, dropped to d5 lately

    • @simonlucas44
      @simonlucas44 8 років тому

      +Nostalgimus Summoner Name?

    • @Edox299
      @Edox299 8 років тому

      Simon Lucas Front Flip eune

    • @alexhorton2889
      @alexhorton2889 8 років тому +1

      +Nostalgimus you're bragging about d5 LOL

  • @buffpowerlifter97
    @buffpowerlifter97 8 років тому +29

    Horrible list Katarina should obviously be 1, 2 master yi, 3 garen, 4 warwick, 5 annie
    my list is so good right?

    • @eazey_hd9621
      @eazey_hd9621 8 років тому +7

      katarina actually isnt that easy. sure her basics are simple its the one combo and her dmg is insane but u have to know when to join a fight, u have to look what cc the enemies have left so u wont be interrupted, who u have to kill first and then second after ur reset then third and so on. but thats decisionmaking so her mechanics are quite easy yeah

    • @grendan476
      @grendan476 8 років тому +5

      lol Master Yi isn't easy at all...

    • @alibhatti8676
      @alibhatti8676 8 років тому

      +TheBronzeLeaguePlayer Don't forget Tryndamere! Btw Yi has alot more skill involved then what most players think :P . Also I suck ass with Warwick ;/

    • @Simon-wr6hb
      @Simon-wr6hb 8 років тому +3

      +TheBronzeLeaguePlayer why do people think that katarina is easy ...she is hard if you play her in higher elo without skill you are dead after one cc

    • @wertot2752
      @wertot2752 8 років тому

      +Šimon Řezníček *in higher Elo's. people think she is easy because they aren't in higher elo's

  • @pecool123
    @pecool123 9 років тому +52

    Did he forget zed?
    i mean zed have one of most counterplay on his kit and items pick

    • @krakeurpluss
      @krakeurpluss 9 років тому +7

      John BOB I think it's because of the ultimate, Zed is pretty hard to play, but in all the list, he's the only one who can press a SINGLE button to get out of all the troubles.
      All the others champions are like "If you fail, you're dead" kind of champ, If Zed fails, he still can use his R Shadow back, i think that's the reason why he isnt on the list

    • @TheBlastoise313
      @TheBlastoise313 9 років тому +8

      krakeurpluss so this is not a list of hard champion to play its a list of champions with no escapes.

    • @pecool123
      @pecool123 9 років тому +1

      not after the nerf, you have 1 sec delay before you can press R again. that is enough time for CC him bc you know where he will land
      the other thing as i said are that he depending on ultimate to kill off other champions. there are champions like kayle, lissandra or zilean that negate zed ultimate.
      that is not enough you have items like Qss and zhonya too.
      See so much counterplay for a champion

    • @joshwitchey7110
      @joshwitchey7110 9 років тому +2

      John BOB yasuo shouldnt be on there he should be swapped with zed

    • @TheBlastoise313
      @TheBlastoise313 9 років тому +4

      Josh Witchey ever play yasuo?

  • @nhwimk805
    @nhwimk805 6 років тому +10

    other hard champions that isn't on this video...
    Zed - Aurelion Sol - LeBlanc - Ryze - Viktor

  • @JustinsRealmMC
    @JustinsRealmMC 8 років тому +344

    So many bronze players crying about yasuo and riven on the list...

    • @SeninJinchuriki
      @SeninJinchuriki 8 років тому +5

      +JustinsRealmMC thank u!! lol
      cos they don't even know what annimation cancel is like :p or knocking up 5 man with yasuo q !!

    • @SuperXenoria
      @SuperXenoria 8 років тому +12

      They're hard to master but easy to play, they don't really fit in.

    • @SeninJinchuriki
      @SeninJinchuriki 8 років тому +4

      the video is about how hard champs are to master so they fking fit in!!
      listen to what he said at the start -.-

    • @SuperXenoria
      @SuperXenoria 8 років тому +1

      Did you at least read the title of the video ?
      it says both in the title

    • @BliTzeDGames
      @BliTzeDGames 8 років тому +9

      +habib ksontini All riven players arguments to riven being hard to play is "animation cancel"
      It's really not as hard as people make it out to be

  • @slm0nw174
    @slm0nw174 7 років тому +12

    I can't read this comment section, it's so bronze shades that it isn't readable anymore

  • @NurseAkali
    @NurseAkali 7 років тому +6

    Draven? Really?
    I play him only by free rotation and I get from A to S+.

  • @davidcsaki875
    @davidcsaki875 7 років тому +1

    If you master Lee Sin, it becomes easy to like insec or carry. You just need a lot matches with him so you can understand his mechanics.

  • @MyNameIsEpicDiabetic
    @MyNameIsEpicDiabetic 8 років тому +44

    Orianna, Zed, Syndra?

    • @werg6956
      @werg6956 8 років тому +5


    • @dillonleblanc2587
      @dillonleblanc2587 8 років тому +11

      +Stalker lel shaco is ez

    • @VN-hg5yy
      @VN-hg5yy 8 років тому

      oh sure

    • @skskssjsjjs6259
      @skskssjsjjs6259 8 років тому +1

      yeah i taught that zed would be in no.3 or 2....but why zed not in the list??..its hard to play zed

    • @ΜΛΡΙΟΣ-ω1ω
      @ΜΛΡΙΟΣ-ω1ω 8 років тому

      +Sksks Sjsjjs fuck no....kata,zed,yasuo and riven are the fingers needed

  • @alexandermoore8022
    @alexandermoore8022 7 років тому

    This is my top five skilled champions
    5.Elise (Outplay potential)
    4.Cassiopeia (need to be able to kite)
    3.Gnar (need to animation cancel and kite)
    2.Vladimir (when to W and when to go in)
    1.Master yi (need to be very good at right clicking and spamming Q and master 7)

  • @SassyRiolu
    @SassyRiolu 8 років тому +7

    Im surprised you didn't add champions such as Vel'koz or Xerath. They are both skill shot bases

    • @SuckerKiss
      @SuckerKiss 8 років тому +1

      +SassyRiolu because with champions like velkoz success isn't rare His kit is very forgiving and even if he falls behind he can just ult in a team fight and walk away with triple. Velkoz is actually easy to play being a skill shot based champion does not mean its hard champ same goes to xerath

    • @primpan2532
      @primpan2532 8 років тому

      +SuckerKiss he sure is much harder to pay than vayne and yasuo that were on this list

    • @SuckerKiss
      @SuckerKiss 8 років тому

      Primpan okay vayne yeah vayne is easy but yasuo there are some aspects you need to be good at, reflex and reaction also good timing.

    • @tgbstudioz6049
      @tgbstudioz6049 8 років тому

      +SuckerKiss After playing around 10-15 games with Yasuo you start to get used to his mechanics but he is hated because of his wind wall (8/10 mid laners are ranged) and his double crit chance which grants him huge damage. Now if he is so hard to play then why is he banned in almost every ranked?
      Also saying tf has low damage?! My friend mains him (around 50k points on TF) and almost one-shots in mid to late

    • @Luizfernando-dm2rf
      @Luizfernando-dm2rf 8 років тому

      +SuckerKiss I just can't play with Vayne, :´( she's hard as hell.

  • @stevemarcosunny3916
    @stevemarcosunny3916 7 років тому

    Yasuo in a team fights = e in , never gets out alive.
    Either you wait for your team to knocked up a priority target or you set your own tornado which is super hard to do...not to mention even after you ult the priority target other enemies will throw everything at you while you're in the air.
    Zed has an amazing escape tools = his shadows, vayne can disappear and stun (at least push the enemy and q the other way), azir just play safe for he has a ridiculous range also a dash and a wall if its not enough to let him escape.

  • @seanleebush
    @seanleebush 9 років тому +7

    Ekko deserves to be on this list if you ask me, or at least an honorable mention.

    • @MadSpider09
      @MadSpider09 9 років тому

      I AT LEAST expected is so freaking easy to miss damage with your ball movements...she requires a lot of mechanical skill and micromanagement...but no. This guy has freaking riven and bard and yasuo on this list...

    • @santiagopicco1397
      @santiagopicco1397 8 років тому +1

      +Logan Cobb Have you mastered animation cancelling on riven? It's, among lee sin's insec, one the most difficult mechanical skills out there.
      Oriana is nothing compared to the skill it takes to animation cancel a riven with 1.7 atack speed.
      Igree about bard. Yasuo is however, very hard to play at a high level. Up to gold or platinum, yasuo get away with mistakes, with in high diamond only excellents yasuo succed.
      Same as riven. A Riven that cant animation cancell, cannot play at a high level. The dmg output is too low with out it.

    • @xninjanathx
      @xninjanathx 8 років тому

      Ekko= W, E, Q, Walk away, R. An enemy has been slain.

    • @seanleebush
      @seanleebush 8 років тому +1

      you can make it sound that easy for any champion

    • @xninjanathx
      @xninjanathx 8 років тому

      Sean Bush well actually yeah, Ekko is hard to master, i mean when i first played him i would feed at least 7/10 games (Because i sucked and still do) but he is pretty easy to learn.

  • @megablademe4930
    @megablademe4930 7 років тому

    You forgot to put Garen and Master Yi.Super hard mechanics are involved in pressing Mouse2,Q,E and R once every teamfight.

  • @Hamza-ck9ci
    @Hamza-ck9ci 7 років тому +84

    What about Leblanc ?

    • @Ben-sy5fy
      @Ben-sy5fy 7 років тому +5

      My list
      Lee Sin

    • @tylerwelburn620
      @tylerwelburn620 7 років тому +1

      Literally tho...

    • @petechacorta1588
      @petechacorta1588 6 років тому +1

      I agreed with you in everything but riven is not as hard as shaco or leblanc

    • @damir6536
      @damir6536 6 років тому

      Kirito The Gunner you are an idiot

    • @marcxenielsamson5051
      @marcxenielsamson5051 6 років тому

      Leblanc is easy to play what do you mean?

  • @farouk2177
    @farouk2177 7 років тому +92

    where's zed ?(>.-

    • @AWN100
      @AWN100 6 років тому +4

      farouk 21 zed is easy I have been playing him for a short period of time and I'm already really good at him

    • @javorszkypatrik1952
      @javorszkypatrik1952 6 років тому +9

      Australia Wide harder than yas

    • @CristianCVlad
      @CristianCVlad 6 років тому +7

      Azir and Lee are in my opinion the hardest champs. Zed it is indeed a very hard champion and I am as well triggered

    • @Astroboy29
      @Astroboy29 6 років тому +3

      Zed is way easier than yas

    • @jay-jh9vp
      @jay-jh9vp 6 років тому +3

      Charlie Peters lol no x)

  • @philphan431
    @philphan431 9 років тому +4

    Yeah, but typically champions that are more mechanically difficult to play or micromanage don't get played because of the heavy criticism you get from the League community if you can't play them well. I understand wanting to win, people, but in a normal game, don't assume because you may be a god at particular champions that everyone else is the same way.
    Also, If you can't be encouraging to your teammates, please don't say anything at all. They are your teammates for crying out loud. Even if you criticize them, understand that different people take criticism differently. If you want to be really offensive about it, don't do it toward a teammate. That's like asking to lose. Sure, some people are fine with any type of criticism, be for the sake of victory, assume harsh criticism will negatively affect their game play.

  • @demon2349
    @demon2349 6 років тому

    There is an argument for any of these champions being the #1 spot, but if you consider the skill cap of these champions I think Riven, Azir, and Yasuo would be the hardest to "master" since mastering the champion isn't really achievable, you can always get better with them due to how encompassing the kits are.

  • @TheVideolover45
    @TheVideolover45 8 років тому +4

    Tbh they only 3 champions on this I can agree with would be Lee Sin, Draven and Cassiopeia, and in the end I don't even agree with their positions on the list.
    As someone who is an active player of Vayne, Yasuo and Riven (Yes I'm actual cancer I know, but idgaf).
    The only one out of the 3 I would say is actually hard too play as Riven.
    Animation cancelling is a fucking annoying mechanic too get used to, whilst it's not exactly that impossible to do, it is very fucking annoying to learn how to do perfectly.
    The only reason people think she is so broken is because she has such good scaling, that when she gets fed it's so easy to just destroy people who don't know what they're doing.
    Fun fact, Riven sucks at pushing towers.
    Vayne is in such an amazing spot right now I don't see any point of her even being on this list, tbh the only time I would have considered her truly difficult is when her W dealt True damage and not Percentage.
    Her damage is fucking out of this world at the moment and it's pretty amazing
    Yasuo is an odd case. He's not exactly easy, but I picked him up first try and did extremely well. Tbh, even though I'm someone who ADORES the champion, he just has a stupid amount in his kit that can be exploited. I can knock up, kite, outplay all I want when I have minions, and even when I don't he has really good base damage. The minion dashing can be annoying and against certain match ups (Fuck Annie), he can be very tedious to play.
    Lee Sin is kinda soso, but tbh I just don't think he's really any good in most situations.
    There are honestly just a lot of champions who are better choices then him.
    Sure I can ward hop, flash and kick the enemy ADC into my team, or I could just play Annie, tibbers Ult, Q, W and get a triple kill. I think a lot of the champion is just needless fucking around and an excuse to try and look cool.

    • @johannesskeide4533
      @johannesskeide4533 8 років тому

      The reason lee is there is because he has the highest skill ceiling in the game. For example, when he ult, the target is rooted for 0.25 secs, and good lee sin players flah behind during that time, to insec. (You probably know this). A really good lee can carry a game better than a good Annie, just because her kit isn't a kit well made for a team comp. Lee is more flexible, whereas Annie demands a team built around her for the best result.

    • @TheVideolover45
      @TheVideolover45 8 років тому

      DaReel Fish
      I understand why Lee was on the list.
      My point just lies that whilst Lee can hard carry, his kit is a lot of uncessary fucking around. They can do a lot but a lot of it is very situational. As far as it goes a good lee can carry a game the same as an average Xin Zhao.
      Whilst you are right 100% no doubt., Annie cannot carry games nearly as well as Lee (Towers am I right), they don't need entire teams built around them for the best result, they just need a decent ADC and a supbar tank.
      Annie was an example as a champion with like 2 tricks.

    • @layladog1572
      @layladog1572 8 років тому

      I think azir deserved his spot as well

  • @hummingbrook4679
    @hummingbrook4679 9 років тому +6

    why is riven here?

  • @Wombatz141
    @Wombatz141 7 років тому

    Lee Sin may be hard to fight with but the speed and efficiency of him clearing the jungle, ganking and counter jungle can easily compensate that on lower elo, wouldn't place him on 1.

  • @yanyanbacani1497
    @yanyanbacani1497 5 років тому +3

    Why not akali she is hard to control

    • @Haha-ij2pd
      @Haha-ij2pd 5 років тому

      This video is from 2015 lol

    • @commasui525
      @commasui525 5 років тому

      well, right now. akali only needs good repositioning, and decision making. shes not that hard tbh.

  • @rileys160
    @rileys160 9 років тому +4

    Orianna didn't make the list? Seriously?

  • @aikalabe7719
    @aikalabe7719 8 років тому +29

    riven and yasuo are not hard to play.

    • @aikalabe7719
      @aikalabe7719 8 років тому +2

      +Uwkb xOwn3D the list is called hard to play and master.

    • @aikalabe7719
      @aikalabe7719 8 років тому +7

      Yasuo and Riven are not hard to play or to master.

    • @KDH-o3v
      @KDH-o3v 8 років тому

      +Anthony Malinauskas another wannabe pro bronze-plat player who cant do the kyzer comb or fast q comb

    • @hexingon6088
      @hexingon6088 8 років тому

      look at her combos and then aay that Riven is easy

    • @tomlim1400
      @tomlim1400 8 років тому

      +Anthony Malinauskas i doubt you're useful at 6 with yasuo

  • @Jessica-oq7ld
    @Jessica-oq7ld 8 років тому +4

    _70% of the comments here, Yasuo and Riven are so easy!_
    _30% Listing out their own top 10_

  • @lunivuu4326
    @lunivuu4326 6 років тому +3

    that dragon I cba to spell? even katarina? or even fizz?

  • @xXtim128Xx
    @xXtim128Xx 9 років тому +4

    LOL I completely disagree with this list. Twitch isn't even on the list while he is alot harder to play in soloq. He needs perfect mechanics , perfect positioning and you have to engage at the right moment or you're dead. Not to mention his early game is pretty much horrible and he doesn't hav emuch damage before the first 3 main items

    • @ok1000ok1000
      @ok1000ok1000 9 років тому

      Twitch isnt really supposed to engage tho

    • @xXtim128Xx
      @xXtim128Xx 9 років тому

      Well ofc he doesn't go in first. With engaging I just meant starting to teamfight.

    • @fluxenforcer964
      @fluxenforcer964 9 років тому

      ***** I think he meant champs that are relevant. lol jk. i don't know about Twitch, never played him or seen him played. I just don't think he's popular enough to be on a list like this. people would go "what? Twitch? never heard of him." Just a thought, as i can't say this with certainty, I'm guessing that the video creator probably doesn't know enough about Twitch or other champs that aren't very popular. Wow, now that I said that, the video creator is probably a twitch main.

    • @xXtim128Xx
      @xXtim128Xx 9 років тому

      Flux Enforcer
      he's not poluar in soloque because he's too hard to play and requires a whole teamcomp to be build around him. He's seen in lcs every now and then

    • @robertschroeder3041
      @robertschroeder3041 9 років тому

      ***** i dodge the que everytime someone in my team picks twitch lol

  • @patatasfritasviewer
    @patatasfritasviewer 8 років тому +9


    • @qmg
      @qmg 8 років тому

      no skill shots required

    • @patatasfritasviewer
      @patatasfritasviewer 8 років тому +2

      AdrienPlaysGames the Q is a skillshot wtf

    • @Zeto.
      @Zeto. 8 років тому

      ... I hope you are trolling...

    • @patatasfritasviewer
      @patatasfritasviewer 8 років тому +1

      Zetoom No but warwick is more hard ... are u agree ?

    • @Icarus772
      @Icarus772 8 років тому

      +patatas fritas i think the hardest is garen or annie....

  • @blackgodproductions
    @blackgodproductions 9 років тому +6

    wut, wheres fiora?

    • @mapler4evah
      @mapler4evah 9 років тому +1

      Fiora is easy to play..

    • @ItachiUchiha11111
      @ItachiUchiha11111 9 років тому +8

      😄😃😀😊☺😉😍A😍😉☺😊😀😃😄 Nice comprehension of sarcasm.

    • @Fabio-lx1ml
      @Fabio-lx1ml 9 років тому

      Now fiora is not a noob champ, look at her new abilities, now you can't do penta only clicking R

    • @Defs121
      @Defs121 9 років тому

      Fabio Rm Wow now u have to move 2 more steps to make a penta :P

    • @Fabio-lx1ml
      @Fabio-lx1ml 9 років тому

      Bernhard Seipel no,try to play her, the ultimate never work and the passive and The W are so difficult, you need more reflex...

  • @MrNightx2
    @MrNightx2 7 років тому

    Considerable list but im wondering why gp is not one of them since he is really one of the rarest champions to see

  • @lunar2537
    @lunar2537 9 років тому +4

    Rengar should be there too.

    • @ayh4968
      @ayh4968 9 років тому

      rengar is not hard to play

    • @mehmetaydin978
      @mehmetaydin978 9 років тому +4

      Rengar is actually easy to play

    • @MartinYLang
      @MartinYLang 9 років тому

      Rammus I agree, his kit is straightforward, mechanically not as demanding (hitting that 1 hit kil combo mid air is not super difficult, or using bushes to kite) but he is hard because of decision making involved. You can't just "do stuff". You need to really think ahead and know exactly where to be and what to do.
      Even Pants Are Dragon said it multiple times.

    • @depdepliveful
      @depdepliveful 9 років тому

      MartinYLang im rengar Main and Lust say you perfectky descripted IT mechanics are not to hard but the decisions of you make 1 mistake you will often already die in Late game

    • @TheBlastoise313
      @TheBlastoise313 9 років тому +1

      depdepliveful i picked up rengar about a week ago and i'm still practicing one shotting, my average farm 20 minutes is 140.

  • @christianopina2838
    @christianopina2838 7 років тому

    the pain of uncontrollably catching axes of draven always puts me into a bad situation hahahaha

  • @juanibustelo
    @juanibustelo 7 років тому

    You forgot that Riven aside form being snow bally, she also have a pretty low skill floor.
    You can be bad with her, but the most machenically ungifted player can play her with some success.
    On contrast Azir has a stupid high skill floor. If you can't play Azir, you are a free kill

  • @gimme5tacos170
    @gimme5tacos170 6 років тому +3

    Riven hard champ draven hard champ ???? 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @raulsauceda7392
    @raulsauceda7392 6 років тому +5

    This video is old af but I just love seeing salty comments from people who were probably recently shit on by these champions in the right hands.

  • @tanuki1595
    @tanuki1595 7 років тому

    i'm a new riven main ... I kinda get your point from engaging that you dont have to engage too early ... it was my first mistake lol

  • @RekSauceMinecraft
    @RekSauceMinecraft 7 років тому +3

    All these bronzies saying these champs are easy obviously havent played them or they are bronze

  • @samalass466
    @samalass466 6 років тому +5

    Seriously? No Taliyah or Nidalee?

    • @norbertbalazs6224
      @norbertbalazs6224 6 років тому

      Sama Lass yes and draven is here ...

    • @justin2173
      @justin2173 6 років тому +1

      Sama Lass taliyah didnt exist at this time and nidalee was a mid laner who spammed q

    • @justin2173
      @justin2173 6 років тому

      Like look at the map taliyah didnt exist on the old rift

  • @ricard2182
    @ricard2182 6 років тому +2

    In My Onion I Think Azir Is Harder But I Think That It Is Harder To Make Faker Plays With Lee Sin....

  • @unbreakablegaming7495
    @unbreakablegaming7495 6 років тому +12

    yasuo is 2# you mad yasuo is 2 easiest champion have barrier and W can block anything and Q op and throw wind and E like flash wtf my first try him got 45 kill in ranked gold
    master Yi is #1 i open alt and play with only mouse

    • @Never2Alone
      @Never2Alone 6 років тому +1

      thought the same XD

    • @laniecilos4377
      @laniecilos4377 6 років тому

      Are you being sarcastic? Never knew someone with a minecraft profile pic plays LoL lmfao.

  • @mucmuc2170
    @mucmuc2170 6 років тому +4

    Talyah maybe?

  • @freekhoek4253
    @freekhoek4253 7 років тому +11

    not yasuo sorry but, no

    • @slm0nw174
      @slm0nw174 7 років тому +1

      Freek Hoek jawel freek, accepteer het maar, hoe broken de kit van yasuo is, hij is moeilijk om te spelen

    • @yasuicideisidol1901
      @yasuicideisidol1901 6 років тому +1

      Bronze player in sights

  • @djs9931
    @djs9931 7 років тому +15

    Where is katarina!?

    • @breachr757
      @breachr757 7 років тому +2

      DJ S Katarina isn't hard she is easy

    • @fishfood7882
      @fishfood7882 6 років тому +7

      DJ S this video was from 2 years ago, before Katarina's rework

    • @seaotter6927
      @seaotter6927 6 років тому +1

      katarina is a noob champ cancer shit, thats all

    • @al98708
      @al98708 6 років тому +8

      Kappa Kappa after the rework u need to master her to play her. Just bcz u are noob and u can t counter Kata doesn t mean it s a noob champ.

    • @fishfood7882
      @fishfood7882 6 років тому +1

      Andrei you don't need to master her to play her. People say she's hard to master. Anyone can play her, but not everyone is good with her.

  • @broidk9790
    @broidk9790 4 роки тому +1

    In wich universe is yasuo and Lee sin harder than azir

  • @wandyful
    @wandyful 5 років тому +2

    Took me 4 years to master Ashe.

    • @Patato12341
      @Patato12341 5 років тому

      took me 2 weeks to master olaf

  • @Syruhon
    @Syruhon 5 років тому

    Mordekaiser should be number 10 due to the fact he has no crowd control and strictly item dependent

  • @jamesteller168
    @jamesteller168 7 років тому

    You should make an updated one, Ekko's tough to play with

  • @perpetualconfusion5885
    @perpetualconfusion5885 6 років тому

    I'm suprised Master Yi,Teemo, and Tyrndamere didn't get on lol. Jk Gnar and Gragas seems kinda hard to play well to me.

  • @purplefirefly13
    @purplefirefly13 7 років тому

    Yasuo isn't hard... just keep dashing to all the minions around you and you'll dodge all the skillshots because your dashes are pretty much infinite, and then throw out qs and stuff when you get a chance ez. he's only got 1 skillshot, his q, and it doesn't even need to be a skillshot. He can just dash to his target and activate it to get an instant knock up that he can press r to. Did i mention his ult is a click and execute? His windwall isn't hard either. You anticipate whatever projectile your enemy is gonna throw at you and then wait till you see them cast it and then you click w and the wall magically materializes infront of you. You don't even need to aim dude. Yasuo. Is. Not. Hard.

  • @pikameme3322
    @pikameme3322 7 років тому

    Haven't watched yet but my top 3 is 1.Lee Sin 2.Azir 3.Yasuo
    Edit: I got the #1 right but I don't agree with his #2 and #3 .I main this 3 champs for 2 years now and I'll tell you,I spent almost half a year mastering azir and yet I can't perfectly execute my combos in every given situation.While yasuo took me only 5 months to master(jungle wall dashes,beyblade,airblade,keyblade) and got bored of him.Not to say that I play for more than 8 hours a day almost everyday since I'm a NEET.

  • @OneThiccSamurai-vn5se
    @OneThiccSamurai-vn5se 7 років тому

    This list is much better than phlylols but again. No Gangplank?

  • @hybrid9791
    @hybrid9791 6 років тому

    *Invoker laughing in the distance*

  • @omarsnort
    @omarsnort 7 років тому

    You forgot many champs that they are hard tho like : Kalista , Twitch , Ahri, Viktor and ofc ofc GP is one of the hardest.
    they are Op champs but need perfect timing, which many of low Elo doesny know xD

  • @rneki254
    @rneki254 5 років тому

    azir should be no.1 cause in the latest patches he is low tier and hard to play plus his soldier range is now mid range

  • @dtb3080
    @dtb3080 2 роки тому

    Me who doesn't how to play yasuo and doesn't play it: gets a quadrakill everytime I been forced to play ti (aram, all for one)

  • @andredecasa4727
    @andredecasa4727 7 років тому

    Holy... Elise? Nidalee? Kalista? My God.

  • @isaiahsoard5047
    @isaiahsoard5047 6 років тому

    Listen to the man. "In a HIGHER RANK difficulty setting these champs made the list." Bet none of you even know what that would be like. So to everyone saying yas is easy. Its probably because you're still a low rank.

  • @frunbe9946
    @frunbe9946 7 років тому

    TF is super easy it doesnt matter which card you choose you still deal 60-75% dmg with any card if you get lichbane on the midlaner or adc

  • @cookiezone4472
    @cookiezone4472 7 років тому

    9:34 "his laning phase is quite weak"... yep cause yasuo is definitely weak in the laning phase and is super punishable amirite

  • @lewis_b_w6830
    @lewis_b_w6830 7 років тому

    What about sol maybe he isn't the most powerful but is hard to master and play

  • @apexpredator9021
    @apexpredator9021 7 років тому

    Master Yi should be in this list no fucking joke. Try playing a master yi who has a very basic kit in HIGH ELO against a DARIUS or a QUINN- even a JAX. You put riven on this list when you master her in about 10 games... bullsihit. Master Yi's laning phase is the hardest shit ever.

  • @catherinec4464
    @catherinec4464 7 років тому

    450 champs are more of the "starter" champs...which are easy to learn to play decently off the bat expect for poppy imo

  • @chris88co
    @chris88co 7 років тому

    You put old Graves in one of the clips... I miss old Graves..

  • @uGotCAGED
    @uGotCAGED 7 років тому

    tbh,i dont think cassiopeia is that hard to play. first time i played her i did great,i just needed to hit a q then spam e LOL

  • @natureroseki8924
    @natureroseki8924 6 років тому

    just sharing something guys, I have a lvl 7 Karma, and I just realized recently that I can shield myself using my ult and e, and still don't know how to make the color green cracked on the floor, remember I'm a lvl 7 Karma and I just recently have known this 😂 poor me

  • @brusli1732
    @brusli1732 7 років тому +769

    Now all the 12 yo who play Yasuo will think they are skilled because they watched this.

    • @drash79
      @drash79 7 років тому +10

      beacuse yasuo takes all the skill.

    • @projectjt3149
      @projectjt3149 7 років тому +15

      ALL HAIL ARKADATA (or Yassuo if you're NA)

    • @marin1480
      @marin1480 7 років тому +1

      Engineer 314 erm TheWanderingPro > ArKaDaTa

    • @_J4vy
      @_J4vy 7 років тому +6

      yasuo is easy to beat buthe gets punished alot honestly if he misses a tornado hes fucked if he missed a Q he's fucked he got rooted/stunned hes FUCKED yeah pretty much u cant mess up anything or you die and His E is the only thing that can save him

    • @julienboisvert223
      @julienboisvert223 7 років тому +12

      im 13, i play yas, but i know that im trash lol. i was surprised yas was in the list

  • @HarpE-girl
    @HarpE-girl 9 років тому +200

    Dissapointed at the lack of Elise.

    • @mackknapp8325
      @mackknapp8325 9 років тому +3

      I agree

    • @Smuffgg
      @Smuffgg 9 років тому +10

      Ryo Bakura The thing is that Elise is just straight up bad.. so yeah it is hard to do good with her, but the use of her kit is not really hard to understand

    • @TheMeekMingeMaster
      @TheMeekMingeMaster 9 років тому +2

      Ryo Bakura i main elise, and globox, no she isnt bad , shes reeeaaaallllyyy strong
      (i know you arent supposed to but i main ap elise) and full build your human q does 30% hp, same with spider (but its 30% lost health) you and your spiders hurt like hell, (around 200 extra magic dmg per hit from you, and 250 from spiders after mr reduction) volatile spider does around 800-1000, she 1 shots any adc late game and if a stun is landed then qw switch to spider, your bite and spiders along with w will let you destroy tanks (attk speed plus teh magic bonus is op) so shes damn strong sorry for the giant essay

    • @TheMeekMingeMaster
      @TheMeekMingeMaster 9 років тому

      globoxnorris i am silver , but i play well (it is legit my teams that make me silver lol) elise is my ap jg main, but hecarim is better imo if you need a jg and you have 2 aps 2 ads on your team, just his late game is better, sure elise is better for tanking tower but still

    • @DarykTTV
      @DarykTTV 9 років тому +1

      globoxnorris She's actually really strong, you jsut build more magic pen and tank than flat ap

  • @johngreen8465
    @johngreen8465 9 років тому +175

    Azir is very hard to play -everyone
    Lets nerf him -Rito

    • @Godtierlee
      @Godtierlee 9 років тому +1

      +John Green But Azir isn't hard when you're in bronze and silver. (i.e. its easy when everyone sucks)

    • @HooverLiikes
      @HooverLiikes 9 років тому +17

      Darius is super op -everyone
      Lets buff him -riot
      Srsly wth

    • @GrimmBones
      @GrimmBones 9 років тому +1

      +John Green But it's k, birdy got a buff on his ult in this patch. >:D

    • @johngreen8465
      @johngreen8465 9 років тому

      still hard

    • @Jordy2277
      @Jordy2277 9 років тому +2

      +John Green I absolutely love azir, then he gets nerfed out the ass.

  • @matthewbache1639
    @matthewbache1639 8 років тому +275

    "Not a high damage kit" as TF kills a man in 2 seconds.

    • @icresp4263
      @icresp4263 8 років тому +19

      LOL 'kills a man in 2 seconds'
      sounds like a serial killer, which he is

    • @CrazyHynter
      @CrazyHynter 8 років тому +4

      Everyone can kill a champion in 2 seconds if they are fed...

    • @chivk-1218
      @chivk-1218 8 років тому

      +CrazyHynter ap ashe cant :3

    • @spacemarketeerkelly8469
      @spacemarketeerkelly8469 8 років тому

      +ChivK-12 a fed ap ashe could just one shot with her ult

    • @chivk-1218
      @chivk-1218 8 років тому

      +Space Marketeer Kelly uhm lets see if she has 1000 ap which is waaaay more than you will get you deal about 1650 damage with your ult not counting mr... that wont kill anyone

  • @SpyFromMarsZeus
    @SpyFromMarsZeus 8 років тому +169

    I think Zed is harder to play than Yasuo considering the unfriendly meta.

    • @Limaonyx
      @Limaonyx 8 років тому

      if you learn how to use yasuo's dash with the minion wave to give more poke damage, and get away without being hit, you'll only get better from there on out

    • @sinisarajkovic2515
      @sinisarajkovic2515 8 років тому

      +Yuwen Taiji Yeah he is.I mastered him in top lane.

    • @SplexerGaming
      @SplexerGaming 8 років тому +1

      +Yuwen Taiji Zed isn´t hard. You only have to spam xD

    • @Spin793
      @Spin793 8 років тому

      +Yuwen Taiji
      Zed is better than Yasuo in this meta. However, I do feel that Zed should be on this list.

    • @LordValdomerol
      @LordValdomerol 8 років тому +3

      +Yuwen Taiji Mechanically, Zed is harder to play, yeah. But meta-wise? Duskblade and Thunderlord's are simply disgusting on him, I think the meta is actually super-friendly to AD assassins right now. Mages are the ones who have it rough

  • @Sorle1
    @Sorle1 7 років тому +163

    Bronze players be like "Can't wait to find my new main"

    • @jordanweaver9658
      @jordanweaver9658 7 років тому +36

      And thats why you have a rope as ur profile pic

    • @lemen9358
      @lemen9358 4 роки тому

      Sorle and it is Yasuo.

  • @EinManU
    @EinManU 7 років тому +163

    azir deserves nr.1.

    • @oliverpezelj
      @oliverpezelj 6 років тому

      he is easy

    • @thombos1079
      @thombos1079 6 років тому +16

      just because you rekt some bronzies doesnt mean hes easy lol

    • @jutskio9129
      @jutskio9129 5 років тому

      it's not a hard champion to learn honestly

    • @digiking2612
      @digiking2612 5 років тому +2

      He is super fun to play if you can MASTER him I haven't yet but I love him still I get S a lot of when I play him.

    • @Zoapman
      @Zoapman 5 років тому +1

      Here comes the xerath mains😒

  • @feridox1711
    @feridox1711 8 років тому +262

    i think azir should be in the first place

  • @just1nnn69
    @just1nnn69 5 років тому +15

    I LIKED THE JOKE: "nr 6 hardest champ is vayne"

  • @KayG470
    @KayG470 9 років тому +68

    "The insane amount of mechanics she needs to pull of effectively"
    Riven does not need to pull these things off imo.
    Riven is not a stupid champion, she has advanced mechanics one can learn, but she does not need them.
    Riven has a strong early game, she can just start snowballing and win the game, without needing these mechanics, thats why i do not agree with rivens/some other spots on the list.
    Cassiopeia for example needs good positioning and micro management to win.
    Just my opinion, its fine to disagree.

    • @kyatzz
      @kyatzz 9 років тому

      Ayyy lmao In order to snowball with her you need to pull those things off effectively, at a higher elo atleast.

    • @KayG470
      @KayG470 9 років тому +5

      kyatzz 1% of players or so are high elo, this video is not meant for them

    • @cassiohenrique6815
      @cassiohenrique6815 9 років тому

      Ayyy lmao its meant for who then exactly? those are HIS Top Hardest Champions to Play and Master in League of Legends, the hardest, not the easiest, its probable meant more for the higher elos then the lower elos, because low elo doesnt gives a fuck about what is hard to play, they want the easy ones, the type that helps you climb easily.
      PS.: sorry about the bad english tho

    • @frittatas8551
      @frittatas8551 9 років тому

      Ayyy lmao so you realize that riven is an all in MELEE champ right? and you don't think she requires good positioning while building glass cannon? k

    • @KayG470
      @KayG470 9 років тому +3

      Frittatas She does, but so does Fiora or any other all in meele champ, but they are not on the list.

  • @Shinom4ever
    @Shinom4ever 8 років тому +54

    I don't get why shaco isn't in the list... I only know one master shaco...

    • @dzkmz
      @dzkmz 8 років тому +9

      shaclone ?? :P

    • @anarchy5partan662
      @anarchy5partan662 8 років тому +1

      Thats a good point lol. I barely see him. Especially in any ranked due to how he isnt great in most team comps.

    • @chebichevinovichskic
      @chebichevinovichskic 8 років тому

      i came here for this. shaco is at least as hard as lee, considering his squishy aspect, i ll easily give him number one in this list. number of people who master or main shaco ( correctly ) is 1/10 of those who play lee correctly.

    • @Atabalacce
      @Atabalacce 8 років тому

      Thats simply because the champ is shit. "I dont know a single challenger urgot main" see what the problem is?

    • @Shinom4ever
      @Shinom4ever 8 років тому

      C7LT Who talk about urgot?

  • @ashebahinds4269
    @ashebahinds4269 7 років тому +148

    Where's Aurelion Sol?

    • @pravigamer4106
      @pravigamer4106 6 років тому +12

      see date of video

    • @vzvzvzvzvz4515
      @vzvzvzvzvz4515 6 років тому +3

      he's not difficult to play at all, the champion just need the player to have good position

    • @gerardjansens1748
      @gerardjansens1748 6 років тому


    • @guidomista3570
      @guidomista3570 6 років тому

      wasnt released in 2015

    • @vanja368
      @vanja368 6 років тому +8

      @@vzvzvzvzvz4515 erm no, aurelion is i think most dificult in game rn

  • @killer92908
    @killer92908 8 років тому +106

    riven #5 and yasuo #2? WTF ? xD

    • @GraenzFan
      @GraenzFan 8 років тому +13

      +albert wesker Riven must be #1

    • @yusef326
      @yusef326 8 років тому

      +albert wesker why his banrate got so high on preseason only?hmm i got it they saw one game with warlords B (that first OP one) and now thinks yasuo is a noob champ...maybe you should listen what he says in the video

    • @itsudemo3893
      @itsudemo3893 8 років тому

      +Sleidron no! yasuo must be number one

    • @GraenzFan
      @GraenzFan 8 років тому +2

      Riven has so mutch combos and its hard to play her. Allways when i play hear im fking nervous and u need to play seriously Riven. Im Dia 4 Riven Main

    • @tomiiiiiiiiiii
      @tomiiiiiiiiiii 8 років тому +5

      +Bryan A riven is one of easiest champ, but hard to master