I agree, women used to be the heart of the home, but when forced to work outside the home, she and her family are spread thin. Feminism is about women making choices for them selves about their own lives. Sometimes it involves you sometimes it doesn't. But she should always be given the opportunity.
Epidemic of isolation & lonliness is how the U S surgeon general and others are describing it. You are 100% correct on your comment, In my honest opinion.
@Iivari Lappalainen Christ!! With a response that just rolls on and on and on in waves, you must be a woman!! 🙄 (Methinks your verbosity is in itself the demonstration of fact - as being the real crux of their problem!! QED.)
Right, 'groupthink' is a reason to not belong to a political party ("vote for the person who will do the most good for the most people" instead), and a reason to retain a bit of standoffishness towards friends/acquaintances who might try "pulling you in to their orbit" If you are okay will subjugating/eliminating your own thoughts and ideas as a tradeoff for a feeling of 'group belonging', make sure you know the rules of that group because they might not suit you. IT IS 100% OKAY to demand full freedom in thoughts and behavior (within established law obviously) The 'culture' inside a corporation is a hard-stop limitation on how you think/act and since work is a massive part of your time, it can be hard to retain full independence .
Communist Parties took away the means of production from capitalists and confined them in their former servants' chambers, that's why "communism" is such a taboo in rotten West.
I am a man. Early in 1970, I turned 14yo. In 1980, I turned 24yo. The seventies was a formative time for me. It was in this decade that modern feminism started to get up a head of steam. My understanding of its message was that men and women should enjoy equality together; equality before the law, equal access to education and training, equal access to the professions and the trades, equal pay for equal work, equal access to credit and the means of production, and perhaps most importantly, equal moral standing in the community. I agreed entirely and still do. However, in recent years, some people who call themselves feminists are promulgating a very different line. It seems to be a line more to do with a sense of offended entitlement, anger, and blaming men for their own unhappiness as well as for every ill in the world. Women generally would do well to stand up to this hateful stance and reclaim feminism back from the angry and hateful.
All those things you mentioned - equality, access, etc - are neither here nor there when you remember their primary demand was the right to murder the living issue of their wombs. 97% of these are for "convenience." I do not see those who uphold such an anti-life philosophy to be credible witnesses. Plus regarding "reclaim feminism" you cannot go back. The arrow of time points in only one direction. Rather women have pushed the pendulum so far one way that when it swings back it will break and the backlash against women will be severe. This is an experiment in social engineering and it has failed. There are very good reasons strong cultural restrictions were placed on female behaviour by every society in history.
There's no "reclaiming" feminism. From its infancy outside of voting rights movements in the early 20th century, it was at least from its first wave in the 1960's, a dangerous cultural Marxist construct. People were just too stoned/tripped out and caught up in the bigger zeitgeists of the 60's/early-70's like Vietnam, the jazz age being toppled by rock, segregation/greater black civil rights and the Boomer vs Greatest/Silent generations, to notice. Truly wicked and unredeemable people like Valerie Solanas were this wave's biggest proponents, and nobody can argue the open misandric, anti-traditional/nuclear family, anti-capitalist nature of her views, and all the feminists in academia/society at large, who still inexplicably uphold her as a hero. Likely by the time you personally realized some version of feminism was happening in your teens/early-20's, it had already cleverly-morphed(and not by accident and certainly not without dominant media/entertainment industry help), into the pop-feminist/"friendlier" version of second wave feminism, which was ever so gently and pleasant soundtrack-accompanied introduced to the American public, by way of "harmless" trojan horse delivery devices like "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", other TV shows like it, and the deluge of TV commercials like Enjoi perfume/Jean Nate body splash ads, etc., that seemed so innocuous and inviting with attractive women defying convention and known "gender roles", which nearly begged the typical Nielson-targeted 1970's TV viewer, to lower their collective chauvinist guards and presuppositions, and "give in" to the obviously overdue demands for women's rights, that second wave feminism made. All the while, those same Silent Generation/Boomer feminist brain-trusts were waiting in the weeds, to implement their master plan to emasculate young boys from preschool until 12th grade, overly empower the egos of young girls to be the playground enforcers of that emasculation, encourage the feminization and thus the homosexualization and subsequently following transgenderization of boys, use the psychiatric industry to literally drug boys into submission and out of their burgeoning "toxic masculinity", turn daughters against their fathers and America and all its better ideals, and a whole other host of things like no-fault divorce and community property re-regulations, which ever so slowly but progressively-determined, brought us to where we are today with you being bewildered and confused as to how these end-stage products of feminism in malicious, entitled, openly misandric and malevolent Gen X/Millennial/Zoomer feminist foot soldiers you see today, could ever come to be. The larger message here, is that no functional, sane and above all *free* society, should *ever* allow Marxists(cultural or otherwise), to penetrate into its media/governmental/academia/post-secondary systems. The simple fact that this was allowed, now may require mass violent regional revolt or outright civil war to extricate these people, from our midsts. Hardly what any of us ever would have thought(including myself as an 8 year old), watching the pretty lady in the yellow jumpsuit win horse races or fake-jump Evel Knievel-style, over the ditch.
One of my strongest early memories is watching a Ukrainian country woman threshing grain with a flail. A flail is a pair of two heavy sticks, connected by a short chain. This is really heavy work. And yet this woman, probably in her 40s or 50s, did an excellent job. On top of all the other physical labor she had to do to get by: take care of a cow and several pigs, grow a whole load of different vegetables and fruit trees, prepare them for the market, sell them at the market. All alone in summer (her husband was doing seasonal work in the city.) So yes, country women were incredibly strong.
Women have the ability to be incredibly strong. Always have, too. So, when women have the ability to be strong, but choose to act weak, is it not right for them to reap the consequences of that choice? Not respecting their choice would imply that I believe women are incapable of accountability, and as a consequence incapable of choice. I do not believe this.
I think this is spot on! I am a retired anthropologist (archaeologist), and I once lived for just over a year with a remote and protected family of hunter/gatherer Yolgnu (Aborigines of Central Arnhem Land, Norther Territory, Australia). The women were distinctly, powerful in their own right, and focused on their own self controlled women's business. Equally , the men were concerned only with their own separate men's business,. There were distinct (though not always unbreakable) separate roles, but both roles were equally valued. These people had no concept of sexism (or indeed, any kind of discrimination). When I returned to my own society I could never quite fit in again, and soon became a recluse. I greatly appreciate this post. I have long needed explained to me what I couldn't understand about my pwn stance on feminism (an important concern to me).
I think it is a question of value that is put on those roles. Back in the early 1900's many women not only had to bear children and do the housework, but they also frequently did jobs and at less pay then men did. My own great, great grandmother made chain from daybreak until sunset and the most time she took off was one day when she gave birth. They were paid on the length or weight of chain they made, but being women, they were only allowed to make small link chain, so they were not paid the same hourly rate as men. My great, great grandmother led a strike against this and they were paid more as a result. At that time. Men would earn money, but they would not always hand that money over as housekeeping. There were many men that spent MUCH of their earnings on beer, tobacco and down the betting shop and kept their women short on cash, thereby obliging them to work to pay for food and clothes for their children. Those women were virtual slaves to their husbands and to their employers, they had no option but to work. Now following so called emancipation, women still have little option but to work, this time because women working has distorted the price of housing upwards.
@@banana9106My relatives lived on their own farms. The women helped with the "lighter" manual farm labor and took part in the cottage economy selling baked goods, candies, and dairy products fresh from the farm (cheeses, milk, yogurt, etc). A few cleaned houses or did the laundry for other households. There were some housewives who didn't have to work on the fields. My paternal grandma was mostly a housewife by modern standards, and she had a maid. The men often had another job farther from home. My paternal grandfather farmed, owned a small grocery store, and worked on the railroad in the largest nearby town. The Industrial Revolution, along with political turmoil and Comanche or Apache raiding, resulted in having more jobs than just the agrarian farm life. In my family, there was a habit of younger female ancestors marrying older wealthier men, usually a tan Amerindian or mestiza woman with a male castizo. None of my female ancestors were mistreated, and they were all better off financially with each generation, but some of the men did commit adultery. Tolerating adultery is definitely a huge cultural difference. On the bright side, my female ancestors still lived "softer" lives compared to other agrarian lower class people of their eras. I often read about abuse and hard labor in other families, but that wasn't normal in mine.
I agree. I consider that all people deserve to be treated equally. I tried to engage on women's fb pages. I am a victim of rape. I mentioned this when comforting a women struggling with the emotional aftereffects as I have. You know what I got from several women? You're a man, you deserved it. I even got, "you probably went on to be a rapist yourself". Those pages are full of the ugliness of human character. Haters many of them. Oh and moderators? They can be as bad. Modern feminism is just another form of tribalism. Us against them mentality.
@@peteratkinson922 No, every person you meet should be treated with common respect, those individuals will either respect your respect or the will disrespect your respect. Then it’s up to you where that relationship goes. ✌️
@@peteratkinson922 Yep. But so often modern feminists just assume we don't individually deserve the chance but lump us all in the same basket regardless of our actual worth.
She is wrong about one thing ... women aren’t working side-by-side with men in the workplace ... they are in direct competition.... They want to be protected and treated special , while going all-out against the men around them .
Romeo Whiskey everyone is in competition. It’s about livelihood, so to succeed people (irrespective of their gender) need to compete. But yes, women have the upper hand right now. There’s is nothing positive coming from feminism.
I never thought I was competing against men. I thought of myself as one of the guys. I'm not transgender. I have to say being a mother is much better than working in an office. The politics suck. Women make it worse and create more drama. There are annoying men as well.
I'd probably be more inclined to say it's mostly limited to Feminists, rather than women in general. Of course, there is competition for promotions etc that's normal for everyone; with Feminists though even while working side by side as a team it seems to be about proving something or complaining about some 'micro-aggression' for some oppression points. Normal women I work with don't do this.
mavishill Yep , we are all coming to the conclusion that this shit don’t work . Women won’t admit it , and men don’t know what to do about it , but it’s all coming apart .
She makes an interesting point. In the 195O’s my grandpa bought my grandma a clothes washing machine and she had him return it because she preferred doing laundry day at the laundromat with her two best friends.
@@halcyonzenith4411 you got that from your Dad? It's hilarious how you display the same attitude the group you dislike does and you are not even aware of it.
@@susivarga7303 I can see you've learned to project at a university level. That education would have been wasted on a man who would merely have used it to contribute something to society. Thank god for the cleverness of women, where would we be without it? Probably in a battle trench or a coal mine, or some other place where you never see a woman.
@@susivarga7303This is another thing men are missing out on by not marrying. The chance to be called silly names like she is still in grade 3. I can't imagine what man wouldn't sign up for a decade or two of such bliss. How can the wedding stores be going bankrupt when such great women are out there.
I find it very important and often overlooked in child rearing. Children used to be raised within a community of women, mothers and grandmothers who helped and supported each other. I think that's partly why today mothers feel overwhelmed, doubtful, alone. And radical feminists have made it seem as though motherhood is a punishment.
@@dave.of.the.forrest One minute she;s a Feminist the next an anti-Feminist. Why doesn't she make up her mind ? Many of the things she criticises were in the Feminists writers of the 1960s so why didn't she criticise them then ?
"If you were an independent thinker, you had no options as a woman. You just had to become a nun." ...that made me burst out in laughter. Paglia is so engaging!
I thought of Saint Teresa of Avila the great poet and nun. She confessed she took refuge in a convent so as to avoid the typical death of standard women, childbirth or miscarriage, maybe when your first born maybe when your tenth
Statistically when women have healthy bonds with other women she reduces her chance of breast cancer and mortality rate. I noticed that when I had my children I slipped into a deep depression and yearned for connectivity and purpose within relationships outside of my immediate family. I still don’t really have female friends. Historically, and throughout many different cultures, I can understand the importance of such bonds.
I hope you’ve found some meaningful female relationships since you wrote this ❤️ I didn’t know that statistic - but it checks out. I don’t know what I’d do without my in-laws, and my own mum and dad. Let alone my female friends. Bless you, and I hope that you find some good female friends. We need each other ❤️
The movement achieved its aim and no longer had a purpose. They had to change the target so that they continued to have any relevance. If they'd accepted that they had achieved their started target, they could reasonably have stopped and would have been reasonably content but, by changing the target, they continue to be able to define themselves as victims and continue to push an agenda.
Every revolution eats it's own children. They see her no as an ultra-right, nazi-fascist who needs to go to an re-education camp and who should not be allowed to speak in public anymore.
Feminism was never about "equality". Socialism was never about "equality" either. "Equality" is an excuse/ruse/deception to fool people into supporting leftist groups. The reason unions exist is not to achieve "equality" but to promote/advance the interests of the members of the union. The purpose of feminism is to promote/advance the interests of women, especially women involved in the politics of feminism. These interests never stop.
If she wanted what is fair she would be campaigning for more areas where men have it way worse than women. EG men do the dangerous deaths to the point that in the UK recently 97% of workplace deaths were men. Men only have 0.8% of legal refuge status beds. Over 97% of battlefield deaths are men. 90% of homeless are men (and women get 90% of the budget for homeless spent on them). There is virtually zero provision for mental health care for men. By value scholarships and bursaries are 90% for women. Just don';t get me started on family courts etc.
Feminism was always man hating... always cancer... from the 1800s Seneca Falls onward. It was WRONG from the start. and Camille Paglia supports pedos... she supports NAMBLA... she's a twisted.. sicko.. weirdo.
@Gordon Lawrence The feminist movement in the 90's canceled Camille because she had the audacity to question women's responsibility when they claim sexual harassment. The movement now believes these women have no power, therefore #metoo was created.
You can do the same with stats about women, and it will be way longer. You're participating to the war between men and women with this kind of comment. Let's try to make everything better for everyone and not just defend your own gender. Don't play the same game that the feminists you dislike play
61 year-old Belgian retired music teacher here. During the Eighties, I witnessed the feminist definition of Patriarchy change from the conventional anthropological definition into an analogy of the Marxist definition of a dominant class and an oppressed classed engaged in class struggle. I smelled a rat immediately. Because I had taken Latin and Greek in convent school, during the Seventies. ‘Patres’ means ‘Fathers’, not ‘Men’. I understood Patriarchy to be what it still was in my country when I was growing up: a three-class system, consisting of the Patriarchate (married men of property, progeny, and prominence), The Protectorate (all women and all underaged children), and the Disposable Reserves (young adult men, who were not to ask why but to do and die). As a De Beauvoir feminist, I saw it as my self-education assignment to find out why women had always been so reluctant to explore the problems of the world at large. As Dr. Paglia says: women had their own world. I remember. Women ruled in peacetime and in times of relative prosperity, and the young adult men class learned, built, played, and travelled. The Patriarchy invested, supervised, and kept bees on the side. In wartime however, the Patriarchate ruled, oppressed women, regimented children, and sent young men do their deaths. Then came World War One.
" I smelled a rat" And what exactly did this rat smell like ? Fruity or sour ? How do you know that it was a Feminist rat ? And not a rat implanted by the Patiarchy and Toxic Masculinity ?
@@johnhagan-zr4pm The truth hurts. The fact that you are offended by someone saying that people should seek identity and community instead of indulging in narcissistic self absorption and constant pleasure seeking hedonism says a lot about you.
How would you know unless you lived "a life with no purpose except hedonism and self-absorption" ? You automatically think yourself superior just because you have led a life without any "hedonism" ? Aren't the most self-absorbed people, the ones that pontificate to others ?
@@johnhagan-zr4pmPeople who indulge at life's pleasures with reckless abandon cannot find true happiness, and will be doomed to always chase an ever widening gap of pleasures and comfort. No feeling of superiority, just abject pity to the lack of awareness and self-control. Those who take pleasure is seeing someone destroy themselves and put their mental health is harm's way for an eternity of increasing expectations and pleasure will always find lacking at the end. Is sad, and not to be gloated about. I won't personally tell a person off if I see it, but I see where you are coming from. Self-absorbed people blame others or groups for their own misgivings and society's woes and hedonistic tendency comes as one of the many by-products of said self-absorption. Classical feminism and egalitarianism will always see an ally in me.
@@KeiKAndLies "Classical feminism and egalitarianism will always see an ally in me" The word egalitarianism is all you need. The word Feminism means "man hating" , "gender fluidity", "masculine women", "feminine men", it's a form of female chauvinism. If you read some the original Feminist writers of the 1960s the have chapters on a genderless society. Will Feminism benefit women ? By 2030 45% Of Women aged 25-44 are expected to be single and childless. Are you a cis white male with toxic masculinity ?
Best CP quote and one with which I agree 100%. "Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses."
@@marciamartins1992 She is. It’s just that a lot of people also happen to agree with her sentiment. Instead of snarky, vacuous comebacks it may help if you articulated why you find the OG post objectionable.
They are bureaucrats. This is what socialism produces. Lying and schmoozing is their stock in trade. Avoiding accountability and navigating the growing bureaucracy is their profession. The university and government and remora-like non-profit organizations are their most rewarding pathways. Today’s universities are a vision of the road to serfdom as described in detail by F. A. Hayak. As a retired academic and government employee for over 4 decades I’ve observed, analyzed and lived it. Paglia sees it clearly. Just my two cents. 😅
@@tommyrq180 "They are bureaucrats. This is what socialism produces" A very limited view of the problem through the lens of modern politics - especially American politics which 99 times out of 100 talks about socialism when they mean any one of a dozen things that has nothing to do with actual socialism. Bureaucracy is simply what any sizable power structure produces. When an organisation reaches a certain size it is no longer physically possible to manage effectively without dedicated positions that have their own department subordinates to report to them. This is simply how life in civilisation at scale works and it was in the Roman empire as well as the republic that proceded it.
Not sure what University you attended. But I did Biochemistry and Genetics and it set me up for the rest of my life. Learning hardcore Sciences allowed me to empirically cut through the BS. I am forever grateful of my Education and so is my wife who is a successful Accountant who owns her own business.
@@tommyrq180 What a stupid assessment of her take on the subject. Socialism, the real thing, has nothing to do with the post-structuralist nonsense, which was brooded mainly by french purported intelligentsia. No one in, say, the USSR or DDR endorsed that. They actually criticized the lack of materiality in their perspective. Stagnant, endogenous bureaucracy may threaten any form of social organization (just look at the Bush-era for god's sake) It is such a typical and ignorant american-libertarian thing to call 'socialism' everything that is not an eminently cowboy view of how society works.
Watching Prof. Paglia for 14 minutes is a true Women’s Studies experience. My mother was very anti-feminist. She was also a successful business woman. She laughed at feminists as pathetic pretenders.
to say this never happened before is one part where i must lightly disagree, that may be true for west, however in Africa many many places the woman was the business head of the family, men worked the fields and the women took the products to market along with the financial business of the family, house work was shared and the children worked as well, either way she is a very wise person, i wont agree with everything anyone says, but she might come close
@@aaronrogers4533 Years ago in a book about success and money, the author (a man) remarked that most families would be better off if the wives made all the major financial decisions.
@@aaronrogers4533What you speak of was also the norm in the US for a while. My mother was a stay at home mom, my father went to work everyday. My mother handled all the finances, and everything else, my father went to work everyday and brought home a paycheck, and that was it. If my father needed money for something, he went to my mom, and if mom determined that they had enough money for it she would write him a check. This was the norm throughout the US for many years, in most middle class families.
@@aaronrogers4533 For centuries in Europe is was the women who worked textiles and men in the fields. Looms were worked by women in their homes. When looms moved to factories, women also worked int eh fields. Women have always worked. What happened in the 20th century is the emergence of the white collar worker and women wanted a piece of the management class in that. That has happened now. That period of "inequality" was quite short, only a few decades, out of thousands of years.
She realized, even back in the 80s, that the experiment required changing how women fundamentally thought of men and relationships in general. Problem is most other feminists and feminists after Camile thought that things would just keep going the same but they just get to make money and not be tied to a man. This has created the problem of women still expecting the man to be the "bread winner" but now cause they make 60k a year they expect their husbands to make 150 or 200k plus. Its resulted in impossible expectations out of modern women.
Not really. If you know her books.....the only reason I can assume you said what you said is because she is a lesbian. No? She is not some crazy liberal y'know.
@@timfahey7127 True. BUt Camille was on the side of the Feminists and one of the best known in the 80s. So when THE spokeswoman for the movement, not appointed but through the cultural zeitgeist, comes out and says Feminism has gone to far youve really struck a nerve.
I haven't been in my birth country for years now, but I'm pretty sure that the law in place when a divorce occurred , force the man to pay alimony to the former wife until she remarries. Obviously it had nothing to do with supporting the children. Couple of years back I asked a very militant feminist if this kind of economical "protection" wasn't insulting to an independent woman and she answered : "We are feminist , not stupid". Greetings from Toronto.
If you are from Toronto maybe you remember Gordon Sinclair. Journalist and broadcaster, he travelled all over everywhere, around the world six times, interviewed everyone from hobos to generals and prime ministers. He said in the early seventies that feminists were the most selfish self centered set of people he ever met, and the dumbest.
This witch is about as crazy as the people she is complaining about. I mean "We are living in an age of stalinism" .... how much weed do you have to smoke to come to conclusions like this?
I am Italian (real Italian from Italy not Amercan-Italian) and my grandmother was exactly that type of farmer woman. A very charismatic and confident, strong woman. She wasn't perfect, but for sure she was respected.
1. Camilla´s mother was born in Italy, so she had the same experience, as Camilla says at some point; 2. According to Italian law, there´s no such a thing as "real Italian from Italy", since a person is Italian cause he/she was born by an Italian father or mother, not because he/she was born on Italy´s soil. So, Camille is fully Italian (like myself, BTW)
If you're interested in poetry but have been put off by its challenges, get her book "Break Blow Burn," in which she explains the great poems of western literature by breaking down how it works. That's the best way to understand poetry and we have too few of these kinds of books.
I can attest to this. I am so lucky. My partners parents are around one corner, and my parents are around the other. I have a 6month old, and a 2.5 year old. I spend most days at my mums, or my mum is at mine. I help her with chores at her house, and she helps me at mine. My MIL babysits often, and comes around for a cuppa tea and a chats throughout the week. I would be miserable without this companionship. Also, I’m so much more productive with the help of both grandparents. We’ve divided the family, and everyone is paying the price. Men and women, grandparents AND children. We’re all paying the price.
Any group that shifts it’s focus to blaming another group for everything that makes them unhappy in life is dooming themselves to failure because such behavior never gains their cause any sympathy. In other words, if everyone is your enemy, who is left to be your friend?
I shared some CP with a feminist friend of mine, eternal student, of the international class type. She replied ‘I can’t follow you down this path ‘ and never contacted me again.
I went to a community college and met with the assistant dean. He kept going on and on about how great his month long trip to Europe was and how great the bars were. He was trying to hire me as an adjunct, and entice me by saying when I got to his age I could live lavishly and travel around. I thought about how most of the schools programs were underfunded and underpaid adjuncts were on the rise. It was easy to see that college has become a corrupt cesspit and a way to enshrine class structure and control the population
Regarding the drinking age in America. From some one who grew up in America and now lives in Austria. I have to say the youth in Vienna Austria are far more mature than American youths. They can drink in public at 16, you can drink at the park for example. Unlike Americans they are not hiding out until they are 21. By the time they are 21 they have already been drinking around people for five years and dont act like a bunch of idiots. This is a fact of life in Austria I always share with Americans.
Are those teenagers mostly drinking beer? I know in America most under age drinkers tend to get into hard liquor. Much easier to get alcohol poisoning or blood poisoning that way. Even some college dudes soak tampons in vodka and stick them up their rectums. Shocking they don't drop dead of blood poisoning right there.
True. Americans are stunted, backward, crude, immature, and backwards in their policies and arbitrary "laws." They are narrow-minded, and, quite frankly, many are stupid and untraveled. I personally saw an 8-year old buy beer in Thailand. It was of course for his dad, who was one block or stall away, and ALL THE ADULTS were watching over this kid. It didn't cause any "social problems" whatsoever. How stupid the USA is, "carding" 60-year olds! It's an insane county and society, on its death legs.
She is amazing--her insights are so spot on and speak to the inner dissatisfaction of so many people today--(women and men!!) Feminism definitely caused a radical upheaval in traditional social structures that we still haven't quite "figured out" yet.
@@atlantic_love I disagree with you on your first sentence there. But you sound angry and argumentative. Maybe you should discover turning off the internet and going for a walk.
@@atlantic_love No. you just sound a bit negative and bitter. And your latest comment as well. Sometimes people project angst and inner problems on to seemingly random and insignificant external events. Hope you find peace. But if you like you can do the superior, insulting, condescending thing again. I'm here for you.
Omg, i am so appalled that this video was uploaded 3 years ago and it has to be broadcasted two times a day for the next 6 months and we can see some real benefit changes for the next generation. What a woman!!
Her books are great! Have you read any? I grabbed one on kindle and wish I got paper. I intend to read them all..including that glimmering images art book.
Conservative trolls constantly refer to nearly every celebrity conservative troll as a "national treasure". It is like a code-word to mean pretty much the opposite.
This witch is about as crazy as the people she is complaining about. I mean "We are living in an age of stalinism" .... how much weed do you have to smoke to come to conclusions like this?
Who knew 3 years later things would've completely gone off the rails to an extreme we couldn't have even imagined when this brilliant speech was given. Today the feminist movement seems to be womens greatest adversary.
Wow! This makes a ton of sense to me. She also reminds me why I have the attitudes that I have. My mother, a first grade teacher, was the dominant person in my life. I greatly admired the part of feminism of the 1960's and 1970's that wanted to provide opportunities for strong women to produce for themselves and for society. However, the part of feminism that later denied biology, and strove to feminize men, I find self-destructive. With regard to administrators at the university level, I totally agree that elimination of 50% of the jobs and salaries of such people could dramatically reduce tuition and lead to better educated students. Going a step further, the same should be done at the K-12 level as well, especially in government schools where the taxpayer is being robbed, and receives little return on "investment".
"...the part of feminism that later denied biology, and strove to feminize men...." What does that even mean? That's not feminism, and I have never even seen such a thing. I'm 62 years old and I've been around for a lot of the fight for women's rights.
When I lived in southwest Virginia, I met students at Washington and Lee University who were paying $80K+ for a degree in History or French Literature or whatever. Obviously, most of the student's parents were paying this. Most of the adjunct professors that taught them were there on temporary contracts with no benefits, getting paid the equivalent of $20/Hour (there were jobs locally that paid more). They typically had PHDs in various liberal arts studies from major universities. W&L is rapidly retiring their tenured staff and will probably only have tenured faculty in their endowed "chairs". In short, it is a corrupt, effete exploitative institution that will probably fail when the 1%rs that fund this BS pass away.
Two occupations in which women dominated were teaching and nursing. Both have become hellish. Feminists abandoned them focusing on power jobs that are few and far between.
I'm 59, spent most of my life in Manhattan, and moved to NH for good in 2005 after owning property here since 1994. When I was in high school at Ethical Culture Fieldston in the 1970s, the drinking age in NY was 18. I'd go with my friends when we were 16 and 17 to the West End jazz club every weekend to see Frank Wess and other Basie alumni (The Countsmen), and to the Village Vanguard to see the Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Big Band. We never had to show IDs. We weren't there to drink, but we had to buy the 2 drink minimum- we learned to be adults EARLY and OFTEN. I could go on, but...
Yes, they need government, to exploit MEN. Men pay 80% of all taxes, yet the vast majority of government welfare, social services and healthcare money goes to women. Add on top of that that Feminism uses the government to extort alimony and child support from over 30% of men.
@@johnhagan-zr4pm she´s a feminist who doesn´t blame men for every problem and who understands the value in both men and women, in their separate worlds, but working together
@@Nanabidoll She is an unusual. Her Wiki entry says that she isn't a woman but "identifies as transgender. She reports having gender dysphoria since childhood, and says that "never once in my life have I felt female" Likewise her views on young boys have s3x with older men is very odd. "In 1993, Paglia signed a manifesto supporting NAMBLA, a pederasty and pedophilia advocacy organization. In 1994, Paglia supported lowering the legal age of consent to 14. She noted in a 1995 interview with pro-pedophile activist Bill Andriette, "I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age." In a 1997 Salon column, Paglia expressed the view that male pedophilia correlates with the heights of a civilization, stating "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love. In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization." Paglia noted in several interviews, as well as Sexual Personae, that she supports the legalization of certain forms of child pornography.
I am just learning what's been going on now in April 2023... It's horrific I have joined your voice on speaking out, I am seriously worried for the future of humankind ...
Had to chuckle about the beer 8:27. After my second tour in Viet Nam, I came home for a week and someone wanted to 'take me out for a beer'. I had my uniform on with five service ribbons on it. I was 19 years old at the time. We went into the bar and the other guy ordered a beer and the bartend wanted to know if I wanted one. I said, "No, I am not old enough to drink." The bartender looked at my ribbons and looked at me, perplexed. He said he could 'sneak me one." I said no but he uncapped one and just put it on the bar, looks at me and looked it. I never touched it. I decided to let this country I was supposedly old enough to 'fight for', but not old enough to drink in, stew in its hypocrisy. Nothing has changed.
Same thing that went wrong with The Dream. One group suffered and fought for change. Another group was born into the new paradigm. Yet, another, whom suffered little to nothing started acting like victims when in fact they were closer to being in charge of the new culture.
The error of feminist ideology is that it is a form of tribalism. It's founded on the false idea that men and women exist as separate tribes. It isn't that men and women don't exist, it's that they don't exist as a functional group. You can't project consciousness, purpose, and agency onto a collective category. Men don't exist as a group, it is just category of person. Feminism (and all forms of identity politics) makes the error of perceiving a category as if it were a cohesive group with purpose and agency, that can be "blamed" for collective action. Men and women don't exist as functioning groups, there is no ghost in the machine. It's a pervasive error of the human mind to project agency onto categories of persons. That error is what passes for insight in sociology and the humanities. It makes no sense to "blame" a category of persons. There is no grand council of men that make decisions for men. Thus men, as a category of person's, don't have agency and cannot as a group, oppress anything.
I’m recently married and I work with many women. Many of the single women over 30 know that I’m newly married they’re now pursuing me aggressively. They seem unstable so I’ve denied many requests for a “light lunch”.
E Allen Yes. I’m tempted. These women are trying to lead me astray out of spite for my wife. They’re jealous, not because they actually like me. It would be a bad idea. These women are single for a reason and they’re seriously unstable. I would probably end up with a rape charge.
E Allen Thanks for the insight. I probably wouldn’t regret it or feel guilt. I am not a beta male. I just don’t want to end up being fired or catching some sexual assault case. Women and men do not mix in an office setting. It’s hard to focus on work when women are flirting with you and dressing immodestly. I am not worried about divorce. I live in a country where divorce is rare. I am not getting divorced not matter what . My coworkers don’t have my wife’s contact number. She’s not on social media and they don’t know her name. I also don’t have kids yet, I just got married. It’s pretty safe to pursue a one night stand, but as you mentioned they want to prove love is fake and would immediately regret it. They might call the police once I confirmed love is not real. Love is not real. Love is action. Love is not a feeling. These crazy single women over 30 are single because they’re emotionally led. They followed their emotions chasing shit guys and fighting with ex boyfriends because they’re emotionally unstable. They should be at home taking care of their children. They shouldn’t be in an office working closely with animals like me. Men are wild animals. Men are different than women. We don’t feel guilty as easy. We’re not led by emotions like women. We’re lead by primal instincts. We want to fight, fuck and eat mostly. We’ve been domesticated to redirect that energy towards our families. Otherwise we shoot up schools or engage in immeasurable sexual degeneracy.
To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi in ROTS. Me to feminist:"You swore to bring balance, to uphold peace and justice, you have allowed this dark lord (Feminism) to twist your mind. And so now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."
It is. Track down Germaine Greer if you want further insight. Feminism had real issues in my day. Equal pay. Loans from banks. The first car I bought I paid cash. I was 24 with a law degree. The dealer (car was new) would not sell me a car unless a man signed the contract. It was company policy. Women were not allowed to drink in a bar, the had to go into a "lounge" especially set aside for women and mixed groups (I am Australian). I could spend all day describing real grievances about inequality. Those days are gone, and feminists won. The current "feminists" are spoiled a'holes who hate men, think they are better than men, and consequently cannot get a man to love them. Basically they are unlovable.
Although she was always both a radical and a lesbian, Paglia always refused to define men as The Enemy. So the feminist establishment regarded her as an outcast.
My elder sister was very involved in the movement in those very early days and most of the women involved were married to good supportive men somewhere about 20 or so years in the movement here NZ became overwhelmed by the Lesbian Left and a hatred of men became unbearable for the older women who we’re loving wife’s and mothers of sons. So many like my sister whose 53 year marriage came to an end with her husbands death. We women are now once again under attack by the men in skirts. Have until lately had no problem with such people for most of my long life have treated them as I would wish to be treated, and to be fair most have lived good productive lives. Now they refuse to acknowledge that no matter how little or greater the hormonal treatments or surgery that have had insist they are women they now and invade our spaces resort to violence and call 1:49 biological woman names refusing to acknowledge our womanhood It may be a very vocal and few but the vileness of their behaviour reminds me of my Nans story’s of the days when she and many others were fighting for the vote.
Men wear skirts in Africa, the Middle East, and some other places. Trans women are not "men in skirts." I have never even heard of trans women resorting to violence or calling "biological" women names. Mostly they are quietly trying not to be killed by people who refuse to allow them to exist, which happens all too often.
It's not the men in skirts per say, rather it is the ideology that cause many of them to put on the skirt in the modern day. If you don't know what I am talking about, look up the demographics of antifa. Noticed it when reading Andy Ngo's book.
She described my grandmother, born in Holland around 1900. She was plenty strong and could easily slap an apology out of any man who insulted her. My father told me on laundry day she could pick up a wash tub full of water, carry it out the kitchen door and dump it in the back yard without letting it touch her apron. If you think that is easy, try it. She raised a large family through wars and depressions. Her husband my grandfather was a good man and a hard worker but there was no doubt who had the brains in the family.
It moved from the need for equality to desire for dominance. Only a few members have read a law book, so they have no idea, THEY'VE WON !!! They are fighting for something they now have but, the Feminist lobby has its income tied to membership thus, the need for more angry women to contribute and PAY DUES.
Notice that this clip of Paglia is more than two years old now? I haven't seen any new material of Paglia's since her discussion with Jordan Peterson in October 2017. Jonathan Haidt as well - his Heterodox Academy looks very quiet these days. The voices objecting to the New Faith early on have SHUT UP. The result, I suspect, of fear.
Do you need professors when everything every intellectual says is accessible by a gadget in your pocket? That’s rhetorical of course. No offense intended, but I’d suggest a more liberating perspective… “I’m thankful I can hear her perspective, freeing me from the garbage ideology of my professors, professing my own victim hood.”
Why can’t women just be happy being women. I think women should be able to do what they want but when the other college aged women and councilors shamed my wife for getting married in her 20’s and having kids over career, we knew feminism is no longer about women’s rights and being happy.
Many years ago, a friend of mine at Columbia was disappointed she didn't get an A on a paper she'd written for Prof. Paglia. When asked what was wrong with the paper, Paglia thought for a moment and replied: "It lacked cxxt."
I love this woman. A real feminist, NOT a delusional kook. 99% of men woould support feminism if feminist were as intelligent and stable as this very intelligent woman
The Administrator class has been destroying Higher Education for decades. Her diatribe is right on the mark. Faculty has indeed been "castrated", and the bureaucratic-corporate cancer only continues to metastasize, while both students and teachers wither.
My best friend at CU Boulder in the early 70s had a student work job at the President's office. The whole administration of a 20000 or so student university probably numbered in the dozens, including secretaries and other support staff. Lord knows how many useless bureaucrats they have now. Tuition then was easily affordable for middle class families and that it is not anymore is not just a coincidence.
The first wave of feminism; "We want to be equal with men." The second wave of feminism: "We don't need men." The third wave of feminism: "We are men." The fourth wave of feminism: "We are women." Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence because it's artificial.
As she mentions it… I think there is a loss of shared experience between women…. Mothers, grandmothers… neighbors. These days… they all have a more individual life. Women go off to work… where they compete with other women. Women are also competing with other women to attract the most desirable partner. Women are competing with other women to have the best house, best vacation, most successful children, etc No one decided that it would be a good idea to structure our lives this way. We made other decision… decisions that seemed sensible… decisions that had consequences that were included… but not considered
The 'ladies' didn't want their servants to have voting rights. And it was never the farming and working-class women who wanted to do the men's jobs because they knew how hard that work was and how little they got paid. It was the 'ladies' that wanted to join the 'gentlemen' in their board rooms, smoke rooms, country clubs and PARLEMENT. Yet we celebrate politicians who can afford nannies and daycare for bringing their babies to work. It's a PRIVILEGE that you can't afford but PAY for. The only other women who bring their children to work is wages slaves in dusty dirty sweatshops. Lying on the ground in the dirt in constant fear of loosing their horrible jobs
Without watching this yet I will say that my guess is that like most things a couple of people took a positive idea and made it about power and control and then ran so hard with it that they ended up making things worse for everybody involved.
The point about the rural women and higher class woman having a different path to coting rights is one of the most brilliant points ive heard from her. Respect and rights for lower classes was earned, society woman just wanted more from spite so to speak.
What she says about the rise of the administrators in modern universities is 100% TRUE. I have been saying this for years. It has just gotten worse and worse. I don't think that most people outside of the faculty of a university have any idea how many vice presidents and other middle administrators that a major university has these days. We have so many vice presidents at ASU (Arizona State University) and of so many flavors -- assistant, associate, executive, etc. It is amazing... especially since hardly any of them really do much, except create new initiatives to justify their existence and that create more work for the faculty... before they move on to their next position. But they are paid well...
It's seemingly the least talented people, possibly even the least intelligent, and certainly those with the lowest emotional intelligence who are making the most noise (empty barrels?) and holding society hostage in a state of arrested development!
I don't get it why some people still blame Foucault. He was a thinker, not a master of the universe, he criticised the State and forms of etatism almost all his life and, of course, like any other thinker, his conclusions have been in part refuted, some have been used and incorporated in further studies. Yes, his reception in US is very very veeery different to his reception in Europe, but that does not mean that he is to blame for the state of academia today. There are people who take Foucault as Jesus and his work as the Bible, but they are just another species of fanatics.
Goose bumps and ruler (in the Jamaican sense) alert. As she speaks to, I live in a poor rural community where everyone is related, lived together all their lives, and have not lost, as she says, " What women have lost is the old solidarity that they once had when they totally ruled the private sphere, living all day long with other women, multi-generationally..." They have that here and the felt sense is so different. Seeing the women here together in a safe relaxed place and how easily and positively they get along, their humanity, how the support each other, I actually get choked up because it's such a big deal and you can't understand what you don't know or never had. They do rule the private sphere and they have a place in the whole, their whole. Surely that's some compensation for bearing the patriarchy. And as she says in the US people are lost and for what. The breakdown in community seems the biggest cancer in the capitalist system from my perspective, among many, haha, but they say charity starts at home. Take it from the man. Camille Paglia has grown into something really impressive, not least for her heart and humanity. The dislocation and search for identity is so real. We're like the frogs in the pot.
You can blame whoever you want, you're still going to die alone. Just remember, you're strong and independent and don't need a man. You got this girl. You go girl!
I remember growing up in the 60's/70's (born 1954). My parents separated in 1971. My mother shifted all the burden of "man's work" on the farm, and taking care of the family (insofar as I could assume the burden) onto me at 16, while I was still in 10th grade. No equal responsibility, no equal sharing of the burdens or labor, no real attempt at equality. Just all the old stereotypes about man's responsibility for all the shit roles in society. And then claims about "women's rights and equality" when it was to their advantage. (my mother and my sisters) All the authority/control was hers, all the work, and responsibility for her decisions when they couldn't and didn't work was mine. I also personally received all the browbeatings for all the negative things throughout history that could be laid at men's feet - whether the accusations were valid or not. I never did understand why I caught the punishment for actions I was neither guilty of or responsible for. They knew me all my life. They knew better. In the midst of trying to assume a burden of care for their well-being that was beyond my years, and never was mine to begin with, I was cast as a monster and the enemy because I was a man. All the fruit of the new Feminist Movement. Took years to realize that my mother and 1 of my older sisters were extreme narcissists. The Feminist bullying was gaslighting to achieve what they considered control. But it taught me at a very young age to understand that Equality In Any Arena Never Was The Goal of Feminism. It's Advantage. Plain and Simple. It's based on deceitfulness and gaslighting motivated by narcissism. Anyone looking at what's happening today can recognize that - if they are tipped off about what to look for. Most commonly, it's Victim Narcissism you will find. You're not dealing with honesty in most cases, but deliberate deceitfulness instead. You'rer dealing with the worst forms of users and abusers - selfish, self-serving predators. CANNIBALISTIC NARCISSISTS. The modern version of GOLD DIGGERS who see men as resources to be used up and cast aside. (Employing the court system to bind men into financial slavery to them for years, after they have personally finished using them and cast them off) It has NEVER truly been about equality for feminists. It's really about shifting the shoe onto the other foot, and deliberately opressing men. All the talk about equality is just a smokescreen. I just got to see feminism's true nature 1 or 2 generations earlier than most men. Feminism attracts narcissists like a magnet attracts iron. It has perhaps become the most effective vehicle for empowering female narcissists ever created. You are not going to ever change one of these narcissists. When you meet one of them, just give them a cat and move on.
I bought a possum from a friend when I was a boy. Paid two dollars for it. It had been captured when it was a baby and held in captivity its entire life. That did not set well with me, and I determined to turn it loose. I took the cage out into the yard and opened it. The poor creature did not leave, though the door was wide open. I waited for over an hour. At last, I reached in and pulled it out. I watched as it ambled off into the bushes. I felt very satisfied with myself. Over the next few weeks, a problem developed. The chicken house was raided by some unknown creature. Eggs broken and consumed, and one young hen killed. Also something broke into the pantry and destroyed the pears mellowing there in their newspaper wrappings. There were strange noises under the house late at night, and the dogs barked incessantly. At last, my father had enough. He set a rabbit box trap, baited with chicken guts. The next morning, there was that possum in the trap. It still had the little cat collar on it I had forgotten to remove. My father told me to take the possum far into the woods and turn it loose, or he would kill it. The possum refused to leave the rabbit box. I beat and banged, poked and swore. At last, I dragged box, possum, and all as far from the house as I could manage. Arms aching and sweating from the effort, I left it there on the ground, with the door off the rabbit box. I found I had grown to hate that possum. I am pretty sure it hated me. Odd. I was always fond of possums before. That is why I decided to free it in the first place. 'Course this story has nothing to do with what went wrong with feminism, BLM, the Bud Light disaster, and just about any other activist endeavor you can name... What the hell would any of that have to do with turning possums loose? Other than the fact that if you do turn 'em loose, you turn 'em loose on yourself.
Feminism was always man hating... always cancer... from the 1800s Seneca Falls onward. It was WRONG from the start. and Camille Paglia supports pedos... she supports NAMBLA... she's a twisted.. sicko.. weirdo.
I completely agree about the strength of working class women. My upbringing in Northern England was surrounded by them. if you tried to tell any of them that they weren't the equal of men, they'd set you straight in no uncertain terms. I was taught by these women about dealing with unwelcome advances from boys/men, in the same solid, no nonsense way that they did everything else. Many of those women had experience of abusive men. But they also had experience of good men too. They knew and appreciated the difference. No gender studies class could teach me about womanhood even half as well as those ladies did.
I love the part where she talks about the absurdity of not selling alcohol for under 21, I never thought about it, I just walk life without thinking about it, how sad... anyhow, a very interesting reflection.
where I come from (europe), I ordered my first (light) beer at the counter at the age of 14. By high school, the occasional luxury of the terrasse of a café, sharing a beer when we had money, was essential in building a netwrok of friends, sharing ideas and having conversations with adults, sometimes even teachers off the class.
It’s quite backwards… the age when young people want to explore alcohol is in their teens and young adult years. By the time you’re 21, it’s not even interesting anymore. I suppose that is the goal, but…. it’s kind of unhealthy to leave young people without the experience of alcohol when it plays a big role in adult culture. Also, I don’t believe that banning it works. Young people still get their hands on alcohol and drugs, just in unhealthy ways.
@@ursamajor6347 The one thing that I see with many successful movements is that they tend to grow beyond their original purpose, sometimes to the disappointment of those who started it.
@@troubledsole9104 I am what I'd call a Rosie the Riveter kind of feminist who just wants to live maximally in congruence to what my potential allows, however I don't use the word to describe myself as a feminist at all anymore because of exactly what you are stating here. There are plenty of normal, well-rounded women out in the world that are just going through their lives despite the screaming harpies out there that are never satisfied with anything. And I agree that feminism isn't the only moment that went off the rails, most movements have vultures of people that sit in waiting and want to seize something to gain power. They tap into whatever veins they can find if it gives them momentum.
Feminism, instead of validating women’s essential formatting role as mother figures has gradually destroyed the very fabric of a strong and united family unit. Thanks.
Actually women working as hard as men is not a new experiment. My greatgrand mother would wake up at 4AM and go to bed at 9PM to work on a farm together with my greatgrand father. Her tasks were different but it was hard all day work. But hopefully more voices like that will appear.
The fact that it was never really about "equality" (a terribly vague term) - yet so many feminists claimed that equality was the absolute foundation of the movement?
Ah yeah, no voting power is truly equals to voting power, pretty vague term. Just because some people using the feminist movement to get power, it doesn’t mean it initially was not about equality.
I think in general, isolation and loss of community is hurting humanity the most.
Agreed!! Technology is the root cause of the breakdown of society.
I agree, women used to be the heart of the home, but when forced to work outside the home, she and her family are spread thin. Feminism is about women making choices for them selves about their own lives. Sometimes it involves you sometimes it doesn't. But she should always be given the opportunity.
Epidemic of isolation & lonliness is how the U S surgeon general and others are describing it. You are 100% correct on your comment, In my honest opinion.
@Iivari Lappalainen Christ!! With a response that just rolls on and on and on in waves, you must be a woman!! 🙄 (Methinks your verbosity is in itself the demonstration of fact - as being the real crux of their problem!! QED.)
@@tim7052 im happy to inform you im father of three :D
"Communities are intellectually repressive in their own way." This is a profound truth.
Right, 'groupthink' is a reason to not belong to a political party ("vote for the person who will do the most good for the most people" instead), and a reason to retain a bit of standoffishness towards friends/acquaintances who might try "pulling you in to their orbit"
If you are okay will subjugating/eliminating your own thoughts and ideas as a tradeoff for a feeling of 'group belonging', make sure you know the rules of that group because they might not suit you.
IT IS 100% OKAY to demand full freedom in thoughts and behavior (within established law obviously)
The 'culture' inside a corporation is a hard-stop limitation on how you think/act and since work is a massive part of your time, it can be hard to retain full independence
Joost Meerloo writes about this in The Rape of the Mind
Hahaha, this clown and you wouldn't recognize a communist even if one slapped you in the face. :D
Communist Parties took away the means of production from capitalists and confined them in their former servants' chambers, that's why "communism" is such a taboo in rotten West.
I am a man. Early in 1970, I turned 14yo. In 1980, I turned 24yo. The seventies was a formative time for me. It was in this decade that modern feminism started to get up a head of steam. My understanding of its message was that men and women should enjoy equality together; equality before the law, equal access to education and training, equal access to the professions and the trades, equal pay for equal work, equal access to credit and the means of production, and perhaps most importantly, equal moral standing in the community. I agreed entirely and still do. However, in recent years, some people who call themselves feminists are promulgating a very different line. It seems to be a line more to do with a sense of offended entitlement, anger, and blaming men for their own unhappiness as well as for every ill in the world. Women generally would do well to stand up to this hateful stance and reclaim feminism back from the angry and hateful.
All those things you mentioned - equality, access, etc - are neither here nor there when you remember their primary demand was the right to murder the living issue of their wombs. 97% of these are for "convenience." I do not see those who uphold such an anti-life philosophy to be credible witnesses.
Plus regarding "reclaim feminism" you cannot go back. The arrow of time points in only one direction. Rather women have pushed the pendulum so far one way that when it swings back it will break and the backlash against women will be severe.
This is an experiment in social engineering and it has failed. There are very good reasons strong cultural restrictions were placed on female behaviour by every society in history.
I’m a woman and I completely agree.
There's no "reclaiming" feminism. From its infancy outside of voting rights movements in the early 20th century, it was at least from its first wave in the 1960's, a dangerous cultural Marxist construct. People were just too stoned/tripped out and caught up in the bigger zeitgeists of the 60's/early-70's like Vietnam, the jazz age being toppled by rock, segregation/greater black civil rights and the Boomer vs Greatest/Silent generations, to notice. Truly wicked and unredeemable people like Valerie Solanas were this wave's biggest proponents, and nobody can argue the open misandric, anti-traditional/nuclear family, anti-capitalist nature of her views, and all the feminists in academia/society at large, who still inexplicably uphold her as a hero.
Likely by the time you personally realized some version of feminism was happening in your teens/early-20's, it had already cleverly-morphed(and not by accident and certainly not without dominant media/entertainment industry help), into the pop-feminist/"friendlier" version of second wave feminism, which was ever so gently and pleasant soundtrack-accompanied introduced to the American public, by way of "harmless" trojan horse delivery devices like "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", other TV shows like it, and the deluge of TV commercials like Enjoi perfume/Jean Nate body splash ads, etc., that seemed so innocuous and inviting with attractive women defying convention and known "gender roles", which nearly begged the typical Nielson-targeted 1970's TV viewer, to lower their collective chauvinist guards and presuppositions, and "give in" to the obviously overdue demands for women's rights, that second wave feminism made.
All the while, those same Silent Generation/Boomer feminist brain-trusts were waiting in the weeds, to implement their master plan to emasculate young boys from preschool until 12th grade, overly empower the egos of young girls to be the playground enforcers of that emasculation, encourage the feminization and thus the homosexualization and subsequently following transgenderization of boys, use the psychiatric industry to literally drug boys into submission and out of their burgeoning "toxic masculinity", turn daughters against their fathers and America and all its better ideals, and a whole other host of things like no-fault divorce and community property re-regulations, which ever so slowly but progressively-determined, brought us to where we are today with you being bewildered and confused as to how these end-stage products of feminism in malicious, entitled, openly misandric and malevolent Gen X/Millennial/Zoomer feminist foot soldiers you see today, could ever come to be.
The larger message here, is that no functional, sane and above all *free* society, should *ever* allow Marxists(cultural or otherwise), to penetrate into its media/governmental/academia/post-secondary systems. The simple fact that this was allowed, now may require mass violent regional revolt or outright civil war to extricate these people, from our midsts. Hardly what any of us ever would have thought(including myself as an 8 year old), watching the pretty lady in the yellow jumpsuit win horse races or fake-jump Evel Knievel-style, over the ditch.
Hear, hear brother! Well said.
One of my strongest early memories is watching a Ukrainian country woman threshing grain with a flail. A flail is a pair of two heavy sticks, connected by a short chain. This is really heavy work. And yet this woman, probably in her 40s or 50s, did an excellent job. On top of all the other physical labor she had to do to get by: take care of a cow and several pigs, grow a whole load of different vegetables and fruit trees, prepare them for the market, sell them at the market. All alone in summer (her husband was doing seasonal work in the city.)
So yes, country women were incredibly strong.
Women have the ability to be incredibly strong. Always have, too.
So, when women have the ability to be strong, but choose to act weak, is it not right for them to reap the consequences of that choice?
Not respecting their choice would imply that I believe women are incapable of accountability, and as a consequence incapable of choice.
I do not believe this.
Why not use a scythe?
@@astralclub5964 A scythe is for cutting the crop, threshing is separating the grain from the stalk.
Were any of the Ukrainian country women complaining about gender pronouns?
@@Noodleydoo , no. 😀
I think this is spot on! I am a retired anthropologist (archaeologist), and I once lived for just over a year with a remote and protected family of hunter/gatherer Yolgnu (Aborigines of Central Arnhem Land, Norther Territory, Australia). The women were distinctly, powerful in their own right, and focused on their own self controlled women's business. Equally , the men were concerned only with their own separate men's business,. There were distinct (though not always unbreakable) separate roles, but both roles were equally valued. These people had no concept of sexism (or indeed, any kind of discrimination). When I returned to my own society I could never quite fit in again, and soon became a recluse. I greatly appreciate this post. I have long needed explained to me what I couldn't understand about my pwn stance on feminism (an important concern to me).
I think it is a question of value that is put on those roles. Back in the early 1900's many women not only had to bear children and do the housework, but they also frequently did jobs and at less pay then men did. My own great, great grandmother made chain from daybreak until sunset and the most time she took off was one day when she gave birth. They were paid on the length or weight of chain they made, but being women, they were only allowed to make small link chain, so they were not paid the same hourly rate as men. My great, great grandmother led a strike against this and they were paid more as a result.
At that time. Men would earn money, but they would not always hand that money over as housekeeping. There were many men that spent MUCH of their earnings on beer, tobacco and down the betting shop and kept their women short on cash, thereby obliging them to work to pay for food and clothes for their children. Those women were virtual slaves to their husbands and to their employers, they had no option but to work. Now following so called emancipation, women still have little option but to work, this time because women working has distorted the price of housing upwards.
@@banana9106My relatives lived on their own farms. The women helped with the "lighter" manual farm labor and took part in the cottage economy selling baked goods, candies, and dairy products fresh from the farm (cheeses, milk, yogurt, etc). A few cleaned houses or did the laundry for other households. There were some housewives who didn't have to work on the fields. My paternal grandma was mostly a housewife by modern standards, and she had a maid.
The men often had another job farther from home. My paternal grandfather farmed, owned a small grocery store, and worked on the railroad in the largest nearby town. The Industrial Revolution, along with political turmoil and Comanche or Apache raiding, resulted in having more jobs than just the agrarian farm life. In my family, there was a habit of younger female ancestors marrying older wealthier men, usually a tan Amerindian or mestiza woman with a male castizo. None of my female ancestors were mistreated, and they were all better off financially with each generation, but some of the men did commit adultery. Tolerating adultery is definitely a huge cultural difference. On the bright side, my female ancestors still lived "softer" lives compared to other agrarian lower class people of their eras. I often read about abuse and hard labor in other families, but that wasn't normal in mine.
It went from fighting for women's right to disrespecting Men.
I agree. I consider that all people deserve to be treated equally. I tried to engage on women's fb pages. I am a victim of rape. I mentioned this when comforting a women struggling with the emotional aftereffects as I have. You know what I got from several women? You're a man, you deserved it. I even got, "you probably went on to be a rapist yourself". Those pages are full of the ugliness of human character. Haters many of them. Oh and moderators? They can be as bad. Modern feminism is just another form of tribalism. Us against them mentality.
Men have been using and abusing women since dawn of time! This is the by product of how men have mistreated women.
Ya gotta earn respect. Is that not so?
@@peteratkinson922 No, every person you meet should be treated with common respect, those individuals will either respect your respect or the will disrespect your respect.
Then it’s up to you where that relationship goes.
@@peteratkinson922 Yep. But so often modern feminists just assume we don't individually deserve the chance but lump us all in the same basket regardless of our actual worth.
She is wrong about one thing ... women aren’t working side-by-side with men in the workplace ... they are in direct competition....
They want to be protected and treated special , while going all-out against the men around them .
Romeo Whiskey everyone is in competition. It’s about livelihood, so to succeed people (irrespective of their gender) need to compete. But yes, women have the upper hand right now. There’s is nothing positive coming from feminism.
I never thought I was competing against men. I thought of myself as one of the guys. I'm not transgender. I have to say being a mother is much better than working in an office. The politics suck. Women make it worse and create more drama. There are annoying men as well.
I'd probably be more inclined to say it's mostly limited to Feminists, rather than women in general.
Of course, there is competition for promotions etc that's normal for everyone; with Feminists though even while working side by side as a team it seems to be about proving something or complaining about some 'micro-aggression' for some oppression points. Normal women I work with don't do this.
Yep , we are all coming to the conclusion that this shit don’t work .
Women won’t admit it , and men don’t know what to do about it , but it’s all coming apart .
This is completely accurate.
She makes an interesting point. In the 195O’s my grandpa bought my grandma a clothes washing machine and she had him return it because she preferred doing laundry day at the laundromat with her two best friends.
The washing machine was an attempt to stop her going with her woman friends and returning home in a quarrelsome mood, just a guess
@@halcyonzenith4411 you got that from your Dad?
It's hilarious how you display the same attitude the group you dislike does and you are not even aware of it.
@@susivarga7303 I can see you've learned to project at a university level. That education would have been wasted on a man who would merely have used it to contribute something to society. Thank god for the cleverness of women, where would we be without it? Probably in a battle trench or a coal mine, or some other place where you never see a woman.
@@halcyonzenith4411 incels in a trench or coal mine?????
Bless your angry little heart 😀😁😂🤣
@@susivarga7303This is another thing men are missing out on by not marrying. The chance to be called silly names like she is still in grade 3. I can't imagine what man wouldn't sign up for a decade or two of such bliss. How can the wedding stores be going bankrupt when such great women are out there.
Her insight into modern women losing their "tribe" was enlightening. It certainly explains some things we see today.
I find it very important and often overlooked in child rearing. Children used to be raised within a community of women, mothers and grandmothers who helped and supported each other. I think that's partly why today mothers feel overwhelmed, doubtful, alone. And radical feminists have made it seem as though motherhood is a punishment.
Her "tribe" was Feminism wasn't it ?
She now betrays her tribe ?
@@johnhagan-zr4pm she's not betraying it at all. She's pointing out in detail where it has gone wrong.
@@dave.of.the.forrest One minute she;s a Feminist the next an anti-Feminist. Why doesn't she make up her mind ?
Many of the things she criticises were in the Feminists writers of the 1960s so why didn't she criticise them then ?
@@johnhagan-zr4pm Because she wants her legacy to be as a contrarian 😂
"If you were an independent thinker, you had no options as a woman. You just had to become a nun." ...that made me burst out in laughter. Paglia is so engaging!
I thought of Marie Curie . She wasn't a nun.
I thought of Saint Teresa of Avila the great poet and nun. She confessed she took refuge in a convent so as to avoid the typical death of standard women, childbirth or miscarriage, maybe when your first born maybe when your tenth
I thought of Jane Austen.
Then and now. I don’t feel different. I’m rejected in all ways for my way of own mindset. That hasn’t changed.
Statistically when women have healthy bonds with other women she reduces her chance of breast cancer and mortality rate. I noticed that when I had my children I slipped into a deep depression and yearned for connectivity and purpose within relationships outside of my immediate family. I still don’t really have female friends. Historically, and throughout many different cultures, I can understand the importance of such bonds.
How'd you fuck it up
I hope you’ve found some meaningful female relationships since you wrote this ❤️
I didn’t know that statistic - but it checks out.
I don’t know what I’d do without my in-laws, and my own mum and dad. Let alone my female friends.
Bless you, and I hope that you find some good female friends. We need each other ❤️
@@meghan8020 why don't you be her friend
@@warriorshedge6772 yeh if she lives within 30mins of me sure lol
@@meghan8020 no, fucking move
All these old guard feminists seem to agree that it's gone off the rails
It's just the logical conclusion to destroying standards and gender-roles. The old guard created the environment for the scum to breed.
The movement achieved its aim and no longer had a purpose. They had to change the target so that they continued to have any relevance.
If they'd accepted that they had achieved their started target, they could reasonably have stopped and would have been reasonably content but, by changing the target, they continue to be able to define themselves as victims and continue to push an agenda.
Every revolution eats it's own children. They see her no as an ultra-right, nazi-fascist who needs to go to an re-education camp and who should not be allowed to speak in public anymore.
Yes, they're all still in denial that it was never on the rails to begin with.
Feminism was never about "equality". Socialism was never about "equality" either.
"Equality" is an excuse/ruse/deception to fool people into supporting leftist groups.
The reason unions exist is not to achieve "equality" but to promote/advance the interests of the members of the union.
The purpose of feminism is to promote/advance the interests of women, especially women involved in the politics of feminism.
These interests never stop.
She is amazing. It’s so rare to meet someone who I consider an activist be principled. She actually wants what is fair not power.
If she wanted what is fair she would be campaigning for more areas where men have it way worse than women. EG men do the dangerous deaths to the point that in the UK recently 97% of workplace deaths were men. Men only have 0.8% of legal refuge status beds. Over 97% of battlefield deaths are men. 90% of homeless are men (and women get 90% of the budget for homeless spent on them). There is virtually zero provision for mental health care for men. By value scholarships and bursaries are 90% for women. Just don';t get me started on family courts etc.
Feminism was always man hating... always cancer... from the 1800s Seneca Falls onward.
It was WRONG from the start.
and Camille Paglia supports pedos... she supports NAMBLA... she's a twisted.. sicko.. weirdo.
@Gordon Lawrence The feminist movement in the 90's canceled Camille because she had the audacity to question women's responsibility when they claim sexual harassment. The movement now believes these women have no power, therefore #metoo was created.
You can do the same with stats about women, and it will be way longer. You're participating to the war between men and women with this kind of comment. Let's try to make everything better for everyone and not just defend your own gender. Don't play the same game that the feminists you dislike play
Bruv, she said she wants all wmn to be together. She's talking about a L'e's'b'i'a'n fantasy. Unsurprisingly, she's one herself.
61 year-old Belgian retired music teacher here. During the Eighties, I witnessed the feminist definition of Patriarchy change from the conventional anthropological definition into an analogy of the Marxist definition of a dominant class and an oppressed classed engaged in class struggle. I smelled a rat immediately. Because I had taken Latin and Greek in convent school, during the Seventies. ‘Patres’ means ‘Fathers’, not ‘Men’.
I understood Patriarchy to be what it still was in my country when I was growing up: a three-class system, consisting of the Patriarchate (married men of property, progeny, and prominence), The Protectorate (all women and all underaged children), and the Disposable Reserves (young adult men, who were not to ask why but to do and die).
As a De Beauvoir feminist, I saw it as my self-education assignment to find out why women had always been so reluctant to explore the problems of the world at large. As Dr. Paglia says: women had their own world. I remember. Women ruled in peacetime and in times of relative prosperity, and the young adult men class learned, built, played, and travelled. The Patriarchy invested, supervised, and kept bees on the side. In wartime however, the Patriarchate ruled, oppressed women, regimented children, and sent young men do their deaths.
Then came World War One.
You know what that rat was don't you? Its just so ODD how these same rats keep showing up wherever a society suddenly death spirals.
@@Moe_Posting_Chad I have no idea what you are talking about, and neither do you. That means we have enough in common to start a conspiracy.
" I smelled a rat"
And what exactly did this rat smell like ?
Fruity or sour ?
How do you know that it was a Feminist rat ?
And not a rat implanted by the Patiarchy and Toxic Masculinity ?
@Sophie Dockx he's meaning jews
@@Themrine2013 That’s soo last century! Everyone knows it’s Lizard People.
It's hard to find your identity when you live a life with no purpose except hedonism and self-absorption.
@@johnhagan-zr4pm The truth hurts. The fact that you are offended by someone saying that people should seek identity and community instead of indulging in narcissistic self absorption and constant pleasure seeking hedonism says a lot about you.
So true😢😢😢
How would you know unless you lived "a life with no purpose except hedonism and self-absorption" ?
You automatically think yourself superior just because you have led a life without any "hedonism" ?
Aren't the most self-absorbed people, the ones that pontificate to others ?
@@johnhagan-zr4pmPeople who indulge at life's pleasures with reckless abandon cannot find true happiness, and will be doomed to always chase an ever widening gap of pleasures and comfort.
No feeling of superiority, just abject pity to the lack of awareness and self-control. Those who take pleasure is seeing someone destroy themselves and put their mental health is harm's way for an eternity of increasing expectations and pleasure will always find lacking at the end. Is sad, and not to be gloated about.
I won't personally tell a person off if I see it, but I see where you are coming from.
Self-absorbed people blame others or groups for their own misgivings and society's woes and hedonistic tendency comes as one of the many by-products of said self-absorption.
Classical feminism and egalitarianism will always see an ally in me.
@@KeiKAndLies "Classical feminism and egalitarianism will always see an ally in me"
The word egalitarianism is all you need.
The word Feminism means "man hating" , "gender fluidity", "masculine women", "feminine men", it's a form of female chauvinism. If you read some the original Feminist writers of the 1960s the have chapters on a genderless society.
Will Feminism benefit women ?
By 2030 45% Of Women aged 25-44 are expected to be single and childless.
Are you a cis white male with toxic masculinity ?
Best CP quote and one with which I agree 100%. "Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses."
Honestly this is one of the severest burns in history rofl 🤣
Wow! Just screenshot'd this.
She wields words like an expert swordsman... swordswoman.
Speak for yourself.
@@marciamartins1992 She is. It’s just that a lot of people also happen to agree with her sentiment. Instead of snarky, vacuous comebacks it may help if you articulated why you find the OG post objectionable.
"These post-structuralists are the worst mercenary careerist."
Why I found my university education unbearable and cut off from the real world.
They are bureaucrats. This is what socialism produces. Lying and schmoozing is their stock in trade. Avoiding accountability and navigating the growing bureaucracy is their profession. The university and government and remora-like non-profit organizations are their most rewarding pathways. Today’s universities are a vision of the road to serfdom as described in detail by F. A. Hayak. As a retired academic and government employee for over 4 decades I’ve observed, analyzed and lived it. Paglia sees it clearly. Just my two cents. 😅
@@tommyrq180 "They are bureaucrats. This is what socialism produces"
A very limited view of the problem through the lens of modern politics - especially American politics which 99 times out of 100 talks about socialism when they mean any one of a dozen things that has nothing to do with actual socialism.
Bureaucracy is simply what any sizable power structure produces.
When an organisation reaches a certain size it is no longer physically possible to manage effectively without dedicated positions that have their own department subordinates to report to them.
This is simply how life in civilisation at scale works and it was in the Roman empire as well as the republic that proceded it.
I briefly worked in academia and let's just say I was highly disappointed.
Not sure what University you attended. But I did Biochemistry and Genetics and it set me up for the rest of my life. Learning hardcore Sciences allowed me to empirically cut through the BS. I am forever grateful of my Education and so is my wife who is a successful Accountant who owns her own business.
@@tommyrq180 What a stupid assessment of her take on the subject.
Socialism, the real thing, has nothing to do with the post-structuralist nonsense, which was brooded mainly by french purported intelligentsia. No one in, say, the USSR or DDR endorsed that. They actually criticized the lack of materiality in their perspective. Stagnant, endogenous bureaucracy may threaten any form of social organization (just look at the Bush-era for god's sake)
It is such a typical and ignorant american-libertarian thing to call 'socialism' everything that is not an eminently cowboy view of how society works.
Watching Prof. Paglia for 14 minutes is a true Women’s Studies experience.
My mother was very anti-feminist. She was also a successful business woman. She laughed at feminists as pathetic pretenders.
to say this never happened before is one part where i must lightly disagree, that may be true for west, however in Africa many many places the woman was the business head of the family, men worked the fields and the women took the products to market along with the financial business of the family, house work was shared and the children worked as well, either way she is a very wise person, i wont agree with everything anyone says, but she might come close
@@aaronrogers4533 Years ago in a book about success and money, the author (a man) remarked that most families would be better off if the wives made all the major financial decisions.
@@aaronrogers4533What you speak of was also the norm in the US for a while. My mother was a stay at home mom, my father went to work everyday. My mother handled all the finances, and everything else, my father went to work everyday and brought home a paycheck, and that was it. If my father needed money for something, he went to my mom, and if mom determined that they had enough money for it she would write him a check.
This was the norm throughout the US for many years, in most middle class families.
I like your mother.
@@aaronrogers4533 For centuries in Europe is was the women who worked textiles and men in the fields. Looms were worked by women in their homes. When looms moved to factories, women also worked int eh fields. Women have always worked. What happened in the 20th century is the emergence of the white collar worker and women wanted a piece of the management class in that. That has happened now. That period of "inequality" was quite short, only a few decades, out of thousands of years.
You know that modern feminism is completely fucked up when Camile Paglia is critiquing it.
She realized, even back in the 80s, that the experiment required changing how women fundamentally thought of men and relationships in general. Problem is most other feminists and feminists after Camile thought that things would just keep going the same but they just get to make money and not be tied to a man. This has created the problem of women still expecting the man to be the "bread winner" but now cause they make 60k a year they expect their husbands to make 150 or 200k plus. Its resulted in impossible expectations out of modern women.
Not really. If you know her books.....the only reason I can assume you said what you said is because she is a lesbian.
She is not some crazy liberal y'know.
@@timfahey7127 True. BUt Camille was on the side of the Feminists and one of the best known in the 80s. So when THE spokeswoman for the movement, not appointed but through the cultural zeitgeist, comes out and says Feminism has gone to far youve really struck a nerve.
I haven't been in my birth country for years now, but I'm pretty sure that the law in place when a divorce occurred , force the man to pay alimony to the former wife until she remarries. Obviously it had nothing to do with supporting the children.
Couple of years back I asked a very militant feminist if this kind of economical "protection" wasn't insulting to an independent woman and she answered : "We are feminist , not stupid".
Greetings from Toronto.
All alimony should END with immorality, sleeping with another man, or committing adultery.
If you are from Toronto maybe you remember Gordon Sinclair. Journalist and broadcaster, he travelled all over everywhere, around the world six times, interviewed everyone from hobos to generals and prime ministers. He said in the early seventies that feminists were the most selfish self centered set of people he ever met, and the dumbest.
I appreciate Camille so much. She is a realist.
This witch is about as crazy as the people she is complaining about. I mean "We are living in an age of stalinism" .... how much weed do you have to smoke to come to conclusions like this?
She has Italian American common sense and it bloody shows 😂
@@studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272it's the ancestral blood memory bringing in all the wisdom 💯💯
I love her too, even though I alternate giggling with delight with rolling my eyes in disagreement while listening to her.
She is one of those who causes a problem and then says it was everyone else.
I am Italian (real Italian from Italy not Amercan-Italian) and my grandmother was exactly that type of farmer woman. A very charismatic and confident, strong woman. She wasn't perfect, but for sure she was respected.
I'm italian too :) Segui molto Camille Paglia?
@@af5433 in realtà no 😂
1. Camilla´s mother was born in Italy, so she had the same experience, as Camilla says at some point;
2. According to Italian law, there´s no such a thing as "real Italian from Italy", since a person is Italian cause he/she was born by an Italian father or mother, not because he/she was born on Italy´s soil.
So, Camille is fully Italian (like myself, BTW)
Every country had or has woman that were like your grandmother. Italy has nothing to do with it .
My moma was half Italian and Polish, she was herculean. God bless her soul.
If you're interested in poetry but have been put off by its challenges, get her book "Break Blow Burn," in which she explains the great poems of western literature by breaking down how it works. That's the best way to understand poetry and we have too few of these kinds of books.
I can attest to this.
I am so lucky. My partners parents are around one corner, and my parents are around the other.
I have a 6month old, and a 2.5 year old. I spend most days at my mums, or my mum is at mine. I help her with chores at her house, and she helps me at mine. My MIL babysits often, and comes around for a cuppa tea and a chats throughout the week.
I would be miserable without this companionship. Also, I’m so much more productive with the help of both grandparents. We’ve divided the family, and everyone is paying the price. Men and women, grandparents AND children. We’re all paying the price.
Any group that shifts it’s focus to blaming another group for everything that makes them unhappy in life is dooming themselves to failure because such behavior never gains their cause any sympathy. In other words, if everyone is your enemy, who is left to be your friend?
I shared some CP with a feminist friend of mine, eternal student, of the international class type. She replied ‘I can’t follow you down this path ‘ and never contacted me again.
Wow. It never fails to shock me how trivially and quickly some partnerships end
Good riddance
what type of cp
@@leicesterpoppadom7225 bruh
What a petty reaction.
I went to a community college and met with the assistant dean. He kept going on and on about how great his month long trip to Europe was and how great the bars were. He was trying to hire me as an adjunct, and entice me by saying when I got to his age I could live lavishly and travel around. I thought about how most of the schools programs were underfunded and underpaid adjuncts were on the rise. It was easy to see that college has become a corrupt cesspit and a way to enshrine class structure and control the population
Wtf does this have to do with the clip?
@@mwfmtnman 6 mins in, campus bureaucracy
I would think an assistant dean would focus on academics vs drinking.
Ah... Community... I love that show
You got it!
Regarding the drinking age in America.
From some one who grew up in America and now lives in Austria. I have to say the youth in Vienna Austria are far more mature than American youths. They can drink in public at 16, you can drink at the park for example. Unlike Americans they are not hiding out until they are 21. By the time they are 21 they have already been drinking around people for five years and dont act like a bunch of idiots. This is a fact of life in Austria I always share with Americans.
Are those teenagers mostly drinking beer? I know in America most under age drinkers tend to get into hard liquor. Much easier to get alcohol poisoning or blood poisoning that way. Even some college dudes soak tampons in vodka and stick them up their rectums. Shocking they don't drop dead of blood poisoning right there.
True. Americans are stunted, backward, crude, immature, and backwards in their policies and arbitrary "laws." They are narrow-minded, and, quite frankly, many are stupid and untraveled. I personally saw an 8-year old buy beer in Thailand. It was of course for his dad, who was one block or stall away, and ALL THE ADULTS were watching over this kid. It didn't cause any "social problems" whatsoever. How stupid the USA is, "carding" 60-year olds! It's an insane county and society, on its death legs.
She is amazing--her insights are so spot on and speak to the inner dissatisfaction of so many people today--(women and men!!) Feminism definitely caused a radical upheaval in traditional social structures that we still haven't quite "figured out" yet.
In a world of stupidity it is so refreshing to listern to someone so intelligent, insightful and right on every issue.
"right on every issue"
She is a Feminist
And a woman.
So of course she is "right on every issue".
You misogynistic pig.
There are many people who are intelligent, insightful and right on every issue. Did you just discover the internet?
@@atlantic_love I disagree with you on your first sentence there. But you sound angry and argumentative. Maybe you should discover turning off the internet and going for a walk.
@@Barbarous_Wretch 😂😂😂 You think someone who thinks you're narrow-minded and easily impressionable, is "argumentative". Suck it up buttercup 🥱🥱🥱
@@atlantic_love No. you just sound a bit negative and bitter. And your latest comment as well. Sometimes people project angst and inner problems on to seemingly random and insignificant external events. Hope you find peace. But if you like you can do the superior, insulting, condescending thing again. I'm here for you.
Omg, i am so appalled that this video was uploaded 3 years ago and it has to be broadcasted two times a day for the next 6 months and we can see some real benefit changes for the next generation. What a woman!!
What a woman!!
What a Feminist !
This woman is an absolute national treasure
Her books are great! Have you read any? I grabbed one on kindle and wish I got paper. I intend to read them all..including that glimmering images art book.
She peers through the lens of experience.
Conservative trolls constantly refer to nearly every celebrity conservative troll as a "national treasure". It is like a code-word to mean pretty much the opposite.
She's a subversive like all the rest. She defends and looks up to a pedophile.
This witch is about as crazy as the people she is complaining about. I mean "We are living in an age of stalinism" .... how much weed do you have to smoke to come to conclusions like this?
Who knew 3 years later things would've completely gone off the rails to an extreme we couldn't have even imagined when this brilliant speech was given. Today the feminist movement seems to be womens greatest adversary.
And it's the mans fault!
Wow! This makes a ton of sense to me. She also reminds me why I have the attitudes that I have. My mother, a first grade teacher, was the dominant person in my life. I greatly admired the part of feminism of the 1960's and 1970's that wanted to provide opportunities for strong women to produce for themselves and for society. However, the part of feminism that later denied biology, and strove to feminize men, I find self-destructive.
With regard to administrators at the university level, I totally agree that elimination of 50% of the jobs and salaries of such people could dramatically reduce tuition and lead to better educated students. Going a step further, the same should be done at the K-12 level as well, especially in government schools where the taxpayer is being robbed, and receives little return on "investment".
"...the part of feminism that later denied biology, and strove to feminize men...." What does that even mean? That's not feminism, and I have never even seen such a thing. I'm 62 years old and I've been around for a lot of the fight for women's rights.
When I lived in southwest Virginia, I met students at Washington and Lee University who were paying $80K+ for a degree in History or French Literature or whatever. Obviously, most of the student's parents were paying this. Most of the adjunct professors that taught them were there on temporary contracts with no benefits, getting paid the equivalent of $20/Hour (there were jobs locally that paid more). They typically had PHDs in various liberal arts studies from major universities. W&L is rapidly retiring their tenured staff and will probably only have tenured faculty in their endowed "chairs". In short, it is a corrupt, effete exploitative institution that will probably fail when the 1%rs that fund this BS pass away.
Two occupations in which women dominated were teaching and nursing. Both have become hellish. Feminists abandoned them focusing on power jobs that are few and far between.
Why is feminist a synonym for women ? I don’t understand…that’s like using patriarchy as a synonym for men. It’s just not accurate
I don't recall feminists telling women they couldn't be either of those two occupations. In fact, they are still dominated by women.
Maybe nursing and teaching need a pay rise and better working conditions… Why are you people so blind?
Professions dominated by women tend to pay less money.
@@sophieruby5893 Yeah, I know that’s what I was trying to say to the original commenter. :)
I'm 59, spent most of my life in Manhattan, and moved to NH for good in 2005 after owning property here since 1994. When I was in high school at Ethical Culture Fieldston in the 1970s, the drinking age in NY was 18. I'd go with my friends when we were 16 and 17 to the West End jazz club every weekend to see Frank Wess and other Basie alumni (The Countsmen), and to the Village Vanguard to see the Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Big Band. We never had to show IDs. We weren't there to drink, but we had to buy the 2 drink minimum- we learned to be adults EARLY and OFTEN. I could go on, but...
A wonderful chapter from the great American experience
Caveat: They don't need "A" man, they need "The" man...which is to say the government.
No, it's more like A utility. Could be the government, or it could be a tradcuck who thinks he's found his unicorn.
Yes, they need government, to exploit MEN. Men pay 80% of all taxes, yet the vast majority of government welfare, social services and healthcare money goes to women. Add on top of that that Feminism uses the government to extort alimony and child support from over 30% of men.
In my life experience, nothing, NOTHING will anger a woman more than getting *exactly* what she asked for !
You need to broaden your knowledge of types women then😅
@@mloyo3204No, he doesn't: that's a woman's way.
Pretty sure trying to get one to take accountability for their actions will make them angrier.
Now I feel better about my own response to Foucault in my undergrad studies. She is a breath of fresh air.
She is a Feminist who now says she isn't a Feminist.
@@johnhagan-zr4pm she´s a feminist who doesn´t blame men for every problem and who understands the value in both men and women, in their separate worlds, but working together
@@Nanabidoll She is an unusual.
Her Wiki entry says that she isn't a woman but "identifies as transgender. She reports having gender dysphoria since childhood, and says that "never once in my life have I felt female"
Likewise her views on young boys have s3x with older men is very odd.
"In 1993, Paglia signed a manifesto supporting NAMBLA, a pederasty and pedophilia advocacy organization.
In 1994, Paglia supported lowering the legal age of consent to 14. She noted in a 1995 interview with pro-pedophile activist Bill Andriette, "I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age."
In a 1997 Salon column, Paglia expressed the view that male pedophilia correlates with the heights of a civilization, stating "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love. In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization."
Paglia noted in several interviews, as well as Sexual Personae, that she supports the legalization of certain forms of child pornography.
I am just learning what's been going on now in April 2023... It's horrific I have joined your voice on speaking out, I am seriously worried for the future of humankind ...
Had to chuckle about the beer 8:27. After my second tour in Viet Nam, I came home for a week and someone wanted to 'take me out for a beer'. I had my uniform on with five service ribbons on it. I was 19 years old at the time. We went into the bar and the other guy ordered a beer and the bartend wanted to know if I wanted one. I said, "No, I am not old enough to drink." The bartender looked at my ribbons and looked at me, perplexed. He said he could 'sneak me one." I said no but he uncapped one and just put it on the bar, looks at me and looked it. I never touched it. I decided to let this country I was supposedly old enough to 'fight for', but not old enough to drink in, stew in its hypocrisy. Nothing has changed.
What a damn shame. That flows only from a nation of hypocrites.
Always a pleasure to hear people capable of nuanced thinking. A dying breed :(
Same thing that went wrong with The Dream.
One group suffered and fought for change. Another group was born into the new paradigm. Yet, another, whom suffered little to nothing started acting like victims when in fact they were closer to being in charge of the new culture.
The error of feminist ideology is that it is a form of tribalism. It's founded on the false idea that men and women exist as separate tribes. It isn't that men and women don't exist, it's that they don't exist as a functional group. You can't project consciousness, purpose, and agency onto a collective category. Men don't exist as a group, it is just category of person. Feminism (and all forms of identity politics) makes the error of perceiving a category as if it were a cohesive group with purpose and agency, that can be "blamed" for collective action. Men and women don't exist as functioning groups, there is no ghost in the machine. It's a pervasive error of the human mind to project agency onto categories of persons. That error is what passes for insight in sociology and the humanities. It makes no sense to "blame" a category of persons. There is no grand council of men that make decisions for men. Thus men, as a category of person's, don't have agency and cannot as a group, oppress anything.
After having a baby, I can testify the world of women DOES exist!
unfortunately you have to have children to access that world, what a shit
It's sad it only exists, in it's most resolute form, only after having a baby though.
I’m recently married and I work with many women. Many of the single women over 30 know that I’m newly married they’re now pursuing me aggressively. They seem unstable so I’ve denied many requests for a “light lunch”.
E Allen Yes. I’m tempted. These women are trying to lead me astray out of spite for my wife. They’re jealous, not because they actually like me. It would be a bad idea. These women are single for a reason and they’re seriously unstable. I would probably end up with a rape charge.
E Allen Thanks for the insight. I probably wouldn’t regret it or feel guilt. I am not a beta male. I just don’t want to end up being fired or catching some sexual assault case. Women and men do not mix in an office setting. It’s hard to focus on work when women are flirting with you and dressing immodestly. I am not worried about divorce. I live in a country where divorce is rare. I am not getting divorced not matter what . My coworkers don’t have my wife’s contact number. She’s not on social media and they don’t know her name. I also don’t have kids yet, I just got married. It’s pretty safe to pursue a one night stand, but as you mentioned they want to prove love is fake and would immediately regret it. They might call the police once I confirmed love is not real. Love is not real. Love is action. Love is not a feeling. These crazy single women over 30 are single because they’re emotionally led. They followed their emotions chasing shit guys and fighting with ex boyfriends because they’re emotionally unstable. They should be at home taking care of their children. They shouldn’t be in an office working closely with animals like me. Men are wild animals. Men are different than women. We don’t feel guilty as easy. We’re not led by emotions like women. We’re lead by primal instincts. We want to fight, fuck and eat mostly. We’ve been domesticated to redirect that energy towards our families. Otherwise we shoot up schools or engage in immeasurable sexual degeneracy.
Don't flatter yourself or your wife . These girls are just out for fun
@@wyleecoyotee4252 yes
Why are young women getting knocked up before marriage not giving a damn about the child?
To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi in ROTS.
Me to feminist:"You swore to bring balance, to uphold peace and justice, you have allowed this dark lord (Feminism) to twist your mind. And so now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."
I’ve never seen such a coherent reasonable woman. If this is what old school feminism looks like…. I want it back
It is. Track down Germaine Greer if you want further insight. Feminism had real issues in my day. Equal pay. Loans from banks. The first car I bought I paid cash. I was 24 with a law degree. The dealer (car was new) would not sell me a car unless a man signed the contract. It was company policy. Women were not allowed to drink in a bar, the had to go into a "lounge" especially set aside for women and mixed groups (I am Australian). I could spend all day describing real grievances about inequality. Those days are gone, and feminists won. The current "feminists" are spoiled a'holes who hate men, think they are better than men, and consequently cannot get a man to love them. Basically they are unlovable.
Although she was always both a radical and a lesbian, Paglia always refused to define men as The Enemy. So the feminist establishment regarded her as an outcast.
@@anonUKShows what an absolute pathetic joke they are
No it isn't old school feminism
My elder sister was very involved in the movement in those very early days and most of the women involved were married to good supportive men somewhere about 20 or so years in the movement here NZ became overwhelmed by the Lesbian Left and a hatred of men became unbearable for the older women who we’re loving wife’s and mothers of sons. So many like my sister whose 53 year marriage came to an end with her husbands death. We women are now once again under attack by the men in skirts. Have until lately had no problem with such people for most of my long life have treated them as I would wish to be treated, and to be fair most have lived good productive lives. Now they refuse to acknowledge that no matter how little or greater the hormonal treatments or surgery that have had insist they are women they now and invade our spaces resort to violence and call 1:49 biological woman names refusing to acknowledge our womanhood It may be a very vocal and few but the vileness of their behaviour reminds me of my Nans story’s of the days when she and many others were fighting for the vote.
@No No I have to say that you sound very bitter why
Its because she is in a cult.
@No No Men who are trans are not men or women. They are a third group of gender. For them to claim to be women is asinine.
Men wear skirts in Africa, the Middle East, and some other places. Trans women are not "men in skirts." I have never even heard of trans women resorting to violence or calling "biological" women names. Mostly they are quietly trying not to be killed by people who refuse to allow them to exist, which happens all too often.
It's not the men in skirts per say, rather it is the ideology that cause many of them to put on the skirt in the modern day. If you don't know what I am talking about, look up the demographics of antifa. Noticed it when reading Andy Ngo's book.
Frankenstein was also an experiment and it returned to the castle to destroy its master.
You can't drink at 21, but you can drive, get gender reassignment surgery, get hormone therapy and vote!
What went wrong was the absence
of responsibility and accountability that came with the rights and equality.
She described my grandmother, born in Holland around 1900. She was plenty strong and could easily slap an apology out of any man who insulted her. My father told me on laundry day she could pick up a wash tub full of water, carry it out the kitchen door and dump it in the back yard without letting it touch her apron. If you think that is easy, try it.
She raised a large family through wars and depressions. Her husband my grandfather was a good man and a hard worker but there was no doubt who had the brains in the family.
And apparently the brains in the family died out all together in your family.
@@p382742937423y4 What is that supposed to mean?
@@p382742937423y4spot on 😂
It moved from the need for equality to desire for dominance.
Only a few members have read a law book, so they have no idea, THEY'VE WON !!!
They are fighting for something they now have but, the Feminist lobby has its income tied to membership thus, the need for more angry women to contribute and PAY DUES.
Yes, yes😢
Notice that this clip of Paglia is more than two years old now? I haven't seen any new material of Paglia's since her discussion with Jordan Peterson in October 2017. Jonathan Haidt as well - his Heterodox Academy looks very quiet these days. The voices objecting to the New Faith early on have SHUT UP. The result, I suspect, of fear.
This woman is amazing. I wish I had professors like her.
Do you need professors when everything every intellectual says is accessible by a gadget in your pocket? That’s rhetorical of course. No offense intended, but I’d suggest a more liberating perspective…
“I’m thankful I can hear her perspective, freeing me from the garbage ideology of my professors, professing my own victim hood.”
Uhm.. she is a professor.. let's not generalise education..
I'm a woman and was enrolled in Sciences in Uni. Would never have taken such a course
Why can’t women just be happy being women. I think women should be able to do what they want but when the other college aged women and councilors shamed my wife for getting married in her 20’s and having kids over career, we knew feminism is no longer about women’s rights and being happy.
Many years ago, a friend of mine at Columbia was disappointed she didn't get an A on a paper she'd written for Prof. Paglia. When asked what was wrong with the paper, Paglia thought for a moment and replied: "It lacked cxxt."
Camille is my favorite feminist for sure. She knows what's up.
Finally a voice calling Foucault exactly what he is
I would add Derrida.
@@davidaloha5084 Agree 100%--"deconstruction" is a truckload of bullshit garbage--nothing more!!
Thank you, Dr. Paglia. it is a joy to listen to a female who speaks by way of a sound mind.
I love this woman. A real feminist, NOT a delusional kook. 99% of men woould support feminism if feminist were as intelligent and stable as this very intelligent woman
The Administrator class has been destroying Higher Education for decades. Her diatribe is right on the mark. Faculty has indeed been "castrated", and the bureaucratic-corporate cancer only continues to metastasize, while both students and teachers wither.
My best friend at CU Boulder in the early 70s had a student work job at the President's office. The whole administration of a 20000 or so student university probably numbered in the dozens, including secretaries and other support staff. Lord knows how many useless bureaucrats they have now. Tuition then was easily affordable for middle class families and that it is not anymore is not just a coincidence.
At Yale, the administrators (not even including the professors) outnumber the entire undergraduate class. It boggles the mind.
The first wave of feminism; "We want to be equal with men."
The second wave of feminism: "We don't need men."
The third wave of feminism: "We are men."
The fourth wave of feminism: "We are women."
Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence because it's artificial.
I'd amend Fourth Wave to:
"Trans Women aren't Women!"
"We became the men we despised"
???how can you say that as a man??? You have no idea what you’re saying
As she mentions it… I think there is a loss of shared experience between women…. Mothers, grandmothers… neighbors. These days… they all have a more individual life. Women go off to work… where they compete with other women. Women are also competing with other women to attract the most desirable partner. Women are competing with other women to have the best house, best vacation, most successful children, etc
No one decided that it would be a good idea to structure our lives this way. We made other decision… decisions that seemed sensible… decisions that had consequences that were included… but not considered
The 'ladies' didn't want their servants to have voting rights.
And it was never the farming and working-class women who wanted to do the men's jobs because they knew how hard that work was and how little they got paid. It was the 'ladies' that wanted to join the 'gentlemen' in their board rooms, smoke rooms, country clubs and PARLEMENT.
Yet we celebrate politicians who can afford nannies and daycare for bringing their babies to work. It's a PRIVILEGE that you can't afford but PAY for.
The only other women who bring their children to work is wages slaves in dusty dirty sweatshops. Lying on the ground in the dirt in constant fear of loosing their horrible jobs
Without watching this yet I will say that my guess is that like most things a couple of people took a positive idea and made it about power and control and then ran so hard with it that they ended up making things worse for everybody involved.
You nailed it. Seems to be going around.
Jonathan Haidt says "common enemy identity politics" versus "common interest identity politics".
The point about the rural women and higher class woman having a different path to coting rights is one of the most brilliant points ive heard from her.
Respect and rights for lower classes was earned, society woman just wanted more from spite so to speak.
What she says about the rise of the administrators in modern universities is 100% TRUE. I have been saying this for years. It has just gotten worse and worse. I don't think that most people outside of the faculty of a university have any idea how many vice presidents and other middle administrators that a major university has these days. We have so many vice presidents at ASU (Arizona State University) and of so many flavors -- assistant, associate, executive, etc. It is amazing... especially since hardly any of them really do much, except create new initiatives to justify their existence and that create more work for the faculty... before they move on to their next position. But they are paid well...
Every aggrieved group says they want "equality," but what they really want is absolute power.
When Camille was teaching at Bennington, it was a good school. By the mid 1980s, it was known as a "College for the Dumb Rich".
It's seemingly the least talented people, possibly even the least intelligent, and certainly those with the lowest emotional intelligence who are making the most noise (empty barrels?) and holding society hostage in a state of arrested development!
That was always the case. Sociopaths and psychopaths run this world…
7:30 the administrator master class took over, especially in Washington. We’re “living in an era of Stalinism.”
I learned recently that the administrators outnumber the entire undergraduate class at Yale. Blew my fkn mind.
@@mensrea1251 That sounds quite ridiculous, if true....
I don't get it why some people still blame Foucault. He was a thinker, not a master of the universe, he criticised the State and forms of etatism almost all his life and, of course, like any other thinker, his conclusions have been in part refuted, some have been used and incorporated in further studies. Yes, his reception in US is very very veeery different to his reception in Europe, but that does not mean that he is to blame for the state of academia today. There are people who take Foucault as Jesus and his work as the Bible, but they are just another species of fanatics.
Goose bumps and ruler (in the Jamaican sense) alert. As she speaks to, I live in a poor rural community where everyone is related, lived together all their lives, and have not lost, as she says, " What women have lost is the old solidarity that they once had when they totally ruled the private sphere, living all day long with other women, multi-generationally..." They have that here and the felt sense is so different. Seeing the women here together in a safe relaxed place and how easily and positively they get along, their humanity, how the support each other, I actually get choked up because it's such a big deal and you can't understand what you don't know or never had. They do rule the private sphere and they have a place in the whole, their whole. Surely that's some compensation for bearing the patriarchy. And as she says in the US people are lost and for what. The breakdown in community seems the biggest cancer in the capitalist system from my perspective, among many, haha, but they say charity starts at home. Take it from the man.
Camille Paglia has grown into something really impressive, not least for her heart and humanity. The dislocation and search for identity is so real. We're like the frogs in the pot.
You can blame whoever you want, you're still going to die alone. Just remember, you're strong and independent and don't need a man. You got this girl. You go girl!
What an intellect. What a woman!
"Aggressive Philanthropists" - lol love it.
I remember growing up in the 60's/70's (born 1954). My parents separated in 1971. My mother shifted all the burden of "man's work" on the farm, and taking care of the family (insofar as I could assume the burden) onto me at 16, while I was still in 10th grade. No equal responsibility, no equal sharing of the burdens or labor, no real attempt at equality.
Just all the old stereotypes about man's responsibility for all the shit roles in society. And then claims about "women's rights and equality" when it was to their advantage. (my mother and my sisters) All the authority/control was hers, all the work, and responsibility for her decisions when they couldn't and didn't work was mine.
I also personally received all the browbeatings for all the negative things throughout history that could be laid at men's feet - whether the accusations were valid or not. I never did understand why I caught the punishment for actions I was neither guilty of or responsible for. They knew me all my life. They knew better.
In the midst of trying to assume a burden of care for their well-being that was beyond my years, and never was mine to begin with, I was cast as a monster and the enemy because I was a man. All the fruit of the new Feminist Movement.
Took years to realize that my mother and 1 of my older sisters were extreme narcissists. The Feminist bullying was gaslighting to achieve what they considered control.
But it taught me at a very young age to understand that Equality In Any Arena Never Was The Goal of Feminism. It's Advantage. Plain and Simple. It's based on deceitfulness and gaslighting motivated by narcissism.
Anyone looking at what's happening today can recognize that - if they are tipped off about what to look for.
Most commonly, it's Victim Narcissism you will find. You're not dealing with honesty in most cases, but deliberate deceitfulness instead. You'rer dealing with the worst forms of users and abusers - selfish, self-serving predators. CANNIBALISTIC NARCISSISTS.
The modern version of GOLD DIGGERS who see men as resources to be used up and cast aside. (Employing the court system to bind men into financial slavery to them for years, after they have personally finished using them and cast them off)
It has NEVER truly been about equality for feminists. It's really about shifting the shoe onto the other foot, and deliberately opressing men. All the talk about equality is just a smokescreen. I just got to see feminism's true nature 1 or 2 generations earlier than most men.
Feminism attracts narcissists like a magnet attracts iron. It has perhaps become the most effective vehicle for empowering female narcissists ever created. You are not going to ever change one of these narcissists. When you meet one of them, just give them a cat and move on.
I bought a possum from a friend when I was a boy. Paid two dollars for it. It had been captured when it was a baby and held in captivity its entire life. That did not set well with me, and I determined to turn it loose. I took the cage out into the yard and opened it. The poor creature did not leave, though the door was wide open. I waited for over an hour. At last, I reached in and pulled it out. I watched as it ambled off into the bushes. I felt very satisfied with myself. Over the next few weeks, a problem developed. The chicken house was raided by some unknown creature. Eggs broken and consumed, and one young hen killed. Also something broke into the pantry and destroyed the pears mellowing there in their newspaper wrappings. There were strange noises under the house late at night, and the dogs barked incessantly. At last, my father had enough. He set a rabbit box trap, baited with chicken guts. The next morning, there was that possum in the trap. It still had the little cat collar on it I had forgotten to remove. My father told me to take the possum far into the woods and turn it loose, or he would kill it. The possum refused to leave the rabbit box. I beat and banged, poked and swore. At last, I dragged box, possum, and all as far from the house as I could manage. Arms aching and sweating from the effort, I left it there on the ground, with the door off the rabbit box. I found I had grown to hate that possum. I am pretty sure it hated me. Odd. I was always fond of possums before. That is why I decided to free it in the first place. 'Course this story has nothing to do with what went wrong with feminism, BLM, the Bud Light disaster, and just about any other activist endeavor you can name... What the hell would any of that have to do with turning possums loose? Other than the fact that if you do turn 'em loose, you turn 'em loose on yourself.
@@Moe_Posting_Chad Oh... Possum? No, 'possum. Nopossum???? (sigh)
M R 'possums
M R not M R opossums
M R 2 possums C M BDIs? 😁
Didn't know Thom Yorke also had a sister
had the same thought lol
It gained influence, became a means to gain power, and so those who care only about power crowded everyone else out.
Paglia being great and speaking truth. Thank you for this channel, this is great material.
How can we support your work?
Feminism was always man hating... always cancer... from the 1800s Seneca Falls onward.
It was WRONG from the start.
and Camille Paglia supports pedos... she supports NAMBLA... she's a twisted.. sicko.. weirdo.
I absolutely love Paglia, no one says it better.
I completely agree about the strength of working class women. My upbringing in Northern England was surrounded by them. if you tried to tell any of them that they weren't the equal of men, they'd set you straight in no uncertain terms. I was taught by these women about dealing with unwelcome advances from boys/men, in the same solid, no nonsense way that they did everything else.
Many of those women had experience of abusive men. But they also had experience of good men too. They knew and appreciated the difference.
No gender studies class could teach me about womanhood even half as well as those ladies did.
I love the part where she talks about the absurdity of not selling alcohol for under 21, I never thought about it, I just walk life without thinking about it, how sad... anyhow, a very interesting reflection.
where I come from (europe), I ordered my first (light) beer at the counter at the age of 14. By high school, the occasional luxury of the terrasse of a café, sharing a beer when we had money, was essential in building a netwrok of friends, sharing ideas and having conversations with adults, sometimes even teachers off the class.
But a disturbed teenager that has reached the ripe old age of 18 can buy an AR-15 rifle and lots of ammunition. Has our culture gone off the rails?
It’s quite backwards… the age when young people want to explore alcohol is in their teens and young adult years. By the time you’re 21, it’s not even interesting anymore. I suppose that is the goal, but…. it’s kind of unhealthy to leave young people without the experience of alcohol when it plays a big role in adult culture. Also, I don’t believe that banning it works. Young people still get their hands on alcohol and drugs, just in unhealthy ways.
This unhappiness that she speaks of reminds me of the old saying “careful what you wish for.”
@@ursamajor6347 The one thing that I see with many successful movements is that they tend to grow beyond their original purpose, sometimes to the disappointment of those who started it.
@@troubledsole9104 I am what I'd call a Rosie the Riveter kind of feminist who just wants to live maximally in congruence to what my potential allows, however I don't use the word to describe myself as a feminist at all anymore because of exactly what you are stating here. There are plenty of normal, well-rounded women out in the world that are just going through their lives despite the screaming harpies out there that are never satisfied with anything.
And I agree that feminism isn't the only moment that went off the rails, most movements have vultures of people that sit in waiting and want to seize something to gain power. They tap into whatever veins they can find if it gives them momentum.
Ms.Camila - I admire you for this speech & you know how to bash with correction, well your words do make a lot of sense ….. loved it ❤😂
Feminism, instead of validating women’s essential formatting role as mother figures has gradually destroyed the very fabric of a strong and united family unit. Thanks.
The least qualified woman to comment on Feminism. She made a career by belittling other women. Some women are like that.
So refreshing to hear her thinking.
Actually women working as hard as men is not a new experiment. My greatgrand mother would wake up at 4AM and go to bed at 9PM to work on a farm together with my greatgrand father. Her tasks were different but it was hard all day work. But hopefully more voices like that will appear.
No one was saying women didn't work hard. The discussion was them.moving in tonmale dominant jobs.
I think you have misunderstood. Prof. Paglia never said that. Wth.
Camille Paglia - A modern St. John The Baptist, a voice crying in the wilderness.
The fact that it was never really about "equality" (a terribly vague term) - yet so many feminists claimed that equality was the absolute foundation of the movement?
Ah yeah, no voting power is truly equals to voting power, pretty vague term. Just because some people using the feminist movement to get power, it doesn’t mean it initially was not about equality.
truely interesting - is there any recording of the whole speach availiable?