True , being a public figure it would be a lot of pressure. This industry is so demanding that as an artist has no more time for their personal lives. They are also human beings who have feelings. BTS pours all their lives entertaining people their Army fans that their childhood they did not enjoy.
Ничего нового Тэхен не сказал.да,было трудно,но оно этого стоило. Просто не было у него в группе настоящего друга и поддержки.это мое мнение,никому ненавязываю.
True , being a public figure it would be a lot of pressure. This industry is so demanding that as an artist has no more time for their personal lives. They are also human beings who have feelings. BTS pours all their lives entertaining people their Army fans that their childhood they did not enjoy.
Ничего нового Тэхен не сказал.да,было трудно,но оно этого стоило. Просто не было у него в группе настоящего друга и поддержки.это мое мнение,никому ненавязываю.