Bars-excellent switch from low to high bar and excellent dismount! Beam-I love your mount, you really execute it very well. and your front walkover is very well done as well! Floor-Excellent 2nd pass! nice form! Excellent floorwork, you really do look great on floor Vault-nice landing! you did good! 10/10!! gymvideorater -if you would like me to rate your gym videos, let me know in a message, i will gladly do it. i only leave positive comments!
Bars-excellent switch from low to high bar and excellent dismount!
Beam-I love your mount, you really execute it very well. and your front walkover is very well done as well!
Floor-Excellent 2nd pass! nice form! Excellent floorwork, you really do look great on floor
Vault-nice landing! you did good!
-if you would like me to rate your gym videos, let me know in a message, i will gladly do it. i only leave positive comments!