SGU Cancellation Reaction

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • The crew of the Destiny sums up how their fans feel about Syfy cancelling SGU.


  • @FutureFlash2034
    @FutureFlash2034 8 років тому +3

    wish they brought SGU back,
    We miss you Destiny,You will always be one of the greatest ships in Sci-Fi history!

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  13 років тому

    @SGUnity Yea... I thought I could make it "tighter"... I may make a tighter version and cut some parts out, or shorten some of the sections here.

  • @DarthRushy
    @DarthRushy 13 років тому

    My version:
    Young:SGU has been canceled, because people seem to dislike Rush.
    Rush vs Young epic battle.
    Young:That's exactly what I'm talking about.
    Eli:We need to do something.
    Scott:Sir, an armada of Syfy ships are here to destroy us.
    *Everyone go to the Bridge*
    Young:Eli, use that magic shield increase you used in the "Blockade" ep.
    *O'Neill pops in*
    Jack:On behalf of the other series, I'll do my best. Young, man the weapons console.

  • @DarthRushy
    @DarthRushy 13 років тому

    @DarthRushy O'Neill:Rush, we're gonna need FTL and VERY FAST!!
    *Epic space battle*
    Eli:The shields are failing!!
    *Bridge consoles explode and O'Neill is the only one to survive and he runs to the Gate Room and dials a mysterious planet*
    O'Neill:Deja vu.
    *Destiny and SGU get blown up and O'Neill's planet proves out to be a Sci Fi base*
    Franklin:Because a Stargate SG-1/Atlantis veteran like you supported SGU, I canceled the movies.
    O'Neill*Shoots Franklin*

  • @jpbarry93
    @jpbarry93 11 років тому +3

    SGU didn't have much of a chance from start, with it being on a terrible network run by clowns who even forgot how to abbreviate science fiction properly. Not to mention a portion of the fan base with unreasonable expectations and abandoned the show after the first episode they didn't like. Yeah, the first part of season 1 was slow, but out of the 17 SG seasons, I thought the second season of SGU was the best. Every episode of S2 was amazing, and now all of that potential is gone...

    • @xNeFShARkx
      @xNeFShARkx 6 років тому

      Fan based sucked indeed! They just wanted another star gate with the same exactly same formula! I liked that they made sgu more realistic(people surviving across the universe in a really old ship), it was fresh! I agree that the first season was slow but with several good episodes(man i got really intrigued in the episode that show us that solar system with a single planet build by aliens) , but like you said the second season, the destiny mission, the decedents and etc, it was amazing! But i agree that Atlantis was also amazing and it ended prematurely!
      The stupid fan base, by sabotaging sgu, the only thing that they got, was the death of the franchise!

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  13 років тому

    @GCm4n Thank you! I might make a short, tighter version, but I think this one needed some "EPIC" treatment. lol.

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  13 років тому

    @threenightstand Yeah, I agree, it does lose some steam after the 2 minute mark. I may take out and shorten some of the middle parts to help make it shorter & sweeter in an other version.

  • @pazios2002
    @pazios2002 12 років тому

    @thehantavirus no I meant when people watched the episodes on the SYFY channel website. Not additional sites that may be showingt the shows with no rights to do so.

  • @Jamesthesheriffdixon
    @Jamesthesheriffdixon 12 років тому

    i totally felt all of these feelings when the show was canceled

  • @HarosOfStyx
    @HarosOfStyx 13 років тому

    you don't need to shorten anything. There are only two or three pieces that don't need to be there. Like the part where the scientist vomits. That one for instance doesn't make sense to be there...

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  12 років тому

    @sacrublood And that's the exact "Atlantard" attitude that killed the entire Stargate franchise. SGU was gonna be full of SG1 & SGA crossovers, and even fund the Atlantis movie. It was going to tie SG1, SGA & SGU together and define so much more of the SG lore. Too bad so many "fans" didn't have the patience to follow an epic space-opera or didn't give SGU a chance just because it wasn't Atlantis. SGU made Stargate "realistic, believable, & bad-ass". SG had matured with SGU. Atlantards=Fail.

  • @TheSalute3397
    @TheSalute3397 12 років тому

    They should have a final Stargate Movie. One that ties together all the main characters from all 3 Stargate shows. One huge plot, one huge epic finally to the franchise

  • @MKBEntertainment
    @MKBEntertainment 12 років тому

    And the fact is it still died a early death compared to the rest of the stargate shows.
    18 wins & 86 nominations - sg-1
    18 wins & 36 nominations - atlantis
    Another 7 wins & 21 nominations - SGU
    Not even half as many wins.
    The fact is people stopped watching.
    SG fans dropped it and it died. People would watch if the show is good and would record on PVR so showing schedule wouldn't matter.

  • @SquatPenguin2
    @SquatPenguin2 6 років тому +1

    nice video dude
    i havent seen you in a while

  • @SGUnity
    @SGUnity 13 років тому

    @manoljo : Of course. What I want to say by "funny" is the link between
    a situation and its quote in the series, compared to the real-life situation.
    Let's just say, for me, "the funniest quotes" = "the more intelligent parallels".

  • @MKBEntertainment
    @MKBEntertainment 12 років тому

    @GeoMetalStar "Too bad so many "fans" didn't have the patience to follow an epic space-opera or didn't give SGU a chance just because it wasn't Atlantis."
    It had its chance. Why do you think Atlantis survived and SGU didn't? 2 seasons vs 6

  • @3Diva
    @3Diva 12 років тому

    When this show first aired I really didn't like it. But about a week ago I decided to give it another try and fell in love with it. I ended up watching the entire series in about a week. I LOVE this series. I think the problem most people had with it (and indeed I did too the first time I tried to watch it) was the "Stargate" tag on it. It was too different from the other SG shows. I think this series would have been much more successful if they had made it a "stand alone". Such a great series!

  • @dirtymonkey55
    @dirtymonkey55 12 років тому

    Im actually surprised that no one has bought the rights to air season 3, i mean shows like falling skies and terra nova cost a lot more to produce and are not nearly as good as SGU, you would think Fox would have given it a chance, considering how successful the franchise in general was.

  • @porpus99
    @porpus99 12 років тому

    You forgot the fact that they are in different Galaxies in at the end of every season. New enemies, new technology, and new possibilities.

  • @sedanosable
    @sedanosable 13 років тому +1

    I so loved this show! Very angry at the powers that be at syfy! They have no idea what the fans want...

  • @RosesNightengales
    @RosesNightengales 12 років тому

    What episode was it where Chloes attacks Rush?! O.o

  • @Donut1298
    @Donut1298 12 років тому

    SGU and Atlantis should both come back. But personally SGU was my favorite out of all of them.

  • @hardstylerdennis
    @hardstylerdennis 13 років тому

    @starwarsfan117 c the official SGU website... only 2 seasons made! and there already selling all the clothes and props from the series on ebay..

  • @samysasy419
    @samysasy419 12 років тому

    @Leturfreakflagfly80 Dude I liked SGU, but the reason why there is no more Stargate is not the fans, it's SGU. Before SGU was even made, the producers of Stargate wanted to make to new movies, Stargate:Extinction, and Stargate:Revolution, but because SGU failed, they just shoved the new movies indefinately.

  • @d4ark972
    @d4ark972 12 років тому

    SGU gets cancelled, TerraNova gets cancelled. I'm just glad we still have gems like Honey Boo Boo and the Kardashians.

  • @pazios2002
    @pazios2002 13 років тому

    @thehantavirus I thoiught they had a way of counting that now or rather ever since the Jericho thing over at CBS. Where Jericho was cancelled after the first season ( the only on worth watching in my opinion) then brought Jericho back because CBS went back and monitored the views on -line. I thought that was a common pracitce now ( as is evident by the exponential increase in ads) I miss the hell out SGU, SGA and pre farscape invasion SG1.

  • @thehantavirus
    @thehantavirus 12 років тому

    @pazios2002 they do only thier site that is approved by cbs. It does count illegal video sites where it shows the movies and shows. Because they are illegal they are hidden from the eyes of these companies

  • @pirate_jacks
    @pirate_jacks 13 років тому

    are there any interviews with the cast after sgu was stoped ?

  • @olddirtymongrrel
    @olddirtymongrrel 13 років тому

    Stargate is great SciFi and now it is no longer on, the fans should take a lesson from another great SciFi show fanbase, Star Trek has had ups and downs but its still here because the fans never gave up and continued to spread the show.After the cancellation of the orginal series, the fans of Star Trek never gave up and even though it took years they finally got Star Trek back on air. Stargate fans the lesson is never give up, because I will never give up!.

  • @dell2295
    @dell2295 10 років тому +1

    i loved all over it sg1 sga and sgu all 3 series were spectaculer but sgu took the cake their cherrecters were alot more realistic then a a couple airmen that seem to have it all under control dispite always getting in to a shit storm of trouble :D

    • @GeoMetalStar
      @GeoMetalStar  10 років тому +3

      SGU should at least get a mini-series, to finish it up... maybe one day...

  • @ScienceInteractive
    @ScienceInteractive 13 років тому

    "They cancelled... urghh!" --epic
    "Don't you care!"- -epic

  • @Mylabug97
    @Mylabug97 12 років тому

    It wasn't like the plot of SGU was bad it was that there was too much waiting like when the FDL countdown was few seconds left,there was way too many deaths like there was a person dying in each episode, and there was way too many to be continued in the first season like there was 50% of the episodes was half of and episode and the other 50% was the rest of the episodes because it took two episodes to complete the entire plot of that one part. I would have liked more outgoing wormhole adventures

  • @rkmugen
    @rkmugen 11 років тому

    Eli did have a go with that hot redheaded girl from the Lucian Alliance (the group that tried to take over the ship)... Ginn was her name.

  • @samysasy419
    @samysasy419 12 років тому

    @Leturfreakflagfly80 The fault is at SGU, not the fans. The fans of Stargate like watching Stargate, a light-hearted, sci-fi action show, with the occasional comedic scenes, and sometimes even serious and gritty scenes and moments. SGU totally failed to show that. Yes, the plot was good, but the execution of it was bad. They tried to immitate BSG and Lost, but with a Stargate twist. Stargate is unique in its own way, and Stargate fans know that, that's why they reacted the way they did.

  • @wintersoldier546
    @wintersoldier546 13 років тому

    Im mad they canceled SGU but at first it was more of a drama lifetime story. But once they got past all the drama it actually began to turn into a great show and soon as i started getting in to it it was cancelled!!! As of this point im all for the bringing back of this show to let it live its full potential

  • @LordAkronos
    @LordAkronos 12 років тому

    @olddirtymongrrel That may be true but the time between the original series ended and the next generation started was almost 30 years the second series of stargate started while the first one was still on

  • @MrSnapy1
    @MrSnapy1 13 років тому

    I hate that this and SGA was canceled.I blame Robert Picardo both was canceled shortly after he appeared lol.In fact Voyager was the least popular ST series I'm sure he is a nice enough guy.His characters was so unlikeable in SG his doctor role in ST was better but still had that weasly type vibe to him.

  • @melsinsight
    @melsinsight 12 років тому

    yes I think we should make it clear wit a petition or make our own Si-Fi channel that is a good idea .I AM ready to sign or help in any way I LOVE SG1 , SGA , & SGU they all are amazing and I think based on some true things that happened or are happening

  • @thehantavirus
    @thehantavirus 12 років тому

    I think it was the company that bought part of mgm that want nothing to do with sgu so they canceled it.

  • @ReignlawXV
    @ReignlawXV 12 років тому

    Stargate changed alot the moment SG-1 ended, I think that's what alot of the fans did not like. Stargate SG-1 had Action, suspense, mystery, comedy and etc. It gave alot to the viewers, If you honestly like Stargate look back at the SG-1 series and compare it to the Universe series. Look at how much the franchise has changed.

  • @Nosuchthingasnormalhere
    @Nosuchthingasnormalhere 12 років тому

    There was nothing wrong with sgu, some people just don't like soap drama and just wanted same in same out story of good guy goes out has problem and ends with hero each episode. Now the people who abandoned this show got there way, it died and not only did sgu die but you let the entire franchise die so nothing else could be created or continued.. yes!! well done! WELL done!!

  • @kenlebrun716
    @kenlebrun716 11 років тому

    It really goes to show how brainwashed our society is.....who in their right mind would watch jersey shore....let alone pick it over the best Scifi tv show ever created. And honestly the sci-fi channel has absolutely no pride or respect in their greatest work. I wish they could be jailed.

  • @Angamoth
    @Angamoth 12 років тому

    @ReturnBaconSquad I wouldn't go as far as saying "nothing to do with this". Ratings were part of the reason but It still hurts that we don't have SG any more and TBH SG1>SGU>SGA>SG1 s8+

  • @woodenjaw
    @woodenjaw 11 років тому +1

    Damn, I miss this show

  • @Hotblueamazon
    @Hotblueamazon 11 років тому

    Makes me sad, SGU & Terra Nova - The two very best series i ever seen are now both down...

  • @RemixPicture
    @RemixPicture 12 років тому

    @ReignlawXV Yeh, I loved SG-1, but not atlantis so much. Still havn't seen Universe, and I don't know if I will since it got cancelled.
    I loved when Richard Dean Anderson was in SG-1, it was the best episodes ever. :P

  • @dasMichal
    @dasMichal 11 років тому +1

    I miss SGU so much

  • @Sk2k52
    @Sk2k52 12 років тому

    @GeoMetalStar SGU was a colossal failure all around. My expectations high as I really enjoyed the material around the production and what they were hoping to do, but in execution, it was TERRIBLE. I hung in there and watched every episode though, ignoring the errors and sheer stupidity that was prevalent in the show, but in the end, the director was a hack at best. S1, too much unlikeable characters, constantly humping each other. S2, too much baby popping and the human decedents arc was awful.

  • @starwarsfan117
    @starwarsfan117 13 років тому

    @hardstylerdennis i think their is a season 3...they just ended there

  • @hardstylerdennis
    @hardstylerdennis 13 років тому

    lets hope for in the futere someday there will be a S03! dont know what i have to do monday evenings when the show stops!

  • @HarosOfStyx
    @HarosOfStyx 13 років тому

    @SGUnity the video is not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be serious.

  • @Xbox360Gamer2000
    @Xbox360Gamer2000 13 років тому

    i agree with you guys its a great series and i really want a third season this show is on par with all the other Stargate series out there

  • @SouchonP
    @SouchonP 12 років тому

    At least SGU had good actors the story was very interesting and the struggle to survive was very well done.

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  13 років тому

    @dasaxophonist Reply, I know, this was meant to be a "test video"... (I may take away the last 7 or 8 minutes.) Thanx 4 the input. My music video & Hitler video turned out waaaayyyy better.

  • @black25330
    @black25330 13 років тому

    SG-1, started awesome, ended ok
    Atlantis, started good, ended meh
    SGU, started horrible, ended like drinking explosive diarrhea

  • @SquatPenguin2
    @SquatPenguin2 6 років тому +2

    remember me from Ark

    • @GeoMetalStar
      @GeoMetalStar  6 років тому +1

      Squat Penguin2 haha! Yes! Funny running into you on here! I have been playing Ark again lately as well!

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  12 років тому

    It would be great to have a viewer funded "Kickstarter" to create out own Science fiction Network. A sci-fi channel For the fans, BY the fans.

  • @thehantavirus
    @thehantavirus 13 років тому

    @olddirtymongrrel not neccesarily star trek and stargate had the same problems that lead to thier ends. lack of viewers on the tv sets and investments by networks who host it

  • @seitapril2023offline
    @seitapril2023offline 12 років тому

    Hopefully theres a rush-quote in here like "You must be joking"

  • @MKBEntertainment
    @MKBEntertainment 12 років тому

    "SGU made Stargate "realistic, believable, & bad-ass". SG had matured with SGU. Atlantards=Fail."
    Emotional, Drama on a overcrowded spaceship lol.
    At least those "Atlantards" know the difference between a good and a bad show.

  • @MKBEntertainment
    @MKBEntertainment 12 років тому

    10 Seasons > 6 Season > 2 Season
    Better off continuing on Atlantis because it was getting good .

  • @latrompettedemalheur
    @latrompettedemalheur 12 років тому

    id be more interested in getting a sg-2 or atlantis going again.

  • @DPIII1
    @DPIII1 12 років тому +1


  • @consumer69420
    @consumer69420 13 років тому

    So... u suggest we should be happy about it? :P

  • @emmaladmd
    @emmaladmd 13 років тому

    Why start something you can finish and put everyone in eternal suspense. Its so not fair

  • @HarosOfStyx
    @HarosOfStyx 10 років тому

    the really should not have cancelled it. But what else can you expect from Syfy?! SYFY: Cancel Greater

  • @maiulani1939
    @maiulani1939 12 років тому

    all they had to do was get rid of eli, and cloie and it all good, damn it eli you ruined my sg atl movie dreams now lets go dig up the boheimian coast line just to prove that there was a base because i hate to say the sg stoy line could be a sight possiblity. look people there really is a pandora planet get a telescope check it out for your self

  • @YeeWhoEnterHere
    @YeeWhoEnterHere 12 років тому

    There are people I would kill if I it meant getting this show back on the air, and I'm a pacifist.

  • @DoctorKandosii
    @DoctorKandosii 12 років тому

    Hmmm... Scratchy chin.... The fans of Firefly pressured the studio until they agreed to make a movie. What if we.......

  • @MammothStar
    @MammothStar 12 років тому

    still feels like this :c

  • @aba2185
    @aba2185 12 років тому

    Atlantis was in the same place every time. sgu is on the same ship but different planet/star. On an ancient ship with technology. they dont know how to use.

  • @RosesNightengales
    @RosesNightengales 12 років тому

    Thank you dearie!

  • @13kwojno
    @13kwojno 11 років тому

    how many episodes did u actually watch to support that claim?

  • @franklinesannason4679
    @franklinesannason4679 12 років тому

    Okay, i don't ask for much in this life so (PLEASE) give me a third season.

  • @TheFranzkfk
    @TheFranzkfk 12 років тому

    SGU is best STARGATE serie EVER. Why? Because it has no childish dialogues like SGA or SG-1. No aliens who speaks english. It's a true sci-fi drama, not a fu*king star wars (I - III) for 12years old.

  • @Depaashaas007
    @Depaashaas007 12 років тому

    why can they finish something they started,very depressing.WHYYYYYYYYYY

  • @Link9mm
    @Link9mm 12 років тому

    SG1 and SGU were the only 2 in the franchise to have good acting, although once RDA left SG1 the acting started to suck big time. In fact once Jack was starting to be fazed out i stopped watching it.

  • @madMosher023
    @madMosher023 13 років тому

    @olddirtymongrrel i love both stargate and star trek and think you're absolutely right. saying that though i never got into the original series but the first 3 spin-offs were great but in hindsight brad wright took universe too far from the other spin-offs and made it too slow. now star trek voyager took star trek off at a tangent but kept everything recognisable and even in the first couple of seasons it weren't as slow as this. but voyager got better from season 3 so this could've as well

  • @Leturfreakflagfly80
    @Leturfreakflagfly80 12 років тому

    SGU didnt suck it was different and now to people who claim to be fans of the stargate series who didnt stick with the show THERES NO MORE STARGATE NOTHING!!!!!!! so thanks alot.

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  12 років тому

    Very 1st Episode.... after Chloe's Dad dies... she blames Rush.

  • @starwarsfan117
    @starwarsfan117 13 років тому

    @hardstylerdennis yeah there was a season 3
    just no 4

  • @sinbreaker2885
    @sinbreaker2885 10 років тому +2

    SGU tried to get out of 20th century production quality, just like BSG did. Which is a good thing... I know there are still "old timers" like their classic tv show layout. Unlike BSG, SGU didn't have a good production team.
    In Stargate, they tried to shift away from the Star Trek ideology and focus on character development, which is now a 21st century standard. The whole exploring new world with thinly correlated episodes is outdated. SGU headed in the right direction, just didn't execute it correctly.

    • @Yue117
      @Yue117 10 років тому +2

      This cancellation is like so many others. It's all about money, this is so stupid. Stargate is a great license and many people love it. SGU was a good change, the scenario was more focused on characters like you said. This cancellation is just really frustrating.

    • @dwelfusius
      @dwelfusius 10 років тому +1

      it was SO good..and then syfy put it in a ridicolous timeslot -.-

  • @Leturfreakflagfly80
    @Leturfreakflagfly80 12 років тому

    @samysasy419 And once again EVERYTHING failed because of the people turning their noises at SGU because it was different; and the movies would have been made if people continued watching the show, the more people watching the better the network pays out so movies and shows can be made or continue.

  • @threenightstand
    @threenightstand 13 років тому

    1:19 is my favorite lol. but it should have stopped around 2 min

  • @starwarsfan117
    @starwarsfan117 13 років тому

    gotta love how good shows die young and shit like jersy shore and other shitty reality shows last forever

  • @GamingWithCurly
    @GamingWithCurly 11 років тому

    terra nova was canceled and now sgu :( im not watching sifi anymore it just screws us over every time :(

  • @sedanosable
    @sedanosable 13 років тому

    I so loved this show! Very angry at the powers that be at syfy! They have no idea what the fans want...So much potential lost...due to freaked out CEOs that dont understand how scifi works

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  13 років тому

    @demonzsoul Thank you very much!

  • @jasonvorhays666
    @jasonvorhays666 12 років тому

    why not make an episode where destiny arives at earth

  • @StuartTheGamerNerd
    @StuartTheGamerNerd 12 років тому

    well excuse us for wanting more of what Stargate used to be besides something completely different, just like Caprica it was an EPIC FAIL because of it, its the writers fault their bank rupt! they should've known people would just want more of the same thing over again just with different characters, it worked with star trek could've worked with stargate!

  • @SquidOfOverkill
    @SquidOfOverkill 11 років тому

    One thing to say... YOUR FUCKIN RIGHT!!!!!!!

  • @diamamel
    @diamamel 13 років тому

    I'm glad they cancelled it...frankly, SG1 but especially Stargate Atlantis was far much better!!

  • @Jtgracer21
    @Jtgracer21 12 років тому

    I liked it and I want More Call the Sponsors and tell them to Pay up!!! Or we will not Buy anything from them....

  • @ReturnBaconSquad
    @ReturnBaconSquad 12 років тому

    I'm surprised that even today alot of naive people think it was the fans and the ratings that were the reason for the shows demise.
    All false the rating had nothing to do with it.

  • @SGUnity
    @SGUnity 13 років тому

    Very good idea and treatment, but I think the video is too long.
    The best would be 3 or 4 minutes of the funniest quotes.

  • @Melourn
    @Melourn 13 років тому

    This is definitely too long, but I loved the first 3 minutes of it!

  • @srjdog
    @srjdog 12 років тому

    It was good, but it was no Battlestar...

  • @dirtymonkey55
    @dirtymonkey55 12 років тому

    Thank god, it was awful and probably cost more to produce than both seasons of SGU.

  • @GeoMetalStar
    @GeoMetalStar  11 років тому

    Thank you! :)

  • @nonokthebastard
    @nonokthebastard 12 років тому

    i don't know syfy until i watch SGU!