• @yayababuta6832
    @yayababuta6832 Рік тому +1016

    Heran bnyak yg ngedukung,,lupa kali yaa gmna Para Nabi berjuang di jalan Allah utk menjauhkan manusia dri Hal2 buruk yg di Benci Allah,,bukan sok agamawan tpi mengingatkan sesama manusia itu tdak berdosa.

    • @yudistiraagung2293
      @yudistiraagung2293 Рік тому +15

      Mantap.. good

    • @hamram1302
      @hamram1302 Рік тому +67

      Biarin aja sih masing” kehidupan org,kita semua sama” pendosa cuman beda jalan aja

    • @atinariyawan
      @atinariyawan Рік тому +27

      Bener Banget,, Innalilahi wainailaihi rojiun

    • @Husellah
      @Husellah Рік тому +38

      Bener bgt, apa gunanya sih kayak gini di buat konten. Gak takut apa kena Azab

    • @yennyavivah4325
      @yennyavivah4325 Рік тому +23

      Dunia sudah tua... Gak lama lagi kiamat

  • @ichacaca3882
    @ichacaca3882 Рік тому +42

    gak iri gak kagum gak gmna gmna sii gw ., cma gak ngerti sma yg model begini mangkin merajalela gtu ., semua mahluk memang pendosa ., tapi jngan di benarkan jga sii yg kya begini dengan dalil itu pilihan mereka .itu jln hidup mereka ., padahal udah tau itu salah .

    • @yuliananeka-iz3le
      @yuliananeka-iz3le Рік тому +5

      Betul banget... Wktu ragil sm pasangan nya di podcast Dady cobuzer hampir semua orang mengkritik... Yg ini mlh di kasih panggung.... Apa beda nya sm ragil.

    • @trimaryati2147
      @trimaryati2147 Рік тому +1

      Btw baca2 di goggle pacar nya milen aslinya cewek kok

  • @Titikketitik
    @Titikketitik Рік тому +53

    Milen makin usianya dewasa tubuhnya makin nunjukkan bahwa aslinya tubuh laki2, kekar, bidang, macho

    • @Newparadisc3958
      @Newparadisc3958 Рік тому

      Lagi hamil 6bln mungkin...

    • @ochachannel7292
      @ochachannel7292 Рік тому

      btul bngt kekar drimuka jga kan dia gak op

    • @bababa8905
      @bababa8905 Рік тому

      @@Newparadisc3958 kalo dia 'hamil' pas keluar gak mungkin bayi kan? kalo eek atau tumor atau gumpalan lemas sih masih mungkin ya kan... ??

    • @CebastiaoAndrepinto
      @CebastiaoAndrepinto Рік тому

      Yah tubuh kelihatan Laki

  • @azahrachaerunnisa9805
    @azahrachaerunnisa9805 Рік тому +10

    Kisah nabi Luth terulang kembali.. di tahun ini...semoga Allah SWT melindungi kita semua dari murkanya..Aamiin yra

  • @LizAchmad
    @LizAchmad Рік тому +16

    Kalo Anda Muslim dan bilang: itu urusan masing2, mungkin you need to check your Quran for a bit. Islam itu agama nasihat. Jadi kita saling menasihati dalam kebenaran dgn penuh kesabaran. Dua hal itu memang ada dan sering dilupakan. Semoga semua mendapat hidayah.

  • @aisyah553
    @aisyah553 Рік тому +34

    Mereka disebut kaum sodom. Mereka pun pasti tau kalau yg mereka lakukan sgt bertentangan dg syariat Allah. Dan mereka juga tau kalau mreka mendpt laknat Allah dan tau dimana tempat berakhir dg sesuatu spt skrg yg mereka pilih. Mereka pun tau nanti azab akan menimpa kaum spt mereka. Naudzubillah. Smg Allah menjaga anak2 kita dr kelakuan kaum sodom. Aamiin. Tdk ada yg bs dibenarkan dg apa yg mereka pilih skrg

  • @hudzaifahlingga6260
    @hudzaifahlingga6260 Рік тому +11

    milen said : "belum ketemu hidayah dan hikmahnya" it's mean jauh di dalam lubuk hatinya dia tau kok klo apa yg dia lakuin itu gak bener dan dia masih berharap kelak mendapat hidayah dari ALLAH. Semoga segera bertemu dengan hidayah yg dimaksud saudaraku. aamiin.

    • @pocky11stick
      @pocky11stick Рік тому +2

      Mon maap, hidayah itu dijemput bukan ditunggu kalo nunggu kapan dapet nya

    • @ramadhankusuma6568
      @ramadhankusuma6568 Рік тому

      Maaf ka, arti dari hidayah itu adalah petunjuk, dan sudah banyak petunjuk yg di berikan, jadi doa nya harusnya semoga hati nya bergerak untuk memperbaiki, bukan agar mendapat hidayah 🙏 maaf jika saya salah mohon di koreksi 🙏

  • @deniscopypaste6510
    @deniscopypaste6510 Рік тому +20

    Oppra klo ngundng bintang tamu yg berbobot dong !!! Diberi panggung kaya gini bikin mahluk kaya gini mkin bnyk d indo

  • @hettysumiati5296
    @hettysumiati5296 Рік тому +32

    Terlepas..dari apapun itu hak dan pilihan hidup..tanpa sadar...kita semua manusia pendosa..dn kembalikan pda individunya..
    Sekecil/ sebesar kesalahan kita..saling doakn saja..

  • @xerxesgo08
    @xerxesgo08 Рік тому +28

    Sadar woy mereka sesama laki apapun bentuknya dia, dia tetap laki, katanya menolak itu tpi malah di dukung pada stress kalian...

  • @lunasarah6592
    @lunasarah6592 Рік тому +3

    Seru nih klo berantem bisa seimbang😂😁.bisa jd yg jd cowoknya bisa kalah wkwk😂😂.hmmm ckckck naudzubillahmindzalik summa naudzubillahmindzalik

  • @arjunasembiring6567
    @arjunasembiring6567 Рік тому +129

    Astaghfirullahh…. Ketika kemudaratan sudah menjadi hal biasa bahkan diumbar. BENER BENER NGGAK HABIS PIKIR ☹️

    • @unstableemotions1166
      @unstableemotions1166 Рік тому +7

      Mending lo gk usah nntn beginian deh. Lo skip. Lo nntn aja ceramah2. Sesuai ama jati diri lu. Daripada sok2 jadi org suci dengan dalih "hanya mengingatkan" yg mana lo sendiri belom tentu gk punya dosa. Yg divideo ini udh gede jg tau tau mana baik dan buruk. Jadi gk usah sok suci aja sih

    • @arjunasembiring6567
      @arjunasembiring6567 Рік тому +12

      @@unstableemotions1166 maaf gue bukan sok suci atau segala macem, artinya gue ngomong bgtu artinya gue masih WARAS dan sadar bahwa itu SALAH dan NGGAK ADA KATA BENAR DAN ADA YANG BISA DIBENARKAN DARI INI. Toh yang gue kritik itu KENAPA ? Kok hal hal kayak gini dijadiin podcast ? Tujuannya apa ? Mendidik kah ? Bermanfaat kah ? Atau apa ?
      Bukankah dengan ngejadiinn podcast bgini artinya ada oknum oknum yang mau menghidupkan LGBT di Indonesia ?
      Open minded boleh, tapi jangan sampe open minded kita ngalahin nalar sama kewarasan kita !

    • @arjunasembiring6567
      @arjunasembiring6567 Рік тому +8

      @@unstableemotions1166 1 lagi, iya gue manusia banyak dosa dan banyak salahnya. Tapi, setidaknya gue masih waras dan sadar dengan mengatakan itu NGGAK BENER !

    • @unstableemotions1166
      @unstableemotions1166 Рік тому

      @@arjunasembiring6567 klo mengakui banyak dosa ya udh perbaiki diri dlu aja. Sebelum ngejudge org lain. Respect aja. Toh yg divideo ini jg pasti paham. Dan cara lo itu yg buat org jadi makin down org dan malah ngejelekin umat islam itu sendiri. Bukan gitu bro

    • @arjunasembiring6567
      @arjunasembiring6567 Рік тому +9

      @@unstableemotions1166 Islam nggak jelek kok karena menyuarakan KEBENARAN. Bagi gue BENER YA GUE BILANG BENER, SALAH BAKAL GUE BILANG SALAH. Statement gue bener kok, dan gue nggak menghujat orangnye. Gue cuman aneh aja, kok orang kayak gini dan hubungan kayak gini di kasih panggung dan di blow up ke publik ?
      Dan bagi gue orang yang jelekin Islam karena hal kayak gini, cuman 1 yang mau gue tanya. APA KONTEN BGINI BENAR ? DAN KENAPA YANG MENYUARAKAN KEBENARAN MALAH DI CAP JELEK ? HAQ ITU HAQ DAN BATIL YA TETEP BATIL
      1 lagi, Islam nggak akan hina dan jatuh hanya karena hujatan orang BODOH 👍

  • @arjunasembiring6567
    @arjunasembiring6567 Рік тому +3

    Yang nggak habis pikir, kok Banyak orang waras “KATANYA” kok malah komen. Cute, lucu, pasangan lucu, pasangan apalah. Ini yang komen pada masih sadar kan ?

  • @wahyusetiadi4722
    @wahyusetiadi4722 Рік тому +21

    Naudzubillah min dzalik..lindungi anak keturunan kami dari kerusakan moral dan agama.. Aamiin.

  • @Ayu98-a
    @Ayu98-a Рік тому +57


    • @miftahuljanah8697
      @miftahuljanah8697 Рік тому +1


    • @Lipurshan
      @Lipurshan Рік тому +4


    • @Newparadisc3958
      @Newparadisc3958 Рік тому +2

      Saat usia 50 ke atas nanti tanpa di suruh pun akan kembali ke kodratnya dg sendirinya.

    • @hjmislailimislaili1095
      @hjmislailimislaili1095 Рік тому

      Setuju 1000%setuju smg mb Milen ke depannya pikir2 ada penyesaln kembali ko kodratnya🤲🤲🤲

  • @Vouchertritopedshoping
    @Vouchertritopedshoping Рік тому +1

    Saran gw temuin sama habib jafar. Mungkin aja logikanya cocok. Kan open-minded harus digeber sama yg bisa menghandled

  • @agathawidhipramesti4898
    @agathawidhipramesti4898 Рік тому +12

    cara millen ngmg ni keliatan bgt klo sbnrnya millen punya value,he’s smart tho,cm balik lagi apapun pilihan millen,she/he is deserve to be happy☺️❤️

    • @arro7270
      @arro7270 Рік тому

      she i think not a he

  • @sarnisarni6426
    @sarnisarni6426 Рік тому +2

    ,nauzu billah, semoga keturunan kita di jauhkan dsri perbuatan fasik .dn menjadi anak soleh dan soleha amin

    • @MedianaDhea
      @MedianaDhea Рік тому

      Linoel itu dulu cewe atau cowo dari lahir ya?

  • @Yuuna320
    @Yuuna320 Рік тому +15

    20:30 Semoga Ka Millen cepat menemui "Ujungnya". Aamiin,,
    Kalian jgn menormalisasi penyimpangan guys..

  • @sajiva2686
    @sajiva2686 Рік тому +5

    Milen tambah laki wajahnya, petak2 dan melebar gitu, padahal dulu wajahnya kecil imut pas masi laki2, badannya juga tambah besar kayak kekar gitu

  • @bangricky1642
    @bangricky1642 Рік тому +20

    Kaum sodom di zaman nabi muncul kembali astaghfirullah

  • @bayubasuki9751
    @bayubasuki9751 Рік тому +64

    Anti LGBT LGBT club .
    Hidup lah Indonesia raya !

  • @rosediana5998
    @rosediana5998 Рік тому +47

    Aku prnh temu milen lgsg pas acara gg gila cakep bnr aslinya aku yg cwe aja envyyy beud liat milen 😭😭😭

    • @oryana64
      @oryana64 Рік тому

      Manusia manusia yang tdk waras, mana ada laki laki sama laki laki Nikah, kalo itu terjadi namanya Nikah setan, nikah manusia yang tdk normal. Krn Normal manusia yang nikah itu laki sama perempuan. Benar gila mau adu kontol sama kontol..Najiiiisss. kontol di adu sama lubang tai...

  • @sagungfitrisugiarta983
    @sagungfitrisugiarta983 Рік тому +78

    Sumpah yaaa dari sekian TG..... mylen ini suaranya gw suka bgt.... soft....cew banget....dan cara bicaranya anggun bgt.... sukaaaaaaa.......

  • @putrinur5694
    @putrinur5694 Рік тому +54

    "Jodoh kan ga tau", benerree siapa tau satu Minggu lagi si Millen dapet hidayahh mutlak dan dia berubah jadi pria tulen lagi dan bisaa kembali ke jalan yg benerre, i mean dapet jodoh cewe🙏🤧

  • @ochachannel7292
    @ochachannel7292 Рік тому +1

    lionel mirif bngt sama azka klo lgi senyum amtanya jga sma2 sifit

  • @Malasngonten99
    @Malasngonten99 Рік тому +16

    Astgfirulah,kalo mau turunkan bala mereka berdua aja jngan yg lain kena jg😢

  • @ekasusanti2069
    @ekasusanti2069 Рік тому +1

    Suaranya Millen ini cewek banget ya... ga banyak yg dia ubah dari ciptaan aslinya. Mukanya ga harus banyak filler dan operasi emang dasarnya ada wajah kewanitaan. Mdh2an Miller segera kembali disadarkan. Karena pujian dan kepuasan batin hanya ilusi. Sblm ajal menjemput

  • @neuralgin7843
    @neuralgin7843 Рік тому +46

    Semoga segera mendapatkan hidayah yaa mas Millen, sebelum nafas terhenti 😇

    • @hafizkohl9111
      @hafizkohl9111 Рік тому

      Biarlah dosa biar ditanggung mereka sendiri jangan ngurusin hidup orang aja kadang hidup kita juga belum baik

    • @neuralgin7843
      @neuralgin7843 Рік тому +6

      @@hafizkohl9111 maap ya kak sebelumnya, aku nggak ngurusin hidup orang lain kok kak cuma mendoakan saja apalagi sesama umat muslim 😇

    • @joniefaldian6143
      @joniefaldian6143 Рік тому +1

      ​@@neuralgin7843 nyinyir berkodok mengingatkan sesama muslim ..coba ingatkan aja dulu sesama muslim di sekitarmu.. ingatkan yang belum full sholat 5 waktunya...

    • @neuralgin7843
      @neuralgin7843 Рік тому +3

      @@joniefaldian6143 loh kak? Saya nyinyir sebelah mana ya kak? Bisa sebutan kalimat saya yg di anggap "nyinyir" ?

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

  • @Cocacolaburnthewoods
    @Cocacolaburnthewoods Рік тому

    Nabi Muhammad pernah melihat laki berjalan gemulai seperti perempuan dan seketika dia menunjuk dan berseru kepada para sahabat dan berkata "keluarkan dia dari madinah" tanpa ada alasan apapun.

  • @merrymerliani9196
    @merrymerliani9196 Рік тому +7

    Astaghfirullahal'adzim, semoga Allah memberikan hidayah dan selamatkanlah kami dari azab Allah

    @OTAKUNORAMAL Рік тому

    Lucu sekali. Ada yang komennya ngingetin kebenaran malah di bilang "ngurusin idup orang" "sok alim" "si paling alim" "gak teleransilah" wkwkw
    Mereka ngingetin hal yang bener bro! MERUBAH KEHENDAK SANG PENCIPTA KOK DI BILANG TOLERANSI 😂😂😂 Bukanlah semua agama mengharam kan sesuatu yang seperti ini? Lalu harus TOLERANSI dari mana?
    gini nih kalo udah ngefans, mau idola nya kek gimana juga bakal trus di dukun 😂 kalian salah menempatkan kata TOLERANSI 😂

  • @anggapanca9671
    @anggapanca9671 Рік тому +65

    Elman is a great host! Smart and his english also so goood

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

    • @kalizzubaida6658
      @kalizzubaida6658 Рік тому

      Kasian si cowoknya die tak tau dilannya tu sama? atao sdh didorong burungnya melen

  • @SJW4813
    @SJW4813 Рік тому +1

    Host bengkok , bintang tamu bengkok hadeh natar jari gue ikutan bengkok ciiiin hahaha

  • @bidanrereclauniya4186
    @bidanrereclauniya4186 Рік тому +4

    gue curiga lionenl itu cewe kebalikan dr milen gasih . makanya kelurga milen setuju sama hub mereka ,, tapi ga tau juga yah kita liat nanti hehe

  • @arsatube9915
    @arsatube9915 Рік тому

    Kenapa banyak netizen yang mulut nya jahat ya comment nya ! Bahkan yang coment jahat banyak nya cowok malah, dan mulut nya lebih dari cewek ! gue gak mendukung LGBT, tapi gak gt juga mulut nya. Ngeri nanti ada kARMA nya dan jatuh ke keluarga sendiri . Mereka yang comment jahat kan gak ngerasain ketika itu terjadi sama keturunan nya sendiri nanti nya ! Millen juga sama punya orang tua, dan hati nya pasti hancur dengan anak nya yang begitu. Jadi please jangan menghakimi kalau diri sendiri aja belum baik, mending cukup tonton dan doakan saja yg baik2 .

  • @lilisolihati
    @lilisolihati Рік тому +14

    Millen bisa2nya dpt cowok ganteng bgt😭😭😭

    • @doodoo7207
      @doodoo7207 Рік тому +1

      bnyk kok waria pacar ganteng

  • @athena4698
    @athena4698 Рік тому

    Didunia itu opposite, sampai kiamatpun segala sesuatu itu opposite. Hitam putih, nangis tertawa, senang susah, siang malam, gelap terang dan yg pasti LAKI2 PEREMPUAN., Bkn perempuan perempuan atau laki2 laki2, kl begitu yg terjadi artinya telah menyalahi kodrat kehidupan which is God.

  • @Mety_Brittany
    @Mety_Brittany Рік тому +6

    Ka millen aku blm dapet dapet🙄🙄🤭😅 macam Koko honest nih cowo ngga lepas tangan dari on camera.
    hostnya renyah macam krupuk tapi jng suka motong pembicaraan ya 🤜🏻🤛🏻
    Semoga bulan ini ketemu yg cerminan diriku insya Allah terkabul 😇

  • @amarasulistya9921
    @amarasulistya9921 Рік тому +2

    Menurut sy Milen itu bagus jd diri sendiri tdk munafik kalo dosa semua makhluk hidup CIPTAAN TUHAN itu ada DOSANYA

  • @MastamZhu
    @MastamZhu Рік тому +8

    Semoga dapat hidayah dan bertobat serta mendapatkan jodoh sesuai fiitrahnya, aamiin

  • @vieldaeka7719
    @vieldaeka7719 Рік тому +43

    lucu bgt denger millen ketawa 😭 tapi cantik pol

    • @ferdimasbro3102
      @ferdimasbro3102 Рік тому +3

      CNtik tapi burungnya masih ada... Gak kebayang gimna nanti cowonya.. Bkal adu kicau burung

    • @puttri2911
      @puttri2911 Рік тому

      @@ferdimasbro3102 emang iya masih ada..gk operasi?

  • @Trililyy
    @Trililyy Рік тому +6

    Maap curious, itu gandengan 40 menit ga keringetan apa 😂 tapi jujur gaya pacaran mereka “di depan kamera” kaku total. Anyways happy for u both..

  • @titisrizqi6792
    @titisrizqi6792 Рік тому +22

    Kalo Milen dilahirkan jadi wanita tulen pasti dia wanita yg elegan bgt si

  • @defareza
    @defareza Рік тому +11

    Milen quote “Jangan melangkahi sayaaa.. Ini udah bekas sayaaa” .. period 😂

  • @thegcn7606
    @thegcn7606 Рік тому +1

    Bukan mendukung millen sih, tp dia sejauh ini masih ga mau berubah total, masih solat pakai sarung, cuma belum bisa aja membendung godaan utk jd perempuan 😅 dan dia ga menutup kemungkinan buat kembali ke jalan yg benar 😂

  • @user-zo8vk5lz3g
    @user-zo8vk5lz3g Рік тому +5

    Inilah effect cinta berlebihan yang dikhawatirkan selain kepada Allah SWT dan RasulNya.. "Cinta itu Buta" apalagi sampai melampaui batas2 kita sbg manusia di dunia ini. Banyak pelajaran tentang Cinta dari segi ilmiahnya dan effect nyata psikologisnya kenapa kita tidak boleh mencintai dg sepenuhnya/berlebihan kepada segala sesuatu di dunia ini termasuk kepada manusia bahkan orang2 terdekat kita selain Sang Pencipta.. Sumber mutlak baca dan pahami "Nasihat Malaikat Jibril kepada Nabi Muhammad saw".
    Untuk personal mereka berdua tdk menjadi masalah dan baik baik aj apalagi klo mereka memiliki prestasi2 yang bagus. Namun perbuatannyalah yg menjadi problem ketika mereka menyalahi Hukum dlm Ilmu Sang Pencipta dimana mereka dan siapapun tdk akan mungkin dan bisa mengetahui sepenuhnya dan rahasia rahasianya, pertanyaannya = Tidakkah nyata bagimu manusia engkau itu sebuah penciptaan/diciptakan dan engkau akan dikembalikan dg kepastian engkau akan tiada didunia ini lagi. Jadi jangan membuat aturan sendiri sesuai dengan pemahamanmu dan akalmu yg sangat sangat terbatas di dunia milik Allah SWT.

  • @riamattawape3830
    @riamattawape3830 Рік тому +1

    Untuk apa menjadikan pemberitaan yg mengandung unsur dosa, kita semua ada dosa tp jgn buat dosa lagi yg menjadikan contoh generasi selanjutnya
    Astaghfirullah Al Adzim🤲
    Naudzubillahi Min Dzaliq🤲
    Amit Amit Tjabang Bayi🤲

  • @lover3494
    @lover3494 Рік тому +26

    Seru obrolanya aku nonton gak di skip2,kadang aku ulang lagi nontonnya,bestlah utk kalian

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

  • @anticacendana5528
    @anticacendana5528 Рік тому

    Akhir Zaman
    Semakin Banyak Yg Keluar
    Yg Salah Di Benarkan
    Yg Benar Di Salahkan
    Biasa Yg Mendukung
    Smoga Mereka Ditunjukan JALAN yg Benar Di Jalan Yg Allah Ridhoi
    Bukan Dijalan Yg Allah Murkai Bukan Pula Di Jalan Mereka Yg Sesat
    Rasulullah bersabda,
    “Allah melaknat para perempuan yang menyerupai laki-laki, dan para lelaki yang menyerupai perempuan.” Dalam hadis lain disebutkan, “Allah melaknat perempuan yang mengenakan pakaian laki-laki dan laki-laki yang mengenakan pakaian perempuan.”

  • @denidrama3742
    @denidrama3742 Рік тому +5

    Keliatan bgt lionel sayang bgt sama millen, tangannya ga perna lepas

  • @enyfaizal7895
    @enyfaizal7895 Рік тому

    Demi masa..sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian...kecuali org2 yg beriman dan memgerjakan kebajikan, saling menasehati didalam kebenaran dan didalam kesabaran..
    Toloong yg begini dinasehati biar kembali kpd fitrahnya..

  • @sogieahmad7945
    @sogieahmad7945 Рік тому +9

    Millen the Queen Of attitude 🩶

  • @adheqaerlinna2066
    @adheqaerlinna2066 Рік тому +1

    gila, gag lepas woy tangan nya
    kayak penganten baru
    bikin iri 😢😢😂😂

  • @anggialiciaveronveron6139
    @anggialiciaveronveron6139 Рік тому +3

    Si cantik dan si tampan....omaygat o...may wow.....🥰🥰🥰lopyu guys

  • @kalindanovalita5847
    @kalindanovalita5847 Рік тому +2

    Millen dsni keciri bngt waria nya, selamat menikmati Millen cucok meong emberan

  • @Maliky27
    @Maliky27 Рік тому +20

    Menurut gw gak ada orng yg terima kita apa adanya woy, millen cakep, pinter, berduid

    @OTAKUNORAMAL Рік тому


  • @iyusfauzi5175
    @iyusfauzi5175 Рік тому +3

    Maaf, katanya pacar nya lurus tidak belok,(normal) tapi knp suka sama Millen... Pada dasarnya Millen tetap cowo yang berubah jd cewe.. berarti dia Gay dong.. maaf kalo salah...

    • @andrenelwan2598
      @andrenelwan2598 Рік тому

      Kalo gay ga suka transwoman shay, kalo gay suka nya sama sama gay , milen udah jd transwoman

  • @the3an907
    @the3an907 Рік тому +2

    Semoga millen segera dikasih hidayah, biar bs bahagia dunia akhirat

  • @Trililyy
    @Trililyy Рік тому +4

    Saran untuk acara ini terlebih ke host, alangkah lebih baik semua guests secara aktif dijak ngobrol, gak salah satunya ditelantarin kasiann soalnya si cowo diem ga ngerti yg diobrolin apaa 😰

    • @Elmandsipasi
      @Elmandsipasi Рік тому

      Lo nonton ampe abis ga sih?

    • @Trililyy
      @Trililyy Рік тому

      @@Elmandsipasi demi tuhan sampe abis bg, karna tbh asik juga obrolan kalian. Cuma kasian aja liat si bule banyak diemnya tapi ya gimana jg dia keliatan kaku sih 😂😂

    • @Trililyy
      @Trililyy Рік тому

      @@Elmandsipasi demi tuhan sampe abis bg, karna tbh asik juga obrolan kalian. Cuma kasian aja liat si bule banyak diemnya tapi ya gimana jg dia keliatan kaku sih 😂😂

  • @LinaLina-gr9go
    @LinaLina-gr9go Рік тому +1

    Stoplah posting LGBT trus,lama lama LGBT bisa disahkan juga nih di negara kita,coba jangan dikasih panggung lah para LGBT ini

  • @Azqillavlog
    @Azqillavlog Рік тому +31

    bahagia banget lihat pasangan ini 💕 tapi ... emmmmmm udahlah gk bisa berkata kata lagi,. untuk saat ini smg kak milen bahagia selalu dengan siapapun, dn smg di beri hidayah untuk kedepannya 🥰

    • @DwiLestari-qu6py
      @DwiLestari-qu6py Рік тому +7

      Aneh di doain tobat dong kokk malah di dukung

    • @elisdarliah3980
      @elisdarliah3980 Рік тому


    • @suharsihharsih9974
      @suharsihharsih9974 Рік тому

      @@elisdarliah3980 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣

    • @aisyahanwar6274
      @aisyahanwar6274 Рік тому

      ​@@DwiLestari-qu6py menantang murka Allah

    • @IndahSaja-yv7yr
      @IndahSaja-yv7yr Рік тому

      Semoga mas milen jadi laki laki sejati

  • @desiarisandi8966
    @desiarisandi8966 Рік тому +2

    Mereka cuma tersesat, tugas kita berdoa semoga mereka kembali ke kodrat masing2.. pdhl bnyk cewe d dunia tp knp sukanya sm batang🤣

  • @adhywidodo3801
    @adhywidodo3801 Рік тому +46

    Hebat.. telling the truth is no.1.. so happy for u both..

    • @fikrif6403
      @fikrif6403 Рік тому +10

      How bout accepting the truth? Fact over feeling? Then chromosome? Biology?
      Telling the truth itu omong kosong kalo tanpa follow up dan ilmu dibawahnya
      Sama aja kayak elo tau diri lo obesitas,tiap jalan udah engap,tapi lo makan sehari 2 bakul, pengen orang lain muji lo,dan elo malah encourage orang buat bangga dengan berat badan berlebihan,lo selalu nyari pembenaran,padahal lo tau obesitas itu lama lama bakal ngebunuh elo

    • @pocobaru4246
      @pocobaru4246 Рік тому

      Telling the truth gundulmu.
      Telling the truth he is a man. And not a girl like a f*ck.

  • @wahyuk22
    @wahyuk22 Рік тому +2

    hostnya ga seru deh. peetanyaannya ngacak, trus lionel dan milen belom selesai ngomong udah nanya lagi, jadi kaya riweuh dengernya

  • @doublep4193
    @doublep4193 Рік тому +17

    Elman smart bawain talkshow nya! Happy for you milen, btw cowoknya kayak azka y 😁

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

    • @doublep4193
      @doublep4193 Рік тому +2

      @@garyfang4279 i really dont care

  • @metaasiantv9653
    @metaasiantv9653 Рік тому +1

    Apakah disini kaum lgbt ???

  • @nanangkarinabako3195
    @nanangkarinabako3195 Рік тому +26

    Milen ingat orang tuamu 😢😢😢 kembalilah selagi Allah memberikan kesempatan

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

  • @yunijyoayundamutiara5372
    @yunijyoayundamutiara5372 Рік тому +1

    Mungkinkah hubungan mereka seperti lucinta dan abbas dulu?? Kayaknya face si Lionel juga feminin. Maaf kalau salah 🙏

  • @rererenata3609
    @rererenata3609 Рік тому +10

    Gak bosen Mandangin wajah si milen, Terlepas dia seorang TransWoman.. Smoga sukses semuanya ya! Aamiin ❤️👍🤲

  • @panglumabuluh9144
    @panglumabuluh9144 Рік тому

    Saya coba tanya teman saya, bagimana pendapat anda? Dia bilang cuma 1 ORA WARAS, aneh tapi nyata

  • @archcheryv4406
    @archcheryv4406 Рік тому +10

    Kebetulan gw punya tmn kuliah transgender yg part time di LSM HIV AIDS. Fyi aja ya, 99% yg suka sama transgender itu mlh hetero loh. Gay to transgender itu mlh jd bestie. Buat cewek2 hati2 ya klo ternyata pasangannya ada fetish ke transgender 😂😅

    • @miyou5242
      @miyou5242 Рік тому +1

      Fetish ke transgender tuh gmn kak ?, apakah cowo yg punya kecendrungan ingin berhubungan sex dari pintu belakang juga perlu di curigai kah ?

    • @archcheryv4406
      @archcheryv4406 Рік тому +2

      @@miyou5242 gak mksd menggeneralisir ya. Cuma yg udh ada kecenderungan having sex with trans ya mrk doyan jg sama main blkng. Logis sih klo gay mana doyan sama trans yg ada mlh jd bestie deh mrk

    • @chrizalis
      @chrizalis Рік тому +2

      Emg bener kak yg doyan trans itu yg heterp, yg g4y mana suka trans, mrka sama2 siterhood wkwkwkk...

    • @archcheryv4406
      @archcheryv4406 Рік тому +4

      @@chrizalis nah itu dia, di menit kesekian Millen ada ngomong "gw mana doyan gay" Krn sblmnya Lionel blng klo dia straight. Serem ya hrs waspada nih buat cewek or isteri yg punya pasangan siapa tau diam2 doyan ngeseks sama trans

    • @aisyahqumayroh6610
      @aisyahqumayroh6610 Рік тому +6

      mau Share sekalian ye ,, kemarin temen saya Cerai gara2 Suaminya ke gep ketauan lagi gandeng Pasangan Homonya Sesama Jenis ,, istrinya langsung Nampar Muka si Suaminya,, alhasil Suaminya Minta Cerai ,, Selingkuhan Suaminya Gila Brewokkan Tampan Gagah ,,badannya pun Sispack sering Olahraga gym fitness,, dan mirisnya lagi mereka Cerai Ninggalin Anak yg masih kecil2 ,, sedih bgt deh pokoknya ,, sebagai Sahabat saya gk bisa berkata apa2 hanya mendoakan yg terbaik,, buat para Perempuan Hati2 justru Pria yg badannya Gagah , sispack, Berotot dan Laki bgt Macho bgt kelihatannya ,, banyak yg Suka Sesama Jenis ,, Fakta Kenyataan kehidupan jaman Sekarang ,, Contohnya Temenku dah ngalamin Perceraian

  • @LlewTang
    @LlewTang Рік тому +13

    I’m such a huge fan of Lionel ❤❤ 😍🥰

  • @dianadyon539
    @dianadyon539 Рік тому +3

    Cwo nya keren, sepanjang video wajahnya tersenyum

  • @beautysidemen3770
    @beautysidemen3770 Рік тому +2

    Don't jugde tapi doakan ...smg Tuhan jamah mereka bs normal kembali 🙏

  • @jeyutaaa7245
    @jeyutaaa7245 Рік тому +4

    the way Lionel stare at Millen anjir tulus banget weeyyyy penuh cinta banget gituuu likeeeee HOWWWW?

  • @icang1104
    @icang1104 Рік тому

    Itu namax TDK mensyukuri Nikmat Allah, pdhl ada sesuatu rahasia dibalik kekurangan yg diberikan Allah pd kita, merubah2 ciptaan Allah, mentang2 banyak duitx, klo merubah sedikit2 itu namax memperbaiki, tp ini merobah total dan hidup bebas, nti begitu menghadapi malaikat maut yg bersangkutan TDK mengenal LG siapa yg jemput

  • @lins7842
    @lins7842 Рік тому +6

    siapa yg kesini gara² fyp tiktok, Host nya seru bgt btw :)

  • @egiyuniar5871
    @egiyuniar5871 Рік тому +1

    Milen ga usah tawa..duh suara ketawa nya serem😅😅😅😂

  • @efiirsyad5421
    @efiirsyad5421 Рік тому +10

    Semoga Abang Millen d berikan hidayah... Dan menjadi seorang lelaki yg menjadi kodratnya aamiin

    • @wardahabeedah9654
      @wardahabeedah9654 Рік тому +2

      Aamiin ya rabb

    • @ninaaja1572
      @ninaaja1572 Рік тому

      Secantik apapun klu kodratnya seorang laki2,kembalilah ke kodratmu.Contohnya seperti Dorce,walau udah ganti kelamin kodratnya lahir seorang laki2.

  • @farismbangi1356
    @farismbangi1356 Рік тому +1

    gw langsung stop nntn di pertengahan karena si host sok inggris dan agak slayyy , bagusan yg host kemarin daripada host laki² ini, terserah kalian mau hate komen yg penting gw dah jujur gak suka dengan si laki² slayy ini yg jadi host

  • @Yakitako231
    @Yakitako231 Рік тому +3

    Pacar Millen kelihatan masih polos
    Semoga Millen kembali menjadi laki laki sejati, menikah dengan wanita dan punya anak yang cantik dan ganteng

  • @iam-dg2dm
    @iam-dg2dm Рік тому +20

    tapi asli pacar millen kayak posive vibes banget, ya kalo buat mereka berdua bahagia jalanin aja

    • @garyfang4279
      @garyfang4279 Рік тому

      BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin who was casted just because of his looks, Suga who left his family and gambled his education just to do what he really wanted to be, Namjoon who was never have been supported by his parents, Jimin who thought himself as ugly and fat, Taehyung whose always been part of BTS but was never shown in any promotions- not until they debut, Hoseok who seemed to always laugh but never felt as an accomplishment to his father, And Jungkook who was very shy and have saved his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Remember the days when they were struggling? They even have to sacrifice and work hard just so they could eat? They were squeezing themselves into one small apartment and have to take responsibilities- the reason why they wrote the song 'Move'. Those times when Jimin has to starve himself just because people calls him fat and ugly. That one interview where Yoongi said that; it was nice that people listens to their music because Taehyung and Jungkook are good looking. And he thought that it was at least enough. Do you remember when Hoseok was supposed to be the vocalist and Taehyung is the rapper, but he chose to rap instead and learn it because Taehyung wants to be a Vocalist. It was Taehyung's dream and Hoseok loves his dongsaeng that much he would sacrifice. Other fan base were accusing them for plagiarism just because they had the smallest detail whose the same with other big K-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters just to give to their 300 fans who will attend at their mini fan meetings. So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came all the way to Seoul from Busan just to persuade his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandma gor almost half of his life making him innocent from what else is out there in our world? Did you know that Jungkook set aside his embarrassment just to meet the others expectations? Yes, he is the golden maknae, but he suffers too when he see his hyungs having a hard time, he cries. And there was a time when Jimin caught him crying and the reason is because he misses his family. Jungkook often cry secretly so that his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned to make his mother proud of him and so that his mom would have something to brag off to those judgmental neighbors they have. He worked hard on his vocals yet people called him talentless. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard just to produce songs yet there was a time when his mom ruined his computer and broke his mike so he could focus on studying? Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his father to be proud of him? Because he felt like he was a disappointment? Those rookie days where they only listen to the awardings and be amazed by their seniors. They can't do anything but to watch those idols who receives the awards. The days when they were happy with just 300 views on UA-cam, mini fangatherings, small numbers of followers, and one Daesang award. They were contented. And now they've reached to the top and became more successful. From 150 fans to 16M and counting, From a small practice room to a bigger one, From cramped dorm with roommates to big dorm with each of them having a room, From one daesang award to more awards and they've even won on BBMAs. BTS never expected this before their fourth year anniversary, they've come so far- so far that the only chance we have to see them is to go to their concertor (NEVER) meet them along the street with 0.01% chance. But really ARMYs! We've came this far fam, let's love them and give them our support till the end! I wanted to thank y'all. I love you fam! I love BTS. Let's stay together until the end. If you believe in what I've said. If you believe in 1! 2! 3! A true ARMY shall spread

  • @IIqbal_Official
    @IIqbal_Official Рік тому +4

    Kalau Ragil oplas jadi seperti wanita apakah kalian akan suka menonton podcast mereka wkwkwkwkw

  • @emmirohminayati1776
    @emmirohminayati1776 Рік тому

    Sesukamulah hai manusia berbuat di dunia tapi ingat ada tanggung jawab nya kpd Allah sang pencipta di dunia maupun di akhirat kelak

  • @lasjasabyy2098
    @lasjasabyy2098 Рік тому +6

    Ini lah manusia yg membuat bumi ini dilanda gempa bumi,,

  • @Newparadisc3958
    @Newparadisc3958 Рік тому +2

    Semoga cepat punya anak yg banyak....

  • @envoguecalifornia
    @envoguecalifornia Рік тому +18

    Congrats Millen semoga langgeng sm kokoh aussienya..

  • @KingOppo-b8h
    @KingOppo-b8h 3 місяці тому

    "PEDANG vs "PEDANG" siap bertempur di malam pertama pernikahan.... Antara si gagah dan si tampan.....😂😂😂😂

  • @putulatrisilviana8667
    @putulatrisilviana8667 Рік тому +14

    Pertama kali ketemu ga tau sumpah siapa dia wkwkkw bru denger obrolannya kerekam dikit doi siapa, cek gugel eh eh eh 2jam duduk pegang tangannyaa ngobrol gak sadarrr . Tp benerrr kk millen baik dan humble bangettt... smg nantii bs ketemu lagiii.... 😍😍😍😍 langgeng2 yaa kak sama leonel

    • @davidsutrisno9637
      @davidsutrisno9637 Рік тому +9

      Doain biar milen tobat kak.!
      Malah di doain biar langgeng.

    • @DwiLestari-qu6py
      @DwiLestari-qu6py Рік тому +5

      Aneh di doain tobat dong kokk malah di dukung

    • @eedueedu
      @eedueedu Рік тому +3

      @@DwiLestari-qu6py Love is love. Tidak ada yang salah dalam hal mencintai dan dicintai. Cinta adalah hal yang indah

    • @Ranita1911
      @Ranita1911 Рік тому +2

      Aduh masa di doain langgeng sih .

  • @agustyabudianto9407
    @agustyabudianto9407 Рік тому +1

    Sudah tahu LGBT ilegal tapi malah di kasih panggung . Aneh ?

  • @wahyuparwito4424
    @wahyuparwito4424 Рік тому +5

    Innalillahi, Astaghfirullah 😔

  • @juandamambla3962
    @juandamambla3962 Рік тому

    Pegangan tgn trs dr awal smpe akhir😂..

  • @masemajumbakegoyang
    @masemajumbakegoyang Рік тому +3

    Oooo... Maksudnya mau adu kuat main pedang-pedangan... Semoga waktu adu pedang ada yang mau menyiarkan secara LIVE ⚔️

  • @suryaputra6112
    @suryaputra6112 Рік тому +2

    anjir pegangan tangannya dri awal sampai akhir ngk lepas coy

  • @thejonkasih1251
    @thejonkasih1251 Рік тому +6

    coba kl lebih g berlebihan lagi dandannya Milen pasti lebih Nature aja dan Lebih soft banget kyk ceweeek banget karena kl ter lalu di tambah2 semua jadi mirip antr geby viesta trs apa lagi banyak banget laah wajah nya Buatan Dokter semua

  • @muhlasarieputra5620
    @muhlasarieputra5620 Рік тому +1

    Tapi jujurly, kalo warwerwor nya kek millen gini bisa jadi khilaf sih.

  • @oktariansafitry8236
    @oktariansafitry8236 Рік тому +11

    Tapi memang bener cowonya ganteng banget tolong😭

  • @yupichannarti4118
    @yupichannarti4118 Рік тому +2

    Hahahahahaha gantungan kunci dong haha semoga suatu saat kalian kembali ke kodratnya. Seperti yg dikatakan milen belum dpt hidayanya saja